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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EEST

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life on a quad bike for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv. greetings, i'm olga len, these are chronicles of combat operations, and along the entire front, from the south to the east , the russians are trying to advance, our forces are holding back, but it's... not easy, the kharkiv direction has now been added to it, the russians are trying to expand the field, well, we have to convert our people to the enemy into donations for our defenders. join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsk and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and recovery regiment works in mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone, that is, directly where the fighting is going on, in any weather. day and night, for
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the emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, bmps, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed to deliver mobile repair teams and equipment to the combat zone, as well as pneumohydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment. our goal is uah 630,000. with your help, we have already collected almost 200 uah, so don't delay, your help is great. important, all details see on the screen, please join, any donation is very important. well, now let's see what has been happening on the touchline for the past few days, and then we'll discuss it. map of military operations for the period of may 8-15, which is taking place in other areas of the front, while the russians are diverting attention in the kharkiv region. while everyone's attention
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is focused on the events in kharkiv oblast, the russians have concentrated their offensives on the entire front from zaporozhye to luhansk oblast. during the week , the armed forces of ukraine won a number of important victories, set a new war record, but there are also tactical losses in donetsk region, which pose significant threats. robotyne and staromaisk. both villages, which became the crown of success of our summer counter-offensive campaign, were under threat of re-occupation. already in the central part of the robot. daily battles have been going on for more than a month, but the ukrainian armed forces continue to control part of the village, so the occupiers resumed the offensive from the left flank, where they managed to push back the defense forces on two sections of the front to the west of vervovoy. in this way, robotynsky's speech became even more narrow, which is significant complicates logistics, and hence its maintenance. in the direction of berdyansk, the rashists managed to break through our defenses near staromaiskyi and throw back the armed forces a kilometer to the north. now. are conducted in the central
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part of the village, as well as on the southern outskirts of nearby urozhany. the russians are trying to carry out their favorite maneuver and bypass staromaisk from the west and east. in the case of the final occupation of this village, the defense forces will have to withdraw from the fertile area and move the front line closer to makarivka. krasnogorivka is on fire. the situation in the city significantly worsened. the defense forces were forced to leave several areas, and... the enemy entered and established a position on the territory of the wonitrov factory in the southern part, and also advanced significantly from the donetsk side. in fact, the rashists control about half of the city. the front line runs along the central street, and the zsu conducts defense in the northwestern one. there are no industrial facilities here, but mostly private low-rise buildings, where it is difficult to defend against airstrikes and artillery. the offensive on toretsk and pokrovsk front froze. on the postavdiyiv front in russia... ran out of
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offensive potential, and the armed forces of ukraine eventually managed to stabilize the front line, both north of ocheretynnoy and along the route to kostyantynivka and toretsk. the enemy tried to throw our soldiers away from the southern flank of ocheretiny, but failed. at the same time, the occupiers are preparing new reserves and deciding in which direction to advance on pokrovsk-chetoretsk. after the crossing of the durna river and the occupation of semenivka, the armed forces of the russian federation expectedly continued their movement to the west. however, their pace is slow. slowed down and in a week they managed to walk only about a kilometer. in the umansk region , the enemy made several attempts to enter the village, but they repelled all attacks and even expanded the gray zone. on the road to pokrovsk , the russians occupied several streets in the village of netaylové and came close to the road to umansk, but they did not manage to cut it yet. the fact that the situation in this area has changed is clearly demonstrated by the downing of three su-25 fighters and a k-52 gverentokrila in a short period of time. armed forces of russia. federation again
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ceased to rule with impunity in the skies over donetsk region. in time, the day of victory failed, but this is not the end. as expected, after the failure of the plan to capture the temporal ravine by may 9, the armed forces. of the russian federation concentrated their maximum efforts to break into the city. their main attack was directed along the bakhmut-chasiv road through the village of ivanivske in order to advance to the canal, force it and reach the southern outskirts of the city. the rashists managed to implement part of their plan, completely captured the road and approached the canal. individual assault units were able to move to the right bank, but the armed forces destroyed them. currently, the front line stretches along the canal, and the russians are searching. way to pass it. it is expected that in the near future the enemy will try to hit the city head on and enter the kanal district. meanwhile, ivanovske is practically occupied, although the defense forces still maintained fire control over several streets in the southern part of the village. at the same time, the presence of the armed forces in klishchiivka does not give the occupiers the opportunity
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to develop their offensive and bypass the times from the south, so klishchiivka will be their next purpose the seversky ledge is under threat. we recall the situation around the city of siversk. due to the fact that there are practically no changes on the front line, although, as in other areas, fierce battles continue here every day, especially in the district of bilogorivka, on which the russians have successfully concentrated their resources for almost two years. however, this week the defense forces were unable to hold the section of the front south of siversk in the area of ​​the village of vesele. here, on a stretch of 8.5 km, the enemy advanced deep into ukraine at a distance of 500 m to a kilometer. stabilization battles are currently underway to prevent. carry out this offensive, during which the rashists want to cut off the northern salient. meanwhile, on the opposite northern flank in the leman area, the armed forces of ukraine managed to hold the front and destroy a considerable force of the enemy near the forces of torske and yampolivka. the offensive of the armed forces of the russian federation in kharkiv oblast. the pivnich group,
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which is spread over three neighboring russian regions and has a little more than 50,000 troops, launched an attack on the kharkiv region, recruiting about 20,000 people and additional reserves. during the 5 days of the offensive, they managed to cross the border and penetrate 2.4 km into the territory of ukraine. the offensive is aimed at two directions: the village of lybtsi, which is 16 km from kharkiv, as well as the city of vovchansk, which covers the exit to the left bank of the siverskyi donets river. in the liptsi region , the enemy managed to capture seven villages and expand the bridgehead to 13 km along the border. near vovchansk, they occupied three villages and approached the northern outskirts of the city, where street battles are currently taking place. it is obvious that on... resources do not allow the russians to advance on kharkiv, however, this is not their goal. they want to get as close as possible to the city in order to increase their own capabilities of terrorist destruction of kharkiv with the help of artillery and mlrs. in addition, the enemies want to move the reserves of the armed forces of ukraine from donetsk region, which
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has been partially successful so far, because the third assault brigade, which is not used to sitting on the defensive, has started work here. at the same time, the occupation of vavchanchansk has no strategic significance other than informational. in five days , it became obvious that the armed forces of ukraine managed to hold the defense, and the pace of the offensive of the occupiers significantly fell down instead, everyone noticed how much russian losses had increased. in one day, our soldiers set an absolute record for the destruction of rashists. 1,700 soldiers, twice as many as usual. in may, the daily rate of decrease of occupiers exceeded the rate of their mobilization, which is a very good trend. we win daily, death to enemies. so, we have such, you know, very active offensive actions practically along the entire front line, well , not even practically, just along the entire front line, and the destruction of the occupiers is going on, well, you can to say on an industrial scale, but what does it all mean, let's talk with our guest, ivan
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kyrychevsky, defense express expert, joins us, congratulations, ivan, good day, well, actually, the russian troops, you see, after the capture. the avdeivkas are trying to expand the breakthrough zone there, simultaneously advancing on kurakhovo, pokrovsk, chasiv, active assault actions have resumed in the kupyansk-lyman direction, this is literally yesterday, there were 16 attempts to attack, in the direction of the first synkivka liman, our soldiers repelled again, but well after all, it's there, well, it's like that revitalization again, well... revitalization in the area of ​​the robot, revitalization in the area of ​​the veremiivsky ledge, well, that is, we see revitalization all around, and here was added the kharkiv one, actually this one, when on the night of may 9-10 the russian army began an offensive there as well, what we have now is how
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to reduce this whole picture into some sort of clear scheme of what is happening, in fact the picture is such that you can immediately make a clear scheme. will have to be divided into some separate segments, well, let's start with what actually looks the easiest now, so which is the easiest in terms of analysis in the sense that this is precisely the kharkiv direction, because we can really record that... well, let's say this, on the fifth day of the offensive operation, when there is, even if, even if there is individual examples, when the russians get separate positions in the north of vovchansk, but go 5 km, for five days and do not get, let's say, their main strategic success there, which they wanted, that is , to open the way to kharkiv, well, that it is obvious that it is not their weakness, but rather about what, well, let's put it this way, the degree of readiness of the defense forces. to the repulse in this direction, it is much higher than it is now customary to estimate, because if we were not
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ready, that is, our troops were not ready, then, unfortunately, we would have to talk about a much faster rate of russian advance on these directions, why it was worth starting from the kharkiv direction, well , because now there is such a persistent concept that the russians are saying that this is what they are doing there in the kharkiv region, let's call it a distracting blow from in order to try to intensify their efforts in other directions of the front, which had been active before, but... here we have a certain paradox that precisely at this rate of destruction of the russians on an industrial scale, they increased primarily at the expense of those areas that were hot even before that, that is , if we go even literally from the numbers , today the general staff recorded about 1,500 russians destroyed, of which there are less than 200 in kharkiv oblast, this does not mean that the scale of actions is less in kharkiv oblast, it rather means that is possible in the east finally, the help from the usa, which everyone was expecting, began to work, well, how else to explain that simply the numbers of russian losses increased from 900 to 1200, and at the same time
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we can record that even if the russians have, well, they demonstrate pressure on a wide scale along the width of the front , fortunately, there is no advance, because yes, they are trying to be on korakhovo, pokrovsk, trying to move to the works, but so far there is no confirmed significant advance there, so far it looks like this is the assessment that the russians are... well, but in kurakhovo , you see, the situation is really bad, because after they took over the factory, it's actually very difficult to hold the city, and that's an objective reality, maybe about krasnohorivka we are talking because as far as we remember curajo, yes, yes, yes, excuse me, yes, right next door, yes, it’s just that you and i are talking right now about trying to describe what happened at the front, let’s say, from that moment on , as the russians began to advance, here... just about wanted to say about say so a sadder prospect for us, well, if now it already looks like a consensus assessment, which
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also sounds in us, and let's say so, british analysts, let's say so, well, who are really authoritative, and let's not say so, came out with approximately such an assessment that the russians can just to try and increase the pressure on the zaporizhzhia direction, and in theory will even be able to move on to all kinds of active actions in the sumy direction precisely in order to first get the effect that our defense line of the armed forces will be stretched as much as possible, and only then try. well, as the russians think to activate on a larger scale in the east, well , that is, precisely in order to then simplify the way for new territorial advances in the east, so it turns out that until now we thought that the situation in our country is like this, now it is difficult, there is some kind of failure or something like that , that is why there is a reason to scandalize, but in reality it is difficult for us just ahead, but then it will be possible to make a real scandal about how ready or not ready we were, even to repulse in those directions where it was believed that the russians would advance there iron well, about prospects i haven't talked about the offensive on zaporizhzhia in the last few months, unless i'm just being lazy, well
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, yes, but as for sumy oblast, in principle, the drg are already working there, you can't say that everything is very cloudless there, and they're bombing, well, of course, it is not compared to what is happening in the kharkiv region, but on the other hand, we also have an opportunity there for such, you know, aggravation of this whole story, because... what is important is not only vovchansk, where already, well, practically, well we can say that some actions are taking place within the city limits, well, but also in the direction of the lybs near kharkiv, if the enemy advances in the direction of the lybs, then he will have the opportunity to shell kharkiv already, as far as i understand from such a very close range of the barrel artillery there, well , there 20, how much 23. 24 km, yes the vicinity of the city in general is 17-18, well, that is, it can get from
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the city eu zacations, and this will complicate the whole situation for us in general , including the humanitarian one, that is, maybe this is the purpose of this whole story, well, on the one hand, it definitely is, on the other hand , let's detail what's on at this distance, which can be occupied there in the area of ​​the alps, well, after all, the russians will not be able to place a cannon directly on... the front, but they will then be able to return to the shelling of kharkov, let's say, even from the actually more dangerous, pion system, well caliber 23 mm, we can recall that the occupiers in the spring of 2022... actively shelled the city with these guns and there was even this creepy episode when the russians simply opened fire from these guns and there, forgive me, it seems that even a child was simply thrown onto the roof home, it was just so powerful guns, the projectile there weighs 200 kg, in fact more than the warhead in the s300, that's why, yes, why, let's say, it's important
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not to miss the russians in lepka, why are there heavy battles there, and as for sumyshchyna, you know, there you just have to to detail, on the example of kharkiv oblast, we already have that... russians, let's say this, rarely for themselves, there tried to act as tactically competent as possible, directly according to the best examples of their science there, not to simply rush into these infantry assaults, but precisely act according to such a scheme that at first the eyes of the drg, the so-called saboteurs, or in fact the force of special operations, are coming, then the first wave of the offensive and the second follow, well , accordingly, let’s say this, perhaps it is just the opposite that we should talk about sumshchya, that there are statements of some official structures, which say everything... but they may not correspond to reality, and it is unlikely that the bukr railway would just announce that it, well, you know, we are just opening an additional sum train to kyiv so that it goes, let's say, more regularly, and it would be possible for everyone everyone who wants to leave on time, that's why it's necessary to say that the emergence of the activation of russian
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saboteurs in the sumy oblast may have been a prerequisite for the russian transition to a full-fledged, let's say, a full-fledged... but not in the sense that the russians there will be able to get out of the sumy with a throw, as they have it unfortunately, it came out in february 2022, but russian tanks can also follow the saboteurs, unfortunately, this is so. ivan, look, now many people are noting, saying, the scale of this russian offensive in the kharkiv region seems to have calmed down, but isn't it just that you you say, when the first echelon advanced, and now they are just catching up. the second echelons, and in fact there is still a bigger attack ahead of us, well, you can formulate it in such a way that we are in a state of strategic uncertainty, because even this complete media scandal, when there, let's say, someone thought that the words bohdanov was misinterpreted by the new york times, because the version that the russians, just as part of their task of
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stretching the line of our defense, may first go for activation in the kharkiv region, then move... efforts to the sumy oblast, that is, to try to transfer the troops quickly to other areas, this option is also not excluded, because we have a history when, in order to open this offensive in the kharkiv direction, the russians, some units, everything - they still transferred from kupinsky and lymansky, well, which would seem illogical at first glance, but they went for it , accordingly, there may be such an option that they will go exactly according to the principle of a light chorus, that is, demonstrating offensive activity, let's say the same in kharkiv , then switching to sumy. and back to try to stretch, in principle, stretch the line of our defense, we are in principle in such a very unfavorable situation, and how to get out of it, whether it is possible to get out of it, is an open question, because here, too, like the british analysts notice a certain paradox that, on the one hand, the russians in terms of their capabilities, they managed to beg after the life of avdiyivka, well, beg to the
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level where the maximum they can send in an organized attack is a company, but it turns out that the russians found a non-linear way out of this. what they say, ok, we can send a maximum of a company into battle, and not as we want a brigade or a division there at once, then we can simply collect a few, well, a very large number of such units and simply stretch them to a greater width of the front and attack there and to create problems for us in this way, what can be asymmetric, so that in response from our side create problems for the russians in their current format of actions, this question is open, because simply by the number of manpower or with the number of those, well, equipment, weapons, which may not be able to reach from... you can’t take the west here, you need something here, well, i don’t even know what it could be, well, you know, ivan, the russians, obviously, with these actions , they tried to achieve that we used our reserves, and judging by everything they succeeded, and as for what actions can be taken, well, we all understand, more people on the front line, more capabilities on the front line, more
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weapons from from our side on the front line, and then this stretching will not make any sense, unfortunately, the situation is not... that's right let's say, but here is the question, yes, we have, for example, not so much with the reserves, but what about the reserves of the russians, that is, to what extent can they, from your point of view, build up these actions, because, well, as you correctly noted, they quit by company, they collect by this company, but these companies are also running out, and what do they have in reserves, from what is known and even at the moment the most pessimistic estimates that sound that the russians in reserves are somewhere around 60 thousand bayonets , that is, units that are being coordinated there and can be in theories are taken there, removed from educational centers and thrown into battle, right there. the complexity of the situation is that the russians, even for that offensive in kharkiv oblast , decided to simply take the unformed 44th army corps from the training
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grounds and throw it into battle, because that's what the party ordered them to do, well that is, the kremlin said, but the problem here is that once the russians begin to demonstrate such a course, to bet not only on the quantity, but also on the quality of use, well, come on let's agree that here is an attempt to advance... along three lines, i.e. first the saboteurs go, then the first echelon of the offensive, then the second, well, this is fundamentally higher in quality than what they demonstrated even under the audio, accordingly, we also have a problem, what do you know, more weapons, more people, more equipment, well, this story simply will not go linearly, one of the moments that, let's say, literally hangs in the air, but which has not yet been officially discussed, well, yes, but we are at the level of mechanization we are the russian army, we are from we are lagging behind the russian army, you can go as far as you like. that the russians are running out there, the relatively newer t-72s are running out, so t-62s with sheds, chinese golfcars and the like are coming in, but, well, even if
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they are fraternal, but they have them, but what if you just open those western directories , which are in the public domain, national legislation does not prohibit, let's call it that way , then it becomes sad how far we lag behind them in terms of defense technology, so simply at the expense of, you know, such a linear expansion, we do not... bend the situation, we will have to look for something non-linear, well, that is , you know, as an option, well, if they are already starting, russians in bodies, this is non-linear, how much can we afford it , how much capacity do we have for this, well, the question that hangs, hangs, i don't know what you can say, i have nothing, for example, there is a specific statement from blinkin based on the results of this visit, which says that ukraine itself makes the decision to use western weapons there, including for strikes on... the russian federation, respectively, well, maybe, but the cassette attack is very demanding balovny is actually not in the temporarily occupied crimea, on the territory of the belogrutsk people's republic, well, by the way, it is clustered
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in order to hit the masses of troops, so if the americans already sounded such a specific wording that we do not prohibit it, they say it is the right of ukraine, and by the way, there is also the question of striking with western weapons, it is not just a matter of planting a long-range missile somewhere in the moscow region, it is also there, taking into account the pettiness of some... of our western allies, the question arises whether it is even possible to use automatic weapons of certain types during raids there, for example, the same rdk or tanks, well, when the poles, excuse me, started thinking that the rdk used their pt-91 bastards, well, which are just a modification of the t-72, that’s exactly it about the fact that it is possible to use any kind of western equipment to attack the russians, so that not only bohdans can be used to hit the terrorists who terrorized sumy oblast, but at least with the same b2, there is a certain thawing of the offensive. and perhaps it is precisely the thaw that should be used to accommodate the russians there as well problems, because stopping their attacks only on our land, when they also use the belgrade people's republic for strikes, well
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, this is a one-gate game, while we have the opportunity to open it to another gate, well, this is a very simply comfortable situation for them, when, in principle, they were able to concentrate there on the border of the kharkiv region, calmly, not straining too much, a beautiful video that is now being distributed, when literally on the... track there, among russian civilian cars, there is a game, pounding somewhere in the direction of kharkiv, well, what is this that is, he just shouldn't be standing there, so to speak, so, thank you very much, ivan, this was ivan kyrychevsky, defense express expert, thanks for joining us, we have to go on a break now, then we we will continue to discuss the situation in kharkiv oblast, but it's not enough. so wait, it's a break now. problems with
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beyond, what kind of world mr. orban dreams of, all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. so, back to the chronicles of the war, i am olga len, and i remind you about our collection for the repair of heavy military equipment on soldar and zaporozhye directions. this is a repair and restoration regiment, it works. on the contact line and in the gray zone, please join, this is the recovery, the return of the military equipment, tanks, bmps, armored personnel carriers damaged on the battlefield, it is a very important thing, it definitely saves lives, you can see all the data, please, we have collected a third of the amount , so we expect your active participation in order to finally collect the entire amount, and our guest, yuriy fedorenko,
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the commander, should have already arrived. 92nd separate assault brigade named after koshovoi taman ivan sirk. i congratulate you yuriy glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. well , actually, let's start literally with what is happening in your direction, but today there was information that something like this has started there, literally in the vovchansk district, a little, well, not on the territory of the city itself. the attempt of a tank attack by the russian occupiers, what do you know about it, do you know anything about it, have there already been any such attempts, well, indeed, to enter there with armored vehicles, what can you tell about what is happening in general, well, now there is what concerns the actions of the enemy , the enemy is actively trying to increase the efforts of stormtroopers in order to
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consolidate the results that are there and... to regroup and continue their influence, let's call it that, in the kharkiv region, in general, that is, the further occupation of the territory, but we have to tell you that from the day the state border was crossed , the enemy initially used a significant amount of lightly armored armored vehicles, most of which were destroyed in the field due to the combined effect of fire, including artillery , anti-tank weapons and, of course , unmanned aerial vehicles, in particular and similar ones, accordingly, the enemy has almost removed the use of lightly armored armored vehicles, but on some of the lines , the enemy is trying to use them, in particular, and will continue to do so. the task of the defense forces is to timely detect and, accordingly, destroy what is happening at all points, and this does not apply there to an exceptional wolf pack or to the example of other parts where the enemy crossed the state border.


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