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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EEST

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russian federation. at the same time, volodymyr zelenskyi in an interview with the abc news channel says that russia will not be able to capture kharkiv if we have two patriot systems and that such an opportunity to protect the second capital of ukraine or the first one even under soviet ukraine is the intention of the russians to besiege kharkiv, are they still? but with this buffer zone, considering that they did not even manage to take vovchansk in two or three days, as they planned, there are no buffer zones, there are only steps into individual sectors to create a buffer zone, this is really necessary to win some partial positions along the entire line, so to speak, to demarcate the border, several hundred kilometers, it is simply unrealistic, the means he used, and even more so the consequences we have today, in fact
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there are no buffer zones, there are separate cells where they occupied either part of vovchansk, or some villages, which, so to speak, actually have no strategic importance, this is not a buffer zone, we are conducting unblocking operations there, accordingly, they are clean and we will destroy them there, there are no zones that would be separated borders, russia, biogrorod, it doesn't mean anything, we will reach 80 km with our reserves and means that were used there today. drones up to 200 km, ukrainian-made tactical missiles also 2500 km, that is , no buffer zone has been created there, it does not exist and nothing will save and object on the territory of the russian federation, this is the first component, and the second we are talking about, no encirclements kharkiv will not be, with all due respect to what we say, that there is indeed a threat, petrio systems are needed there today in order to repel attacks of ballistic, cruise... missile systems
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of s-300 air strikes with kabami, the very attack on aviation against helicopters, so that they do not terrorize kharkiv on a daily basis, this is the main need of the patriots, iris and samta today, these are the systems that will protect kharkiv , will create a combat launch, fire, and radio-electronic systems, which must be supplied by the americans, british, germans, will create an electronic shield that will disorient drones, missiles and a number of other strike groups, so to speak, that are controlled by radioactive, radio-electronic elements, therefore, at the moment, such a shield is real today, it is simply to protect kharkiv, but to break through to kharkiv, to besiege it is simply unreal, today there are no such means of defense for him to reach kharkiv through, for example, the direction of vovchansk or kupyansk, as they wanted to, or they were moving from luhansk region, the forces are stretched, and in order to start such an operation somewhere, up to 3,000
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people are needed, but this is still alive, it does not play anything, these are powerful systems for the council of a powerful strike group, primarily ballistic missiles, just mortars - missile and armored forces powerful, of course, specially prepared means that can lay siege to cities and storm large cities, so to speak, territories, there is practically no such thing, the enemy has stretched his reserves, we would... every day in various sectors of enemy forces and already in the last a week literally every day 1500-1700 will be destroyed, we remember, before there were 800, 900 to a thousand, and now it is almost twice as much, this is a powerful undermining of russia's defense capability, what they did not say there, there is no format, so many analysts say and my colleagues , which is not measured anywhere in russia, miryano, i know russia well, their...
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leadership forces of russia, they only say in words that we have such a resource there that for many tens of years, the undermining is constantly going on, it is extremely difficult to reproduce exactly the combat part, especially the manpower that would fight effectively, it is very, very difficult, mobilization is underway, yes, mass is appearing somewhere, but that these are high-level fighters, especially not motivated, this is definitely a challenge for russia today, mr. general, in... this week, antony visited ukraine blinken, secretary of state of the united states of america and assured that washington will continue to support ukraine and the armed forces of ukraine. the spokeswoman of the white house, karin janiere , said at a briefing that the united states of america is preparing to send a new batch of weapons and military equipment to ukraine. let's hear what she said. we expect russia to increase its attacks. in trying to create a shallow
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buffer zone along the border with ukraine, so we are working closely with ukraine to help it prepare for that. we are also working on another emergency package necessary help. mr. general, what should western partners give and help ukraine in order for ukraine to defeat russia? well, the fact that russia has launched a new, so to speak, aggressive offensive in the kharkiv region has accelerated the logistics of supplying precisely those types of weapons from european countries, britain, and the united states. if we are talking about an american package that was late. we had to work very hard, i am a republican who voted, i will still solve this issue, but i will not talk about it today, maybe a separate program, like that it happened, but it is in difficult operational actions, together, so to speak, with our colleagues from the democratic party, but also from the republican party, but it is already a fact, in order
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for this to happen quickly, fast logistical routes must work, these are planes, this is fast moving across oceans and, of course, moving across differences and other logistical ways, anthony blinkin, and before that, david cameron, worked out an accelerated format, which previously provided for deliveries, for example, 3-4 weeks, now one and a half to 10 days, that is , twice faster, and this is precisely the time lag, which allows us to hold positions on the front, and then having new resources, these are atakams, these are cabs, these are exactly the guided air missiles that it uses. russia is against us, and the american ones are more accurate, efficient and more powerful, they aim to destroy the huge resources of the enemy, both manpower and equipment. it's clear, uh, bradlin, the next batch, this is artillery, this is extremely
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powerful systems, what i'm talking about, the creation of electronic shields, this is air defense systems, we're taking it all over the entire territory of the countries nato is up to seven or eight pieces now. and one more kobut was promised by the americans to antoni blimkin during our visit, it is somewhere around eight already powerful systems, it is only american, besides that there are also irises, besides that there are also camerons, these are the ones that shoot down ballistics, this is critical both for kharkiv and for others regions of our state, we also strengthen the defense of the sky, strengthen the protection of our soldiers and, accordingly , strengthen the military component, and precisely systematically, these are different types of ammunition. from european countries, from britain, the usa in a large package, it is a million tuk approximately for six months, and purchases on foreign markets up to 2 million, and our military-industrial complex, which also launched a lot of work, along with that, it is an army of drones of various types
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of our production, western, primarily european countries, american, well, of course, these are purchases in different markets of various types of drones, from e. intelligence that work on the battlefield, to ballistic ones that hit up to 2000 km and can already carry charges of up to 450, 500 kg (half a ton), these are huge powerful strikes on the main objects on the territory, can be russia, our means and in all the occupied territories, our and foreign means that we use today, not only that, cameron gave the sanction for us to use the same systems, for example, of the russian federation, just yesterday anthony bleak was just talking, he also said, that we do not have any problems and objections to the use of anti-aggression forces of russia, well, without directly specifying the territory of russia, but without
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denying that we cannot use them there. now it appears on the model that all types of weapons include high-precision missiles ballistic-type systems can be used in... russia, but in terms of military facilities, logistical facilities, and decision-making centers, this is a legal and clearly defined facility in order to defeat the enemy, and this is precisely russia's aggression and new, offensive operations, objectively speeds up the process of supplying both ammunition and weapons, i think that within 10 days we should receive the lion's share of all means and will not only hold the front, but also conduct powerful counterattacks in various sectors where the enemy is not expecting . thank you, mr. general, for the conversation, it was mykola malomush, an army general. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live there. please subscribe to our pages, and also take part in our survey, today we ask you about
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whether your home was affected by viyalov power outages. yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube. if you're watching us on tv, grab your smartphone or phone. and vote if your home is affected by severe power outages (0800-211-381), no 0.800 211 382, ​​all calls to... numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we have volodymyr tsibulko, political analyst, people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth convocation. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, i congratulate you on vyshyvanka day. ah, well, here we are in the frame congratulating each other. well, we also congratulate our viewers, because this is really a holiday for all of us ukrainians, and that's enough. an important holiday, mr. volodymyr, let's begin our conversation about wind
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power outages, literally in a day part of ukraine has already felt what wind power outages are, and at this moment, i think, these wind blackouts are also happening, due to the shortage of electricity, ukrenergo has introduced schedules of hourly blackouts throughout ukraine, reported in espresso company spokeswoman maria. tsaturian. let's hear what she said. the enemy has already carried out five massive missile-drone strikes on ukrainian power plants directly. which caused significant destruction to ours production capacity to produce electricity. therefore, currently consumption significantly exceeds the amount of energy produced by ukrainian power plants. this situation is called deficit in the power system. ago. the dispatch center uses all possible tools for balancing, i.e. covering
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a high level of consumption, and disconnecting, in particular, household consumers, this is the last extreme measure of such balancing. mr. volodymyr, last year and the year before last we already experienced frequent blackouts, last year less than the year before enough. at the end of the 22nd year, the enemy tried to destroy the energy capacities of ukraine, did ukraine draw conclusions from the attacks of the russians at that time, and is the monopolization that we have had for a long time in the electricity market, is it not showing signs now, or do we need to talk about it , that we need there, as shmygal said, hundreds or two hundred small different power plants. so that it would be possible to somehow diversify, and not in such a way that all the tets of the detector got caught and the whole
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of ukraine is sitting on power outages. well, mr. serhiy, the state has not drawn conclusions, but i did, i'm running on batteries now, so, well, that's quite enough, but for how long, well, we'll see. the fact is that in the 22nd year, when there were systemic strikes on the power grid. western partners immediately quickly offered us a huge number of such gas block points. we recall that thousands of generators were supplied, and of various calibers, but we are talking about block points - these are micro, or rather small generators, which allowed towns with a population of 10-20,000 to be kept in autonomous mode, this would allow unload and... the networks and come up with some
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compensatory mechanisms so that the surplus of this energy is taken away by the networks, now under the current circumstances, it seems to me that in kharkiv, when the strikes happened, kharkiv came to its senses and started to put up such stations, but let's remember the strikes on well, to be more precise , the electricity shortages in 2015-2016. after the 14th year, then there were also problems, and then the government came up with a wonderful idea for people to build home mini solar or wind power plants, somewhere up to 30 kv, and take this electricity at a fixed rate, the surplus in bought from citizens, but it seems to me that now this is the very easiest way to somehow compensate for the lack of electricity. to want citizens and guarantee citizens, for example, 10 years of stable tariff, well, but well, this
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means, if this does not happen, after all , the influence of those who own electricity generating companies, it was and remains great, that is, de-oligarchization in the energy sector has not happened, the oligarchs they stopped the ears of the ministry of energy in the 22nd year, they did not allow to take... any steps and of course, this is their bread, this is their monopolies, but this policy led precisely to the current blackouts and it, well... leads to the idea that ukraine needs to decentralize the electric power industry in general, now, now technologies allow to build, well , small urban power plants, build internal networks and overlap with own generation and not depend on of course, the cheapest electricity is nuclear, and
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we produce the base of needs. power industry, but we see that, for example, zaporizhia, the largest nuclear power plant in europe, is now selected in ukraine, i.e. it is gone, but one strike and 8% of the thermal power generation was killed, i want to remind you that mustafa nayem told all last year how they protected both the thermal power plants and, most importantly, the distribution networks, we all at... actually remember that he spoke out, but it is strange, the minister of infrastructure is being removed from his post, and the minister of energy is sitting on his laurels, mr. volodymyr, there are also internal challenges facing ukraine and the current ukrainian government, they are quite broad and big, these
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challenges are, first of all, mobilization , which beginning or at least not mobilization, but the introduction of the law on mobilization, the introduction of amendments to these, which were voted by the parliament on may 18, today another scandal broke out about the reservation of representatives of some companies, which were counting on the fact that they could receive reservations and not send their employees to the troops. wanted to say to the front in the army, the first vice prime minister of ukraine, yulia sverdenko , canceled the scandalous order on the booking of employees of several companies that had a dubious, dubious relationship to critical of important production, it is about the fact that these glovo food delivery companies, favbet online casino. commenting on this situation, yulia
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sverdenko noted that it became an additional argument to speed up work on the update. the cabin institution, which regulates the issue of reservations, that is, the ministry of statistics submitted to the ministry of economy, this list of companies that fall under the concept of critical importance for the country, and the ministry of economy issued an order to provide reservations to the employees of these companies, well, to put it simply, that is, any co-employee or any a citizen of ukraine, becoming an employee of glovo, could fall under the reservation, well, in fact. it looks like this, why do you think the government did it, and does this happen, it needs some kind of political responsibility, because if it was done due to a misunderstanding, or someone didn't look into something, that's one thing, but when it comes to about loopholes in the law, which clerks try to take advantage of
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and issue this reservation for an appropriate fee or for an appropriate fee. preferences, then the question also arises, and what then, one the minister and another minister did not know about it, so the question is, what is happening in these ministries? well, mr. serhiy, the opposition stubbornly emphasized that the law that was voted for contains a huge number of corruption zones, corruption knives, through which all the necessary, well, all friends of the government, or those who buy a travel ticket... a ticket, what is called , the fact that two companies were included in the list, well, those that are marked as critical, critical infrastructure objects, well , this is a laughing stock, this is a pure corruption device, and if there was not a huge uproar today, it is unlikely that the deputy prime minister and
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the minister, the minister of the economy would react to this, but this is absolutely frank. a slap in the face to the entire system of government, that is, the government broke through even on such small things, i am not talking about the fact that with the implementation of this law, when will there be, well, here are a few points, first, the ban on the ownership of electricity, oh, the ownership of transport, driving a car, then all kinds of banking restrictions will go, and it will go to such corruption when... well, we watched how with the centers, well, the equipment was a scandal scandals, and these scandals, by the way continue because...someone is itching, a couple of days before the law comes into effect, to jump on a bus, twist a citizen who is riding in a bus, get pulled out and dragged to an unknown
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place, maybe not even to the assembly center, but uniformed people are doing something , so to speak, by street interceptions, and it looks like dekun, well, wait two days, three days until the law comes into force, and then run and catch it... people, why are these exercises from trampling on the constitution on cameras, what are they for, what are they doing perspective for the electoral perspective for the authorities, on the contrary, the hatred for the current authorities simply grows with each such detention, it actually already exceeds the scale, and energy in this process deepens the contempt for the authorities even more. another issue that is quite important, which has existed throughout the entire period of zelenskyi's tenure as president, but now
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it is quite acute, is the issue of the press, the issue of mass media, the issue of journalists, unknown people are threatening the investigative journalist mykhailo tkach on behalf of businessman oleksandr slobazhenka, who became the protagonist of a recent investigation, is unsuitable. it was called an investigation about the rich people of kyiv, mykhailo tkach himself said in a comment to ukrainian pravda that he is a victim in 12 similar criminal cases, so he does not count on the results of the official investigation, but will monitor the progress of the case, let's hear what our colleague mykhailo tkach said . we do not fully understand, it is clear who it is, what he did for what, someone tried to take advantage of the situation, whether it is really mr.... svobozhenko is worried about the fact that there, in particular, we can continue to investigate there, for example, the issue of his
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business, taxes, income and other things, and therefore we do not have an answer to this question, what actions can be taken, we will also be able to get acquainted in a legal way, since i have this case also has the status of the victim, that is, i can... get acquainted with the materials of this case, see what work is being done. mr. volodymyr, the state department of the united states of america in its report for the past year has already noted the situation, the critical situation, which exists with freedom of speech in ukraine, talked about the telethon, talked about limiting the actions of individual journalists, investigators, and we remember that it is already the third year. espresso, the fifth channel and direct, the exclusions are not at all clear, because of digital broadcasting from t2, that is, there are many
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problems that affect the direct freedom of speech and work of journalists, why do you think the authorities do not try to solve these issues, from which then already will depend on the provision of assistance to ukraine by our western partners. well, first of all, the telethon, which was allegedly watched by the authorities in the first months of the attack from russia to ukraine, it simply turned into a breeding ground for corruption, and it actually lost its audience, on the other hand, not allowing patriotic channels on the t-2 network is a well-thought-out policy of the government, it created a certain hierarchy of its own and that of others, because of which... the state department emphasized in the last report , that the marathon is a violation of freedom of speech in ukraine, and also,
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in my opinion, most recently, during the last visit of anthony blinken, the us secretary of state, it was precisely about the complete unblocking of freedom of speech, because the authorities are starting, so to speak to say, to swear, that she is ready to conduct the presidential election campaign next year, regardless of... actions on the front, but for this the partners demand the complete unblocking of freedom of speech, i.e. the return of the constitution, and it seems to me that this is where the eyes of fraud, small under-the-floor equipment, creating such, well, nervousness, tension, empty promises, handing out to partners, on the other hand, it seems to me that the situation is only getting worse and the most difficult thing is that people are simply disoriented, the bulk of people have gone to social networks, youtube, and
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on the one hand, this is... good, because there is trust in such authorial broadcasting, and on the other hand, didn't the authorities practice last year, and the year before last, the admission of anonymous telegram channels to zelensky's press conferences, instead of authoritative branded channels tv channels, and now they are starting to fight with the same telegram, with anonymous channels, although they remain the largest owners... but here is the question that is spinning in my head, mr. volodymyr, and where is the line between the fact that there is some necessity or there is a situation where you need to control the media during the war and the issue of freedom of speech, that is , where they intersect, who determines this intersection, even taking into account the fact that the minister of culture and information policy
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has been gone for ten months. in ukraine. mr. sergey, the fact is that the state information policy has failed. let's remember when the incident happened with the kakhovskaya hpp, when the occupiers blew up the kakhovskaya hpp. the ministry of culture and information simply hung up for a few days and gave russia the opportunity to seize the full initiative in covering these events. after i have not observed any case of interception of the information initiative, that is , the state has completely failed here, and the question is not whether there is or is not, uh, minister of information, the question is that the state is a very weak information player, eh , such cases in the modern world are outsourced, to real citizen initiatives or normal professional information
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business, in our country instead... fate gave us, in addition to the calamity of war, a parallel history, that is, the israeli experience. in time war in israel, no attack on freedom of speech has been observed. during the war , military censorship was introduced there. in our country during the war, there was a lot of military censorship, and political censorship was introduced. this is an absolute mockery of common sense. and yes, by the way, the government is giving way in many points, the electric power industry was bombed, and the minister of infrastructure was dismissed, isn’t this a mockery of the chickens, this is a sloughing off of common sense, thank you, mr. volodymyr, let’s put an end to our conversation, this was volodymyr tsibulko, political expert, people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth convocation, friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook, for
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those who are... watching us live there, please vote in our poll that we are completing, it is in literally 30 seconds, has your home been affected by fan power outages, we are completing a survey on youtube, we have already completed the television survey, 77% yes, 23% - no, on youtube we have a poll showing that 74% were affected by fan power outages. energy 26%, no. on this, friends, i put a full stop, it was a verdict program, it was conducted by serhii rudenko, i wish you peace, take care of yourself and your relatives, we will meet you tomorrow at 20:00, there will be more news, there will be more events, there will be more guests, wait , goodbye.
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putin's first official visit to china after his inauguration, he came to strengthen his friendship with sydzenpin and talk about the war in ukraine. so, what was agreed upon, we analyze in today's edition of the bbc. i am olga polameryuk. putin came to china to negotiate and unite against the west. as observers say, the main thing that unites the leaders of russia and china is not love for the west, but their attitudes are different. putin arrived in beijing the night before and not alone, a large delegation came with him, the new minister of defense bilousov, his predecessor shuigu, minister of foreign
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affairs lavrov and others. six deputy prime ministers, all key ministers.


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