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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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you have to develop, in which country do you want to realize yourself in your own country or abroad, as a state, but i agree about the state, after the war, because now the situation is different, i will tell you now, the question is not in words to those there who have to return , those words and mechanisms, communication will have to be sought when the war ends, or when it is clear that it is ending, then we will have to deal with solving this problem, and today. the country, the state, and us in this state, first of all , unfortunately, the question is ruba, we have to survive turn, and not those who are currently abroad. thank you, mr. volodymyr, mr. viktor, well , it is clear that in this situation, well, you cannot simply wait for the end of the war, not to communicate with the part of society that is abroad, the question of what, about what and how, well, no, listen, here is the communication that i hear, first of all, you, germany... will give us
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money, and we will redistribute these funds to yours, to our refugees, the message was this, now conscripts are required to be adopted, to come into force on mobilization, no not have the right to use consular services, which was also actually a violation, all this has been corrected, well, let's now what happened in the first days now, i will tell you, mr. volodymyr, the communications or communication failures that were. we have always had them under all authorities, under all governments, and now there are also failures in communication, not only on this issue, on a big one, we will talk later, yes, mr. viktor, please, mr. viktor, you hear us, we have, certain problems with the connection with viktor boberenko, we will fix it now, we will restore the connection with viktor boberenko, let's talk about the fact that we have already started this conversation about communication,
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yes, there is no viktor boberenko, he is being recruited, the directors tell me, it is clear that in this situation, in the conditions of war, obviously mr. volodymyr , it is not necessary to say who is guilty and who is not guilty in this situation, but still, as you say, the government in ukraine at all times was like this, under which people left there and... not ideal, let's say yes, yes, but, but, well, power is, the main function of power is to be responsible to by those who elect them, well, that is, one way or another we expect the government to be accountable to the citizens, the citizens must fulfill their responsibilities, the government must fulfill its responsibilities, and when, if the government does not fulfill it, we take it over, or drop it , and if we cannot re-elect her, then what do we do, no, no, yes... look, or what do we do
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if we, well, let's say this, if the government is irresponsible, someone goes abroad, yes, and looking for a different life in another country, yes, some go to the maidan, some on the contrary in this one the country finds its place there, there are options for how to live under such a government and in such a country, the options are different every time, and everyone chooses their own trajectory. one's destiny, self-realization and so on, so there is no simple recipe here, i believe that now it is necessary to clearly define priorities, but in my opinion, my opinion, now the main priority is the war against the enemy, the survival of the country, the state, the preservation of statehood, independence, this is the main priority, the return of those who went abroad, this will be important for us and will be relevant, but... when will it end
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war, then this issue will come to the fore, well, in addition to the issue of restoring the country, there will be several priorities, i am starting from priorities, now the situation is such that, let's say this, it is very contradictory, in relation to those people who border, we need to work with them, i absolutely agree that there are big problems with communication, there is no such, i would say, systematic communication with these people, and there is not even, well , let's say this, a specific body that... has engage in this communication because, well, yes it happened that now some are engaged in resisting the enemy, some are engaged in internal problems, some are engaged in mobilization, communication with those who are abroad, well, practically no one is engaged in a purposeful way, what the ministry of foreign affairs did is a consequence of the law on mobilization, they did not do much graspable, let's say yes, not quite so, let's say, correct there in different ways. but in some ways i understand
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the ministry of foreign affairs, here we have a discussion within the country about this, someone wrote, i saw this on my facebook page... a very good expression, someone at the front is storming positions of the enemy, someone storms consular offices, there is a difference, yes, everyone solves their problems, some work here, some fight, some solve their problems abroad, i understand women and children, i understand those who study there, who already, well, let's say this, he has been abroad for many years, keeping ukrainian citizenship. i myself spoke with such people who are currently helping ukraine, collecting donations, collecting ammunition for our soldiers, helping the country even abroad, so i congratulate such people, i i support them, who distanced themselves from the country, i do not understand such people, thank you, mr.
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volodymyr, viktor boberenko is in touch with us again, we are talking about communication, about communication with the western world, the example of his own family, about refugees , can yes, yes, please, she left me, i was sitting in my bags, and on the first day they managed to get out, i stayed in the city, and my family got out, the woman took my sister, took what we and they left everyone went abroad all the way to the netherlands, a year later they returned, returned, why, because they had to reunite the family. my younger sons came to be with their father, but the woman's sister did not return, why is it that mr. serhiy said that there would be work here, and also what kind of work, because she worked here as a teacher of junior classes in sumy, and she was offered a job there, she
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knits flowers into bouquets, but it just seemed like a non-prestigious job here, but there she gets two thousand and more euros, here she would get a maximum of 10 thousand. and also my, my good, good, you know, well, godfathers, in general, they are with north-donetsk, and they are from north-donetsk, and they generally have nowhere to return to, and even if they de-occupy north-donetsk, there is devastation and ruins, and they will not return, here is an example of my family, my close acquaintances , when half returned, i also have a wife, two children returned, and her sister and... she did not return with her children and is not going to, what we, what we have, and we will need them to somehow lure, because she would like to return, but what, she doesn't have, there is no here, well, conditionally a groom, and there is no anchor here, if
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there is no anchor, yes, and kuma has a child now she will be 18 years old, and she has already decided for herself that the child will enter a university in poland with this and will stay there at least for studies and that's it, and then the family will come out dropped anchor here and there. mr. viktor, i wanted to ask you about the current situation in sumy oblast, particularly in sumy, because after general budanov's statements that kharkiv oblast is one of the maneuvers, the russians may enter the territory of sumy oblast, that is going to court now? in there is some kind of resettlement in sumy region, someone is fleeing from the region in anticipation of this forecast, although budanov clarified that he did not mean that literally, although it was about 3-4 days after they enter kharkiv region , they say there will be something similar in
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sumy oblast, well, what can i say in sumy relatively calmly, but just so we know, 20 communities in shinska oblast are under constant shelling, er, the enemy, sumy is included in the number of these 20 communities, but so let's go to the outskirts sometimes it flies there, maybe two or three once a week, something for a big city, and some communities, such as the velikopysarov community, er, such as the bilopolsk community, er, vorozhbyansk, middabudsk, these communities, well, half of the housing stock there is no longer there, at least at least , if the roofs... the roofs have not collapsed, then there are no windows, well, the windows were broken because the cabs are falling, then everyone, even the children, are forcibly evicted from the five-kilometer zone, and here i agree with the authorities, because if the parents do not want to take responsibility for the life and health of children, then
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the authorities must do this, they are urging everyone to return from the ten-kilometer zone, but ukrainians are optimists, optimists, and they... someone left there from piserivka to akhtyrka, from khrasnopilly, tentatively from bilopyll to sumy, but then they return, but now they are returning, why home, will plant gardens, will plant gardens. someone refuses, i also have a groupmate's mother who doesn't want to leave since she was a teenager, so why is there, well, because the mother tells her daughter, and the daughter is settled, everything is fine with her, and she is ready to take her mother, but mother says, where am i going to take the ducklings, the ducklings are the anchor, they keep the ducklings here in that youth house, and we have a lot of such examples, and as for the offensive, well, i am here and again what we say... about communications, when they say viktor, you must be well informed, tell me, there will be
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an offensive today or tomorrow, i say, what does the single marathon say about this, and people say to me, who in our country believes in the single marathon now, no one doesn't believe, that's why they don't believe the president after the kebabs, they don't believe budanov, and they are making a decision, here are all my good friends there too, who have somewhere conditionally that... mother-in-law, somewhere away from the border, conditionally in romny, in konotop, in another oblast, in poltava, then everyone has washed up, as soon as school ends 25 in may, in most of these front-line communities, she was there online, then children were already taken away and will continue to be taken away, and i wanted to call on the authorities that from these communities of the kharkiv and sumy regions, well, at least for the summer, there are some there in prykarpattia former pioneer camps to take the children there at least for the summer, here is what needs to be done, and
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as for the offensive, well, it is clear that the enemy will not be able to advance with the available forces, and if he will advance, then he will advance there in the area of ​​velika piserivka, and not directly here from the suja on amounts, because there are meadows, swamps, forests, here they are, well, here, let's say, not a thin dangerous direction, as they said during the second world war. so it is so that very, very briefly, i can, i can answer, viktor, yes, yes, viktor says, you should not believe budanov, that is how budanov warned about the offensive in kharkiv oblast and about the possibility, about the risks i will follow, mr. volodymyr, yes, yes, yes, yes, i agree with you, yes, but i am cautious about the fact that no one believes in a single marathon, 35-40% watch the marathon, so if they watch. so they perceive this information, i think that there are also different things in the marathon, there is optimistic information, there is critical
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information, there are also different opinions, different people speak there, i agree, i agree, i go, i go in a big community, how do i know very situation, because i am now traveling around the communities, there from one international organization we will distribute these rempackets, yes there, that’s what i know situation, i assure you. that there is very little faith in the local administration, the regional military administration, but people have confidence in the majority of local self-government, and i am also there, if i stop somewhere and watch a single marathon, then i agree, there are positive stories, but i will say this, they do not believe the news number, that's why they don't believe, well, listen, those who say that, it's like corruption, i know the data, we have real corruption, and it existed even before the war and exists now. but i know the research data, a large part of those people who talk about corruption, they have not
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themselves encountered the facts of corruption there in specific areas, but they talk about corruption. in this case, when we are talking about local self-government, civil administrations, military administrations, just yesterday i participated in the presentation of data from a sociological study on the stability of cohesion, and the level of trust in the local government. power not only to local administrations, but to local self-government has decreased significantly, this is a problem, and i will tell you, the problem is not general, it differs because, for example, in kharkiv, in kharkiv the mayor is trusted, the mayor works actively, in some other cities the attitude towards their own mayor is a little different, because there are problems, big ones and, let's say, comments on the work of the mayor and so on, that's why i'm an opponent again... for generalizations, when to say that everything is wrong, that communication there on all
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issues, it does not work, as for the summer camps, in kharkiv, i agree with you, mr. volodymyr, i agree that the situation may vary from city to city, however, however i i want to emphasize that, well, at least in my example of the sumy and kharkiv regions, do terikhovs trust kharkiv? there is no blue, but we don’t trust the regional military administration, but in how many regions should we do, show the trend, again, i also tell the students, all generalizations are false, however... generalizations are needed in order to show the trend, in general , for the most part, the authorities cannot arrange communication in such a way that they are believed, because they are often fooled, so i passed, the president zelensky spoke about the situation in sumy oblast and chernihiv oblast, he says that there is hostile activity against
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sumy oblast and chernihiv oblast, let's listen to what the president said. we also record enemy activity against sumy oblast and chernihiv oblast, sabotage groups, shelling. we respond with fire. as it should. our task is absolutely clear, to disrupt the russian attempt to expand the war. and experts agree that russia is expanding this war at the expense of kharkiv oblast and sumy oblast, well, in the long run, in order to then... sit down the transition table already has a redistributed map, a new map, and well, at least that's what the leading publications are writing about, that it seems that putin is preparing, and this activity that is happening now is connected with tomorrow's visit to beijing, in order to appear before the xi jinping as a person who has
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victories , which has advantages, which must gain something in exchange for... putin really wants peace on his terms, i agree with that, but putin's main goal, strategic goal - to take ukraine under control, not to get specific territories, not to freeze the conflict , that's for sure i can say, because i know information from diplomatic sources and not only ours, that there is no question of freezing the conflict, there is no such thing. goals in russia, russia wants peace on its own terms, what does this mean, it is the demilitarization of ukraine, the termination of the prospect of ukraine's membership in nato, the recognition of the occupied territories as russian, and the more, the better, of course, yes, but this is not the main goal, and there is a whole series of different conditions, including identification, how do they understand it,
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there are also questions, but they give us ultimatums, regarding a visit to... i ask this not about peace, putin has a whole series of specific tasks there, in particular, for example, putin will convince xi jinping that it is necessary to create his own system in the brics system, his own system, well, an analogue of swift, because there are big problems as a result of american sanctions, secondary sanctions with payments, bank payments, big chinese banks refuse to discuss trade between russia and china, they only operate, well , let's say, a cross-border payment system, and there are some other payment systems that don't work in the states and in europe, well not are subject to sanctions, and this is a problem for russia, this is one of the main tasks of putin, because in the last two months there has been a decrease
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in chinese exports to russia precisely as a result of this problem, here specifically... the problem, yes, the topic of peace, will definitely be to be discussed, and we have already seen putin's flattery in relation to the so-called chinese plan, although there is no plan, there is a set of principles, no specifics, a very abstract peaceful position of china, but putin talks about flattery, expresses flattery to xi jinping, the chinese the peace plan and so on, yes, this is, i would say, an eastern tactic, he wants to... align himself with xi jinping, wants him to be his ally, the main goal is to keep china from participating in the global peace summit, and that russia, together with china, maximally reduce the number of participants in the global peace summit. why? because holding this summit, agreeing on a certain position, a joint position on the future of negotiations, strengthens
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ukraine's position. on the contrary, it breaks the tactics and strategy of russia, which wants to... force peace on its own terms, that's what it's all about now is a struggle, there is no talk of any negotiations right now, especially on russian terms, yes, and that is why putin’s task now is not to seize more territories there, no, he wants to force us to peace on his terms, and there the territorial issue is not the main one. thank you, mr. volodymyr, this is putin, he told the chinese xinhua news agency before the visit that the diplomats... process regarding ukraine can be based on this very chinese peace plan, we know these 12 points that were announced on february 24 in the 23rd year, it's not really a plan, it's faster. china, the situation that is a war, even they do not call it a war, in the conflict, as they say, between russia and the crisis, the ukrainian crisis, they
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use the term, between ukraine and the russian federation, it is clear that 16-17 these days putin will compare his watch with the watch of sidzin piña, who before that traveled through europe, visited france, was in serbia, came to see orban. hungary, well, a very strange route, to be honest, although it is symbolic, because in serbia he talked about the fact that here there was a chinese embassy and during the nato bombing, this chinese embassy was damaged, with orbán, of course, orbán sang an ode to the chinese leader with macron, he had to meet, because this is the sixtieth anniversary of diplomatic relations, this is a return visit, well, not only six, a return visit , and by the way , the same with orban and vučić. they were in beijing at such an anniversary event regarding xi jinping's main geopolitical project, well
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, that's why xi jinping singled them out from european countries, because they were there, yes, sir viktor, what do you think, is this a mantra about china's peace plan, or is it just that putin is lying as always, and for him to lie is , in principle, a normal state. him as a politician and as a person who governs russia, will they still talk about something and, obviously, sidney pin, who, by the way, has a very large turnover between china and europe, in particular with germany, something like 320 billion dollars per year, well, that is, these are huge numbers, or will xijin pin tell putin something about what they think in europe about russia's war against of ukraine. er, if we talk about putin and his plan, then in general, the main method of putin's management is a lie, that is, everything that putin says in this case, and about peace, and about
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his intentions, and about how he supports china's plans, this is a lie, regarding the fact that xi jinping will try to maneuver between europe and russia, it is also true, because china's turnover with europe is almost 300... million billion dollars, there 900 for 900 is far, but china the buyer also benefits from ukraine's war with russia, he simultaneously wants that russia also weakens, but does not lose and that the west weakens, that is why, mr. volodymyr is right, they absolutely have the same geopolitical interests in terms of reducing the number of people present at the swiss... peace summit, however, i assure you now that china will restrain, for example, some african countries where he has influence, so that they do not go there, they can
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come themselves, of course, not uncle xi himself, one of his henchmen, yes, for example, there from the ministry of foreign affairs, and in this way they will play along , if both the west and russia, and for it is very important for russia that there are fewer leaders in quantity and quality. so that, if they were, they were not the first leaders, really so that putin would say that the summit does not represent the interests of all humanity, because if there is no china, india, conditionally, indonesia, brazil, then this is definitely a smaller half of humanity . as for peace and putin's peaceful vision, of course, neither in ukraine, nor in ukraine, anyone will talk about peace now, because it is written in our penal code, as well as in theirs, that who recognizes. crimea is enemy territory, and for us, well, crimea is ours, in the russian constitution , crimea is a subject of the russian federation, that criminal criminal, that is, no one will say, but
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here i do not agree with mr. volodymyr fasenko that putin directly does not want peace, yes, he wants the maximum, he sets the maximum ultimatums, but half of putin's tanks and modern tanks have already been knocked out, they already have more than 4,000 casualties and... that's why they are just waiting for what will happen in the elections, well, first in europe, in britain, in america, whose will win, putin, the nikakushi strategist, he thinks that trump will win, and he and trump can come to an agreement without ukraine, because at least now the europeans and americans tell him that it will not be possible to negotiate, and when it does not work, putin will start in the spring of next year. to dream, but not about peace, about stopping the war, let's say who put that slipper there, and so that, that is, not about ending the war, but about
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ending it. of fire to conditionally transfer the situation to the situation with the demarcation line between the two koreas, mr. viktor, we have to, we have to finish, gentlemen, excuse me, i would be with you and continued to talk, but i have the schedule and timing of the program, viktor boberenko, volodymyr fesenko, were guests of our program today, gentlemen, thank you for participating in the program, during the program we conducted a survey, friends, we asked you about this, do the countries of the european union have to return conscripts to ukraine. the results of the television survey 77%, yes, 23%, no, what we have on youtube 54%, yes, 46%, no, i put an end to this, it was the program verdict priviy serhii rudenko, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, until 20 :00, take care of yourself and yours relatives, goodbye. laughter,
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a cold ravine in the direction of time. greetings, i'm olga len, these are chronicles of military operations, and along the entire length of the front, from the south to the east , attempts by the russians to advance continue, our forces are holding back, but it's not easy. also added now. the kharkiv direction, the russians are trying to expand the field, but we, our people to the enemy, should be converted into donations for our defenders. join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the war zone slovdar and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and restoration regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone, that is, directly, where the hostilities take place , in any weather in...


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