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tv   [untitled]    May 17, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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our trimmers can handle even the thickest weeds, and at the same time they are practically silent. no more heavy, bulky lawnmowers, oil or gasoline to fill up, just convenience, comfort and a well -kept plot. order lightweight and reliable kors trimmers, starting at just uah 999. call! news time on spresso tv channel, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the equipment of the power plant was damaged at night by the russians in vinnytsia. debris of an enemy drone fell. 23,000
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consumers were left without electricity, but on in the morning the situation was stabilized. this was reported by ukrenergo. currently, 200 villages are without electricity, and 427 towns and villages in the kharkiv region are without electricity. the situation in the ukrainian energy system is extremely difficult, there is a significant deficit, the company clarified, warning that hourly shutdown schedules will be applied in the peak evening hours in all regions. defense forces stabilized the situation with the russian offensive in the north of kharkiv region. the occupiers advanced 10 km deep into our territory. president volodymyr stated this during a meeting with journalists zelensky he added that very powerful brigades, which were taken from the reserve and other areas, operate in this part of the front. he also noted that the enemy did not reach the so-called concrete fortifications, but only reached the first line. defense, in addition, the president
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said that for the first time in the years of the war, the armed forces have enough artillery, they say, none of the brigades complains that there are no shells. i serve the ukrainian people. the largest drone attack on the territory of the russian federation. in february, ukrainian drones attacked enemy targets that are not protected by air defense systems, reported defense express agency. yes, they recorded a hit in novorossiysk, in port de. the black sea fleet of the occupiers, drones also targeted the railway station, the local fuel oil terminal and the oil refinery, and in tuapse an oil refinery was targeted, a fire broke out there, besides, a gas station caught fire in belgorod after the explosion, although the ministry of defense of the aggressor country claims that overnight shot down over a hundred drones in several arf regions and the destruction is in denial. residents of the temporarily
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occupied crimea did not manage to sleep either, explosions rang out in in sevastopol and balaklava, the light went out in some areas, the authorities explained that such a blackout was connected with the disconnection of a part of the equipment under the sevastopol station, which is located next to balaklava tess, they say that fragments of downed drones fell on the substation, in general, the occupiers allegedly destroyed fifty drones over the peninsula and destroyed six unmanned boats. in kyiv, the arbitrarily built church of mav of the russian orthodox church was dismantled. the building on the territory of the national museum of the history of ukraine was erected in violation of the law, without archaeological survey and permits. even last year, the court decided to demolish it, but the religious community resisted. our correspondent tetyana holonova saw how the mob was destroyed. tanya, congratulations, tell me. i congratulate katya, i
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also congratulate the viewers of the espresso tv channel. so , just this night in kyiv, they demolished the mav temple, which was illegally built by the religious community of the church of the moscow patriarchate on the territory of the national museum of the history of ukraine. and i will just now ask to show the operator what is left of this mafia, of this illegal building. as you can see, for now there are only stones. according to the documents, it was three stalls of 20 m2, that's why they were called. the mav temple, and the construction of this structure took place in violation of the legislation without an archaeological survey, therefore, in february 2023 , the economic court of kyiv forced the religious community of the church of the moscow patriarchate to dismantle this illegal structure, but the community ignored it, the museum did not have the museum, the museum did not have its own funds for dismantling, therefore announced a collection in the amount of uah 772 for the demolition of such a temple, details. about how people donated
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let's hear it right now. 2266 people donated money, the collection was closed in 16 hours, donations were made. very nice, some, there are 10 kopecks, 21 kopecks, there were a lot of them, the average donation is uah 1200, it was not burdensome for people, but people clearly expressed their attitude to this situation, the company contractor, which agreed to dismantle this illegal building , expressed a desire to do this absolutely free of charge, and stated that all funds collected from... people will be transferred to the needs of the armed forces of ukraine. let's hear about it in the next comment. the museum really called for a collection, we saw that if on facebook, at first there was a desire to donate, if, then such, yes, we have permits, we are able to perform difficult
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works, i directly wrote under this bank that we are ready to do it with our own efforts, here and we have all the permits, qualifications and necessary tools for this. to demolish this one. 7 hours were spent on the construction of the legal building, work started yesterday before the curfew . currently, the museum plans to conduct archaeological excavations here and in the future to install informational banners, as well as exhibits about the history of ukraine. that's all the information for now, so katya, i'm passing ether to you. thank you tanya. let me remind our viewers that this was our journalist tetyana golonova. she told about how in kyiv the built church of the russian people was destroyed. of the orthodox church with the help of caring people, as well as those who volunteered to do it for free, such is the synergy. men of draft age were transported to hungary, two dealers were exposed in kyiv, according to the capital's prosecutor's office , for $600. they offered to transfer customers
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across the border beyond the checkpoint. those willing were first sent to berehove in transcarpathia, where they stayed in a hotel, and later they were taken to the border crossing point. men were given invisibility cloaks so that they would not be noticed by drones, they were threatened with imprisonment for up to 5 years. and the sbu detained a traitor who was leaking to the occupiers the positions of the anti-aircraft defense covering kharkiv. a 30-year-old resident of one of the villages of the kharkiv district was recruited at the end of 2023. the man was also supposed to mobilize to the ranks of the armed forces and spy for the enemy, but he did not have time. currently he is in custody, he faces life imprisonment. i ask and remind you to join the urgent collection. intelligence units need a reliable off-road vehicle to perform tasks on the front. no way without a car at the front. it is like an island of life, where everything
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around is destroyed. the required car has already been found and transported to ukraine. it is currently being repaired and equipped, it remains to be bought and transferred to the front. our. goal 300 00 hryvnias. now on your screens you see all the necessary data, this qr code and the card account, so nothing prevents you from paying. today in strasbourg, the annual meeting of the committee of ministers of the council of europe is held, in which the ministers of foreign affairs of all 46 member states of this organization take part. of course, one of the key topics on the agenda is ukraine and the aggressive war being waged against it. espress correspondent tetyana vysotska works in russia on the sidelines of the summit in european institutions. tatyana, what is already known and what issues are discussed by the cabinet of ministers, what decisions should we expect? congratulations to kateryna, congratulations to ukraine. greetings from
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the sidelines of the council of europe. the meeting itself has begun, it continues behind closed doors. the first issue on the agenda is ukraine itself, the response of the council of europe to the aggressive. russia's war against ukraine, it is planned to adopt three documents: a report on the implementation of the reykjavík declaration, a declaration based on the results of today's negotiations, and a political statement. the texts of the documents were not yet ready at the time the negotiations began, discussions are ongoing, but we managed to talk to the deputy minister minister of foreign affairs of ukraine iryna borovets, who stated that ukraine will be mentioned in each of the documents, and she also emphasized that... the ministers of the member states of the council of europe are discussing issues, first of all , the creation of a special tribunal to punish russia for the crime of aggression against ukraine, and the question that the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin, should appear before the tribunal in person, as well as
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the work of the register of damages caused by the russian war to ukrainians, which has already started work, i will remind you on april 2, and is already collecting applications, are also being discussed ukrainians, in particular through the action system. for one category, it is damage or destruction of immovable property. now the issue of expanding the range of categories is being discussed, as well as the key, where to find money to pay compensation, creating compensation. mechanism, we will wait for news about this, and just one minute before the start of the meeting , the german minister of foreign affairs, anna lena berbuk, approached the journalists, and she had many questions specifically about ukraine, she informed that in the near future ukraine receives the iriste system from germany, as well as patriot, reported that germany allocated a billion for the purchase of additional air defense equipment for ukraine and... also , to the question of a german journalist, whether the german government should allow ukraine
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to attack the territory of russia with german weapons, anna lina berbok answered: it is necessary to attack russian supply routes in the kharkiv area. thank you tatyana for the comprehensive information. let me remind you, this was our tatiana vysotska from strasbourg. for now, that's all the news i have for this one an hour see you tomorrow. today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko. the cleaning of the northern outskirts of vovchansk continues. the defense forces foiled the plans of the russian army to quickly capture the city. what could be the consequences of the visiting rate of the supreme commander in kharkiv. in search of a political solution, putin is discussing with xi jinping in beijing the so-called ukrainian
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crisis, whether american warnings about the inadmissibility of military aid to the kremlin will affect the chinese authorities. the first eviyal outages this year. in several areas hourly electricity supply schedules have been introduced in ukraine. has ukraine drawn conclusions from last year? russian attacks on energy. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health, and first of all i congratulate you on vyshyvanka day. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. let's talk about putin's visit to xi jinping. and their conversation about the future of ukraine, the meeting of
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the ukraine-nato council, as well as vielov's disconnection in ukraine, and one more important topic - this is the future mobilization, as well as those who are currently trying to book and release from mobilization. over the next hour, we will talk about all this with our guests, with the people's deputy of ukraine, the former deputy prime minister of ukraine and... mykola malomuzh and political expert volodymyr tsybulko. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest you watch a video of how the operators of the eighth separate regiment of special operations forces, together with the fighters of the 92nd separate assault brigade, conducted a sweep in one of the settlements on kharkiv region. four occupiers were destroyed, two more were captured. let's see how it all happened.
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glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live on these platforms. please subscribe to our pages and also participate in our. interviewees, today we ask you about whether your home was affected by
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power outages, yes, no, everything is fine on youtube simply, if you still have your comments on this issue, please leave them under the video, if you are watching us live on tv, on the air, then pick up your smartphone or phone and vote: 0821 381, if your home is affected by a power outage. no 0800 211 382 call, we are interested to know your opinion and we are interested to know what percentage of our viewers are currently suffering from viel outages. of electricity, i want to introduce today's first guest, this is ivanna klypush-tsintsadze, people's deputy of ukraine, chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on ukraine's integration into the european union and former deputy prime minister of ukraine on euro-european and euro-atlantic integration. mrs. ivana, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our conversation. thank you
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for the invitation, and i congratulate everyone on vyshyvanka day with... i hope that there was an opportunity to wear those things that are defining for us and that allow us to feel proud, confident, and i hope it will always be like this in free and independent ukraine. thank you for your kind words ms. ivano, let's start our conversation with today's meeting of the nato military committee in brussels, and today there was a meeting of the ukraine-nato council, ukraine's successes on the battlefield are unprecedented... and ukraine will have nato's support every day, the head of the military said of the nato committee, robert bauer, during the meeting of the military committee at the level of chiefs of general staff of the countries, members of the north atlantic alliance. let's hear what he said. the leadership of russia has chosen the path of impunity, they act as they please, they actually want to spread their power
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abroad so as not to lose it at home. that is why the leadership of russia sent hundreds of thousands of their citizens to war and they don't even take their bodies. moscow uses food and migration as a weapon, and therefore now in this hall we must do everything to prevent this plague from spreading, so that the international order is respected. mrs. ivano, this week there was a lot of talk about ukraine and nato, about ukraine's prospects in the north atlantic alliance, a statement from a group or commission came out. yarmak and rasmusin, which states that ukraine should be a member of the north atlantic alliance no later than july 28. to what extent what is said in the alliance and what is said in ukraine, to what extent it coincides and to what extent the vision of how we want to gain membership, to acquire membership in
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the north atlantic alliance, coincides with the desire of the alliance itself in the current situation to consider on... potentially such possibility, you and i know that in the alliance the decision is made by consensus, that is, by all members of this club, so to speak, military-political club, and today, unfortunately, there is no complete unity regarding the further integration of ukraine, the transition to some, some other level of our relations with the alliance, and we do not have... at least the decision to at the nearest summit in washington to invite ukraine to the alliance and start some kind of process that would determine the specific steps that ukraine should take, as and as the countries, members of nato, see it for themselves, so we have to work in various
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other, well, paths, let's say so, and strengthen each other action with the alliance in different in other areas, but not only hoping for some close decision on accession and membership, and therefore somewhere , we certainly still have partners who are actively lobbying and promoting the need to invite ukraine as soon as possible, and there are partners who currently believe that the main priority, including for the alliance, should be provision. as much as possible to ukraine with weapons for the overthrow of the russian federation, assistance to ukraine in the production of its own military capabilities, assistance in training troops, assistance in the transition to alliance standards, no purely in the military sphere, actually in the sphere, well, if you like, of political and wider security, which concerns all
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departments and rules of procedures. which ensure the defense and security of the country. mrs. ivano, to what extent the situation can change, and what should influence the fact that, over the next two months, the members of the north atlantic alliance still dare to give an invitation to ukraine, or to articulate this invitation, that is, to say that ukraine is starting this long journey or to find some other e. formula or wording for so that the emphasis in the next year and this year would be clearly set and that russia would clearly understand that no matter what happens, it will be a member of the north atlantic alliance, and that is what nato representatives are saying. you know, you and i still remember that in vilnius
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representatives of the alliance told us after the vilnius summit that, well, if we really didn't mean it there, that ukraine and georgia would become members of the alliance, despite the decision of 2008, when we did not receive an action plan regarding. but we were there something has been promised, so the decision has already been made to vilnius, it says that ukraine will definitely, definitely, someday be a member of the alliance, and we hear these assurances there, just constantly during various different visits, including the last visit there secretary of state of the united states to ukraine, but at the same time, as we can see, there is no appetite to move to another level. can anything change during these two months? i do not exclude this possibility, because we have already seen during these two years a full-scale attack
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russia, russia's full-scale war against ukraine, many things that seemed impossible have already become history, and they became possible and became realistic, or something like that, well, a conditional black swan can also happen with regard to our membership in nato. and whether it's an invitation to membership, not you, i don't rule it out, but i would at the same time, you know, trying to achieve that, or trying to move to another level of relations with the alliance, not only demanding something from the alliance, i, for one, do not see that during this time since the end of december last year, when the government approved this annual national program, supposedly this is a more factual one, which should give us a clear guideline as we move further towards membership, so that the government initiates at least one, at least one, at least one draft law,
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which would be aimed at our movement towards nato. it seems to me that only by demanding, while at the same time not making any political changes at home that would convince our partners that we are serious and not only from a point of view. mm of protection necessary for us, and from the point of view of what is necessary for us, for what is necessary for us changes for full interoperability, including in the political sphere with the alliance, are ready to move towards it, but we do not demonstrate such things, and it seems to me that this also does not go unnoticed, would it change the cardinal situation, probably not, but definitely would provide additional positive arguments... arguments to those of our partners who are actively trying to promote this story already within the alliance. ukraine is being talked about quite actively in beijing today, because
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the two-day meeting started today putin with xijin pin, and of course the russians are trying to use this meeting to convince xi to be on their side. on the eve of this visit, putin said that he... was impressed by china's peace plan for ukraine, however, he did not specify which of these peace plans, apparently the one that was made public on february 24, 2023, although it not a peaceful plan, but what sijin pin says and how he tries to comment on the possibility, as he says, of a political settlement of the crisis in ukraine, well, it is called a crisis, but russia's aggression against ukraine, let's listen to what... the leader of china said. china and russia believe that only a political settlement of the ukrainian crisis is
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the correct way to solve it. china's position in this regard has always been clear and consistent. the chinese side hopes for the speedy restoration of peace and stability on the european continent and is ready to continue playing its constructive role. in this lady, mrs. ivano, i understand that all the negotiations that took place all day with biden, then with macron, scholz, with ursula, funderlay, they all did not give any result, because he is again talking about the crisis in ukraine, about the political settlement, putin likes the so-called peace plan of china, everyone. is he flirting with putin in this situation, or is he trying to negotiate with european countries, with the united states of america in
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relation to his own. role in this situation, well, we did not have to expect that xi would start calling the war between russia and the free world, which is happening on our territory today, and ukraine, first of all, restrains all this, this whole attack, when after he invented to call it a crisis, when it is obvious that it has nothing to do with a crisis, and the meaning of the word crisis, surely needs a big and serious clarification in chinese. dictionary, but, but it will be important for us whether the result of these negotiations between china and russia will be whether the supply of dual purpose goods to russia from china will continue to increase, or whether china will ignore the risk of chinese banks falling under sanctions . sanctions pressure,
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american, american sanctions pressure, we have seen a certain, well, a certain increase in caution in the transactions between chinese banks with their russian banks, well, vice versa, but at the moment we cannot guarantee that these transactions will curtail and continue or decrease in the future, unfortunately, it can also , even if they will decrease, unfortunately, that too... may mean that they have come up with some other path, as from these calculations, which will be well within the whole area for traceability by the western world. unfortunately, we see how china is today trying to tell the world about his alleged neutrality, he is actually on the side of the russian federation, well, the only thing he is not doing, at the moment, is not providing, well,
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direct military aid. of russia, but at the same time uses the maximum sanctions pressure of the west on russia for the benefit of its economy and will continue to do this and will continue to certainly increase opportunities for itself in order to strengthen its country, so for us it is actually such a serious challenge and a serious challenge for our partners, which, well what are all their efforts today. all their negotiations, they do not give a serious result in terms of limiting, limiting china's aid to russia, and you and i understand that if russia will stand behind china's aid even in such a quasi-hybrid form, then it will obviously be necessary to deal with such a russia more difficult than if she did not have this serious shoulder. and not
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only that. china can stand behind russia, and so can turkey, because politicians, you have obviously seen this publication, they claim that the european union through turkey massively imports russian oil, hidden by a different label, russian oil is legally imported into the eu as a mixed fuel, marked as non-russian, only thanks to supplies from three ports, russia earned in this way up to 3 billion euros in a year. it is clear that erdogan and turkey, they are our partners and reliable partners. who help us during the aggression of the russian federation, and erdogan is doing his best for us, but he is also doing his best for himself, so in this situation, should the ukrainian side appeal there to the european union or to some international structures for the fact that russia still transports it despite everything.
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to the european union, a lot of russian oil earns from this and, as a result, again finances its army, which then goes to destroy ukraine. of course, it should, and this is not the only question that worries us and that we constantly ask our partners. for example, for this last year, for the year 2023, the import of russian liquefied gas to the countries of the european union has increased very significantly by 40%, so... you know, you can be proud of the fact that the pipes and gas pipelines that run on the ground there or by sea, they stopped buying, practically stopped, except for a few countries that negotiated transitional periods for themselves there, such as hungary or austria or slovakia, but other countries that supposedly gave up russian gas, they continue to buy it.


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