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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2024 11:00am-11:30am EEST

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the russians hit the village of karlivka, a private house was destroyed there, two guided aerial bombs were dropped on an apartment building in the village in the village of velyka novosilka, lehman and katerynivka also came under enemy fire. the russians shelled the settlements of sumy oblast. 36 times in bilopolska, myropilska, esmanska and seredinobudska communities. this was reported to the regional military administration, fortunately no one was injured. and six people were injured as a result of night shelling in kharkiv oblast. russians in the regional center launched a missile strike. two men aged 20 and 40 were hospitalized. a five-story building was damaged. this was reported by the head of the region oleg synygubov. the occupiers also shelled the city of chuguiv, the villages of boguslavka and gravske. as a result of the attacks , fires started in farm buildings.
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19 people were injured due to an enemy attack in the kherson region. the occupiers targeted the residential quarters of the settlements, 12 high-rise buildings and 11 private houses were damaged. this was announced by the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin the invaders also hit educational and medical institutions, a kindergarten and an administrative building. for ever, an outbuilding and nine cars. all of our... due to enemy shelling, i call and ask to convert into donations for our defenders. we have an urgent collection for tasks at the front, intelligence units need a reliable suv. our soldiers work in difficult conditions, there is no way without a car at the front. the suv transports personnel and ammunition, drones are launched from them, they are like an island of life where everything around is destroyed. the required car has already been found and transported to ukraine. it is currently
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being repaired and refitted, it remains to be bought back and transferred to the front. we must join you in this gathering. remember that there are no small or large donations. our goal is uah 3,000. we already have uah 40,000 in our accounts. it's all thanks to you, but you can't stop. yesterday , two migs, a fuel and lubricant warehouse and a complex were destroyed at the belbek military airfield. with s-400. two occupiers were also killed, many were injured. this is reported by the russian media. according to the information of the partisan movement jsc. at the airfield, a hit to the main structure of missile and artillery weapons was recorded . the ministry of defense of the russian federation announced the alleged downing of 10 atakams missiles. he helped the russians prepare an offensive. an enemy agent was kidnapped in kharkiv, and he turned out to be an 18-year-old local resident.
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this was reported to the security service, the attacker collected information about the units of the armed forces defending the city, researched the locations of ukrainian defenders, marked all the coordinates on the map, the guy was caught red-handed while taking photos of a military object. evidence of his cooperation with the occupiers was found in the phone, the perpetrator faces life imprisonment. military property in zhytomyr region was appropriated. the sbi is investigating possible connections between four servicemen and russian special services. previously, during the audit of the ministry of defense , unaccounted for components of up to three sets of classified communications equipment were discovered. the estimated cost of such installations reached uah 65 million. also, during inspections on the territory of the military unit, blocks of unaccounted microcircuits. currently, law enforcement officers are solving the issue of reporting suspected embezzlement to the military . military property. in the course of
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the investigation, the sbi investigators discovered the alleged thieves of military property. in particular , it was established that the officials of this military unit made fictitious acts regarding the destruction of the equipment. however, only the system of secret blocks, nodes and packages was actually destroyed. the rest has already been appropriated by the military to be sold later. on may 14, 2024, employees of the sbi conducted n searches at four possible locations the parties involved in the case. ukraine will have the support of nato every day, said the head of nato's military committee, robert bauer. he noted that a meeting of the nato military committee at the level of chiefs of general staff of the member countries is taking place today. a meeting of the ukraine-nato council will be held as part of this event. the leadership of russia chose the path of impunity. they act as they please.
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want to spread their power abroad so as not to lose it at home. that is why the leadership of russia sent hundreds of thousands of its citizens to war and they do not even take their bodies. moscow uses food migration as a weapon, and therefore now in this hall we must do everything to prevent this plague from spreading, so that the international order is respected. the first details of the visit of the russian dictator vladimir putin to china, xi jinping promised to remain a good neighbor and a reliable partner for russia at a meeting with the head of the kremlin. this was reported in the ministry of foreign affairs of china. according to the chinese leader, the partnership between the two countries is on the way. in favor of stability in the world. let me remind you that the russian dictator has arrived in china at xi jinping's invitation, he will stay there for two days, the parties will hold negotiations on ukraine, asia, energy and trade. this is the dictator's first trip abroad since his alleged re-election in march. in memory of
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ukrainians during the holodomor, embroidery day was held at the national museum of the holodomor genocide. our journalist dmytro will tell you more. didora he is with us live. dima, i congratulate you. what events took place in the museum? tell me congratulations katya. i also congratulate our viewers. today, not only people dress up embroidered shirts, embroidered shirts, to the museum of the holodomor and genocide, the monument to the bitter memory of childhood , they also decided to wear an embroidered shirt or an embroidered shirt. employees say this is the shirt they found. in sumy oblast, we can show it to him in more detail, during one of the expeditions, employees found a photo, such a negative, very old from the 1930s, on which this embroidered shirt was depicted, on the basis of which
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this shirt was already created, this shirt was created by a craftsman from volyn, which the museum believes is also symbolic. since as and in years during the holodomor, and even now, volyn provides support to those who ask for it. let's hear more directly about the picture found by the staff of the holodomor genocide museum. the shirt you see on the girl is based on an ancient, old picture. these pictures are from ours. of the museum collection of so-called glass negatives, which were discovered by our museum team in 2020 during an expedition to sumy oblast, these photos from the village reflect the life of a ukrainian village in
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the 1930s. today it will be possible to see this one embroidered monument. the shirt will be removed today and this shirt will be in the museum of the holodomor and genocide, the museum also presented several embroidered shirts, which they also discovered with the help of photos, they can also be viewed in the museum of the holodomor and genocide, this is how vyshyvanka day happened here in the middle of the city kyiv, katya, thank you dmytro, let me remind you, it was our journalist dmytro didora, he told about how the day is celebrated... embroidered women in the national museum of famine, plague and genocide. search for espresso on youtube and be sure to subscribe, because there is a live broadcast of teru, all program releases and special projects that can only be seen here, as well as a short video on hot topics in the shorts section. subscribe, comment us your important thoughts. be there every day. to find out
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more interesting and up-to-date information, follow the updates on our website, as well as on our social networks. we will see each other in less than an hour, then my colleagues lesya vokolyuk and andriy saichuk will be waiting for you on the air. don't switch, stay with espresso. expensive friends, we're coming back. this is our final hour in the express marathon. olesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk. we are glad to see you among our viewers. i hope that you will spend this hour with us, at least we would very much like it, we still have many interesting guests, we will now talk about today's vyshyvanka, we will also talk about what is happening in slovakia, about the attempt on robert fitzprem of the prime minister, there will also be, we will have ukrainians, of origin and non
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-origin, and we will talk about the challenges that we are currently facing ukraine, about ukrainian emigrants, about those ukrainians... who became emigrants much earlier, also fleeing from the russian occupation, but fleeing during the second world war, and can their experience be useful for now? emigrants, i want to remind you that we are collecting for the 93rd separate mechanized brigade, cold ravine, we are collecting for atvs, these atvs are needed for two very important things, the first is to evacuate our wounded from the battlefield, you know that now the front line is literally swarming with russian drones, and the evacuation is not happening as quickly as we would like, and quad bikes will actually help to do it much faster, now you see on your screens in... not pictures of that process, and in addition, quad bikes help deliver
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ammunition to the front line, qr codes and numbers cards are listed, make a note of it, or take a picture of our screen right now, or scan the qr code, it will also appear within the hour, so join us, we 've raised 34,000 today with you this morning, and i hope that this amount will become more... more, i hope that we will surpass yesterday's result, yesterday we had 55,000, little by little we are moving towards the mark of 600,000, and in total we need as much as 4 million. , we welcome you, good afternoon, lesya and i are now wearing embroidered shirts, can you determine the region, destination , and so on at a glance? thank you for your question, i would love to, but i'm probably not an expert enough
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to tell by appearance alone region, just like us, i don't know at all what it is, what these patterns mean, the main thing is that it is embroidered, the main thing is that it is embroidered, for example, but what does it mean, the main thing is that in andriy, for example, you don't have embroidery all the way to the bottom, because it's not ukrainian, not quite a ukrainian tradition, i'll show you now, but it should end here, if it continues to the end, then it's no longer embroidered. well, it's not ukrainian, i would say so, but you know, today the viewers write to us in the very morning, how beautiful we look, they congratulate us on this it's a holiday, our guests too, who is in a vyshyvanka, who is without a vyshyvanka, different circumstances, but, but already this holiday has become such an important holiday in the calendar, but i would start with this, i even started today with this disclaimer, or i say, well, someone, for example, don't you remember today is vyshyvanka day, he turns off the tv there or turns on ours and says what 's going on, what a holiday we have, kharkiv was not bombed tonight, we
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have it, we don't have it today there was kherson, there wasn't, really, unfortunately, people were affected every day, yes, they don't disconnect in our country electricity, and they cut off, and, and, now, he asks if we don't have that terrible offensive, there is, a terrible offensive, yes, is today a good day to knit vyshyvanka, to celebrate this day, your opinion. thank you for your question, you know, from the very beginning, when vyshyvanka day was founded, its main purpose was not to wear an embroidered shirt only on a holiday, as you said, indeed, this holiday is not about such a holiday when you have to dance, sing and so on. when this holiday was founded, it was important on any day, in the middle of the working week, working at any enterprise to wear an embroidered shirt, thereby... showing your belonging to the ukrainian people, supporting the tradition, and now thanks to fashion,
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the embroidered shirt has become one of the attributes and even business clothes, that is, they are sewn in such a way that you can combine with any clothes and wear it precisely on may 3-4 on the day of vyshyvanka on a weekday, so that, as you said, when you wake up in the morning, you go out on the street, and everyone greets you in vyshyvanka, and in the middle of a weekday you have a holiday. you know, there are many such people who say that the fact that he wore a vyshyvanka, how he is corrupt, how he steals and robs ukraine, but i do not wear it, but i am a greater ukrainian, does the vyshyvanka make us real ukrainians, and how in this case to answer people who somehow, it seems to me, even slightly devalue the embroidered shirt, unfortunately, i have to say, there are indeed people who speculate on an embroidered shirt, who cover themselves with it, and we must
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clearly distinguish between patriotic people and people who cover themselves with this patriotism. what to answer to people who measure who they are a greater patriot, or who is greater, who deserves victory more, i will say that on the world day of vyshyvanka for three years in a row, that is, it is already the third day of vyshyvanka for the war. er, who monetizes his activities in order to support our army. we already bought body armor for the shirts we sold, we already... bought an ambulance, this year our goal is to raise funds for the combat unit of the seraphim, who are currently in the kharkiv direction, we want to purchase combat drones for them, that is, the vyshyvanka became the as a symbol, when you invest in the purchase of, for example, this charity shirt, you can
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donate to victory, thereby bringing it closer, you know, yesterday was not a day higher. banks, but the other day i saw the post of slawomir shirakovsky, he is a polish journalist, intellectual, and polish volunteer, a great supporter of ukraine, the one who announced the gathering for the bayraktars, and he also posted yesterday, he was a little ironic, a little humorous or in a jacket, so they say and in poland, they probably say so, so does the navy, well, here you see. and vyshyvanka, and i will remind you that in fact the first popularizer of vyshyvanka, who taught, so to speak, everyone to wear it exactly like that and under a jacket, that is, how to add vyshyvanka to it as formal clothes, was ivan franko, and for the most part ivan franko didn't walk like that at all, because on a daily basis he didn't have one, on a daily basis he looked
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like this, we can show you, tu-tu-tu-tun, tun, tu-tu-dum, now we'll show you. let's say how ivan franko looked on weekdays, here, well , that is, he is standing in the center, that is, well, no embroidered shirt, here is some kind of bow tie, a tie, everything is beautiful, super, just like, just like taras shevchenko didn’t always walk around with people like that, with such a gloomy look, as in some paintings, but we know franko just like that, just like that with a vyshyvanka, a proud vyshyvanka, under a jacket, under a jacket, and... actually, that is, the story of the popularization of this there, you know, as they say, the ukrainian cat, yes, she, she is quite old, she is quite old, and i was most impressed on this day, if we say, today one of our viewers wrote to us in the morning, we talked about these vyshyvankas, and she simply wrote in the chat in the broadcast, about how she evacuated already
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actually imprisoned by muscovites, a north-donetsian, and she packed first. vyshyvanka, and then she thought that she might, if they intercepted a russian patrol on the road, they might shoot her for this vyshyvanka, and she hesitated, pierced it and left it, and now she regrets it terribly, and now she regrets it, but i would say , which is the most impressive story today, you know, such stories are not isolated, because the shirt, it is really a marker of identity, you already today ivan franko was remembered. i can mention other prominent figures, lesya ukrainka, her sister, such as larisa petrivna kosach and, sorry, it popped out, er, lesya ukrainka's sister compiled a collection of samples of traditional ukrainian ornaments, maria krushylynytska, that is, all these people, they popularized vyshyvanka in different
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time, i.e. wearing a vyshyvanka used to be equivalent to... being exiled to siberia, actually last year's vyshyvanka day project was dedicated to this, we published a book called incorruptible, it was an album, in which were collected embroidered clothes, towels, spare parts, shirts with ukrainian patriotic symbols, flags, coats of arms, haliv lions and slogans of taras shevchenko, whom you already mentioned today, today this book is traveling in canada, lesya voronyuk, is currently staying. with an official visit and with the presentation of this book in canada, er, that is, defenders repeatedly write to us that they wear a shirt under an embroidered, er, bulletproof vest, and believe that it protects them, er, that the embroidered shirt has become so spiritual armor of ukrainians, and when we are among
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we ask others what to hand over to the boys on the front lines, sometimes they write to us with a direct request, what to hand over... embroidered shirts, please, because they are very necessary, and this is how i see that embroidered women, they still have such power that this the evil spirit of moscow is simply twisting, because several bots, kremlebots flew to us during the youtube broadcast, today one wrote that the presenter is dressed in museum exhibits, ugh, and now another one writes, vyshyvanka is a rustic style, you can even see, i took it through google translate, probably overcame... this sentence to write in ukrainian, so as not to arouse suspicion, but i do not think that a ukrainian, now any ukrainian, would say that vyshyvanka is a rural style, it is a false opinion. you know, this is a myth that has been promoted by russian propaganda for many years, that the embroidered clothes were the clothes of the village, it is less valuable, it is not
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worth paying attention to, it is all a lie in fact, and you can trace it too, knowing ukrainian history and ukrainian culture, because embroidered clothes were first of all expensive clothes, and in the village they really did not wear embroidered clothes on every day, doing housework, it was festive clothes. eh, which was worn there for important events, worn for big holidays, and this, the first thing we should say is that vyshyvanka is the clothing of the ukrainian elite, because not everyone could afford embroidered things, it is fashion, it is skill, you know , today we will present an organized book, which is called, a collection of ornaments by olga bechynska, and i will allow myself to express the opinion that ukraine... in its time, that is, between the first and second world wars, it was the initiator of european fashion, because when the wave of emigrants came to the world, er, there olga
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bachynska organized a club of embroiderers, she paid money to emigrant women from ukraine to embroider their ornaments in memory of where they came from, and then, when there was already an exhibition of these clothes in vienna, it was like a fashion show, there... clothes appeared for the first time decorated, decorated with embroidery, and now, when we examined this album, which is more than 100 years old, we see sketched ornaments that are in this magazine by olga bachenska and which are there on this garment presented in vienna, and we can definitely say that they were created based on these sketches of hers, because at that time she was in hminda, and actually there she did such activities in order to... preserve this ukrainianness of ours, when all the ukrainians scattered around the world, in fact, history is cyclical, we can also see it now, that all ukrainians are scattered around the world, we have to unite around something, i
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believe that embroidery is that marker and that symbol, around whom, around what we can distinguish where we are, and where is the stranger madam presenter, let me finish, you said that you immediately guessed that it was some kind of... there a bot wrote you a post, because a ukrainian will never name, devalue, distort or ridicule something truly ukrainian, which for us is a symbol of identity, someone from the outside will bark how they do it our neighbors and to tell and to devalue, because that is the main goal of the enemy, to break us, remembered azarov, who was once also in vyshyvanka, went out to take pictures, he interestingly took with him. i ran away to russia with my embroidered jacket, today i wore it, maybe, i don’t know how it is there he and vyshyvanka don’t burn him, but you know, it burns him, burns his chest, yes, but, but
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actually, before the war, somewhere i read some of those who we now call good russians, quite such bitter observations, where he writes that i well, i really envy ukrainians, where young people wear national stripes, national clothes, and not only are not ashamed of it, but are proud of it, and say it like this... it's a pity, because to imagine some young russian in a kosovorodka, well, it looks wild, it's not silly, and they themselves, in principle, it is very strong feel and understand, well, in principle, but it is we who enter into the question, in principle , of russian identity, it is complex, not simple, and we understand that, in principle, this russian identity is quite artificial and is based around the imperial idea, so what, what we don't have, we have, we have our roots, i think that we... in our calendar there are a few more vyshyvanka days besides may 16, because now ukrainians dress up in vyshyvankas for christmas, they dress up in vyshyvankas for easter and independence day are definitely ukrainians
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in embroidered dresses, that is, on the day of victory in this war, i think everyone will also go out in embroidered dresses or uniforms, and whoever will be in the armed forces at that moment, mrs. de, thank you very much for this conversation. the curator of projects, the initiative world embroidery day was with us, thank you for the fact that you raised this initiative at one time and it is very important today for if someone wants some new, new patterns, authentic embroidery, then keep an eye on these, on this initiative world needlework day can be found on social networks, and there are all the books, which are published, and that book, in particular, about which i spoke. taisa about the collection of olga bechynska, which is embroidered from memory by ukrainian immigrants who fled from the moskals abroad. ukrainian patterns are embroidered abroad.
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expensive. friends, now we will talk about another topic, but for now i want to remind you that in order to learn more relevant and interesting information, be sure to also visit our website expresso tv, and also do not forget to look for us in social networks, in particular go and subscribe to our channel if you they haven't done it yet, because 2 million people in ukraine and abroad have already done it and subscribed to our youtube channel on youtube espresso itself, like it, subscribe, so you will always be in the know. events and let me remind you that the press is officially recognized as one of the 10 media that is balanced and where freedom of speech is in full swing in ukraine today, so this is really our big mission and great recognition and we are grateful to our viewers who support us. i understand that now we have 2 million subscribers on youtube for sure don't watch espresso, because that would be something incredible, i understand that everyone has some...
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their own affairs and some of their own tasks, but if each of those two million hryvnias was transferred, we would already have half of our collection from those 4 million is closed, dear friends, but if not in hryvnias, then it is possible a little more, who has how much, for today we have almost 40 thousand , we have collected another thousand. end of our ether, then it will be good, we are going now, but no, we are not going now short pause, let's go. let's go, let's go, let's take a short break, come back, continue, stay with us. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive during the day, and with the matryk toper you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order toper matrik for comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families are choosing.
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