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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EEST

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in order to consolidate the results that are there and to regroup and continue their influence, let's call it that, in the kharkiv region, in general, that is, the further occupation of the territory, but we have to tell you that from the day of the crossing of the state border, the enemy initially used a significant number of lightly armored armored vehicles , most of which was completely destroyed due to the combined effect of fire, including artillery, anti-tank and, of course , unmanned aerial vehicles, in particular, spawners, accordingly, on a number of lines, the enemy almost removed the use of lightly armored armored vehicles, but in some areas, taking advantage of the opportunity, the enemy tries to use it, in particular and will continue to do so, the task of the defense forces is to timely detect and, accordingly, destroy what is happening on all areas, and this does not apply there example of other parts where the enemy crossed the state border. this applies to the entire line of
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battle, we see the enemy, hit and hit sufficiently hard and powerfully. well, basically, well, everyone is talking about it, that a major breakthrough of the front was still avoided, but the russians occupied several border settlements, but today, as if in the morning, they did not carry out any such active actions, but then they also resumed, but it’s just interesting your opinion about whether it can really be said that it was restrained, stabilized, or are we now waiting for them to regroup and there will be some new offensive attempts in the area and on vovchanchansky on lypka, that is, how do you see it in general, this is them actions, i would like to to note, the armed forces do not wait, the armed forces operate 24x7 sufficiently actively, powerfully, is it expected that the enemy... will
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intensify shock and assault actions, draw up reserves, regroup, this is expected, once again, let's consider the situation more comprehensively, then it will it is immediately clear from the enemy what he has in his ass, the enemy intends to completely destroy ukrainian statehood, and these ambitions remain in them to this day, also for the enemy there is a phased occupation of ukrainian territory, the priority area remains donetsk-luhansk region, in order for the enemy... to move actively in the donetsk-luhansk region as much as possible, a certain amount of forces and means that took part in the hostilities in the donetsk-luhansk region had to be withdrawn to another place, respectively, in connection with the proximity to the state border, and in general informational propaganda in the russian federation supports this, that kharkiv is a very important place for the russian federation, they started to cross the state... border and storm
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precisely positions in the kharkiv region. it is also an extremely important strategic city for us, so one way or another the defense forces will deploy reserves there. and also that it is important to understand that the enemy has a small gap in time. months when the defense forces receive the maximum amount of funds under the joint military assistance. then, at most rallies, we will be able to prevent the enemy from taking shock assault actions. that is why the enemy will be quite active in the next month and a half. in the kharkiv region to carry out shock and assault actions, to engage reserves and use all available weapons, this should be understood, in particular by kharkiv residents living in the city, i believe that it is necessary to listen to the sirens in more detail, but sometimes it happens that first the arrival, then the siren, be as attentive, careful, avoid crowded places and still try to take care of yourself from the point of view of the security plan, everyone is already used to the war, used to what is coming, but you have to go to the shelter. always, as far as
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the possible successes of the enemy in the battle are concerned, in my opinion, they are significant the enemy will not have tactical successes, successes on the battlefield, why? because firstly, we were preparing to meet the enemy, this concerns engineering and fortification structures and, accordingly , the amount of forces and means used for the defense of the kharkiv region, and accordingly, in connection with international military aid, i emphasize for the second time, we will. .. to be able to hit the main means of the enemy more thoroughly, and this is the aviation that uses the control of his bombs, and this, of course, is different, which bombards both the city of kharkiv and the front-line territory, so it will be difficult, but we are definitely holding out, well, you already mentioned fortifications a little bit, i can't help but ask you your opinion on this very big discussion that is going on about the fact that perhaps fortifications are not enough. maybe not there, well, it's a little bit
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like they realized that creating a concrete line right on the border is a little unrealistic. but there are also things that still raise questions, for example, was it not possible to replace something more, or was it not possible well, in the area of ​​liptsi, these teeth, the so -called dragons, have been thrown out, after all, somehow they should be arranged, or they should not be brought there at all, well, what do you think, could it really be possible to strengthen at least some aspects of all this, i will say to you that... the enemy is preparing very successful lines of defense, this is the pure truth, they made conclusions after the kharkiv counteroffensive operation, and that level of engineering and fortification structures, the name that the enemy can afford, it is very , very powerful, it is three line of defense with everything necessary in order to be able to establish
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a personal garden there and take defensive actions. as for the kharkiv region, engineering and fortification structures were being prepared for the first line of defense and the second line of defense, were all the works completed perfectly? the truth is always somewhere in the middle, the lines were being prepared, whether it would be maximally performed with the current resource, finances, construction capabilities and so on, time will tell, i am sure that there will definitely be a table-top analysis of flights about the fact that something was incomplete and who to whom i did not report like that, so you cannot say that there is no defensive line, no, there is a defensive line and it is in two echelons, was it ideal for defensive operations, well, the military would always like, and i personally, to... be prepared better, as for ukraine as a whole, here it is very important, we cannot change the past, but we can directly influence the present and the future, therefore it is very important to draw conclusions from those mistakes that were made and make it so that the second, second, third the line of defense
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was prepared as effectively as possible, qualitatively and in the shortest possible time, and this does not apply only to the kharkiv region, it applies to the whole of ukraine in general, dangerous branches. where there are currently no hostilities, but the enemy may open them there, and accordingly in those parts of our territory where hostilities are ongoing. well, here we are not even talking about the first, second, even third line of defense, but rather about what is called the support strip, that is, what is before the first line of defense, actually that is what our troops broke through, several months, unfortunately, this is rather a problem for us. however, we were not able to prepare it, and i guess we would like some conclusions of some kind, so look, it is not quite like that, but when we say that it was not possible to prepare, it may be thought that we did not prepare it, and in some aspects it was prepared with sufficient
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quality, or it was possible to fully implement it this is an open question that needs to be analyzed in great detail and relevant conclusions drawn , and literally because something is happening now, please tell me have confirmed that the russians are entering vovchansk in such small infantry groups, trying to gain a foothold, precisely using such and such groups, does it continue like this, does this tactic change somehow, do they reinforce it with something now, well, that is , somehow, what can you do to say about this, about the way the russians are trying. still conduct military operations in the kharkiv region? here you can explain everything as rationally as possible. the enemy initially used lightly armored armored vehicles in the first days, which the defense force burned almost completely. the enemy resorted to tactics used in other branches, in particular in donetsk and
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luhansk regions. this is accumulation in small groups. so much for the kharkiv region, it is very beautiful, it is full of greenery that has not been spoiled. accordingly , the enemy uses or with a green cover, in particular the tactics that are used, in particular in the donetsk direction, as i said, accumulates in the main areas by concentration, then in advanced positions and under the cover of such a transitional period, you know, from when it gets dark, or vice versa, when it dawns, the enemy is most active during these periods of time, but at the same time, separate units of the enemy carry out shock and storm actions and in full light, so this tactic allows... the enemy to delay, and why it is important for them to enter the city of lovchansk itself, in the same way, as in the city, for example chasiv, because with the overwhelming number of manpower, it is much more profitable from a tactical point of view to fight in the urban development, the losses are one to one, in the urban development, conditionally, this military art
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says about it, the enemy is many times more, therefore them they understand that self-defense is difficult enough to hold settlements, and the enemy is trying to delay, will he succeed in delaying the settlement? i am sure that in the near future, we will continue to see to what extent the enemy will use powerful reserves and how they will try to stabilize this situation, buy in full. well , in principle, the enemy uses aviation very actively, and this is what gave him the opportunity to advance in other directions, but what about vovchanskyi, because there is also a message about the fact that they are actively bombing there, but how actively and how much compared to the same time period there or in some other direction, the enemy is actively using aviation. i will explain why this is happening: the defense forces currently have an insufficient number of anti-aircraft weapons and ammunition for
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them, the enemy understands this, and the enemy also understands that in a month and a half the situation will change, accordingly, the presence of his aviation in the air will become many times less, because the forces defenses get the opportunity to knock it down with fire means, respectively, using with these possibilities, the presence of enemy aviation is now as high as possible in all areas of priority for the enemy, in particular, the kharkiv region on... except for the control of the bomb , the enemy drops it both on the line of combat and, accordingly, on the city of kharkiv, on residential quarters and houses, and that's all makes the blood boil very strongly, because the defense forces do not allow themselves to make an impression in places where the russians may be concentrated on their territory, we destroy only military objects, the enemy acts in a completely different way, therefore the only thing how we can secure... our people and give the future of our country is to stop the enemy on the battlefield, that requires the military
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to do their best, and we are doing that, and it is also very important that the civilian sector also now not succumbed to panicky moods, did not look for an opportunity to leave the country, but worked efficiently at his workplaces and, as far as possible, supported the defense force. friends, we were once able to restrain the enemy powerfully enough, to intercept the tactical initiative on the... side, then our international partners with military aid failed somewhat, in this regard the enemy intercepted the tactical initiative, now there will be enough ammunition, motivated soldiers, moreover, for 2.5 years of full-scale war, also administrative, soldier sergeant slav received very powerful training , therefore , i am sure that together with you we will be able to restrain the enemy and also to fully seize the tactical initiative on a number of leetings, well, literally briefly, literally half a minute. as far as it can be it is realistic for us to destroy
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these attempts to accumulate the enemy on the territory of russia, on the territory of the belgorod region, that is, how transparent this situation can be for us, how far we can see where they can concentrate there, as you estimate, very briefly. i will tell you this, that there are restrictions on the use of certain means, i will not name them, of fire influence on the territory of the russian federation. we clearly know, understand, realize where the s-300, s-400 complex itself is located, it is simply not possible at the moment get them due to the ban on the use of certain means, but believe me, all the means that we can use, on which there is no ban, there is also a sufficient number of such means, are activated across the entire category of military targets on the territory of the russian federation. in particular, our unit destroyed an armored car a few days ago that would have been executed. to perform tasks, were preparing to perform combat tasks in ukraine right in the city of belgorod itself. thank you,
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thank you, it was yuriy fedorenko, thank you joined us, to our broadcast, found the time, this is the commander of the achilles 92 assault pack battalion of a separate assault brigade. well, our time has come to an end, but stay tuned to spresso tv channels, because we still have a lot of useful and interesting things for you. oh, there are no potatoes, bring them, already, assin, something has caught, i remind you, the ointment with comfrey from dr. tice and you get up to work again, the ointment with comfrey is a german ointment for pain in the joints and muscles, comfrey restores movement. from pain in the joints and muscles: natural ointment with comfrey from dr. theiss. ask at the pharmacies: antz pharmacy,
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coco discounts in may on feni. style 15% in pharmacies plantain bam and savings. verdict with serhii rudenko, now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the malice of the day for using a telephone survey. turn on and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with
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their brothers until the holy victory. anyone who pilots a uav understands it. prepares, treats, repairs, winds kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who covers the enemy with heavy fire and returns meter by meter our native land, join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. i welcome you, this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur and we start again from kharkiv oblast, where the offensive of the russian army continues. russian troops are entering vovchansk from the north, street battles are ongoing in the city, oleksiy kharkivskyi, the chief patrolman of the vovchansk police department, reported this today. according to him , almost 80% of the city, houses, streets,
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roads kharkivskyi said that the ukrainian police are now present in city ​​and that there is an ongoing evacuation from there. i will remind you once again that vovchansk is 50 km from kharkiv. the city was liberated by the ukrainian military in october 22, and since then, as it turns out, ukraine has not created a powerful line of defense around vovchansk. as the military now claims, engineering works were hindered by the proximity to the border with russia, as well as continuous shelling. for the fifth day in a row , police and volunteers are conducting evacuations from the border communities of lipetsk and vovchan during this time, more than 7,000 people were evacuated, rfe/rl journalists spoke with people who were evacuated to kharkiv, some of them claim that the russian offensive came as a surprise to them, no one warned anything, there was no light there, already in we don't have tv, how do we know who is warning what, there was no light for sunday or more, or 10 days,
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no one warned us, if there was light, people would watch tv and know what warnings are there. there has been no peace there for a long time, since april, the shelling has gone on and on smoke all around, everyone is leaving, rumors have already spread, no, well, there are generators, people were charging their phones, maybe someone knew, well, something to be announced, nothing, i did not hear, well, literally in one of the latest reports of the general staff informs that the defense forces have partially pushed out the russian occupiers from vovchansk and that defensive battles are now... to avoid losses. the russian ministry of defense claims that russian troops have taken control of the settlements of hlyboki and lukyantsi in the kharkiv region, the russian ministry of defense does not officially comment on what is happening directly in vovchansk. against the background
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of the russian offensive in kharkiv oblast, president zelenskyi canceled his visits to spain and portugal, the newspaper writes. cnn, this decision was made due to the difficult internal situation in ukraine. on may 17, zelensky was supposed to be in spain, where it was planned to sign a bilateral security agreement, well, after that he was to visit portugal. military observers assumed that russia could launch an attack on kharkiv, the intelligence of western countries, from around march. at the beginning of april, against the background of all these assumptions , president zelenskyi visited kharkiv region, and together with the head of the region, he personally inspected the defensive lines, and that's what he said then, strengthening this direction is very important for the construction of fortifications. russian terrorists should see that kharkiv region is getting stronger, he held a meeting. with all those responsible for the protection of the region and restoration of normal life after the russian strikes, i am proud of our kharkiv residents.
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serhiy kryvonos, reserve major general of the armed forces of ukraine, has already joined our broadcast. first deputy commander of special operations forces 16-19 years and deputy secretary of the national security council 19-20 years. good evening. good evening, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. i'll conclude by reminding our audience that. in fact, over the past five days, the russian army was able to capture about a dozen settlements, these are small villages near the border, no less, and advanced about 5-7 km deep into ukrainian territory there. what prospects do you see further, how far can the russian troops go? russian troops can go as far as we allow it, and we can and could stop them, due to the development of certain things by the authorities, this is... powerful and reliable fortification equipment of the border strip, which was completely failed and we will see that even the president, telling how everything is fine, i'm sorry, failed him too, i
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don't know what he was shown, on which areas, but it all turned out to be just an informational fluff, a soap bubble, which does not even stand up to any criticism, then the number of units, which had to be, is insufficient, therefore... the question is about the preparation of a huge number of reserves in our deep tol, and the number of weapons that had to be used on this, on this part of the front, could and should have been much more, these things that just show that the huge lack of work on the part of the authorities to these problems, it can be corrected, and everything now depends on whether the authorities make the right conclusions. will the fortifications be placed over and those who are guilty of embezzling this money and not working on these fortification structures will be punished. for now, if
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there are no changes, then we will immediately understand that power is not about victory, power is about lining our pockets under the guise of national security. i will only add the context that the head of the kharkiv region promised to publish a report on how and where the money was spent, but look, you are at the beginning of our the conversations revealed... well , the actual absence of defensive fortifications on the border, a number of military observers and servicemen, in particular, told us in previous broadcasts that it was impossible to build defensive fortifications so close to the border, the head of the kharkiv region that i have already mentioned said, that even during the construction of the second and third lines of defense, people died, the equipment was damaged, and about the construction right next to the russian border, they say there was no time to talk, but is it really possible to build it? yes near the fortification? it is possible, no one interfered and no one will, let's say, deny the fact that the roads from vovchansk to kharkov were built powerfully enough, the enemy did not
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fire on these roads, but in the meantime it was built. next, if we had actively introduced our position on the detection of weapons from beyond the russian border, the enemy would not have behaved so brazenly, as the example of the winter of 22-23 years shows, when units of the special operations forces of ukraine were actively working on the front lines in the border zone , even the enemy he didn't stick his nose out and didn't behave so arrogantly. then, when they were removed and the units of the territorial defense were put in place at certain moments, uneducated, untrained and not properly equipped, the enemies got angry, so anything is possible if everything is right. to organize, and if you find everything, examples and ghosts of not doing something, then of course you will never do anything. and you specifically, what can you say in vovchansk, because i see in the latest report
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of the general staff that the defense forces partially pushed out the russian occupiers from vovchanska i don't really understand what partially displaced means. yesterday it was reported that ukrainian servicemen left vovchansk to save their lives. what is the situation there now, how do you see it and whether or not? can we assume that vovchansk can be re -occupied by russian troops, well, given that there are, as i understand it, no defensive fortifications, the issue is the preparation of the territories, this is not only what concerns cities and villages, it is primarily the preparation of the inhabitants themselves points to the defense, and nothing prevented it from being done systematically, systematically, by the way, if you look at it, vovchansk is quite a big city, and it is not less than bahmud in terms of its... area, but much larger, so if everything was properly organized, the question would not have arisen, but again, it rests on the professionalism of the performance of functional
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duties, both on the military administration and on the previous military leadership, which is why there are many questions for the eyes of the two branches. currently, the military leadership has been changed, and i hope that the person who was appointed is much more effective was definitely not engaged in pr and licking the pussy, like the previous leaders, but meanwhile it is difficult enough for him when these, let's say, issues were failed or not fulfilled at all, whether vovchansk is finally... captured by the enemy, does it belong there, let's wait a little, because the situation is quite complicated, and at certain moments the same general staff always says that let's trust only the general staff, i would not like to announce information now that would not coincide with the information of the general staff, people with whom we talked, these are civilians who left movchansk and other communities there, they say that the attack came
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as a surprise to them, that they lived... in conditions there without light, without communication, and no one knew them warned that it is necessary to leave there early. tell me, please, could this attack have been prevented? it was about five battalions there, if i am not mistaken, it is possible two, maybe 3 thousand people there, was it realistic to see it, warn and prevent them from crossing the border, well, as for seeing and preventing it, it was in our forces, how can you explain to people who do not... intelligence, look, our intelligence provided information directly that there is accumulation and there is preparation, why there was no reaction regarding the preparation of territories, preparation of units, i still do not understand, why was it, you know, so self-deprecating that everything would be fine, i'll be honest, and the fact that there would be battles in the border strip was also clear, and they talked about it, well, not two and not two and three
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weeks before that, then. .. that's why it's just a question for the people who answered in this direction for preparation, why it was not done, many questions, why, why, why, because to tell that the enemy is strong and we are so weak, it will not be correct, we had time, we had resources, we had people, it could have been done in such a way that the enemy did not even have the desire to advance on our territory, but it was not done, there is no money, there are no fortifications in that sense either. e people at certain moments left, trained and prepared, how much they were trained and prepared, how well the interaction between these was properly organized units, many questions, if you cripple yourself that no one will ever step on you, then we have the options that we have now, and the number one task at the front is always to calculate and prepare for the worst options, then if it were not difficult there , you
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react absolutely calmly and in a timely manner to any threats, you at... at the beginning of our conversation in the context of fortification, if i understood you correctly, they stated that the money for fortification could have been embezzled, but there is no evidence, no one, no one it hasn't been released officially, why would you? do you claim you've seen the pictures of the huge amount of dragon's teeth that were just piled up in huge piles right in that direction right now where the fighting is going on, uh, that's right. and shows these dragon teeth, no, i talked to those who were in those areas, and i talked to those who were there before, now, and they have many questions, first of all, about these setifications, and this is not the only example that such failures, not only in the kharkiv direction, but also in other directions such proposals, and why exactly the authorities, despite the fact that military-level specialists always emphasize that it is necessary to create fortification engineering brigades that would
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ensure this. and to take the equipment to demobilize from civilians, meanwhile, it was given to civilian organizations, these civilian organizations, for terrible money , it is not clear what and how they did it, and most importantly, they did it not under the leadership of the military, so tell me if you could dig and prepare a company stronghold , if you were given money, of course not, and many others with builders who did it, they also did it, but they benefited from it. none no, because they are there, but they are not functional. are there engineering brigades and engineering troops in ukraine at all? of course there is. ugh. there are many of them, are they enough? well, the question is, they are more or less enough for tasks related to the front-line level. as for the fact that we say formation, and the construction of a deep moth, i will give you an example that...


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