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tv   [untitled]    May 17, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EEST

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let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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starting tomorrow, new mobilization rules will come into force in ukraine, now we will tell you all the details of the change and whether the men will have time to update their data or will receive fines for it. our correspondent is currently working near the tsk, we are waiting for her outside. and let's talk about unfair reservations, is it possible that no one will drive public transport in the cities and the water supply will stop for example, because those who work there are being mobilized. meanwhile, 100 drones attacked russia's krasnodar region and occupied crimea. many topics for discussion, this is svoboda ranok, i am oleg galiv. we're getting started, and the live chat is where we welcome your comments. starting tomorrow , the new law on mobilization will come into force, it will be
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in effect for two months, all conscripted men aged 18 to 60 must update their military registration data, they must receive a win-code, which will be printed and pasted on the military - accounting document. to do this, you need to apply directly to the tcc or, as declared in the new law, to the center for providing administrative services, that is, to tsnap or through an electronic cabinet. according to the forecasts of the ministry of defense, the electronic office should also start working from tomorrow. previously on the air of radio svoboda, the deputy minister of defense. kateryna chornogorenko stated that a mobile application should appear, which you will need to download, go through authorization and enter your data. however, so far there is no news about the launch of the electronic cabinet or clarifications, how it will work, was not. as for updating data in tsnapy, just yesterday the deputy head of the lviv regional military administration, oleksandr kulepin, reported that administrative service centers in lviv oblast are allegedly ready to receive military conscripts to update their data. this was announced today in kyiv tsnap.
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in particular, it is alleged that 300 operators and administrators are connected to the system, according to news reports in kyiv. although before that , the ukrainian edition of liga net wrote that the government still did not give tsnaps access to the necessary systems, as an interlocutor in one of the local administrations of the kharkiv region told journalists, for example. the lviv ova league also responded to the recording that no tsnap administrator had access to the relevant system. yes, our correspondent visited one of lviv's snaps yesterday to ask about data updates. the administrator answered him that it is unlikely that they will start updating the data from may 18, because they did not receive either access to the registry or instructions on how to update this data and recommended contact the shopping center. i would like to add that starting tomorrow , military servicemen must have military registration documents with them, and summonses can now be served anywhere. well, one more topic in the context of mobilization, this is the topic of reservation, it remains acute, on the eve of the law on mobilization.
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first deputy prime minister of ukraine, minister of economy of ukraine yulia sverdenko announced that she is canceling the order on the reservation of employees of some, i quote, technology companies due to public outcry. presumably it refers to glovo, favet, tich and visa, and as well as others about the reservation of employees of these companies by the ministry of economy, it became known the day before, which caused outrage. at the same time, representatives of local authorities, entrepreneurs, business owners are asking questions about how important services and businesses will work if many men... for example, the mayor of dnipro boris filatov wrote on his facebook, i quote: the public service will soon stop transport and no one will work on water supply and heat energy. the ministry of infrastructure also announced a problem with carriers, drivers who going through the reservation procedure, they must come to the shopping center to receive additional documents, but there are cases when they receive a summons and actually do not have time to be booked, deputy minister of infrastructure serhiy derkach said in a public comment. but the state border service. have already
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warned that military registration documents will be checked at checkpoints from tomorrow , vice-president of the association of international motor carriers of ukraine volodymyr balin also informed about the threat to the international transport market during conferences in ukrinform. he says that drivers are already refusing to board flights because they are afraid that they will be stopped at checkpoints. this is an important topic, the topic of mobilization, the law that comes into force and also reservation. we will talk about this during this broadcast, oleksandr fedienko joins our broadcast, he is a member of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence, a deputy from the servant of the people. congratulations. good day. mr. oleksandr, thank you for getting involved, what are your personal expectations, how ready is everything and whether it really is. everything is ready for the law on mobilization to work from tomorrow as the lawmakers who passed it saw it, for example, and what about the electronic cabinet, for example, regarding expectations, i still hope that the law will enter into force legally tomorrow , and whether it will work physically or practically, after all, this does not refer to
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the powers of the parliament, not the verkhovna rada, but directly the ministry of defense, and we, from the side of the parliament, within the framework of our authority, will, of course, pay attention to control. and supervision within the framework of our authority, whether there will be effectively, whether the mechanisms laid down in this law will work at all, whether it will work or not, once again i want to emphasize physically from the point of view of the processes there and the cabinet and so on, i think, most likely not, although of course and the deputy minister of defense and others promised that from the 18th , the same application, as far as i remember, army plus will already be uploaded to... the apple store and the google marketplace, where you can download it there and use it, but here i am heard that even the ensigns had not yet received proper instructions and orders and do not understand how to work with the borig base. i think, nevertheless, that of course, unfortunately, parliamentarians
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adopt laws much faster than the central bodies of executive power implement them. mr. oleksandr, and the government officials report something for example to your specialized committee of the verkhovna rada, which adopted this law, they have some duty to come to you and tell. it's ready, it's not ready, but tomorrow the law will come into effect legally, as you say, before that there were some, i don't know, reports, a separate meeting is going to the ministry of defense, where are the others the ministries involved in this process reported to the deputies about what was ready and what was not ready, yes, of course, there was a meeting recently, two deputy ministers, ms. kolmykova and ms. chornokhorenko, flew in about the readiness, the corresponding annex, as i said, and about readiness. or the process of interaction e-e of the same snaps, tck with the application, oberik and work by other registers that will be enabled. by the way, the main task of this law, so that your viewer and listener will understand, is to highlight, let's say, to see
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the number of conscripts who are on of the territory of ukraine, uh, aged from 25 to 60 years old, uh, so that... the military could generally understand what reserves we still have for continuing to repel russian aggression. tell me, please, now let's briefly go through the actual innovations that will come into effect from tomorrow, and for example, the obligation to update your military registration data also applies to men aged 18-60 who are abroad, without this they will not be able to to use consular services beforehand. as you think, ukrainian men abroad, will they go to update their credentials en masse anyway, or have they found some other ways like they have? do not do this? look, i don't know whether they will go en masse or not en masse, i can only answer one thing, if these men are citizens of ukraine, have passports of citizens of ukraine, they must still comply with the constitution of ukraine, which clearly states about their duty to defend
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of ukraine. i understand that they are now possible temporarily, someone is not temporarily located on the territory of ukraine, but at least they can be fulfilled its public duty to go and update the data. uh, it's important and necessary, whether they will do it physically, i don't know. tell me, please, if i interpret the law correctly, then from tomorrow the heads of the tcc will be given the authority to go to court in order to temporarily restrict mobilization violators from their right to drive a vehicle. the restriction will remain in effect until, at least as the law states, until one of the main requirements is met, that is to appear before the tcc. to what extent is this mechanism, from your point of view, how will the legislators, who actually laid these innovations, be effective? well, that's not quite the case there, first the head of the shopping center turns to the national police, after all, in order for the national police to find out where the conscript is, i'm sorry, if the national police cannot establish where the conscript is for that the military officer still receives a corresponding
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summons to appear to update his data, then already after that the head of the tsc has the right to appeal. to the appropriate court, court renders a decision and the executive service executes it, regarding the restriction of the driver's rights to drive a vehicle, if there is a corresponding vehicle for such a civil obligation, the driver's rights are there. by car, how will it work in reality, well, look, let's be realistic, yes, after all, i have never seen a single time that when a law was adopted, it worked immediately, because that pile of normative and legal, sub-legal documents that must be developed by relevant relevant ministries and departments, well, usually they enough, very, very far behind, and i predict, i predict that this will most likely be used by those evaders, those military obligations, which will attract lawyers and they will fight back on these procedural actions in the future. in other words, i
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understand correctly that you predict that a large number of men who will continue to avoid mobilization will, together with lawyers, develop, i don't know, various appeals, go to court in order to delay their mobilization process as far as possible and so way to find some loopholes in the legislation, in particular in those acts that are also i can't say it will be any huge. the amount, because after all , the services of a lawyer, they are not free, you see, and i think that the services of a lawyer will most likely be worth about the level of the fine, yes, that is, what is there, well, it does not matter that you have to pay someone somewhere, on that lawyers will earn money, loopholes, they are always in any legislation, this is a question for lawyers, for lawyers who always find them there, and then they will simply sell their service, as they say to those who want to use them, this is an ordinary ecosystem, there is a product, there is a merchant. mr. oleksandr, also regarding cars, there is a lot of information spread through telegram channels, in particular, about who will be able
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to take the car for the needs of the armed forces and from whom they will not, please explain in this context so that the viewer understands, what is it about, so look, let me explain again, i commented many times at one of those meetings that were held in the committee of the ministry of defense of ukraine, they promised that, if it is a question about private individuals who have more than two cars and... if this car falls under the mobilization plan, and there are relevant parameters, there yes, that it is an suv, there, accordingly , there is power, what there is cargo, cargo transportation, then by voluntary consent, i emphasize, according to the voluntary consent there in the resolution, which they promised to develop, by the way, mobilization will take place, if there is no voluntary consent from the owner of the car, then the mobilization of such a car will not take place. thus, i think, after all that it is necessary to wait for the updated resolution
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regarding the mobilization plan, in order to understand whether the ministry of defense of ukraine fulfilled its promise when it promised to develop this procedure in such a plan, or whether it did not fulfill its promise, if they do not fulfill their promise, the majority of deputies already , is aimed at possibly, even at the legislative level, slightly correcting this issue, because once again... emphasize, i understand when it comes to tractors, trucks and so on, but when it comes to private property, private property is a slightly different matter, trucks it might also be okay to conclude, literally we still have about one and a half minutes left, i can’t help but touch on the topic of booking with you, well, at the moment it’s the prerogative of the government, it’s clear that the ministries can book in accordance with the existing norms, but for example, you, as a people's elected representative, as a representative of the majority in the council, everything is clear about what is happening in ukraine with reservations, for example, who to book is more important for the country than the representatives of bookmakers there, purely communal enterprises, that's boris filatov, now the directors will bring this post to
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the screen, the day before he wrote a provocative post, in another way to call it, that there are literally many structures in the city that can stop due to the fact that the actual mobilization of men is taking place, instead he mentions those companies that continue to receive reservations, what do you think, in the context of reservations for the ukrainian, i don't know the lawmaker there today, maybe the cabinet should make these rules of the game also become clear, ukrainian? the lawmaker did everything for this, but the cabinet must be understood for itself, for by what principle should reservation be developed, personally, i adhere to the criterion that, firstly, should we reserve enterprises that invest the maximum amount of money in the country's economy, we should, because we need to maintain the army, this is one question, should we to reserve critically important enterprises that provide electricity, communications, the defense-industrial complex, it is necessary, but for me these are the main ones. which i have always said, and i will say and stand, but unfortunately, things are happening a little differently now, so it is
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there are relevant laws, there are relevant by-law documents developed by the cabinet of ministers, they all do it within the framework of the current by-law legislation, even the same iglovobet, they still fulfilled everything that was written there, it must be said frankly, but i want to emphasize once again, cabins, in my opinion , chose the wrong path when it starts booking non-critically important enterprises from work, which depends on their availability. drones on the front, the presence of a slave on the front, the presence of communication in ukraine, the presence of electricity in ukraine, went a little differently by the way, i think that this story and the people's deputies, who are already... is this question unclear, we will correct it, mr. oleksandr, and i would just like to note that this cabinet, your cabinet of ministers, it is still in including being appointed by the ukrainian parliament and the majority in the council, so you as deputies clearly have an influence on this cabinet of ministers, and as you say, you will work in this context, i thank you for joining and telling about how the process is going mobilization, oleksandr fedienko, member of the committee on national security,
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defense and intelligence, a representative of servants of the people, was a guest of our broadcast. in the comments , write what you think about the mobilization of the law, which comes into effect from tomorrow, well , at this moment, we are adding dmytro lazutkin, the spokesman of the ministry of defense of ukraine, to our broadcast. mr. dmitry, i congratulate you, thank you for taking the time to join. we are contacting mr. dmytro in order to hear the ministry's position, including what innovations, in particular, will start tomorrow to work, it is important, you ask a lot, this is one of the topics, by the way, that causes the most discussion, discussion and in the comments in particular. and from what we can read as journalists, and in general in communication, when you go out on the streets of ukraine, there is a lot of talk about mobilization. dmytro lazutkin, i'm already with us. mr. dmytro, let's remind you once again that from tomorrow it will change who must be registered and how it should be done, it is possible only in the tsc for an example, are the tsnaps also ready and will accept documents for renewal? my greetings, well actually
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now we have three ways to update data. this is the isp shopping center, this is an electronic cabinet, which should be launched from may 18 and tsnapa, because disinformation was launched about the fact that snapa, they say, is not ready for this, the law says that snap is also a place where you can update your data , and accordingly, yesterday we contacted the structures that are responsible for this, and it was confirmed that indeed from may 18, it will be possible there... to update the data, regarding the electronic office, i have to clarify, there are also many discussions around this, can you tell me the readiness of the electronic cabinet as of may 17, or will it be known tomorrow whether it will work or not? should work, but it should be noted that this will be the so-called mvp version, that is , there will be additional options in the electronic version,
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for now it will be ... update your data, primarily it is about e-mail, it is about phone and place of residence. please tell me what the situation is with those who are currently limited fit or unfit, whether these people have, in particular those who are recognized as unfit, go again , pass the vlc, update your data, get a new, actual conclusion on the state of health and regarding those who are of limited fitness, explain that this nuance from tomorrow, how it will work, limited fitness is not it will be, it is already a fact. which seems to me to be known, the public is also aware, it will be necessary to pass the vlk and, accordingly, already from these examinations that the person will pass, velcab on the direction of the central committee of the russian federation, er, and accordingly, already from the results of these examinations, from the conclusion of the military medical commission, the person will be recognized as either suitable or unsuitable,
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suitable, it can also be depending on the diagnosis, on the results of welk, it can be. can be recognized as one that can serve in, depending again on the conclusion in units, for example, the same tsk sp, in universities, in headquarters units, in security units, in body units, that is, these are the people who will be there to have conditional eligibility with restrictions, how will it go according to the law, and please tell me, the difference is now in the time of martial law, in the time a full-scale invasion, between service under a contract and under mobilization, how different are they, and well, this question is also often asked, and whether to mobilize yourself for an example, as the law provides, or still sign a contract, i do not know whether you will give advice on how to do it, but what is the difference between these two indicators? well, again
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, you can give advice, and you should definitely take advantage of the opportunity, because the person who signs the contract, well... at least he can come to the recruiting center and choose a vacancy. military, a position in a unit about which she knows something, maybe she is familiar with some military personnel who are serving there, with a commander, a good reputation that she has, that is, you can sign a contract and accordingly serve already in a specific position, eh, it’s still me it seems convenient, it's about choice, it's about the fact that a person can somehow influence his... future, besides, they have contracts, housing on credit, they have benefits for... buying a car, it seems to me, too quite such a significant weight, well, besides that is, for example, if a person mobilized during military service wants
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to be certified and receive the rank of officer, yes, she too will have to sign a contract, that is, if a person connects his future with the army, then clearly the contract seems to me to be completely acceptable, civilized and a convenient option from all sides, but i would like to clarify if, for example, a person signs a contract for three years, and... martial law does not end during this period, this contract, it is automatically extended, or the person himself can for himself choose, i want to continue, i want to not continue, well , if you have already signed a contract for three years, then most likely you will have to serve for three years, but again, regarding the termination of the contract in the event of the end of martial law, if in our country we switch to peaceful to a peaceful life, so to speak, then i think that some additional documents and regulations will be prescribed, and such an opportunity... may appear, but it is probably too early to talk about it now, because it has to be document. let's stop at the subpoenas, while we have time, who can serve them and when are they considered served, right? for
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example, managers of enterprises, managers of universities, condominiums, they can actually deliver these documents and then they will be considered as already delivered. they can be served, but again, one more such moment, currently served is a summons, which is ... received by a person and signed in it, that is , a summons that is attached to the utility bill, or thrown into the mailbox, at the moment , again , i will mention some other resolutions, which are these regulate, such summonses are not considered to have been served, this is also worth understanding, but at the same time, a conscious citizen, if he sees such a summons, then he understands that... that he should appear at the tsksp, because , after all, protection homeland is a constitutional obligation. and here the viewers, in particular ms. valentina asks us during the broadcast, please tell us if a person
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does not appear at the tsc according to the summons, he automatically becomes an evader and he will be immediately issued a fine, or how it will work, please explain further it please depends on moreover, again, first of all, there are various subpoenas, yes, there is a subpoena, there is an invitation to the vlk, there is... a mobilization order, and here there are different, different types of responsibility, in principle, according to the new legislation, if a person is within 60 days has not updated her data, then she is already considered to have committed an administrative offense, and we know that fines have now increased from 17,000 to 25,000 for individuals during martial law. another important question, it is always answered, but it always is. kaye, how is the process afterwards? for example: a person received a document, he appeared at the territorial recruitment center, passed a military medical examination, was deemed fit for health, what then? this person is immediately thrown
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into the combat zone, this person is thrown into training, retraining, some time is given to solve his, i don't know, family, work affairs and only then mobilize, but how will it work from may 18? well, maybe there are several options, obviously we understand that... immediately call, mobilize several million people, well it is impossible, it is impossible, because it will be extremely difficult to ensure that their training is organized, for objective reasons, if a person receives a mobilization order, he is sent to training and undergoes it for at least a month, depending on his military accounting specialty, maybe it will be more sent, for example, to study abroad, where she will master foreign technology. go through reconciliation and so on, perhaps after the military medical commission she will not receive an obliteration order and will wait accordingly,
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to wait for him and live her, well, such an ordinary life, but realizing that according to the conclusion of the military medical commission, she is fit, that she has a suitable carriage that may be needed at a certain time. mr. dmytro, but the ministry of defense may have some data today about whether i understand what to call the numbers. it is difficult, but still, the number of men who now want to update their credentials in the tsc has increased in the regions of ukraine, has not increased, is there any peak there, after all, it is predicted for these two months, there is some idea and understanding of how it works now and how it will actually work afterwards, in other words, queues near the tsc appear, that's what they tell you, well , the number of people who are near the tsc has really increased now, one or another questions they decide, someone has the right to... reservation, has the right to, someone has reservation, someone has the right to postponement, someone is ready, decided for himself that he is ready to defend the homeland
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and... join the ranks of the defense forces, so really the number of people has increased because someone wants to put a qr code in their documents now, so that later it is possible not to stand in line, because once again rumors are spreading, there is a lot of ipso about this , although in fact the electronic office will work again one way or another and within 60 days this obligation to clarify your data can be will perform for there 10-15. minutes in my smartphone, i already saw this version, so to speak, scrolled through it on my phone, and there, well, everything is as simple as possible, idbanking, and then you are simply identified, you register and fill everything out very quickly, well, by and large, the procedure is simple for any person who uses applications, yes, and this will be the reserve plus application, and accordingly, well, it seems to me that this
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is the most simple way, for especially for young people who actually live in smartphones, that is , i understand correctly, that option, which you have seen, the previous one, which you tried in test mode, it gives you the opportunity to update your data in 10-15 minutes, as you say, that's right, well, for now it's an email address, place of residence, phone, in the future, again this application is planned to be upgraded, developed, there will be additional options, and it will be quite convenient, and there you will even be able to... receive recruiting offers and so on, but this, again, is the future, because the people who are engaged in it, they think in advance, and they want it to be really convenient, so that it works as a service for those people who still understand that the war in the country continues, no matter what, and the mobilization of the entire society is necessary for ukraine to win. mr. dmytro, just a moment more about these codes, which should be pasted on military registration documents, if it will be possible to do so in the tsc.
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it's clear, but for example, some additional document will be issued in tsnapakh and then it will be possible to paste it, or how will it work? what codes are we talking about now? well, in the military registration documents , it is correct to issue a special code to a conscript so that he is considered to have updated his military registration data, and this is how it will work in the tsk, of course, the tsnap will also actually have the opportunity to do this to do, whether there will be any separate document appear, or these win-codes too? yet? this won't happen in snapi and in the electronic cabinet, this option will appear a little later already in the electronic cabinet, by the way, for now , for some functions, let's say, you will still have to come to tcksp. thank you very much, mr. dmytro, the topics are really important, because this law will come into effect from tomorrow, there are actually still many questions, and this is understandable, because this is a topic that is of great concern to ukrainian society, that is what the polls say, when you talk to people, in particular on
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streets, you can talk about it. on social networks, and the people's elected representatives themselves say that we are talking to them in particular, too, thank you for joining in and explaining how it works, we are waiting for may 18, we will see if the electronic office, which was announced, will actually work. i thank you for your input, dmytro lazutkin, spokesman for the ministry of defense of ukraine, that our mobilization does not start now from may 18, our mobilization continues, it's just that from may 18 there is a new law that streamlines accounting and simplifies some processes in principle, leads let's say so, with by those people who, with which people, who can be mobilized, or, accordingly, are already involved, for example, in the defense industry, that is, the state must have a complete picture of the situation that exists at the moment. yes yes. thank you, mr. dmytro, once again. thank you. well, many soldiers from kharkiv have now come to defend the region. president zelenskyi said this in one of his addresses the other day. and according to sociologists, to join the
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defense forces. in the event that... hostilities approach their place of residence, 9% of ukrainians are ready, these are the data of the national survey of the kucharev democratic initiative fund, jointly with the sociological service of the razumkov center for march of this year. 35% are ready to work and provide non-military assistance, 24 will try to simply survive, five will try to leave the country. these are the data, meanwhile , our correspondents asked men in kharkiv whether they are ready to join the army now, due to the offensive of the russian federation forces on the kharkiv region and on the eve of the entry into force of the new law on mobilization. i pointed out that our survey, it is not representative, but here, let's hear what people are saying. yes, i was a vincomati, checked documents, yes, also on the state of health. i want to, but i can't due to my health. i'm already a pensioner, sorry, it's already 65 hours, i won't take it.


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