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tv   [untitled]    May 17, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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the number of wounded in kharkiv due to the attack by mozkovites increased the mobilization of pokanevsky, why did all the deputies of the city council receive subpoenas and less russian propaganda, what resources did the council of europe close? the news editorial team has collected the main events of the day that is passing by, i am anaeva melnyk, my greetings. five people were injured in a russian missile attack on odesa. three of them are in the hospital, two more were treated on the spot, the head of the regional said.
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of the oleg kiper military administration in the odesa district , a large-scale fire broke out at the site of one of the missiles' impact, damaged civil infrastructure. the number of wounded as a result of the russian attack on kharkiv has increased to 19, among them four people are in serious condition, the age of the victims is from 20 to 60 years, two men from 45 years old died, reported the head of the regional military administration oleg senigubov. the enemy struck. two kabama strikes, in particular in the kholodnohirskyi district of the city at the places where the fire was hit. in the kharkiv region , the occupiers carried out airstrikes on the village of kupyansk-vuzlovy. a 74-year-old woman was injured resident this is reported by the kharkiv regional prosecutor's office. a medical facility, residential buildings, and commercial buildings were damaged. according to preliminary data, the enemy attacked the settlement with three aerial bombs, the prosecutors said. a pre-trial
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investigation has been launched into the violation of the laws and customs of war. some categories of prisoners can be mobilized into the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. president volodymyr zelenskyi signed the law. from now on, convicts will have the opportunity to be released on parole , but they must sign a contract for military service. however, according to the law, such an opportunity can be used only by those who have been convicted of minor crimes. a prisoner for intentional murder, rape, sexual violence and crimes against the foundations of national security, as well as corrupt officials will not be able to mobilize. he codes in the application for conscripts reserve plus will appear in june. the spokesman of the ministry of defense, dmytro lazutkin, announced this in an exclusive comment to the espresso tv channel. let me remind you, this code is an identification code. which registry protected
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is automatically assigned to a conscript, and when documents are checked by the employees of the shopping center or the police, it will be visible whether the person has updated his data, but for now it will be possible to get such information only at the shopping center? it will be possible to update this minimum data, but get a qr code, the corresponding one is not, but again the data will be considered updated, the main thing is that the person fulfills his duty according to the law, he was invited to get acquainted, he handed out summonses in kaniv in cherkasy at the session of the local council, representatives of the tsc handed the summonses to the deputies. previously in the city council received an order about the need for the deputies to appear to update the data, but they did not come, so the military commander himself came to the session and his subordinates handed out summonses, said the mayor of kanov ihor renkas. in the city council. 26
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deputies, none of them is currently serving in the armed forces. yes, you have to fight for your freedom. the pre-premiere screening of the film with that name took place in lviv. the tape is dedicated to the hero of ukraine from prykarpattia dmytro kotsyubail, the first volunteer who received such a title. as filmed a movie, our correspondents will tell. to that person who is worthy of the title of hero of ukraine. a tape about a modest young man who dreamed of being an artist, but became the youngest commander of an assault battalion. carpathian dmytro kotsyubailo, with the call sign davinshi, went to defend the country at the age of 18. prizhytevo received the high title of hero of ukraine. the fighter tragically died on march 7 , 2023 in the battles near bakhmut. in memory of dmitry's exploits. the creative team at... the sister of the teachers at the school,
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who were taught by his teachers from the lyceum building, where he studied to be an artist, in addition, they are comrades from the maidan days, who told exactly about the story, who he, well, who remembered him even when he was a 7-year-old boy at that time, are also comrades in arms , who fought for them both from the 14th year and already during the full-scale performance, the ex-commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, valery zaluzhny, was also involved in the creation of the film. the documentary tells what dmytro kotsyubailo was like in his childhood and youth, how he changed from the beginning of the revolution of dignity and why this commander was respected by his comrades, the film consists of interviews, photo memories and archival footage shot by davinshi himself, he had
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the honor of being acquainted with dmitry, we have known each other since the end of the 19th year, and when we were at the base in avdiivka, i once told him that dmytro was... someday i will make a blockbuster about you, he told me that he is photogenic and would not like a movie to be made about him, but i said that the movie will be , but i did not think and did not expect that the film would have exactly such an ending and exactly such structure in addition to lviv, pre-premiere screenings have already taken place in kyiv, mykolaiv, ivano-frankivsk, as well as in two cities in the united states of america. the creators of the film promise that the film will be released soon. yes, you have to fight for your freedom, it will be a mass release. kateryna oliynyk, vitaly kolekha, espresso tv channel. and the urgent gathering of the espresso tv channel to carry out tasks at the front continues. intelligence units need a reliable suv. our soldiers work in
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difficult conditions, there is no way without vehicles at the front. suvs transport personnel, ammunition, drones are launched from them. the necessary car has already been found and transported to ukraine, it is currently being repaired and... equipped, it remains to buy it and send it to the front. our goal is 300 uah. collected almost 66 thousand, there are no small donations, will join this collection to buy a car as soon as possible for those who protect us and you at the cost of their lives. the mouthpieces of the kremlin are closed. the council of the european union has decided to suspend broadcasting in the territory of the eu, four more media that spread and support russian propaganda and the war against ukraine. it's going about... such propagandistic media as voice of europe, ria novosti, izvestia and russian newspaper. this was reported in the press service of the council of the eu. they noted that these resources are under the constant control of the leadership of the russian federation and play an important role in supporting russia's war of aggression against ukraine.
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the european union allocated 50 million euros to support 150 ukrainian national and regional media. this was stated by the deputy head of the eu representation in ukraine, remi duflo , during the lviv media form. he added that thanks to ukrainian journalists, the world knows about russian crimes in ukraine, despite the fact that the lack of funds endangers the work of our media workers. at the same time , the representative of the international media support organization, gord khojayan, emphasized that european government officials are closely monitoring the observance of freedom of speech in ukraine and the pressure on the magazine.
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in order to shed light on what is happening in the country, that is why stories about how we are doing well do not work, it is necessary to tell that we are working, that we are finding cases of corruption, and that it helps ukraine, and then the support of the west will be much better. at this moment, the team told about the most important things, tomorrow will be a new day, other events, we will tell you about everything, and of course, about the main, important events, read on our website espresso tv, subscribe to our channels in social networks, be close and wait for the big broadcast vasyl winter,
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the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how our today will affect ours tomorrow, see saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback , you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22. on espresso. what
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to do when there will be a liver? alohol, and for bile what? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder. alohol, with care and respect for the liver and bile. good evening, from ukraine. greetings, dear viewers, this is a big ether on the espresso tv channel. today we will summarize the results of this friday. in part, it is usual to sum up the results of friday and in general this week of information today, the military results of the week and the economic results of the week, a lot of important and interesting information, unfortunately, the enemy again struck a powerful blow in kharkov, in odesa, what i read, i see, in kharkov, in kharkiv oblast there is injured and killed, unfortunately, as a result of the war, new details about what happened during the enemy invasion of kharkiv oblast, which took place on the 10th, the 10th. well, plus the destroyed enemy military airport in belbek, the details of this
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story, about which little is said, but it happened. well, actually , serhii sgurets, director of the defense express agency and presenter of the military summaries of the day column, will also say about this. sergey, congratulations, please tell me. i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today in our final weekly column we let's talk about combat operations at the front in military assessments. military and political leaders of ukraine, about a mass drone attack on russia on bases in the occupied crimea and about unexpected clashes among enemy arms manufacturers, these are new trends. worth noting, more on that in a moment. so, when we talk about the state of affairs at the front, it remains extremely difficult, because the enemy maintains an advantage in the number of manpower and equipment, and tries with all his might
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to take advantage of the opportunities created by our delay in increasing mobilization, yes... with a long pause in the supply of primarily american weapons. at this time, russian troops are most active in the pokrovsky and kurakhiv directions, this is the main direction of the russian attack, but in order to expand the front and, as a consequence, to stretch our forces and reserves, the enemy began offensive operations in the north of the kharkiv region, which is still in the center, from may 10 our attention this week. and today the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi said that the russian troops actually expanded the zone of active operations by almost 70 km in kha in the kharkiv region, thus trying to force the ukrainian side to use additional brigades from the reserve. syrskyi says that the main efforts
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of the enemy in the kharkiv section were concentrated in the direction of strelech liptsi. and on the capture of vovchansk with the subsequent exit to the white well and with the deployment of the offensive, the core of our troops. actually, it seems to me that this has to do with the grouping that is currently holding the buying direction. and under such circumstances, as syrskyi says, we must prevent further developments the advance of enemy forces, and the ukrainian army must use its advantage in strike drones and means as efficiently as possible. and effective artillery fire, syrskyi wrote today in his social network, also the day before yesterday there were assessments of the frontline situation and from the supreme commander at the press conference volodymyr zelenskyi said that the defense forces have stabilized the russians, where they
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are now, and at the deepest point of their advance is about 10 km, and zelensky... said that very powerful brigades of the armed forces are currently operating in kharkiv oblast, several directions were reinforced by battalions, and this is what i told zelenskyi, which could be taken from the reserve and from other directions. also, zelenskyi said several important and interesting things regarding his perception, certain fragments of important events on the front line, in particular, he mentioned fortifications, he said that... the enemy did not reach the concrete defense line, and that someone says this, it's a maichnya, but as far as i'm concerned, this all does not remove the questions regarding engineering training for defense in vovchansk itself and regarding the preparation of separate lines of defense or positions north of kharkiv. zelenskyi also mentioned that the enemy was able
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to break through the defenses in the kharkiv region due to, including the lack of anti-aircraft defenses. defense, because enemy aircraft use cabs as long-range weapons, and without the protection of kharkiv it is quite difficult to fight this, without a reliable air defense system. we will remind that zelenskyi said during the meeting with antony blinken that at least two patriot batteries are needed to protect kharkiv. we understand that the patriot has a range to fight aircraft somewhere above 150 km, and he could really have an effect on protecting ha from enemy planes, and zelensky also said that for the first time in two years, in two years of the war, none of the brigades complains about the lack of artillery, and this has been happening for the past two months, the trend is generally positive, even if it still started just now, and not two months
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ago, it means that ammunition has really started to arrive to the armed forces, i will remind you that we need for a year.. . at least 2 million large-caliber projectiles, somewhere in the range of 200 thousand in order to to ensure at least some stabilization on the front line, although in some areas our military says that the enemy has an advantage in artillery there of one to the border areas there in the kursk, bilhorod or bryansk regions in... the enemy does not have a numerical advantage, but we know that the enemy has such a short logistical arm, when he can pull manpower to our border and use, and... artillery and aviation, which is located in the depths in order to strike our land almost without changing its location, and of course
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the question arises that the restrictions on the use of western weapons for strikes deep into the territory of russia, they significantly limit our, indeed , opportunities to resist the actions of the enemy, and zelenskyi said that there should not be any ban, because this is not about the offensive of ukraine. army with the use of western weapons, and about our defense, but today the same pentagon in comments from the spokeswoman of the pentagon said that the position of the pentagon it remains the same that the equipment and weapons that the united states provides to ukraine should be used to regain ukrainian sovereign territory, that's true, but... it said that we believe that it should be applied within ukrainian territory , that is, in fact , it can now be argued that the situation is similar to
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when a thief shoots at you with a gun over there through the fence or through some crack in the fence over there at your house or at you, and you cannot actually do the same to him from a foreign gun, and you can only hope for your own. weapons, so with regard to our own weapons, today there was a lot of interesting things on russian territory and in crimea, where our drones struck objects, enemy objects and objects that the enemy receives on our territory , and now we will try to sum up what happened during that night, now we are joined by a military expert from our information and consulting company defense express, ivan kirchevskyi. mr. ivan, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear from you live broadcast of the channel. good evening,
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mutual. today there was a rather unique situation regarding the number of use of strike and air and sea drones against enemy targets. i would like you to sum up the interim results of this strike company, which... goals, results were set, what was achieved? well, on the one hand, what we saw tonight looks like a somehow logical continuation of the campaign of attacks on russian refineries, when, let's say, when there was, well, an attack, including on the npzvtu, which was already there were repeated strikes, coming out in this way, our drones simply knocked out this factory completely, but on the other hand , today's attack, it showed that it is possible that we... now we can so cautiously, optimistically assume that at least for a short period of time , but according to the rate of use of long-range kamikaze drones, or perhaps even according to the rate of production,
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ukraine at least got a peretet with the russians, because from those materials that are circulating, we can start by taking the statement of the ministry of defense of the russian federation, which from our side was 102 drones were used, there is a video or a clip that showed that he just stood there, filmed and filmed 80 of our drones, which... flew like this, give me this , in a jamb at the same object, plus there is such a specific story that perhaps there is a reason to believe that even the drone, well, the ferocious managed to be simplified to the fullest extent in order to make its production more large-scale, because what we see today in the footage is similar to the ferocious drone, but it looks like something a scaled-down version of this drone, from which e.g they removed the chassis and reduced the dimensions in order to make it cheaper, because as far as we can remember, it was officially ... the stated figure that until february the basic configuration costs 200 dollars, well, it is a little more than the russian shohed, so there was a lot to work to reduce its cost,
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so the interim results look like this, as a result of the current attacks on the russian oil refining infrastructure there, on the oil transshipment infrastructure, as was the case today in novorossiysk, we are not only there we will continue to plant opportunities that replenish the budget there, including on the military-industrial background. but according to our own successes in the military-industrial complex, when at least for a short period of time, even if it is a conditional two or three weeks, that we at least have some parity in the use of long-range drones for strategic strikes? well, these are optimistic results, questions about the transformation of the february design, i think that it still needs some, let's say, additional information, because really we all they visually said that it was february, then we had an internal discussion that it was not quite like... and now you have made intermediate conclusions that the structure there was probably refined, but we will see in the subsequent strikes on russian objects how
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february has transformed, but it's time. the defense express agency made several materials there today, which relate to the reflection or assessment of one of the interviews of a russian official who is responsible for the rostec corporation, which supplies 80% of the weapons to the russian army, this is sergey chemizov, and in fact, what surprised me is that this is not the first time that russian officials of this level start fighting about certain finances. there are restrictions related to the manufacture of weapons in the russian federation. i would like you to tell our viewers in more detail what exactly is happening in russia now with the production of weapons, what risks exist and whether there is actually any friction starting there, perhaps friction between the new minister of defense and there and the old guard who sat on these weapons streams? how revealing was this interview of this chemizov, who is kristyekha, because it turns out
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this is top-'. manager of such and such a russian such and such an important level, he was the first to speak about the fact that the russian federation has now found itself like the soviet union in terms of the economy, they do not sell their collapse, well, that is, not only that the costs there have begun to this day , the costs of modern russia have begun to reach the level of the costs of the soviet of the union during the war in afghanistan, and the economy collapses due to frantic spending on the war there also reaches the corresponding level, just as in 1986 there was such a remittance there. but still at the same time a certain paradoxical person who wrote chemmizov, that not only has the kremlin incurred high costs for the war, and this threatens it with the collapse of the economy, it turns out that the kremlin at the same time risks the collapse of its own military-industrial complex, no more, no less, collapse, why can this situation be called so , because on the one hand a lot of money seems to go to armaments, but on the other hand it goes directly to the ministry of defense of the russian federation, and the military-industrial complex, well , there is almost nothing left of the enterprises on the ground, and there chemizov describes the situation
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that... was would be a desirable situation when on the contracts there would set a rate of profitability of at least 5-10%, while the ministry of defense of the russian federation sets an average of 2.8%, and even more paradoxical is the situation that if suddenly the company manages to save money on the production of weapons, that is, to be more efficient, for the same there are funds to make more weapons for the war against ukraine, then the ministry of defense of the russian federation did not stimulate this practice by leaving money on the ground, but took it all for... back, and it turns out that at least, well, chimizov is actually subordinate, well, subordinate to belarus it appears that at least this one is needed to correct the situation, but, well, there was also such an interesting perspective described there, and it looked like that it turns out that the russian military-industrial complex, even if it is suddenly put in order so that it does not fall apart, it simply cannot work for 10 years warehouse, that is, what the russians accumulated there and burned in the war against ukraine
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in two years. the russian military-industrial complex will need at least 10 years, if only certain stabilization measures are taken. well, probably, there is another bonus, the fact that we all have it it will be, let's say, nice in this case. cimizo admitted that, in fact, after 2030 , the russian aviation industry will in principle not be able to ensure the functioning of civil aviation, because even smuggling spare parts for western aircraft is not enough, and the production of its own analog vannets, well, only for civil aviation, which they talked about there, for example, 214, which is assembled at the same plant as the 160 and tu-22m3 strategic bombers, well, there is a plan for until 2030, that is somewhere up to 70 aircraft, in fact only 11 have been confirmed order, the russians need 500 civilian aircraft, that is, we can record that now there are certain signals in russia that their military-industrial complex is on the verge of a certain collapse, and moreover, this is a call,
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let's say, to solve this problem, i i understand... and at the head of the military, because otherwise they will not be able to function, and are there any risks that they will actually start to solve these problems if they started talking about them publicly, because during shoigu's time, in general, about it didn't mention the oboronka worked, shoigov shoigo drove, showed various samples of equipment there, everything was fine there, he told me that you are increasing the range by... are there any risks that they will still start to solve these problems, or after all, well, we hope so , that it will not work for them? well , let's say it's 50/50 here, that there is such a golden mean here that, given the background of belous himself, it's doubtful that he will start to solve it, but taking into account the plus of the fact that he is like him, his management style is rzhed, well, he's still apart from everything else, the head is there of the supervisory board, well, it will all turn out that...


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