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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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map from our territory, none of our soldiers could cross the barrier, because it would immediately cause huge problems with the allies, then i did not really hear a change of position in this statement, the fact that they are suffering exactly our strikes there on military airfields, on oil refineries , for example, the russian ones, which we make our homemade weapons, well, they have been enduring it for a long time, that is, i did not hear anything new here, to be honest, another event that happened on the night of may 15, in the temporarily occupied sevastopol there were explosions, russian propagandists announced a massive missile attack and a hit in the area of ​​the belbek military airfield, they say that one of the 31k migs was apparently hit there, so far there is no clear confirmation, but we see that ukraine is trying to deploy its actions in the temporarily occupied territory in crimea. how will this... affect the course of the ukrainian
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-russian-ukrainian war, and will it affect whether this practice will gradually eliminate the russians' capabilities on the peninsula? it's not just about opportunities on the peninsula, they fly from the peninsula and actually bomb and shoot at our territory currently controlled by us, so this is just a very important component of this overall war, and eh, eh... this strike on belbek is extremely effective, the s300 complex is completely destroyed, and this is very important, we are now systematically knocking out their air defense, because once again we are on, each side always tries to feel the weaknesses of the other, but our weakness at the moment is the lack of fighters, their weakness is precisely not cannon fodder, it is in of them in excess, but iron in is their weak point, and the more technologically advanced iron is, the less it is in them and the less we... opportunities to renew it, in particular
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air defense turned out to be a very weak link of theirs, unexpectedly for everyone, and now we are very systematically knocking it out, a blow to belbek, the c300 complex was completely destroyed, one mig-31 was destroyed and three aircraft were damaged, well , the damage in the conditions of this war is the same as what was destroyed, they do not have the ability to repair it quickly, and a plus in fact, well, it can be assumed that this airfield is unlikely will continue to be actively used, because it is shown that he is now in the zone of our impression, this is... this is what it is called, this is what life-creating atakams are doing, this is exactly, this is exactly what they are like, for whom we have been waiting for so long, finally we have waited, this is 300-kilometer attacks, and yes, they will really change a lot now, it is clear, mr. yevgeny, that with the arrival of a larger, uh, batch of weapons from the united states of america to ukraine, the situation will obviously stabilize somehow, including...
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on the eastern and southern fronts, but whether we will have enough weapons to deter the russians and to create this parity, which we constantly talk about, and what we now have the task of deterring, we have the task of deterring and parity, we have no task at all - then to turn the tide of the war in our favor, to defeat the russian army, to go on the offensive, we are already ready for this... and you, you have heard such statements over the last month that we will go forward, i only read in the western press that that in the 25th year in washington expect that we will go on a counteroffensive, but we could go on the 24th, the problem is that who are we, we plowed, i and the tractor, but there is no one to actually go on this offensive, and this is the key problem, just answering your question, weapons and bc, which are now arriving, are quite... enough not
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only to deter the russians, and it would be enough, and vice versa, to transition to a counteroffensive, but all of this, after it was unblocked, after seven months of a terrible ammunition deficit , which was created by trump, from the moment when trump was punched and the congress unblocked, that is, for the next year, and it is meant not until the end of this current year, for a year from the moment it was unblocked, so we actually have sufficient provision, yes. much more is wanted and much more is needed, but the minimum necessary for a very serious war for a year is now guaranteed to us. and now we come to a completely different limitation of all this miracle weapon, unfortunately, it has one property, it does not shoot itself, it does not fight itself, but only in someone's hands. and if the previous six months were critical at all the situation, because we had two, two such very acute problems at the same time, that is... lack of bull and
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lack of personnel, the lack of bull is finally ending, the lack of personnel is only deepening so far, and of course, if we do not recruit people, if we will not change the situation. then none of these weapons will save us, but we have been given a chance, a very powerful chance, a chance not just to restrain the russians, a chance to turn the tide of the war and win again, but whether we will use this chance now depends entirely on us, and precisely on us by you, from the ukrainian army, because the army is not engaged in mobilization, mobilization is an issue of the army, but the army now has something to fight, but the army has no one to fight and... we, the ukrainian rear, have to put these people, depending on what we whether we do it or not, we will use this chance, or, on the contrary, we will blow it. thank you, mr. yevgeny, for the inclusion, it was yevhen dyky, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as
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on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live there, either please subscribe to our pages, take part in our survey, today we ask you about the following: should the countries of the european union... return conscripts to ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, yes, no, or your own opinion, write under this comment, if you do not have a clear answer to this poll, and if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote , if you support, if you believe that the countries of the european union should return conscripts to ukraine (0800-211-381), no 0. 800 211 382 all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we will be in touch with maksym rozumny, political expert, doctor of political sciences. mr. maxim, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations. let's start our conversation with the events that happened
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just a few hours ago, an attempt was made on the life of the prime minister of slovakia, robert fico. preliminary talk about the fact that a 71-year-old writer tried to kill him, the famous slovak writer, juraj chantula, the suspect in the assassination attempt is an activist of the liberal progressive slovakia party, he had an officially registered weapon, by the way , in slovakia, the son of jury juraj chantula says that what happened is a shock in general, he ... i don't completely understand how it all happened, but on fico's official facebook page it is reported that as a result of the attempt, there is a threat to the life of the prime minister of slovakia, he was shot several times, he is in a life-threatening condition , now he is being transported by helicopter to
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banska bystrica, since the road to bratislava would take too much time, given the need for urgent intervention, the next few hours will decide everything, it is already its own... president zelenskyi expressed his condolences and support, but russian propagandists are already starting to push history that the ukrainian special services or representatives of the ukrainian special services are involved in fizo, because fizo has always had a pro-russian position, we remember that fizo has always said what he says about that ukraine and russia must necessarily sit down at the negotiating table, even in the situation when russia... is an aggressor country, well, that's what i 'm talking about, of course, fizo doesn't say anything about it, what do you think, is this a fact or can he become one of such factors in the russian-ukrainian war, maybe in fact the russian special services are involved in
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all this, how do you look at this story, are there no analogies with the first world war, because it all started... in europe with shots from pistols, yes, today many have already drawn this analogy, but to me it seems that this analogy is not very appropriate now, er, especially in light of the facts that are known today, that is, er, i mean the identity of the shooter, which seems to have already been clarified and about which there are no big doubts , i think, soon we will hear from... him himself about the motives, but it is clear that everyone who comments, everyone who puts this event into a political context, will, so to speak, do it their way, and there
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are no doubts that russia will tie all this to ukraine, well, if they are some tajik activists of the islamic state, who they made... the crocus in the center tied to ukraine, then slovakia is much closer, and this will not pose any problem for them either, everything is clear, but... for us to fit this event into the context of the russian-ukrainian war is probably not very appropriate either, we are obviously most concerned about this, we have more reasons, so to speak, to be, so to speak, to keep this context in focus, but than the russians, for example, but it is obvious that not everything in the world revolves around ... about the russian-ukrainian war, and for me this shot is more likely
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a sign of the aggravation of ideological and worldview contradictions in modern europe , including, and it should probably be considered in such a broader civilizational context, when such hatred has once again formed between the right and the left. which already passes into the framework of non-violence, already becomes violent, although, of course, this should also be considered as a separate incident, we remember, for example, breivik's shots, after which nothing special started, just the excess of one person, eh, although the problem that stands stood both there and here, it so... so to speak, does not disappear anywhere, and appears from time to time. against this background, we are now
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talking about two summits to be held in june and july. in june, the swiss global peace summit and in july in washington , the anniversary summit of nato. on the eve of this anniversary summit of the north atlantic alliance, yermak rasmussen's group proposed in its report that nato invite ukraine to join the alliance. precisely at this anniversary summit. this was announced by the head of the office of the president of ukraine andriy yermak on social networks, after the presentation of the report on copenhagen democracy summit. what does mr. yarmak write? we propose a clear time frame for ukraine's accession to nato no later than july 28, subject to the fulfillment of specific conditions. it is also necessary to strengthen efforts on military aid to ukraine, including the lifting of all restrictions on the supply of conventional weapons. that allies spend 0.25% of their gdp on military aid to ukraine and
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unlock $300 billion in frozen russian assets to support our country. mr. maksym, how do you assess the prospects of what ukraine can become a member of the north atlantic alliance, as noted by yarmak and rasmussen, no later than july 28. well, in general, you can talk about anything now, but all this will be very, very hypothetical, since the main question is when and how the russian-ukrainian war will end, there is no answer to this question at the moment, accordingly, all other events that are derivative, actually from this fact, they also remain purely theoretical, with... now a lot of different events are happening, and the visit of the leader of china to europe, and the future,
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just a few days ago, putin's visit to beijing, and these unexpected visits of officials from america, from europe to kyiv, with such not entirely clear, not quite public agendas, all this points to my opinion about what really. and this war is entering a decisive phase, and the most likely end of it for the majority of players actually looks like freezing the conflict, but the conditions of this freezing and actually this post-conflict settlement are seen in different ways, and these, so to speak, are already informational throwaways regarding ukraine's membership in ... nato not membership today, tomorrow and so on, it seems to me
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more like this kind of diplomatic game around these conditions, freezing of the conflict and post-conflict situation, distribution of spheres of influence, obligations of the parties and so on. for now, i see no reason to expect an invitation for ukraine to join nato. official at the nearest summit, but the fact that it is necessary to talk about it and to put forward initiatives in this regard, here i must agree. the administration of the president and the office, i apologize to the president, and just like the peace summit is good initiative, as well as membership in nato, we must constantly talk and put forward these proposals of ours. that is, you are inclined to the fact that , after all, the question is about the future
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freezing of the conflict and the determination of the line of this demarcation according to the korean scenario, when eh... the temporarily occupied territories will remain under russia for a certain period, in accordance with this agreement, and this particular package or, let's say, variations of this package are now being discussed by different parties, sidjin pinyam with european politicians, then putin with the leader of china, blinkin with zelenskyi, well and obviously the global peace summit will also be a part, as it were, of these great peace initiatives. or the future negotiations, well, actually the positions after the latest statements of both the chinese side and european and american politicians, they are outlined quite clearly, that is, war until victory until the destruction of the enemy, none of our allies from
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the allies of russia, that is, neither china wants this, and no america and... they want to end the war, which is destabilizing on the one hand the markets, endangering economic growth and so on, but on the other hand, no one, so to speak, is ready to make concessions, that is, no one in the west is ready to let putin win, but no one in the east can let putin lose, so freezing is actually the only way out. from this situation, and the second way out is, well , the continuation of the war until infinity, until the parties are exhausted, which actually does not bring anything new to this situation. against the background of talks about possible peace talks, or about possible peace initiatives by china, about which
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putin says that he really likes china's peace plan, although these were rather... declarations beijing on february 24, 2023, against the background of which events are rapidly unfolding in georgia, a law was passed there on the russian law on foreign agents, that is, they took, copied this law and passed it through the parliament of georgia, and after the adoption of this law near the building of the legislative body large-scale protests began in tbilisi, clashes with the police took place. the georgian opposition is waiting for georgia, solome zurabishvili , to veto the so-called law. the reaction in the united states of america is negative, assistant secretary of state the united states of america for european and eurasian affairs, jim o'brien, during a visit to tbilisi, said that georgia is threatened
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with financial sanctions due to the so-called law on inagents, which was just passed by the georgian parliament. let's hear what he said. i'll just remind you that the us plans to provide georgia with $390 million in aid, which should be aimed at military support, economic development, and institution-building, including strengthening civil society. all this can be revised if we are now seen as an adversary and not a partner. if this law comes into force and it does not meet the standards. in the eu, if democracy is undermined here, there will be violence against peaceful protesters, then there will be certain sanctions from the united states, they will primarily concern financial restrictions and the movement of those persons responsible for such actions. mr. maxim, does this mean that russia is starting to win in
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georgia, well, the united states of america is meant to be. to some extent yes, to some extent it looks like this, but here i would like to draw attention to what rather wins here, well here such a soft form of georgian authoritarianism, that is, the influence of one oligarch ivanishvili on georgian politics becomes with the adoption of this law, becomes even more large-scale and, in fact , very little threatens him after that, since we understand that this law is about foreign agents, it limits the possibilities financing of any... civic initiatives, opposition movements, cuts off their sources, so to speak, of their incomes
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for the implementation of various projects and so on, and in these conditions, of course, what is that electorate of ivanish ivanishvili, who, well actually party, the georgian dream, he is not going anywhere, and in this way... the consolidation of this current power in georgia and its provision of its long stay in power can take place, that is, in fact, its competitive policy is eliminated, and this, so to speak, such a scenario is completely transparent, clear, which we see, and in the same hungary, and started on this path. become slovakia too, that is, it does not depend on culture, there on europeanness and so on, this, this path is natural when, in fact, there is such
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a combination of an authoritarian leader and a loyal to him, the electorate, and as for money, i think that this will not stop the government in georgia, because the financial benefits that... the representatives of this government will actually receive, business close to the government, from the development of relations with russia, he the financial gain is much greater than these possible infusions of american, in particular funds and european ones, and here it will not affect them, it will definitely not affect their decision, but the opinion of georgian society, the opinion of its... active liberal part of the pro-european party can obviously influence them to influence, but here is mr. maksym, u you have the answer for yourself, and why did this
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happen, why did georgia, which went through the rose revolution and went through such a long path of democratization, the war with russia, in 2008, why did everything come back like that, why actually... those who did not come to power should pro-russian forces come to power, and why is georgian society itself not taking the necessary steps to protect democracy and not allow georgia to be russified? well, actually, i think that again, many people in georgia, especially those who support. ivanishvili's party, no think in such categories, that is, that the model proposed by the georgian dream
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is peace with russia, and this is very important, in fact, georgians are very afraid that a war with russia will start, but the year 2008 scared them in this sense, and we see not only the position of politicians, we see the position of georgia. which of the orthodox churches is precisely this fear of a possible war with russia is such a very restraining factor, that is, to remain in peace in peaceful conditions is the first, the second is to ensure some kind of well-being, and russia provides this well-being even in conditions of war with ukraine, a lot of people left for georgia there, so to speak... prices for apartments soared and so on, there are a lot of different moments here, and those famous, so to speak, tomatoes and
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peaches and tangerines from georgia that are taken to moscow , is also a factor, that is, welfare, security, and i think that in fact they are not afraid of the absorption of georgia by russia, as we are there, we, for example, are afraid. because georgia is georgia, they have their own identity, which, so to speak, no, no russian measure can really drive away, that is, this is such a model, to close in to his country, to have prosperity and to have relative security, this is what the georgian dream offered to the georgian citizen, i would say so, and abstract ideals, democracy, freedom, europe and so on, are already secondary against this background, especially since they are largely connected with the name of mikheil saakashvili, who
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is not a good politician for all georgians, far from... for all georgians. thank you, mr. maksym, it was maksym rozumny, doctor of political sciences. let me remind you, friends, that we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live there. please subscribe to our pages and also take part in our survey. today we are asking you about the following: should the countries of the european union return conscripts to ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube if you have others. please write the answer options in the comments under this video, and don't forget to like this video so that it moves up in youtube trends. if you watch us live on tv, please pick up your smartphone or phone and vote. if you think that eu countries should return conscripts to ukraine, 0800 211 381, no, 0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of
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the program. we ourselves will sum up the results of this vote. next, we have viktor shlinchak, chairman of the board of the institute of world politics. mr. viktor, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. i congratulate you, serhiy. i'm sorry that i can't join, as usual, because kyiv is currently in disconnected from the light. we will talk by phone. after all, we are always happy to hear from you. and your comments, hope to see a picture next time. let's start, mr. viktor, with the visit of anthony blinkin to kyiv, it is clear that there were many different statements, blinkin spoke about the security agreement that ukraine and the united states of america are currently preparing, that they do not, the americans mean, do not insist , so that the ukrainians do not beat on... all the american
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weapons, ukraine, they say, decides on its own, but obviously, there was much more behind the scenes in this visit than we know, what blinkin could bring or what conversation, or what proposals blinkin could bring on the eve of the global peace summit and, of course , the nato anniversary summit, maybe these are some sketches of the future peace agreement of russia and of ukraine, or the conviction that... it is necessary in some way to shift the war in some other direction, what do you think? you know, for the last two days i have been constantly being asked about the so-called peace agreement, but the question is that we cannot talk in principle about some kind of peace agreement, because russia is not going to sign any
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agreement that would guarantee peace. it is already becoming obvious, because all these latest statements coming from the kremlin, they are understandable, because putin himself repeats the same thing at every speech, we want agreements, but these agreements provide for the surrender of ukraine, this must be recorded , this must be understood and... actually, when you talk about the peaceful waters that russia offers there, well, it must be sifted through a very deeply sated, could blinken bring some kind of deadly deal, obviously not, i have a feeling that it was blinkin who came to really check the data that the ukrainians,
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ukrainian intelligence, those... what uh and and the vision that the ukrainian government and the ukrainian president have, to make sure of some of their versions, the americans, as always , have a lot of versions, as to how we are going to confront the enemy, of course, that the summit in, which should take place in switzerland, it's a matter of president...biden's involvement in this summit, so far there is no news that president biden has confirmed participation in the summit, and the next thing is, of course, how much american weapons are now being delivered to ukraine in a timely manner. i think everything revolved around
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these themes, but in parallel. there were also tracks you you.


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