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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EEST

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all these efforts to limit some level of oil prices and so on, so this is a key moment for us now, i think. mr. mykhailo, thank you very much for your, well, sometimes paradoxical, but extremely interesting assessments for our viewers, from the news that is happening both here on the front line and in the enemy. let me remind you that it was mykhailo samus, the head of the international analytical organization new geopolitics research network, and that's who they were. the main military results of this day, and more new details to the current ones news on vasyl zima's broadcast, stay tuned to the espresso channel. i would like to thank serhiy zagorets, i thank his guest for participating in this program, for telling us more, and i urge you to continue collecting for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine. we.
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the collection is ongoing, our goal, let me remind you, is uah 630, i will say right away that we have already collected a third, so, uh, no, this, just a second, we are asking you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the soledar and zaporizhia directions. repair, recovery regiment works mainly on the line of scrimmage or in the gray area, in the open sky in all weathers day and night. so, for... emergency recovery and return to the battlefield, damaged military equipment, including tanks, combat vehicles, infantry, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed to deliver mobile, repair teams and equipment to the combat zone, as well as pneumatic hydraulic jacks for operative repair of foreign equipment, our goal, let me remind you, is uah 630,00, now i will look at how much we have already been able to collect, well, actually not only we collect during the big ether, of course my colleagues, during the... daytime
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marathon on the espresso tv channel, when my news anchors also voice this information, it is clear that during the day this bank is replenished, and also obviously you will learn about this collection on espresso website, by the way, i encourage you to join, like, share, comment on our youtube channel espresso, espresso, because this is important in order to first of all counter hostile disinformation and internally hostile disinformation must also be countered. convey to the audience, readers, listeners, objective, verified, i.e. checked, confirmed information, because now is the time when, as they say, whoever stands up first gets the slipper, and very often information is presented exactly according to this principle, well, but we understand that in times of war , information is very often the price of life, so join in, we will donate, and now i am bringing volodymyr tsablyuk into the conversation, he is a political expert, a people's deputy of ukraine
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of the fourth convocation and also a blogger, mr. volodymyr, congratulations, congratulations, glory to ukraine, heroes glory, and i think that we should start after all, from the conversation about the situation in kharkiv oblast, how did it happen that the situation is like this, and not whether it could have been different, and where do you see it now, after reading a lot and analyzing a lot. having heard a lot, following certain, as they say, resignations made in emergency mode, very quickly, how do you assess the preparation, this primarily concerns the political, military leadership and the political-military leadership of the region, because of course, to hang all the dogs on the president, i am also here against it, well, there are people who must be directly responsible for certain areas, not necessarily on the bank, they must know where there is some... dragon's tooth on every
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square meter. please rate the preparation, the quality of the preparation, if there were shortcomings, who was visible here, or no one was visible, did it just happen that way? well, first of all, it is necessary to understand that there are centralized orders, that is, the ministry of defense and the cabinet of ministers order fortification, and there is fortification that is built by local forces, at local expense. and here, er,... well, you have to understand where on which in some areas, contracts were not executed centrally, because we see already occupied territories where mountains of construction materials lie, and it is obvious that someone was preparing to build a fortification there, but did not have time. here the question is how local authorities are involved.
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fondness in reports to the central authorities, they all draw absolutely optimistic reports, because the authorities love, so to speak, optimism, but... when you think about it, especially in the kharkiv region, what was the point of building the kharkiv-vovchansk road, who it will be explained, well it was simply necessary to immediately bury some amount of money in the asphalt, when in fact the main problem was in fortification, by the way, regarding these dragon's teeth, i think that even we can now find a photo, we will show these concrete structures that were dumped by the road. which are called dragon's teeth, they are supposed to prevent the movement of enemy armored vehicles, these are tanks, not only, not only tanks, this is not only, this wheeled equipment, there will be such a move, this is the outskirts, the outskirts of liptsi,
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kharkiv district, there are remnants fortifications, so-called dragon teeth, there is already a comment on this matter, aleh synigubov, head of the kharkiv regional military administration. and he said that these are the remnants of 0.4% of the total work done on fences of this type, that is, it is far from the strategic number of tetrahedra, as they are called, which, according to some bloggers, he says, could theoretically affect the progress at all hostilities, the spread of such disinformation discredits the military and the executors of all defense works, this is the explanation we have from a person who obviously has answer first of all. for the implementation of these plans, of course, in contact with the commander of the kharkiv operational-strategic group of troops, but the commander was very quickly replaced by the legendary brigadier general drapata, for some reason also, by the way, general drapaty, he is so very, i would
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say, determined the commander, and as we can see, he patched up the situation, but the question is... that mr. sinygubov should not hide behind the backs of the military, because he talks about someone discrediting the armed forces, discrediting the armed forces are just officials who do not carry out fortification works, and the troops, when they retreat somewhere, but according to the situation with vovchansk, the situation there in general is, well, a glaring situation, because a whole large territory is not designated there, there were attempts to conduct some kind of fortification works, but... . well, everyone complained that it was within 5 km of the border, and russian drones were hanging overhead, that is , it was impossible to build something so substantial, but in vovchansk itself it was not possible to build, well, at least a network of fortified points. , this
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not massive works, where 50 pieces of equipment are used, this is one excavator and maybe one... which can drive up for 10 minutes and go, that is, in fact, large areas are not mined, large areas are not prepared for fortification, of course kharkiv itself was fortified and here it is still necessary to find out where the work was done by the efforts of the regional administration, and where the work was done by the efforts of the city, i am not talking about the fact that in... you simply lack engineering equipment, and i do not see that the kharkiv region could, well, transfer dozens, for example, excavators or bulldozers, to the armed forces so that they could build something for themselves, it is the military with shovels, in
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any case, according to the information of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine , the russians were partially pushed out of vovchansk, street battles continue, this is the situation in vovchanska, now let's... let's discuss anthony blinken's visit , which is not a one-day event, today, well, i will tell you a bit later in the news release, today he also had certain events together with the minister of foreign affairs. the key purpose of blinkin's visit, and i can't help but ask how you are comment on his meeting with business, as they say, without cribs and playing the guitar, rockens of free world, what everyone is also very actively discussing now, because when... you are talking about a diplomat of this level, of course, everything matters, but the main message with which, in your opinion, or with your information, antony blinkin came to kyiv, well, it seems to some that antony blinkon came to show off the amount of aid provided by the united states, finally
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after six months of singing, but we are talking about something else, it's about what blinken needs to find out all the points of foreign policy, which are swarming in the heads of the ukrainian leadership, about what we are talking about, are pushed. several serious international events: the first is the g7 summit , immediately after it the peace summit in switzerland and after it the nato anniversary summit, i.e. three important events that er, well, obviously concern the prospects of ukraine, and the position of the kyiv leadership, the ukrainian leadership current it is very important, because there are very strange behavioral motives
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of representatives of the ukrainian authorities, only sydzenpin visited belgrade, the minister of foreign affairs is flying there for some reason, but it is not clear whether it is his visit or the visit of the first lady, he accompanies her, that is, if it is a cultural visit of the first lady to the first lady, then why is the minister of foreign affairs there, eh? this is the question, secondly, this is the visit after the visit of svidenpinia to belgrade, so it seems to me that a certain anxiety arises among the partners, or sometimes behind the back, kyiv quietly does not look for special communication channels with, for example, china, well , first of all, blindin asked what he was doing what i read yesterday as they say, there was a question about what the minister of defense is doing in turkey, whether there are any negotiations
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that the united states of america, as our partners, does not know about, because they, too, i understand, are conducting this certain, certain communication, and that, this, this was an important issue, and secondly, you know, this topic that there may be some negotiations somewhere, the statement of the minister of the president of the czech republic, who is helping ukraine a lot now with shells, who says that it is naive to think that ukraine is in the foreseeable future . return to himself territory, this is possible only through negotiations, well, he then suggested that we will support, of course, we will continue to support, but these words already mean something, they testify to something, obviously. well, first of all, we must remind that not only the minister of defense chkurnuv from kyiv, but also the chairman of the verkhovna rada. there was an obvious feeling that her secretary of state blinken was making some very serious proposals. to which the minister of defense and the speaker must react, because at the same time two high-ranking ukrainian officials
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snuck into turkey, well, this causes a certain mistrust i would also like to remind her that state secretary blinkin all the time emphasizes that the threat to ukraine is not only russian aggression, but also ukrainian corruption, and the meeting with the business just... was very important, because no matter how many investment nannies or state strategic investment program, here the prime minister came out with a statement that the government formed 40 seconds, mr. volodymyr, 40 seconds, all this eye candy, because of which i want to remind you that together with the secretary of state blinkon, a group of inspectors also came to kyiv, which will follow up american aid to ukraine. well , i hope that there will be a result after this visit, not only about the 2 billion
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announced by blinkin of external military funding for ukraine, not only the patriot system, but there will be a result in the fight against corruption, because as he told the students of kpi, the fight on paper is one thing, but we want a different struggle, because ukraine, which will live in corruption, can defeat russia, but be similar to russia. thank you very much, volodymyr tsybulko, political commentator, people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth convocation, too. mennyk and the blogger, thank him for this conversation, and we will continue to talk about mobilization under the new law, i would like to remind you that mobilization will take effect in a few days, on may 18, the rules for serving summons will change, today, by the way, there is a lot of interesting information i read about it, and oleg semoroz, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, mr. oleg, i congratulate you, health, well, let's talk about what will work from may 18, will come into force. new law on mobilization, i read such information today, which already distributed by sites: tsc will not walk
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the streets, everyone will already be in the electronic register, there will be no need for this, i just immediately have a question, and the people who hid from being registered, how will they appear in the electronic register , what will really change, from what i know now, at least in kyiv, what my colleagues tell me, who do not stand on the record of huge queues, what will be the result, most importantly pluses, minuses, mistakes. and the possibility, unfortunately, there are almost no advantages here, i will be skeptical about it of the bill, although i, as a veteran of the armed forces of ukraine, certainly understand from my point of view. the parties are also trying to find, er , motivational things for er, a potential mobilization reserve for those people who can and should go to defend their country, but i will say that i am skeptical about the mobilization bill, precisely because it does not change the principles of work , it does not
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change what is currently happening in tsc, it simply changes some mobilization criteria. which were not the main problem and are not now the main problem, or are now the main problem the problem is that we have been summoning people since the age of 27, we will now be 25, no, is the main problem the fact that the thieving colonel, a soldier, issued a paper summons, and now it will be issued electronically, no, the main problem is - it is in work approaches, in what is currently happening in the tcc. unfortunately, in the pcc we see old cadres who absolutely demonstrate their indolence, corruption, unpreparedness for the new challenges of this war, unfortunately, this war does not demonstrate that the human resource still remains very important in this war in the defense capability of the country, you know,
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the words come to mind here and now very very... a lot is being speculated about it now, and, for example, they covered my case when i received a summons, although my ccc had all the documents, the fact that i have a lower limb amputation limbs, i am their military commander, i will remove them from the military register, they still speculated in their public apology that wounded members, participants in hostilities are serving in the tsk, that's where you know, the main problem. president zelenskyi's words are mentioned that the central committee is now combatants and wounded servicemen will serve, but it was distorted, unfortunately, very badly distorted, because these guys got, unfortunately, only rank-and-file positions, they are left to just walk the streets and hear from people, this is all
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dissatisfaction, key the decisions that are key in... the minsk actions are made by the old, old cadres, who we see how they live, we see their fortunes, and in this context i would like to say that the mobilization bill should not be like this, not such changes should be, the first key changes which should have been, it is precisely in the reform of the central committee, i would say more, in the lustration of the central committee, because the gap is very serious and a lot has been lost. at the moment, there is a very high level of distrust in the tcc, so a qualitative reform should be carried out and there should be appropriate contests for integrity, the leadership of all the tcc, their ways of life should be clearly investigated, and the most important thing, in my opinion, is how their relatives come to the military service, how which of them
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received which postponements, from this we would have an understanding of whom it is possible to continue. contracts that cannot be renewed contracts, and most importantly, the ukrainian authorities should come out publicly, not play with any bills with criteria, tell people honestly: work with the central committee is blocked, mobilization is blocked, there is a gap between the civilian population and the military population, and we want to fix it, so now a number of changes will be implemented, the tank will become more open, because there are no secrets there, sorry, the state of health of some young guy, this... is a state secret, so they can be made more transparent at the level of the centers for the provision of administrative military services and restore the level of public confidence in the mobilization work of the warring country. unfortunately, the current bill changes absolutely nothing, er, gives a little more requirements for er
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those people who are conscripted, but it will only cause them more... anger, i guess, and that's understandable to me, so that people and the population are probably waiting for some kind of changes, when we see these daily, excuse me, well, how to call it, pakapas, problems that occur in our country in communication that affect the military population, and people would we were waiting for change, we are veterans, we military personnel are also waiting for change, because we were given the fact that in the armed forces of ukraine we have the highest level of support, we wear a pixel, and those people who have the worst level of support in the perception of the population, they also wear a pixel, sorry, it casts a shadow on us, and it triggers us, as veterans, as military personnel, and in this context, well, unfortunately, and... i will say that this demonstrates the detachment of the ukrainian authorities now from reality, from the desire to speak to one's people, one's own to tell the truth, because the draft law
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that will come into force now, it will not change anything, absolutely, it will not change anything in the current situation, which is, i do not see any prospects where we will improve the numbers and the quality of mobilized persons, i just i don't see any prospects for this, you know, that before... communication with society, i remember at one time the poltava city tsk was very actively engaged in communication with society, as far as i understand, they communicated very often, but here i see a page signed on facebook, lvivskyi and asykhivskyi lead page, give some messages, explain something to people, i don't know how it is different, but at least there is some communication in social networks, i think that not all regional territorial picking centers take such a job to do this, that when a person , for example, no one wants to communicate, but someone wants to, someone does it, it is important to someone, someone is interested in it, and someone does not want to, and then switch to such an hour, you come, there is an 8-
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hour queue, the person has to go to work, no one communicates or explains when we are working or we work around the clock, i know people who really work at vlk and tsc, almost around the clock, well, it really is, or when they write that you work around the clock, a person calls, can i come at such and such an hour, and you what, we are not there at all, well, that is , everything starts with this, because there are many people... now it is possible and they are already there, again in the tsc, the question is why this work has not been established, and secondly, it is very important here, now people are registered who were not registered, someone is updating the data, someone will to update the data after the 18th, the weekend is closed, when people have, well, people have to earn money while they are in civilian life, and they cannot be only there all the time, and that, and if then the question is still different, after the 18- everyone should update the data, that is , if you have received, relatively speaking. i received a summons on the street and came a month ago, registered with adequate data, nothing has changed in a month, but you have to go again and you have to go to school again or something, that is, it will simply
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overload the service, it will really overload the service, and what to have on the way out, because the goal is a high-quality replenishment of the defense forces, as far as i understand, well, it should be the same, and the change of people who are already really exhausted at the front, they cannot do this work, the hard work of war, absolutely and... in principle, everything is correct you say that there are some positive individual cases in the work of the tsc, you mentioned, i also know such people in principle, who work around the clock, i know the negative features, which are much more, especially in kyiv, where the reception days at the tsc are only tuesday , thursday, warring country, well i'm sorry, it's just something, well, well, it doesn't fit, it just doesn't fit in my head, but what's the problem, ah, that's all i'll say, now there's a gap, that even such positive things, and some positive, er, and according to all criteria and for work, honest, there are certain regional ones, tsc, it is already so much covered
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by the negativity that exists that simply society in its, in its absolute majority, they put a cross on tsc, it is not perceived, and now very much in fact serious challenges for our state, because we have one... very important elements defense capabilities of the country, this is the mobilization reserve, it is now standing on a very serious, you know, precipice, where everything is very sorry, bad, and i say, in this context, i cannot understand the ukrainian government, which does not see these things, does not want to see, rather these problems, makes some changes according to the criteria, despite the fact that you correctly pointed out that some of them simply reach the point of absurdity, when a person was in a shopping center a month ago... and needs to be in a shopping center again, you know, i am deeply convinced, that unfortunately, now the situation is so bad that it is necessary already to enter into communication, reformation and
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lustration and contests for integrity in this service, well, well, in no other way, wasted time, unfortunately, we have to put an end to it, firstly, thank you very much for joining, and secondly, that here is another question, i will add from myself how many people i know who work both in vlk and in tsk, people rework, reworking, this... if they are paid, then it is once every six months, and they are not paid , they work there, as they say, on a volunteer basis, this is also, well, it is also possible during the war, but these are not the amounts that people are given the opportunity to live, that's why there are many problems, i hope that with such joint dialogues we will try to at least point them out and try to change something in this situation with joint efforts, because again, this is oleg simoroz , i thank him very much, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, because it is very important that we get the final result, and that the economy works and... there was replenishment and renewal at the front, and it was of high quality, but here we have to exclude many things and add many things, and literally in a moment news. good evening, we
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from ukraine. well, as i already said, today the enemy struck many cities and regions of ukraine. let's start with the consequences of enemy terror: the number of victims in kherson increased to 19. the attackers were chased around the city center from the air, they did not leave the dnipro alone, two men died due to the fall of the rocket fragments. there is a 63-year-old wounded. another victim of russian aggression died. a local resident of sumy oblast, where the invaders attacked the esman community. in the middle of the day , they also beat mykolaiv, six were injured, it was loud in kharkiv oblast as well, four civilian attackers were wounded in malia danylivka. on the sixth day of evacuation in the kharkiv region from the border area, where active hostilities continue, rescuers and volunteers have already evacuated about 8 thousand local residents,
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they said. in the state emergency service . most of them are women with children, pensioners, people with reduced mobility, they are being rescued from seven communities in kharkiv, chuguyiv and bogodykhiv districts, resettled mainly in kharkiv. well, in sumy oblast, i'll add from myself, i just read it interview of the head of bilopyl local residents from the bilopyl community are being transported to sumy, there is still a very active evacuation of the population. they are settled in the hospitals of the city of sumy. the ministry of defense denied the information about the capture of the village of robotyn in zaporozhye, about the alleged capture of this bridgehead, russian telegram channels report. our defenders claim that this is a solid gray zone that is completely under the fire control of the ukrainian army. the united
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states will provide ukraine. an additional 2 billion dollars to finance the production and purchase of weapons, he stated this, antony blinkin stated this at a joint press conference with his ukrainian colleague, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro kuleba, the us secretary of state also says that they are still looking for an opportunity to protect ukrainian skies. anthony blinkin laid a wreath at the memorial wall in kyiv, joined the us secretary of state at the ceremony. minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro kuleba. earlier, he visited a grain transshipment terminal supported by the us agency for international affairs development blinken is the first high-ranking official of the united states of america to visit ukraine since congress approved a $61 billion military aid package. and what blinkin said in kyiv, that the united states of america wants to completely control and... i would say so,
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monitor this logistics chain from the supply of equipment across the atlantic to the european continent, to ukraine and even then from the bases, directly to the places where these ammunition, equipment, other forces and means will be distributed among the troops, the fact that the us wants to control all this is, of course , understandable, this assistance is of key importance in this very difficult situation. at the stage of the war and the states, understanding their intelligence, their capabilities in intelligence, in providing assistance, logistical, transport, any, of course, they are huge and the us is interested in the fact that this technique, this weapon, it really affects the course of the war and fell into the golden hands of our soldiers, who know exactly how to hurt the enemy with this technique. unfortunately, died during a parachute jump,
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the state bureau of investigation is investigating. of the tragedy that happened at one of the airfields on may 14, a second-year cadet of the faculty of military intelligence and special operations forces jumped from a height of 600 m. according to preliminary information, the stabilization parachute caught on the helicopter, was damaged and wrapped around the guy's legs, due to which the main the parachute did not open, the 19-year-old cadet died on the spot, the investigation is checking whether the instructors followed the rules during training jumps and whether the parachute was correctly packed, the case was opened as negligent attitude to military service, the guilty face imprisonment from five to eight years in prison. in memory of the legendary fighter dmytro kotsyubail. a pre-premiere screening of documentaries is taking place in lviv.


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