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tv   [untitled]    May 17, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EEST

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who at that time was a judge of the supreme court of ukraine and the head of the court was mainly a case, as well as a member of the higher raditsia. at the end of the zeros, gorbasenko, who worked as a legal consultant in a private firm, suddenly decided to change his activities and got a job at the commercial court of the kyiv region. just in time. in the membership of his then father-in-law valentin barbara in the supreme council of justice. an interesting coincidence. during his work at the court, gorbasenko managed to get into several scandals and make a living with a considerable amount of real estate. my mother helped me to acquire property housewife. the judge assures that it was his mother who gave him two apartments of 116 and 136 m2 in an elite district in kyiv. my mother gave me two apartments and a car. here are some of the most expensive residential complexes in obolon with picturesque views. dnipro, the price of
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apartments starts at 100,000 dollars for a simple one-room apartment, and the gorbasenk family actually has an entire floor. according to data from the yutrol service, the ownership of four apartments and three parking spaces in these elite houses was also issued to gorbasenko's brother oleksiy. i wonder how much it cost such a pleasure? for herself, pavlo gorbasenko's mother built a house for more than eight people. m in the village of lebydivka near kyiv, next to a picturesque green forest, on a huge private territory of more than half a hectare, there is a two-story building, an altanka pool. where does the housewife's mother get the funds for such a large house and luxurious apartments in the suburbs, pavlo gorbasenko assures, all the money is the wealth of the businessman's father. father is a builder with many years of experience, and in addition to construction, he is engaged in various indirect types. the father owns his business
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judge volodymyr gorbasenko leads in the occupied crimea, so he obviously pays taxes to the terrorist state. we are not even surprised that the name of the father of the head of the economic court of the kyiv region appeared in the peacemaker database. analysts, together with special services, discovered that in february-march 2022, the russian mobile phone number of volodymyr gorbasenko was recorded while roaming in the temporarily occupied territory of the kyiv region. it is likely that gorbasenko participated. in the military aggression of the russian federation against ukraine, they note on a peacekeeping mission, and when kyiv region was liberated, fled back to the crimea. and this is hanna svyredenko, a member of the kyiv city council and the owner of a large amount of real estate, in particular in kyiv and the occupied crimea. according to the documents, she divorced pavlo gorbasenko for the second time. the first time they allegedly broke up at the end of 2014, however , they remained in such a wonderful relationship that they went to europe together five days after the divorce. in 2017, they gave birth to a joint
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child, then traveled abroad dozens of times, even during the war. it's all too much similar to manipulation of the law, presumably precisely in order not to declare property. we broke up with her in the 14th year, and therefore in the future i did not specify her, but we continued our communication, just two circumstances under which i have to declare her disappeared. in january 22, gorbasenko and sverodenko got married again and last fall. once again hastily decided to divorce, everything was organized literally in a day. my ex-wife and i tried to file a lawsuit, in the order of a separate lawsuit, in order to speed up the proceedings. divorce took place just before the qualification assessment of gorbasenko and the opening of the register of declarations, from which we learned that in 2023 he and hanna sveridenko had another daughter, and this...
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also indicates close family relations, which the couple once again decided to hide, presumably to manipulate the rules of the law when declaring property. the higher qualification commission of judges allowed gorbasenko to participate in the competition for a post at the northern commercial court of appeal. and while he is preparing for the next interview, the members of the supreme court of appeals have already obviously prepared questions for him about unjust decisions with signs of raiding and about sky-high real estate and probably fictitious divorces. as well as connections with his father, who pays taxes in the occupied crimea and, according to the peacekeeper, could be involved in the military aggression of the russian federation against ukraine. so, in order to justify himself, gorbasenko filed several complaints to the high council of justice and the prosecutor general's office about alleged interference in his judicial activities. vrp conducted an inspection and announced the decision last week. according to the results of checking the report of the judge of the economic court of the kyiv region, gorbasenko has not been identified. facts of interference in
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their activities as judges, as well as actions that threaten the independence of judges and the authority of justice, about which appropriate conclusions were drawn, all 14 present at the meeting. members of the ukrainian people's republic of ukraine voted for this decision and actually recognized that gorbasenko had submitted a known false report about interference in his activities. meanwhile, the higher qualification commission should also announce its decision regarding the judge in the near future judges it depends on her whether gorbasenko will continue to sit in the judge's chair and whether he will be able to transfer to another court. we hope that the members of the commission will carefully investigate his biography, professional competence, legality of decisions and conformity of lifestyle with official ones. income and make a fair decision regarding gorbasenko. today i have everything. it was tetyana shustrova's judicial control and i. tell us about the facts of corruption in the judicial system that you know. write to me on facebook or to the email address
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you see on your screens. see you in exactly one week. good bye. we are continuing the search for nine-year-old nikita nikolayev from the city of rubizhne in the luhansk region. this settlement has been occupied since may 22 , but nikita disappeared already in may last year. that is, nothing is known about the fate of the child for exactly one year. i really hope that... thanks to your concern, the boy will be found. please look carefully at the photo again and remember nikita nikolaev's face. he has blue eyes and light blond hair. the boy looks at his nine years. if suddenly someone has seen
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nikita or knows something about his possible whereabouts, do not delay and dial from any mobile operator, the short number of the magnolia children's search service 11630. calls. free, if suddenly there is no way to call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. i also want to remind you that we are looking for six-year-old sashko hrytsenko. i have already told the story of this boy from the temporarily occupied territory of luhansk region in previous programs. a child was abandoned by his mother, and now sashka is trying to find his father, who is in an uncontrolled part of ukraine. we spoke with the man and now i will tell all the details of this frankly shocking story. she left the house and then returned, but then she left again and
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i did not know the whereabouts of her common-law wife. so, when the full-scale war began, little sashko lived with his mother and his husband's grandmother in the city of lysychansk. this is... the territory was occupied almost from the first days, at the beginning of last year left home and left sasha with his old great-grandmother. it was a long time ago, probably somewhere in the 23rd year of the daughter, it is the beginning of the 23rd year, i found out, maybe she threw him earlier, on my grandmother's free will on the mountain. she left the house. for a long time, the boy was taken care of by his great-grandmother, but soon the elderly woman died and the child was taken away by social services in the occupied territory. sasha was immediately taken out of lysichansky. all this happened about a year ago. the service came and took the child, after that i knew where he was, what, well, relatively, i knew that he was there by hearsay, by
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rumors, that he was somewhere in alchevsk, then he was transported to luhansk, and then local investigators, he is unknown, so i will look for him. is the child still in the temporarily occupied territory? whether the boy was taken to russia, so far it has not been possible to find out the father , the husband, of course, turned to the police, but so far there is no clue to find out the whereabouts of his six-year-old son, his child, oleksandr oleksiyovych, a request to someone there , who saw him, if anyone can any one that will be suitable, boy, be a weasel, i will be very grateful to you, i appeal to everyone who... this video, and especially to the residents of the occupied luhansk region. look carefully at the photo of sashko hrytsenko. the guy looks 6-7 years old. he is thin, about 110-115 cm tall. he has straight light blond hair, an oval face and
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brown eyes. he is a very kind child, he is very attracted to people. if he liked anything, it was, well, playing there, well, like all children. but this child. she has the status of cerebral palsy, he could not pronounce such phrases, there are words, if there is any meaning. sashko has a medical diagnosis of cerebral palsy, that's why... he can't always clearly formulate his thoughts, but he is very sensitive and reaches out to people, if suddenly someone has seen the boy or knows where he might be now, immediately call the hotline of the child tracing service magnolia by the short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free, if suddenly there is no way to call, write to the chatbot child search service in telegram. we have created a resource that you can report any crime
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against a child. anywhere, anytime, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. there are discounts, i present. coco may discounts on valeriana bulgarian pills 10% in pharmacies plantain bam and oshchad. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is a big ether, my name is vasyl zima and we are starting. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now just about there will be a war serhii zgurets will talk more with us and what the world is doing now, what happened in the world, yuriy
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fizar will speak in more detail, yuriy, good evening, please have a word. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchyvka is with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events by yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenii for the information about the news of the presenters' culture, which many have become familiar with. natalka didenko already ready to tell us about the weather for the day. raideshnyi, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news story reports about them, however... it is not enough to know what is happening, one must understand it. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events,
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analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00.
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greetings, to begin with, i want us to watch one video, and i ask you to show it to us,
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because it is important for understanding everything else in general, it seems to me that this is a video about how hail from the territory of the belgorod region works, well, it works, it must be said there straight from the road, i hope they will still show us where the civilians are standing, you can see the cars, and that's it. somewhere in the direction of kharkiv , most likely, that is, on the usual road where civilians drive, you know, but later, when the answer will arrive in this hail. they will shout: "oh, they hit civilians, arms and legs flew somewhere." and all this will be a lie as always, just as it is an absolute lie now, when the russians are trying to tell that they are attacking kharkiv because bilhorod is being shelled there. but bilhorod is not was shelled until february 22nd, lived
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peacefully. and as soon as such hails... start shooting from the side of bilhorod into ukraine, then belhorod will immediately stop being shelled, because every time something flies there, well, it's always after so-and-so some duty there or a game or something else works from the territory of russia, so it is a direct dependence, well, about one such option is what russian propaganda tells about their next attempt to invade the kha region, well , that’s the answer and all that, that’s it it is understandable, because i will repeat once again, when in 22 they entered the kharkiv region, no one from there fired at any russians, in any belgorod, the other story they are trying to tell now on their
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tv is that now we let's go somewhere there to kharkiv, and of course this story is more like it. to the ukrainian audience, to intimidate there, to somehow sow panic, well , the most vivid speech was perhaps this one, let's listen to it, but this is, you know, an example of everything that they are talking about this now, but there is no need to organize a second threat from kharkov, we need to take him into a ring and set up a blockade, there is no need to get involved in street fights. then we risk getting video footage of those civilians who did not have time to leave and whom the ukrainian army will not release, as well as children and the elderly. that was all, it was on azovstal, and what prevented us from releasing this one, well, the scales of mariupol and kharkiv are so different.
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we must leave in such a way that there is nothing left of kharkiv, preferably like this. well, you see, already they don't even hide the fact that there are children, not children, but they had all this in mind and bombed mariupol simply regardless of anything, well , but all this talk about kharkiv, they rely on one thing, which is already clear in principle, that in the russians still do not have any forces to move directly to kharkiv, so they can move to these border areas, it is possible to capture a few more villages there, maybe... some town, but no more, no more they have no options , and in principle, it is also clear, and it is clear from what follows this conversation unfolded, when this figure, who is going to surround kharkiv, well , right in the studio, you can say, was harassed by his colleagues, the same propagandists, and i would say this was an epic conversation, because he
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started shouting about well, since there aren't enough people, let's conduct an additional mobilization, but... he was quickly silenced, because , for sure, additional mobilization is not the right time for the russians. i listened with some anxiety to such overly ambitious words about the fact that the preparations for the capture of kharkiv and everything before that is going the russian army is not currently using sufficient forces to capture kharkiv. kharkiv is a big city. the city is a millionaire. at this moment, russia has so many lives in this direction. there is no manpower, it is long past time to announce mobilization, from my point of view , all deadlines have already passed, unlike my dear opponents, i only served in the border troops and on my account, not a single city was taken, that is why
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i am so professional to think about the blockade or capture of kharkiv i can't apologize, as for the capture of kharkiv, first of all... no one is talking about it at the command level, he did not say, secondly, the capture of the city depends not only on one side, but also on the other, the desire for readiness and the ability to defend this city, that there are different situations, well, you see, in a week, let's say, this russian offensive, somehow it turned out that kharkiv was also canceled in three days, and it won't be there either, and besides, the question then arises, what is this? limited goals, which are revealed, not to attack kharkiv, some more exchanged, well, they are understandable, to withdraw our troops from other directions, stretch the front line, create additional problems. ukraine, well, all this is clear, but you know, there is another goal, i think, and she understood from what has been happening the last two days, and it will
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happen again tomorrow, it is putin's visit to china, and this is the impression that this, you know, assault, in the direction of the kharkiv region, is also a certain demonstration of sidzenpinu and preparation for showing that russia has some... or more capabilities, and the further it goes, the more this impression is created, moreover , well as it turned out that even the government was quickly appointed by putin after his accession to the throne, precisely because he had to go to sydzenpinny and somehow bow down, you know, in the horde, you can't go there with such temporary people, you have to very respectfully, well, they show maximum respect... literally throughout the russian federation, and they speak about it quite openly in principle. president putin
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is flying to china today. this is his first state visit abroad after taking office. two cities at once are beijing and harbin, putin is already flying with the new, newly approved cabinet of ministers, the minister of foreign affairs. radbezu shoigu also flies. especially for us, in fact, they told us in the state duma that sunday and monday are double working days. and on a double working day, we approved the government and other things, so that the new government would fly to china with volodymyr volodymyrovych. and not old ministers or acting responsibilities, but... already approved people who are really authorized to conduct all negotiations, and so that the chinese the party felt that they were not talking to some temporary workers, but to the people with whom
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they would be working for the next few years. well, such is the external management of china, russia, when even the government is approved for a trip to china, that's how they managed, let's put it this way, and you know here. to remember how the russians were upset about the way scholz came to china, then they said there that scholz was not received at the proper level, so let's see what they said, and then let's actually see how putin was received, this it is also interesting, look, the three-day visit of german chancellor scholz ends in china today. the journey of humiliation began. the highest-ranking official who met olaf in china was the deputy mayor of the city of chongxing, that is, not even the mayor himself, and
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even more so, not the vice-premier of the state council. scholz was not offended. the red carpet was laid out for him. the german chancellor walks off the ramp of the plane in the city of chongqing. among those who came to meet him, the oldest in rank is the local deputy mayor, and even lesser officials. china is very reverently treated details of the protocol, and in the way the meeting of the guest is arranged, there are no small things, oh, let's see who met in this case, well , putin, and how it happened, well, i met him too, you know, not at all a vice president there jer. of the state council, he was met by an adviser, someone there, it is not known who, and this is the only
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result that russian propaganda was able to say on this matter and what they somehow concentrated on as a result, that there was a cortege and putin was riding on aurus, well, that’s it tradition, if you have nothing to say or there is nothing to brag about... talk about aurus, so as soon as you hear putin and aurus, it means that something went wrong, and it was met somehow wrong, and it's all quite funny now, i say, against the background of the fact that a month ago they were talking about scholz, well, putin himself, well , literally from the first day he bowed to the chinese, he told, well, literally how they celebrate the chinese new year there, he even said that without china would not have won the second world war, well, let's have a little in general these exchanges of so-called courtesies.
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let's listen because it's also funny enough. i would like to draw attention to the fact that in february in moscow, with the support of the city hall, for the first time there was an official celebration of the new year according to the chinese calendar. i must say that his colorful events took place on a grand scale and were liked by hundreds of thousands of townspeople. china and russia are famous for the oldest brilliant culture. some alcoholics watch traditional chinese opera, well, but there is a basic reason why china is so important to russia, and
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putin also said about this, well... i am glad to be in hospitable china again in six months among my friends and to meet you. thank you for your congratulatory message on the occasion of my re-election to the post of president of the russian federation. thank you very much for the invitation in 2023. bilateral trade increased by almost a quarter. and achieved good results. china is our main partner in the trade and economic sphere. according to the results of last year, russia took fourth place in the list of trading partner countries china well, let's put it this way, russia's economy is now completely dependent on china, to put it briefly. all this talk about trade turnover, which is really large, but also
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about... the first place that china took, it is precisely about the fact that there will be no support for china, there will be no economic capacity in russia, this is the story, well, in the end it's also interesting, you know, how they try to tell how important the russians are for the chinese, and specifically for sydzenpinnya and for his some, and it's sometimes even very funny, because they try to... tell that as if sieden pin will not be legitimate without this example of putin, who has been there for god knows how many years, is serving his fifth, fifth term there, well, it's quite comical, and of course, it's just delusional and an attempt, you know, to talk about , that russia is not alone, but it seems to have some kind of hyper-super support in the world, and this support
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in the end... they list it, and this is also, i would say, very dubious support. xijing ping is now in his third term, and in many ways this is an unprecedented story for him. there have been no other leaders of china who over he served two terms, and in many ways the legitimacy and recognition of the world power of one or another leader depends on the visit of vladimir putin to xi jinping and vice versa. we are creating an alternative to the west, some kind of system of international relations that gives legitimacy to the rest. states, to all our allies who are gathering around us, including syria, venezuela, iran, and north korea. well, that is, you understood, yes, it turns out that it is putin who, with this usurpation of power, gives legitimacy to someone there, but okay, he just follows the example, i would say, well these a whole series of dictators of african states who sat for 30 years and ate their own there,
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let's say so. all of them, of course, but some ate their rivals in the literal sense of the word, so putin still has room to grow, he can eat a shoiga for lunch there if he wants, there will also be one, you know, it will add, it will probably add legitimacy, and what in principle, they simply stole in such volumes that three times the country's budget was taken abroad, well, of course , putin has probably already outdone them, here, well, but there is actually a reason why china is... important after all, for putin, why is it important right now, and right now is it important at the moment when a meeting is being prepared in switzerland regarding ukraine itself, regarding the war between russia and ukraine, regarding some peaceful or some possible settlement plans there, and here are the russians are quite open about why they consider it helpful.


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