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tv   [untitled]    May 17, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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about the brilliant ukrainian translator mykola lukash and many other stories and analytics with the country in the center of the main ask magazine the country at the points of sale there are discounts representing coco may discounts on tizin 20% in podorozhnyk bam and oskad pharmacies. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on, in the new
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two-hour format, even more analytics, more more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on , the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's make better roads, it would be even better in us. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what a world he dreams of, mr. norman, we can imagine. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18.15 for espresso.
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taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. picked up bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we call on everyone to join nato to collect from scratch to life on atvs for the 93rd brigade kholodny yar in the direction of chasiv yar. listen, muscovites, they finally commented on what happened at night today, at night, we understand, perhaps the most massive attack by ukrainian drones in the entire war against russia. we will have serhii zurets, a military expert, director of the defense express company, on our airwaves, we will eventually ask him, well, there is something there and there is no electricity in crimea, children do not go to kindergartens. although
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some kremlebotka has already flown here to us comments says: everything is calm here in sevastopol, everything is calm, can you write then? everything is fine, who are you convincing, dear friends, well, look, it says, it means there is light, probably, well, she may have it, she may have it, maybe, but in some areas there is none, and these are not fan power outages, listen, anyway, they said that they shot down all 102 ukrainian drones, but at the same time everything is on fire... the refinery is on fire, the refinery is on fire in novorossiysk, the oil depot, there is no light in novorossiysk, there is still somewhere in the top, well in short , everything was shot down, but everything is on fire. kostiantyn denisov, the spokesman of the legion of freedom from zaporizhia, is already with us, i suspect so, the direction, mr. kostiantyn, welcome you, welcome you, welcome the viewers of espresso. mr. kostyantyn, now in the lens, so to speak, all of ukraine. kharkiv oblast and what
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is happening there, is zaporizhzhia calmer due to the fact that the russians launched such an attack on kharkiv oblast? zaporozhye did not become calmer, as of six o'clock in the morning, where the svobodovci are standing, the enemy is conducting artillery fire, they were moving at night, their drones were conducting reconnaissance, accordingly, there was a powerful artillery barrage in the morning, well, in principle, this is a standard situation for the extremes there for about a month and a half, that the russians are constantly pouring in artillery, trying to clear, so to speak, the territory for their further offensives and chasing their motorized riflemen and stormtroopers in the attack, the goal is to recapture those... positions that they lost
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during the offensive-liberation operations of the ukrainian forces in the second half of the 23rd at the beginning of the 24th, but if russia has them. objectively, any success is extreme microscopic, because, judging by how many resources they throw in, even if they didn't make any informational throws there, they still don't manage to fully regain control over the territories they lost. the ukrainians are standing firm, giving a powerful answer, this answer is multi-layered, multi-faceted, if, well, with the maximum use of all the means that are available, and in general... this is what the russians reported a couple of days ago, that they say, we there were few people who did not take robotino, what is actually happening in robotino now, we they just laughed at this news, as they say, rolled back the film, on may 1 they said the same thing, today is may 17,
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accordingly they elected kyiv in three days, in fact they have certain successes, certain, but again, these are successes , that they go in, but to go in... to some areas, it still doesn’t mean anything, they came in like that, two hundred times, they rang, the fact that there is construction work, there is nothing left, only a pile of construction debris, there is essentially nowhere to equip more or less stable, reliable firing points, to conduct the defense, the russians are rolling artillery, sending their stormtroopers there, but the task of those stormtroopers is to identify our fire points, to die heroically in the battle, but by identifying the fire points, to give coordinates to the russian artillery, so that it can then simply pour in there, whether our defenders need any weapons, as of now, there are still american weapons to help on
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the way, how are you doing now? well, of course they need it, there is a war going on, an intense war is going on, and the enemy has an advantage. of course, armored vehicles and, above all, ammunition and shells, because the russian advantage over ours in artillery, well, 1:5 - that's for sure, it's like , well, at least this is a multiple advantage, because the russians, in addition to the fact that their motorized rifle, airborne assault units are armed with a variety of artillery, namely here in the zaporizhzhia direction there are several purely artillery...brigades and regiments of the russians, and in addition, the russian aviation has an advantage, they constantly drop air bombs here, so we need anti-aircraft, anti-aircraft defenses, and first of all, these are ammunition and shells,
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the fact that zaporizhia, the zaporizhia front, the zaporizhia region, is mostly a steppe, it facilitates the task of holding the front now, or vice versa, no, i have repeatedly said this. the steppe nature of our region, it is for our infantry, and the libertarians are mainly infantry, so you need fortifications, defensive structures, dig almost in the middle of an open field, take into account that when you dig, russian drones are constantly buzzing above you, our dugouts are constantly attacking , trenches, hunting for our infantry, trying to smoke from here, but with the other side it is the russians, and the russians are forcing the head of the field to dig in, but you have to give credit to the enemy, objectively, they are digging, they, of course, be healthy, they got a foothold somewhere, caught their teeth, then immediately begin to dig in, dig in, mine everything around them, here of course, in
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this regard, the enemy is working powerfully, but again, he is working, why, because there are specialized personnel units and officers, on the sapper troops, i also said on your broadcast, those we recorded, in particular those who, which chased through the syrian company, respectively they have experience there and all these urban battles, and all these engineering and sapper work, and they have support with equipment, they care for snot there, pointed a machine gun at a farmer, at a utility worker, squeezed the equipment and drove them to dig a hole, sir konstantin, but you say that russian drones are constantly circling. and we understand that evacuation from the battlefield is complicated, we are now, for example, collecting atvs for the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar, precisely so that evacuation can be carried out, how does the legion of liberty carry out the evacuation, how does it
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happen? well, in zaporizhzhia, we can say that the russians are constantly hunting for evacuation teams of our... groups that take guys out of the battlefield, regarding evacuation, our guys are currently recruiting for such special evacuation robots. who are capable of extracting boys from the battlefield, evacuating them, you can go to the page of the legion of freedom on the personal page of oleg yaroslavovych, tyagnebok, today also serves on the zaporizhia front, there are all the details, coordinates, where you can drop in and help the guys buy such modern, modern drones, tow trucks, which are able to quickly... evacuate the guys, pull them out of the battlefield, without exposing them to the threat of attacks by these our evacuation groups,
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this is the goal of saving the lives of both the wounded guys and those who are engaged in their evacuation, but to tell the truth, frankly and cynically, the russians do not count with those guys who carry out the evacuation of our brothers, they target them, hunt them, adjust the fire of mortars, this once again emphasizes the criminal the terrorist... character of the russian occupation army, in particular here in the zaporozhye direction of the front. but they evacuate their own, they take away the wounded, they take away the bodies of the dead? how is it happening in them now? what, how many of them are lying on the battlefield, they don’t particularly feel sorry for them, some such specialists, special forces, yes, they evacuate, because there are several such conditionally elite units here, which... work against our guys in the zaporizhzhia direction, this and the reconnaissance battalion, and
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the special purpose battalion and brigades, and the other spitzura, yes, they feel sorry for them, they try to pull them out, but not ordinary motorized riflemen, mobs, judging by the fact that they even hit them with their own mortars when they try to gain a foothold somewhere, to transmit some coordinates and use them in order, as i said, to identify our firing points, then they cover both us and them, if... indiscriminately, no, they do not spare people, they still have more or less this live meat, for now, mr. kostyantyn, thank you for the conversation, we wish to preserve the life of every freedman, thank you for what are you doing, kostyantyn denysu, the spokesman of the legion of freedom was in touch with us, dear friends, i would like to remind you that we are continuing the collection for atvs that will help evacuate our wounded soldiers from the battlefield. you heard that russian drones are just swarming, they are swarming
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in the sky above our positions, and these drones are literally stalking every one of our military, they are also hindering the evacuation, so atvs are something that can help to do this quickly, please join our collection, join with your donations at qr codes, or on the card numbers indicated below them, on top, this is the qr code of monobank, below the card number, on the bottom, the qr code of privatbank and it is scanned using the privat-24 application, if you have one, open this application, find the scanner function, place the square of these frames on this square, black and white, and scan and tell how much you don’t mind, and i think that there is no money for our army . everyone has different financial capabilities, but maybe ... hryvnias to transfer and say to yourself: well that's all, at least this week, this day, i
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did something for the army, dear friends, also follow our broadcasts, because during the broadcast , a qr code also appears in the lower left corner, if you face the screen, and on the credit card number is also indicated, this is for those who do not know how to use qr codes. we're going to take a short break now, then we'll talk with serhiy zgurets about what kind of night it was, what flew into... the russian refinery and what's happening there in sevastopol, and we'll also talk specifically about what takes place in kharkiv region. stay with us. to feel life, not heartburn, take hyalera. hyalera - victory over heartburn. what is bahmud? bahmud? a place of fear and a place of bravery, no matter what anyone says, but
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bravery is not the absence of fear, bahmud is the adventure that will stay with us until the end, our heaven, children born in the era of independence, who are they? there are many of them, and they are strong and brave, they are the guardians of the traditions and martial arts of their ancestors, they are boys who never... cry. lemberk. mom, don't cry. a book by the writer olena cherninskaya a mother's book about her son, the hero. who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine and went missing in the vast expanses of donbas. there are discounts, coco offers may discounts on eden. 20% at podorozhnyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. what to do when
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there is a liver? alohol, but what for bile? alohol, he and the liver? and bile protects. hello hall with care and respect for the liver and gallbladder. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and what the world lives two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl winter's big broadcast. a project for the intelligent and those who care about espresso in the evening. your place is waiting for you. the light remains
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on. for dinner - what you like. a warm bed is made, there will be walks, swings and swimming, they are waiting for you on your street, at school, in your church, because in your house they see dreams about you, you are always in front eyes, they cry for you, for you - we didn't give up, because we knew that you were already somewhere nearby, half the battle is to know how hard victory is, and we will do everything to
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hug you as soon as possible, so when you are at home.. . "when we are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation united around you, dear friends, we return to the air, and serhiy zurets, military expert, director of defense express, appears on your screens, mr. serhiy good morning, good morning, greetings to you, greetings to our viewers, mr. sergey, well we see that there was a very serious attack by russian drones, russia, this night the russians, now there is only an official statement that they allegedly shot down more than 100 drones, destroyed 102 drones, and the truth is that one of them fell and this happened the fire
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of the oil refinery in toapse, but, by the way, there is already a video posted by some russians who filmed it. on the phone, from which it is very clearly visible that, for example, at least the drone that flew into the oil refinery in tuapse did not fall, it just hit, and it flies calmly and without hindrance and hits this refinery, here is the video, that is, it is not that it was shot down by someone or something, and by the way, you can see what kind of drone it is, well, really, if we are talking about tonight, then there were drone and air attacks... and sea attacks several at russian energy and military facilities, if we are talking about toapse now, then you can really understand that this is a drone called the fierce one, it is a development that has a range of 1000 km, and as we can see, this one hits quite accurately drone to an oil refinery in
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tuapse, which suggests that these facilities are is a priority for the armed forces, because it affects russia's ability to provide certain economic wealth there, the work of oil refineries, but in addition to this, we know that there were other attacks today on russian facilities, we know that there was an attack on novorossiysk, there and on the bab, on and at the novorossiysk port and on the base and on the novorossiysk oil base, where ukrainian drones were also used. we also know about the attack on sevastopol, on sevastopol bay, on balaklava, where ukrainian aerial drones also operated there, in particular, there were strikes there, probably it would be... the thesis that provides light to the occupiers, and ukrainian naval drones were also operating in the sevastopol bay, which indicates
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that these actions are complex, and they rely precisely on technological solutions with the use of unmanned systems, it is also already known, by the way, about the results of strikes by long-range missile-type weapons, when we talk about attacks, these are already known data about... strikes on balbek, there are already satellite images that indicate that indeed during those two attacks there from 14:15 and from 15-16 on the night when the tkas were struck on belbek, we know that there are already confirmed data on the destruction of at least two mig-31 aircraft, as well as the su-27 impression, probably the mig-29, and also the bases will gather there. .. which was at this airport in belbek. there is various information about this particular attack on belbek, that the russians still suffered losses. forbes, for example,
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published a couple of days ago, citing russian sources, that one, at least, mih 31, su-27s, and also two, it seems, as well as one russian c400, were destroyed the best radar that they have, and this is the best anti-aircraft installation of theirs and... they consider it equal to the patriots, there are only five of them, it seems, for the entire crimea, which means that the attacks did not manage to bring them down, true on the other hand, there is already a message from our general staff, there it is about two 31st migs, it seems, well, we are speaking conservatively enough, we estimate that two 31st migs, one 127th mig, and one 127th mig were indeed destroyed there is photo confirmation and... confirmation of the impression of launchers and radars of the s-400 complex - this is true an important target on the territory of crimea, because
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actually the enemy sent up to 400 there to provide cover for their bases and regular strikes on these objects, well, it actually fits into the concept of reducing the russian potential, because the less air defense there is in this area, the easier it is our aerial drones will carry out attacks on military... targets in crimea and beyond, which is exactly what tonight demonstrated in many areas where ukrainian drones were used quite effectively. state border service posted a video of street or suburban battles or battles in vovchanchansk, where we see that these are really shooting battles, these are some close contact battles, we see that they are shooting literally up to... even from close range, somewhere there are bullets and so on and grenades are thrown , but with all this, well , the ukrainian soldiers behave so calmly and confidently in this
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short episode, there are not even any matyuks, that is, they talk calmly, while we see that the enemy is as close as possible somewhere, because in this episode we we see that the bullet hits literally very close, maybe it's a sniper shooting, luckily it doesn't... it hits our fighter, and yes, but we see how close, well, that the battles are contact and they are very, very, very difficult, by the way, butusov, yuriy butusov, is now also in liptsy, and yesterday, may 15, he writes that he spent time in liptsy, and writes that the enemy uses the tactics of attacking in small groups, 10-30 soldiers, carrying out infiltration in... orders , here, well, but he writes that they are successfully holding the defense, although all these successes are not easy for ukrainians, ukrainian troops complain
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to the fact that there is a deployment of simply russian drones, in particular reconnaissance drones, in particular, and and unfortunately, there is no adequate anti-aircraft defense that could change this situation now, well, actually, when we talk... we are talking about the situation primarily in the north vovchanska, where was this video with soldiers from the border guard, it is really worth watching the video, because in view of how calmly our soldiers negotiate, it just proves the sufficiently high level of training of our units, but it should be understood that the battles in a city or in a settlement, they are quite difficult, because, relatively speaking, here... the advantage of any side is leveled off, because actually here they go, they go there, the ratio is one to the other, and this is actually the current, well, difficult stage of the hostilities for vgochensk ,
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because... conventionally speaking, at the previous stage, when the artillery is working, the losses of the enemy are much higher, when the battles are going on in the city, then everything here actually relies on the training of the units themselves. now we know that during the offensive in the northern region of kharkiv oblast, the enemy first used light armored vehicles, then, when he suffered losses, there was a bet on small groups, now this process is happening just a few at a time. in the north of kharkiv oblast, and in fact now our units are restraining the enemy , using the same artillery and high training of our units, but in any case the situation there remains difficult, yesterday there was a stake of the supreme commander, we know, it was said again about what is needed strengthen this direction with new parts, and here it is necessary it is quite balanced to treat this, because
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there is an impression that... it is really aimed at the ukrainian armed forces to transfer part of their forces to this direction, creating for the enemy, perhaps, improved conditions for action in other directions, because our reserves certainly not limitless, which is why precisely such a subtle and wise use of reserves is now such a significant challenge for our armed forces. as for russian drones, it really is a systemic problem there, because we know that now... the number of these eagles has increased significantly, and now the enemy is actually using tactics, so to speak, eagles in sparta with lancets, are starting to carry out such a certain tactical task, now they are quite actively trying to hunt our artillery, and in particular there orlan determines the places where our artillery fire is carried out, and then the lancets try to ...
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in several waves to strike at one or another artillery system, and it becomes such a systemic threat, we need to look for countermeasures, what is the problem of countermeasures with eagles, because firstly, there are a lot of them, secondly, they fly out at a height somewhere within the limits of 3.5-4 km, and relatively speaking, at this distance it is necessary to use complexes that can get them, we have the impression that manpads are an arrow there they don’t get this range or this height of ten, pulling up... more powerful air defense systems to fight against eagles does not seem rational enough, because the effectiveness and cost of shooting down there with some powerful air defense systems of these on-line missiles of the tenth, which are cheap enough, creates such a discrepancy in under approaches, so now i think it is necessary to look for a cheaper way to fight against ordlans, by the way, this is the question that was asked before changing the number, you will find a technological cheap solution, i hope that
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this solution will be found. because the way with the use of patriots, beeches, there are no-loads, it absolutely does not meet this goal. we have a minute left, mr. serhiy, some nato countries are going to send, are currently discussing the possibility of sending military instructors to ukraine, what does this mean? in fact, it is really a matter of training the personnel of our newly formed brigades and the preparation of reserves comes to the fore, because... weapons are weapons, but there must be people who can use these weapons effectively. there was a report, there is interesting information from the times, which says that the ukrainian side has turned to american partners to ensure the training of 150,000 personnel on the territory of ukraine, and there are various estimates that, relatively speaking, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff of the us headquarters says that we will get there, but it creates certain risks, which then have to be covered on...
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let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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