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tv   [untitled]    May 17, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EEST

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admirers will remain in this power forever, that is, a virtually orthodox king designated by god himself. the only thing, you know, that i was surprised that he did not hold his own, his self-coronation on may 9, but there was nothing strange, that is, they would have taken and combined, you understand, the prayer on may 9, the shoiga on camels and the spirit of ungern sternberg above the red square, let's say, i think that... double these measures to increase attention, and then everything was held in one day and that's it. on may 9, probably, there will also be some throne speech by putin, as the inaugurated first official persons now they are wary of making immortal regiments, parades, suddenly a drone will fly, but apparently, it is ideologically beneficial for them to disperse these events in order to raise his status as a military leader, as the leader of a country that is waging an aggressive war against ukraine, with solemn events on may 9. etc., that is,
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the task is broader here, so they did not combine, so as not to simplify the situation, to diversify a little. today , only the russian orthodox church is a full-fledged ideological institution in this system, in united russia, what ideology is there, steal and run, and the russian orthodox church - after all ideological institute. let's start with the fact that i generally believe that religion and ideology are one and the same. they say that god exists, this is already an ideology. than united russia, the leading party, what can it justify, there is only bureaucracy, what they can invent, and the russian orthodox church says, we and the new ideology, according to which the current government has a direct entrance to god, it is a direct reflection of him, the orthodox kingdom, русский peace, all that set that we hear from time to time, but he can't... and this
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inauguration, if it has any significance, is not as much protocol as ideological. war and the immutability of this power in a totalitarian system become the main tools, guides of this ideology. war increases, that is, we protect the homeland, although we see the quality of these defenders. if you have criminals returning from the svo zone, raping boys. the latest events, a certain catastrophic percentage of relapses among people who... participate in svo, but ideology can ignore it, completely close its eyes, because only putin needs a high justification, the rest is slag. from this point of view taking into account all of this, the war and the current term, when he changed the constitution for himself, and the molebin, and the rest are indicators of some kind of renewal that is leading the country to the abyss. even more, but it creates an ideological cushion for putin, which he really needed.
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look, there is another point here that is very characteristic, that is, of all the tools or institutions of putin's legitimization, he still has what, strategic nuclear weapons and tactical nuclear weapons, and here they decided to conduct certain exercises, so it is about the southern military district of the russian federation, that a district that is directly involved in the war against ukraine, but if we talk, for example, about the broader palette that you talked about, then the russian orthodox church, putin, so to speak. the anointing of the future, well, we understand that it remains for them to complete the picture, that we return to the concept of the so-called great patriotic war, the great patriotic war against napoleon in 1812, and then, of course, we move on to stalin, who, let me remind you, in the 41st year, so so to speak, turned to the soviet citizens with the appeal of brothers and sisters, well , accordingly, i am waiting for everything, maybe... not
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this week, maybe a month from now. in general , yes, regarding nuclear weapons, it is definitely a cornerstone of the ideology. nuclear weapons, possessing them, these six hundred warheads, become the main instrument of russia's foreign policy, because they exploit this nuclear rhetoric all the time, constantly threatening, conducting training in the western district, involving lukashenka in this, this is the main threat to the west, but this also ideologues. the question is still open, because it is a one-way street: after using nuclear weapons, there is no turning back, and it will be reverse the effect, but they use this nuclear rhetoric to intimidate, primarily the west, there is no point in intimidating ukrainians, they are not afraid, but they summoned the british and french ambassadors because of them. that the means supplied to
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ukraine, in particular missiles, can be used for any purpose for shelling the territory of russia or not, it is decided by ukraine, it is not decided by france. or great britain, they absolve themselves of responsibility, they supply weapons, and now the weapons are ukrainian, not french and not british, because this is stupidity, it would remain so if the french and british themselves carried out strikes with the help of scalp or storm shadow, but this does not happen, it is done by ukraine, what difference does it make, what do they use? moscow uses iranian shaheds, so what? therefore, the meaning is that this is essentially an attempt to influence the position of these countries. taking into account what france says constantly, in the person of president macron, starting from february 26, that the french military contingent can be sent to the territory of ukraine on the condition that if breakthrough of the front, or if zelensky asks for it. zelenskyi's government, kyiv will make
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a request and invite these contingents. maybe it will be the french foreign legion or something. i don't know exactly how this is handled in the respective jurisdictions, in the respective european countries. they may appear on the territory of ukraine, which is at war, so this is an attempt to use nuclear threats and blackmail to make france and london abandon these plans. while this does not show the determination to use these nuclear weapons, but zaharuya's statement that the response will be strikes, if great britain does not refuse the supply of weapons and does not cancel the position on lifting restrictions on the use of these missiles, in particular on strikes on the territory of russia, then as she said. nuclear exercises that moscow is going to conduct and about the possibility of using nuclear weapons, of course, this is an attempt at blackmail, an attempt to take a punt, so far it is
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so, we will see what it will lead to, but i definitely know the recipe for how to react if we show weakness, if you show the west from their side that they can roll back... back in their initiatives, then the kremlin will go further, they will not stop, will go further on the offensive, from the point of view of political and other offensives on europe, increasing and increasing the demands, but if they say, and we will also conduct nuclear exercises, consider the issue of placing nuclear weapons, tactical, other on the territory of romania, poland, which, by the way, poland is asking for, and romania is asking for, this is where moscow will hit the brakes and play back, say, well... well, we are not in that sense, we are not going to move to nuclear war, in relation to the domestic war and rhetoric quasi-patriotic, which the kremlin can use to prolong the situation with the war, which has already been going on for 2.5 years, it is necessary to somehow explain to the people why we are fighting, we are fighting,
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the end of the land is not in sight, and now after receiving ukrainian aid, approved by the us congress, 61 billion - it's not much, but it's something, not nothing, this. obviously affects the continuation of the war, at least until november. and how will the american elections end? they may end in a way that prevents ukraine from receiving additional aid, new aid, etc. and therefore the rhetoric of the national war and the like, we know how it was exploited by stalin. brothers and sisters, he actually created the russian orthodox church anew with serhiy stargorodskyi. this is a well-known story. stalin's church, which is still active today, is precisely stalin's. he created it with his... favors, moreover, he had plans to go to constantinople after the war, to liberate it, this is a well-known story, such plans were made in the headquarters, so yes, they will work out some concept, because putin in his inaugural speech said to achieve all goals and still no one knows
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what are your goals, we know these goals: to destroy ukraine, end its sovereignty and turn it into its constituent part, and other goals... we do not see any, they are clear, but he cannot say it in this way. and why, mark, well, he could have simply said, we will fight to the point of destruction, so to speak, as they generally started aggression against ukraine, well, it is about a full-scale invasion, you know, denazification and so on, well, in putin’s version, that’s all we know, well, these are stalin's versions, but of course it is possible and will come to what he will say. the territory is completely the territory of russia, we occupy it because it is historical justice, he also says so from time to time, but then, if we enter from such a premise, he will drive the west into a dead end, but that is what i want, these are my lands , if the west accepts this, the entire
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international security system will collapse, it will cease to exist even nominally, it is already barely holding on, but if someone can say, i claim, because these are our... historical territories, and this is after the recognition of 1991 borders of ukraine and everything else, how come you recognized them as bialowieza agreements, then there was the almaty declaration. now it was remembered in time, the almaty declaration was caught up with, when the cis was created, and all countries, including russia, recognized ukraine within its borders, it was the agreement that was signed that yes, we recognize ukraine within its borders, with crimea and the rest, then why do we need an international security system, who needs all these agreements, the un and the like, if putin decides that the right of force is higher than the right international, then the west either joins the war. and defends not just ukraine, but the values ​​of international security, its principles,
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norms of international law, or swallows it, and russia immediately has claims on the baltic countries, it will also say russian territories, on poland, it will also say that these are historical lands, the crowns of the russian empire, we are restoring them and so on, because if this principle is implemented once, then it will always work, that's all, look, we did not mention an extremely important point, or rather from... the essence of one an extremely important character, well, sijin ping, he worked very technically, that is, he drew for himself an extremely important in his opinion, and i think not only in his opinion, a visit to the european continent, and he did not come to putin either for the inauguration or the parade may 9, but xi jinping talked to macron, so it's a kind of démarche, i think he made it clear to putin, so to speak, all the signals that he could actually send... i think china's position, although not visible, although and
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not fast, but it adjusts a little. i won't say that it changes. moscow remains an ally, but it is changing in the sense that beijing seeks to remove responsibility for what moscow does, to remove it as much as possible, because when you are its ally, you see the difference between iran and beijing, they are both, in a certain sense, moscow's allies . iran is a military ally and is definitely responsible for moscow's actions in ukraine, because ukrainians are being killed with their weapons. moreover, it is not the same thing that supplies london and paris, because moscow is embargoed as an aggressor country. sorry, bye there are still no restrictions on the supply of arms to ukraine, none, because it is a victim country that is protected under international law. beijing actually makes a choice in foreign policy about domestic negativity. in february 2023 and the beijing
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declaration regarding the settlement of each of the 12 points, the first point was compliance with international law and recognition of the internationally recognized sovereignty and borders of ukraine. it seems to me that this is how the process of beijing's rapprochement with europe began, which is why the first visit to beijing went brilliantly macron. victory in the elections, then in europe, which also expects eccentric actions from trump, in relation to nato, in relation to us obligations, in relation to europe, they are trying to look for alternative allies, to play on the balance. the whole of europe is represented by france, because france is the foreign policy department of the entire european union, which is carried out by paris, so today,
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of course, they are trying to agree on strategies, economic, investment, geopolitical with beijing, but an important condition on the part of europe, france, in particular, relatively beijing has an influence on moscow, europe the eastern part, which is stolen by war - an unacceptable situation for the economy, for labor , for the interaction between beijing and paris and brussels, absolutely unacceptable, the war must be stopped absolutely if we want that neither beijing nor europe. and i think beijing heard this signal. see for yourself, beijing after blinken's visit, despite the fact that the visit was generally cool, and the state department publicly stated that sanctions against moscow should be followed. to join the sanctions against beijing and legally, and in fact, in fact, something has already begun to be implemented. for example, russian
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companies, which felt free to make transactions through financial institutions of china, are now deprived of these opportunities, or very seriously limited, and these are gray schemes for the supply of military and dual purpose products, that is, beijing is slowly, perhaps reluctantly, losing financially, but agrees to is to limit moscow in its use, economic and... beijing for waging war, and we see that beijing all the time seeks to be an observer, like in switzerland a conference on the peace formula, on the initiative of zelensky, among others. is going to come as an observer, and in the war he wants to be an observer, not a representative of moscow in this matter, these are different qualities, we represent moscow, well, we negotiate through us with moscow, no, we are observers and are not responsible for moscow, we we will try to influence some issues, we will convince, but please do not make us representatives of moscow, and suddenly
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moscow will really resort to steps for which it will have to be responsible, for example, it will apply: tactical nuclear weapons, why is it for beijing to rake up the consequences for moscow? and in this sense, beijing is clearly increasing its distance in relation to moscow's plans for ukraine and europe and the western world. because of economic interest, because of the threat of the arrival of trump, who will curtail the investment and technological interaction that is already taking place between beijing and washington. what then? where to get technological and other resources? beijing is diversifying the situation. and focuses on europe, and, in particular, at the time of macron's visit to beijing , agreements were reached that airbus would be built in china, in particular, beijing is forced to choose priorities, or europe and to a certain extent america, or moscow, but the trade volume is incomparable, trade with russia is 200-210 billion dollars a year, and with europe
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it is almost 800, 750, 770, what is most important, and with america somewhere like 750, 780. that is, it shows that the potential is unmatched, and moscow will continue to lose, and beijing will increase the distance with moscow and at the same time get closer to europe in these issues. i completely agree with you, mark, and i would just like to give such a possibly somewhat unpretentious allegory, that is, well you understand, a mad, angry bull terrier that starts jumping, biting passers-by, well, everyone understands who its plus-minus owner is, yes, well, the key story here is who will give... the first one, let's say the bull terrier with a shovel mordi, you see, and the owner, so to speak, tries to pretend that this is not his bull terrier, but when they say to him, listen, we, we specifically, dear peking comrades, will issue a specific fine for your bull terrier , if you don't take him away, and putin also feels this matter, and what he is doing, he is now
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is trying to go to beijing, check the clocks, and here is the key story, what will he say...comrade everyone, and what will putin say to him? i didn't believe it, but beijing has a strong argument in the conversation with putin, who will soon pay a visit to beijing. the war has been going on for more than two years, and you planned much less, counting on the blitzkrieg, the accelerated end of the war, the settlement of the conflict. it doesn't matter, on capitulation terms, on negotiations, this does not happen. now the war is already becoming a burden for everyone, and for beijing as well, which is definitely not in this case, he wants to be a representative of moscow, as i said, because what dividend will you get, on the contrary, beijing is interested in moscow coming out of the war as weakened as possible, so that it does not disappear, let putin stay, but to be as weakened as possible, so that it is possible it is easier to increase this dependence on beijing if the way to the west is blocked for moscow, and
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it will most likely be closed for ten years, taking into account the consequences of the war, no matter what negotiations take place and... no matter how they end, and moscow's victory is not beneficial for beijing. moscow is already too proud when begins to improve its situation, front-line or international. in particular, until these five, almost six months , the us congress did not allocate aid to ukraine, it was clear how moscow was inspired by the possibility of a future victory. there were almost plans for an offensive against kharkiv, but when this is not the case, a new situation with aid and a different balance of ammunition arises. according to the means that ukraine is rebuilding with the help that has already gone from the usa, the political situation immediately changes. they noticed how easily it changes, and europeans are immediately inspired and encouraged politicians and china should not lag behind, it should put forward conditions. moscow must decide how long it is going to fight, to wage a full-scale war. i think
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such a question will be raised in beijing. how long are you going to fight? 10 years? this is unacceptable for us. this is definitely unacceptable for beijing, moreover, beijing is very afraid of nuclear rhetoric and all exercises and placement of nuclear missiles on the territory of belarus. why? because i totally assume so. spekin is also discussing such an option for the development of the situation, under which nuclear weapons, except for china and north korea, there will be other players in southeast asia. japan. it can very easily get nuclear weapons, they have their own nuclear materials, laboratory tests , not to mention technology. taiwan can get nuclear weapons, why not, north korea can, taiwan can't, south korea can get nuclear weapons, why is it pakistan, how will this help in its integration plans? taiwan to mainland china, will hurt very much. that's why this issue is scary for beijing cookie about moscow. most likely, these two issues will be discussed. the first is
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to stop the nuclear rhetoric. moscow must be a responsible partner. a member of the un security council with the right of veto cannot behave like this, because he is the guarantor of international security, the non- use of nuclear weapons, the non-violation of conventions that oblige, for example, not to conduct nuclear ... not to transfer weapons to third countries, the non-proliferation convention nuclear weapons, which, however, is happening in relation to belarus, etc. and the second question - the terms of the end of the war. let's define the term how much more do you want to fight if you cannot conquer ukraine and advance beyond 20% of the occupied territories, increase them to 30, 40, 50, 100%. then it is necessary to end the war and accept the conditions on which the event is ready. to somehow influence kyiv and come to some kind of peace plan acceptable to all parties, not just moscow. if beijing's scales tip to the west, then moscow may
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have practically no significant allies left in this matter, and then something may shift . thank you so much mark for this awesome one interesting and informative conversation, i want to remind our tv viewers that mark fegin, a figure of the russian opposition in emigration, a former deputy of the state duma, was working on the espresso airwaves, and from... the time of our program has run out, stay with the espresso tv channel. my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of this day. take care of yourself and your loved ones, see you on the air. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. a news feed, of course. informs about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovsky and invited experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our
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future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso.
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yes boys! see this week in the judicial program control with tatyana shustrova. false message. crime: how did the vrp reject the complaint of the head of the economic court of the kyiv region? no facts of interference in their activities as judges have been established. but why did pavel
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gorbasenko's father end up on the myrotvorets website? greetings, you are watching judicial control, i am tatyana shustrova. the judicial system of ukraine is in a zone of turbulence. against the background of a catastrophic shortage of judges, the higher qualification commission is working tirelessly on conducting competitions for positions and evaluation. active servants themis, so exhausting that lately interviews are 7 minutes long, judges with dubious reputations and fortunes of obscure origin remain in office. pavlo gorbasenko, the head of the commercial court of the kyiv region, turned out to be the next judge for those willing to successfully survive the turbulence and stay in the chair. he and many other unscrupulous representatives of the judiciary expect that the renewed composition of the supreme court will eventually. will turn a blind eye to their inconsistency, we'll talk about it today, but first the news: president volodymyr for the first time since 2022, zelensky signed:
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decrees on the appointment of judges to positions in local general, commercial and administrative courts, as well as in regional commercial courts, these are former judges, the so -called five-year judges, participants in the 2017 selection and participants in previous selections for the positions of judges , in total, zelensky appointed 116 servants of themis. oleksiy mykytyuk, the judge of the illegally created rf kyiv district court of simferopol, was sentenced to 15 years in prison for working for the enemy, as reported. sbu mykytyuk helped the russians invaders to legitimize the political repression of crimeans who do not agree with the kremlin regime. according to the investigation, he is involved in the adoption of a number of illegal decisions regarding activists of the occupied peninsula. based on the collected evidence, the court found mykytyuk guilty under the article on collaborative activity and sentenced him to 15 years in prison, which the judge will begin serving as soon as he is arrested. higher qualification commission.
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continues to assess ukrainian judges for their suitability for the positions they hold. not everyone passes the test, and especially resourceful ones judges, while the qualification commission is making a decision, apply for a competition to another court in parallel, and suddenly it will work. this is pavlo gorbasenko, head of the economic court of the kyiv region. he is one of the most scandalous judges and the most influential people of kyiv region. currently, gorbasenko is waiting for a decision from the supreme court of appeals, will he continue to sit in the judge's chair? in december, the commission postponed the decision on gorbasenko. this is the adopted decision, in fact, the decision to adjourn the meeting, because, several points, several points in connection with which the commission cannot, i believe, cannot decide. while the vkk is waiting for additional explanations and documents from pavlo gorbasenko, he decided not to waste time. submitted documents for participation in the competition for the post of judge in the northern commercial court of appeal.
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in this way, promotion is possible. get and reset some facts of personal and professional biography. gorbasenko also spams the prosecutor general and the high council of justice with complaints and complaints about alleged interference in his work. in fact, he tries to justify himself in a banal way, because to the highest quality commission received appeals about his unprofessionalism and mistakes made during the consideration of cases. we are talking about one of the enterprises of critical infrastructure in the kyiv region, bilotserkivsk thermal power plant. the shareholders insist that the judge made a lot of decisions in the pad case. judicial decisions, took measures to ensure the lawsuit by suspending the effect of the decisions of the general meeting of shareholders, in another case gorbasenko did the same based on a statement signed by the representative of the defendant, and undertook to consider another lawsuit, again, for signed not by the plaintiffs, but by a representative of the defendant. the northern commercial court of appeal, where gorbasenko wants to go, overturned his decisions. therefore, the shareholders believe that the judge's actions have signs of raiding and illegal interference in
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economic activity and have reported it. the higher qualification commission, which is supposed to determine whether a judge will continue his career. instead , gorbasenko decided that the shareholders' appeal to the vkk was nothing more than interference in its activities. from pavlo gorbasenko's report on interference in the judge's activities. i consider in favor it is necessary to report interference in my activity as a judge, regarding the administration of justice, as well as contempt of court. spamming the higher authorities, the prosecutor's office and the courts with complaints and lawsuits for gorbasenko is a commonplace in the odious. to oask, he contested the negative conclusion of the civic council of virtue, then tried to challenge the decision of the supreme court itself in the supreme court. experts considered these actions as an attempt to evade the qualification assessment. the judge gave notice of whether the information and procedure had been leaked and attempted to be evaded passing the qualification. pavlo gorbasenko was appointed a judge of the commercial court of the kyiv region by presidential decree in 2010. used
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family, friendly and other informal connections to pursue a career, since 2007 , gorbasenko was married to his daughter-in-law, a person who at that time was a judge of the supreme court of ukraine and the head of the judicial bagaat, the basis of this case, and also a member of the higher raditsia. at the end of the zeros , gorbasenko, who worked as a legal consultant in a private firm, suddenly decided to change activity and got a job in... the economic court of the kyiv region, just during the time when his then father-in-law valentin barbara was a member of the supreme council of justice. an interesting coincidence. during his work as a judge, gorbasenko managed to get into several scandals and make a living with a considerable amount of real estate. a housewife helped her mother earn property. the judge assures that it was his mother who gave him two apartments of 116 and 136 m2 in an elite district in kyiv. my mother gave me two apartments and...


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