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tv   [untitled]    May 17, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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this is the commander of the achilles attack pack battalion of the 92nd separate assault brigade, well, our time has come to an end, but stay with spreso tv channels, because we have a lot of useful and interesting things for you. greetings to everyone from espresso, i'm anna yavomelnyk and it's time to learn about the main events for this hour. russia has expanded the combat zone by 70 km. the offensive in the north of kharkiv region, the enemy began earlier than planned. this was announced by the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi. by escalation, russia...
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is trying to force ukraine to stretch brigades from the reserve, now the task for the defense forces is to prevent further advance of the enemy. the main efforts of the enemy were concentrated on the direction of lypka and the capture of vovchansk. our defenders have tough battles ahead of them, sirsky emphasized. almost 500 convicts agreed to mobilize for the army. this was reported by deputy minister of justice olena vysotska in an interview. glavcomma received the following survey results regarding the possibility of releasing the prison by concluding a contract for military service. according to the profile parliamentary committee 20,000 convicts can use the right of parole in exchange for mobilization. how to talk about captivity with former prisoners of war - said valeriya sobotina, a participant in the russian-ukrainian war in lviv. the topics of captivity
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should not be avoided, but the emphasis should not be placed on sympathy, but on the strength of the spirit of freed soldiers. according to her, such conversations will help military personnel to return to society faster. i would like to add that valery sobotina also survived almost a year of abuse in russian captivity. she became a bailiff bride wife and widow. her husband andriy sobotin died during the defense of the city. this book, limitations and fears, they exist. in your head, if you don't ask about it, if you are afraid to ask the same question, for example, about sexual violence against a person, then you are supporting, whether you like it or not, the perpetrators of the person, because talking about sexual violence, about beating, about the humiliation of the individual, is absolutely not shameful, it is necessary to explain to the society that it is normal to talk about it, to hear about it normally. and to accept it is normal,
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it is not normal to do it, and unfortunately, it is still a sad experience when - society says: we are not ready to hear, we are not ready to read about it, we are not ready to listen, and journalists also think that society is not ready, all of you are trying to create the image of a brave, indomitable person, and that's on the one hand very good, but on the other hand, it's much... it would be cooler to show a person who didn't break after going through all those tests, instead of just saying some general phrases about that which happened increase own production of gas up to 15 billion cubic meters. such a task has been set by the naftogaz government until the end of the year - said prime minister denys shmagal. last year, the company launched 86 new wells.
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at the beginning of this year, seven new fields were put into operation, such an increase in gas production will improve ukraine's energy independence and sustainability, shmehal noted. memories of deportation in the museum of war held a discussion to the 80s anniversary of the forced eviction of the crimean tatar people by the soviet authorities. they also presented a symbolic photo project that tells about the success of the crimean tatars. among among them... the representative of the president of ukraine in crimea tamila tasheva, actor and director akhtem seytablaev, human rights defender gulnara bekerova. we invited historians and specialists to the museum to talk about how the national collective memory of the ukrainian tatars, who were scattered in exile, was preserved. this is how they preserved it even in some kind of material culture, in language, in... in religion, and were able
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to bring all this to crimea, and now, in principle, even during the occupation, they are trying to continue this tradition. our task, that is returning to... the victims of the genocide and the famine and the surgyun, in order for people to realize that without evaluating the past, without realizing why and how it happened, most importantly, why it happened, if you don't realize it, you can't cope with the present and tomorrow. the meeting of the committee of ministers of the council of europe, which is taking place today in strasbourg, ended unexpectedly. hungary shelved the final declaration due to disagreement with zelenskyi's peace plan. on the sidelines of the summit , a correspondent of espressa works in europeans institutions of tetyana vysotska, who knows more and will tell us about it. tatiana, my congratulations, so what happened at today's meeting?
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in fact, the meeting of the committee of ministers of the council of europe really ended today, ended unexpectedly and scandalously. prime minister, former minister of foreign affairs of hungary petro szijártó, speaking at a closed meeting of other ministers of foreign affairs, suddenly called for urgent peace talks between ukraine and russia and also called for an end to the supply of weapons to ukraine. he emphasized that russia should be at the negotiating table and proposed to include this wording in the final version of the resolution of the committee of ministers, which was to be approved today. an offer, of course. sijarto was put to a vote, it was rejected by other participants of the ministerial meeting, and sijarto, as a response, bequeathed, in general, this document, a declaration of the ministerial conference, and as a result, this document was simply not accepted, but the europeans actually
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found a way out, the document will be approved only on behalf of the state of liechtenstein, which is now chairs the committee of ministers of the council of europe, and... actually, this document, which is about to be made public, contains very important points, such as a call for the creation of a special tribunal against the crime of russian aggression against ukraine, which should prosecute the president of russia personally vladimir putin, as well as the issue of creating a compensation mechanism for damages caused by russia to ukraine and ukrainians, i would like to remind you that the appropriate register of damages is already in operation, which was created as a result of the council of europe summit conference that took place a year ago in reykjavik, and this declaration also calls for the fact that any peace, any peaceful settlement, peace negotiations can be based only on the basis of zelensky's peace plan, which means, first of all,
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that russia should withdraw all troops outside the internationally established borders of ukraine. this is exactly what hungary did not like. the hungarian delegation left the premises. council of europe ahead of time and from minute to minute the leadership of the council of europe will go to a press conference where they will tell the details of what was actually officially approved today after the meeting studio, thank you for your work and information, i'll see you in the next, probably broadcast, it was tatiana vysotska from strasbourg about today's meeting of the committee of ministers of the council of europe. get to know better the history, culture, literature and religion of the jewish people. the opportunity is given by the project one thousand and one books from the completion of three decades, it was presented by the publishing house spirit and letter, the collection tells about the jewish heritage, which at the beginning of the 20th century was one of the leading literatures of the world, with additions from judaica, long ago by the publishing house
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can be found in the museum of books and printing of ukraine. today, when we are making this exhibition, which is dedicated to for more than 30 years of our activity, i can say that we have succeeded in something, today we will talk about the jewish woman, so i can say about more than 150 books on the subjects of jewish history and culture and the world and mostly on what happened in ukraine . we talk not only about tragedies, although we definitely talk about tragedies, we also talk about brilliant literature, art, and today... we at our event, we will present one of the key areas of activity of our publishing house, our work on judaica, in particular, we will talk about our future anthology of jewish stories, about the special issue of the yiddish issue of our
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yehupets almanac, and we will actually talk a little about the texts that will be presented within these new publications, in particular about the poetry that we recently translated from yedashu. and i ask all viewers to join the urgent collection. intelligence units need a reliable off-road vehicle to perform tasks on the front. our soldiers work in difficult conditions, there is no way without vehicles at the front. suvs transport personnel and ammunition, drones are launched from them. the required car has already been found and transported to ukraine, it is currently being repaired and equipped. it remains to buy it and transfer it to the front. our goal is uah 300,000. more than 60,000 were collected. every hryvnia counts, there are no small donations. will join this gathering to buy a car as soon as possible for those who protect you and me at the cost of their own lives. these are the cases for... this minute i tell you to see you already fr on the 15th, my
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colleagues marta oliarnyk and antin borkovskii will work on espresso. greetings to all viewers. press, the information day is in full swing, in the next few hours we will analyze with you the main events of today and not only today, so in general we will summarize this week, how it is happening and what it is actually about, so we understand that now the main attention is focused in the northern direction of kharkiv oblast, there is, by the way, a quote from putin, the russian dictator, about what he says about the alleged lack of plans to capture kharkiv today, at'. they don't have such plans, but we know that appetite comes during meals, so the russian
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dictator can say anything, but you have to understand that the situation is dynamic, it changes, and yesterday zelenskyy once again emphasized that we need two systems patriot, in order to cover kharkiv, so that putin did not somehow manage to get close to this city, and there is also information that the russians in the kharkiv region have expanded the combat zone by 70 km, let us know about this... the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi. now i will quote syrskyi. in connection with the complication of the situation in the east of ukraine, he works for several days in a row in the units that conduct combat operations in the kharkiv region. syrska. he says that the enemy concentrated its main efforts here in the direction of strelech liptsii and on the capture of vovchansk , followed by an exit to the white well and the deployment of an offensive in the rear of our troops, and for this purpose, the enemy created and significantly strengthened the operational-tactical grouping of soldiers, which were included. combat units of the sixth army, the 11th and 11th and 44th army
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corps, and according to sirskyi, the russians began the offensive much earlier than the planned time, when they noticed the transfer of ukrainian troops here, but they did not manage to break through our defenses, serskyi predicts heavy battles and says that the enemy is preparing for this, well, you and i should prepare to the fact that the situation at the front may escalate this month and the next, and so, while ukraine waits. states support packages, the enemy itself will take advantage of this opportunity and our task is to do everything possible in order to maximize to support our defense forces, and here i want to remind you again that our fundraiser for the evacuation and the transport of ammunition for the 93rd brigade cold yard continues, so please join us, we need to raise 4 million in order to purchase quad bikes , atvs are such, you know, the ability to move very inconspicuously and... actually, our soldiers need this reinforcement, so please, to
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the best of your ability, join our collection so that we can purchase as soon as possible these atvs, and we will gradually move on to the discussion on our air, now we are waiting for an opportunity to add to our air oleksandr leonov, executive director of the center for critical political research penta. mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine! glory to the hero, have a good day. good afternoon, let's talk about some of our personnel, let's say, issues of our government, because we understand that we are facing difficult times ahead and our government needs to be staffed, we have at least seven vacant positions in our cabinet, and certain the information appeared in the publication hb. therefore, it is predicted that oleksandr kamyshchin may become the new minister of infrastructure. in fact, he is currently dealing with the department of strategy and strategies, so he is currently
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dealing with an important area, but there are certain assumptions that the ministry of strategy and technology will become part of the infrastructure, and the functions of the ex-ministry of regional development will be transferred to the domain of the economy, six ministries still do not have heads, i.e. we understand that kubrakov can, in principle , be completely thrown out the door... although it was predicted that he might move to another position, but we see that the information coming in is rather different, how do you assess these personnel changes in general, and why... in your opinion, we still have so many unfilled vacant positions in our government? well, there are so many, it is simply unbelievable during the war, when there are so many vacancies, and here i can say that there can be only two reasons: the first is that there are no votes for the appointment of this or that candidate, and the second reason is that there are no people willing
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to go to this position, and there is also a question here. because it is obvious that the people who are proposed to them can put forward contradictory conditions regarding the independence of their politics, regarding their plans, regarding the reforms they plan to carry out, and here it may not coincide with the monomajority, and with the office of the president, and therefore it is obvious history has stalled, but you know, it's a bit confusing... these intentions to unify the ministry, to separate them, because in fact these are the processes, they are not easy even in peacetime, because for a certain time it leads to a certain management chaos, we do not we can afford it, and the point is that the ministry that separately deals
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with the military-industrial complex, it seems to me that for ukraine it should not only... be for the time of war, but also for the time after the war, since the development of its own military-industrial complex, well, strictly speaking, this is from which we will not get anywhere, and this is what sustainable peace in the future should be based on, in fact, this is the path of both south korea and israel, and this is also discussed in the security agreements that ukraine signed. with allies, and strictly speaking, it should not be a department, not a department in the city a large ministry, and a separate body that will deal with exactly this issue. and maybe, by the way, clarifying the question, i would like you to explain to our viewers what
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oleksandr kamyshchyn actually is, because before he was appointed to this ministry of technology, he was the head of ukrzaliznytsi. and ukrzaliznytsia under his rule actually developed quite actively, the right decisions were implemented, in my opinion, and now this person can lead one of such strategic departments, that is, whose person is he in general, if so, you know, talk about who the government brought him there and actually, whose interests he can represent there? well, it is obvious that now almost all ministers who are appointed are interviewed in the president's office, well... strictly speaking, they cannot help but represent the interests of the office, and as for mr. kamyshin, it really seems to me that he is more would look organically in the position of the minister of infrastructure, since you pointed out absolutely precisely that he came from railways, as a matter of fact, it is a big
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infrastructural tool. let's say this, critical infrastructure, without it ukraine would not be able to wage war effectively and so on, actually speaking, the railway is an important point, the issue of the military industry is not only a manager's issue, because a really cool manager is also needed in state institutions, state enterprises, and in ministries, but it is a very specific industry, and therefore it is important here to have... people who understand these issues, and therefore, well, strictly speaking, at least komyshyn, in the position of minister statekprom, he was not seen in any serious scandals or serious miscalculations, and therefore for now
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it is difficult to say something, you know, negative and about his reassignment, but once again i will repeat that it seems to me that... . which will be a big strategic mistake if the ministry dealing with our defense is liquidated and becomes part of another ministry. look, mr. alexander, i would like to ask you in general about the logic of those disturbances that befell our government, right? well, there was a couple of months ago they talked about the possible resignation of prime minister shmyhal, they talked about the strengthening of one or another, i don't know. understanding of the work of the government, antony blinkin, secretary of state of the united states, was arriving in kyiv now, yes, and he constantly tirelessly said general things, i emphasize, extremely emphasized. on this one about corruption, yes, but he did not elaborate, well , accordingly, speaking of shmygal's career, that is, shmygal stayed, or is it possible that
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he is being prepared for his exit? well, this question is very unfortunate, you know, there are different rumors, and it cannot be said that someone is absolutely, absolutely, let's say, protected from the possible. resignations, maybe there are several people who are very close to the president's office, but the issue is that really, i absolutely agree with you, there is no clear strategic line of thought, because even those mergers or, on the contrary , the separation of ministries, they are happening rather, you know, as a reflection on some events, and not some... real plan, because it seems to me that it would be logical at a certain stage if a decision was made: yes, here is ukraine enters into a long-term war, and therefore
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the transfer of the country to military rails, they should entail certain personnel and not only decisions, management decisions, managerial decisions, and that is why there should be a reboot of the government, and it also seems to me that the government ... should be reloaded all together, because the fact that so many vacancies are talking about desi, rather unhealthy things, i repeat that most likely there can only be two reasons: there are no votes for the appointment of this or that applicant, or there are simply no suitable candidates professional level that could occupy this position, and both of these questions, well, that's bad. and it is possible from this point of view to restart the government already with a specific team, the prime minister who will come in with a specific team, this will be just the way out of this, well, actually pathetic situation,
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mr. oleksandr, you said that maybe there are no willing people, who have a professional direction, who are competent to take this or that vacant position, but we understand that there are such people, but the question is that these people may not represent the political force that now i have a majority in the parliament, right? i mean now the opposition, the opposition has been saying for a long, long time that it is necessary to create this unity government, and they are ready to join this in order to save the country, right? well, we actually understand that there are certain people, there are professional people, but they are not allowed to those vacant positions that are currently in the government, so what do you think, will we come sooner or later to the moment when our government still well, we will have to let people from other political forces into the cabinet. but these people are really professionals and can help the country in such a situation hard time? you know, well, i'm rather a pessimist here, because if there was such a desire or intention,
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then it should have already happened, and it is possible that it will happen on the eve of the decision on mobilization, on the submission of that bill, because i really agree that the government of national unity should.. . to appear much earlier, and the question is that, you know, there is one important point here, because in society, as sociology shows, there is a lot of demand for some changes, including in the government, but there is another question that ukrainian society is united by the opinion that now under during the war it is impossible to hold elections, actually 2/3 of the ukrainian society is talking about this in various... and the only possibility to satisfy this request for changes is to reboot the government and create a government of professionals, a government
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of national unity, i think , it would be very well received by our allies, and it would return ukraine to, you know, the information space in europe and so on, from a positive point of view, and actually speaking, it would allow attracting those professionals. who really can't work in such a place now under limited conditions, that is, this government must come with a certain program and with certain intentions, and it is obvious that the approval of this program will be an additional impetus for the society to discuss the intention and see the strategy, that is , to see that the government has well, actually, the horizon of the vision, so that... there will be more, thank you, mr. oleksandr, oleksandr leonov, the executive director of the center for applied research of political research, penta, was in touch with us, what
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an extremely busy day, important people. news, in particular, from the general staff: the repulsed enemy attack in the staritsa area, our defenders are strengthening the defense in the border areas of kharkiv region, well , we will talk about this and other things a little later after a short break, see you in a couple of minutes. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed area. there is a solution, garden trimmers. kors unpack the tv and order in time for a special price of only uah 999. kors trimmers are compact, light and very powerful. mow the lawn in the most difficult to reach places near fence, along the path line, next to the sidewalk, curb, around trees, trim bushes and even branches, simple and easy. leave big heavy mowers in the past. choose kors trimmers, classic or with lawnmower function. light and comfortable, even women can use them, but just
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from now on, immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football. you can every monday at 22:00, professional analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, goals, emotions, a project for both experienced fans and just people who appreciate unbiased view of football, football format every monday at 22:00 on espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, with even more analytics. even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and tune in, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso.
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every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. a precious day. espresso tv channel. well, there are extremely many events, extremely strange, false signals from putin. so, now let's quote the russian dictator. he assures that the russian army has no intentions capture kharkiv. i quote literally, there are no dictator plans to take kharkiv in russia today. putin also noted that russia needs to understand who it can deal with.


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