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tv   [untitled]    May 17, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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accusations will begin on the part of the russian side that nato, nato's ally, is fighting in ukraine, but on the other hand, look at the 61 billion in aid that is currently allocated by the american congress, and which must be used by september 2025, that is, we have one and a half for one and a half years , these funds were allocated specifically for military aid... there is information that there will now be 60 employees of the military attaché of the united states of america in kyiv, they will precisely take care that this aid, to use a colloquial word, does not scattered, on the contrary, she got to the places where she was most needed, and if there are military instructors, i think that we should not know with you... whether they really
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will be, and if in fact they simply were , it would be a very good help, because ukrainians, we usually have limited human resources in order to launch this complex, bloody war, if these instructors can not only on the territory of ukraine, but as it is now said that somewhere up to 150 000 of our military can... undergo retraining in nato countries, well, it will happen only for our benefit. mr. yaroslav, thank you for the conversation, yaroslav voydko, a diplomat, an international expert, was with us, dear friends, we talked about what is happening in the world, which of course has an impact on ukraine, i want to tell you that we do not have another 10,000 enough, even less, 9,500 is not enough for us to already have 600 thousand in our account out of 4 million. for atvs,
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which are needed by our military to evacuate the wounded from the battlefield and to deliver ammunition to the battlefield. join us, we have another guest ahead of us, we will talk about power cuts, why they cannot be avoided, and what ukrainians should do to still have light from electricity, stay with us, we will continue, and then you can donate more , while we are on the air. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive during the day, and with the matryk topper you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order a matryk topper for comfortable sleep at an affordable price. all more ukrainian families choose topper matryk, which comes in a convenient package that is easy enough to remove. within a day after removing the factory film, it... can be
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cheer for the ukrainian on may 18, exclusively on mego, there are discounts presented by koko , may discounts on eden 20% in the pharmacies of plantain bam and oskad. a journalist who joined the armed forces, a political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to make sense of disturbing news and... distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests:
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foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day by phone survey turn on and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 for espresso. what to do when the liver hurts? alohol, but what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gallbladder, alohol with care and respect for the liver and gallbladder. dear friends, we are back on the air, we continue our marathon. saichu, and this is our final half hour in the marathon on espresso, and i want to tell you that in the few hours of this morning, you together with us, or we together with you, it would be more accurate to say, have collected 34 00 hryvnias, we already have less, while there was a pause, before
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the pause it was 9 00, we needed to have 600 000, now it is less than 9 00 to finish this ether at the mark. 600,000, i don't know if we will succeed, because i already notice that when lunch is approaching, somehow ukrainians relax, stop giving advice, some are at work, some are at home, preoccupied with their own affairs, especially now they turn off the lights, not really many have the opportunity to watch our ether, but nevertheless, those who have not yet done so, we encourage you to do so in order to to buy atvs, you can now see a picture on the screens, what these atvs can do, can save the lives of our military, in what way? will evacuate, help evacuate our wounded defenders from the battlefield, so join in with your donations, who is comfortable with monobank, then the qr code above and the card number below it, and who is comfortable with a private bank, then its qr code from below under mono,
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and you can to scan, and you need to scan it, and you can only scan it with the help of, if you have the privat-24 application, open the application, look for the scanner function, it is in the bottom line on the main page, open it, click on this function, such a frame appears and point it at this black-and-white embroidery with a circle in the middle, or write down the card number, which is indicated under this qr code, and while we are talking to our next guest, and we will be talking about the fact that fan outages have started in ukraine, emergency ones, serhii kovalenko, the general director, will clearly be with us, we will ask him about... just like that we will be without electricity to sit, because there are already people who say, well, what is this, well , how is it so, how long do we have to live in the dark like this, mr. serhiy, do ukrainians have the right to complain about power cuts,
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good day, well, of course, if it falls under our normal existence, then we have to regret it, but we all understand the reason for it, it's our... the enemy is the russians and our, our task, i think, is just to resist and live life no matter what, so i think , that somehow, this situation in which we now find ourselves with those schedules of outages, it will not be better for a few years, come on, i wouldn't plan like that for a few years, why, because that's enough, it's a different plan if we're talking about a week, let alone summer. so the situation looks like we have damaged thermal generation, we have damaged hydro generation, we have limited imports, and we can't do more than we import, well, we supply electricity, and we have our consumption, and we don't have enough of everything of this, all generation
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plus imports for our consumption, for normal comfort, the industry has been shut down for several weeks, that is, more than once per day, and every day were limited. for the entire industry in ukraine, a few days have already started to limit the population, this is, of course, a little you, well, it looks surreal against the background of the sun and against the background of summer. but from the point of view of shelling, from the point of view of loss generation, well, it is quite mathematically logical there, what will happen in the near future, i think that the shutdown will be preserved in one way or another, why, because i am not talking about specific days there, i am talking about well, there are months, there is summer, why, because when the heat comes, our consumption will increase, because they turn off air conditioners, and of course that deficit, the deficit can be, well, it can bigger, it all depends on the amount of generation that we as a country can restore after the shelling, so
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to answer your question directly, yes, i always say, that you have to prepare, live with outages, the main thing will be good if these outages are planned according to the schedule, so that people and enterprises can plan their activities and their lives, it will be worse if it is extreme, when ukrainian energy is proven there. quite spontaneously they develop a deficiency some, they prove quite spontaneously and that local networks are turned off there in 3 minutes, they turn off the electricity in one or the other, well, along one or the other lines, well , somehow, if we talk about yes, sorry, there is no heat yet, but we have so a little chilly nights, i would say, and actually there were calls to people not to turn on any heating devices, to protect our... energy system a little bit, and i see that people didn't quite heed those calls,
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come on, i am in those regions where it works clearly, where we see population statistics, because, well, i can confirm that statistically , people who are saving haven't gained enough weight in general to help reduce consumption, but the good news is that i see that people have started... and businesses have started to this, as they say, consumption is getting used to, such a new trend has started, i hope that we will still be able to learn to save during the summer, because we calculated back in the winter that somewhere around 20%, er , each can there, well, the average family living in an apartment can reduce their consumption without significant civilizational losses, why i say about the summer, because in the summer you have to worry about... the lack of electricity is not right, well, it’s unpleasant, there are cases when it’s very
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problematic there, but if you say conceptually, then the summer is a long day, it’s warm, well, it ’s radically bad and nothing will not happen, and when we talk about winter, it is already cold there, and we need to learn this before the cold, because our main enemy will not be the lack of light, but the lack of heat, and we need to learn this in the summer in order to prepare for winter, you know, now the authorities. energy experts call on the population to be consciously, not to turn on an unnecessary electrical appliance , not to do laundry, for example, during hours of no more loads, not to turn on the washing machine , etc. people's minds, it is to raise the tariffs to the market, they raised the tariffs to the market and in principle the problem was solved, the people themselves do not want, do not want to spend a lot of electricity, is this the necessary step to which the country, which is already in principle... whatever it is to say correctly, to choose a metaphor, so as not to offend anyone, let's say
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that we are in a very, very, very, very difficult situation in the energy sector, and can this country continue to play with populism, play with the fact that we do not make unpleasant decisions, let's move on to heat, heat the room with gas in the summer, with a stove, let's continue to mine bitcoins, for example, and no matter what, it's a good idea, well, listen, what else? do you need to somehow make adult decisions? well, this is a very valid comment, i can say that we are the last ones since 2019 we live in two systems from the point of view of energy. the first system is business, and this reform took place in business, and business can choose clearly, can choose another supplier in any territory, and it is both business, and business suffers from the market prices it makes. as for the population, yes, we have compensation, the so-called daily tariff of 2.64 on wednesday, we as a population pay this
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difference, which is somewhere around there, let it be uah 7, there is this difference, we don’t care. as taxpayers we pay in compensation, and this amount reaches about uah 130-140 billion per year, so i have nothing to comment on here, i don't know, now kolomoiskyi is under investigation. there some new charges against him are being removed, but we know that two years ago, even before the war, a little more than two years, he invested 50 million dollars in the launch of these, for example, farms from mani... cryptocurrency for those who do not know at all , what we are talking about is that there are powerful video cards spinning there, which consume a lot of electricity, and this electricity is burned in order to translate into codes, into codes, codes of zeros and units, which for some people out there who believe that this is progressive, are ready to pay money, that is, many well-known
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economists believe that it is just a protracted one, because, well, probably about... then humanity at that stage is now such a tulip, this tulip pyramid, which was once there, and sooner or later it is this lusan bubble, but less so, i'm just curious, but now kolomoisky's mining companies, they continue to mine, there were brilliant ideas there nuclear power plant before the war there is some connection to mining, well there were such people in the government, i don't know what to say about mining farms, i hope that, well , that is, with such... in such a situation as we have in the energy sector, lack of stability, i don't really know how they are there, how they are there, they transfer electricity through video cards, and i think they need stability, let the relevant bodies deal with it, let's say so, and look, the association of cities of ukraine has also appealed to the government to liberalize the rules for notes, connections, and
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so on , procurement of various small opportunities generation of electric power, i understand that i will not just apply. we are currently undergoing the opposite of centralization processes, should we not take radical measures so that cities and communities can decide for themselves as much as possible, and in particular, this would allow us to change the very structure of the energy sector, which we inherited from the totalitarian soviet union. look, there are two topics here, the first topic, any simplifications, well, we all understand, any simplification is strengthened, well, send it, well, it accelerates , first of all, it accelerates investments. and the speed of development there, something. on the other hand, i can say that right now the construction is very active, the construction of alternative sources of generation, personal, is primarily for business there and secondarily for the population, i can say that we have a large number of customers there has already built for itself solar or
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other types of generation for its own consumption, the other is in the process and now until... it turned out very well, well, the legislative branch already allows you to buy excess electricity from colleagues, like that, well, that is, when they don’t enough, we supply them, when they generate, they generate for themselves, and when they have a surplus, we buy from them into the system, so in my opinion, i agree with you that we should take all possible steps in the direction of simplification , because it is already there, and it will strengthen there in the medium term, it will strengthen our, well, as they say, well, our... stability of energy and this is true from the point of view of the economy, it is beneficial for everyone, it is win-win, any win-win strategy helps everyone. well, except maybe for those people who suddenly became managers big contracts with oblenergo, and they have already signed contracts for almost billions of hryvnias, well, i remember one, not very well-known, but now well-known director and actor from the 95th
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quarter, who suddenly turned out to be a manager. uah 740 million sells electricity to regional energy companies, i don't know if you, mr. sergey, are aware of this story, not yet aware, not yet aware, follow the publications, well, to be very brief, the former actor and screenwriter of the 95th quarter , now turns out to be the owner of the films, the director of the film servant of the people, and the director of the film servant of the people and swati, it turns out that he has now made a breakthrough career, opened a company that has already signed 700.40 million hryvnias of contracts with regional energy companies and supplies them, will supply them for a year with a lot of electricity and knowing that there will still be payments , as they are happening, as if there is a field where, in principle, you can improve your declaration for the next year well and successfully, i mean property, we have literally one more
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minute left, if we allow, very briefly, they will continue to be russians to beat, i think. with what can we face in winter? in winter? well , look, let's see, if you, you, well, if you choose for, well, for this discussion, the military protection of energy facilities, because we, well, do not influence it, we all understand that this is the first thing that is needed in our there are three, as they say, three directions that we need to do to everyone, the first is to expand imports, the physical possibility of imports, why, because we have it, it's very cool. but it is also limited, the more we have the possibility of physical import, the better it will be for us, because we can to balance the deficit, i know that this is being done in this, and it is good. the second story is the reconstruction... our generation which is damaged and the third, i always say that it is savings, because we as consumers can only survive in this way, mr. serhiy, thank you very much for this conversation, serhiy kovalenko,
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ceo, it was clear with us, well , now we are talking about dear friends, we will tell you this now, so you and i have collected 39, another 4 thousand remains so that we have 600 thousand of the millions needed for quad bikes, so at the last moment you can still cut in and donate this train for our military and thus help... save their lives for those who will be wounded and they will evacuate him from the battlefield on a quad bike and thus help destroy moskal, because this quad bike will deliver ammunition to the front line. stay with us, because later we will tell you about about 60 thousand ukrainian families who got a chance to rebuild theirs, all thanks to the national program of compensation is restoration. the initiative was launched a year ago, have these innovations been justified expectations and what? and goals set for the future later in our plot. thank you and andriy saichuk for watching us, we will be back on the air tomorrow at 8:10, well, now you watch how the program works, there is a restoration.
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irpin is a city that was 70% destroyed by the russians, but now life is raging here, because irpin has become a leader in reconstruction under the restoration program, the amount of compensation here has reached 2 billion hryvnias. in the irpin territorial community, 6,514 applications were considered during the year, and in the end almost 400 applicants received funds for the reconstruction of their housing. 92% of everything has already been worked out according to various programs, 82% has been worked out according to certificate programs, of course there are, because people return and of course they are added, because every day there is one. two or three appeals to us are attached. there is a recovery as a separate service in action started in may 2023. it all started with a service for receiving financial assistance for repairs
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of damaged housing, primarily with an urgent cost of up to uah 200,000. the next step was compensation for destroyed homes, it is about housing certificates that can be exchange for a new home in any corner of ukraine. later, payments for capital repairs became possible, and soon. compensation will also come to those who did not wait and completed the work at their own expense. the already developed checklists are appropriate, there is a technical possibility developed by the ministry of digital transformation, i hope that it will happen, funding sources will be found and the start of this component, which is currently maximally prepared for its implementation. the largest number of appeals were recorded from residents of kharkiv, donetsk, mykolaiv and kyiv regions. leaders kharkiv oblast and kyiv oblast were among the requests for restoration. from the very beginning, we began to actively use it, we created
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inspection commissions in each community, which helped people implement this program, receive funds, and inspect their destroyed and damaged property. and why we created exactly in each community, because, unfortunately, the enemy continues shelling. soon, the developers promise to add several more functions to support yakuga. more ukrainians are in the difficult process of rebuilding their own homes. now the team is working over the compensation program for reconstruction on their own land and compensations for those who lost their homes in the temporarily occupied territories. it's not for nothing here, we show the city of melitopol, a pilot project took place, it was successful, that is, we are absolutely sure that this experience can now be spread to other cities located in the temporarily occupied territories. similar programs. it currently does not exist in the world, for one year the amount of compensation paid exceeded uah 11 billion for the repair or purchase of a new home instead of a destroyed one
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12:00 pm
trimmers can handle even the thickest. weeds and at the same time they are practically silent, no more heavy, bulky lawn mowers, oil or gasoline for refueling, only convenience, comfort and a well -kept plot, order light and reliable kors trimmers from only uah 999, call. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. equipment the power facility was damaged at night by the russians in vinnytsia, the debris of an enemy drone fell there.
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20-30. thousands of consumers were left without electricity.


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