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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm EEST

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don't you think that this, you know, this spirit of negotiations, this very week started to be in the air, well, let's say, more realistic than, well, than at any time during this full-scale invasion, well, maybe we're doing a flashback for two years therefore, when istanbul was happening somewhere there, and after that , they did not talk about it so realistically from all sides, i could be wrong, well, in fact, i am interested in the question of whether the decree on the creation of a delegation for negotiations with the russian federation from the 22nd year was canceled, that's because we already know after that, when it is actually then that delegation that was preparing for negotiations, in fact then capitulation, because we recall, those conditions are absolutely unacceptable, so i really hope that this decree will be canceled, that's the negotiations... we saw different are
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communication channels and they are in a different way of probing test positions, they are happening, happened, just before, what we heard from our various western experts who said that russia is not ready, or the conditions that it is proposing, they are completely unacceptable not for ukraine, no for the west, because for the west it would mean defeat, lo, and loss of face, trust. authority and so on, here you just need to understand the interests of various geopolitical players, and if we are talking about china, then china is such an egocentric, pragmatic state that is currently the biggest beneficiary of russian aggression against ukraine, and it is beneficial for china to the war continued. because china considers
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the russian federation, which is turning into its vassal, as a raw material appendage. china has its own plans for the far east of russia, here as a raw material supplement. at the same time, the european union is a huge market for china. and therefore, for ukraine, it is necessary to understand that the stronger our position will be, the more cooperation and dialogue there will be between the government, the opposition, the government and the civil society. society, the more stable we look, the more united the collective action of the usa, the european union, and japan, which, by the way, perceives both russia and china, and therefore we simply need to understand in this geopolitics, because if, as to promote our interests so that something about us is not behind us agreed and then we were forced into a situation where we will be forced to... accept
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conditions that are unacceptable to us, so, for example, for the united states of america, the greater threat is china, and there are even some congressmen who believe that the russian federation at some point at the moment of weakening by the war against ukraine, he can creep up and become a junior partner there, this is a very primitive, i would say even naive understanding. at the same time, for the usa, china is number one, it is a threat and it is... china, china, china, as they say in the pentagon everywhere. for of the european union, if we look at scholz's visit to beijing, if we look at xi jinping's visit to paris, then the european union does not consider china as a threat as the russian federation, and there are certain differences here, because in the european union we have to look now, how the various programs of cooperation in agriculture and in the aerospace industry between france and china will further develop, at the same time that the french. we are told that we are ready
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to send a military contingent, because russia is a threat to us, and so is the french society, we were on an advocacy visit in april, we had meetings with macron's advisers, and how much, when we asked the question, how serious is macron really, considering, it's just another good idea, no, there is a lot of support from french society, indeed the russian federation is a threat to the national interests of france, so they will do ... and help so that here, as they say, the war will end with the defeat of the russian federation, but with china, they think that by drawing china into greater trade, in economic cooperation, they will have additional levers of influence on china so that it does not supply russia with weapons already, so that everything is limited to those components, machines and so on, at the same time, china is also learning enough and drawing conclusions, because... the war of the children and
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the war of drones, which is modern warfare, china is increasing its military-industrial complex, it is building up its army, it is keeping a close eye on how we fight, because it has... visions of global domination in the world, and this is absolutely visible, and therefore china, you know, if you read 36 chinese strategists, there are very interesting, for example, how there are a lot of those strategists, but if you look at it from the point of view of how your enemies or opponents are exhausted, the fact that now, the longer the war lasts, china wants the us to lose its authority and for... dragging more than six months of arms supplies, well, in the eyes of both europe and ukraine, it looked like, well , trust in the usa as a strategic partner was declining, china was sitting and, as they say, rubbing its hands, that is, we need the main thing in ukraine, when china has already committed genocide in 2.5 years,
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so that russian aggression is genocide, he it is called the ukrainian, not even a conflict, the ukrainian crisis, so we must understand how we defend our positions, do not go to the fact that china is trying to play on different fronts and force us to blackmail, we are sorry, there are a lot of them, like the fifth the agent column is russian, and there are a lot of chinese lobbyists, whom chinese deputies in parliaments took to beijing, arranged excursions, the chinese lobby in ukraine is no less powerful and aggressive than the russian one, i can see it, for example, by... the example of even our relations with taiwan, which have no official, but at the level of cooperation with communities, the expert environment and many other things, so what conclusions can be drawn: ukraine must
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become stronger from the point of view of democracy internally, because blinkin's visit this week, when he met with public activists and the issue of corruption again sounded to me ... i had to redirect and say: mr. state secretary, i just returned from the front, and i don't want to talk to you about corruption now, i want to tell you what is happening in kharkiv oblast, what is happening in donetsk oblast, what are the priorities provision now from our international partners for our armed forces, so we have to do everything so that in general the topic of corruption, the topic of resignations from there is whole... the queue, the resignation of the stalwart, the change of the secretary of the nsdc, kubrakov, there are talks about whether fedorov will be next , or the head of the security service of ukraine and so on, so we have to understand for ourselves, for example, in 2.5 years, i already had three meetings with secretary general blinkin, dozens of meetings,
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30 countries that i visited with presidents, prime ministers of other countries, but not with the president neither with the head of the president's office, the president, nor with the speaker of the parliament, nor with ukraine. there was no meeting, i.e. the feeling that you are making an effort for us to win, inside ukraine we cannot form a national team, and then someone uses it in the same way against us, so if we are talking about geopolitics, where from on the one hand, i'll just say this message at the end, that is, our task, we gave blinkin a t-shirt. small agagen, where there is a map from the beginning of the 15th century, which was muscovy, and a map of modern russia, there is this little muscovy, and blinkin smiled there, well, i didn’t really want to take a picture with this map, but i said, i say, look,
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it’s important not to be afraid to get rid of fear, as it was during the collapse of the soviet union, but here you also need to clearly understand for yourself that... there will be a lot of attempts now, and to sacrifice ukraine means opening up the planet in general, well, to a global conflict, and there are such temptations, and we hear a lot that now the situation at the front will have to to such chasms, deterioration, and we will have no other way out, it seems to me that ukraine is still in the position when there were many questions regarding the preparation of the peace summit, so on, it seems to me that our... vision of what victory is, must explain to our partners. ladies, by all means, if you have a photo of this t-shirt, we will ask you after the program and make a cut of yours on the cover, i have dozens of t-shirt orders on twitter and facebook, the question is for ms. prysiazhnyuk, what do you think, is it possible ,
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why is it possible now, let's say, why in europe and china believes that russia can be brought to the negotiating table, they are currently changing the minister of defense. all the world's media write that the new minister is about a long war, a resource war, and here, suddenly, literally three days later, everyone switched like a tumbler and everyone started saying no... china is already so powerful, what did jinping say? , then putin did not. i congratulate my colleagues, first of all happy vyshyvanka day, secondly, and thirdly, i would like to emphasize the regional perspective, here, if we are talking about the geopolitical dimension, it is worth mentioning pay more attention to this issue, like the european elections, in addition to the european campaign for the european parliament, a number of national elections, a number of referendums are planned in european countries, and i do not agree with you that... in three days this tumblr was launched, because in fact it is so ukrainian - skepticism
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wrapped in european skepticism, which is fueled by russia, i do not mean skepticism, i meant that a lot of people started talking sharply about the negotiations, because three days ago they said that kharkiv region was in kharkiv region a decisive battle, if ukraine does not hold it, then the front will crumble and then capitulation, and now there will be talks with the inpin , nothing more has been said, this is a peace card. this is part of this larger content that is being manipulated regarding the ukrainian issue, because obviously ukraine, the war in ukraine, russia's aggression, this is an information wave that is used both by europe in its election campaigns and by russia, of course europe is our partner, accordingly, russia is an enemy, but this perspective is also worth juggling, and in this context, by the way, that the peace summit is taking place... after the european elections on the 15th, this is a very appropriate moment,
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because it will create such an occasion for european politicians, after, just after the vote , to show themselves in the best way for those voters who will vote precisely for the european choice, and well, the european choice, the european, european pro-ukrainian core in the european parliament, of course, it is very much connected with the way politicians express their views on... russia against ukraine, that is why this lower regional dimension, it is currently becoming everything more and more important as we approach this date: on june 6-9 there will be a vote, and in fact, the prospect of how each of the european countries balances the ukrainian issue, manipulates, someone, someone manages to keep it within the framework of a responsible policy, a responsible good-neighborly policy , someone does not succeed... because if you compare, for example, the situation in poland, if you compare the situation in romania, in both countries, in both
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neighbors of ukraine, in both countries, there is such a context, where right-wing forces they use, exploit this factor of ukraine, but in one country it is possible to control the situation, in another country it is not possible to control the situation, and this is manifested in the relations of very down-to-earth people, grain, trade, infrastructure issues, so on. therefore, this attention should now be focused on the european campaign, how it will be embodied at the national level in the future, during the future elections, and of course, of course, the competition of the main geopolitical players, it will now consist of precisely this, because the european the campaign flowed smoothly, that is, it unfolds against the background of the american elections, and it's all interconnected, well, with regard to china, of course, well, by the way, i'll add to what i said. ms. hanna, the assistant of the mep from alternative afr from the german right-wing
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party was just arrested for espionage in favor of china, so that's all, and china and russia, they are deploying their networks, gathering information, how it will be used in the future, that's all depend on these critical points we are approaching. first of all, it is the european elections, i will emphasize once again that the summit is the summit of peace, and just in geopolitical terms, russia is forming such an alternative, alternative, perspective with how, which, how it would strengthen and, the new arrival of vladimir putin to his dictatorial position, well, in order to legitimize all these internal. processes and for the internal audience, mr. yurchyshyn, i have a question for you, already in this international
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context, well, we understand that we declared the borders of 1991 a lot and often there, and now you are there, if you listen even of the president of the czech republic pavel, who says that, well, we understand that as of now it will be difficult for ukraine to reach the borders of 1991 by military means, after all, this is also what our intelligence says, have you considered for yourself for... your factions in to the parliament, there is a possibility that, roughly speaking, if not all of china's peace initiatives will be offered to ukraine, some of them, in particular, will freeze or freeze the conflict for those. the line that currently exists, but in our country the president cannot, in principle , conduct negotiations with the russian federation, but it is possible to change it and it is also often discussed, including foreign media, but have you already modeled such a situation for yourself? in any case, we should proceed not from what is offered to us, but from the interest of the country,
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and frankly speaking, i am not convinced that the exit to the borders of 1991 with the preservation of the regime. putin, it will be for us, no matter how ephemeral it looks there now, that it will be a solution that will satisfy us, because as long as russia is in the borders it is in now, well, in fact, as mykola actually said mikhnovsky, the century of whose death from the russian movement passed very quietly, unfortunately, in warring ukraine, and until... russia will exist as long as every generation of ukrainians will go to war with russia, and that is why we have created a temporary special commission in our parliament for the formation of ukraine's policy in relation to the enslaved peoples, because we have to open the eyes of the world to the fact that russia, or rather what mrs. hanna said, is not what she
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pretends to be, that is, if we say that russia is a federation , german... on this federation, russia is a totalitarian empire that simply extorts all the peoples it has captured, which it has colonized, it is fighting in ukraine, quite often with non-russians, ethnically, and there are a lot of all these issues, but what will have to be voted for for our army to have the opportunity to rebuild, to still have the opportunity to introduce, if not what they started to... say, because it would be better not to start demobilization, then at least a logical rotation, so that people would have the opportunity to rest, about what did mr. yuriy say, well, well, the same people cannot hold the front for so long, well , we will definitely make any tactical decisions in the interests of the state in the parliament, if we understand that the ukrainian state needs it,
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and talk about the fact that some kind of the chinese plan, will some... and blinken's plan, anyone else's and the like, be thrown at us, if it is not the ukrainian plan that we influence, and we say what are the lines with which we are ready to work, and which no, well, there will simply be no public demand for it, no, no context, but i wanted to thank the parliament of the ninth convocation, because the voting of the resolutions on decolonization, de-imperialization, and support, in particular, the non-recognition of the occupation. night areas, which are japanese, japanese, so it is important to us, because japan is one of the biggest who helps us financially, japan, just like britain, are not afraid of different scenarios, including in the event of a military defeat , the disintegration of russia, and another resolution and, as far as the chechen people are concerned, recognition genocide and the formation of the commission now, that is
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, when ukraine sets the format and shows that for us the real security guarantees will be this... that when russia will never be able to attack, and it will be russia in what borders and how much, this is important. why is this important, because we have to send a message: big geopolitical countries, you can agree on how to divide russia, but not how to force ukraine to capitulate, that is, ukraine should win and receive a fair punishment for aggression, but how do you divide russia, which started this war that creates chaos, but we perfectly understand that china and russia want to form a new world order in the west as well. we have to convey all these plans to them, we change the topic briefly, then we will summarize, and everyone will express their opinion about the negotiation, although perhaps this one will also interest you. oleksandr fedienko, member of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence. mr. oleksandr, we welcome you to our studio, on may 18 the new law on mobilization comes into effect, now all
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men who are conscripted into the military have a lot of questions. and what will change what it is necessary to do, you know, i would like you to briefly put in a few minutes there, you know, a guide on what every military man must know and must do, starting from may 18, and maybe from tomorrow , so as not to delay, then smilka will also continue, good evening, studio, well, at least every conscripted man, citizen of ukraine must... fulfill the constitutional duty of ukrainians, i.e. stand up for the defense of their country, that is what in principle had to do each if we let's return to the mobilization law that will be presented on the 18th. in may, then, in my opinion, you still need to wait
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for the electronic cabinet to work, wait for the snaps to work and update your relevant data about yourself in the tsc, then depending on the situation, how the events will unfold, the tsc will decide or invite you to the relevant vlc, or not to invite. i heard a rather wonderful remark there in the studio that someone should replace our guys, who are already one or two, some have been on the line since the 14th year the front defends our country, they are already tired mentally and physically and they need to rest, unfortunately, the rotation is not taking place in the way it should have been, this is a question for the military leadership, why having such a in my opinion, we cannot rotate a large army, almost a million. by the forces of military formations within the army, well, that's a separate story, and at least i told the men what needs to be done, tell me, please, and here is the electronic office, where is it supposed to appear in action, or is it
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there will be some kind of separate service, it will be a separate application, it will be called, as far as i remember, army plus, it was presented at our committee, and it will in no way be related to action, it is possible from the point of view of interface and usability. it is similar to the action, well, in my opinion, yes personally, but it has nothing to do with the action, it will be a separate digital application that will be on the apple store, the google marketplace, where you can roll them out, install them, then use the bank id, as in and in the application the action is to go through the appropriate identification, that is , that this citizen is directly, and in this way, the base that is in the amulet will be pulled into the amulet and you will add the data that is not there, almost all the data, i think, is there military service citizens of ukraine will be able to add, besides , only one story will remain, this is
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the passing of the vlk, and then the determination of the vlk, suitable non-transferable, after the relevant commission of the vlk, they enter the suitable, unsuitable into the amulet and it appears in your application in grafi vlk suitable, unsuitable and that's all, well, there is also a reservation column. which i remember, and the military accounting specialty, as i understand it, now i’m looking later, there is no army plus yet, i understood correctly, yes, because the search that many people are looking for already pulls up, that is, when you enter it, you start the army, in there is a search, but then there is no application, you can not search, deputy minister of defense ms. kateryna chornogorenko said that they promise that it will work in the first few days after. on the 17th, we hope that it will be so, but now he is definitely not there, about the fines, today is also already more detailed information appeared, how much is the first fine, what in case of non-compliance,
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non-payment and not, well, if a person is not motivated by this fine to the action to which this fine should encourage, also detail, well, look, according to the new law , which ee... from the 18th, enters into force, then, a military person is obliged to enter the military register within 60 days, or to update their relevant data, which may not yet be in the tcc, there is such a deadline as a conscript, there is such a term as military service, many citizens of ukraine have and do not have a military service ticket, they have the appropriate id. which was issued there even after schools, after educational institutions, and with it you have to come to the tcc and already get a direct military card, if this does not happen, the tcc
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will already have access to the databases of other deburfic registers, other databases there, in general, the whole philosophy and the idea of ​​this new law is to see all citizens of ukraine, all conscripts aged 25 to 60, in order... to understand in general the corresponding numerical resource of conscripts that our country has in order to in order to understand how much further we can effectively continue to defend our country, this is the main story, the main philosophy of this law, so that all of your viewers understand, then the central central committee sends a corresponding alert there or a notification to through any function, if a citizen of ukraine is obliged to serve in the military you have to register in the office, then through the office there on that id. e-mail address or telephone address or identified place of stay of the direct conscript and if he received it there, then he is there must appear, if he does not appear,
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then in this way... er, tsc turns to the police, the police conducts accordingly, which means checking whether there are such groms there or not, if he is not there, then already tsc appeals to the court with an administrative lawsuit, the court at least makes a decision, if such a citizen has the right to drive a vehicle, restrictions on driving a vehicle, if it is about fines, then a citizen of ukraine who received the appropriate bandage and did not appear there first , the second time, then he may receive a fine. from uah 25,000 thank you, oleksandr fedienko, member of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and development of the servant of the people, for these clarifications. mr. smilka, if someone later wants to add to our studio from the deputies or our guests, please feel free to speak. so, you understand that those who are not at the front, those who did not go to the territorial assembly centers, for
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them may 18, well, it is such a watershed day of a certain life before and after, which you need to know and understand in order to , let's say so, no to get into an unpleasant situation, about which, in particular, fedienko just told. see, it's very good that you raised that issue and that we are discussing it now, why? well, i don't want it to be interpreted as a criticism of the government, but as advice. when you adopt such a law, which has a public resonance, then during its adoption it will dissolve. explain to people what he is, because if you do this in the media, informational print editions are online, because if you don't do this, they make you a lawyer who sits in a warm house with a ukrainian passport, sincerely ukrainian language, begins to tell how to bypass it, and then the military approaches us, they say, and it is true, that, for example, the circus workers there are critical infrastructure, and the cosmonaut, it is true, that they also fall under the armor,
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and that's why. .. like that, that is , the grandmother told the information and it conveyed what he is and what categories should be first of all, and therefore imagine how many people today wanted to become head couriers, people do not know, the bbc begins, the grandmother is overgrown with such, you know, unconfirmed rumors, and why, for example not they tell us that there is a good one, well , to be honest, many people like it, well, they don't like it, that's another question, you know, who wants to solve the problem? this one is looking for a solution to that problem, those who don’t want to, those are looking for an excuse, so why not, for example, there is a very good clause in this law, which states that if you come to the tsc with a relationship from the part where you want to serve, then the tsc you must be sent to the part where they are waiting for you, where they are taking you, many people don't know about that, but i will tell you using my example, in the 24th brigade, how i was
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after the wounding, we had a lot of men , about... 600 men, we sat there for four months, we were taken out of state, we had those 603 hryvnias of salary, i personally brought the 24th, after the wounding , two times military combat part, they couldn’t transfer me, well, they could transfer me, well, no, no, there is no instruction, they don’t sign the report, and it’s not just me alone, there are so many guys, there were cases when my father serves in one part, takes the relationship, father gives his son a relationship, he comes, a the soldier says: i can't, because i have 60 men who need to be sent to the newly created brigade, first, we are forming the first line there, 60 men need to go there, well, somehow i understand the soldier, because we set him a task, and he must fulfill it , he's a military man, he can't discuss it and the like, first of all he has this problem, and it turns out that the father serves in the national guard, the son serves in the armed forces, and then moving from the national guard to the armed forces or vice versa, different ministries will not work, so you understand , then now this law is finally you
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come, you want to be a drone. you have a neighbor from the village who serves there, treats you, you come, please, you are there, you come, let’s say, your own brother or cousin serves there, he says, come to me, i will help you, it doesn’t matter, well, dear people, relatives, your classmate is there, well, we all have someone from the family, from relatives, from the street, someone is serving somewhere, and he says to you, come with me, come shoulder to shoulder, as the soldiers used to play in childhood, now we will to the real, like real men, this is the first thing, that is what this law also provides for glory for god's sake, that man... walks clearly and does not worry that he will be thrown somewhere not where he wants. oh, for example, this is very good. second, when i see those waiting in line now in the municipal office, you know, it reminded me of the first day of mobilization, february 24. but then there were queues, madmen stood to join the army. i do not judge any person who stands in that line and has the right to not...


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