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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EEST

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use such fpv drones with machine vision to destroy enemy targets? i will say this, it is a technology that needs to be improved, there are many questions about it, and we are still sometimes working, we are betting precisely on the fact that we will go around the enemy, fly up and make the bc work, it is this technology for capturing the target, it still needs improvement and use, unfortunately, it is not impossible on a massive scale at the moment, but in time it will all be, at the moment there is a problem, it is there... the number of channels, well , i will not reveal all the details, yes, our task is to intercept the guys and bypass them , and so that the bc, removing drones, works, works, this is a complex of such actions, and with which the work of a large team works. sir, i would like to ask about one more story, now in many directions we have to hear that the enemy has a significant number of these eagles and supercams, which then guide, give data
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for ... some optimal methods of combating eagles, superkamas, air defense, the allange flies up to 5 km behind the towers, and not a single one, well, not every air defense will be able to get it so high, so only the development of the air defense system solves this problem. adlan is a very cool powerful farewell tool, which was already made before the war and during the war was already refined, taking into account the realities. of this war, so only by developing beer can we protect our skies from the use of eagles to target us, and finally, i would like to ask about the replenishment of your battalion , every time i ask about it, because , speaking mono, i hope that our conversations will contribute to , that boys and girls who want to technologically destroy the enemy will still choose units where they to have... such opportunities as you have with
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replenishment, with the selection of people who will then operate fpv, and reconnaissance drones. well, thanks to the fact that we communicate through tv channels, thank you, through media advertising there in cinemas, other advertising, and radio sarafans, as they say, people contact us, fill in the questionnaire, here, thank you, they called the link, there is a questionnaire , a link to the questionnaire, and we invite you to come to us from... drive up to where we will say in order to register in the army, in which we will say, then go to the training center and these soldiers already come to us, that is, from the first call, the first completed questionnaire, we accompany the soldiers to us, and i always say that with us they simply bring victory closer, but to acquire the profession of the future. i
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'm telling the truth, because we have after this war, i hope that as soon as it ends, ukraine will be the main exporter of defense systems against terrorists in the whole world, because the terrorists will adopt all these bepols, all these slaves, strikes on rockets, bombs and the like, and there will be reb systems to work for will be involved in all countries of the world, and no one will be able to do it better than ukrainians, so there will be work, there will be development, so come. go all out, mr. olesya, on behalf of all our viewers , i would like to thank you for the work you and your comrades do for the defense of our country. let me remind you that oles mylarevich, the deputy commander of the bipak assault battalion, achilles of the 92nd separate assault brigade, was on the air of clan espresso. these were the main military results of this day, and more news and details of current news further in veliko broadcast by vasyl zima, so stay tuned to the channel.
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thank you very much to serhii zgurets, thank you to his guest for telling us more about the situation at the front and around the front. it is our turn to collect, but now i will prepare information for you about how much we have already been able to collect, but before that i want, and i want to thank you, i am not the same as our soldiers. so, thank you. our dear and beloved viewers, with your help we collected funds, purchased and repaired cars for our defenders, together with volunteer yevhen rosenblatt, we have already handed over a pickup truck to the front for of the 43rd separate artillery brigade and a vehicle for the 302nd anti-aircraft missile brigade serving in the kharkiv region. we sincerely thank everyone who supports the armed forces of ukraine and our assemblies, so that together we can cleanse ukraine of russian evil. thanks to the viewers of espresso
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for joining the meeting, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory, death to the enemies, i wish our soldiers success. and we wish that these metal horses would serve as long as possible on the fields where battles are currently being fought, we understand that the situation there is very hot, but in in any case, we continue our work, we continue to give what our heart tells us and what our pockets allow us, sometimes even more, so sometimes i ask for even more, i always give them myself, i understand that i understand that it is necessary because we have no other way, therefore. we ask you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the soladar and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and restoration regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the so-called gray zone, which is not actually controlled by by one or another army, neither ours nor the enemy's.
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our defenders are on duty in the open sky in any weather, day and night. so for emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of the damaged. military equipment, in particular, we are talking about tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers. for this , a minibus is needed to deliver mobile repair teams and equipment to the war zone, so that people can come, repair, leave, and all this was fast, all this was mobile, and most importantly, it was also as safe as possible for the repair repair crews themselves. we also ask that funds are needed for pneumohydraulic jacks for the prompt repair of foreign equipment, which. fortunately , there is no shortage on the battlefield either, i always wanted to have more of it, but even the one that is there needs to be repaired, because in war there is nothing that does not break, everything breaks, everything gets damaged somewhere, and that is why we ask 630 , hryvnias for our army, let's do it,
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now we have 238 hryvnias, i believe that today, even more so on the day of vyshyvanka, even more so, for the sake of people who again changed vyshyvanka on... pixel, we will collect as much as possible, i believe in you, and we will start a conversation, now one second, we will start a conversation with mykolaiv, i'm only viktoria oilman with us, mrs. viktoria, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, so what , let's start, first of all i would like to congratulate you on vyshyvanka day, in any case, thanks to our army, which gives us the opportunity already. the third year of a full-scale war, and the war has been going on for the 13th year, allows us today in relatively peaceful cities to celebrate this day. i'd like to talk about the aftermath of yesterday enemy attack on mykolaiv. i have a good friend in mykolaiv, sometimes i ask her what is going on. well, they say that it was loud, there were
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casualties from what can be said, please tell us more about the enemy's goal and most importantly about the consequences of the victims, as well as about overcoming these consequences of the attack. please yes yesterday. the enemy attacked mykolaiv at approximately 11:35, it was an iskander from the direction of crimea, hit an industrial zone, there is a service station nearby, there are a lot of people near the car market, so the target was unclear the enemy at the moment, six people were injured, fortunately, all of them with light or medium severity, these are the workers of the support. i’m just for a second, i think this will also be the topic of our conversation, we have a broadcast on youtube, and people post, it is very important that people write, like, share, comment, and contributor bala lavrenyuk writes,
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says , when they stop turning off the lights, i just want to announce right away that today in the section money during the war with oleksandr morchivka, we will talk about it in detail, there is statements, there are certain dates, there is a certain understanding of the situation. and let's, by the way, move on to this issue of mykolaiv, mykolaiv oblast, the situation with emergency or planned outages, what is it like there, as far as i know, this also happens in mykolaiv, mykolaiv oblast, but please, how different is this situation possibly from other regions, maybe there is no light for a longer time, bigger problems, or somewhere approximately the same as it is now all over ukraine, please, well, look, mykolaiv oblast is a single system of the whole of ukraine and we are no exception. we are all part of a single complex and we cannot be separated from this energy system, even though we have our own capacities, and we used, or rather , not us, but the energy industry used an emergency shutdown for the previous two days, before that only industrial and
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businessmen used shutdowns, so, for now we have planned outages, these are the ones that people got used to last winter, they understand, they know theirs. these queues are about two hours or there is no light for 4 hours, but they are small in such a quantity is used that well, for example, i only have half an hour today. i didn't feel it myself, so to say that this is a problem with us right now , there is no such problem, so that people understand that there are emergency shutdowns that the energy company cannot warn or tell in advance, they already report when they are told, this is a command is coming from the center of kyiv to turn off the lights, and there are planned ones, as we are currently working on the schedules of outages, and we notify them in advance, all these schedules are on the websites, and we notify ova and mykolaiv oblenergo, in principle, people. .. can to orientate and understand when they will have outages, and this is due to the fact that
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it got colder, people turned on more electrical devices for heating, plus enemy shelling, and if in principle we all save the whole of ukraine, then the energy experts say that we may not apply these shutdowns, therefore, in principle, if we are more economical, then perhaps this will not happen, well, from the good side, i want to say very briefly from the good side that the regional military administration of the mykolayiv region, by the way, many local authorities , elected, i mean, and executives in ukraine, spending budget funds on the needs of the armed forces of ukraine will purchase a thousand reconnaissance drones for 16.9 million, big thanks again to the regional military administration for these things, and both and the second was a comment from the regional administration today regarding this this scandal with mayor ochakov's apartment in spain and the amount of 12 million that was found there, if you can clarify something on this, because you know, people already react very painfully to any scandals that are connected with some money,
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apartments, real estate abroad, people, who perform certain duties, official, or elected, or executive, again appointed, what was clarified there, what is clear about this? well, look, i don’t know what kind of comment you’re making, the official witness , i’ll say, well, you didn’t comment on it, but as far as i know, it’s some kind of procedural process, i can’t comment, it’s only the bodies that have to... comment, but as for the information society, let's wait for the official findings, this person's position, maybe he has something to answer, so i don't think i can comment anything here, ok, i will find it, but very often it happens, you know, that people throw in some information, write that they stated somewhere in ova, without saying who the source is, but i also asked that it is very important to understand what the current situation is and to understand well, let's really wait, i'm here with you absolutely... but i support you, and they also plan to demine 30,000 hectares of territory in the mykolaiv region, we understand
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very well that this is very important, first of all for people's lives, for business, and also for agribusiness, please tell me if it is for of this opportunity, if something else is needed to make this work more effective, then what exactly, we need demining agents, money, equipment, everything is needed to be more, and to be serious, we have exactly 280. agricultural land is mined, we 140,000 of them have already been demined, and i am demining the state emergency service, the police, humanitarian missions, we have about 10 different humanitarian organizations that are engaged in demining, two more will join, that is, the capacities are large, but the problem is that the lightest areas were demined first , now leaving... the areas that are in the red zone, they are the most difficult, so the numbers
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will not be as rapid as last year, that is, we will not be able to say that there will be thousands of us there per day, since these are more dangerous areas, and it will be slower, i thank you very much for participating, thank you for your comments, viktoria oliynyk, adviser to the head of the mykolaiv regional military administration, was with us, there are actually quite a lot of questions in mykolaiv oblast, but i think that we will... . to return to the conversation with the region, which i will remind you, survived the occupation, a rather painful occupation, quite brutal, but there are already legendary battles for its freedom, for the freedom of our entire state, and the region continues to be, unfortunately, under enemy attacks, as they say, the enemy absolutely does not give up from those regions on which he had once laid his paws, well, actually one of those regions, where it is very hot now, is kharkiv region, the enemy was expelled from kharkiv region, some part of the territory was still minimally controlled there, but the enemy again... moved on kharkiv oblast kharkiv oblast fierce fighting is currently going on in the settlements of the vovchansk
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community and in vovchansk itself there are battles on the streets, various information, today the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi was in kharkiv, held a meeting, and that's actually, and that's actually, let's start with that , we are in touch with yevhenii khaustov, a volunteer, the founder of the khaustov charitable fund, mr. yevgenia, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, ah, the situation in vovchansk is basically a military component, of course, we had military summaries of the day, people spoke, knowing what was happening there, how? would like to ask in general the situation regarding the humanitarian component of the evacuation, the necessary provision of assistance to those residents who are today either in those cities that are near the fighting, or where the fighting is already going on in part, to what extent these means are sufficient today to evacuate those people who need it, which may still be needed, because the situation in the combat zone is quite dynamic
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today, in fact, in the area where the enemy entered the ukrainian border. in fact, no matter how it sounds, the situation is quite good we have everything under control, we have been working for the seventh day on the evacuation in the vovchanskyi direction, we have almost no requests from vovchanskyi himself, and besides , volunteers are not allowed there if the police take someone there, we have three echelons set up. evacuation, that is, the first echelon there is from vovchanskyi or some front-line villages to a conditionally safe place, and from there we have a distribution point to kharkov, i was there an hour ago, and everything is in abundance there, i would say, there first take all the information from
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the family that left and... and you can immediately get a lot of humanitarian aid and food and bed, medicine for the animals, they also give you everything you need, but you left with nothing , they will give you everything and then you will be distributed in the dormitories if you don't have a deja. will you be taken to your address there to relatives, acquaintances, we took people to kremenchuk, we took people to the kharkiv region, there closer to poltava, where it is quiet and calm, so we cope with everything, there are enough resources for crews, and humanitarian aid and doctors ,
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well, everything is fine, well, look, the situation... sticky points, where, too, well, in fact , the zone of this war, a big war, but locally now hostile, hostile to this offensive and defensive actions of the defense forces, well, not only defensive actions are counterattacking there the armed forces of ukraine also, 80 people are under fire, this is only in liptsi, if we talk about the vovchan community in general, there are obviously much more people under fire, today was just a terrorist act by the enemy, it's nothing... new, but it's still once proves the terrorist nature of the actions and the completely cynical, misanthropic nature of the actions of the russians, the russian occupiers and aggressors, they hit the vovchan community with cluster munitions, it was about one of the settlements, i honestly did not find what this word was called, but this is for understanding what is
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happening , and here i would like to understand one important thing, if where there are direct hostilities, or let's say on... a nearby street there are gunfights, there are still people on this street, that is, as i understand it, volunteers for this street, which is possible in parallel or behind the house across the street, where the hostilities are going on, they are no longer allowed, but where is the point where people are handed over to volunteers, or who does it, or the police or some other units, i don’t know for sure, well, they probably don’t really do it, because they have other work now, that is precisely this logistics, how well it is established and how risky it is again, well, look, the village that was shelled, it was bugaivka, i think you can already tell, we have four or for five days in a row there was this point, where people were taken from vovchanskyi, and i don't know do they have a reconnaissance drone there, the search is a place, and it was easy to see, because all the volunteer crews, plus there are medics, plus
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there the police are conducting filtering measures, so it was a large crowd of people. in addition, something banged, in addition, everyone there is filming videos, and i personally saw that they carelessly posted videos, videos on social networks, where you can see, uh, well, the church, then you can tell from the church where it was, and i would like to take this opportunity to say, please, reporters, do not film such places, eh, so that you can understand where it is, film there in the background... grass, bushes, a wall, but without identifying such buildings, which are easy to understand, where it converges, because, well, today i already had that... a claim to the social workers of the media, the media, who carelessly remove it, eh -
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the military, yes, they are not involved in the evacuation, but the police crews work well, they have armored pick-ups, and there a few days ago i interviewed a policeman who was caught, one might say, in an ambush, driving for his grandmother, first a sniper started working in it, then the drg started shooting 360° from all the houses and they are there they left on punctured wheels, that is why volunteers are not allowed into the vovchan district zone at all from today, there are special passwords that only trained crews have, who already have experience and... in providing first medical aid, and they have all the equipment, they have digital radio stations that are not tracked, they are tracked by the enemy, that's why from today
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there are such additional measures, because there is a sad story of how volunteers went to ovchansk and came across the drg, as far as i know, one died, the other was seriously wounded. but they are somewhere or in captivity, because the bus was taken from them, where is the rg, and where are the boys themselves is not known today, well, i just want to add here, i hope that it will be possible to return the people, at least to find them, but, you know, the best intentions for war must have a work methodology, knowledge, information, coordination, well, you know this better than i do, but these are clear things, that wherever there is war, there are good intentions - this is only motivation, and then it must be implemented, i see the video near you is so cool, i don't know if it's a boy or a husky, yeah
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boy, that's what i mean by an evacuee, an evacuee friend, yes, yes, we came back from the vovchan district a few hours ago, we took out 20 five tails, that's 15 dogs, 10 cats, and three... people, that's it now we are moving in the direction of the shelter, where we will settle them, there they will be examined by a veterinarian and provided with everything they need, there they will be fed, and all that and we will distribute it to families, because well, guys, they already have an audience on my instagram collected, there will be a competition who will take it to their home there. there is still a very large khasyuk there healthy there, well, there are many more in the other crew , we also have one husky and one hybrid of a shepherd with
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a helmet, well, also a very nice dog, first of all, do i still want a few questions here, well, we have already talked about tails, i like this word, it probably illustrates it very well generalizes the emotions and emotionally illustrates very well in fact, but as people who are forced to leave now under fire, or maybe not expecting the enemy to reach their settlement, because i don't know where the enemy is there, where there isn't, maybe people are somewhere in advance leave, and how do people part with their pets, because it is one thing to transfer a dog or a cat, or i don't know a hamster, anyone, but from such pets, but such pets, but another thing is another matter, a large household, cattle and what about that question? maybe there are some examples, because simply it is really very important for understanding, for understanding in general this picture, a large evacuation, because well, this can still happen somewhere and you need to understand how to act and how people behave in this situation, i have a couple of days
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that's why i faced this question directly, the family had a pet, in addition to three dogs and five cats, and i tried to find a grandmother somewhere in the kharkiv region who would be able to... shelter him, at least for a while, well, she is one of those grandmothers , to whom at the beginning of the war or in the 22nd year, i brought fodder for these livestock there, but it was not found there, because there is one grandmother there, she has three cows, sheep, goats, cats, and she also takes care of a couple there homes nearby, and unfortunately, they have to be slaughtered, and today... the woman was very emotional parting with the dog and touched on the topic of how cows howl when
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they are sent to slaughter. and well, it's tears, it's stress, and today we took away animals and even big men who are such a mountain, they didn't hold back tears, because dogs, well, a dear animal is like a part of the family, and that's all it's painful and difficult to watch, today i saw a picture, a photo, i don't remember what it is, is it kharkiv or? no, but there was a rescued fawn, and already in the room, such small horns, they are also so hairy, and this, this also illustrates the humanity of ukrainians and atrocities of the enemies, and this is one such one detail of this great war, where there is a lot of grief, but also a lot of love, heroism, those who save and those who are saved, i would like to know what
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the situation is in kharkov, everything is fine. . understand that the enemy, despite all his actions in vovchansk, well, this is the kharkiv direction, let's say this, yes, the battles near vovchansk, vovchansk, this is the kharkiv direction, we all understand where putin's horde is rushing, what sentiments, really, whether there is an outflow of people or not, well, because of that you can talk, i understand that not everything is worth telling, obviously, but how does the regional center live, a city, a city that has already seen the enemy on its streets, 24. it is fierce even in the first days, well , not only in the first days of the war 22- th year, please, a few days ago we took out a woman with children from the vovchan district, they already left after the liberation of the territories in september of the 22nd year, they returned there, then somewhere closer to winter, and now they have to leave again. .. well, people who are
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with children, fortunately they are conscious, understand that and children's mental health, and physically, because there, well, about 10 km to vovchansk , artillery reaches even there, i'm not saying that the cabs are coming, the cassette players are coming, that's it, and they have to go through it again for their father. large-scale war for the second time. well, actually , we still have a minute and a half, but tell me, please, is it possible to assess the current situation, namely the combat situation, and the front-line situation, let's say this, and the number of people who need to be evacuated , and you were talking about kremenchuk, poltava oblast, which borders in the kharkiv region, right next to it, these are local communities, or local authorities also declare to support, help, accept people, we
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know perfectly well that, let’s say, the same... in poltava region there are many of these sanatoriums, well, such recreation areas, where you can also go would there be people to temporarily accommodate, is this help available and what kind, how many may still be needed, i.e. how many people will still have to be rescued or may have to be rescued, we did not work according to this method, we have a slightly different approach, we called out in social networks, in who is free an apartment... or a house where you can have pets, and people respond, write information, there are people who have left, they say, there is a house, you can live there for a year or two, please, that's why we work according to this method, and it will work, and now we have also taken people out, there are already options in the vinnytsia region, in the khmelnytsky region, it is a little further than poltava, but there is even less... it flies even less,
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er, makes noise, so to speak, thank you very much for your work, first of all it is really invaluable work and thank you of course for talking about this, about these important stories, take care of yourself , strength, and that without which ukrainians would not survive in general, this is faith, patience and love, for those, even the tails, who sit there in the cage and wait, wait, what will happen he has a further destiny, evgeny. haustu was a volunteer with us, the founder of the haustu charitable foundation, these are the stories of people, stories from the war, and you know when, well, first of all, we should have another broadcast today, it is from nato, as far as i understand, i will be told more now , which should be there, but despite this, let's obviously talk about what happened.


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