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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2024 12:00am-12:30am EEST

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to at least partially compensate for the damage caused. he could announce, for example, that washington convinced greece or spain, which have patriots, to hand them over to ukraine. it would be a great excuse for a trip. if he announced that the united states was lifting the ban on the use of american weapons for strikes against russia, because this restriction is one of the reasons why kharkiv is suffering so much. if ukraine could attack the russian troops standing right across the border, which are about to march into ukraine. many of these soldiers would be dead, and russia would have much bigger logistical problems to launch this current offensive, if we allow ukraine to shoot at russian planes that are in russian airspace and launch cruise bombs that kill people, fewer people will die in kharkiv, but obviously blinkin didn't come to this, and he sounded incorrect when talking about corruption in ukraine. corruption in ukraine is a serious problem, but the biggest problem is the war. the us did not send weapons
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for eight months because of a congressional delay. there is real frustration and anger among ukrainians toward the united states. and i don't think washington understands how deep these angers and frustrations run. there really is a significant gap between the lofty rhetoric, we'll be with you as long as it takes, and the reality on the battlefield. i think there is this big problem of desynchronization and washington needs to calibrate its policies. ukraine and the united states reacted somewhat ambiguously to the unexpected performance of the american secretary of state with a guitar in an underground bar in kyiv. after the official meetings on tuesday antony blinken ended the evening at barmen diktat, where he took the stage, played the guitar and sang the song rocking in the free world, which can be translated as crazy in the free world by the canadian artist neil young. before picking up the guitar, the american diplomat noted that he understands what difficult times ukrainians are going through, but he wants them to know. that the us and the entire free world
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support them. someone called this symbolic performance an ode to the indomitability of ukrainians. others criticized the gesture as inappropriate and insensitive to wartime realities. anna gubko, the head of the board of the network for the protection of national interests, ans, said that the speech would have had much more significance if it had taken place in kharkiv and if the us had guaranteed the city's security with patriot installations. it was extremely important for us now if it was a visit to... and if the performance with the guitar took place in the kharkiv pub, and it would be a message that the united states of america supports ukraine here, i understand that everyone is safe, but for this it is necessary was that the usa provided kharkiv with patriot systems and allowed ukraine to hit military targets on territory of the russian federation, and then ukrainians would not have so many critical remarks. currently in the kharkiv direction. the armed forces of ukraine
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managed to partially push the enemy out of the city of vovchansk. this was reported in the general staff of the armed forces. since the end of last week, the russians have launched an offensive in the north of kharkiv region, capturing several villages. american military experts, with whom voice of america spoke, consider the russian offensive the result of the culmination of mistakes by ukraine and the united states. they say that ukraine should focus more on defense construction positions, but believe that the successes of the russians are temporary. russia's last attempt was to enter from an unexpected part. but in these first few days, ukraine stopped the wave, coped with the attacks, absorbed the blows, strengthened where it could along the front line. therefore, the main thing is that the section of the front line does not fall apart and there are no further breakthroughs. the flank held, and the enemy could not go around from the side of the contact line. a breakthrough or flanking in a similar war. this is
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a vulnerability for both parties. so i think that's what the russian operation was supposed to achieve. at the moment, it does not appear that this has been achieved. defense in the war in ukraine is now dominant: a combination of obstacle courses, constant observation at long range, accurate artillery strikes on enemy concentrations in open terrain trying to attack fortifications all make it difficult for the enemy to move. all this makes the enemy really vulnerable. for ukraine at this stage, until... it breaks the deadlock with a certain combination of technologies and tactics, investing in defense is the best way to protect its position. i believe that russia's successes are temporary. russia is temporarily taking advantage of the situation, while weapons and ammunition have not yet fully arrived on the battlefield, while the new mobilization of ukrainian forces under the amended legislation has not yet begun to work. so i think the armed forces
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are doing it wisely, redeploying forces, withdrawing with fighting, they're holding on as long as they can. i believe that the ukrainians could better prepare a line of defense in the kharkiv area. i wish they would mobilize people faster, but most of all, i would like my country, which is not at war, to people don't die, they only supply weapons, i would like my country to do its job earlier, ukraine would not be in such a position today. the united states, ukraine and a number of other countries condemned the attack on... the prime minister of slovakia, robert fico. president joe biden issued a statement calling the attack a horrific act of violence and said he and first lady jill were praying for the slovak politician's speedy recovery. on wednesday, an unknown assailant shot the prime minister of slovakia while he was visiting the city of handlova. robert fitz
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received numerous injuries and was taken to the hospital. according to representatives of the authorities, it was an attempt to assassinate the prime minister, now he is in a serious condition and is fighting for his life. the attacker was detained at his place. the motives are currently unknown. tens of thousands of people continue to protest in the streets of tbilisi against the law on transparency of foreign influence, also known as the law on foreign agencies. the parliament of georgia finally adopted it the day before. the law is an initiative of the ruling georgian dream party. according to the opposition, the approved document repeats russian legislation on foreign agents. the us state department also calls the law similar to the kremlin law. the document obliges non-governmental organizations and media that receive more than 20% of funding from abroad to register as a foreign agent. the european parliament said that if this law is in effect, georgia will not be able to start negotiations on eu membership. the white house warned that the voted law could provoke a reassessment of us-georgia relations. details from tbilisi in the story of
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anna chikvadze, a correspondent of the georgian service of voice of america. deputies parliament of georgia adopted a controversial law on foreign agents, which georgians have been worried about for more than a month. go out into the streets. 84 deputies supported the legislative initiative of the ruling georgian dream party, which caused concern not only within the country, but also at the international level. if the law moves forward without complying with eu norms, and the rhetoric of calls against the us and other partners continues, i believe that the relationship is at risk. georgian protesters donned gas masks and goggles, trying to protect themselves from tear gas and pepper spray. we will fight for our future. this law is really pro-russian and it is blocking our way to europe. we will fight until the end.
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the founder of the ruling georgian dream party and former prime minister of georgia, billionaire bidzina ivanishvili, made his fortune in the 1990s. in moscow, many consider him the shadow head of the government. i am deeply concerned about the situation, when 84 traitors to the country work here as deputies. they think only about bidzina ivanishvili's family and his wealth, without thinking about the interests of georgians. this is georgia, we are against this law, but no one listens to us. over the past few days, georgian authorities have arrested dozens of protesters, many of whom were assaulted or intimidated by law enforcement officers, drawing sharp condemnation from georgia's western partners and local observers. this makes me very angry, because our government is now completely russian, they are engaged in russian propaganda, they do everything the russian
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way, and people like me, we are all angry and feel that we do not need this government anymore, the only thing we what is needed now is this to change this russian government. during the month in georgia, the largest protest actions in its history are taking place, mainly young people of the generation are taking to the streets. they detained dozens of young people and representatives of civil society, and in fact we are witnessing the establishment of an autocratic regime, ivanishvili personally, and the blocking of the path to the european union. georgia will never accept the bloc.
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losing the path to european integration will mean the loss of georgia's independence, the country's president saloma zorobishvili told in an interview with my colleague mykhailo komadovsky she said she would veto the law. on so-called foreign agents, adopted by the georgian parliament, however, the president admits that the ruling georgian dream party will be able to overcome her veto. zorobishvili urged international partners to support georgia, as she assured that the majority of georgians, unlike the majority in the parliament, see their future in the european union. we should take certain steps by the end of june, because the conclusion of the recommendations of the european commission is expected by september-october. so it's time. emerges, and we we use this time to copy russian laws that the public
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knows very well about and how they have been applied in russia. and one more thing: this is parallel to the rhetoric that resumed, i would say two months ago, and which is very anti-western, anti-american and anti-european, blaming our partners, those who helped georgia become a truly independent country and have state institutions. they are accused of wanting to open a second front here, wanting to incite destabilization, wanting to overthrow the government, it's all together, it's not just one law, it's a series of laws, i've vetoed six laws now, and i've announced that i will do the same with this law, which is clearly inconsistent, as i said, like all our partners speak very clearly, it does not correspond to european values ​​and recommendations, so i will veto it. this will be a veto that will be overridden because the majority is in the hands of the ruling party, but this veto is a representation of the voice
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of the people in the streets. there is no ukrainian child who does not have war experience - he believes olena rozvadovska, ukrainian human rights activist, co-founder of the children's voices charity fund. since 2019, the organization has been helping children overcome legal and psychological problems caused by war. before that, olena volunteered for four years on her own in the frontline areas of donbas. in november of last year, olena , along with two other ukrainian women, was included in the bbc's list of hundreds of women who inspired and influenced the world. olena rozvadovska told about why childhood cannot be postponed and what help ukrainian children need now in an interview with my colleague iryna solomko. elena, in principle, you have been dealing with the subject of... children in war since the 14th year, and you
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actually lived there, yes, in this conflict zone, you were dealing with children even when the ato and this so-called russian spring just started, so if look over these 10 years, and especially when the full-scale invasion began, how much has the scale of this problem increased? after the full-scale invasion, the scale of the problem increased to the maximum, because there is no family or child in ukraine whatever war happened, regardless of... where you lived, even if you didn't have to leave the house, there, thank god, dad could still go to war and never come back, so you could say that every a ukrainian child, she is essentially a child of war, has experience of war, in the beginning, i remember when, even before the full-scale invasion, we broadcast the message as much as possible, as a foundation, i constantly broadcast the trauma of war, children with the trauma of war, now we we are talking about the fact that there are no children who do not have experience duyny, because the experience of war is not always such that it grows into a trauma, it is not always
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such that it has the most negative effect on the mental state of the child, that is why we are talking about the experience of war, the experience is there, you could see tanks, you could see on tv all these hobbies, you could see a crying mother packing suitcases in the middle of the night, this is the experience of war, but then depending on the individual characteristics or history, it can become a trauma, but if we talk. about such a more definitely targeted audience children who really, well, don't have war experience, war trauma, but how many such children do you estimate? well, unfortunately, this number is increasing, and it will be even higher, we have official statistics, well , first of all, we mourn those children who died, and this number is also not final, unfortunately, if we talk about such invisible wounds, yes such a wound that cannot be understood physically. it is inside, well, it is definitely the hardest, well, the hardest,
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they are going through the war very hard and the main number of requests are from those families, from those children who have become displaced persons or refugees, these are also those families in which the father is a military serviceman, and if he is either missing, or has died or is seriously wounded, that is, the father is at war, but the whole family is at war at the same time, we also have a lot of inquiries we have from teenagers, from teenagers, older people experience this change of environment the hardest, because for teenagers , it is not so much their parents, but their family, their hobby, their point where they used to gather with friends that is very important. first love, their school, their class, and in one moment you are with it parting, we have a lot of teenagers with depressive conditions, unfortunately, the number of those teenagers who already have such self-harming behavior or suicidal thoughts is increasing, and what is worth noting is that the teenagers themselves are already asking for help,
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often writing to us on telegram bot independently, how many such appeals are there, for example , you receive... well, i don’t know, every month or every week, then we have centers that work in a mode where you come and sign up for a group or for an individual consultation, we have such almost 16 in ukraine, you can come there and always get free psychological or psychosocial help, and almost a thousand children pass through these locations of ours every month, and we also have online psychological help, it’s like a physical phone or a telegram bot, which is very convenient for those people. who went abroad, and we have almost 150 requests per month, one of the problems that is being talked about now is, in principle , a problem with specialists, and that there is a lack of psychiatrists, psychotherapists, yes, this is a chronic shortage, i would say, and if we look to the future, then these specialists will be needed many times more, they need to be cloned, literally already multiplied, in general, if you look at
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the scale of ukraine, then we are now in the active phase. . war, yes, in the active phase of the war, and still we are not working on a deep study of trauma in broad groups of the population, on such a general, more supportive, preventive effect, yes, that is why, when the war ends, many psychologists and specialists talk about the fact that ptsd will just grow as quickly as possible, because usually eh... petsr manifests itself after a certain time after a traumatic event, there are a lot of mechanisms that will have to be picked up at once by a very wide category of specialists, and there should be a lot of them, and in my opinion, now it is necessary to simply announce such very open when from the voice of the state: please, children of the 11th grade
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, all enroll in the faculties of social work, psychology, humanitarian pedagogic sciences. and you will definitely have a job and please join even then after 5 years at least yes, we will have a new addition to the ranks. there is an opinion that, for example , the americans there don't really want to give money, well, i mean, if it's donations or in general to say, for example, there for the armed forces, and there for weapons, but they definitely want to help with... tar projects and accordingly, to help the children there, do you feel this, is this such a fair statement and what do you hear when you present this issue to the americans today, right here in the united states? in the third year of the war, it is definitely not the same the level of support that was there in the first months and days, of course we all feel the decline of the donets, we need to explain, tell,
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russian propaganda is finally making its way and is there in the eyes of... still people there have a question: why don't you leave, and this is the territory of russia after all, maybe you can end this war faster, instead of fighting, instead of dying in it. it is necessary to explain why it is still necessary to support ukraine, what are the long-term consequences of the war, for 10, 20 years, that this is a whole generation that will grow with it, and it must be supported today, that childhood cannot be put on pause, childhood, it has, it is limited in time, that... you only have these certain years determined in order to saturate the child, to fill it with what it will live on further, people start with children, i really want the country to prosper, ukraine, i really don't want us to be marginalized, to be isolated, some kind of unsuccessful victims who will live endlessly only with suffering and war, which
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is happening against our will to our land, eh... and i really want the experience of war not to be decisive for the child, so that it was a period in which the future of ukraine specifically depends on what to do specifically today for a specific child, specifically today, not tomorrow. it was an interview with ukrainian human rights activist olena rozvadovska, read the full version on our website and watch the voice of america ukrainian page on youtube. and that 's the end of it, thank you for watching voice of america in ukrainian, see you tomorrow. it's all good, take care, papa.
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in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics causing resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. from the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, that's why that there is nothing to argue about, let's make it up, they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. a journalist who joined the armed forces, a political expert who became a special agent, taras
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berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to deal with anxiety news and to distinguish the truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with taras berezovets. every saturday at 21:30 at espresso. events events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton.
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today in the verdict program with serhii
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rudenko. hundreds and dozens of occupiers were killed units of burned equipment. the invaders near vovchansk suffer huge losses. will the defense forces succeed in thwarting potin's plans for an offensive in kharkiv oblast. rock and roll in the free world. blinken promised ukraine a lighted bridge to nato to the accompaniment of an electric guitar. will the us make its support for ukraine dependent on the fight against corruption? undermining georgian democracy. is the country threatened with us financial sanctions because of the so-called law on foreign agents? can street rallies in tbilisi turn into a new georgian revolution? glory to ukraine, this verdykt program, my name is serhiy rudenko,
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i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health in. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war and our victory, in particular, we will talk about what is happening today in the kharkiv area, we will talk about the attempt on the life of the prime minister of slovakia, robert fitz, and about the results of anthony's visit blinken, secretary of state of the united states of america to ukraine. we will talk about this and other things during the next hour with our veteran guests. of the russian-ukrainian war by yevhen dyky, political expert maksym rozumny and the chairman of the board of the institute of world politics viktor shlinchak. the second part of our program will feature political experts volodymyr fesenko and viktor boberenko. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest watching a video of how ukrainian fighters destroyed 11 pieces of equipment near novomykhaivka, in donetsk region. coordinated
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work was carried out by fighters of the 70th ninth separate airborne assault brigade of tauriy , four tanks and six combat vehicles were eliminated infantry and the attackers' armored repair and evacuation vehicle, let's watch this enchanting video. glory to the armed forces of ukraine, death to the russian occupiers. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us on these platforms. please subscribe to our pages and also
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advertise in our. today we are asking you about the following: should the countries of the european union return conscripts to ukraine? this refers to men who went abroad and who are conscripts. if you think so, please vote on 0800-211-381, not 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up this. voting, if you watch us on youtube, pick up your smartphone, forgive me, if everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, write your comment under this video, and we should be in touch with yevhen dyky, a veteran russian -ukrainian war, former platoon commander of aidar battalion, so far we we connect mr. dyky and we hope that he will get in touch, we are talking today about
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the current situation. in the kharkiv direction, the battles near vovchansk and lukyantsi, president zelenskyy announced this evening that it was possible to partially mobilize and stabilize the situation in the kharkiv region, the occupier who came in will be destroyed by all means, while the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine reports that the defense forces partially displaced the occupiers from vovchansk, defensive operations continue in the northern and northwestern on the outskirts of the city, on the air of the united telethon , the spokesman of the general staff of the ukrainian armed forces, dmytro dmytro lykhovii , stated that in the kharkiv direction, in the districts of lukyantsi and vovchansk, ukrainian defenders withdrew in order to save the lives of servicemen and avoid casualties. let's listen to what dmytro lykhova said. in the direction of kharkiv, units of our troops
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repelled. 18 enemy attacks, in particular in the directions of hlyboke liptsi, lukyantsi-lyptsi, borysivka neskuchne, shebekino, the territory of russia, vovchansk. in some areas in the districts of lukyantsi and vovchansk as a result fire impact and assault actions of the enemy in order to preserve the lives of our servicemen and avoid losses, our units carried out a maneuver and moved to more advantageous positions, the fighting continues. here. such information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, we are monitoring this situation, of course, and especially in the context of general budanov's statements that the russian invaders are now trying to enter the territory of kharkiv oblast in order to later carry out a maneuver in the sumy area or.


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