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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2024 5:30am-6:00am EEST

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to learn about the war and what the world is about, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, big broadcast vasyl zyma, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso.
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verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests - foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front,
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and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. the berem from the crimean tatar program, jointly broadcast by the crimean tatar channel atr and the espresso channel, andrii yanitskyi and gulsum khalilova are in the studio, and today with us in the second part of the program is valentina potapova, head of the national advocacy department of the almenda civic education center. mrs. valentina, salya maliikom, we congratulate you. salam aleikum, i congratulate you. this week it became known that the russian occupiers sent additional fsb units to the temporarily occupied crimea. can we... talk
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about that, and could this indicate that the repression against the citizens of ukraine, against the crimean tatars on the territory of the temporarily occupied peninsula, will increase. ah, it is very difficult for me to understand the logic of the fsb, but i can make an assumption that in the future the repression will increase, the pressure will increase, and any ... manifestation of a position regarding support for ukraine or regarding the definition of the ukrainian civic identity will be reinforced by repressions by the occupiers. so we also connect this with the fact that on may 18 we remember about... the deportation of the crimean tatars
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, and the fsb officers go after the crimean activists and warn that under no circumstances should they go to rallies or organize any actions, that's how they are traditional preventive work, but this time we see that it is somewhat intensified, perhaps this is due to the fact that the period of admission to ukrainian educational institutions is underway, and we we know that many crimean schoolchildren actually are considering the possibility of studying in the free ukrainian territory, how does it happen physically, are there still crimeans who can physically leave crimea and come to ukrainian educational institutions, or do they study in some way online, or is it mainly for those who have already managed to leave earlier , as an admin, the border with crimea turned into a virtual battlefield, and here you are... actually two
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questions, well, the first question is that this year is the anniversary of the deportation of the crimean tatars, it's very sad. date, and we can actually observe an increase in pressure and intimidation on the part of the russian federation. as early as 14 in the 15th year , our public organization drew attention to the fact that the occupiers forbid the crimean tatars to determine this... annual commemorative date, and then we held a competition among teachers of ukraine to develop lessons, and the topic of this competition was law in memory, and thousands of
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ukrainian teachers took part in this competition in order to draw the attention of ukrainian schoolchildren to this event, which... took place on may 18, 1944 year, so this is one question that is related to the previous question, and the second question you asked is about whether it is possible to enter ukrainian educational institutions from crimea, and yes, there is such a possibility, moreover, now... well, there are a lot of certain actions by the state to improve the situation of admission to ukrainian educational institutions from temporarily
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occupied territories, in particular from crimea, and the opportunity that was provided during covid is really preserved. after the full scale invasion it was perfected, this is the introduction with the help of video communication, video conference, this is taking exams through video conference, when you do not need to leave the occupied peninsula, this is a certain simplification. exams and this year, public organizations in partnership with the office of the human rights commissioner monitored educational centers
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that provide such an opportunity for simplified admission and conducted a survey of students from the temporarily occupied territories who entered after. to begin a full-scale invasion, and the results of these studies, they will presented on may 22, but i can make such a certain spoiler about the challenges that exist and the challenges that the state needs to take, well , the actions that the state needs to take to overcome these challenges. well, first of all, this is the problem of leaving, and it is necessary to improve the system of video admission and distance education, these are challenges related to the social
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support of children who decide to leave anyway, because, unlike their peers, they cannot receive support . from parents, because you know that parents can't send money from crimea now, they don't they can send some help there in the form of food, some goodies or something like that, and we looked, well, most of the children live on a very small budget, and according to their answers, they do not have the opportunity. even, well, they only have the opportunity to buy food and clothes, and therefore, in our opinion, the state needs to pay attention to this problem, these children go in one direction, and these are, well, other challenges
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that we have identified, and which we hope that the state, not only the ministry of education, but also the ministry of social policy and the ministry of youth and sports, the ministry of reintegration and other state authorities. mrs. valentina, are there any statistics of the crimea or? of applicants who entered ukrainian universities since the beginning of the large-scale invasion, if compared to 2022, is this number increasing or vice versa? unfortunately, this figure, why was this monitoring done in the first place, and this survey, because we saw that the entry in 2023 gave us ... a very low figure, and even the entry in the 22nd year entered 137
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children from the temporarily occupied territory of crimea, in the 23rd year, only 86 children entered, well, almost half, although the conditions were the same, yes, what in the year 22, that in the year 23 there was already... a full-scale war, and such a technical question, please excuse me, just i have friends who want to enter ukrainian universities, but the question is, will they be able to return later, for example, if they leave, return to crimea and work there with this diploma, or will the russian occupiers not accept them? and i can tell you that, for its part, the russian federation has not yet made certain ... years regarding the non-acceptance of ukrainian diplomas, the russian federation recognizes
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ukrainian diplomas, and theoretically they can return. in fact, i understand that a person who receives an education specifically in ukraine, well , he will not be very favorably placed there... for a job with a ukrainian diploma, which was obtained during a full-scale war, this is my assumption, this is my personal opinion, well, but we all understand that a ukrainian diploma is a prestigious diploma, because, for example, russian diplomas and diplomas issued in the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea they are simply not listed anywhere, that is exactly what i wanted to continue about, and... but when we did this survey of students and there was a question, what is your motivation,
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why are you entering ukrainian higher education institutions, and there you can to say that you can define, well , there are three motivations that have more than 70% of the answers that were given, and you know, it was very nice that... that for the majority the motivation is a sense of civic identity, that's 71% of answers, in second place is the prospect of employment, life perspective, yes, life path, the opportunity to enter higher education institutions abroad, and this is another 71%, and therefore. uh, well, that's why they choose ukrainian education, and it's
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true, because for its students, from the temporarily occupied territories, and in particular from crimea, there are now a lot of international study programs, abroad, in very famous universities, with... with grant support, well, we collected such information on the order of those with whom we communicate from crimea, we transferred this information so that they could spread it among crimeans. and also, why on mine you need to look, but still choose to study at ukrainian higher education institutions, it’s because you see that now we will have a very... strong lack of personnel reserves after the deoccupation, very
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much, head of the national advocacy department of the center for civic enlightenment almena, let me remind you for we continue to communicate with our viewers, but i would like to ask all viewers who are currently watching this broadcast to subscribe to the espresso youtube channels, the atp youtube channel and comment on this video, that's how youtube works. that if you don't, nobody will see us, and this important information about admission to ukrainian universities will also be seen by fewer people than it could, also you can copy the link to this video and send it. to your friends in crimea, only use safe messengers, we do not recommend telegram, we do not recommend viber, any other messengers, well, you know better which ones are safe, ms. valentina, are you still with us, yes with us, yes i am with you, great, let's move on to another topic, i understand about the numbers that you mentioned,
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that the number of people, students who they choose ukrainian higher education institutions for objective... reasons, because it is more difficult to leave, but there is another reason, this is a huge russian propaganda machine that is unfolding in crimea, and here we have a video of how in artek the occupiers forced 35 children to go to to the so-called immortal regiment for this week, these children, this movement was led by veterans of artek, participants in the war against ukraine zakhvatnytska, representatives of the investigative committee of russia. school teams from different regions, cadets of the black sea higher naval school named after nakhimov. we remember, in fact, how the national anthem of ukraine was sung in khimovka, when the russians invaded crimea in 2014, and then these guys continued their service in the naval forces of ukraine. well, that is, ms. valentina, we see that this is simply the militarization of children's consciousness,
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but what should we do about it? and what will we do with it next, when the deoccupation of the peninsula will already happen? you know, unlike you, i am a person who, being the same age as those we just saw in the video, ah was in the soviet union, and in us too there were a lot of measures, and... when they took us out there, they tried to throw something into our heads, but in fact, children perceive it as such, you know, very strong coercion, and when they are teenagers, the reaction can be quite
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the opposite, huh , but one cannot help but underestimate that propaganda'. the machine that is now aimed at children in crimea and other occupied territories, what to do with it, in order to somehow overcome it, already today we need to develop programs, well, let's call them rehabilitation programs, programs for the restoration of civil identity, but... it is necessary to prepare for this today, and it is necessary to take certain steps for the state so that we already have ready teachers who will understand that the children who were in the temporarily occupied territory are actually victims of the occupation, and that
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what they can tell the teacher that ukraine is a nazi state. and something that it's just, well, you know, a manifestation of a certain infection, i don't know how to say, because i really don't want to say the word disease, it could be a teenage protest, we know that really children at such a pubescent age can say very unpleasant things to their parents and teachers, and it is not necessarily related to the war. behave defiantly, everything is clear here, but i am actually inspired by what you said that in the soviet union, the children who wore these red handkerchiefs and who were taught that marxism, leninism, did not really believe in it, i hope that in the century free internet
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. crimean children also have critical thinking and understand what is happening on... really, it's another matter that they sometimes don't talk about it publicly they can say, simply due to the fact that there will be problems both at school and with parents, and in the future there may be problems with the career, we understand all this, if you know, we communicate, we, well, it so happened that we talked with students who were in the temporarily occupied territory for almost nine years, and... you know, what is inspiring is that these students, who are now in ukraine, we had a meeting in lviv, ah, what, well , they are very smart people, they are very in... responsible for their mission, they understand that they need to return home, what they need to change, and they say that in reality everything is not as bad
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as it is depicted, but we need to take certain actions on the part of the state and at the international level in order to stop russia, well, you have seen that solution, which related to prohibitions. education in the ukrainian language, unfortunately, unfortunately, the decision regarding the crimean tatar language was not so, well, unambiguous, and it seems to me that we still need to return to this issue, because, well, in fact, we see that if the occupiers show certain numbers, regarding access to... but the crimean tatar language, they have hardly changed, in fact we understand that this is such a large potemkin village, this is a very important topic that deserves
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a separate broadcast, and i hope that in our other broadcasts of the atp and espresso tv channels we will discuss this topic in more detail, the topic of the crimean tatar language and the ukrainian language, the suppression of these languages ​​on the territory of the temporarily occupied peninsula. thank you very much, mr. valentin, for taking the time to join our broadcast, the head of the national advocacy of the almenda center for civic education, we talked about education in crimea, more precisely about ukrainian education for the residents of crimea, it is still available, still possible, and we believe that the best crimean schoolchildren actually come to ukrainian universities and study, if only the ukrainian state helped with this. stay with us. see you next week in korushkenja, bye, watch this week's program
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collaborators, sellers from kyrylivka, who is actively russifying the village? zaporizhzhia region, the village of kyrylivka together with russia, we are one, friends forever, but why are car races organized with russian rags? thanks to our coordinated work, we are only moving forward. greetings, i'm olena kononenko, and this is a collaborator program about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the rashi occupiers. today's issue is about selling souls from kyrylivka. part of the zaporizhia region has been under russian occupation since 2022, including the resort village of kyrylivka. remember, this is the warm sea of ​​azov with jellyfish, and these... branches, honey baklava, corn on the beach, the whole family is on vacation, you inflate the mattress as a group and go swimming, dinner will definitely have a fabulous sunset and attractions, these
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warm memories will forever be with us, and we will definitely create new ones in the ukrainian kyrylivka, and for now, unfortunately, a small resort the village is occupied, the melitopol district, which includes kyrylivka, has been under the threat of occupation since the first days of the great war. already in the evening of the 24th. on february 25 , russian tanks stood at the entrance to melitopol, after short street battles, melitopol was occupied on february 25, and a russian administration and tricolors on state buildings, later russian armored personnel carriers began to enter kyrylivka little by little. the local authorities did not cooperate with the invaders, so the occupiers began to look for their intercessors and put them in positions. this is andrii anatoliyovych nazarenko. the money-makers appointed him the new head of the so-called military. appoint andrii anatoliyovych nazarenko to the post of acting head of the administration of kyryliv village of the military-civilian administration of the city
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of melitopol of the zaporizhzhya administration. please love and respect locals gave nazarenko the nickname shrimp because of the entrepreneurial activities he conducted during the holiday seasons. he bought shrimp, and then hired vendors to sell them on the beaches. the collaborator also owned a house. which actually created on the territory of his household. when the russian army entered the settlement, nazarenko immediately changed his shoes to valinki, let the invaders live in his mini-hotel. they deprived him of his position. from march 3, 2023 , due to the signing of the governor's decree of the zaporizhia region, kyrylivka will continue its development as part of the melitopol city district of the zaporizhia region. by development, this traitor means stealing property and rewriting business on russian soil, because according to the locals.
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who left for the territory under the control of ukraine, their houses and recreation centers are now being redecorated for loyal pro-russian residents, special attention is being paid to those plots whose owners joined the lavzsu. zaporizhzhia region, the village of kyrylivka together with russia, we are one, friends forever they are so friendly that they call to write denunciations in the best soviet traditions on those fellow villagers who are waiting for the armed forces and the return of ukraine. on the official telegram channel of the fake military-civilian administration of kyrylivka , posts are regularly posted calling for the so-called zhduns to be laid down. by the orcs, they mean ukrainian patriots. and in order to intimidate people even more , such videos are posted with the heading "deactivate
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the stalker". she informed about the deployment locations of military personnel. in addition to surrendering patriots to russian barbarians and misappropriation of property, the temporary head of kirillovka hung russian flags everywhere, conducts propaganda in favor of russia, awards other traitors with non-existent orders. gram. tami also provides places for the deployment of the russian military. this traitor to ukraine must be held accountable for his actions and will already be in a ukrainian prison as a prisoner waiting for russia to remember him and ask for an exchange. she sang with the ukrainian national choir, then danced to the russian balalaika. meet alla viktorivna vankevich, y in the past, the director of the number one cultural center in kyrylivka. until february 24, she
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organized national. celebration in the village and conducted the berehynia ukrainian choir. i will ask her, i will ask her, do not scold me, my dear. in general, she worked in the field of culture for 24 years. it would seem that such a spiritual person should have loved and respected the ukrainian cultural heritage for so many years, but the russian bear and the balalaika turned out to be cuter than the ukrainian melody. love for everything russian first. began to appear on her page in russian of the odnoklassniki network, where vankevich in 2017 posted the advice of a helpless regiment. and when kyrylivka was occupied, alla wore a kokoshnyk instead of a wreath. propaganda media wrote about her that from the first days of the so-called liberation, alla viktorivna, without a moment 's hesitation, performed her work duties in full, not paying attention to the side views and superstitions from unconscious residents.
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villages for this, the head of kyrylivka, andriy nazarenko, whom i talked about earlier, awarded her with a medal for services to the zaporizhzhia region. the occupiers left it on the position of director of the cultural center. however, there is no one to work there except vankevich. you can regularly see such job ads on the kyrylivka website. as a cultural figure, this traitor regularly follows the trail of russian fanatics. here she is in st. petersburg , improving her qualifications in the field. cinema, taking pictures with bondarchuk and yakubovych, she would rather remember the ukrainian repertoire and national anthem, she still has to organize a celebration in a ukrainian prison. this is another traitor, an ex-detat of the kyriliv settlement council, syomiv oleksandr viktorovych was born in 1967. since 2015, he has been involved in political activities. first, he became a deputy of the yakymiv district council from the opposition block party. at the time
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of election, he was a member of this. already banned party. in 2017, he completed the mandate of a deputy of the yakymivska district council and was elected to the kirillivsk settlement council in the pre-elections. according to the information of my colleagues , while honestly in office, he repeatedly spread russian propaganda on his pages in social networks. in the local elections in 2020, he was re-elected a deputy of the kyryliv settlement community, as well as a nominee. after the start of the full-scale invasion, syomov went over to the side of the enemy and was appointed by the occupiers to the position of chairman of the atmanai village council, as chairman. he organized the work of the occupying body, recruited teachers to schools, persuaded local people to cooperate with the occupiers, and in every way demonstrated his loyalty to russia. here is syomov taking part in a car race in honor of may 9 and shaking hands with a russian soldier.


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