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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. what to do when there is a liver? alohol, but what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder. alo hol with care and respect for the liver and gall bladder. good evening, we are from ukraine. let's continue the big ether, right there at the beginning of our program, i see a question on... from our viewer, what will happen with blackouts, actually, the moment has come when you will receive an answer to this question, oleksandra morchyvka, about money with me during the war . oleksandr, please speak to you. good evening, i greet the viewers, the closest ones i will talk about energy in a few minutes, the situation is complicated, you will also learn about the economic reservation, which is being canceled at the ministry of economy, wait, everything will be in detail in a moment. i am oleksand. morcharka, congratulations, and i will start with
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investments in victory. the german defense concern rhein metal opens a joint production of air defense systems in ukraine. this was announced by the general director of the enterprise, armin paperger. however , it will take at least a year or two to start the process, he said. the head of the german concern also announced that the promised kyiv 40 armored combat vehicles promised to kyiv will soon arrive for the needs of our defenders. however, the ministry of economy banned a number of companies, including glovo, visa, and favet, from mobilizing conscript workers, but canceled its decision after the order was publicized. a photocopy of the document dated april 8 was made public by people's deputy from the servant of the people party oleksandr fedienko. the head of the ministry, yuliya sveridenko, said that these companies had requested a reservation from their relevant ministry.
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of digital transformation, it recognized them as critically important, but in the end , after the general staff, everything came together again at the ministry of economy, here is an interesting story, interesting publicity and an interesting turn of events, that is, one ministry, another ministry, in the end it is interesting that yulia svyredenko wrote on facebook, well, let me quote, in view of the public outcry, i am canceling the booking order, and if there had not been this ... public outcry, the order would have passed and quietly booked a number of companies that, according to many experts , after all, it is not strategically important enterprise, vasyl, yes, absolutely, you know, the simple question is, let’s say, if they take away people who are currently doing opera, well, we need operations, let’s say people who are civilians, old women, sick people, people with chronic diseases, when people are taken away and now they are optimizing the work of communal services, because... it is banal that there is no one to clean the pipe,
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or do something there, well, it is clear that this is a critical story, and bring home food to a person who simply does not want to go out on street, this is a slightly different story, therefore, but again the question is then, and according to what principle it is done, so vasyl, the principles, the ministry of digital transformation recognized these companies, let me remind you, we are talking about fudet, visa and glovo, so here it is criteria : no debt. according to the single social contribution, the salary level and the fact that they are residents of the city, these are critical parameters, vasyl, well, it’s the same, as you know, people simply have questions, if we talk about the fact that everyone is subject to this, then the question arises, why absolutely without no discussion, as if football teams are properly booked, well , we get critically important ones, these are football players, nothing personal, a circus and a delivery service, conditionally, etc., etc. there they deliberately evade, they could
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just sit at home, not go out anywhere, and even then, you just then understand that these are individual people, and even then understandable questions arise, and maybe they somehow talked to these people in a special way, that they decided, that’s it you are critical, but you are not critical, although in fact you are critical, but you were told you are not critical, well, it shouldn't be like that, it shouldn't be like that, and it seems to me that the officials who work with these methods that determine criticality or non-criticality should be more careful about this process. and then, so that there would be no such unsubscribes on facebook from female ministers, ministers who said that if it were not for the publicity, maybe somehow it would have happened, somehow it will be, as they say in the people, yes vasyl, yes, but i will only wait a second, you know , on the other hand, if it weren't for the publicity, but on the other hand, maybe it really was a critical enterprise, and you just his, well conditionally saying, i threw it off the list, because publicity, and maybe they really, that is, you shouldn't be guided by people's emotions, you should then give some arguments to people, and not just, oh, we cleaned it. so that no one
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says anything, but maybe it's really, really, show these arguments and people will say, great, this visa company is really important for the banking sector, maybe where do you recruit people who will deal with banking operations. ministries well, let's go further. there is a catastrophic shortage in the ukrainian power grid capacities this was reported by the general director of the supplier's company. sure, serhiy kovalenko. according to him, even imports do not save during peak consumption. tonight and this morning, the situation turned out to be more difficult than expected, he added, so emergency shutdowns had to be applied in dnipropetrovsk, kharkiv, kyiv regions and in the capital itself. now the light has already been restored, however, blackouts have indeed already started in some places again, what should ukrainians expect and how to distinguish between normal blackouts and emergency ones, which is happening, do people really need certain schedules, we will talk about it with the help of an expert who joins the broadcast,
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oleksandr kharchenko, director of the energy research center, do we have a guest on the call, yes, mr. oleksandr, good evening. well, all the same, various statements are currently being made due to the fact that ukrainians should prepare for such blackouts, which have already begun by the end of the summer, but that the situation will change at the end of the summer, currently the enemy continues to hit critical infrastructure, and the government already predicts that winter will be the most difficult, if talk about the supply of current for domestic and industrial consumers, what is your assessment of the current situation? the situation is objectively difficult, there is nothing to hide here, and in fact, i think that ukrainians should come to terms with the idea that in the next, i think at least two years, there will be consumer restrictions from time to time, this is actually
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inevitable, in summer and winter such restrictions will happen more often and the situation will be more tense, in autumn and spring the situation will... improve due to less consumption, but you know the level of damage and the level of destruction of our generating capacity that we have today, it has brought the situation to the point where we have such a constant deficit and there is no magic wand that will restore generation there in a week or a month, it is a huge job ahead, to recover everything that can be recovered. and to build new capacities that will replace and destroy. i have to thank you, today we have an urgent event that has started, and we have to broadcast it, so thank you, mr. oleksandr, and we apologize again. what is the event, vasyl? yes, support
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for ukraine is one of the main topics of the meeting of the military committee, the chiefs of defense staff of the north atlantic alliance member countries, the heads of departments gathered today in brussels in the format of a video conference to... a representative of ukraine also joined during the meeting of the ukraine-nato council and we have you will be able to see and listen live to the press conference based on the results of the meeting. this system in which those in power are responsible for their children. and for this we must help ukraine and strengthen it your defense today. what was already mentioned in vilnius last year, we assure you that we are now able to face current and future dangers. now we
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must actively work on being capable. all our plans, now nato is stronger than at any time in history, but we must be sure that we can prevent all dangers, and now i want to give the floor to christopher cavola, good evening everyone, i am very pleased to have the opportunity to speak with you today after such an active meeting. we approved our regional plans and processes, which are impossible to strengthen our defense systems. we have gone through a lot of
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process to achieve this. obviously, these plans allow protection. nato territory, and we are constantly improving these plans. last january, for example, we started the biggest. nato training since the cold war, this is the first training that tested our capabilities within the framework of article five, and the armed forces of the alliance trained side by side. we also rated. the interconnectedness of our forces, we want
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to assure that we can conduct operations on on a large scale, and that we can implement the concept of multidisciplinary operations, we repeated the form and improved and countries help with their armed... nato forces, we did it very quickly, the process of modernization in the alliance is exciting now. we still have a lot of work to do, but we want to commit to these things now more than ever, and we want to make sure that nato is united, strong and ready for ... any threat, any please, i am waiting for your questions. mr. admiral,
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today putin in china said and called for some negotiations after you spoke with the representatives of ukraine today, have you seen any significant changes. on the battlefield, what can cause ukraine to go to these negotiations, and a question for mr. kavoli: you know that we are talking a lot now about the offensive in the kharkiv direction, from your point of view, do the russians have enough strength to advance in this direction , or is this a psychological operation? in order to push nato and ukraine before the
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peace summit. no, the russians do not have enough soldiers to make a strategic breakthrough. moreover, they have neither the skills nor the resources to take advantage of any breakthrough and gain a strategic advantage. so they can get local advantages, but they also met with many military losses, local, and as a result, the situation has not changed in essence, to the extreme, to the extent that ukraine wants to sit at the... negotiating table with russia. i think that the ukrainian forces are fighting to
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get their lands back. and it's difficult. a lot needs to be done to achieve this, and it will not be easy. but it is also not easy for the russians to fight back what ukraine has returned because ukrainian forces have returned 50% of the territory. which was captured by russia at the beginning of the war, well, you and i together watched and listened to the meeting of the military committee of the chiefs of defense staff of nato member countries, it took place in brussels and on youtube, this broadcast will continue, now you will listen to the answers to the questions of the head of the military nato committee. er yes and also on youtube espresso of course so please join but stay with us as well
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because now serhii rudenko will announce the verdict program, which will start at 20:00, serhii, congratulations, please, have a word, good evening, congratulations to vasyl, we will of course talk today about nato, and about the movement towards european structures, and in general , how the world is currently helping ukraine to fight against the russian invaders, in particular in the kharkiv region. in particular, after anthony blinken's visit to kyiv. we will talk about all this for the next hour, starting at 8:00 p.m. , we will have a guest member of the people's deputy of ukraine, former deputy prime minister of of european integration ivanna klympush tsinsadze, army general, former head of the foreign intelligence service mykola malomush and political expert volodymyr tsibulko. among the topics we will discuss will be xijin ping's meeting with putin, today they are meeting in beijing and again putin
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is saying something about china's peace plan, which he supports, what kind of peace plan it is. for ukraine and whether it is acceptable for ukraine and the entire civilized world, this is a big question, and of course, our main focus today chained to vovchansk, to the city in kharkiv oblast, which the russian invaders are trying to storm, the armed forces of ukraine repel these attacks, which means that today's bid by the supreme commander-in-chief has been completed. in kharkiv and what decisions were made at this meeting of the supreme commander-in-chief, all this will be in our program, in addition, the current situation with electricity in ukraine is quite tense, there are blackouts in almost all of ukraine, we will ask our viewers during the broadcast about have any restrictions
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their homes regarding electricity, we will be in... you for answers on our youtube on the air, we measure the temperature, as they say, all over ukraine, whether your electricity is cut off or not, that is, the lack of electricity causes these fan cuts, and more one scandalous topic of this day is the reservation, the reservation of several companies, which caused a real scandal, in particular those companies that are engaged in online casinos, as well as... food delivery, already the minister of economy yuliya sverdenko reacted and canceled the order regarding the reservation employees of these companies, but the question of justice, the question of who will be mobilized and who will have a reprieve, it was and remains acute and relevant, we will talk about all this in today's verdict, we will start in 12 minutes, today
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we have an hour-long program, so no switch watch vasyl zima's long broadcast from express, we will also be on the air very soon. vasyl, you have a word. thank you, sergey, so at 20 the verdict program, well, now get ready for another, another super hit. a project was opened in the ukrainian house protagonists it tells about the famous groups of our artists who worked in the late 80s and early 90s of the last century. lena chechenina is currently at the opening and will tell you why this exhibition is in... good evening vasyl, i think how popular this exhibition will become, because when a project about aluhorsk was previously done in the ukrainian house, there were so many interested people that they already thought about that the exhibition must be continued, in a moment i
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will show you what paintings are here and how many people there are. friends, i will immediately say that it is in ukrainian home, it's not very good to watch a movie, there are often movie premieres here, but it's a great place to hold some visual art exhibitions, because there are many floors here, there are three floors, and the protagonists exhibition took up all three floors today. let us show you the first one, we are now on the second, here on the first floor you can already see how many people there are, they are already a little less than they were at the beginning, about an hour ago, the first floor is occupied by paintings that were created in the 90s x, on the second floor there are paintings that combine two schools, already on the third, this is actually the 90s, i
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will tell you about these two groups in general, they are quite famous. this is the park commune of the paris komuda and the artists’ guilds, and it’s actually a painting reserve, and these are two groups that started to create in the late 90s and in the late 80s, early 90s, and it was such a breakthrough era. , as you understand, very often something extremely interesting happens on such hacks, and i want to say that i had such a small conversation with a colleague who remembered recent lecture, and days art. skills, who said that in that period they created much more daringly than now. we understand that it was a departure from such modernism, this soviet, already postmodernism, which was emerging at that time. more and more popular, and in fact we saw such paintings that were quite innovative and reinterpreted this soviet past, rebelled against it, and there are a
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lot of my personal favorite artists, these are zhivatkov, this is crookpaw, from here we can even return now, here on on the second floor, over there in the distance, there is one crooked paw, if you like it, you can come and see it, and i'll tell you that it's just school. which group was called the painting reserve, these are precisely the artists who preferred color, light, who were engaged in painting, which does not depict any objects, depicts color and all its variations, but actually, i also want to say the last thing about the popularity of this exhibition, so what, by the way, when the first day, when the exhibition opens, so you understand, people come not to look at the paintings, to communicate with each other, only then on the second day... they go to see i talked about the art itself, and many people think that this exhibition will obviously not be as popular as the allegorical exhibition, because the exhibition about
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alaugorsk was made so very, very popular, and for people who are interested in the sixties and gorsk , in particular, there was nothing new, but for more people, there was just an opening and this exhibition ... that's why it was so popular, because it was, well, let's just say, not so complicated, here we see the opposite, and it is certain that people who know will come here already this period, and they just want to see those paintings, those canvases that they have not seen before, a lot of works from private collections were given here for this exhibition, which actually were bought then in the late 80s, early 90s. just from art workshops, and only now they agreed to show them and now we can see them, but in any case,
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if you are in kyiv, and if you will be close to the ukrainian home, be sure to come here, because this exhibition is important above all by the fact that this is such a large association of this important period with explanations, with curated tours. where they explain to you, in fact, what influence these labels had already on today's artistic period in ukraine, how important it was, how influential it was, in any case, i think that almost every exhibition in a ukrainian house now is a must see, on this i have everything, vasyl, i give you my word, thank you very much lina chechen. and please go, go, don't go, but visit, let's speak correctly, visit the exhibition of the protagonists, i think that natalka kadenko will definitely visit it, i
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i also promise, good evening ms. natalya, please say hello to vasyl, i will visit and then report back, of course, but for now we are talking about the weather, about the nearest weather and not only, as usual, but all this literally in a few seconds. we are starting our meeting today with such a topic, at first glance, as if it has nothing to do with the weather, but i think that everything that belongs to belongs to nature, to ecology, and to our health, all this is included in today we will talk about our favorite weather and synoptic topic about herbs that have a good and positive effect on our nervous system, i think. now, when the first power outages have already begun, people's nerves have decreased, and therefore it is necessary to use such and such
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negative moments and drown them out with wonderful exuberance, well, for example, mint, and indeed mint belongs to the list of plants with a sedative effect well, in the first numbers in the first rows, well, of course, valerian - that's clear, lemon balm, peppermint. already said, motherwort, motherwort, lavender, dog's nettle, and also when they are used in fact, these are all herbs for neuroses, for sleep disorders, uh, also for such side effects, but neurogenic diseases, such as gastric appendicitis, hypertension, ischemic disease, and of course, convulsions are increased neuromuscular excitement, well , in general, there are root tinctures. and flowers are used for neuroses with increased excitability, phytobaths are also very helpful, they improve sleep, reduce nervous tension, and actually generally
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raise... even the mood, but phytobaths are recommended to be taken for no more than 20 minutes, well and also in addition to phytovan tinctures, they also recommend aromatherapy using herbal pillows or just breathing, now we have a lot of herbs, everything is growing, picking, tearing mint and not only mint, so i think we will need such soothing herbs , well, if not all, then most. from us, well, now we move on to the behavior of the earth's magnetic field, for your attention, as always, a prognostic diagram and we will see together what will happen there tomorrow, well, you see that here is the nearest, the nearest night, the beginning, will activation, in the future the situation is quite calm, so we observe, as usual, and actually move on to the weather forecast for the next
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day, on may 17, we start. traditionally from the western regions and let's look together and at the map and i will of course tell you what is expected there tomorrow. so, tomorrow in the western regions of ukraine, a dry air mass will prevail with sunshine and a high air temperature of 17-22 degrees above zero. in the north of ukraine , rains are likely in sumy oblast and chernihiv oblast, in kyiv oblast and zhytomyr oblast it will be dry and the sun will also shine. air temperature. +17 +19° in the east of ukraine it will be a little fresher, cooler, er, the air temperature will fluctuate between 12-15°, in kharkiv oblast, luhansk oblast, and donetsk oblast there is a chance of rain, but of course there will also be clearings, well, let me repeat, right here , the weather will be quite fresh, in the central part of ukraine a dry, air mass will prevail, there will be a lot of sun, increased atmospheric pressure,
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plus... in the southern part of ukraine tomorrow , the maximum air temperature is expected in within 15-20° above zero. there will also be no precipitation and there will be a lot of sun. well, in kyiv, in the capital, the weather is expected to be dry tomorrow, there will also be a lot of sun and the air temperature will fluctuate within 19 degrees. in the future , i want to say in one sentence that the temperature will continue to rise, that is, the warming will already gain momentum, but here, for example, on saturday and sunday , make sure you have an umbrella or some appropriate clothing with you, because short-term rains are expected and even thunderstorms, well, this is the nearest synoptic perspective, and of course, keep an eye out for our updated weather forecasts on the espresso channel. thank you very much for the information about the weather, ms. natalya, i wanted to bid, after all, we still have a little, a little time for your embroidery, i know that it is authentic.
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your story, i have about 40 embroidered shirts, and i myself often get confused, some of them are overstitched, which, well, not everyone supports it, but that’s what happened, i have one embroidered shirt, i rarely wear it, it was left from grandma, it's not her, it's bought, but it's really very old, like you you see, of course she overstitches, well , there aren’t many embroidery projects and sometimes even i think that it’s time to introduce some such term addiction to embroidery projects, well, this is a good addiction, a good addiction actually, i thank you very much ms. natalie, let there be an addiction to embroidery projects , dependence on donations for the armed forces of ukraine, well , let there be dependence on espresso too, stay with us, i will say goodbye to you until tomorrow at 18:10, and literally in a few moments the verdict program with serhiy rudenko, stay with us.
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good evening, we are from ukraine. today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko. the cleaning of the northern outskirts of vovchansk continues. the defense forces foiled the plans of the russian army to quickly capture the city. what could be the consequences of the verkhovna's away rate? commander-in-chief in kharkiv. in search of a political solution. putin is discussing the so-called ukrainian crisis with xi jinping in beijing. will american warnings about the inadmissibility of military aid to the kremlin affect the chinese government? the first fan outages this year. in several regions of ukraine hourly post schedules have been introduced.


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