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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EEST

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not as a result of the actions of the authorities, i understand your logic, the authorities are to blame for everything, so the authorities in our country were different, for 30 years, and let’s say so, the period under different presidents and governments, people left even when there was no war, so the question is not authorities, the question is where do you want to live, how should you develop, in which country do you want to realize yourself in your country or abroad, as a state, but i agree about the state. after the war, because now the situation is different, i will tell you now, the question is not in words, to those there who have to return, these words and mechanisms, communication will have to be sought when the war ends, or when it is clear that it is ending, then it will be necessary to deal with the solution of this problem, and today, unfortunately, the question is a moat, we have to survive the country, the state and us in to this state, first of all, and not to those who are now abroad. thank you, mr.
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volodymyr, mr. viktor, well, it is clear that in this situation, well, you cannot simply wait for the end of the war, not to communicate with the part of society that is abroad, the question of what, about what and how, well, no, listen, from communications that i hear, first of all, you , germany, will give us money, and we will redistribute these funds to yours, to our refugees, the message was this, now conscripts... until the adoption of the mobilization law do not have the right to use consular services, which was also actually a violation, all this has been corrected, well, let us now what happened in the first days and now, i tell you, mr. volodymyr, the communications or communication failures that were, and we always had communication failures at all authorities, under all governments, and now there are also failures in communication, not only on this issue, we will talk about it later. yes, mr. viktor,
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please, mr. viktor, can you hear us, we have certain problems with communication with viktor boberenko, let's fix it now, restore contact with viktor boberenko, let's talk about what actually, about communication, we already started this conversation, there is no, yes, viktor boberenko, he, we are recruiting him, the directors tell me. it is clear that in this situation, in the conditions of war, obviously, mr. volodymyr, it is not necessary to say who is guilty and who is not guilty worth in this situation, but still, the government at all times, as you say, was in ukraine like this, under which people left there and it was not ideal, let's say so, yes, but, but, well, the government is the main function power is to be responsible to those who elect them, well... that is, one way or another, we
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expect the government to be responsible to citizens, citizens must fulfill their duties, the government must fulfill its duties, and when, if the government does not performs, we reselect it or reset it, if we can't reselect it, then what do we do, no, well no, they are, if we cannot re-elect her, look at what we do if we, well, let's say this, if the government has no answer. someone goes abroad, yes, and looks for a different life in another country, yes, someone goes to the maidan, someone, on the contrary , finds a place for himself in this country, options for how to live under such a government and in such a country, the options are different each time, and everyone chooses his own trajectory of his destiny, self-realization and so on, so there is no simple recipe here, i think that now it is necessary to clearly define it.
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priorities, in my opinion, my opinion, now the main priority is the war against the enemy, the survival of the country, the state, the preservation of statehood, independence, this is the main priority, the return of those who went abroad, this will be important for us and will be relevant, but when the war will end, then that is the question will come to the fore, well , in addition to the issue of the restoration of the country, there will be several priorities, i am starting from... it is precisely from priorities, now the situation is such that, well, let's say this, it is very contradictory in relation to those people who are abroad, from they need to be worked on, i absolutely agree with the fact that there are big problems with communication, there is no such, i would say, systematic communication with these people, and there is not even, well , let's say, a specific body that should deal with this communication, because it so happened that now someone is dealing with enemy resistance, someone deals with internal problems. we, someone is engaged
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in mobilization, communication with those who are abroad, well, practically no one is engaged in a purposeful way, what the ministry of foreign affairs did is a consequence of the law on mobilization... not very clear, let's say, not quite like that, let's say, correct there in different senses, but i somehow understand the ministry of foreign affairs, here we have a discussion within the country, around this, someone wrote, i saw such a very good saying on my facebook page, someone at the front is storming enemy positions, someone is storming consular offices . there is a difference, there is, yes, everyone solves their problems, some work here, some fight, some solve their problems abroad, i understand women and children, i understand those who study there, who have, well, let's say this, for many years is abroad,
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retains ukrainian citizenship, i myself from i spoke with such people who are now helping ukraine, collecting donations, collecting ammunition for us. our soldiers help the country even abroad, i welcome such people, i support them, who distanced themselves from the country, i do not understand such people, thank you, mr. volodymyr, viktor boberenko is in touch with us again, we are talking about communication, about about communication with the western world, sergey, using the example of your own family about refugees, is it possible? yes, yes, please, i left, i... sat in my bags and on the first day we still had time jump out, i stayed in place, and my family jumped out, er, a woman, took my sister, took what we, they all went abroad to the netherlands, a year later they came back, came back, why? because
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the family must be reunited, my two younger sons came to be with their father, but the woman's sister did not come back, why is it that mr. serhiy was saying, what if there will be... there is work, and also, but what a job, because she worked here as a teacher of junior classes in sumy, and she was offered a job there, she flowers in bouquets there knitting, yes, it just seemed like it would be considered a non-prestigious job here, but there she receives more than two thousand euros, here she would receive a maximum of 10 thousand, and my good, good, you know, well, in general , they are from north-donetsk, and they are from north-donetsk and... they generally have nowhere to return to, and even if they de-occupy north-donetsk, there is devastation and ruins, and they will not return, here is an example of my family , my close acquaintances, when half returned, i also have a wife, two children returned, and
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her sister and godmother with her children have not returned and are not going to, what we are what we have, and we need them. somehow to lure, because she would like to return, but what she doesn't have, well , conditionally, there is no groom here, she has no anchor here, if there is no anchor, yes, and kuma's child will be 18 years old now, and she has already decided for himself, that the child, this is the son, will already enter a university in poland and will stay there, at least to study, and that's it, and even then it turns out... the family dropped anchor not here, but there. mr. viktor, i wanted to ask you about the situation is now taking place in sumy oblast, well , in sumy in particular, because after general budanov's statement that kharkiv oblast is one of the maneuvers, the russians may enter the territory of sumy oblast. what
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is happening now in sumy, in the sumy region, there is some sort of resettlement, someone is fleeing the region in anticipation of this forecast, although budanov clarified that... he did not mean that literally, although it was about 3 - 4 days after they enter kharkiv oblast, they say something similar will happen in sumy oblast, well, what can i say, in sumy relatively calm down, but just so we know, 20 communities in the region are under constant fire from its enemy, the sums are included in these 20 communities, but that's why, well, it happens to us on the outskirts somewhere that it is possible. there two or three times a week there is something for a big city, and some communities like velikopysarovsk hromada, er, like bilopolsk hromada, er, vorozhbyansk, middenobudsk these communities, well, half of the housing stock there is no longer there, at least, at least, if there are still roofs, the roofs
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have not crumbled, then there are no windows, well, the windows were broken because the cabs are falling, then there the five-kilometer zone is evicted. everyone, even children, forcibly, and here i agree with the authorities, because if parents do not want to take responsibility for the lives and health of children, then the authorities must do it from 10 km away. zones call everyone to return, but ukrainians are optimists, optimists, and they someone left there from the clerk's office in akhtyrka, from krasnopill, conditionally from bilopol' to sumy, but then they return, now they are returning, why go home, plant gardens, plant gardens, here someone refuses, i have it there i also have a groupmate, her mother doesn’t want to go abroad since she was a young woman, so why is there, well, because the mother tells her daughter... well, the daughter is settled, everything is fine with her, and she is ready to take her mother, but the mother says where i'm a duckling, here's a duckling
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with an anchor, they're keeping a duckling here in that yunakivka, and we have a lot of such examples, and as for the offensive, well, i'm here and again what we say about communications, when they say viktor , you are probably well informed, tell me there will be us. today or tomorrow, i say, and what does z say in this regard, there is a single marathon, and people say to me, who in our country believes in a single marathon, no one believes, and after the kebabs, they don’t believe in the president, they don’t believe in budanov and make a decision, that’s all my good friends there too, who have somewhere conditionally mother-in-law, mother-in-law, somewhere far from the border, conditionally in romny, in konotop, in another oblast, in poltava, then everyone got ready just for... school will end on may 25, well, in most of these
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front-line communities, she was there online , the children have already been taken away and will continue to be taken away, and i wanted to call on the authorities to take the children from these communities of the kharkiv and sumy regions, well, at least for the summer in prykarpattia , to take the children there , at least for the summer, so what should be done, and as for the offensive, .. well, it is clear that the enemy will not be able to advance with the available forces, and if he will advance, then he will advance there in the area of ​​velika pysarivka, and not directly here from the suja on sumi, because here there are meadows, swamps, forests, here they are, well, here, let's say, the throw is a dangerous direction, as they said in the second world war, that's it, to be very, very short, and i can, i can answer, viktor, yes, yes, please, viktor says, you don't have to believe budan. that's how budanov warned about the offensive in the kharkiv region and about the possibility of the risks
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of an offensive, mr. volodymyrov, yes, yes, yes, yes, i agree with you, yes, but, about the fact that no one believes in a single marathon, 35-40% watch a marathon, so, if they are watching, it means that they perceive this information, i think that there are also different things in the marathon, there is optimistic information, there is critical information, there are also different ones. i agree, i agree, i travel, i travel to large communities, i know the situation very well, because i travel now to communities, there we deliver these rempackets from an international organization, and there, i know the situation, so i assure you that very little is believed local administrations, regional military administrations, but people have confidence in the majority of local governments. and i'm there too, if i stop somewhere and watch a single marathon, then i agree, there are positive
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stories, but i will say this, they don't believe the news series, that's why they don't believe it, well, listen, well here are those who say that, it is the same as about corruption, i know the data, we have real corruption, yes, and it was before the war, and it is now, but i know the research data, a large part of those people who say about corruption, they did not themselves encounter the facts of corruption there in specific spheres, but they talk about... corruption, in this case, when we talk about local self-government, about civil administrations, military administrations, i just yesterday took part in presentations of sociological research data on sustainability, cohesion, and there, the level of trust in local authorities, not only in local administrations, but in local self-government has decreased significantly, this is a problem, and i will tell you, the problem is... it is not general, it differs, because, for example, in kharkiv, in the mayor of kharkiv
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is trusted, the mayor works actively, in some other cities the attitude towards their own mayor is a little different, because there are big problems, and let's say, comments on the mayor's work and so on, so again i am against generalizations, when to say everything is not right, so there is no communication on all issues works, but in summer camps. again, i agree with you, mr. volodymyr, i agree that the situation can change from city to city, however, however, i want to emphasize that eh... well, at least in my example of the sumy and kharkiv regions, the tyrichovs trust in there is no kharkiv, sinegubov, but they do not trust us in the regional military administration, but in how many regions should we show the trend, i again tell the students too, all generalizations are false, but generalizations are necessary in order to show the trend, in general in
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the majority of the authorities cannot arrange communication in such a way... that they believe it, because they are often fooled, here i went, president zelenskyi spoke about the situation that is developing in sumy oblast and chernihiv oblast, he says that there is hostile activity against sumy oblast and chernihiv region. let's listen to what the president said. we also record enemy activity against sumy oblast and chernihiv oblast, sabotage groups, shelling. we respond with fire. as it should be, our task is absolutely clear, to disrupt the russian attempt to expand the war, and experts agree on because russia is expanding this war at the expense of kharkiv oblast and sumy oblast, well, in the future, in order to sit down at the transition table with a redistributed map, a new
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map, and well, at least that is what the leaders are writing about. publication that it seems that putin is preparing, and this activity, which is now, is connected with tomorrow's visit to beijing, in order to appear to xi jinping as a person who has victories, who has advantages, who has to gain something in exchange for the cessation of hostilities , mr. volodymyr, no, this is not the case, this is mythology, putin really wants peace on his own conditions, i agree with this. but putin's main goal, a strategic goal, is to take ukraine under control, not to get specific territories, not to freeze the conflict, i can say for sure, because i know information from diplomatic sources and not only ours, that it is not about freezing the conflict, there is no such goal in russia, russia wants peace on its own
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terms, what that means is the demilitarization of ukraine, the end. prospects of ukraine's membership in nato, recognition of the occupied territories as russian, yes, and the more, the better, of course, yes, but this is not the main goal, and there a number of different conditions, including identification, as they understand it, there is also a question, but they give us ultimatums. as for the visit to china, it is not about peace, putin has a whole series of concrete tasks there, in particular, for example, putin will be'. to follow xi jinping in that it is necessary to create its own system, in the brics system, its own system, well, an analogue of swift, because as a result of american sanctions, secondary sanctions, there are big problems with payments, bank payments, big chinese banks refuse to serve trade between russia and china , are functioning
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only, well, let's say this, the border payment system, well, there are some others. payment systems that do not work in the states and in europe, well, are not subject to sanctions, and this is a problem for russia, this is one of the main tasks of putin, because in the last two months there has been a decrease in chinese exports to russia precisely because of this problem, so there is a specific problem, and the topic of peace will certainly be discussed, and we have already seen putin's flattery in relation to... the so-called chinese plan, although there is no plan, there is a set of principles, no specifics, very abstract china's peaceful position, but putin talks about flattery, flatters xi jinping, china's peace plan and so on, yes, this is, i would say, an eastern tactic, he wants to align himself with xi
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jinping, he wants him to be his ally, the main goal is that china does not take part in the global peace summit and that... russia, together with china, reduces the number of participants in the global peace summit as much as possible. why? because holding this summit, agreeing on a certain position, a joint position for future negotiations, strengthens ukraine's position. and on the contrary, it breaks the tactics and strategy of russia, which wants to force us to make peace on its own terms. that is what the struggle is about now. we are not talking about any negotiations right now, especially in russian. conditions, yes, and that is why putin's task now is not to seize more territories there, no, he wants to force us to peace on his terms, and the territorial issue is not the main thing there. thank you, mr. volodymyr, this is putin, he told the chinese xinhua news agency before the visit that the basis of the diplomatic process regarding ukraine this very chinese
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peace plan can be laid. we know these 12 points that were announced on february 24, 23. in fact, this is not a plan, it is rather a vision of china, a situation that is developing in a war, they don't even call it a war, in a conflict, as they say, between russia and the crisis. they use the concept of crisis between ukraine and the russian federation, it is clear that on 16-17 these days, putin will check his watch with the watch of sidzin pinya, who had previously traveled through europe, visited france, was in serbia, came to orbán in hungary, well, a very strange route, to be honest, although it is symbolic, because in serbia he talked about the fact that the chinese embassy was here and during the nato bombing, this... the chinese embassy suffered, with orbán, of course, orban sang an ode to the chinese leader, he had to meet with macron, because this is
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the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations, this is a return visit, well, not only 60, a return visit, and by the way, it is the same with orban and vučić, they were in beijing on such a jubilee event regarding the main geopolitical of the sidjin pin project, well... that's why swedinpin singled them out precisely from the european borders, because they were there, yes, mr. viktor, what do you think, is this a mantra about the chinese peace plan, or is it just, well, putin as always he lies, and lying for him is in principle a normal state for him as a politician and as a person who leads russia, will they still talk about something and obviously xijin pin... who, by the way, has a very large trade between china and europe, in particular with germany, something like 320 billion dollars a year, well, that is, these are huge numbers, or
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will xijin ping tell putin something about what they think in europe about russia's war against ukraine? eh, if we are talking about putin and his plan, then in general, the main method of putin's management is lies, that is, everything he says. putin, in this case, both about peace, and about his intentions, and about how he supports china's plans, is a lie. regarding the fact that xi jinping is trying, will try to maneuver between europe and russia, it is also true, because the turnover of almost 300 million billion dollars china and europe, there 900 for 900 far, but china. the acquirer also benefits from ukraine's war with russia, he simultaneously wants russia to weaken, but not lose, and for the west to win, so mr. volodymyr is right, their
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geopolitical interests absolutely coincide in order to have fewer people present at the swiss peace summit, however, i will assure you now that china will restrain, for example, some african countries. where he has influence so that they don't go there, they can come themselves, of course not uncle si himself, someone from his textbook, yes, for example, there is from the ministry of foreign affairs, and in this way they will play along, if only the west and russia, and for russia it is very important that there are fewer leaders in quantity and quality, so that, if there were, then it is not the first leaders were, indeed, so that putin would say that the summit does not represent the interests of all humanity, because if there is not... china, india, conditionally, indonesia, brazil, then this is definitely a smaller half of humanity. as for peace and putin's peaceful vision.
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of course, neither in ukraine, nor anyone in ukraine now there will be no talk of peace, because it is written in our and their criminal code that whoever recognizes crimea as enemy territory, and for us, well, crimea is ours, in the russian constitution , crimea is a subject of the russian federation, that person is punishable offender. that is, no one will say, but here i do not agree with mr. volodymyr fesenko that putin directly does not want peace, yes, he wants the maximum, he sets the maximum ultimatums, but putin has already knocked out half of the tanks and all of the modern tanks, they have already more than 400 losses, and therefore they simply time they expect that there will be elections, well , first in europe, in britain, in america. will putin win, he is a strategist, he thinks that trump will win, and he and trump can negotiate without ukraine, because at least now
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he has... europeans and americans say that it will not be possible to negotiate like this, and when it does not work, on in the spring of next year, putin will begin to dream, but not about peace, about stopping the war, let's say who put his slippers there, and that, that is, not about ending the war, but about a ceasefire, to conditionally translate the situation in the situation with the democratic line between the two koreas in the year 53. we have to finish, gentlemen, i'm sorry, i continued to talk with you, but i have a schedule and timing of the program. viktor boberenko and volodymyr fesenko were guests of our program today. gentlemen, thank you for participating in the program. during the program, we conducted a survey, friends, asking you about the following: should the countries of the european union return conscripts to ukraine? the results of the television survey - 77% yes, 23% no. what do we have on youtube? 54%. yes 46%, no, on this
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i put a full stop, it was serhiy ordenko's verdict of provia program, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, until 20:00, take care of the cpu and your relatives, goodbye. fm, galicia. listen to yours. lacquer fix reliably fixes. my dentist advised me. yes, it reduces gum inflammation. and the price is good - economical. research has proven. localootfix protects the gums and fixes the denture five times more reliably. so, your choice is lacalo. buy online with a 30% discount. only
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my greetings to everyone from espresso, yana yavomelnyk and time to learn about the main events for this hour, in the northern part of vovchansk. the russian military takes the civilians of polon and shoots them, the minister of internal affairs ihor klymenko said. in that part of the city, fighting continues in the streets where the occupiers have taken hold, people are being kidnapped.


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