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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EEST

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when the first echelon advanced, and now they are just reaching out to the second echelon, and in fact we still have a bigger attack ahead of us, well, you can formulate it so that we are in a state of strategic uncertainty, because even this complete media scandal, let's put it this way, it seemed to someone that budanov's words were misinterpreted by the new york times, because the version that the russians, precisely as part of their task of stretching the line of our... defenses , may first go to the activation in kharkiv oblast, and then move effort on sumyshchyna, that is, to try to transfer the troops quickly to other areas, the same option is also not excluded, because, well, we have a history when, in order to open this offensive in the kharkiv direction, the russians, after all, transferred some units to the kupinsky and lymansky regions , well, which would look illogical at first glance, but they went for it, accordingly, there may be such an option that they will go exactly according to this principle of a light show, i.e. demonstrating us. stepping
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activity, let's say so, and in kharkiv, then switching to sumy and back, but in order to try to stretch, we basically stretch the line of our defense, we are in principle in such a very unfavorable situation, and how to get out of it, whether it is possible to get out of it, this is an open question, because here also, as british analysts notice a certain paradox, that on the one hand, the russians, in terms of their capabilities, have managed to beg after the life of an ogdiivka, well, beg to the level when the maximum that they can send in an organized manner... to attack is a company, but it turns out that the russians have found this non-linear way out, that they say, ok, we can send a maximum of a company into battle, and not as we want a brigade or a division there at once, then you can just collect a few, well, a very large number of such hotrots and just pull them to attack on a wider front and create problems for us in this way, what can be asymmetric to create problems for the russians in response from our side in their current format of actions, this question is open, because simply the number of people. forces or
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with the number of those, well, equipment, weapons, which may not reach the west now, you won’t get them here, we need something here, well, i don’t even know what it could be on this, well, you know, ivan, the russians obviously tried to achieve with these actions for us to use our reserves, and apparently they succeeded, and as for what actions there might be, well, we all understand, more people on the front line, more capabilities on the front line, more weapons from our side on the front line and ... then this stretching will not make any sense, unfortunately, the situation is not like that, but directly, let's say, but here is the question, yes, we have, for example, not so much with the reserves, but what about the reserves of the russians, that is, to what extent can they increase these actions from your point of view, because, well, as you rightly noted, they throw things in their mouths , are collected all over the mouth, but these mouths are also exhausted, and what do they have in their reserves? from
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what is known, and even at the moment the most pessimistic estimates, which sound that the russians are somewhere in the reserves, that is somewhere there are 60 thousand shticks, well, that is, units that are being adjusted there and may be there the theories were taken there, removed from the training centers and thrown into battle, the difficulty here is that the russians, even for the offensive in the kharkiv region, went to the extent that their 44th army corps was not fully formed, something that was simply taken from the training firing ranges and throw them into battle, well, because... the party ordered them, well, that is , the kremlin ordered them, but the problem here is that - since the russians are beginning to demonstrate such a course, to bet not only on the number , but also on the quality of use, well, let's agree that this is an attempt to attack like this in three lines, i.e. first the saboteurs go, then the first echelon of the offensive, then the second, well, this is fundamentally higher in quality than what they demonstrated even under the cover of the audio, accordingly, we have a problem, you know, more weapons, more people , more...
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equipment, well, this story simply will not go linearly, one of the moments that, let's say, literally hangs in the air, but which has not been discussed, that officially, well, forgive me, but we are the russian army in terms of mechanization, we lag behind the russian army by as much as possible you can imagine that the russians are running out there, the relatively newer t-72 is running out there, so there are t-62 sheds, chinese golfcars and the like, but even if they are fraternal. but they have them, and if you simply open those western directories that are publicly available, the national legislation does not prohibit, let’s call it that reading, then it becomes sad how far we lag behind them in terms of defense technology, so simply at the expense of , you know, such a linear expansion, we will not extract the situation, we will have to look for something not lines, well, that is, you know, as an option, well , if such russians already start in the rear, this is non-linear, how much we can afford it, how much we have for...
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capacity, well, the question that hangs, hangs, hangs, i don't know , what can you say, i don’t care, for example, there is a specific statement from blinkin based on the results of this visit, which says that ukraine itself has made a decision to use western weapons, including for attacks on the russian federation, accordingly, it is possible that the cassette attack really asks for balovne, not temporarily occupied crimea, on the territory of the belograd people's republic, well, by the way, it is clustered in order to strike masses of troops, so if such a specific wording already sounded from the americans that we do not forbid it, they say it is the right of ukraine, and very much so, by the way there is also the question of striking with western weapons, it is not just standing there with a long-range missile somewhere in the garden... in the moscow region, that is also there, taking into account the pettiness of some of our western allies, the question arises whether it is even possible to use automatic weapons of certain types under raid time there for example, the rdk itself or the tanks, well, when the poles, i'm sorry, ate up that it seemed to them that the rdk used their pt-91 tvards, which are
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just a modification of the t-72, but this is precisely about making it possible for the western to use any technique to attack the russians, so that not only bohdans hit the terrorists who terrorized the sum. a certain thaw is coming, and perhaps it is precisely the thaw that should be used to create problems for the russians there, because their attacks can only be deterred on our land, when they use belgrade for strikes as well people's republic, well, it's a one-way game, but we have the opportunity to open it at other gates, well, it's a very simple comfortable situation for them, when they were able to concentrate there on the border of kharkiv oblast calmly, so not straining too much. a beautiful video that is now spreading, when literally on the track there is a game among russian civilian cars, it is going somewhere in the direction of kharkiv, well, what is it, that is, it just shouldn’t be standing there, if, well, so to speak, so
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what is it, thank you very much , ivan, this was ivan kirechevsky, defense express expert, thank you who joined us, we now have to go on a break, further. we will still continue to discuss the situation in kharkiv oblast, but directly with the person with the polyabaya, let's say so, so wait, now it's a break, haven't you seen the classics "trusakh" in a while, or what? i wrote a children's poem here, if you listen, the tractor in the field dir-dir, why did we freeze. there are discounts represented by coco discounts in may nadleit cream 150 g 20% ​​in pharmacies plantain bam and oskad.
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verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in the new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can you... your opinion on the bad day with the help phone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 pm at espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours! the result of their
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work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers, until... that victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands aita, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return our native land meter by meter. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. so, let's go back to the chronicles of the war, i'm olga len. and i remind you about our collection of heavy armored vehicles in the soldarsky and zaporozhye directions, this repair and recovery regiment, works on the contact line and in the gray zone, please join, this is the recovery, the return to the field of damaged military equipment, tanks, bmp, apc, a very important thing, it
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definitely saves lives, you see all the data, whether please, we have collected a third of the amount, so we expect an active one from you. in order to finally collect the entire sum, our guest yuriy fedorenko, commander of the bepakiles shock battalion of the 92nd separate assault brigade, was supposed to appear at our place. ivan sirk's koshovoy taman. i congratulate you, yuri. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. well, actually, let's start literally with what is happening in your direction. well, today there was information that there was an attempt of a tank attack by the russian occupiers , literally in the vovchansk district, a little, well, not on the territory of the city itself. what are you doing? do you know anything about this, have there already been any such attempts, well, to enter there with armored vehicles,
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what can you tell about what is happening, well, now there, as far as the actions of the enemy are concerned, the enemy is actively trying to increase the efforts of the assault forces themselves in order to to consolidate the results that are there and to regroup and continue their influence. let's call it that, in the kharkiv region, in general, that is, the further occupation of the territory, but we have to tell you that from the day of the arrival of the state border, the enemy initially used a significant number of lightly armored armored vehicles, most of which were completely destroyed due to the combined effect of fire , these are artillery means, anti-tank means and, of course, means of unmanned aircraft, in particular, anti-aircraft missiles, respectively, on a number of lines, the enemy is almost removed the use of light armor. equipment, but on some sections, taking advantage of the opportunity, the enemy tries
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to use it, in particular and will continue to do so, the task of the defense forces is to timely detect and, accordingly, destroy what is happening on all sections, and this does not apply there exclusively to the wolf or to the example of other parts, where the enemy has crossed the state border, this applies to the entire line of combat, we see the enemy, we hit and hit sufficiently hard and powerfully, well, in principle. well, everyone is talking about it, that it is a big breakthrough the front still managed to be avoided, but the russians occupied several border settlements, well, today, as if in the morning, at first they did not carry out any such active actions, then, after all, they resumed as well, but i’m just curious about your opinion on whether it is really possible to say that they have been restrained, stabilized, or are we now waiting for the fact that... they will regroup and there will be some new offensive attempts in
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the area and on the vovchanchan stickers ? i would like to note that the armed forces do not wait, the armed forces the forces operate 24x7 quite actively, powerfully, is it expected that the enemy will intensify shock storm operations, pull up reserves, regroup, it is expected, let's consider the situation once again. more comprehensively, then it will be clear immediately from the enemy, which is aimed at him. the enemy intends to completely destroy ukrainian statehood, and these ambitions remain with them to this day. also, for the enemy, there is a phased occupation of ukrainian territories. donetsk-luhansk remains the priority region. in order to the enemy in his opinion, to move actively in the donetsk and luhansk regions as much as possible, a certain amount of forces and resources were needed. who took part in hostilities in the donetsk-luhansk direction, to be dragged to
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another place, respectively, in connection with the proximity to the state border, and in general , informational propaganda in the russian federation supports this, that kharkiv is a very important place for the russian federation, they began to cross the state border and storm the positions in the kharkiv region. it's the same for us an extremely important strategic city, so yes... our defense forces will deploy reserves there, and also, it is important to understand that the enemy has a small gap in time, one and a half to two months, when the defense forces receive the maximum number of assets within the framework of the joint military help, then we will be able to prevent the enemy from conducting shock assault actions on most vitingavs, which is why the enemy will be quite active in the kharkiv region in the next month and a half to conduct shock assault actions, use reserves and use all available weapons, this it is necessary to understand, in particular, kharkiv residents who live in the city, i believe that it is necessary to listen to the sirens in more detail, but
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sometimes it happens that first the arrival, then the siren, be as attentive, careful, avoid crowded places and everything still try to take care of yourself from the point of view of the security plan, everyone is already used to war, used to what is coming, but you must always go to the shelter, as for the possible successes of the enemy on the bovi field, in my opinion, significant tactical successes.. . good luck to the enemy there will be no polygamy, why? because first, they were preparing to meet the enemy, this concerns engineering and fortification structures, and accordingly the number of forces and means. which is involved in the defense of the kharkiv region, and accordingly, in connection with international military aid, i emphasize this for the second time, we will have the opportunity to hit the main means of the enemy more thoroughly, and this is aviation, which uses control of his bombs, and this, of course, is different , which are shelling both the city of kharkiv and the front-line
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territory, so it will be difficult, but we will definitely we stand, well, you already mentioned a little about fortifications, i didn't... i also don't want to ask you your opinion regarding this very large discussion that is ongoing, regarding the fact that maybe there is not enough fortification, maybe it's not there, well, it's a little bit like you understood, to create a concrete line right on the border, these expectations are not very realistic, but there are also things that still raise questions, for example, could it not have been replaced a little more? couldn't it be that these teeth were thrown out in the liptsi region, yes the dragon's bells, after all, somehow they should be arranged or not taken there at all, well, what do you think, could it really have been possible to strengthen at least some aspects of all this? i will tell you this way,
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the enemy is preparing very successful lines of defense, this is the pure truth, they made conclusions after the kharkiv counteroffensive operation and... the level of engineering and fortification structures is a name that the enemy can afford, it is very , very powerful, these are three lines of defense with everything necessary to be able to start a personal garden there and take defensive actions. what as for the kharkiv region, the engineering and fortification structures were being prepared, the first line of defense and the second line of defense, whether all the work was done perfectly, the truth is always somewhere in the middle, the lines were being prepared, whether it would be done as much as possible from the current resources, finances, and construction capabilities. and so on, time will tell, i am sure that there will definitely be a careful analysis of the flights regarding the fact that something was incomplete, who reported to whom incorrectly, so it cannot be said that there is no defensive line, no, a defensive line there is, and it is in a state of disrepair, was it ideal for defensive operations, well, the military would always like, and i personally would like it to be better prepared, which concerns
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ukraine as a whole, here it is very important, we cannot change the past, but we can... directly influence the present and the future, therefore it is very important to draw conclusions from those mistakes that were made, and to make sure that the second, second and third lines of defense are prepared as effectively, qualitatively and in the shortest possible time, and this is not applies only to the kharkiv region, this applies to the whole of ukraine in general, dangerous areas where there are no combat operations, but the enemy may not open them and, accordingly, in those parts of our territory. where the combat operations are going on, well, here we are not even talking about the first, second, even third line of defense, but rather about what is called the support zone, that is, what is before the first line of defense, in fact, through which our the troops broke through to work for several months, but unfortunately, this problem is rather urgent for us, but we were not able to do it
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to prepare and probably here i would like some conclusions of some kind, see. not quite so, but when we say that it was not possible to prepare, one may think that it was not prepared, no, it was prepared, and in some areas it was prepared with sufficient quality, or whether it was fully implemented, this is an open question that needs to be discussed in great detail analyze and draw the appropriate conclusions, and literally based on what is happening now, please tell me, well, they confirmed that the russians are entering vovchansk in such small infantry...groups, are trying to gain a foothold, precisely by using such and such groups, does it continue like this, or does this tactic change somehow, or do they strengthen it with something now, well, that is , somehow, what can you say about this, about the way in which the russians try to do everything
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to conduct combat operations in the kharkiv region, here you can explain everything as rationally as possible against. initially used lightly armored armored vehicles in the first days, which the defense force burned almost completely, the enemy resorted to tactics used in other branches, in particular in donetsk, in the luhansk region, this is an accumulation in small groups, as far as the kharkiv region, it is very beautiful, it is full of greenery that has not been bombed, accordingly, the enemy uses the green cover, in particular the tactics used, in particular in the donetsk direction, as i said, accumulates in main areas. concentration, then on advanced positions and under the cover of such a transitional period, you know, from when it gets dark, or vice versa, when it blooms, the enemy is most active in... these periods of time, but at the same time they are separate the enemy's units carry out shock and countermeasures and are completely illuminated, so this tactic gives the enemy the opportunity
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to delay, and why it is important for them to enter the city of lovchansk itself, just like the city of chasvia, for example, because with the overwhelming number of manpower, they have to fight in the city building is much more profitable from a tactical point of view, losing one to another in urban development, conditionally this military art says so. and the enemy is many times more, so they understand that it is difficult enough for gray defenses to hold settlements, and the enemy is trying to delay, will he succeed in withdrawing from the settlement, i am sure that in the near future we will continue to see how much the enemy will use powerful reserves and how he will try to stabilize this situation, buy in full, well, the enemy is in principle very actively uses aviation and this... this is what gave him the opportunity to advance in other directions, but what about vovchansky, because there are also reports that they are actively bombing there,
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but how active and how much compared to the same time there or in some other direction, the enemy is actively using aviation, i will explain why this is happening, the defense forces currently have an insufficient number of anti-aircraft weapons and ammunition for them, the enemy is. and also the enemy understands that in a month and a half the situation will change, accordingly the presence of his aviation in the air will be many times less, because the defense forces get the opportunity to shoot it down with firepower, accordingly, taking advantage of these opportunities, the presence of enemy aviation is now as high as possible at all priority targets for the enemy, in particular the kharkiv region is not an exception to the control bomb, the enemy throws it both on the line of battle and, accordingly, on the city of kharkiv, on residential quarters and houses, and all this very much makes the blood boil, because the defense forces do not allow it to make an impression in places where
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russians may be concentrated on their territory, we destroy exclusively military objects, the enemy acts in a completely different way, therefore the only way we can secure our people and give the future of our state is to stop the enemy on the battlefield, this requires the military to do everything... from ourselves and we are doing it, and it is also very important that the civilian sector also does not panic now , does not look for an opportunity to leave the country, but works effectively at their workplaces and to the extent possible generally required to support the defense force. friends, we once managed to restrain the enemy powerfully enough, to intercept the tactical initiative on our side, then our international partners with military aid let us down somewhat, in connection with with this, the enemy intercepted the tactical initiative, now there would be... enough motivated soldiers, moreover, for 2.5 years of full-scale war, also management soldiers, sergeants, slavs received very powerful training, so
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i am sure that together with you, we will be able to restrain the enemy now and also to the full extent on a number of twists and turns to intercept the tactical initiative, well , literally briefly, literally half a minute regarding how realistic it can be for us to destroy this attempt after all. accumulate the enemy on the territory of russia, on the territory of the belgorod region there, that is, how transparent this situation can be for us, how far we can see where they can be concentrated there, how do you assess it, very briefly, i will tell you like this that there are restrictions on the use of certain means, name them i will not, fire influence on the territory of the russian federation, we clearly know, understand, realize where the s-300, s-400 complexes are located, there is simply no possibility at the moment. this is to get them at the expense of banning the use of certain means, but believe me to me, all the means that we can use, which are not prohibited,
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there is also a sufficient number of such means, are activated across the entire category of military targets on the territory of the russian federation, in particular, our unit destroyed an armored car a few days ago, which was carried out on tasks, were preparing to carry out combat missions in ukraine right in the city of belgorod. thank you thank you. was yury fedorenko, thank you for joining us, for our broadcast, for finding the time, this is the commander of the achilles attack pack battalion of the 92nd separate assault brigade, well, our time has come to an end, but stay with spresso tv channels, because we still have a lot of useful and interesting things for you. we are looking for 15-year-old ivan bastryukov from the kharkiv region. the boy disappeared in the city of kupyansk back
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in august 2022. about a month before the liberation of the city from the russians, perhaps during the occupation, the child was taken to russia or somewhere in territories not controlled by ukraine. therefore, it is very important to know even the smallest details about the disappearance of a child. attention in the photo: ivan bastryukov looks like he is 15 years old he has an oval face, dark blond hair and brown eyes. if anyone has seen the guy or knows where he might be now, immediately. for call us on the magnolia child tracing service hotline with the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. if suddenly there is no connection or an opportunity to call, write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. i also want to remind you that the search for ten-year-old artem kholodny, who also disappeared in kharkiv oblast and in the city of kupyansk in september 2022, is ongoing.
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his mother asks for help in finding the boy. imagine, a woman has not seen or heard from her son for more than two years. i am appealing to everyone who can see or know any information about my child, my son, the cold one, artem andriyovych, if anyone has seen or has any information, can provide it, i am asking you to do so, because the mother's heart is breaking and... the thing is that artem kholodny's parents are divorced and live separately. it so happened that when the war began, the boy was with his father in the city of kupyansk, kharkiv region. on the third day of a full-scale invasion, the city was completely occupied, and later communication was cut off there. for almost six months, mrs. elena did not have any news about her son, and only in september 2022 she received a short message from him in viber. it was september. september
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22nd. let me remind you that on september 22, the soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces liberated kharkiv oblast from the occupiers, and it was during this period that mrs. elena's son got in touch. of course, the woman tried to call artyom. i wrote him more than one message in response, but all attempts turned out to be useless. the connection with the child mysteriously broke off again, and it is not known where artem kholodny is now. therefore, yours is very important. help, look at the photo again and remember the boy's face: he is a very active boy, fair-haired, with such a lithe physique, light-eyed, gray-blue eyes, active, kind, a good boy. if suddenly anyone has seen artem kholodny or knows where he may be now, do not delay and immediately call us on the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the short number 1163. calls from
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of any ukraine. mobile operator free. if it is not possible to call, write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. i have told you only two stories of missing children. since the beginning of the war, we have received thousands of appeals for help in the search. most of the children were found, but the fate of many remains unknown. this especially applies to temporarily occupied territories, where the work of the police is paralyzed. where it is impossible to leave and there are communication problems. sometimes people who cannot find their own children they don't even know what to do and where to turn. if you suddenly find yourself in a similar situation and have no idea how to act, call the short number 11630 or write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. here you will be provided with all the necessary advice. in addition, everyone who sees me now can already help in the search for missing children. come in.
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to the website of the magnolia children's search service. here you can view all the photos of the missing persons. perhaps you will recognize someone, and in the end you will help to find them. we have created a resource through which you can report about any crime against a child. in any city, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stop edge. ui.


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