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tv   [untitled]    May 17, 2024 10:30am-11:00am EEST

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45th to 45th, now time is moving much faster, so 200 tomahawks or whatever 200 attacks should solve this matter in principle, the main thing is that the americans finally understand what the end of this war is, well, i mean, i thought that the muscovites, they don't really need, they don't really need genocide, because they solve this issue for themselves, so to speak, by themselves, they themselves, they have launched some kind of self-destruction function, but dear friends, listen to me... i don't understand what happened, maybe it's related to power outages, but our collection is moving a little hard today, 21 thousand were added this morning, and there are about 22,000 left, so that there are actually 600,000, instead of the 578 thousand that we have now, atvs, this is what needs 93- and a separate mechanized brigade of the cold ravine, which is now defending us and... these atvs are needed
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in order to save the lives of our soldiers, this is how the evacuation takes place, as you can see in the photos now, they need these atvs, because it protects the limbs and protects the most precious life, that's why our military they need your help, they need your donations, please join more actively, i am asking you very, very much, the collection is huge, 4 million, we have not yet reached a million, but we are slowly getting there... we are moving, and without you , this fundraiser won't move faster without you, it doesn't have to be a big amount, but there has to be a lot of you, we're going to take a break, then we'll come back and talk about why economists think this mobilization is populist, stay tuned, gasoline trimmers and ... and heavy, loud and uncomfortable, and
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loud and inconvenient, and you want to have a beautiful, well-kept plot, there is a solution, kors garden trimmers unpack the tv, order in time at a special price, only from 999 uah kors trimmers are compact, light and very powerful. mowing the lawn in the most difficult to reach places, near fences, along the lines of paths, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees, trimming bushes and even branches, is simple and easy. leave big heavy mowers in the past. choose cors trimmers. classic or with lawnmower function, light and comfortable, even women can use them, but just look at how powerful the trimmers are, which means our trimmers can handle even the thickest weeds, and at the same time they are practically silent, more no heavy, bulky lawn mowers, lubricants or gasoline for refueling, only convenience, comfort and a well-kept plot, order light and reliable kors trimmers from just uah 999, call lakal fix nadiy. fixes, my dentist
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look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better roads. a special view on the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what kind of world is mr. ormen dreaming of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to catch up'. news and sports news. two hours in the company favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, at dinner at espresso. well, we return to
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our ether. oleg penzyn, with us, economist, member of the economic discussion club. and already mr. oleg, we welcome you to our air, mr. oleg, congratulations, i am also very glad to see you, mr. oleg, you will not be offended if i quote the words of your colleague to you, and you comment on them, i think i will not be offended, a few days ago, gleb veshlinsky wrote a post, he visited kharkiv, shared some of his impressions, talked about which... they talked about the economy of kharkiv, and then he wrote the following: but the main problems are not kharkiv, but national, some stupid regulatory and customs procedures, but the main thing is mobilization and reservation, and my, my conclusion, populism is killing us again, politicians are competing, who will come up with the idea
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of ​​economic reservation more, because it is a ransom from the army and unpopular, and they say that you cannot mobilize young people, because they haven't lived yet and they did not give birth to a gene pool, entrepreneurs are afraid... to lose printers and technologists who are not 24, who have high salaries, but without many years of experience, who will stop the production for which there is a demand, and with it exports and taxes that go to military salaries, killing everyone in a row just for the sake of justice, will kill the country in a long war of attrition, and at the end he writes: and yes, i am 49 today and i have a conflict of interest, i don't know if you have a conflict of interest, i don't know how correct it is to ask your age, but what are you? tell me about... these words of hleb vyshlinskyi, i clarify, i am 61, therefore, i have no conflict, it is good, it would be easier to speak, to be more objective, so to speak, what do you say, i want to tell you that enough is enough
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for a long time, in fact, since the beginning of this entire mobilization company, i constantly raise questions about the need for economic. for one simple reason, i have already mentioned those numbers several times, i will remind you again, in the year of the military budget, well, our military mobilized there costs 1,300 uah, at the moment we have mobilized somewhere around 300 million, this is an open number, if you multiply one by the other and remember about 250 billion hryvnias. of the budget of the ministry of defense for the purchase of weapons, we have the 1.7 trillion of state budget revenues, which is prescribed in the main financial document of the state for the 24th year, additional, additional mobilization of 100 thousand people requires 130 billion uah
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from the state budget, well, there is no such money , again, i will probably not tell a big secret, it is in the information space, in public access, and you know that at the moment under contracts with the ministry of defense buys up to 40% only of the products produced by the ukrainian military industry. we have enterprises that cannot hand over manufactured products to the armed forces of ukraine for six months. do you know why? because the ministry of defense has no money for the purchase. it even came to a joke. when the netherlands allocates money in order to buy back the products produced by the ukrainian military industry and hand them over to the ukrainian armed forces, there is also a similar, similar story, i just read it, this is their head rostikh, i forgot how he
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there, the name is what he will say, chemesov, he says that he is balancing, the russian military-industrial complex is barely surviving now, that is, with all their billions, they, too, even for themselves. can't pay for their, their , military-industrial machine now, and now, now look what the speech is about, the speech is about the fact that there is a very famous saying, what is war? war is money. money and money again, you and i currently have a situation in which ukraine is catastrophically short of money, and the 1.7 trillion that i mentioned is a purely conditional figure in the state budget, which still needs to be worked out and collected in the form of taxes and fees, that is, if the economy does not work, we will not collect even 1.7 trillion, not... or money for additional mobilization. why is this so important? you
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mentioned business there, and i will remind you of one more thing, there you mentioned technologists, and i will remind you of drivers and truckers. ugh. well, that is, as a result of the mass mobilization of drivers and truck drivers into the armed forces of ukraine , what is happening today in transcarpathia will lead to the fact that we will start huge problems with logistics, one of the very large ee traders of companies that supply ukraine with petroleum products has opened competitions for its recruitment of female drivers, because the guys, drivers today refuse to go on flights and carry petroleum products to ukraine, we want the 22nd year and queues at gas stations , we will do it to ourselves, but you see, after all, a driver can be taught. there in a few months or a year, no, no, you won't train a truck driver, a truck driver in a month, well, despite everything, but there is another
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question, now everyone is terribly indignant, because it's just that somewhere in the media it appeared that svirydenko, the vice-prime minister, was booking these operators, favbet and glovo, yes favbet and yes and all and all are terrible, but now there is an answer from glovo themselves and this fabet of those casinos. online and it's food delivery, where it turns out that they wanted to book a couple of dozen only top management there, without which, as they say, it is impossible in principle to operationally support the company's activities. listen, i want to tell you, i don't care who books whom and how, if this person, if that one a person pays taxes if the employer pays the appropriate amount for him, well then make uniform rules of the game for everyone. create a situation, and there is no question, the rich stay there, the poor fight, tell me,
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please, today's salary is 30 hryvnias, this is a rich person, well, really, well, i don't know how in lviv, there in kyiv, a salary of 30 uah is, well, barely surviving, to be honest, ugh, that is, what are we talking about, make uniform rules of the game, say that if you want a person to stay at work, you have to... pay him in full salary, additionally let them pay uah 20,000 to the state budget, i.e. the minimum amount for which one mobilized person can be supported per month, if a person has paid this money in a month, it remains, if not paid, it goes under mobilization, everything is simple, and one more moment , well, so that we understand again with you, we really need a lot of money, those'. who today work in the legal field, they already pay all
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taxes in full. we need to involve in filling the state budget that shadow business, that 40% of the ukrainian economy, which today day they do not pay a single penny of taxes. how can they be extracted light? everything is very simple, to say: guys, do you want to preserve your production potential, do you want to continue working, at least earn something? hold your employees, go to work legally and pay taxes. there are already preliminary calculations that say that the introduction of economy reservations will add to the budget in the order of uah 250-300 billion, this is a huge amount, huge, people who make decisions see them, this is almost the same amount that we received for all time from our international partners, this is almost all of that, this is almost all of that amount, this is almost all of that amount allocated in... this year by the ministry of defense for the purchase of equipment. by the way, this figure, which i mentioned, was announced by mrs. bezugla two months
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ago during the discussion of the issue of economic reservation in the committee. this is when it was said that uah 700 billion is needed for the additional mobilization of half a million people. then she said, but economic reservation according to the calculations of the ministry of economy can add up to uah 300 billion. but they know those numbers. only they are politicians, i apologize. and what stops them from making the necessary decisions? well, you've heard the statements of arakhamia, you've heard the statements of zheliznyak, you've heard the statements of our gentlemen, people's deputies? well, they are politicians, you understand, they are servants, you confused something, they are servants of the people, not masters of the people, zheleznyak no, zheleznyak, i am the voice, no, the voice of the people, there is the voice of the people, and there is the voice of the people, there are servants of the people , see what the speech is about, what the speech is about, mr. oleg, look, but all the same, people who are watching us now, they will rightly notice now, listen,
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if there will be a muscovite here, it doesn't matter whether the enterprise is working or not, we need to gather and arm 1,000 now, where will we get those 150,000 mobilized, well-trained, armed soldiers? in response to these honorable gentlemen, i will ask , please tell me, will the soldier fight for free, well, really, let's say, so from tomorrow you will all be fighting without pay, well, because we don't know what happens, the enterprises will not work , let's buy yourself out of your own pocket. tactical clothing, well in fact, what is being done now, let 's buy fuel lubricants for the vehicles that take the wounded from the battlefield, let's be, something is being done there now, well, i'm naming things that are being done , but where can you find them? , where to find a mobilization resource, if, for example, i don't know there now, many, many people will buy off
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legally from mobilization, what does it mean to buy off, please explain to me what it means? look, economic reservation is the formation of state budget revenues, it is not redemption, uh, it's, look, it's people just paying extra money to have something to mobilize other people for. one more point, this is not very correct, probably a comparison, you never wonder why the occupier does not conduct mobilizations in his country, well, we are curious, of course, but he does not conduct mobilizations, why of... people every month, who sign a contract with him, what the hell? and i will answer you: when signing a contract with the russian army of occupation, a person is paid a one-time sum from 900 to 1,200 thousand rubles, that is roughly from 10 to 12
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thousands of dollars, and those are residents of remote subjects of the russian federation. who would never see that money in their life, never saw it in principle, they willingly sign a contract, at least you can hold it in your hands and die afterwards, yes, well, so that you don’t, so that you understand, it’s about the following, if you increase by today's moment is motivation for ukrainian soldiers, i give you a guarantee, the number of volunteers in ukraine will increase if you give 600 dollars to a person when signing, well, not 10, let's say five at once. plus then a salary in the amount of uah 50,000 instead of 22, i think that the number of people will increase, and knowing how it happens in ukraine, we understand that even if you do not want to give, for example, reservations for people who are headed by some companies, for example, top management, or i don't know, some bankers, or just a lot
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of people, if those people don't want to go to war, they won't go anyway. it will be redeemed, it will be called that, and it will be the same shady story, i agree with you 100%, and i still want to say one small thing detail: anyone who talks about buybacks, all of this stuff, please ask the guys who are fighting today if they're happy with the financial payoff they 're getting, if they don't think they should be getting more, or not do they think that at the moment the money they are being given is unfair, if they think so... ask yourself where to get the money to pay them more, it is fair to pay them more or not, they can tell me let's print money and give it to boy soldiers you know what will happen tomorrow with the country's economy, tomorrow inflation will be 27%, not 3.5%, tomorrow our savings will disappear, because they will simply evaporate in the sun
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of inflation, based on the numbers that will be, well , that is, you have to understand that nothing comes for free. and one more thing, let's remember mr. budanov's press conference at the end of last year, which, in my opinion, was the first time he said directly to such a large public, and you understand that we have been fighting at someone else's expense for two years. and you and i saw it, for six months, the americans dragged us money, sorry, here and there, we will give, we will not give, and look at what is being done today at the front, there is nothing to shoot at, and it is already about something going there. and if, for example, tomorrow they tell us, that's all, boys, you won't get any more material and technical assistance, a new president of the united states of america has arrived, who has a different vision of the war in ukraine, what will happen next? well, realistically, we, we feel it, we understand it, we understand how important it is for ukraine to independently seek internal sources of financing the war, and the question
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to pay off, not to pay off is no longer worth it, the question is whether we will live or not , so i don't know how about me, the economic reservation should already be in place, everything should already be written and everything should be accepted, they are just discussing, from the 18th they will start checking all the roads in a row about the drive. of military registration documents is guaranteed tomorrow, if we have logistics, i think that in two or three days we will feel it everywhere, both in stores and at gas stations, and then, well, people's deputies will once again run to save the state in quotes, from the fact that they themselves have done something stupid. mr. oleg, but in our country, you know, such a sacred attitude towards children, you can at least remember the maidan, which started on the one hand because yanukovych did not sign this agreement on... association with the european union, and on the other hand, because the fact that the students on the maidan were dispersed, and now, when they are talking about the fact that younger people cannot go to fight, because then we will have
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a demographic crisis, which, in principle, has already begun, but on the other hand, there is another issue, when i see, for example, how on young people who are already 18 to 25 ride on the streets, and they have such an adrenaline rush, or they drive in cars , gas up fast, cut off someone there and... not necessarily big and expensive cars, they can there may be some euro plates that they bought there, or their parents gave them a ride, they have this adrenaline, there is this desire for speed, some kind of risk, risk and so on, on the other hand, there is a very real story when a boy on a motorcycle, extinguishing- extinguished, somewhere there for a tip or under some substances, someone there moved, ended up in the hospital and already to the senior doctor, but he looks good, in principle, said, you... why not at the front, who tried to calm him and his drunken friends, that doctor, who is 60, and that's how to be here, this, it's like, well, it's a simple and not a simple
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question, how to be here, how to be here to our representatives of the authorities, so that we also have a minute to answer, in fact, madam, look, i 'll come back to the fact that i i say, here are all the conversations, who to recruit, how to recruit, they directly depend on how much we have with you people will show a desire to go to war on their own, if you create financial and economic conditions that will maximize the attraction of people to sign a contract voluntarily, the question of who to mobilize, at what age, with what methods of coercion, it will automatically fall, because people will go independently, create economic conditions that will be attractive for people, so that they go themselves, we still have enough mobilization resources at the moment, there is no economic interest in doing this, people are worried about families, what to feed them, if you create
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appropriate conditions by finding appropriate reserves in the state budget, in the economy of ukraine, the issue will be resolved, and then the age of mobilization will not stand, everyone who will consider it economically expedient to do so will go, that well, thank you. thank you, thank you for this conversation, oleg penzyn, an economist, a member of the economic discussion club, was with us, dear friends, we will now go to the news, before that i want to remind you that our muster is going on, a muster for our military, join in any please, with your hryvnias, qr code, card number on your screens, use it quickly, because now it will disappear and will appear only when we return to the ether, we still have one hour ahead of us. marathon, so please stay with espresso. gasoline trimmers are so
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10:59 am
trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient. if you want to have a beautiful, well-kept plot, there is a solution, garden trimmers from rozpakuy tv, order in time at a special price, only from 999 uah. kors trimmers are compact, light and very powerful. it's simple and easy to mow the lawn in the most difficult-to-reach places: near fences, along the path line, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees, trim bushes and even branches. leave big heavy mowers in the past. choose kors trimmers, classic or with function. but the mowers are light and comfortable, even women can use them, but just look at how powerful the trimmers are, which means our trimmers can handle even the thickest weeds and are virtually silent, more no heavy, bulky lawnmowers, grease or gasoline for refueling, only convenience, comfort and a well-kept area, order light and reliable kors trimmers from only uah 999, call!
11:00 am
news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. defense forces stabilized the situation with the russian offensive in the north of kharkiv region. the occupiers advanced 10 km deep into our territory. president volodymyr zelenskyy stated this during a meeting with journalists. he added that very powerful forces are operating in this area of ​​the front brigades, which were taken from the reserve and other directions. he also noted that the enemy did not reach the so-called concrete fortifications, but only reached the first line.


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