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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is a shipping district. kherson is connected live, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at the expense of the day. with
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the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on the verdict with serhiy rudenko every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso. journalist who joined the armed forces, political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports. leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to make sense of disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. dear friends, we are back on the air and now with us is yuriy fedorenko, commander of the achilles attack unmanned aerial systems battalion of the 92nd separate assault brigade named after koshovoy tyman ivan sirk joins i also want to remind you, because you didn’t say that we have a collection of three... i didn’t remind you about
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it, you and i have already collected the first half a million of the required four for atvs, which are needed for the evacuation of troops for the 93rd separate assault brigade, join us , mr. yuriy, good morning to you, glory to ukraine, glory, by chance, let me remark, you look so beautiful, the eyes are happy, and accordingly the heart, very cool, happy vyshyvanka day, thank you, we understand that your vyshyvanka now has a little different colors , pixel colors, and it is now very, very important and we need this vyshyvanka, when they say that there is a person in the fore in a military uniform who beat someone there, then i would still say not to formulate some headlines in the news in this way, at least such an appeal to our fellow journalists, because people in military uniform are doing very important work now, mr. yuri, if you could tell me where you are? tell me and what is your situation?
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the 92nd assault brigade is always located where it is hot, accordingly, our arkhilets battalion is exactly the same, now it is kharkiv. what is the current situation in kharkiv oblast, was it successful there? stabilize the front, as they say? it is necessary to understand that the front is very close to stabilization, the most difficult thing is to learn now, but does this make the further advance of the enemy completely impossible, or does it make the escalation from the enemy impossible, in my opinion no, because the enemy is clearly aware of why he came to kharkiv now . region, the line of the state border and gropes in other places, so much is the defense, the enemy will increase his efforts, because he understands that he has a window of opportunity, approximately one and a half to two months, exactly one and a half to two months is the time needed by the defense forces in order to
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accumulate the maximum amount of ammunition, fire means, in order to hit the occupier with new force, and as a result, in most cases, to deprive it of its shock and assault capability. in order to have tactical success, in particular in the donetsk and luhansk regions, the enemy opened another direction: first, to try what kind of defense we have here, whether it is possible to have certain successes, secondly, it is in order to stretch the forces, means and implement those tactical intentions, in particular, which are in the donetsk and luhansk regions, but whether the enemy will be able to implement all that to the full extent, as he sees it, set himself a task, in my opinion no, the defense force is very strong and powerful. are standing, and moreover, we have already started to receive means in larger quantities today, these are ammunition, others within the framework of military aid of the united states of america, accordingly, the ground under the feet of the enemy begins to burn more and more actively, what price did the russians
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pay so far, advancing there on 8 km, if you believe deepstate is the exploration of the map, while crossing the line. of the state border , the enemy initially used sufficiently active lightly armored armored vehicles, as well as other vehicles that provided him with logistics, as a result, the vast majority of this equipment was burned by the defense forces on the very first day, due to the combined effect of fire, this is artillery, anti-tank means, hand-held grenade launchers, as well as, of course , bpla means of shock tedium, in particular, drones, friends on whom you are helping, accordingly, the enemy is almost... equipment, with certain positions are used by tanks, the rest of the measures are carried out either with a larger move or with the use of high-flying techniques of various buggie-type cars, but it also flies through them quite well, so the price paid by the enemy, from the point of view of technology,
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is high enough, from the point of view manpower, manages to beat the enemy effectively and destroy a significant number of his assault groups, the enemy suffers quite significant losses. moreover, unfortunately, ukraine has restrictions on the use of a number of firearms on russian territory federation, this is the current position of our international partners, which i am sure will eventually be corrected in due course. at first they gave one weapon, then they began to give a more extended range of weapons. i am sure that those tools that i am talking about now, which i am referring to, will also allow us to use them on the territory of the russian federation, because at the moment this is happening... we can see where the 300 s- 400, but we cannot hit him, or by separate means under certain conditions, accordingly, we see the enemy on the territory of the russian federation, which is shelling our peaceful city of kharkiv with these installations, and we cannot destroy them, so every time thought after
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thought comes to our international partners, i am sure that this situation will also be corrected and we will be able to kill the thief with the full range of firearms . on the territory, in particular, of the russian federation. now, by the way, you can see in the video that this is the ispivron of the achilles battalion, which in belgorod discovered a dispersed column of military equipment that was being prepared to carry out combat missions precisely on the territory of ukraine, as as a result, the fidron was directed at the car, this is an armored car, which was completely destroyed in the first place, therefore due to, in particular, the second, i am talking about this friends. support, we can modernize means that fly far enough and hit the enemy on his territory, and this is a famous video, by the way, i was showing it and had no idea that it was the drone of your achilles battalion of the 92nd brigade, well, we were
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the russians are just fascinated, like, oh, what is it that flies and bang, but this is really a serious , very long distance, and it is not... probably what the work was behind it, because you know, people kind of look at it and say, oh, how beautiful, how it hits some russian targets, and that's how this video actually is. it's inspiring, you know, because when the russians show a similar video about our positions, it's a completely different feeling, but when we see what our military is doing, it's somehow in the background of those terrible news, well, at least a little, at least a little adds some, i don't know, mood, some certainty, let me make a remark about the terrible news, we simply do not have an information balance. ugh, what do i have on attention, we have either an absolute victory, tomorrow
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we will definitely end the war, i will win, all the territories will be occupied, or everything will be lost, time will be lost there, there will be success in the donetsk region, there will be success in the kharkiv region, and so on, but the defense forces stand for to completely destroy the intentions of the enemy, the ukrainian nation helps for this, the enemy has no change. intentions to destroy ukrainian statehood, that is clear, but will he be able to do it, in my opinion no, because he manages to effectively beat the enemy on priority for in its directions, this is the donetsk-luhansk region, and in particular in the kharkiv region , the enemy has managed to hit the enemy hard enough now, and we are also increasing our capacity to beat him even more effectively, therefore, instead of succumbing to panic in some places, we we have... we cannot influence the past, we only take experience from the past, we
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can influence what is happening specifically at this moment and the future, so come on friends, we will work hard so that the future is for you and me and ours children were free in the state of ukraine. thank you for these strong words. yuriy fedorenko, commander of the battalion of the 92nd separate assault brigade named after monika shoman, ivan sirka, was there. with us, thank you very much for your service, for your work, which is the most important right now, for your tireless work in the terrible kharkiv direction, and dear friends, i say to our viewers, you can write us a few words in the comments, and on occasion we will we will definitely tell mr. yuri, because he is still there, if he will watch the espresso, if he has a few minutes for it, he will also be able to read it under our youtube broadcast, by the way, about the youtube broadcast, dear friends, i see a little, you know, some muscovites, crimean bots flew in today. you can see our youtube broadcast, they saw it like this: yes, it’s the day of vyshyvanka, how some red button lit up, and you know what, so that
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there would be less of them here and that they, because they clearly don’t like what we say, they they don't even like our vyshyvankas, they try to devalue it here, to tell us that we took museum exhibits and put some on ourselves, give us a little thumbs up for our youtube broadcast, it's important for the espresso channel to be on the recommended list, because yes... when people say, well, where should we look for the truth, where can we find espresso, you have no, i say, well, look for it on youtube, but you have to look for it somewhere specifically, it is not in the list of suggested ones, so your likes under our youtube broadcast help to make sure that the espresso tv channel on youtube is visible and about is on the list offered, for this you can or subscribe to our youtube channel and then it will be even easier, you will have access to the espresso tv channel. simpler, either, or leave a like, and this is also a big, big
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deed and a big achievement for us, when there will be more likes, and also a qr code, here is this one, you see, this is also very important for us, for you , uh, and for our defenders, because this is the qr code and the card number that we collect money for atvs, atvs are what will save our lives. military, and let's on such a day, a holiday, when we can wear vyshyvankas and we can wear them because they wear pixels and now defend our country, we collect on atvs, you can now see on your screens how these atvs work and what they do, they help to evacuate from the battlefield wounded soldiers, for your convenience qr codes of the private, qr codes of monobank, also cards under those qr codes, if you don't know who is there, like those qr codes. to scan, please join in, dear friends, you and i have already made good progress, so to speak,
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you know, the muscovites are pushing our land, and we have to push our collection to spite them, and we already have more than half a million, while this one is still too small, but i hope that there will be more and by the end of the week we will at least approach a million, well, at least i want to dream about it , we need a total of 4 million for these atvs, already the eighth part. we collected with you and i hope that today we will make a little more progress, the pace of collection has dropped a little compared to monday, i would say so, because there were records on monday. on tuesday 61, yesterday - 55. i hope that today is the day vyshyvanka is the day when you will share your festive mood in the form of donations with our soldiers who cannot wear vyshyvanka today. we're going to take a break, then we'll come back and talk about what's happening at the front in general. gasoline
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hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of their favorite presenters, who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and those who care, in the evening for espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. picked up bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, the atv is the best solution. sound for evacuating the wounded. we encourage everyone to join nato collection from scratch to life on atvs for the 93rd brigade cold ravine on the direction of times. dear friends, we are back on the air and now we will talk about the situation at the front. we will talk about it with oleksiy hetman, a reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, a veteran
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of the russian-ukrainian war. in the meantime, i want to tell you that already 10 thousand... has been added to our, to our collection, don't stop, because we still have a lot of money to collect ahead of us, thank you, we already have 514 thousand, this is from 4 million necessary, mr. oleksiy, congratulations, congratulations, mr. oleksiy, you just spoke with yuriy fedorenko from achilles, the shock battalion, the 92nd shock brigade, and he says that in a couple of months, the russians will be on the... definitely use their advantage now until the western aid, by the way, coincides with the estimates of western american intelligence published by its sources in the new york times the day before yesterday. that by july the russians will try to use all their capabilities, all their reserves, all their resources in order to
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capture as many ukrainians as possible territories, advance as much as possible along the front. uh, what can you say about that, what, what is our strategy now? well, the strategy is quite obvious, it is to hold back offensive actions. we knew that they, in the midst of a large number of manpower and equipment, they were joining there, preparing reserves, now they are mobilizing, so we must stop this offensive, let's, let's let us all understand that in all the years that, well we keep the annals of our wars, for the last there 200, even 300 years, of such cases, so that the advancing army, so that it does not advance anywhere, moreover, if the army was prepared with... outnumbered, then this has never happened before, and the russians will also advance somewhere, but this should be perceived as tactical successes, as temporary successes, which we will then play back again in reverse
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direction, so there is nothing here, well , there is nothing that is unclear, we have two or two homework assignments, well, the third homework assignment was completed by our partner a little late, it is the supply of weapons to us, the signing of certain laws, then 61 almost there 600 billion, 800 million, this weapon cannot to be delivered one at a time, it should fit in small batches, because logistical possibilities, throughput capacity is also limited, there is no need to think about the fact that someone is slowing down something fragile there, well , you can’t transfer a large number of weapons at once, you have to understand that, this is domestic the task that our partners performed and... they performed it, our homework is to build fortifications with mining around them, how far we can cope with this, the near future will show, and
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the second, our homework is mobilization, we have to involve people, because when fan stoltenberg came to the nato general staff, well , our other partners say that in addition to weapons , people are obviously needed who will use these weapons, that is... the three components are weapons from our partners, their homemade task, and two components from us, our homework is the people who have to fight, and of course the fortification of the replacement, well , mining, this is part of the fortification, that it will all be possible to perform at least well, excellently, then tactical advancement where is the enemy they will not be anywhere, but he will not achieve substantial advances, strategic advantages, and really, you are right, they are i... into battle with everything they have, so that during this time, while all the weapons are gradually coming to us, it was possible to advance, how, how, how can it be further, well , somewhere, somewhere to advance, somewhere we will stop them,
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here, once again, this must be treated with understanding, once again, there were no such wars in which the attacking army did not advance anywhere by meters, therefore let's treat this calmly, and not dispel sadness, panic that everything is gone, they are out there somewhere advanced, they will advance, there are a lot of them, and they have a lot of everything. you know, with regard to mobilization, mobilization in our country lowered the conscription age to 25 years, and in general, you know, glybushlinskyi, a well-known ukrainian economist, recently wrote about the fact that workers who are less than 25 years old, in fact , cannot they cannot hold back the economy, they... and he actually called populism the fact
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that in our country this bar is not lowered, lower, because we know that in large mobilization companies, the burden of war is always placed on young men, well, that’s also true, now i’m also reading the story, he died... the day before yesterday near kharkiv, now stopping the actual kharkiv offensive, the current russian ones, we understand, yes, the director of her museum died from me, this is her chernihiv region, and vitaliy krutyy, and a person, a man, came at the end of last year to a forum, a cultural forum, of museum directors in lviv and was mobilized when he simply left the hotel to drink coffee in the center of lviv, why was he mobilized. and you understand how they took the documents from him, threw him in some little boy, they took him to an unknown place and once he was already in the clutches of the vlk here and there and
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so on and so on... he died the day before yesterday, i don't know if the ukrainian army could not have stopped this offensive without him, maybe they couldn't, maybe she couldn't, but i'm sure that a lot of young people who are now merrily drinking beer and chatting in lviv, every day literally all cafes and restaurants are crowded, and not only guys from lviv, but from all over ukraine go for the weekend , rest, everyone who is 25 is gone, for example, i... feel that something is wrong with that mobilization, what are your impressions? you can agree, well, first of all, the fact that the conscription age was lowered gave an additional opportunity, an opportunity, but not yet the number we already have, up to 100 thousand people, it will be possible to recruit additionally, that is, in these two years , that from 27 to 25, how should mobilization be carried out, well , they wanted it to be a preferential recruitment, so that it would be people who voluntarily sign
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the contract. you know, it is difficult here, it is difficult to find any 100% correct solution, in any case it will be mobilization in in any case, it will not be liked, and if it is strengthened, it can lead to, like it or not like it, it is one story, but there are things that are necessary for the state, there are things that are not necessary, the economy is necessary for the state, culture is necessary for the state, yes, well, cherchel already said when he was abandoned. during the second world war, why do we spend money on culture, during the war, he said, if we don't protect culture, then why do we fight, well, that's also obvious, you know, well, it's not, it can't be, people will like mobilization on the one hand, and on the other hand, if we do not mobilize people, then we will no longer have a country and no one will need these museums, there will already be some russian ones, tolstoy or
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dostoevsky, we are it understand too. look at what they do in captured places, they immediately rename the streets, that is, remember, we thought there that it doesn't matter what the street is called, it doesn't matter what the language is, they immediately start introducing the russian language, if it doesn't matter what you care so much about it they immediately start renaming, returning monuments to the soviet union, to lenin, to someone else, and here we can recall what putin recently said, what the russian nation is, it is two components, it is, well, their so- called faith, because it... . christianity has no significant relationship, it is more a sect of the russian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate and the language, he said, the russian language, that is, these two components form the russian nation, and we still cannot understand whether the language is important or not, whether culture is important or not , this is extremely important, this is a component of the formation of a nation, faith, the army of language, faith, again, everything, everything , nobody invented anything new here, but with regard
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to mobilization, who was mobilized... to mobilize, who was not, well, here it is necessary to approach this more carefully , because there are certain categories of people who, well, it annoys many that there are certain security forces, for some reason they are people who know how to handle weapons more or less, we do not mobilize them, you know, this issue is very debatable, and you and i are now for we won't find the recipes for a couple of minutes, if we could find them, then we would be well done, we would use this recipe, but unfortunately, that's all we need. a debatable question and mr. oleksiy, let's be honest, we would sit down with you, write a normal mobilization plan, approve everything and do everything long ago, let's not be more modest, but i think that in our conversations and discussions with you , and you and i will still meet on our airwaves, we will somehow search for that truth, or at least somehow get closer to it, because it is in discussions that it is somehow born, god forbid that even though those who make some
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decisions would like to hear us, mr. oleksiy, thank you. oleksiy hedman, a reserve major of nsu and a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, was with us, and now we will observe a moment of silence in memory of all, both military and civilians, whose lives were cut short by the russian war against ukraine? let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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