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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EEST

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looking for his intercessors and putting them in positions, this is andrii anatoliyovych nazarenko. the grasists appointed him the new head of the so- called military-civilian administration of kyrylivka. appoint andrii anatoliyovych nazarenko to the post of acting head of the administration of kyryliv village of the military-civilian administration of the city of melitopol of the zaporizhzhya administration. please love and respect. locals gave nazarenko the nickname prawn because of the entrepreneurial activities he conducted during his time. holiday seasons, bought shrimps, and then hired vendors to sell them on the beaches. also, the collaborator owned a hotel, which he actually created on the territory of his household. when the russian army entered the settlement, nazarenko immediately changed into wellies, let the invaders live in his mini-hotel, but they took away his post. from march 3, 2023, as a result of signing. according to the decree of the governor of the zaporizhia
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region, kyrylivka will continue its development as part of the melitopol city district of the zaporizhia region of the russian federation. under by development, this traitor means the theft of property and the rewriting of business on the russian side, because according to the locals who left for the territory controlled by ukraine, their houses and recreation centers are now being redecorated for loyal pro-russian people to live in. special attention is paid to those plots whose owners joined loveseu. zaporizhzhia region, the village of kyrylivka , together with russia, we are one, friendly forever, so friendly that they call for denunciations in the best soviet traditions on those fellow villagers who are waiting for... from suu and
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the return of ukraine. on the official telegram channel of the fake military-civilian administration of kyrylivka , posts are regularly posted calling for the so-called zhduns to be laid down. by the orcs, they mean ukrainian patriots. and in order to intimidate people even more, such videos are posted with the titles "deactivate the stalker". she informed about the deployment locations of military personnel. in addition to surrendering patriots to russian barbarians and appropriating property, the temporary head of kyrylivka hung russian flags everywhere. conducts propaganda in favor of russia, rewards others traitors with non-existent orders, diplomas and provides places for deployment of russian military. this traitor of ukraine must be held accountable for his actions and will already be in... a ukrainian prison as a prisoner
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waiting for russia to remember him and ask for an exchange. she danced to the ukrainian folk choir, then danced to the russian balalaika. meet alla viktorivna vankevich, in the past, the director of the number one cultural center in kyrylivka. until february 24, she organized and conducted national celebrations in the village bereginya ukrainian choir. i will ask her, i will ask her, i will take her. in general , she worked in the field of culture for 24 years, it would seem that such a spiritual person should have loved and respected the ukrainian cultural heritage for so many years, but the russian bear and the balalaika turned out to be cuter than the ukrainian melody. love for all things russian first began to appear on her page on the russian network classmates, where vankevich in 2017 posted advice from the uninitiated. by regiment, and when
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kyrylivka was occupied, alla wore a kokoshnyk instead of a crown. propaganda media wrote about her, that from the first days of the so-called liberation, alla viktorivna, without a moment 's doubt, fulfills her work duties in full, not paying attention to the side views and superstitions from the unaware residents of the village. for this, the head of kyrylivka, andriy nazarenko, whom i talked about earlier, awarded her with a medal for services to zaporizhzhia. region the occupiers left her as the director of the cultural center. however, there is no one to work there except vankevich. you can regularly see the following on the kyrylivka website job announcement as a cultural figure, this traitor regularly visits russian fanatics. here she is in st. petersburg , improving her qualifications in the field of cinema. photographed with bondarchuk and yakubovich. and i would rather remember the ukrainian repertoire and anthem. he still organized it. celebration in
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a ukrainian prison, this is another traitor, ex-detate of the kyriliv settlement council of seven oleksandr viktorovych, born in 1967, since 2015. began to conduct political activity. first, he became a deputy of yakymivska district council from the opposition bloc party. at the time of election, he was a member of this already banned party. in 2017, he completed the mandate of a deputy of the yakymivsk district council and was elected to the kyrilivsk settlement council in the pre-elections. according to the information of my colleagues , while honestly in office, he repeatedly spread russian propaganda on his pages in social networks. a repeat at the local elections in 2020. became a deputy of the kyriliv settlement community as a self-nominated candidate. after the start of the full-scale invasion, syomov switched to side of the enemy and was appointed by the occupiers to the position of chairman of the atmanai village council, as chairman. he organized the work of the occupying body, recruited teachers
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to schools, encouraged local people to cooperate with the occupiers, and demonstrated his loyalty to russia in every possible way. here is syomov taking part in the car race in honor of may 9 and shaking hands. but under the watchful eye of neo-führer putin, he congratulates the residents of the village on the new year. thanks to our coordinated work, we are only moving forward, the development of our territory will continue, everyone will feel significant for his country. in the service of the occupiers, he distributed humanitarian aid in the village. mogu was engaged in the holding of the so -called referendum, demanded money from farmers for cultivating the land, and in case of refusal, threatened with reprisals by russian military personnel. on the instructions of syomov, the russians searched one of the farmers, took a car, money and
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locked them up in katyvna for a few days. residents of atmanay can rightfully be proud of their history and modern achievements, believe in its future and create it with their by work with glorious work, our law enforcement agencies collected evidence regarding the collaborative activities of this traitor and sent the case to court. on september 19, 2023, the leninsky district court of the city of zaporizhzhia found oleksandr, a former deputy of the kirilliv settlement council, guilty and sentenced him in absentia to seven years in prison. this seller did not have long to hide behind russian skirts. and finally, i will tell you about yuriy balanin until the 20th. on february 4, he served in the ukrainian police, took an oath of loyalty to ukraine, then went into business. they say he bought a recreation center on fedotova kosa in kyrylivka, until suddenly the war started. and balabin again decided to put on a uniform, which, however, was already of the russian model. locals say that with the arrival of the invaders, balabin
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met them and received them in his house at a sumptuous table. for such a warm reception , the traitor was appointed chief of the police of the kyrylivka village. but not for... long: in the summer of 2023, his own people were removed from office, realizing that a court and a cage were waiting for him in ukraine, the traitor tried to leave the occupied territories. alone problem: the policeman was not given the right to travel. they say, yuriy balabin made three attempts to leave the occupation through the crimea to russia and three times he was returned to the checkpoint, because he is on the lists of people not allowed to leave. yuriy, i want to inform you, we are in ukraine... we are waiting for you very much, you can even not take your things, they give you pajamas and a brush in the prison. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors to the trail
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by a russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. congratulations, this is the beraber program together with the crimean tatar language, it is hosted by gulsun khalilova, my colleague from the crimean tatar tv channel atr, and i, andriy yanitsky from the espresso tv channel, we are here together today, because this is a joint project about the main news from crimea. yes, this is a joint project of the first krymskyi. to the atr tv channel selyam oliikum and the tv channel, we are happy to welcome all the viewers of our tv channels silyamlikum once again and while we are currently connecting to our air the guest with whom we will talk about what
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happened this week in the temporarily occupied crimea and not only, i want to say that for the sake of the deoccupation of the crimean peninsula now... our guys are in the south and are doing everything to defeat the russian occupier, defeat the enemy, this is the crimean tatar battalion. named after noman chilibikhan 48th oshb, so support our guys, you can by the qr code that you will see on your screens now, they are now in need of drones for the fpf and announced this collection, so everyone who can support, please support our guys who are on the southern front by the qr code you see now, well, during this hour we will talk about crimea and talk about
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the latest events that took place during this week on the territory of the temporarily occupied peninsula, and even now we are ready to introduce our guest, mr. oleksandr oleksandr kovalenko, a military-political observer of the information resistance group, mr. oleksandr, congratulations, congratulations, good day, mr. alexander, or? how did you remember this week, how did the occupiers remember this week on the temporarily occupied peninsula, what operational news do we already have? well , basically, of course, it's the destruction of a fourth-rate ship, a speed ship, that happened this week, a fairly successful destruction of another combat unit, which reminds the russians that... that there is no safe place for them there, that is, it is dangerous
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for their place, and besides this other thing, it should be noted that they are russians have recently been trying to pay more attention to strengthening the defense of the kerch bridge, to create such conditions for its protection both by air and by sea, but they do not succeed, and that is why every time we see either the effective action of our naval drones, or air components and complete complete inaction ineffectiveness of their air defense. this is exactly what we can pay attention to, i think, in the following weeks we will see the corresponding practice, as well as objects of the corresponding functionality. mr. oleksandr, i think it is me i read that this time innovations were applied by our defense forces, and it seems... a missile was installed on the drone that can shoot down air targets, or is it just
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a scarecrow for the occupiers so far, and in fact there was no such thing, or something like that was observed ? i don't think it's just a scarecrow because it's an experimental element. some time ago we saw how our naval drones were also equipped with flamethrower systems of the bumblebee type and... on the one hand, at long distances they are not effective, they have low accuracy, quite low such accuracy, but if we're talking about practicing during the landing, before landing on the coast, it can be the effect of such intimidation, such firepower, if we 're talking about the approach of approaching a large object, such as a large landing ship or a frigate or a corvette, and these systems can be effective at a distance of less than 500 m, and therefore, in principle, the meaning of this was,
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if we are talking about the use of an appropriate means of destruction, missile means of destruction, and that is the destruction of air these targets, it can also be in the future effective, if the algorithm is worked out, the test itself is very important here, that is, that it can be used in such a complex. yes, theoretically quite, but there should be tests in order to emphasize all the pros, all the cons, see what the efficiency is, and after that really every such sea drone, if it will be an effective concept, it can use these means of destruction not only for to do some punching there, no, not so much punching... just for protection, that's why that it is the air component such as the mi-28 helicopter strike as an option, and the mi-8, k-52,
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this is the main element that the russians use to intercept our naval drones, they are trying to hide them with helicopters, attack helicopters, attack helicopter destruction , after the attack helicopter is destroyed, also the destruction of some surface object, ah, there... i will say this, well, let's say tomorrow someone will build a house on the kreshchatyk, right on the kreshchatyk, right on the uh car part to cover. the journey is so-so some high-rise building with 16 floors, well , what will be legal construction, illegal construction , this is illegal construction, indeed, so is the kerch bridge, it is illegal construction, and one way or another it must be destroyed, this is the first point, precisely the fact, the legality, it absence, it is absent, and the second point
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is very important, i don't know where these houses...groups are from, they drew conclusions from the fact that the kerch bridge is not used for the transportation of military cargo, equipment, ammunition, and everything else. there is such a concept as material and technical support. what is material and technical support? this is a complex of material means used to provide visas, it can be, starting from mechanized components, tanks, bbm, artillery, combat... passes, of course, starting from the 152- caliber projectile and powder charge and ending with the banal cartridge for small arms of various calibers - elementary vodka and stew, if they are already being transported, then that's the way it is. if we perceive vodka as a civil
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cargo, then this does not mean that it is civil cargo, as well as if we see that some passenger car is coming there. and so on, this does not mean that there are civilians, and not personnel for rotation and so on. the fuel and lubricants that are transported across the kerch bridge in large quantities by tankers are not for the purpose of delivering milk to consumers throughout the crimea next month, yes, on trucks, no, it is not for milk, it is the fuel and lubricants for that , to refuel russian. tanks and armored fighting vehicles, therefore the kerch bridge, it remained an important logistical artery, and it remains, and another very interesting point, for some reason all these autumn groups, they use as proof of their vision of the situation satellite images from a long distance are not detailed, but for some reason
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they do not refer to of crimean monitoring groups that operate specifically in crimea. which constantly record how to kerch, or directly through the kerch bridge itself , transport not only there, but also fuel and bridge materials, namely equipment, howitzers, towed howitzers, equipment, bmpp, armored combat vehicles, t-62 tanks, for example, and so on, for some reason they do not record this and do not demonstrate it in their reports, the impression is that they are allegedly trying to somehow distort the reality, which from... is happening now with the supply of logistical support to the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula, which was, and still is, the main logistical transit hub for the provision of the russian southern occupation group of troops. well, this is more, you know, mr. oleksandr, it looks like a propagandistic throw-in, and what if
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to talk about other ways, logistical ways of the russian occupiers, as far as i know. they still haven't diversified this artery through rostov, mariupol, berdyansk and so on. yes, it is not fully working yet, it is true. there is no full possibility of providing those volumes of supply, which they would try to fully compensate in case the kerch bridge is non-functional. therefore, yes, the kerch bridge, it about... continues to be the main logistical artery through which the main cargoes of material and technical provision of the russian occupation troops, everything else already on the mainland, this is as an addition, as a kind of plus, which can more or less satisfy the needs of this large amount of forces and means. let me remind you
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that the russians have almost 200,000 personnel in the south alone. 200,000 russian occupation troops in the kherson, zaporizhzhya, and partly donetsk regions, as well as the temporarily occupied crimea peninsula, and all this mass, as well as all the iron that has come to them, must be provided with something 24x7. and what are we waiting for then what conditions are the armed forces of ukraine waiting for today to strike the kerch bridge? unfortunately,... the temporarily occupied crimea peninsula is second only to moscow oblast in terms of air defense, anti-aircraft component, among other things. the kerch bridge itself is protected not only from the territory of the crimea in the air component, but also from the territory of the mainland russian federation, and therefore it has a double coverage
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of the rampant air defense. in order to have an effective effect from the air, it is necessary to control this component. and as for marine ones borders, there are constant patrols, by the way, these are the fourth-rank ships, that is, high-speed... patrol boats, which were recently destroyed, and they constantly patrol the kerpchen bridge to counter any threats of naval drones, they have created boom barriers , they sunk several barges in order to complicate the very process of sailing, the very reaching of the kerch bridge by our surface drones, and also, if it were not strange, but they are also from the azov side. they also conduct the sea from this part patrols, i.e. the kerch bridge, it is guarded quite seriously now, and
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it is necessary to create the appropriate conditions so that the strike is as effective as possible, because the strike must be one, and this strike must completely destroy the kerch bridge so that it cannot be destroyed, both by automobile and the railway part, it will not just be restored there for a week or... a month, a year, and it will have an impact, a catastrophic impact on the capabilities of the russian occupation group in the south. this week, one cannot fail to mention this pobedobeya festival, which took place in russia, and of course, in the occupied territory they also tried to bring their slightly sectarian vibe to it, we know that there were no such large-scale military parades... there were not, but there were various car races with flags, free porridge, portraits of the immortal regiment, and various
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other such propaganda campaigns, with which the russians are trying to change the common sense of the inhabitants of the occupied territories, why do people uncritically perceive all this propaganda, why are they still after... year after year on the 22nd, they do not understand that in fact russia is what fascist nazi germany was in the same 41st year, but perceive it as a continuation of, i don't know, the forces of good, yes, and not the forces of evil? well, let's put it this way, in any region, in any region, in any city there is... a category of people who, in the third year of the full-scale invasion of ukraine, believe that russia is useless here, all this
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was provoked by the west, all this is nato, all this was done by biden, but here is putin, he is some kind of angel who is trying to somehow fix this situation and save ukrainians from being absorbed by europe. they are, yes, they really are. these are people who have a completely different worldview, a worldview that is destructive, i would even say so, degrading, the degradation of a person's worldview, and it does not evolve, it degrades, and they are everywhere, especially in those regions where there has been quite a serious impact for years , and even dozens. years, the influence of pro-russian political forces, narratives, etc. , etc., unfortunately, we can record this not only on the territory of the temporarily occupied
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of the crimean peninsula, this is recorded constantly even on the territory of ukraine, even in those regions that, it would seem, are maximally pro-ukrainian, this includes western ukraine, this is central ukraine, there are quite a lot of people who continue, well, we also saw in kyiv, there were provocations different precisely on the 9th of may by local crazy people, but it's not just local crazy people, it's people who know what they're doing, they get paid for it, why haven't they been arrested, even though they're in their 70s, although they are not have nothing to do with the second world war, they wear exactly this uniform of that time and somehow try to play the role of such a liberator. and a veteran, no, we don’t know, maybe they worked in the nkvd, the kgb there in general, maybe just like that, maybe they and their parents sent them to the nkvd later, but if
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we talk about crimea, then... we know that since 2014 from 2014 to today, russia has been importing colonizers to the territory of crimea, and these are more than a million people who came from the territory of russia and now live in the territory of crimea, and they take part in all the victory actions of the day, and if we talk, for example, about the crimean tatars, then for the crimean tatars this day even has other meanings, because after 10 days all the crimean tatars... on the instructions of stalin were simply deported, the crimean tatar soldiers who fought during of the second world war, when they came home to crimea, they simply did not see their relatives, they did not see their children, and among them there were also heroes of the soviet union, by the way, yes, and this, these are the most resonant moments, this is exactly what we are seeing now in mariupol, we go to the temporarily occupied...
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mariupol and we see there not the majority of locals, who came from the russian federation, sometimes banal migrants, who are brought in so that they become the dominant component as much as possible, exactly in this occupied city, ah, a temporarily occupied peninsula crimea, it has been affected since the 14th year precisely in this format, how many areas are outside the boundaries, the arrangement of cities outside the general plans of cities, they were raided for them , a raid took place, a raider seizure took place, and there were built there where e there were red princely forests, they were simply developed and multi-story buildings were built there, new residential complexes where the representatives live.
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families, representatives of the fsb, others who fled from the russian federation, and so on and so forth, i.e. the temporarily occupied crimea has been populated on a large scale since 2014 by people from the russian federation, this is a purposeful action, it will be a very big problem for us after the liberation of crimea, because these people do not have any right to live there, but if they are forced by force. expel from there, then it is possible be a problem, for example, with our european partners, who will pay attention, oh, here is a violation of human rights and freedoms, what rights, we have to go to advertising, thank you for your information, oleksandr kovalenko, a military-political observer of the information resistance group, was on the air of the brb program together, this is a joint project of atp and espresso, well, we have a short break until we meet,
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wait. vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is alive, two hours to keep abreast of economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart people and those who don't care, in the evening for espresso.


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