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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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on the territory of the russian federation for legitimate purposes during the war. look, he said it publicly, we don't know what he said not publicly. to say publicly is one story, and what they agreed on, for example, with the president or with the minister of defense, is another story, so i don't have such information about what they are, but what they, he made such a statement, this already suggests that, well, at least we can hope for something that can be done. e strikes on russian territory, directly on military objects, er, based on his words, but well, we will see how events will develop, we see that strikes are being carried out in crimea and quite effectively, er, russian planes are also carrying out the latest equipment, let's hope that this will also apply to our neighboring countries territories to the russian federation, specifically military facilities, especially when we will see accumulations, such as in the kharkiv region, which after the attacks of the same
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attackers, who will not be able to effectively carry out the task of already crossing our borders, that is why it is important for us. sir roman, i thank you very much for joining in and clarifying, in fact, what is happening in kharkiv oblast, what to expect next? roman kostenko, secretary of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence, people's deputy of ukraine and colonel of the sbu, was a guest of the svoboda ranok broadcast. thank you. well, slovakia's prime minister robert fitza underwent surgery after the attack. his condition is not at risk, the vice president said. the country's prime minister commented on the bbc: the politician was shot the day before during a meeting with supporters after the visiting meeting of the government in slovakia in the city of handlova. the suspect was arrested immediately on the spot. in these seconds, zoryana stepanenko, the european correspondent of radio liberty, is following the development of events, she will tell everything that is known as of this moment and the reaction of politicians to the attack on prime minister fitz. zaryano, hello, what is the condition of fitzo, maybe something has changed with the information we have, and have the reasons for the attack been understood yet. why was that? good morning, oleg,
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indeed, as you mentioned, robert fitso was in critical condition. wounded in the stomach, he got to the hospital the day before at noon, and the politician's team said that the next hours would be decisive. for more than four hours on the operating table, doctors fought for his life, and closer to midnight , information appeared that he was no longer in danger. the efforts of the medics were crowned with success - the vice prime minister of slovakia said in an interview with the bbc. said the wound was severe, one bullet went through the stomach, the other hit a joint. fico was not even transported to bratislava, located 200 km from the place where the incident happened. delivered to the nearest hospital. the local media reports that fico is conscious after the operation, and while it lasted, the ministers of defense and internal affairs of slovakia simply talked to journalists in the hospital corridor. the actions of the shooter were called politically motivated and at the same time they promised to strengthen the security of officials and politicians. we are simply talking about the level
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of democracy, about the ability to understand each other and accept a different opinion, and it is not the only good thing that someone has a different opinion, it is also his place on earth and political field, hence the problem, that happened is a political attack, and it must be responded to. the shooter was detained immediately after the attempt, there is little official information about him, no name... but the slovak media found out that 71-year-old juraj chintula tried to kill the prime minister of slovakia, shooting with a short-barreled weapon for which he has a permit. he is a well-known award-winning writer, many of his works, by the way, are devoted to the theme of death, he is a supporter of the liberal party progressive slovakia and a critic of the left, in particular, fitsu in social networks. investigative journalist, sabol spani also reported on the possible connection of the shooter with a pro-russian paramilitary group, which is formally... closed, but
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operated for 10 years, trained according to the media, among former russian special forces and cooperated with the slovakian branch of the sanctioned night wolves motorcycle club, whose members support putin and his politics, while the united states government meanwhile accuses them of direct participation in the conflict in ukraine, involvement in the annexation of crimea, and support for militants in the east of the country. slovak zmi published a video on which chintula, after attempt on the prime minister, explained his actions by the fact that he does not agree with the politician'. his government, however, about the inadmissibility of violence, a number of western leaders said commenting on the attack, and expressed their condolences and wished for a speedy recovery. there should be very broad agreement on this point. there should be no violence. democracy is characterized by the non- violent expression of differences of opinion, and it should remain so. and the state must also ensure compliance with its monopoly.
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the president of slovakia, zuzana chaputova, also spoke about the inadmissibility of violence expires his term in office and its successor'. in political views, in what happened he saw a threat to slovak democracy. the president of the european commission wrote about the risks of undermining this institution. as i have already said, the attack on fico was condemned by a number of western leaders and officials, from the presidents of the most influential eu countries, the secretary general of nato to the closest political associates of the prime minister of slovakia. viktor orban, who is together with fico, as you remember. against military aid to ukraine and for a political solution and ending the war as soon as possible is going, as the serbian media wrote , to visit a wounded colleague whom orban considers a friend in the coming days, he will be accompanied by the president of serbia, who also has a reputation as a russia-friendly politician. robert
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fitzo is a eurosceptic known for his anti-ukrainian discourse and statements that many call pro-kremlin, said that, for example, the territories captured by russia... will return to ukraine, insulted slovaks who collected funds to help her, spoke against ukraine's membership in nato , saying it would lead to the third world war, but at the same time he did not block aid at the level of the european union, as viktor orban does, for example, and also declared his support for the european integration of ukraine and said that slovakia is ready to share its experience in this direction. volodymyr zelenskyi, among those who wished physio a speedy recovery, called the ukrainian attack outrageous. olezhe thank you very much zoryana for such a detailed overview of what happened and what was the world's reaction to this event. zoryana stepanenko, european correspondent of radio liberty, pro the way the world reacted, in particular politics to the attempt of the slovak prime minister. well, the speaker
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of the ukrainian parliament, ruslan stefanchuk, after meeting with turkish president erdogan, said that ukraine seeks peace, but not in exchange for its own territory. this statement of his sounds in the background. his remarks about peace from putin, albeit with an old meaning. before his visit to china, which will begin today, and putin has already arrived there, in an interview with the chinese news agency xinhua, he once again spoke about russia's readiness to negotiations, but with security guarantees for russia and once again praised the peace plan from china. she announced her new six-point plan in china on the eve of the peace summit in switzerland organized by ukraine. and after a series of visits by the chinese representative on the russian-ukrainian issue lihue to the countries of the global rooster. it talks about stopping, about the principles of cooling the situation, not spreading hostilities on new territory and recognizing the fact that negotiations are the only way to solve the crisis. vitaliy is a political commentator and analyst portnikov, china has already called this peace plan a war freeze plan. this is a direct quote and explains that this plan can become an alternative
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to the ukrainian peace plan at the peace summit in switzerland, putin and xi jinping can discuss it today. in the center of countering disinformation at the national security council. defense of ukraine reacted to putin's statement, the head of the center andriy kovalenko believes that it is kharkiv region that can become the subject of bargaining for a truce from russia. putin's statement that they are possible without the withdrawal of the russians troops is a bargain, and he is ready to put the border of kharkiv region on the table, as well as signal, saying, if you don't want it, i will go to other regions. although kovalenko says that the announcement of an attack on kharkiv on sumy is a bluff on the part of russia, offensive actions are possible. only in the border parts of the regions. russia's negotiations are needed only for a pause and accumulation of strength, according to him. serhii solodkyi, the first deputy director of the new europe center , joins our broadcast in these seconds. congratulations. good morning. let's let's start, maybe about the international one, after all
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, with the attempt on fico, on the prime minister of slovakia. how will this change the approach to the security of european states, how can russia use it to its advantage. because i mentioned that yesterday, for example, margarita simonyan. the head of the state information resources, who is often accused of spreading the narratives of russian propaganda to the masses, stated that it seems that fico did not support ukraine there, he advocated that ukraine should not be given weapons, and so on. this is how they work, it was a quote, obviously with the message that ukraine may be involved in this, or will russia's own federation continue to work in this direction and try to blame ukraine for this? and it is absolutely logical and obvious that it is russian propaganda that will work, because fizo belonged to the camp of those politicians in the west who, in principle, supported a more russian position to end russian aggression against ukraine, so it is obvious that russian propaganda will be built around
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the message that in europe, in the european union, in the west in general , politicians who under... receive russia, or who profess alternative political views, are persecuted, for example, yes, and actually, we have already seen it, when in ukraine, there were some the attacks are obviously inspired by the russian special services against pro-russian figures, then russia immediately presented it earlier there from the period of the 14th year, as such attacks, as aggression against russia, against pro-russian figures and the like, sometimes it is quite obvious, russia itself inspired this kind of attack attacks to show their vulnerability. please tell me, moving from this topic to the next one, which will also concern
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ukraine as well: the meeting between putin and xi today, there are officially announced versions of what they will talk about, what issues to discuss, but still one of topic is ukraine, to which attention should be drawn purely logically, given the fact that both china and russia pay a lot of attention to this topic, is there any reason to believe that putin is ready for negotiations and will talk about this in particular with... the president of china itself? putin is ready only for those negotiations that will provide for the achievement of russian goals in this war. that is, in fact, it is about the capitulation of ukraine. he is ready for such negotiations. the russian propaganda machine, the diplomatic machine, clearly stated that negotiations for them are a diplomatic way to achieve their military goals. chinese position, chinese peaceful. largely corresponds to the russian vision regarding
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the end of this war, the russian vision, as we understand it, is absolutely cynical, cynical approach, that ukraine and the west must accept a new reality, that is, the negotiations must begin with the fact that ukraine must actually give up the territories that russia has already occupied, what should the negotiations be about then, the theft of new territories, what? that is, china's position actually legitimizes russia's approach in law, because the chinese position and the chinese peace plan do not foresee the withdrawal of russian occupation forces from the territory of the country, so i would not expect any breakthrough from this meeting, russia and china will exchange some of their own complimentary remarks. russia is in a more aggressive manner towards the west, china may be in a more veiled diplomatic manner, but
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this does not deny the fact that both china and russia are actually in the same strategic camp, which aims to defeat the west, in general and in the international arena, and in particular in supporting ukraine against russian aggression. if possible very briefly, do you think china will take part in the peace summit organized by ukraine or not? according to the latest data, in particular from switzerland parties, it is known that 50 countries out of more than 100 or so invited have already agreed to participate? there were already messages from the chinese side that they would not like to participate in a conference that does not involve the participation of russia, so the probability that china will not participate in the swiss peace summit is quite high, but let's see how china will act next . .. because, on the one hand, he aims for the strategic defeat of the west, on the other
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hand, he depends on the west economically , he is afraid of the sanctions regime from of the event, so some compromising approaches on the part of the left are not excluded, we will keep an eye on it, but the probability that china will not participate is quite high. we have literally a minute left, and i want you to say whether this is a trump card in the direction of the possibility of negotiations, or a trump card in the direction of the fact that there cannot be negotiations, the information that i voiced, by the way, yesterday in our ... on the air , military analyst ivan stupak noted that putin has returned his administration, given dmitry's recent personnel changes kozak is an associate of putin, who was involved in the russian-ukrainian issue and negotiations before the full-scale invasion, although, as the russian service of the bbc wrote, kozak in the 22nd actually argued for the need to be somewhat softer, and fell out of favor putin, due to the fact that he lobbied for peace negotiations at that time. his return to the administration may indicate now that putin is also preparing, in fact in any way... to carry out these negotiations, what do you think? i think that putin, a great specialist in
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special operations, in simulated diplomacy, he can send any message to mislead our western partners, including that he is ready for a negotiation process, i said what negotiation process he is ready for, one that would involve the surrender of ukraine. if the cossack will take part in some operations, let's call it, putin's diplomatic... walkie-talkies, then they will completely coincide with the vision and goals set by vladimir putin in this war. thank you, mr. sergey, for participating and analyzing, sergey solodky, first deputy director of the new europe center, guest of our broadcast. well, in conclusion, i must say that today is vyshyvanka day, write in the comments whether you wear vyshyvanka, whether you will celebrate this day today, whether you have it at all, maybe there, i don’t know, write what kind of vyshyvanka you have, where did you get it from your grandmother or did you buy it thank you for watching morning freedom thank you for joining our broadcasts share this video with your friends subscribe to our
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get some comments, political comments, including, this is about... now that the country somehow found out that mr. kiryushchenko is the director of the series "servant of the people", and a russian actor, or at least he acted in russian projects, and before things that were criticized for having russian citizenship, russian passport, i understand that it was not refuted to the end, this essence, well, the fact that here we are, i don’t know, maybe we will just listen to a little fragment, a journalist, a bfo investigator is trying to communicate with him, on the topic of how mr. kiryushchenko suddenly became a seller of electricity, and he has contracts with regional regional energy companies for 700, almost uah 50 million this year, and we cannot listen to him, because he is stubborn in russian, although the journalist addresses him in ukrainian, and we, by law,
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which has already entered into force the eighth paragraph of the law on language, we cannot do it simply through mr. kiryushchenko, we can then get it. certain remarks or even fines that we broadcast, it is possible that he attacks a journalist, he shouts that she is a liar, that he is a physiognomist, he knows by the face that she lied, that he is not a kyryushchenko at all, and and and it is amazing, just that some kind of bezuglization, simply, to any questions from the journalist about how you, the director, would now start trading electricity, why with you some contracts were concluded, he... doesn't answer and says: i don't want to answer, mr. oleksiy, have you seen this video, what are your impressions of all this? i'll be honest, i didn't see the video, i thought, but i'll watch it now, well, i 've definitely read about... the whole story, and the impressions are very simple, unfortunately, corruption is flourishing in the country, and this corruption is close to the first persons of the state, we we already understand what this
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director is, a servant of the people, the 95th quarter, all this, the fact that it is happening during a simple full-scale invasion and battle, well no to the life, to the death of ukraine, well, there are no words... what is called, there is no, ah, and in the fact that there is money for this stupid thing, and there is no money for the construction of fortification, me, i am simply shocked by the fact that took place in the kharkiv region, and these photos and videos of these dragon teeth thrown into a pile, which no one even arranged, were simply brought on a dump truck, dumped, no one even bothered to simply arrange them somehow, today new photos and videos appeared on... . our fortifications in kharkiv region, which can be called anything, but not fortifications, everything is done wrong , you just know, it’s a simulacrum, a simulacrum, and
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for this simulacrum our soldiers are dying, really dying, and all this creates a colossal threat to kharkiv, the second city of ukraine, because if the russians get even closer to kharkiv, then well actually... it's going to be in the zone of impact of the barrel artillery, which is going to make life there extremely, extremely difficult, which is going to cost a lot of lives, so it's not that it's sad, it's just kind of a disaster, because it's not the right way , that to victory, it's just a path to disaster, we know, just briefly to this video, if you go back, you know that in ukraine corruption is flourishing there, or people got into power... and suddenly all their friends became owners of some enterprises huge ones that sell some services to the state or utility companies, it is not clear
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where they came from, it is clear that he did not collect batteries, relatively speaking, during his life, so that now he suddenly has electricity worth almost a billion hryvnias, but something else even surprises me , then it was with everyone, probably presidents and governments, to one or different degrees, probably, but yes, but i am surprised by how he responds to journalists. even a party of regions other than them were often idiots of the abervalga, like the tsarov there, but i don’t know there, but these abervalgs at least tried to pass themselves off as some kind of decent people there, the tsarov told that he liked to read steinbeck, god, shufrich, for example, told , that his favorite composer was ferenc liszt, well at least people tried to give the impression of decent people, here is a person and a journalist, well, such a factor is simply crazy. this is something new in politics, and this is a new, new style of ukrainian politics, i don't know how you deal with it in the parliament,
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it's complicated, complicated, well, it's really some kind of lumpinization , it took place, well, what can i say, i really hope that the citizens of ukraine will draw this conclusion, and someday, when it comes. the matter of elections and political responsibility will give an assessment to all this, well, that's the only thing i can say, and today very it is important, i want to thank you, i want to thank other journalists who are raising all these topics today, because today, objectively speaking, anti-corruption bodies in ukraine are journalists, media, activists, well, because i don't know, but i just now you on the air, and there i received the latest news, the wife of the head of the court. in odesa, she declared an apartment in maidam, before that, mayor chakov, so he had a villa in spain, before that, he brought in, so the deputy
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general prosecutor, verbytskyi, by the way, i made a parliamentary appeal on the nabu and naz, even though a criminal case was opened there, let's see what will happen next, but he was carrying out procedural supervision of a criminal case in a cottage town near kyiv. as a result of this case, well, nothing has changed from the point of view of the law, but he settled in this cottage town in a house that his nephew bought for some kind of worthless, officially, well , just, well, everything is so much, you know, it is sewn with white labels, that everything is exposed to everyone it is clear to a person, but in principle no one even hides somehow, see the law on mobilization takes effect the day after tomorrow, i tried. to understand, for example, to put three points that he would have to solve: first, to solve the replenishment of the ranks of the armed forces of the armed forces with young, healthy men, first of all, and secondly, somehow to calm down in reality.
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a society that no longer believes anyone in constant anxiety, and the third is to mobilize the economy, of course, and it seems to me that this law does not answer all these three points, young men, for example, are not mobilized by this law, except of their own free will, society not that alarmed, mega-anxious, me too i know that a lot of men, for example, 25 plus, are now fired from legal work, well, this was at least before that , even under... the law in order not to shine if they are not ready there, i don't know, just to be mobilized now, and this is also a consequence, and the third point is very important, what will happen to the economy in general, if they wipe out of it, for example, those who remained there in illegal registration, for example, people who are over 40 there, who manage enterprises , who are there, who have their own experience, experience that cannot be transferred 18-year-olds without them, that is, how is everything
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now? this law on mobilization is being worked out, will there be any additions to it, that is, what do you think about it, we have two days left, i added, i would add the fourth point that should have been resolved, the definition of terms of service and the answer to the question of how much people to serve, and those, first of all , those who have already served for the third year and those who are currently being mobilized, and he did not give an answer to this question either, which means that this is, in my opinion, the main problem for mobilization . yes, of course, there are people who will in any case, plates across the tisza, but there are people who were ready to fight if they clearly knew the service life, and this has never been done, and this issue has not been resolved, and from the point of view of the economy, i do not want no offense, god forbid, but it seems to me that there will be a certain economic collapse the day after tomorrow because of these eyes, i already hear that
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it is impossible to find people to simply install there. air conditioner, that is, the men are hiding somewhere, someone has already been taken away, and they absolutely did not understand the rules of booking, the government decree appeared again, where they booked a bookmaker office and food delivery, the head is booked, but at the same time we understand and know how people are really swept away, okay , the managers there are this one, but there are just people, well ... what carriers, relatively speaking, a plumber at the waterworks of a small town, he is irreplaceable, well, he cannot be replaced, no one will be able to do this work, and without him , this city will remain just a small city without water and that's all, and there are various such and such technical specialties at ukrainian productions , it is really impossible to convey no in a month, not in three, this experience and... these
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skills and system, well, our economy is booked, it's very strange, that's all who are booked, the circus is booked, as we see now, some bookmakers are booked, and people who work directly the same, for example, i have a lot of requests from ukrzaliznytsia, ukrzaliznytsia, on which, in fact, today everything depends, because all transportation in the state is ukrzaliznytsia, there is no air transport, and road transport... is significantly complicated, that is, it depends on it everything, and now a lot the employees of ukrazaliznytsia lose this reservation, and this calls into question the functioning of this system in general, at the same time , the circus, bookmakers, who is hlova and so on, well , this is this is this wild, and the consequences of this will have, unfortunately, very very serious thank you for
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the conversation, oleksiy honcharenko was with us. deputy of ukraine, thank you, and kateryna sherokopou appears on your screens, our dear viewers, which means that we will watch a fresh selection of news that happened in ukraine and the world. katya, you have a word. congratulations olesya, congratulations andria, we have incredible news for our viewers, namely that ukraine will have nato support every day, as well as breaking news from the russian balbec airfield. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shirokopoyas works in the studio. six people were injured as a result of night shelling in kharkiv oblast. in the regional center, the russians launched a rocket attack on two 20 -year-old men.


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