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tv   [untitled]    May 17, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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everyone stocked up on what they could, most of them were preparing for winter, thank god, we had a calm winter, there were no blackouts, so i think, i hope that almost everyone is ready for these blackouts and no one is worried, i don’t know , as in odesa, it's just with the weather, because the rest of ukraine is a bit cool in the evenings and at night, and people start turning on some boilers, heaters, and despite the fact that they are addressed, they say don't do it. load on the power system, feel sorry for it, feel sorry again for yourselves, well, boilers are half the trouble, electric heaters in particular, those shadows, then they usually take a lot, i don't know, you can somehow put on some kind of sports suit and socks, and somehow you can already be, i don't know, any british film, for example, what are we watching or some tv series, all the people are walking, when it's cold in sweaters, well, a sweater at home , a person wears a sweater, well, why does he have to walk in underwear, i'm sorry? around the house, because in which one, and
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it doesn’t matter to me that it’s -10 there, i should have a sauna at home, well, in our country, unfortunately, people are used to the fact that when it’s cold outside, they are in the house they like +25, so open the windows, ventilate everyone likes fresh air, this is actually not very correct, in my opinion, not a very correct attitude, because in europe for most people the temperature is adequate, the temperature in the apartment is +19, in our people if cold. at +22, i think that this is all nonsense, it is necessary to include something there, to heat it, well , that’s it, i think that we will also survive it and will, let’s say, be more calm about a slightly lower temperature, we will look younger, and it definitely won't be worse than this, well, you know, mr. serhiy, your daughter-in-law, by the way, serhiy fursa, on the other hand, also agrees with him that no matter what we say, no matter how we appeal to human consciousness, people, be so correct, polite, patriotic and so on, well...some of the people will hear, there are such
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people who will hear, well, there are, they watch espresso mostly there, but some other people, they will not hear, you will not reach them, and such a person will always be to think, in short, i have an oak tree now, now it will be dubai and everything, and i am not interested in anything, once and then he unscrewed everything, even lit the stoves, but serhiy fursa says that there is actually a simple solution to such things, you just need to raise the tariffs, an unpopular topic, but you raised the tariffs. people started counting pennies, no one includes anything anymore, for the poorest, for pensioners, who have pensions of several thousand hryvnias, to give subsidies, it is always much cheaper, the savings will actually be so great that you can easily pay subsidies, for example, for people in what are there 3 dashes 5 thousand, i don’t know, 7,000 pennies, moreover, give it to them in cash equivalent, and those people, i'm sure, will also conserve electricity, because...
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they'd rather spend the extra 500 on something else, and in this way, well, these are really simple solutions, but for some reason they are not popular in our country, in we have a lot of such unpopular decisions, our people, the government, more precisely, likes to make popular decisions, well, that's how it is, well, in fact, this path is, let's say this, it will be 100%, and i'm sure that we will see an increase in the near future tariffs for both electricity and opal. so i'm sure it will all be implemented, that's why that we all understand that, of course, these are not popular solutions, but the market dictates such conditions to us that, unfortunately, it is impossible to do without it until you see what you have included and pay every minute there , i don't know, there, there, there, there every half hour you pay 10 uah there, well, you don’t see it yet, people don’t understand when they see it, okay, i just heated a room and paid 300 uah for it, well, he... well, i don’t
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know, and so on further, that is , this way is still economical, it must be, and then we will not have a shortage of electricity in our country, and and we will continue to export, because now this difference in prices, only people make huge money on it, here we can again mention one not very famous actor and director with a russian passport, as they say from the 95th quarter, who now you... who is now selling 750 million hryvnias worth of electricity to oblenergo, it is unknown where he got it and how he ended up there and still dares to react to journalists with maximum rudeness and cynicism, who ask him how he suddenly became a big electricity trader, electronics, well, unfortunately, we all are we live in such a situation, rudeness towards journalists is... of course, well
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, in general, they don't get into any gate, they don't pull on any head, but this person, she herself is responsible for her actions, i'm sure that, let's put it this way , it will be in the long run. carry negative consequences only for mr. kiryushchenko. mr. serhiy, i wanted to ask you one more thing, again news from odessa, and again they are related to tsk, somehow such scandals happen more often in odessa, i don't know, maybe it seems so to me, but the case in minibuses, where are you going, maybe you just know, odessans won't give up without a fight, i don't know, i don't know, maybe mr. serhiy knows the details of this story, those are the ones who don't want to be with tsc. people were traveling in a minibus, representatives of the tsk went there, and the woman reported that a group of soldiers pulled one civilian out of the minibus, she started filming, she was robbed of something, and she said, in addition to all that, the representatives
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of the tsk sprayed pepper spray in the minibus , is it true, as reported by uh... as reported by social media, i saw the video from this girl's phone, in fact the guy was taken out of the minibus by the military, but the video starts when he is already being taken out, that is , we do not see or hear the previous conversations, and more often than not, this, let's say, incorrect village attitude towards people appears after some rudeness or after something similar. again, i did not see the beginning of this story, so it is difficult for me to comment on why the military behaved in this way, but in any case, i would certainly advise everyone to behave calmly, we are all people, all of us ukrainians, and a brotherly relationship with
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each other is extremely important, moreover, any official should act only within the framework of the law, because we live in a democratic legal country, and for... i really hope that for any human rights are extremely important to a ukrainian, so i would still advise people, even if they are provoked, even if they do not respond to this provocation, not to use force against people, but somehow more, let's say, behave with restraint, this is how i saw how the boy was taken out, he was pushed out of that bus, holding his hands there toshily, but again it is difficult to comment, because i did not see the beginning, the beginning of their conversation. the girl on camera was arguing with the trooper, also telling them that they could be talking to their wife at home like that, not her, but again, if there was more information, it would be a little easier for me to comment on it somehow. well, mr. serhiy, thank you very much for this conversation, serhii sizonenko, the deputy of the odesa district council, we wish all
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odesites a calm and good day, sunny, so to know, by the way, more interesting and up-to-date information, please visit our website espreso tv, yes. maybe yesterday was better, we were in embroidered clothes, i understand the foul, but dear friends , the instructions are on your screens, what to do, find on youtube, subscribe, or simply. already people, ukrainians, signature, not only ukrainians from all over the world, not only ukrainians, have probably subscribed to us, so join this huge team of our audience, the best people on planet
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earth, i am absolutely convinced of this, you know, what else did i want to say about the dnipro now we are moving there, the tsn, which is impressive, struck me again with its shutter, the dnipro shuddered... did the dnipro really shudder yesterday from the explosion and what kind of explosion was it, please tell me? the dnipro is so big that even if
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someone at one end shuddered, the other part of the city might simply not hear. gogol would have written something like this, probably about the dnipro, meaning the city, yes. yes, yes, uh, well, unfortunately, but we live in such a time, of course, that if it's rockets, or about... or a rocket is shot down in some place where the sound travels very quickly and on the appropriate trajectory, then of course the whole city can hear, maybe i can't say anything about yesterday, because yesterday was relatively quiet, calm, except that they started turning off the lights and everyone remembered what blockades are. but tonight, it was not very calm,
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there were shahedis in the dnipropetrovsk region itself, our nikopol region is also suffering, and yesterday afternoon and at night there were 10 attacks, and now in the dnipropetrovsk region , shahedis are also observed, who may be safe, we roughly understand where they are are located er, that's why we live in wartime, use all possible, let's say, achievements, er for our time, and plan our lives in accordance with these times. ms. khrystyna, if we talk about this, you know, the life of the city is communal, then mayor filatov recently... complained that public transport will soon stop in the dnipro and no one will work in the water supply and
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thermal power plants. and in the beginning, he writes in such a way that i will not read it on the air, although he said something about his obscene vocabulary there somewhere recently, but i see that it is not him you wrote for, then he has small ones there, as if baking himself, and then the word goes points or points, points. well, in a word, something, something, but i can't quite put it together, well, i understand that he is dissatisfied with the reservation in quotes, so i think, the whole society is dissatisfied, dissatisfied with this reservation, but i understand that, what are the first , the first on the list were those who work in some communal sphere, because these are people who are officially registered, and therefore, and that is why there will now be a shortage of workers in public transport and in communal sphere, what... do you say about it, do you agree with mayor filatov? well,
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as for the vocabulary, i can neither agree nor disagree, because, well, i don't know what the word is, what, what it was, and what, what it means, what, what is the word, it will lead in this, perhaps, perhaps, but in principle general. general post, i understood, and of course people support it, because you need to understand that there is critical infrastructure, there are people who work for the city, there are people who work for the peaceful living of the big city and small towns, to live, and of course, what to take away, and it could be, you know, like under... kneeling, and it could become a job, and it could just
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slow down, or it could just break down when one person is performing the functions of for two or three people, we have already seen and seen that women work in the mines in pavlograd, from the point of view of feminism and the fight for equal rights, this is certainly very positive. dynamics, but from the point of view of the fact that there are simply not enough men, well, these are, you know, the signs of the times of wartime, so in principle i certainly agree, especially when you read the news about the reservation, first they gave the reservation, then they took the reservation, let's have very clear rules, and understanding, what is important for... there is such a moment , you know, just now everyone there was raging about
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really these online casinos, and already there it seems that they are canceling this decision, as far as i understand, svyredenko said that he was canceling, and the other one was a pizza delivery company, and i think that the pizza delivery - this is exactly what they can do, i don't know, and those who don't support now are subject to mobilization, the question is why they are not subject to mobilization, those who are not 20... go, because they are children, children should not fight, well, you know this whole narrative, okay, they should not fight now, because because those children, conditionally, who have already found themselves in the occupied territories, they are no longer considered children. from the age of 18, they can easily be sent to the front and without questions, but only to another front and fight with us in such a case, but i wanted to say something else, about what you know, when, for example, i was from the fascists and was released , dresland seems, no i remember that there is already one of the big
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german cities, or some frankfurter there, it turned out that the only person who can... now restore the city's water supply, that is , the water supply, there are all those systems, that is, the entire team and people, which was, they were all members of this nazi party of hitler and were already under investigation, they were going to be sent there almost to nuremburg, but the problem was that it was impossible, literally impossible, to put them in prison, because then the city would remain paralyzed , without sewerage, without water, and they are basically from... styles simply to do all this and all the accusations were dropped from them, and this actually happened in all the big cities of germany at the time, because specialists were needed, and these needed specialists were closed, turned a blind eye even to the fact that they were nazis, collaborated with hitler, and so on further and the like, simply because the country had to be rebuilt, but there is another
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side: germany fought with all its might, by the 44th, 45th year they all... i hoped that they would even win, at least hitler believed in it. but despite everything, those key people from those industries, again, which ensured the functioning of large cities, were not mobilized. and here, well, obviously, it is clear why. therefore, i understand filatov's own indignation, because you cannot put the same people who deliver pizza on those small holes, for example, and they will be there, for example, dealing with the water supply of a city like dnipro. they won't be able to, simply because they don't know how, it can't be taught in two months or two years, yes, of course, so there is something in this mobilization, not that populist, but idiotic, even, yes, there should always be clear rules between society and between the state, and the clearer these rules are and
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the more objective they are, the more, the less there will be complaints in society about the state to the state and the more there will be fewer of these stories about dodgers, the less will be told about the fact that people hesitate, do not want to fight, do not even want to serve, i am not talking about the fact that someone will immediately go to storm the landings, or immediately go to the front line, just even serve because the army. we've got says that we need lawyers, we need economists, and it experts, so in the army, of course, everyone understands that there is a professional hunger, but let us also understand that this is uncoordinated work in the fields, in cities, in the body, in those cities that are very
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close to the front line, it will lower the general morale of... people, and it will have a very bad effect on the feeling, on security and on the desire of people to work, donate and help the army . actually, mrs. khrystyna, thank you. khrystyna kalyuchyk poltek, deputy the dnipropetrovsk regional council was with us, we are going for a short break, we will return and continue. what is bahmud? bahmud is a place of fear and a place of bravery, no matter what anyone says, but bravery is not the absence of fear. bahmud is the adventure that will stay with us until the end. our day. the children were born in the era of independence. who are they? there are many of them, and
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borkovsky at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad about ukraine, the world. front society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours! the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit. appreciate the ability to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with brothers until holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles
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of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. dear friends, we are back on the air, continuing. our roll call and the kharkiv region is in touch with us artem revchuk, deputy of the kharkiv city council, joins our broadcast, mr. artem, good morning, greetings from the studio, greetings from ukraine, mr. artem, what news from kharkiv and from the kharkiv region, were there any attacks at night, please tell me in detail, well, in fact, it was a very fiery night, it’s been a long time since there were combined attacks and with shaheeds and rockets, at first it rained... were the shaheeds there, well, the whole city heard how they flew, like chainsaws over the city, how then there were hits, at least six hits, two were big fires, these were in
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the novobavarsky and holnogory districts , well, approximately, thank god, for now about the victims and about, the victims are still out of the question, i have, i have hope that it will be like that, but you all know that yesterday was vyshyvanka day, probably this is how russians react to our holidays, they greeted us like this yesterday, but still i think , ukraine will survive, kharkiv will survive and will soon give pepper to these inhumans, well , in fact, kharkiv on vyshyvanka day celebrated kharkiv, i will say so, because the city has now learned to live underground, and i saw these shots of such a parade of vyshyvankas in the subway in kharkiv. on the one hand, you are terribly happy that there is this day of embroidered women, this is galina kuts, who she often joins us, also a woman from kharkiv,
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a teacher and a member of parliament, whether she is from the city council or the regional council, i forgot the regional council, she is a lullaby from the regional council, yes, but on the other hand, kharkiv has learned to live underground, but this is the threat that lurks with'. of the russian border, like the townspeople who talk about it, they are probably watching what is happening there on the front line, watching what is happening in vovchansk, what is the mood, mr. artem, what is the news from vovchanchansk, of course, that, well, i'll start with the mood of the population, of course, the people of kharkiv are very, well, worried, because it's on their borders, and they, well, probably, with every conversation , they ask each other how it is there, how you say vavchanska over there in lipetsk, these are two points now, to which the attention is focused, well, not only the people of kharkiv, the attention of ukraine is focused, even probably of the whole world,
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because there is such a new... point of escalation, very, very active hostilities are taking place there, fortunately our brave soldiers are holding it all back, already was more or less organized, the front was organized, the enemy was stopped, if there were any the advances are very insignificant, there are many guys i know directly in the vavchach direction, who are fighting there, i will tell you that they are very powerful people, and in liptsi, too, there are familiar brigades, so i think that it is necessary to endure, i think that our soldiers will hold out and give these inhumans a hard time and show that not only a vavchasnik, a wolf girl wanted to take the prisoner they caught there in two days, and maybe we will meet him in belgorod, these people who are from vovchanchansk from liptsi, where are they
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being taken next? are they provided with housing, is it kharkiv, or maybe they are taken to other regions, well, in fact, there are several, let’s say, centers or places where temporarily displaced persons are brought, then they are distributed, some stay in the city, some go outside the city, i know communities , for example, in our kharkiv region, which are constantly participating in the accommodation of temporarily displaced persons. er , there are more or less no such problems with this, thank god that people are not abandoned by witchcraft, but i would like to note that this should have happened before before active hostilities began, the state had to think in advance, er, calculate where to resettle those people who might find themselves in such a situation, it was necessary to have information about the offensive, and it was, as we have already heard from... there
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kyrylo gudanov said that there was information, other speakers also said that it was necessary to evict these people in advance, to organize a beating for them so that they would be calm without stress, to place them somewhere, because in reality people are the main thing the capital of our country, because what b there were no destructions, but if there are our people, we will be able to rebuild a new ukrainian state with them, and this also means that people can be more important than territories. for the cities, but nevertheless, when it comes to kharkiv, the second city in the country, we understand that any further 15, 20 km advance of the enemy in the kharkiv direction could become a threat to the existence of the entire city, of course they are. well, kharkiv residents are very worried about this, but from what i see now.
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well, i don't see any prospects for those russians forcefully advance further into our territory. well, thank you very much for this conversation, artem revchuk was with us a deputy of the kharkiv city council, we are discussing, of course, the kharkiv front, you can already call it that, for sure, the russians, using such a moment of a sudden attack anyway, managed to advance, we will remind you somewhere about 10 or so kilometers. uh, from the side of vovchansk, in vovchansk itself, complex, heavy shooting battles continue, including, but ukraine has actually stopped this offensive now. expensive friends, we are approaching 8 o'clock in the morning, which means that we will watch a fresh selection of news, i want to thank those of our viewers who have already left their favorites for our youtube broadcast. the viewer wrote that she could not do this earlier because the light was turned off, we understand the conditions we are all in now, so every one of your
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likes... is extremely valuable at this time, thank you for being from espresso and watching the news now , kateryna shirokpoiz will tell us about them. congratulations andriy, we will talk about how in a moment our courageous defenders repelled night attacks, as well as what happened in russia. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. one hundred percent result. ukrainian defenders repelled an attack by enemy drones at night. the air force shot down all 20 shaheds launched by the russians, the air force reported. they attacked from primorye-akhtarsk and kurdsk. drones destroyed in the sky over kharkiv and poltava.


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