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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm EEST

4:30 pm
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on thursday, may 16, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and feedback. you can express your opinion. on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhiy rudenko, every day from 20 to 22 at espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, protect your own. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. strong. the spirit
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appreciates the ability to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with one's brothers until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, winds kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. good afternoon, you are watching the spresso channel, my name is lesya vakulyuk and today i will be talking to a person who has been commenting on the full-scale russian invasion of ukraine since day one. this is a polish military man, general, former commander of the polish ground forces, waldemar skrzypchak. greetings, mr. general.
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russia will be able to say that it won the war when it defeats the ukrainian army. the army of ukraine fought successfully for two years and he continues to fight, he will fight, i believe in it. and that prospect, which putin announced, will be finally stopped in the summer of this year. will be stopped in the summer. this year, yes, this means
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that the russians will not achieve their goals, because the defense of the ukrainian army is very strong, the army is very good, excellent. is fighting, these are unsurpassed soldiers who beat the russian army with their heroism, despite the fact that the russians have a great advantage over the ukrainian army, they cannot defeat it, and in my opinion they will not win, but yes, but in these two years intensive war, ukraine also lost a large number of its army, which was trained, had a lot of war experience, because the war began.
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do you believe that ukraine can launch a counteroffensive or is the ukrainian army ready for a counteroffensive? borders of 1991. we would like that, but as a soldier, i look at it realistically. first of all, the russians have several times the advantage over the ukrainian army, which allows them to conduct an offensive, this is the first thing. secondly, ukrainians lack soldiers, and ukrainians lack weapons and ammunition. what will happen now event, will correct the ukrainian situation.
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now in ukraine, there is a lot of talk about mobilization, because there are very large losses among the military. the law on mobilization is coming into effect, recently ukrainians are talking
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about the fact that services in the consulates of ukraine in poland may be suspended, and also that poland can somehow help with the return of the men who ended up there. what do the poles say about those ukrainian men who ended up in poland and do not want to return to ukraine? kyiv's decision to mobilize came very late, to say the least for eight months. in may of last year, kyiv was supposed to announce mobilization, but did not announce it. hence the problems at the front. ukrainians in poland have asylum, they fled the war in ukraine and found refuge in poland, germany, and many other countries. this is a great potential of young people who can be soldiers. but the key motive for returning to ukraine,
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first of all, is that they feel they are ukrainians and want to defend ukraine. and secondly, it is the fact that the government in kyiv must turn to the governments in europe, to warsaw, to berlin this must be in accordance with laws and agreements between governments, then ukrainians can create, for example, in poland, in germany, recruiting centers for ukrainians who will report to the army. and we, in turn , can train those ukrainians on the basis of those intergovernmental agreements. and after that, let them go to ukraine to fight. but will ukrainians turn to such
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recruiting centers? you know, it all depends on whether they feel ukrainian and feel that this is a struggle for their homeland. for the survival of the motherland, for the survival of ukraine. i believe that among those who are in poland, in germany, somewhere else there are those who feel this way, we just need to create conditions for them. for return, that is, firstly , recruits must be held, secondly, they must be trained, they cannot be taken from poland or germany as cannon fodder, untrained. therefore , this condition should also be based on voluntary recruitment and on the training that poland or germany will train those people that the ukrainians will recruit. but do you hear among polish society about... what people say, why they sit here, they have to defend their country, we give money, we
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help, but here they just take advantage of the fact that they live in our country, but do not defend their country. first of all, the poles' position is to support ukraine and ukrainians. the voices of society, which are also heard in the media, say that it is necessary to act in accordance with the law, you cannot do anything by force, you cannot carry out raids, you cannot deport ukrainians to ukraine. since poland is a country of law and a democratic country, but of course, the poles claim that this is the duty of ukrainians to return to ukraine and fight for ukraine. but in my opinion, the main role here is the role of kyiv and the government in kyiv, which should create, together with western countries , conditions that will allow them to be recruited or recruited, then train them in our countries, and then send them to the front in ukraine. is poland ready for the fact that the war may come
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to the poles as well. we are determined, we are in nato, the strength of nato is growing month by month, we are now stronger, we have a great advantage over russia. thanks to you also, thanks to the ukrainians who are fighting well, we feel better safer, we have time to prepare.
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poles are aware of the fact that historically we have always had a threat from russia, we, as our minister of foreign affairs sikorsky says, have always been fighting russia for 500 years, and ukrainians too. they listen, because if they listened, they would do something. in the meantime, i say that in order to prepare for
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war, it is not necessary to undermine the borders. but you have to prepare for it. it is necessary to plan the mining of the directions from which the russian army can go, to determine the area, to accumulate stocks of mines, so that the russians who wanted to attack poland, they had to cross minefields, as they are crossing now in the direction of kharkiv. the russians attack ukraine with missiles and drones, very often they fly to the west of ukraine. then
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poland takes to the sky its military aircraft, fighters. could there be such a situation that poland will help protect the sky over western ukraine in order to help ukraine. in my opinion, nato should issue a warning to putin that every missile that flies in the direction of poland or nato countries will be destroyed by nato troops. because it cannot be like that situations where russian missiles fly into the territory of poland, as was the case in perevodów, when a missile killed two poles, and the russians suffered consequences for this. there should be a clear warning to putin that every missile flying in the western direction will be destroyed by nato. there can be no such missiles falling in poland,
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romania or lithuania. this is nato's role, and nato must give putin a clear signal that every missile will be intercepted. everyone is playing with their muscles, but it seems to me that the time has come for quick decisions, firm decisions, but only for firm people, for of politicians, led by politicians, said that poland should be placed nuclear recently, the president of poland andrzej duda weapons. polish prime minister donald tusk is against
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it, and what do you think about it, will there be such a weapon? that is, warehouses with nuclear weapons, which will be on the territory of poland, will be the objects of the first order for the russians to strike. and therefore it would be better if those nuclear weapons were outside the territory of poland. poland cannot be a zone of destruction on the way to nato support of poland in defense against russia. i am against placing nuclear weapons in poland, but i believe that if the americans
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handed over these weapons to us, they could be placed on american bases in europe and assigned to the polish air force. happy about it, obviously the help is late, will get help from the americans and we are very if we had received it earlier, what could have been avoided? ukraine would have avoided what was happening behind the scenes. what is happening now in the time gap and so on, that is , that departure due to the fact that ukrainians do not have what to stop the advance of the russian army, so it seems to me that if you had ammunition in time and caused losses to the russians, they would not dare attack the defensive positions of the ukrainian army, but i believe that the ammunition will arrive in the coming days, hours, that
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the russians will receive blows from the ukrainians, what helped it is difficult to say, in my opinion, the main problem that ukraine is struggling with is the lack of troops, troops in such a number of such training and equipment, which could effectively beat the russian army and not allow a defense breakthrough. and at this moment, all ukrainians, the government in kyiv, all of us. should focus on the fact that the ukrainian army holds its ground, repels the onslaught of the russian army, and that the russians do not try to attack anymore, because they also have big problems. lack of troops, now the mobilization age is reduced to 25 years.
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the average age of a ukrainian soldier is 40-40 plus, in poland it is 28 years. do you think that the now-reduced enlistment age will affect the average age of the military, and does age matter for a military man who leaves weapons to fight on the battlefield? there are two categories here, the first is age, as you noted, it is people 20 plus who teach better. the second is the quality of the soldier, that is, his training, because this is the key point.
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with the experience that should be involved in training new soldiers, you have veterans who are very well trained, battle tested, that's your asset. recently , the americans said that by helping russia, china is making the war last forever. and this is actually the problem, because russia has so many people that ukraine cannot compete with it. we we see how the americans dragged their feet with helping ukraine. in this case , can ukraine hold this front against russia, which receives aid.
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problems the russians now have less of that in general, the russians also have the demographic soldier potential, this is the first. secondly, remember that russia is a conglomeration of peoples, about 200 peoples who do not necessarily feel good in russia, because they remember that... russia once turned them into slaves. and these are the slaves who feel more and more that atmosphere of freedom, that time when they will be able to get out of this russian captivity. therefore, russia will have more and more internal problems, and there are fewer russians in russia now, because russians are also fleeing from russia. therefore, russia has a serious problem with russians.
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russia will not be able to wage a long war even with the help of china. mr. general, how much longer can this war last? according to my estimates, it will last until the end of the year, because there will be such political forces that will force putin to end this war.
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nato summits, and this does not solve anything for ukraine, it does not make it so that putin does not launched rockets at civilians, then kills them,
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so as long as politicians remain hypocrites, ukraine will not be able to rely on nato, that they will stand up and do everything so that putin does not have such an opportunity, please note that the sanctions imposed by europe and vasil, as it is clear that beaten ukrainian civilians do not make an impression on them, so i do not know what else can shake those politicians.
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of the ground forces of poland, and we talked about the heroes slava, the general, former commander of the russian-ukrainian war, about its prospects, about whether the world is still ready stay with ukraine. lesya vokulyuk, thank you for your attention and stay with espress. thinking about a new mattress, but here's what's stopping you. have you thought about what you sleep on? old mattresses accumulate not only dust, but also moisture that a person releases during sleep. a new mattress pad or bed linen can only improve the mattress aesthetically. choose
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5:00 pm
greetings to all espresso viewers, i'm a narcissist and this is news. fighters of the 13th brigade of the charter national guard of ukraine repulsed an enemy assault in the lyptsi region of kharkiv oblast, spotted the enemy, drone operators, and then opened fire on the enemy with small arms, artillery and attack drones. the russians began to flee, in addition, they also lit up their additional forces. charter fighters hit them too from the reactive system of salvo fire. in total , at least eight tanks were destroyed.


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