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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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the legitimacy and recognition of the world power of one or another leader depends on the visit of vladimir putin to xi jinping and vice versa: we are creating an alternative to the west, some kind of system of international relations that gives legitimacy to the rest of the states, to all our allies who gather around us, including syria and venezuela, and iran, and north korea. well, that is, you understood, yes, it turns out that it is putin with his, such usurpation of power. there is legitimacy for someone there, but okay, he just follows the example, i would say, well, these whole series of dictators of african states who sat for 30 years and ate their own there, some, let's say this, not all of course, but some ate their rivals in the literal sense of the word, so putin still has room to grow, he can eat shoigu there for lunch if he wants, too it will be like this, you know, it will probably add legitimacy, well, what in principle. they
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simply stole in such volumes that three times the country's budget was taken abroad. well, here, of course, putin has probably already outdone them. here. well, but there is actually a reason why china is still important for putin, why, right now important, and right now it is important at the moment when a meeting is being prepared in switzerland, regarding ukraine itself, regarding the war between russia and ukraine, regarding. some peaceful or some possible settlement plans there, and here the russians are quite frank about why they consider china's assistance very important and why they believe that this support is, well , in principle, key for them, let's listen, and actually remember, at least this, this is switzerland, switzerland, which we are already there, so there is, someone says that we are afraid there and if we are not afraid, then we will win in switzerland. i think the petitioners will send
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a representative, but this is a very interesting point, they have formed an alternative group that recognizes the chinese peaceful regulation plan, and with this group they will push their agenda in switzerland, that is, they will destroy the agenda of nato and the united states, there is a peaceful the plan provides for one very important point: does china not demand the withdrawal of troops, that is, does it indirectly recognize russia's territorial gains? so, the main thing for russia in general is that... china supports them, no only the main thing is the economy, it is definitely very important, but the key thing is that china really supports that russia has invaded ukrainian territories, and here i would like ukrainian politicians to also come to their senses a little, because there is a whole, you know, such a movement in ukrainian politics , they are waiting for some unexpected turn from china, that china will press russia, will not support it, all this... a fantasy, my friends,
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because in reality, what was said about supporting the idea that russia seized certain territories, well and let's leave them, that's it the main line is actually the policy of china, and this is the line that is very important for china, because the option for the end of the war is that putin is simply thrown out of ukraine, well, it does not suit china, in general, the defeat of putin is not what ... let would welcome, china needs a story when putin will not be directly defeated, when he is there, well, he will take some part of the territory, yes, although, well, maybe they will not recognize it for russia, but at least they will say, well, okay, well, they stopped the war on this here are the lines, why is it beneficial for china, well, because china has the same ones territorial claims, like russia, it has claims on taiwan, and of course it will set a precedent for china if the world allows it.
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putin, to take the ukrainian territories for himself, you know, well, even if he will not admit it directly, he will at least not fight for these territories, so i repeat once again, we must get rid of these illusions, putin will receive this support in china, and indeed, china, any participation in china's negotiations, is primarily a participation to support russia's position, to leave the occupied territories to russia. and that's the key, and i think that's it must be understood very clearly. this is what putin already has, everything else is romance there, yes, he can press beijing to somehow silence, for example, russia's cries about nuclear weapons, because china absolutely clearly does not like it this story, but everything else, the fighting, the things that are going on. or there is a fantasy
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about the russians withdrawing their troops from ukraine, no, this will not happen, because , i repeat once again, china will support this idea in order to freeze it. line, where russia had already managed to seize something, that is why russia also started its own these actions in the kharkiv region before the trip to china, and not after it, in order to show that they can still capture something in addition, this is in principle a logical story that is clear and that explains why they seem like small forces with very unclear goals, they they got in there, that's it, and in the end, what else is important. for russian propaganda, well, to show that putin is like, well, not that he is not even alone, but that putin feels comfortable, that they do not depend on china, that they have equal relations with the chinese, and that's why today, literally all the russian
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channels, all the tv channels showed one such episode, which i will also show you now, where it is immediately clear that it is important for... a russian person to show that he feels comfortable and at home, what, you can guess, please forgive me for talking for a long time, i didn’t give a translator, i just feel like at home, so i decided that everyone here speaks russian, a classic of the genre, that is... there is no russian language, not like at home, that’s how and let's remember for ourselves, there is no russian language, russians do not feel at home, no they feel at home, they don't climb, it's simple, accessible and clear, but you know, the chinese have very
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clearly shown that no, russians are not at home in china, and to understand this, it is also worth hearing such a comment by lavrov, who explained that everything that happens on chinese territory...everything that happens during this visit is what the chinese have specifically instructed to do, it is not the russians who decide what they do during the visit, no, they are there on a visit, and they are not just guests, and guests who were told clearly where to go, where not to go, well, lavrov said it directly, today and tomorrow there will be a very detailed and thorough visit of our president here, in particular the prepared informal ones... some moments of the tea party, maybe you can tell us something about the informal ones? the guest, as they say in the east, the guest and the host's step, so all programs depend on those kind offers that the chinese president and his team made to our president, all these details were agreed on
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the line of protocol, so it all depends on the hosts, and where the owners sent russians, they sent them to harbin. well, that is, in addition to beijing, they have the russians, putin has to visit harbin, and here it is also interesting to hear about harbin, because i think this is a master class from the chinese on how to deal with russians. the fact that putin is now visiting harbin is also an important thing. harbin, by the way, is the largest city that the russians founded in asia, now it is five thousand. and once it was just a station that the russians built. it must be said that the chinese very carefully preserve the memory of russians, they don't destroy anything there, but they don't consider him russian either and they generally think that this is a painful conversation. well, i wouldn't say, the embankment, which
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is located there along the sungari river, is called the stalin embankment, in memory of the flood. and the russians saved them, helped them. the church of saint sophia is standing, there is a museum in it. it's another matter that he himself... well, that is, it's great, there were russians, there are no russians, and then you can build a museum, and maybe even a street there, well, let's not name it after stalin pushkin, but that there were no russians at all, well, that is, there were hundreds one thousand now there are 300 left, a great way to solve the problem, and you know, something tells me that... there is a problem with the russian language in harbin, it just disappeared completely from harbin, this problem, there are no russians, there is no problem. such a wonderful master class from the chinese on how to solve russian problems in cities that were even founded by russians. everything is not there, and everything is going to the point that not only in
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harabiyin there will be no russian language and russians, they cannot suddenly become, there in the amur region, there everything is going to the point, because directly after all, the chinese are taking over the territories, and the russians simply don’t stay there, so it’s like this , that way, somehow, so that you don’t feel like putin was sent from home to see, somehow you can even walk along the... embankment, go to the museum and understand that there are no russians, there are no problems, let's take this as an example, what can i say, let's see, what is bahamud? bahmud? it is a place of fear and a place of bravery, no matter what anyone says, but
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bravery is not the absence of fear. bakhmut is an adventure that will stay with us until the end. our bottom. children are born in an era independence who are they? there are many of them, and they are strong and brave. these are the guardians of the traditions and martial arts of their ancestors. these are boys who... never cry. lemberg, mother, don't cry. a book by the writer olena cherninka. a mother's book about her son, a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine and went missing in the vast expanses of donbas.
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two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and more feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22. on espresso. your place is waiting for you. the light remains on. for dinner - what you love, a warm bed. calved, there will be walks, swings and bathing, they are waiting for you on your
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united around you. see this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. a false report about a crime, how the vrp rejected the complaint of the head of the economic court of the kyiv region. no evidence of interference in their activities as judges has been established. but why did pavlo gorbasenko's father end up on the myrotvorets website? greetings, you are watching judicial control, i am tatiana shustrova. the judicial system of ukraine is in a zone. in view of the catastrophic shortage of judges, the higher qualification commission works tirelessly on conducting competitions for positions and evaluating the current servants of themis. it's so exhausting that lately interviews are going on in 7 minutes, judges with dubious reputations and fortunes of obscure origin remain in office.
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the head of the economic court of the kyiv region turned out to be the next judge for those willing to successfully survive the turbulence and stay in the chair. pavlo gorbasenko. he is that many other unscrupulous members of the judiciary are counting on the updated composition of the supreme court of justice to eventually turn a blind eye to their inadequacies. we will talk about it today, but first to the news. for the first time since 2022, president volodymyr zelenskyi has signed a number of decrees on the appointment of judges to positions in local general, commercial and administrative courts, as well as in regional commercial courts. it. former judges, the so- called five-year judges, participants of the selection of 2017 and participants of previous selections for the positions of judges. in total, zelenskyi appointed 116 servants of themis. oleksiy mykytyuk, the judge of the illegally created rf kyiv district court of simferopol, was sentenced to 15 years in prison for working for the enemy. according to the sbu, mykytyuk helped the russian invaders
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legitimize the political repression of crimeans who do not agree with the kremlin regime. according to the investigation. he is involved in the adoption of a number of illegal decisions regarding activists of the occupied peninsula. based on the collected evidence, the court found mykytyuk guilty under the article on collaborative activity and sentenced him to 15 years in prison, which the judge will begin to serve as soon as he is detained. the higher qualification commission continues to assess ukrainian judges for their suitability for the positions they hold. not all and especially resourceful judges pass the check, while the qualification commissions do. makes a decision, simultaneously submitted to another court for competition, and suddenly it will work. this is pavlo gorbasenko, head of the economic court of the kyiv region. he is one of the most scandalous judges and the most influential people of kyiv region. currently, gorbasenko is waiting for a decision from the supreme court of appeals, will he continue to sit in the judge's chair? in december, the commission postponed the decision on gorbasenko. the decision is announced. the decision to
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adjourn the meeting because. several points, several points in connection with which the commission cannot, i believe, cannot make a decision, while the ccc is waiting for additional explanations and documents from pavlo gorbasenko, he decided not to waste time, submitted documents for participation in the competition for the position of judge in the northern commercial court of appeal. in this way , you can get a promotion and reset some facts of your personal and professional biography. gorbasenko also spams the prosecutor general and the high council of justice on... complaints and complaints due to alleged interference in his work. in fact , he tries to justify himself in a banal way, because the higher qualification commission received complaints about his unprofessionalism and mistakes made during the consideration of cases. it is about one of the enterprises of critical infrastructure in the kyiv region, the bila-tserkiv thermal power plant. the shareholders insist that in the pad case, the judge made many unjust decisions, took measures
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to secure the lawsuit by suspending the effect of the decisions of the general meeting of shareholders. in another gorbasenko did the same in the case. statement signed by the representative of the defendant and began to consider another lawsuit, again , signed not by the plaintiffs, but by the representative of the defendant. the northern commercial court of appeal, where gorbasenko dreams of going, overturned his decisions. therefore, the shareholders believe that the judge's actions have signs of raiding and illegal interference in economic activity, and have reported this to the higher kvaliv commission, which must determine whether the judge will continue his career. instead, gorbasenko decided that appeal of shareholders to the vkk. nothing but interference in his activity from pavlo gorbasenko's report on interference in the judge's activity. i consider it necessary to inform about interference in my activity as a judge, regarding the administration of justice. judge, as well as showing contempt of court. spamming the higher authorities, the prosecutor's office and the courts with complaints and lawsuits is commonplace for gorbasenko. in an odious oase , he contested the negative conclusion
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of the public integrity council. then he tried to challenge the decision of the supreme court itself in the supreme court. experts considered these actions as attempts to evade qualification assessment. the judge provided a well-known picture or distorted information about the procedure and tried to evade the passage. pavlo gorbasenko was appointed a judge of the commercial court of the kyiv region by presidential decree in 2010. i used family, friendship and other informal connections to pursue a career. since 2007, gorbasenko has been married to his friend on donka bosoba, who at that time was a judge of the supreme court of ukraine and the head of the judicial chamber in the main case, as well as a member of the supreme court. at the end of zero gorbasenko, who worked as a legal consultant in a private firm, suddenly decided to change his activities and got a job at the commercial court of the kyiv region, just during
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the time when his then father-in-law valentin barbara was a member of the supreme council of justice, an interesting coincidence. during his work at the court, gorbasenko managed to get into several scandals and make a living with a considerable amount of real estate. a housewife helped her mother earn property. the judge assures that it was his mother who gave him two apartments. for 116 and 136 m2 in the summer district in kyiv. mom gave it i have two apartments and a car. here are some of the most expensive residential complexes in obolon with picturesque views of the dnipro. prices for apartments start at $100,000 for a simple one-room apartment. and the gorbasenko family actually has an entire floor. according to the data of the you-kontrol service, the right of ownership of four apartments and three parking spaces in these elite houses was also issued to gorbasenko's brother oleksiy. i wonder how much. it was worth such a pleasure. for herself , pavel gorbasenko's mother built a house of more than 800
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m2 in the village of lebedivka near kyiv. next in a picturesque green forest on a huge private territory of more than half a hectare, there is a two-story building - the altanka pool. where does the housewife's mother get the money for such a big house and luxurious apartments in obolon. pavlo gorbasenko assures everyone. money is the earnings of a businessman's father, his father is a builder with many years of experience, and in addition to construction, he is engaged in various indirect activities, the father of judge volodymyr gorbasenko runs his business in occupied crimea, so he obviously pays taxes to the terrorist state. we don't even are surprised that the name of the father of the head of the economic court of the kyiv region appeared in the peacemaker database. analysts together with special services discovered that in february -march 2020. 22, the russian mobile phone number of volodymyr gorbasenko was recorded roaming in the temporarily occupied territory of the kyiv region. it is quite likely that gorbasenko took part in
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the military aggression of the russian federation against ukraine - the peacekeeper notes. and when the kyiv region was liberated, he fled back to the crimea. and this is hanna svyredenko, deputy of the kyiv city council and the owner of a large amount of real estate, in particular in kyiv and the occupied crimea. according to the documents, she divorced for the second time. with pavel gorbasenko, they allegedly broke up for the first time at the end of 2014, but they remained in such a wonderful relationship that they went to europe together 5 days after the divorce, in 2017 they had a child together, then traveled abroad dozens of times, even during the war. all this is too similar to the manipulation of the norms of the law, presumably precisely in order not to declare property. we broke up with her in the 14th year, and therefore in the future i didn't specify it, but we... continued our communication, just the two circumstances under which i have to declare it disappeared. in january 22 , gorbasenko and sveredenko got married again, and
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last fall, they once again hastily decided to divorce, everything was arranged literally in a day. my ex-wife and i tried to file a lawsuit, in the order of a separate lawsuit, in order to speed up the proceedings. the divorce took place just the day before. qualification evaluation of gorbasenko and the opening of the register of declarations, from which we learned that in 2023, he and hanna sveredenko had another daughter, and this also indicates a close family relationship, which the couple once again decided to hide, presumably in order to manipulate the law when declaring property. the higher qualifications commission of judges allowed gorbasenko to participate in the competition for a position in the northern commercial court of appeal, and while he... is preparing for another interview, the members of the supreme court of appeals have apparently already prepared questions for him about unjust decisions with signs of raiding and about sky-high real estate and probably
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fictitious divorces, as well as connections: with his father, who pays taxes in the occupied crimea and, according to the peacekeeper, could be involved in the military aggression of the russian federation against ukraine. so, in order to justify himself, gorbasenko filed several complaints to the supreme council of justice and the prosecutor general's office about alleged interference in his judicial activities. vrp conducted an inspection and announced the decision last week. according to the results of the review of the report of the judge of the commercial court of the kyiv region, gorbasenko, no facts were found to have intervened. in their activities as judges, as well as actions that pose a threat to the independence of judges and the authority of justice, about which relevant conclusions have been drawn. all 14 members of the vrp present at the meeting voted for this decision and actually admitted that gorbasenko submitted a known false report about interference in his activities. meanwhile, the higher qualification commission of judges should announce its decision regarding the judge in the near future. it depends on her whether
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gorbasenko will continue to sit in the judge's chair. and whether he can transfer to another court. we hope the commission members carefully will investigate his biography, professional competence, legality of decisions and compliance of his lifestyle with official income. and they will make a fair decision regarding gorbasenko. today i have everything. it was court control and i, tatyana shustrova. tell us about the facts of corruption in the judicial system that you know? write to me on facebook or by e-mail. mail, the address of which you see on your screens, we will meet in exactly one week, all the best.
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vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world,
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front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, protect your own. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volhynia, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, appreciated. the ability to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with brothers until holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, winds up kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together.
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muscovites are storming kharkiv region, what is known at the moment about the situation in... abroad in a new way, what will change from may 18 and how much money is the czech republic ready to spend in order to return ukrainians home? the news team has rounded up the main events of the day . anna eva melnyk is with you, my greetings. fighters of the 13th brigade of the charter national guard of ukraine repelled an enemy assault in the liptsi district. in the kharkiv region, the enemy was spotted by drone operators, after which they opened fire on the enemy with small arms, artillery and shock troops.


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