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tv   [untitled]    May 17, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EEST

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the situation in vovchansk is, in principle, a military component, of course, we had military summaries of the day, people spoke, knowing what was happening there, i would like to ask in general the situation in terms of the humanitarian component of the evacuation and the necessary provision of assistance to those residents who today or in those cities near the battles, or where the battles are already going on in part, as far as today these means are sufficient to evacuate those people who need, who may... will need, because the situation in the combat zone is quite dynamic today, in fact, in the area where the enemy entered the ukrainian border. in fact, if it didn't sound like that, the situation is quite good, we have everything under control, we have been working for the seventh day on the evacuation in the vovchansk direction, we have almost no requests for sam... movchansk, and besides, there are already
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volunteers there they don't let you in if the police take someone there, we have three echelons of evacuation, that is, the first echelon there is from vovchansk or some other front-line villages to a conditionally safe place, and from there to in kharkov, we have a distribution point, i was there an hour ago, and everything is there... in a rich way, i would say, there, first of all, they take all the information from the family that left, and you can get it right away, well, very much so there is a lot of humanitarian aid, and food, and bedding, and medicine, they also give out for animals there, well, everything you need, but you left...
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they will give you everything without anything, and then you will be distributed among the dormitories, if you have there is nowhere to live, will you be taken to your address there to relatives, acquaintances, we took people to kremenchuk, they took us to the kharkiv region , closer to poltava, where it is quiet and calm, so we cope with everything, resource. there are enough crews, and humanitarian aid, and medics, well, everything is fine. well, look at the situation in the settlement of liptsi, which is also, well, in fact the zone of this war, a big war, but locally now hostile, hostile this offensive and defensive actions of the defense forces, well, there are not only defensive actions, counterattacks, the armed forces of ukraine also, 80 people are under fire. this is only
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in liptsi, if we talk about in general the community of vovchan, which is under fire is obviously much more people, today, well, it was just a terrorist act by the enemy, it is nothing new, but this once again proves the terrorist nature of the actions and the absolutely cynical, misanthropic nature of the actions of the russian russian occupiers and aggressors hit the community of vovchan with cluster munitions , we were talking about one of the settlements, to be honest, i couldn't find what exactly... the village was called, but this is for understanding what is happening, and here i want to understand one important thing, if, if there are direct hostilities, or let's say there are gunfights on the neighboring street, there are still people on this street, that is, as i understand it, there are volunteers on this street, which goes perhaps parallel or behind the house, across the street, where hostilities are taking place, they are no longer allowed, but where is the point where people are handed over to volunteers, or who is doing it, or the police, or some other units, i don’t know for sure ... probably not the armed forces of ukraine is doing this, because they have them
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now another work, that is precisely this logistics, how it is established and how much it is again, it's risky, eh, look, the village that was shelled was bugaivka, i think you can already tell, we had this point there for four or five days in a row, when people from vovchanskyi were taken to where, and i didn't i know if they have a reconnaissance drone there, they spotted this place, and it was easy to see. because all the volunteer crews, plus the medics there, plus the police there, are conducting filtering measures, so it was a large crowd of people, plus something was banging, plus everyone was filming there , and i personally saw that it was careless posted videos, videos on social networks, where you can see, well, the church, that is, from the church you can determine where it was, and if there is an opportunity. i want
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to say, please, reporters, do not film such places so that you can understand where it is, film there against the background of grass, bushes, walls, but... without identifying such buildings, which, well, it is easy to understand where it is, because, well, today i already had such a claim against the social workers of the media, the media, who are carelessly filming it, the military , yes, they are not involved in the evacuation, but police crews work well, they have armored pickups. and there a few days ago i interviewed a policeman who was caught, one might say ambushed, driving to pick up his grandmother, a sniper started working on him first, then the drg started shooting 360° from all the houses and
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they left there with punctured tires, so the volunteers but from today they are not allowed in the vovchanskyi zone at all. there are special passwords that only trained crews have, who already have experience and first aid, and they have all the equipment, they have digital radio stations that are not are tracked, tracked by the enemy, that 's why from today there are such additional measures, because there is a sad story of how volunteers went to vovchansk and came across the drg, as far as i know, one died, the other was seriously wounded, but they are somewhere or in captivity, because the drg was taken from them, and it
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is not known where the boys themselves are today, but i just want to add here that i hope that it will be possible to return the people, at least to find them, but, you know, the best intentions in war should be there. work methodology, knowledge, information, coordination, well, you definitely know this better than me, but these are understandable things, that where there is a war, there are good intentions - it is only motivation, and then you have to implement it, i see on the video near you such a cool one, i don't know if is it a boy, or is it a husky, yes, a boy, that’s what i understand, an evacuee, an evacuee friend, so today, a few hours ago, we returned from the obovchansky district, we took 25 tails, that is 15 dogs, 10 cats, and three people , here, and now we were moving in the direction of the shelter, where we will already settle them,
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there they will be examined by a veterinarian and they will provide everything they need, they will feed them, and all that, we will distribute them to families, because well... khasyuks, they have already gathered an audience on my instagram, there will be a contest for who will take him home , there is khasyuk, there is a big, healthy alabai there, well, there are many more in the other crew, we also have one husky and one cross between a shepherd and a husky, well, also a very nice dog, and first of all, do i still want a few questions here, well, we already talked about ponytails. i like this word, it probably very well illustrates emotions, generalizes and emotionally, it really illustrates very well, but as people who are forced to leave now under fire, or maybe not expecting the enemy to reach their settlement, because i don't know where the enemy is there, where there isn't, maybe
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people are leaving somewhere in advance, and how do people get rid of their pets, because it's one thing to transfer a dog or a cat, or i don't know a hamster, anyone, and yet... an oven, but such pets, but another, another matter, a big one domestic, cattle, and whether, how about this question, well maybe there are some examples, because simply it is really very important for understanding, for understanding in general this picture, a large evacuation, because well, this can still happen somewhere, and you need to understand how to act and how people behave in this situation, i a couple of days ago faced this question directly, the family had a cub, in addition to... three dogs and five cats, and i tried to find somewhere in the kharkiv region a grandmother who could shelter him, at least for a while, well, she is one of those grandmothers, whom i brought there at the beginning of the war or in the 22nd year
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fodder for these livestock, but it was not found there, because there is one grandmother there, she has three cows, sheep, goats, cats, and she also looks after them there. a couple of houses nearby, and unfortunately, they have to be sent to slaughter, and today the woman was very emotional... er, she parted with the dog and touched on the topic of how cows cry when they are sent to slaughter, and well, these are tears, it's stress, and today we took away animals, and even big men like her, who are such a mountain, they couldn't hold back tears, because dogs, well, dear animals, are like part of the family, and this... it is painful and difficult to watch, today i saw
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pictures, a photo, a photograph, i do not remember which one it is, whether it is kharkiv or not, but there was a rescued fawn, and already in the room, such small horns, they are also so hairy, and this also illustrates the humanity of ukrainians and the atrocities of the enemies, and this is one such, one detail of this great war, where... there is a lot of grief, but also a lot of love and heroism, those who save and those who are saved. i would like to ask what the situation is in kharkiv, everyone understands very well that the enemy is, despite all their own actions in vovchansk, well, this is the kharkiv direction, let's say so, yes, the battles near vovchansk, vovchansk, this is the kharkiv direction, we all understand where putin's horde is rushing, what are the moods, is it real, is there an outflow of people or not, well, from what i can say, i understand that not everything is worth it. to tell, obviously, but how does the regional center live, a city,
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a city that has already seen the enemy on its streets, on february 24 and in the first, well, not only in the first days of the war of the 22nd year, please, a few days ago we took out from vovchanskyi district, a woman with children, they had already left after the liberation of the territories in september 22 , they returned there. then it's closer to winter, and now they have to leave again, and people with children, it's a good thing they are conscious and understand that children's mental and physical health is important, because there, well, about 10 km to vovchansk, there is even artillery there, i already i don't say the fact that these cabs are flying in, cassette players are flying in, here, and they have to
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go through it again for this full-scale war for the second time, well actually we have, well we still have a minute and a half, and please tell me, is it possible to assess the current situation, which is now a combat situation, and a front-line situation, let's say so, and the number of people who need to be evacuated, and you were talking about kremenchuk, poltava region, which... . borders the kharkiv region, local communities or local authorities also offer to support, help, accept people in gurtozhki, we know very well that in the same poltava region there are many of these sanatoriums, well, such recreational areas, where you could also go b people to temporarily accommodate, is this and what kind of help and how many may still be needed, that is, how many people will still have to be saved or may have to be saved, if we did not work. according to this method, we have a slightly different approach, we put out a call on social networks, who has a free
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apartment or house where you can bring pets, and people respond, write information, there are people who have left, they say, there is a house, you can live there for a year or two, please, that's why we are working on this method, and it will work, and now too... people have been taken away, there are already options in vinnytsia region, in khmelnytskyi oblast, it is a little further than poltava, but there are even fewer flights there, even less noise, so to speak, i thank you very much for your work, first of all, it is really invaluable work, and thank you, of course, for telling about this, about these important history, take care of yourself, strength, and that without which ukrainians would not survive in general, this is faith, patience. and love, for those even the tails, who sit there in
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the cage and wait, wait, what will be his further fate, yevhenii haustu was with us a volunteer, the founder of the haustu charity fund, these are the stories of people, stories from war, and you know, when, well, first of all, we have to have another broadcast today, it's from nato, as far as i understand, they will tell me more now what should be there, but despite that , let's... obviously, let's talk about what happened today during the time that has passed until now, and literally in an instant of news. good evening, we are from ukraine. fighters of the e-13th brigade of the charter national guard of ukraine repelled an enemy assault in the liptsi district. in the kharkiv region , drone operators spotted the enemy, after which they opened fire on the enemy from small arms, artillery and strike drones. the russians began to run away, and in addition
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, the charter fighters lit up their additional forces, hit the pony with a rocket salvo fire system. in total , at least eight were destroyed. terrorists, and unfortunately, one person died, four more were injured due to enemy shelling in the kherson region, the occupiers struck a village of high in the beryslav district with an aircraft, damaged a store building, two private houses and a car. the head of the region, oleksandr prokudin, informed about this. meanwhile, in kherson itself, the number of victims of yesterday's enemy attack. today , a 55-year-old resident and a 44-year-old man went to the doctors with injuries and bruises, so it is currently known about the 21st victim as a result of the enemy attack. let me remind you that the day before, muscovites hit the central district of kherson with three aerial bombs in the middle of the day. and in transcarpathia, a drunk driver
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injured a patrolman, the national news agency reported. soldiers of ukraine, the incident happened in the mukachevo district, the inspectors stopped the car due to the driver's violation of traffic rules, that is, a normal matter, absolutely, it was necessary to simply explain what was happening. the 29-year-old man first locked himself in the car, and then through the window fired a traumatic gun at law enforcement officers. it was possible to detain the extra person, he is in the detention center for the temporary life support of the injured policeman. fortunately, nothing is in danger, and the perpetrator can spend the next five years in prison. by the way, i do not have such news about the prison, but i will say for myself, and up to 500 prisoners are ready to take part in the defense of our state, in the ranks of the defense forces, or specifically in the ranks
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armed forces of ukraine. this is the information from the ministry of justice of ukraine, that is, as of now, in fact, 5,000 prisoners are ready to join the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, and the ministry of justice at least definitely said that these people will not be in rear units, they will take part in line battles on the front line. fake consular certificates were sold to petitioners. the security service of ukraine in the kyiv region exposed dealers who helped men avoid the draft. in addition to the fake documents , the organizers. schemes consulted their own clients regarding illegal border crossing. the cost of the entire service package was $10,000. three organizers were caught red-handed when they were receiving money for another piece of equipment. the perpetrators were charged with two articles of the criminal code, they face up to 9 years in prison with confiscation of property. searches of the german
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deputy. and law enforcement officers suspect a far-right member of the bundestag of money laundering, as the deutsche welle publication notes, the intermediary in the scheme could be the ukrainian ex-deputy and state traitor viktor medvedchuk. by the way, at the same time, the godfather of the terrorist and murderer of vladimir putin. the german prosecutor's office did not name the suspect. however, earlier in the bundestag , they announced that they had removed the parliamentary immunity from a member of the alternative for germany party. petr bystron, according to the media, bystron and some other candidates friendly to russia received hidden financial support in the elections to the european parliament. and the president of ukraine and supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy held the position of the supreme commander in
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kharkiv according to the military command, the kharkiv direction remains extremely difficult. armed forces of ukraine. forces in this area, the units generally called the situation under control and reported that our soldiers were inflicting significant losses on the occupier. the head of state also visited defenders who were wounded in the battles in kharkiv region and honored them with state awards. president zelenskyi also met with the soldiers of the 92nd separate assault brigade named after koshovoy ataman ivan sirk, who are currently defending this direction, they also received awards from... all of ukraine, but today we are here in such
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an important direction. thank you, once again, take care of yourself, please, i wish you only strength, victory. on the world day of vyshyvankas in kyiv , they presented a unique shirt "combat dronivka", the main... the symbol of the ornament is a drone. the cossack cross and the ukrainian trident were also embroidered on the shirts. for the border , the ornament of elena the bee was used, which symbolizes the birth of a new life from old roots. vyshyvankas are available for women and men. all collected funds will be transferred to the purchase drones for the seraphima attack drone company, the 104th separate territorial defense brigade and the diknitas charitable foundation. the buyer gets a unique item and supports the armed forces, the vyshyvanka is a symbol
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of unity, and when civilians wear such vyshyvankas, it will show that they support the armed forces, and it can also be a great gift for our defenders, especially uav pilots. well, i would still give... money for these needs, but i still need to find out where to buy this embroidered dress, well, it's definitely worth it to invest money and have such an embroidered shirt and help those who today save us and save ukraine, and her husband died at the front, and her only son is currently defending the country about her heroes and how she herself helps bring victory closer, olena shveits told our journalists, let's look at the material in detail. over the past two years, olena shvets has woven kilometers of nets for the front. these simple products, she says, save the lives of defenders. elena helps someone, someone helps her
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son. at the beginning, you are more nervous, worried, that it would be for the boys, well, for about a week or two , i definitely had to question and worry, and then everything seemed to go more or less. also, the woman's son, anton, voluntarily joined the army at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, his mother was the last to learn about this decision, having finished his master's degree in agricultural engineering, the boy dreamed of serving, but we had a little eyesight problem there, he was not taken, i was everything to him but you can't and you won't be a sight, but once the war had already started, he didn't say anything to me, he only told his current wife, and then they... met with her girlfriend and went to military training. 25-year-old anton is a copy of his father, who died near bakhmut, grenade launcher oleksiy papusha was at the front
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for only a few weeks. i told his late father, i don't care what your eyelashes were, and were they a boy or a girl? he was taken 72 on april 7, 2023, and on the 25th, he died, we were informed on the 27th that his father was not there, anton, of course, there was a shock, he rushed there, i will go, i will be there, i will avenge my father . in the battles, elena's son survived a concussion and injuries, together with the only child, the mother also experiences all the pain, so, she says, she found solace, volunteering, here she will be understood and supported. here in the team, almost everyone has, if not sons, parents, friends, that is, some relatives who... here and there in this communication it is much easier to go through it, it is difficult when they do not get in touch , but when you come here, the girls say, well
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, not only yours didn't come out, but ours don't come out there, because they can't, well, calm down, everything 's fine, they'll come out. volunteer manager of the center, tatyana sila shows a stash of camouflage nets paid by volunteers, there are white ones in case of snow, and green underleaves, and black ones, as if they had fallen on the ground, and these are girls. they come every day, sit down and weave, weave, weave, chat, and they already go to work. working for the army, olena believes, if only for a day, even for an hour, that she is bringing the dream victory closer, and with it the return of her son home. thank god, well, he is perhaps even a little more careful, if only, because he understands that not only his mother at home is waiting for him, but also his wife. and we hope for replenishment soon, then we think that god will save him for us, he will be devoted to serving the state and that
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this war will soon end. for cereals. for the tv channel. many thanks to such people who actually do a lot to make this victory a reality. it is also important to understand what our partners are doing to support us in our struggle, or what our enemies are doing there. yuriy fizar, world of ukraine, will talk about it. yury, good evening, please. good evening to you, vasyl. good evening everyone joined us at this time. today about such, chinese companies, after all help. companies from russia that support the military-industrial complex of the aggressor country, so they say in the white house, nato was told how time is measured in ukraine, and biden and trump finally agreed on a debate, that is, there will be a debate. my name is yuriy fizar, this is world about ukraine and i will start in a moment. well, let me start with this: war
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is necessary in ukraine. only by political means at the negotiating table, this is the only correct way out of the situation that has developed, chinese leader xi jinping said this during a meeting with putin, the leader of the terrorist country, in beijing. at the same time, he emphasized that the heavenly authorities hope that peace and stability on the european continent will be restored as soon as possible, and at the same time assured that his government will make maximum efforts for this. at the same time, sijin pinna. emphasized that during the settlement of the ukrainian crisis, as he called it again, it is necessary to adhere to the goals and principles of the united nations nations, respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, take into account the well-founded concerns of all parties in the field of security, as well as build a balanced, effective, sustainable security architecture. well, here it is because of what he said, and it is interesting
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that he plays on one side as well. and on the second, bucin says things that are acceptable for ukraine, but at the same time he says things that are definitely acceptable for russia, there are some security fears that were constantly expressed, and so that you understand how much china wants to end this war peacefully, after the meeting with putin, they both signed a joint declaration, a statement on deepening partnership and economic relations and strategic cooperation. the document itself has not yet been published, but in total nine documents were signed and there is strategic interaction, so it is understandable. the deepening of this partnership was commented on in the administration of the president of the united states of america, joe biden, on the eve of putin's arrival in china. we do not comment on bilateral relations, we always do
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have been pretty consistent about it, but i want to. to be clear, we consider it unacceptable that chinese companies are helping putin wage this war against ukraine. thus, the official representative of the white house, karin jean-pierre, answered the journalist's question about sino-russian cooperation and its deepening. according to her, this position is held not only by the usa, but also by nato group of seven partners and the european union. and then mrs. jeanpierre added another short quote of hers: if ki... seeks good relations with europe and other countries, then he cannot continue to fuel the biggest threat to european security at the moment, well, that is, it made it clear that there is some information in the american intelligence services that, despite all the statements that come from beijing, the leadership of the celestial empire continues to somehow support the russian military
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machine, and the united states of america, said karin jeanpierre, are preparing to send another batch of military aid and equipment to ukraine, she said about this, and in addition, she confirmed that the united states is trying to provide assistance to the armed forces of ukraine in order to repel attacks, in particular in the direction of kharkiv. well, this statement of the spokeswoman of the white house was immediately commented on in heaven. blaming china will not solve the problem. will not solve the situation, and the result may not be what the interested parties expected and would like to see and will only complicate the situation. such a statement was made today during a briefing by the official representative of the ministry of foreign affairs under his highness wang wen binh. at the same time, the spokesman rejected it accusing washington of providing military aid to russia, adding, further, a quote from a spokesman: china has always been cautious and
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responsive. distant position, when the case concerned:


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