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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

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with lawnmower function, light and comfortable, even women can use them, but just look at how powerful the trimmers are, which means our trimmers can handle even the thickest weeds, and they are virtually silent, no more heavy noise lawnmower, lubricant or gasoline for refueling, only convenience, comfort and a well-kept plot, order light and reliable trimericors from only uah 999, call! there are moments when the body quickly loses. liquid, which can lead to dehydration when ordinary water is not enough, there is reo. rheo - water for special medical purposes. i save reo. i save the children reo. and i save myself reo. reo - water for special medical purposes. kratal contains natural components that carefully care for your heart. kratal improves blood supply and the functional state of the myocardium, normalizes the heart rate, and increases physical and mental performance. kratal is a natural force for your heart. there are discounts represent coco discounts. may on voltaren forte 20% in
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front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. leaders who have become like relatives to many, as well as respectable guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. dear friends, we are back, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we work in this studio, let me remind you that until 12 o'clock, you still have a unique opportunity until this 12 o'clock to leave your donation on this qr code that you see in that corner near andrii, and also transfer funds by card number. we are collecting for
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atvs, i remind you, and this morning i have already added to our account, now i will tell you exactly, uah 27,000. uh, a little bit i hope that you will more actively contribute some of your donations, and this amount will increase, we are already, if someone actively and carefully monitors how our collection is moving, we have already passed the mark of half a million, that is, the eighth part we have with... we collected there are already 531,812 uah of the 4 million required. 4 million is a lot, we still need to collect and collect, and in order for this to happen faster, everything depends on your activity, join in, please transfer the funds, the card number is also indicated here, so take your pens, phones in hands, open cameras, take pictures or scan, record. myself, in order to be able
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to join this gathering for atvs, which will help rescue our soldiers, will help evacuate them from the battlefield and deliver ammunition to them to the battlefield, to our positions, which will destroy moskal, and in the meantime we will talk with lyudmila denisova, human rights defender, head of the ukrainian center for the protection of human rights, and we will talk about how veterans and their families can benefit from benefits during wartime. mrs. lyudmila, i congratulate you, well and... actually, this is the first question for you. good day. do you know, war veterans, who exactly are war veterans? these are combatants, persons with disabilities as a result of war and war participants and family members have the appropriate benefits. they are not accrued or provided automatically. these are, for example, benefits for communal services and rent. what should be done for this? to do this, it is necessary to make sure that this person, a beneficiary, that is , a war veteran,... is entered in the register of persons
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entitled to these benefits, so that he is entered was in the register, you must personally apply to the pension fund of ukraine with the relevant documents. who do we have? now a participant in hostilities is a person, a defender or a defender, who takes an active part in hostilities, they do not have the opportunity to issue these benefits, and now the situation has changed, since january 1, the government has introduced an experimental project to register war veterans and provide them such benefits for housing and communal services, i.e. during martial law - another three months after it ends, submit such an adult family member of this veteran, a beneficiary, can submit an application to the relevant documents before entering the register before receiving benefits. from may 1, in addition, if the beneficiary himself
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cannot come to the pension fund due to valid reasons such as military service, illness, disability, then only the able-bodied can issue these documents. an adult family member of the beneficiary who has the right to do so, as well as a legal representative, and therefore it simplified the fact that a person who received the status of a participant in hostilities already during a full-scale invasion and is located there and harrows the borders of our country, will still be able to receive these proper benefits, but there is one but, this remains a problem. for those war veterans who were already participants in hostilities, who have already issued benefits, but currently they are either in captivity or have disappeared without leaves due to special circumstances, the fact is that since january 23
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, the cash form of providing these housing benefits has been introduced to a communal service, that is, the pension fund transfers the money to the account of the beneficiary, if not... the person is in captivity or is missing, then those cards are blocked, and if the family doesn't have power of attorney to use that account, they don't have the right to get those funds for those benefits, and that needs to be resolved, actually, if we're talking about people who are temporarily occupied territories, either where the fighting is going on. actions, or they somehow become automatically excluded from benefits or any social programs that they should enjoy as citizens of ukraine. this is a very important issue, and it must be said that the order has now completely changed, and thank you for that you raise the question. this also applies to
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the families of veterans who may live in the temporarily occupied territories, lived in the temporarily occupied territories, although they are now in the zone of active hostilities. actions by its decision on may 8, the government changed the procedure for paying cash assistance, benefits and housing subsidies. the pension fund, please note, as of june 1, 2024, will stop accruing and paying benefits and housing subsidies that were provided under the old rules. what does it mean? means that citizens who lived or about... live in temporarily occupied territories or territories of active hostilities, where the social protection body or the pension fund of ukraine is unable to fulfill its powers, then in order to continue receiving such payments, these citizens need
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to apply to the pension fund of ukraine by july 1 with applications for the reassignment of these housing. .. subsidies, that is, you need to apply and you need to do it before july 1, how to submit this application in three ways, or in person through the service center of the pension fund, through authorized persons of the authorities or through, can be sent by mail to the address of the pension fund, can be done online through the web portal for the provision of electronic services to the pension fund or... mobile application or through the portal action for in the case of an application, if a person applies for the appointment of such payments before july 1, that is, for example, it can be done on june 30, if there is time, then
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this payment will be renewed already for the month in which she applied, that is, they still pay for may, if you apply before july 1, you will also be paid for june. the situation of the pension fund is currently working to find out and establish the location of this person who is subject to the new pension reassignment procedure. if there is no communication, no locations, then an act is drawn up and such payment is stopped, but the person should be aware that if he appears at the pension fund by the means i told and submits the documents for reassignment by october 1, and there will of course be a positive decision, then the payment will be resumed from the moment of the stop. that is, with june, if a person does not make it to october 1, he will not know
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about this, he will not be able to do it and will do it, for example, in december, then such a payment will be appointed only from december, but i draw attention to one thing, but that according to the government's decision , the term of payment of state social benefits to three categories, these are low-income families, is payments for... and single, single mothers and benefits for persons with disabilities continue to be assigned for the payment of such social benefits already previously assigned, nothing changes for them, until the territory in which they live is reoccupied, or hostilities are completed . well, ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for this conversation, and the human rights defender, head of the ukrainian center for the protection of human rights , was with us. you also saw the number by which you can contact this center and find out any questions or get free
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legal advice and help, well, in the meantime, wait, you can remind this number again, if suddenly people did not pay attention, 0800 33 07 09. dial, call, ask your questions, it's free, and meanwhile we want to say that we fought with russian special forces and local these guys, about whom we passed our story, and khrystyna parobiitsa, in particular ivan with the call sign cardan, he took part in hostilities in the east of ukraine as part of the 24th separate mechanized brigade named after king danylo, was wounded, and currently serves in the drohobytsky territorial center of supply a military man told about the defense of luhansk region to our christening, let's watch this story and draw great conclusions from it. the locals who knew
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every street, every alley, knew our locations, where we were based, my name is ivan, call sign kardan, i am currently serving in the drohobytsk rtc, in the guard company, as a senior rifleman, in the 15th year, this was my late father's dream. to be the youngest son, because in our family only two served, the older brother, and since it turned out that my father had just died, it had not been 40 days since my father died, i went to the army, went myself, did not wait for that summons, i also went on a contract, in the 13th year i was in the rear guarding bridges, until the 17th year, in the 17th year i came, worked a little in the civil structure, realized that it is not mine and i signed it in the 21st year. contract in the 21st year, there were no such intensive battles, there were skirmishes, etc., but
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mostly they shot from their side, from the side of the aggressor, we did not have the right to open fire, because we had the minsk agreements, and we did not have the right to give answers and the war began on february 24, the 22nd year, we were a rapid response company, we were sent to a colony in the city. well, it all started with the one in starobyl, we held back a column, not one, there were two of them going there, one was held back, the second was not held back, and we had to retreat, because a very large armored vehicle was moving there, and there were a lot of them, at the beginning we had the power to hold back, but there were twice as many of them as we had, all the equipment from all the borders was simply going to break through, there was no aviation, there were wheeled vehicles and heavy armored vehicles,
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these were tanks, howitzers, we held back the first battle , everything went very well, only in the first battle, we destroyed their entire column, well, we destroyed the entire column that was moving, but then we found and destroyed a column of wheeled vehicles, and heavy armored vehicles were moving the second way, we had to retreat from... because at the moment we only had four boxes of ours there, that's all, we had to retreat, because more than 100 units of theirs were going, and we... that's why we retreated, we they kept him for two or three days, then they transferred us to a settlement between the border, a settlement that was varvarovka, but it was very, very difficult there, but we held on there until the last, not only russians were there, there were also
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those from well, lpr, dpr, local residents were behind russia, who constantly surrendered to us. were late and 152 caliber, 120th mortar, tanks were working on us, well, it was very difficult, we were standing at the roadblock, between the lanes of varvarivka, a car was driving from the side of the border, towards varvarovka, we drove it with the headlights off, stopped, tried it to stop, she did not react in any way, we opened in... where it stopped, then in the car was their so-called priest of the moscow patriarchate, and him and the mentor, then the mentor had photos of all our positions on her phone, and in the car we found также grenades, stretching,
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there were no chances at all, i was in vorvarovka a lot of my brothers died, my company. the tank burned down, its gunner also burned down the tank, only one mechanic was still alive, he got out when the car was on fire, he managed to get out, that’s all, then they fought a little in the border area, then i was sent to kiel, the city was taken care of, russia sends most of its special forces to take care of , we fought there as special forces. with the local lpr, dpr and theirs, their special forces, and that is why it was very difficult for us, our cambrikh died there, we were constantly fired upon, we did not have time to leave, as large-caliber it didn't come, aviation tours, air bombs, it was very scary, a woman was walking after the pasna, and we
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had dinner, so-called like it was a war. i had lunch on schedule, as they say, we had lunch and walked towards the car, because our cars were just standing like that, well, in the landing, well, so that it wouldn’t be seen, well, a woman was walking alongside our car, we didn’t let her in, but she started to cry, but we are western ukraine, here we understand everything, we took her to the introductions and let her pass, and warned her that there was a mine ahead, the road was mined, and she walked, looked where each mine lay. and through 15 minutes, artillery shelling, the road was cleared of mines and two tanks and three bmps were going to break through, they immediately started bursting, i remember that i ran out of that building and a projectile flew straight into the house, a tank one, shrapnel fell, i was lying down, then another shell, well, they fired without
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interruption, their tank was reloaded without... mps fired, arta poured them, well , but thanks to our tourists , they burned one tank and two bnts, and the others ran away, because they realized that they were already further will not go, but there were very, very many difficult triplets, it was very difficult to deliver, ammunition was very difficult, they were there, but it was difficult to deliver them to us. because all the roads that led to the pasture, all the roads were shot at, and they were shot at very terribly from all corners, they brought us, but they say so, literally 15 minutes, we had time, we had time to threaten, then they threatened, if we did not have time , the car would turn around and reports immediately went out,
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i was wounded somewhere on march 23, it was around 12. 30 of us were ordered to leave and work, because the enemy's box had run over, we had to work, for us to leave, when i ran to the car, i heard the exit, then i heard such a hard exit, i did not hear a whistle, but it turned out that the mine flew directly at me and 3 m from me into the wall, it exploded, i was pushed aside, somewhere on the metro... maybe five or six people pushed me away with a wave, and i am lying like this, lying conscious, eyes open, noise, noise in my head, bathing suits, i tried myself in... and i realized, that doesn't work, because i don't even have a heel, splinters flew there, i see blood flowing from the heel,
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i try with that hand, those fingers are jammed, because here a penetrating wound, i touched that hand, i look, the blood is also flowing, i realized that nothing, that hand was torn off immediately on the left, and that was it, and i began to say goodbye, well, i knew that was all, i raise my head, look... my commander, then my commander pulled me out, in my type of tank that i was driving, and he pulled me out of the shelling, they gave me first aid, they applied tronics, took me away, put me in the car, they took me to the meeting in a fast car, loaded me into the ambulance, evacuation took place during shelling, and they took out all the soldiers who were wounded for about 20 minutes we were driving, then a mine fell behind us. because the road was being shot at, mines were just falling in the back and that was it, well, maybe two or three kilometers away, the ambulances overloaded me, provided me with medical
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assistance there, sent me to pervomaiske, where i was stitched up, then sent to the dnipro, in general they said that i was born in a shirt, because i lost a lot of blood, they already poured blood there, and i was in the dnieper for a day, and i was sent to lviv. they took me to the hospital, and there the first operation, the second operation, the third operation, the fourth operation, four operations were performed on me, the fourth and the last one were performed on me on my hand, and that's all, i spent maybe a month here in the hospital and i was rehabilitated, because it healed very quickly, and i was sent to the city of kuskavytsi, lyubinya got a prosthesis, then. i was sent to the vlk through sek, they gave me the second group for life, i passed the vlk, i was made limited fit, i was transferred from the military unit where i
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served, i was transferred to the drohobytsk rtcc and the spot guard, i have been in the drogobytsk rtcc for more than six months, well, during those six months , the relationship is very terrible, people think that i am i bought a group for myself. that i was not there, it is very, very difficult, you simply explain to people that there is a war in ukraine, they say, there is no war, it is very difficult here, psychologically it is very difficult here, you have to keep your nerves of steel, then people watch the internet, there are videos , we don’t understand that the guys here, the second markskov don’t think that no one fought here, all the guys here are fighting men, half of them are 24, there’s no one here, but people don’t understand that, and they even told me that i went to dig, that on ... talk to that person, and that's it, guys need to be changed, no one doesn't want to, everyone is running away and afraid, and it's hard for the boys there, who have been sitting there for the third year,
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not only that it's hard physically, but also morally, very, very hard, my brother is just native to the east, so i know that there is very hard. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed area. there is a solution. kors garden trimmers from repack tv. hurry up to order at a special price. only from uah 999. kors trimmers are compact, light and very powerful. mow the lawn in the most difficult-to-reach places near the fences, along the line to. near sidewalk, curb, around trees, trim bushes and even branches, simple and easy. leave big heavy mowers in the past. choose kors trimmers, classic or with
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and comfortable. even women can use them, but just look at how powerful the trimmers are, which means our trimmers can handle even the thickest weeds and are virtually silent, no more heavy, bulky lawnmowers, lubricants or gasoline for refueling, only convenience, comfort and a well-kept area, order light and reliable kors trimmers from only uah 999, call, tired of heavy and bulky saws, then strong saws are unpacked. and just for you, they will easily cut trees and bushes, they are convenient to use for carpentry, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 999. choose a basic model or a model with a telescopic handle and order now, free shipping is available, check with consultants, cut branches, trim timber, chop firewood, you can do all this in one movement with strong saws,
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just... see how quickly they handle even thick branches. strong forks are easy to use and mobile. once and done! and unlike standard overall saws. strong saws are so convenient to use in hard-to-reach places. call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 999. with the possibility of free delivery. strong saws. call what you need. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. two people died as a result of shelling in donetsk region. this was reported to the regional police. the russians
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hit the village. a private house was destroyed there, two guided aerial bombs were dropped on an apartment building in the village of velyka novosilka, leman and katerynivka also came under enemy fire. the russians shelled the settlements of sumy oblast. 36 times in bilopol, myropil, esman and seredinobud communities. this was reported in the regional military administration fortunately, people were not... not hurt. and six people were injured as a result of night shelling in kharkiv oblast. the russians launched a rocket attack on the regional center. two men aged 20 and 40 were hospitalized. a five-story building was damaged. this was announced by the head of the region, oleg synygubov. the occupiers also shelled the city of chuguiv, the villages of boguslavka and gravske. as a result of the attacks , fires started in farm buildings.
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19 people got it. wounded due to an enemy attack on kherson.


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