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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EEST

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or vice versa, won't the various ministries work out so that you understand, now this law is finally coming, you want to be a drone, you have a neighbor in the village who serves there, makes a connection with you, come, please, you are there, you come, let's say, to you a brother is serving or a cousin, he says, come to me, i will help you, it doesn’t matter, well, relatives, relatives, your classmate is there, well, we all have someone from the family, from relatives from the street, someone is serving somewhere, and he he tells you, come with me, come shoulder to shoulder, as in we had fun in childhood, now we will be really like real men, this is the first thing, that is what this law provides, and thank god, that a person goes clearly, and he does not worry that he will be thrown somewhere not where he wants. oh, for example, this is very good. second, when i see those queues now in the administrative office, you know, it reminded me of the first day of mobilization, february 24, but then there were queues, crazy people stood to join the army. i don't judge any person standing in that line who has the right to... not serve,
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not a single one, because i know there's a person out there who has a child, my friend, who has a three-year-old child with cerebral palsy, he only lives with his wife, well, well , where is he, well, the woman goes to all sorts of physiotherapists three or four times a week and so on, she doesn’t even have anyone to look after to leave the child in order to go somewhere to the store, there must be a man on the side, that is, i do not condemn those people absolutely, so that you do not think to say that i am somewhere there condemning those people, no, everyone has his own story, everyone has his own trouble, everyone his position and reason, he but there are many... conscripts who they can go, they waited until the last one, someone thought to me, well, what is there to achieve next, why two years, i will have 60 days, and two two years, what did you do, then i will have 60 days, i then the question is, what did you do for two years? i will give another blatant example that i witnessed: a shopping center is a forum here in lviv, a boy is standing, tsc employees come up, introduce themselves to
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him , everything is according to the law, and yours speaks... they say you are not attached to any military kumat, you are not bound, come with us, i will not go, the answer is why, well, because i don't want to, and where did you live in berdyansk before, he was such an adequate guy there, he is what i see in him, which is obvious , who fought for it, he says, listen, friend, i don’t need you to help me liberate my lviv, he is there, he is liberated, let’s go with you, you will... help liberate your street, because berdyansk occupation, will you help, he no longer says, we will help you, he says, you will help us free his berdyansk, he says, and i will think about it, well, you understand, you were obliged to come and stay for 10 days, you have been living in lviv for a year and a half, and i hear the answer, and you, who are in trouble, i will go to war in the 14th year, i see the boys holding on with their last strength, our sincere grandmothers come here, that you were picking on the boy, that kind of thing, and it begins... the boys turned around, they say, we
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will call the police and the like, he just turned around and left, i really felt sorry for those guys, so that i would come up later, had a conversation with them, we talked, the boys all fought, by the way, and they held on with their last strength, you know, someone says, they go, but if everyone fulfilled his duty for two years and himself from 18 to 60 years appeared, then no one would go, then no one would go, he is now saying there is... great, here is after the 18th, time, look for where you want to serve, go, you don't have, well, we need the second option, the second question behind this mobilization, a woman i know speak, you know, my son has been fighting for a year now, and he can't to come home, they don't let him go on vacation, tsk is catching guys, i say, you know, he won't come, she won't come, you say that, and i say, who will change him, so that he... let him go on vacation came, if his
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mouth is not equipped, and those guys, i am opposed to something, god forbid, there for some violent actions on the part of the tcc, i am categorically opposed to that, but i say, you understand, until the person comes, they will not be called and do not replace, your son will not be able to come on vacation, his commander will not be able to let go, because he has no one to replace him with, even at that time for those 15 days of vacation, and i always say, when you go... to serve, you don't go to serve for the government, look how many we had, this is in russia, how many years has it been there for 20 or so years, the government has not changed, we have it, the government is constantly changing, you do not go for the government, you go to protect those who cannot protect themselves, their mother, sister, grandmother, grandfather, you you go to protect their classmates, fellow villagers, women, children, what are they doing to our people, we are already very we know very well what was happening in the occupied territories, you go to defend them, let's go back to... folk topics, many topics, really
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such a rich information week, we have to do everything in time, summarize everything: taras batenko, people's deputy of ukraine, head of the parliamentary group for the future , and from washington in the composition. of the parliamentary delegation, mr. taras is there, mr. taras, we say glory to ukraine, i give you the floor, and i would like to know how the united states of america reacts to this situation that is developing in our country in the kharkiv region, here is this unexpected offensive, about which they were warned, yes, well, let's say this, i will try to express myself gently, on the other hand, the armed forces are showing their strength, regrouping and... giving a decent rebuff to the enemy, which they predict, and again after all, blinkin was in kyiv, yes, and in addition to the fact that he played the guitar there in one of the kyiv pubs, he
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said such a rather important and unusual phrase for americans that ukraine can decide how to use their weapons, because before the americans, unlike the same ones the british, constantly emphasized that on the territory of, well, the so-called canonical russian ... federation, not the territories that they occupied, it is impossible to shoot with american weapons, isn't the ice, as they say, beginning to crack, good evening, studio, colleagues, friends, i would like to say the following that our temporary special commission on the control, on the use of weapons provided by allies, has been working in washington for about a week now, we continue to meet with quite a lot of ... key political figures in america, just i literally just left the capitol meeting with house majority leader stephen scalise, a republican, and before that we had a meeting with mitch mcconnell, this is
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the senate republican leader, the senate minority republican, we understand that we have to thank for the last supplement , about a month ago regarding allocation. military and financial aid not only to the democrats, but also to a lesser extent to the republicans, who control the majority in the house of representatives, so these meetings were key, and what you started with, actually regarding the situation in kharkiv, is the aggravation and this situation, which is now in the kharkiv direction from the side of our enemy, is in the focus of all our meetings. with politicians, public figures and representatives of non-governmental and governmental structures, and stephen scalise and mitch mcconnell, we showed a video that was broadcast from the russian public, as you know, a few days ago, when a russian hail stopped on the freeway, near belgorod, and rained down on our peaceful cities,
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places, civilians, literally, as we know, from the border to kharkiv is 38 km in a straight line, along the freeway it is 40 km, we cannot respond to the artillery, having it, of american production , because the american side did not give us this consent , we gave examples of other countries, let's say, when there is such agreement, in particular israel, we give an example regarding the ukrainian situation, when there is such agreement from our french allies, our english allies, and believe me, the reaction that we have seen in recent days, to such a position of the american side on the part of the republican leaders, in particular, i am already silent about democracy, of course. i think, i am inclined to the opinion that in the near future, i will not guess, i believe in this, and that the american side, that is, the white house,
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will change its position, including following the results of the visit to kyiv by secretary of state anthony blinken, who as they say, he almost saw for himself how much the situation at the front had worsened. kharkiv direction, and precisely this military aid, which is currently being received at the front, will be received belatedly, it can stop this offensive, and it is precisely the permission of the americans to shoot back precisely on the russian border territory, which, i believe, can stop this rampage and level the situation on the front as a whole. that is, we can already talk about the fact that happened about this permission, that's right, i understand that blinkin's words are strong, no, no, colleagues, we... well, davita rahamia, oleksandra ustinova, oleksandr zavitnevich, the leaders of all parliamentary factions and of deputy groups, which now we meet every day, we we make every effort, persuasion every day, dozens of meetings with congressmen so that they
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, well, let's say, in their own way, go to the state debt office and convince them to lift this ban, there are already certain feedbacks, i just don't want to talk about them, let's let's wait, well... let's hope that the ukrainians, the ukrainian armed forces, first of all get all the opportunities for the effective defense of our state, obviously the strikes on those places from where the so-called canonical russian are coming from, well actually neutralizing these places where the attacks come from is also our defense. taras betenko, thank you, i want, i want to add just a few words, using the opportunity that among the topics we are raising this issue is the topic of nato, because soon in july, as you know, there is another nato summit, we, of course, we are working to be the representatives of the united states. and our other allies have changed their minds and we have come closer to nato at least in
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some interim documents, this is not easy, because the election campaign, which now going on in america, it certainly slows down this process, and there are different opinions, absolutely diametrical about this, there are both absolute supporters of an accelerated suputo, as well as those who believe that we should forget about dry nato, and america will treat us as with major allies, for example israel or south korea and so on, but i would not like to compare myself now with either israel or south korea, ukraine, which is suffering extremely badly from an aggressor that is much more powerful. of course we are we are talking about the f-16, about the training of our pilots, at an accelerated pace and in greater numbers than is happening now in the territory of the united states of america. we are talking about the confiscation of the assets of the russian federation, we are talking about the resolution of the congress of the united states that... which recognized russia as a sponsor of terrorism, that is,
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in the end, we assure the americans, we show by facts that there is parliamentary control over the use of weapons, and therefore there were meetings in the state department, and meetings in the white house, and meetings with many others, including retired military personnel of such a level as general clark, who headed the nato joint headquarters during the war in yugoslavia in the 90s, and... who literally painted on sticks the possibilities of ukraine's potential to change the course of history, the course of this war. i believe that ukraine has every chance now, having received a sufficient number of weapons, to obviously reverse the course of the situation. thank you taraslovitenko, the people's deputy for the future of the deputy group joined from washington. mr. smolii, if we are talking about what they can do this year to begin some, well, let's say so, maybe not directly, through intermediaries, but nevertheless,
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talks about ending the war on the territory of our state, as you think, and there is a certain, as they say, in diplomacy , a framework that can, let's say so , i want to express myself correctly, to keep the two most important participants of this process in those negotiations, russia and ukraine, because we understand that we have a tough and clear position, theirs is unfair, but also tough. my opinion is that before the elections in the united states of america, they will take place in november of this year, that is, we have six months, in fact, of any, at least direct negotiations, we are unlikely to see and observe. and some behind-the-scenes things, some discussions at the bilateral level of individual
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states, i think that these things are still being conducted, that is, when russia and some other parties discuss, perhaps, a certain vision of how the war can end from their point of view. here, colleagues in the studio already said that the most important thing for us is that this vision takes into account the ukrainian position and... and that it there was a proper ukrainian vision of how the war should end, because if it is not a ukrainian vision, then i apologize, it is very bad for ukraine, and in the end we may end up with a bad result. we well understand that now there is a de facto stalemate, and this stalemate is that russia says we are ready for negotiations, but we well understand that they are ready for negotiations. on his terms, and their terms, well, at least as they say, the territories that are currently occupied
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remain with him, but we know very well russia's ultimate goal is the destruction of ukraine as a whole, so should we insist on such conditions, can they be discussed at all, can we discuss any agreements with russia? we know very well that any agreement signed by russia is worthless, sorry. the paper on which it is signed, because russia will always betray, lie, introduce around the finger, and still aim to have... one destruction of ukraine, it was like that, i apologize, 10 years ago, it was like that 30 years ago, it was like that 100 years ago, and so it was 350 years ago. on the other hand, we we understand that there is a position of the west, and this position is not always so fully united. this position, it
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also consists of different visions, because we understand that there is a vision. of the united states of america, there is a vision of the european union, there is a vision of certain countries that might be ready to accept some positions of russia, and here we come to your question about the framework, and what might the framework be, if there are so many different positions, so many different visions, that is, in my opinion, at the moment, not about any framework, not about any vision, at least in the closest month is out of the question, and that's why russia is raising rates, that's why it's talking to china, that's why they're now attacking kharkiv oblast, that's why they're trying to rattle their weapons near sumy oblast, because they're also raising rates and want to force ukraine to be different from the civilized world to understand from
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their point of view that it is still necessary to go to... with russia, the question, i ask once again, and what after that, what will ukraine have at the exit, and most importantly, is there a guarantee that ukraine will join nato, because the most important of all this should be one thing: ukraine must become a member of nato on the way out, if ukraine does not become a member of nato on the way out, or, relatively speaking... joining nato is postponed for a certain period, this will mean that in a year, in two, in five can be a repetition, it doesn't matter under what name the leader will be there, whether it will be putin, or it will be anyone else. the imperial policy of the rashists was, is, and will be the same. and the last thing, i will say, here also in this studio
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they talked about the decision that the civilized world or the west should make. or how we do it we call it, the decision that russia should be dismantled as a state, at least within these borders and at least with this political system, without this dismantling, there will never be peace in the world, peace in our regional dimension, in our geopolitical region, because where there is russia, where there is a terrorist de facto state, there will always be terrorism, whether it is internal or external, so as they say, the coming months , yes, they are important, but the decisive moment, maybe it will be at the end this year, and perhaps we will have to watch the further, further
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development of the war that russia unleashed against ukraine for a few more years. yuriy kamelchuk, how do you assess... these are the events that took place today, because many experts, internationalists, in fact, note what was said in china as something that is quite significant and extraordinary from the point of view of many processes, which are taking place during, well, this is the third year of the full-scale invasion of the russian federation, if i may, i'll go back to the previous one for a second topics and i will say that today i visited the tccsp, updated my data, learned that my profession is now a clerk. the rank is a private, and i am going to look at the military department and undergo basic military training, i will tell you the details later, i myself saw from the inside how the tsk works now, it is really not easy for them, i will explain why, the premises are small, not comfortable, unsuitable, and often they work until late and on weekends, there are many people, but
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most of them, if we talk about the statist factor, are there a large number of those who will actually go to serve, no, most of the... come those who already have some issues of postponement, and the rest, unfortunately, they are still hiding somewhere, of course, you can say that it is everyone's choice there, but i think that this is everyone's duty, and therefore, including now, all people's deputies, who do not know, perhaps from the audience, are also obliged to go and update their data, those who are in military service, fines can also be imposed on people's deputies, if they do not do it in time, and with an update information is available on... even obtaining an additional new education of some kind, this is also additional information for which theoretically they can be fined, so for information , i am informing you, and now to china and to the trip with... it is clear that putin thus demonstrates his alleged great friend, but we perfectly understand that when putin dies,
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when russia begins to fall apart, xi jinping's descendants will sit quietly on the river bank, watching the russian corpse float by, or maybe it will be hundreds of thousands of russian corpses, already on chinese rivers faster than everything, and they will calmly list the new wealth and... they will use it, so for china it is some kind of attempt to show that it has something to oppose to the united states and to show that it is possible not only in europe, although we know that it is not yes, it is the number one sales market for them, let's just analyze trade transactions, the eu and china, and we see that the eu is the number one trading partner. i would really like to go back to the previous meetings of zinping in europe, because correct me colleagues, maybe i didn’t see it, i really didn’t see it
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widely discussed that the leaders of european countries, or macron himself , said something so harsh to cizengpin, to which he would react or respond, or say, oh yes, we really thought, we were embarrassed, and now, for example, we.. . let's not accept the same kremlin terrorist putin, but it's not like that, he flew quietly to china, actually hiding behind more than a billion chinese, and this probably only indicates that he feels that he will soon end, i'm talking about putin in mind, he feels that this is the end, oleg senyutka, of course to fall into this trap of negotiations, because actually, you know, if you ask the ordinary... people on the street, well, not everyone is tired of war, they all want it to end, because war is death and death every day in many families, but
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you know, and this is the moment when we can really be drawn into the trap of negotiations, well, the tool to avoid falling into the trap is very simple and clear, it is the professionalism of the authorities, the professionalism of politicians, because if we talk about our dreams, dismemberment of russia. ask every ukrainian, every ukrainian would like to see the formation of the national formations of those peoples who today are actually under the power of moscow, under the power of the kremlin, in place of this empire. and on the other hand, we have the realities, the offensive of the muscovites in the kharkiv region, the difficult situation near avdiivka, pokrovsk and the possibilities of the muscovites regarding further strikes on our energy sector. infrastructure, and the way out of this situation is professionalism, the professionalism of the authorities, because we, for example, say a lot of things here, and i understand, because i have already heard more than once from experienced
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diplomats that when it comes to serious negotiations, the document that was discussed in istanbul, unfortunately, unfortunately, by the plenipotentiary representatives of ukraine, unfortunately, is extremely disadvantageous, and i consider it treacherous ... conditions for ukraine, because abandoning the army, abandoning the military-industrial complex, abandoning security, such as participation in nato, i believe that this is treason for the country, but they will definitely pull out this document and put it on the table in front of us, because there is an initialed signature of one of the representatives of the ukrainian delegation, and i understand where these conversations will begin, and how important professions are. representatives of ukraine in order to get out of this situation, how important is the unity of our partners today in order to help get out of this situation, because china, we are all here,
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china is for china in the first place, and it is using russia, it is trying to oppose the united states, to preserve sales markets, why ukraine today cannot make harsh statements in relation to china, friends, where do we take it? no drones we understand very well what can happen tomorrow and what we will be left without. we demand from the europeans. let's think about where a large part of their strategic objects are, where they receive extremely important means for their economy and for their defense. and we will get answers to how it is not easy in this situation and how professional and responsible one should be in this situation. i want to give back. even before the question of mobilization, because my talks yesterday, mr. oleg, about the question of mobilization, are already on youtube and on we have to
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ask inta tv channels with espresso viewers. until next week. china is for china, but ukraine should be primarily for ukraine. otherwise, we definitely won't be able to win. on espresso, see you next week traditionally at 21:15 on thursday. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uro helped me. thanks to the natural ingredients, feminost uro helps restore control over urination. feminonost uro - urination under control fm - galicia. listen
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veresen, sharp presentation of facts and... a special look at events in ukraine and beyond, which the world dreams of, mr. orman, all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. on espresso. the situation in the kharkiv region has stabilized, but the direction remains difficult, will the second and third lines of defense withstand the russian offensive, if the russian army does break through further? the prime minister of slovakia, robert fico, seems to have survived an attempt on his life, is there really a russian trace in the attack on him, and
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vladimir putin met for the 43rd time... with chinese leader xi jinping of what?


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