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tv   [untitled]    May 17, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EEST

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the ruling party, led by the same white person, as well as the military, because otherwise they will not be able to function, and are there any risks that in fact they will really start to solve these problems if they started talking about them publicly, because during the days of shoigu did not mention it at all, the defense plant was working, shoigu, shoigu drove, showed various models of equipment there, everything was fine there, tell me you are increasing the range by another 300 km, are there any risks that they will still... begin to solve these problems, anyway, well hope that they will not succeed? well, let's say it's 50 for 50 here, that there is such a golden mean that, taking into account the background of bilousov himself, that he will start to solve it, but taking into account the plus of what he is like, his management style, verzhed, well, he in addition to everything else, the head of the supervisory board there, well, it will all turn into the fact that give us even more money only for the guidance of the vladiyuski industrial complex, because... it turns out that on the one hand,
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it will give them some efficiency there and accordingly , it will also give them certain weapons for the war against ukraine, but to directly bring order to the indicators they want, well, it will hardly work, because , again, they are not going to do it at the expense of minimizing funds, they are also going to just to look somewhere else for income, it is not for nothing that bilousov already talked about the mobilization of russian society at the level of the 1930s, as we recall, there was no military danger there, but there were various forms of such paramilitary involvement and when people there they just assumed something there, well, the plan in terms of arming the red army, maybe it will look like this. mr. ivan, thank you for your evaluations and your comments. let me remind you that it was ivan kirchevskyi, an expert of the information and consulting company defense express. i would like to add that, in fact, now russians are really waiting for the transformation of the work of the ministry of defense and defense-industrial.
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complex, this should be followed, because on the one hand, one can optimistically assess that the enemies will not succeed, but still it is necessary assess the risks that if the defense industry suddenly starts to work more efficiently, then this creates additional risks for us, although we understand that now the russian defense industry is primarily dependent to a large extent on chinese machines, on chinese components, on chinese electronics, and that is exactly why vladimir putin was in china and i think that... these points were also discussed, and china is now trying to take such a peculiar position regarding the attitude to russia's war against ukraine, these are also challenges that also exist in our reality, it should also be taken into account. these are today's main military results of the day and week, and more international and economic news later on vasyl zyima's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. i thank serhii zghorets,
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i thank his guest for an interesting and detailed story about the situation and for the day, this modern day and for this week regarding the front, and now i will ask you to help those who are at the front, to help our soldiers, to support them in what they worth buying, but it requires money, so. please join the collection for repairs of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsk and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone, in the open air in any weather day and night, because in war there are no weekends, no breaks, no, so to speak, coffee breaks, especially since equipment can constantly or somewhere break, or be damaged by the enemy, or have more serious damage, and it is necessary to... repair it,
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prepare it, very often where it has suffered these damages, so that the equipment can continue to work, and that is why repair teams need to be able to urgently restore and return this equipment to the battlefield, damaged, it is understood, we are talking about large equipment, these are tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, and our military needs a minibus, to deliver mobile repair groups to the combat zone and also about... what they will work on and in addition, we are also collecting pneumatic-hydraulic jacks for the prompt repair of foreign equipment, which , fortunately, is also not lacking at the front, i would like of course, we have more of all these tigers, panthers and other 77s, rockets, howitzers, all that, challengers and these armored personnel carriers. which
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we receive from our partners, but even what we have needs to be repaired, uah 630,000, this is the need, we will now see with you how much we have already been able to collect, it is not only during the big time. we are also sorting it out , my colleagues join in during the day and in the morning and in the evening we collect uah 256,120, this is the amount currently in this bank, which is uah 256,120, this is the amount currently in that jar that should be filled to the brim, i believe we can do it, not saying we 'll do it today, although maybe we 'll do it today, i don't know, but i know for sure that you... donate always and the amount you can donate, or it's not even a donation, investing in our safety, in your safety, in the safety of your city, your village, your home, this is also an investment in our army, you always do, i
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know for sure that you always do it, both for ours and for our viewers who will be able to join and contribute, it became more, i ask you to support us first of all on social networks, that is, read us, like, first of all like, like, then like, share, comment on us on facebook, on the x network, this is the former twitter, in instagram, also in telegram there is a very interesting channel, an information channel of a tv channel, because you know, now there are many very telegram channels that hype, that want to attract attention, that give some kind of information, you read, well, journalist, i understand, you will read what you want immediately subscribe, and then you understand that it is, well , even if i understand that it is a lie, or that it is just that i want to replace you, telegram channel espresso, and on youtube, too, of course, on youtube, subscribe, like, comment and you will definitely see and know more, well
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, now we will talk about the situation in odessa and odesa region, we were waiting for kharkiv, we believe kharkiv will join a little later, there are dead and wounded as a result of the enemy's... attack on kharkiv, well and now, now odesa is in touch with us serhii brachuk, the spokesperson of the ukrainian volunteer army south, mr. serhiy, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the armed forces, congratulations, glory to the heroes, the occupiers struck odesa from the sky again, i would like you to tell about this attack as well, from what can be said and about the consequences of the enemy attack for the city, first of all for the inhabitants of the city, please. just another enemy attack is underway, explosions are heard again, combat work is underway, including air defense equipment, in fact, as it was during previous events, at first, the enemy attacked odessa and the odesa district with ballistic missiles the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea,
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explosions rang out at the point of impact, it was a civilian infrastructure, there is currently a very strong fire, the rescue operation continues, for the moment we can say that five people suffered from... three citizens were given appropriate medical assistance in the appropriate medical facility, two more people received help on the spot, and they did not need treatment, and then after that ballistics, the enemy tried to attack the odesa region from the sides of tactical aircraft, what could it be, what exactly were the consequences that second attack in a row, so far the military has not disclosed it, perhaps i assume that it... could have been traditional, traditional of course, i put it in quotes unfortunately, it is an kh-59 or kh-69 missile, in fact, the examination will be done very quickly from the fragments of these missiles, it is likely that they were destroyed by our air defense means, these are two attacks, and
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actually now i will say once again that another attack has just begun, this is already the third attack in a row, and from what the enemy is attacking, and i think what... ballistics, well, preliminary information at least on this is what the enemy uses precisely from ballistics, here, too, it can be assumed with high probability that these are iskander missiles, again from the territory of temporarily occupied crimea, which once again leads to the corresponding train of thought, that there is still a lot of work for the defense forces precisely in crimea and precisely on those means of enemy air defense that are currently working. first of all, i am talking about the s-400 and s-300 complexes, which operate in the ground-to-ground mode and attack, for example, odesa and the odesa district very often. well, here too it is important to understand, you know, the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi said earlier that two patriots are needed to prevent the enemy
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from capturing kharkiv. well, of course, the president speaks as he understands it, there are nuances there, but in order to cover the sky and at least be safe from these planes that launch cabs or something else. er - means of destruction, obviously, this would be important, odessa is also under constant fire, and the enemy launches missiles, as you have already said, and also obviously uses longer -range aviation. and here, i think, the story that takes place in crimea, but serhiy zgorets talked about it in our country, about strikes on enemy airfields, and i am interested in your opinion and understanding of the situation, whether these strikes on enemy airfields in crimea really continue, first of all, i think that there is not only an airfield we will be talking about launchers, surface-to-air missile systems that are also used there, and how effective it can be if we have enough long-range means to destroy enemy launchers or enemy aircraft in the occupied territory crimea or
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can it really ease the pressure on odesa? i think so, how significant, i would not like to say now, not only because these can only be assumptions, now we will look at the results of the work of the defense forces, which are known to us today and will be sure to be in the near future, again- still uh... of course, if the enemy 's planes are destroyed, it's good for us, how critical is it for the enemy today, if we're talking about tactical aviation, at least not yet critical, but here it's important, as they say, nuance, if we speak about the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, you can see that our defense forces strike primarily at the infrastructure, that is, at the military airfields, and here it is clear, the logic is very simple, if there is no... infrastructure, if there is no place to serve, from where take off and then
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return to the place of departure, enemy aircraft, it will be moved from the territory of temporarily occupied crimea, that is, look for new not just routes, but new sites from which to attack, that is, at least the flight time increases, and in any in this case, the infrastructure is destroyed , including the planes, that is why the infrastructure... the air defense infrastructure of air defense systems , as well as the destruction of radar and radio engineering facilities on the territory of crimea, these are the eyes and ears, including tactical aviation and not only tactical of aviation, of course, this is in the future, it will not happen, unfortunately, today or tomorrow, even the day after tomorrow, it can certainly help us to reduce these strikes on odesa, on the odesa district, most often the enemy... these locations, well and of course by the south of our state, this work is difficult, but
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you see, it is quite effective, because the gains in this, in my opinion, are small, so let's hope for the continuation of this combat work, but i understand that we should talk more now about the topic, well, the military one, but i can't help but ask about the humanitarian situation, now in fact throughout the territory of ukraine from... but it's just not according to the schedule, everyone understands that, and we understand that this is not the story that appeared suddenly, we saw what the enemy was doing with thermal power plants, with generating stations, so obviously this story is clear, but how is it in odesa, or emergency shutdowns, how long do they last, just to understand how the city lives now in this aspect, in what mode? well, first of all , the situation is under control, i mean, first of all, that which is fully functioning,
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i emphasize, this is a critical infrastructure, because there is of course the experience of previous years, you see, as we are already saying of the previous war years, there are appropriate alternative sources energy, this is for critical infrastructure, namely emergency shutdowns, we are talking about them let's say, it can even be several hours in different locations... that is, it depends on what is on one or another line, for example, with household subscribers, of course, the situation is not quite simple, everyone understands this perfectly, and everyone odessans, in fact, all odessans go through this, that is why they survived the blackouts that we already had in the first year, he is not sure that the situation is now, in my opinion, i will not say something rude now, that the situation is... much more serious , than it was before, because now the enemy really violated a lot
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many generations, so i hope we will come out of this situation with dignity, it is difficult, but there is a critical infrastructure, i emphasize this, it is fully controlled, as regards the provision of the city, district, region, everything is functioning, fully provided, there are no problems , well , actually, let's look even at such a marker as the functioning of public transport, it functions in odesa, well , of course until curfew, well, but during the day they can be disconnected, i say once again, and for several hours, including it. including emergency shutdowns, as a rule, without warning. i will now invite our viewers to look at the map of air alarms. actually, odesa is marked in red, as are a number of other regions, mykolayiv, kherson, kirovohrad, dnipropetrovsk, donetsk, zaporizhia, and occupied crimea, as well as luhansk and kharkiv are also
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traditional, there is constant alarm because the enemy is shelling from stvolnaya artillery and ... with kabam, he throws oblasts, well, in fact , active people go there now, well, not only there active hostilities, but we understand what we are talking about now, that is why in odesa region they are also writing about the launches, and i hope that our dear guest serhiy bratchuk is in a safe place, i am mr. serhiy, i would like to ask one more important thing the question, tomorrow comes into force, comes into force, i don't like this word, this tracing is russian, the law on mobilization comes into force, actually. what are the expectations regarding how it will be implemented in odesa, odesa region, we understand that many people will come, accept people, select those who may already be deployed for training and then the troops, and wouldn't that trigger how ready according to your information, again, this structure, like territorial manning centers in order to let a certain large
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number of people through themselves, many of whom may never and were not at all, were not on the register, nor did they pass the lc, please. well, first of all , the law must be implemented, this is the most important thing that we have to talk about today, the centers for the provision of administrative services will also be involved in this case, accordingly, what and how will it be happen, there is not much time left to make sure what the situation will be, so i will be happy to inform you about it in the next inclusion, it will be possible already tomorrow, but... we will contemplate and as they say in practice will be checked, including, for example, our volunteers, who as part of mobile fire groups today perform combat tasks of protecting the odesa sky from enemy fighters , for example, of course they will all do it. i conclude, thank you very much, take care, serhii bratchuk, the spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south
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about the situation in odessa and odesa region, now we will talk about kharkiv region, which today again... came under enemy strikes and yes, and we are in touch with oleg abramychev, he is a deputy kharkiv city council, mr. olezh, i congratulate you, good evening, and i understand that it is not possible to talk about good things today, but in any case, let's go, and we have a little time, not even that short, but an enemy attack today they write about the dead and injured, what is known as of... now regarding the consequences of the enemy attack on kharkov, unfortunately, two people were killed, more than 20 wounded, two more people were pulled out from under the rubble, but for the moment this is the situation, well, i hope that it will remain, so that there will be no more dead and wounded, that is, the enemy is again hitting
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the building, as far as i understand, residential. yes, yes, well, as usual, he constantly hits the residential area, or the areas where the enterprises are located, under the guise of the fact that the military is there, although the military is not there in any case, and the military is now are on the borders, in advanced positions where the enemy is held back, this is livtsi, this is vovchansk in that direction, and, well, you know, i would like to ask you from what you know, here... first of all, more about the military component the situation regarding deterrence somewhere there and conducting counteroffensive actions, but most importantly the deterrence of the enemy attack on kharkiv oblast, which began globally on may 10, 10, and what is known as of now, again, without going into any details and nuances, which are obviously possible and you don't need to know, because the situation is quite mobile again, but we
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we understand that perfectly, tell us more, please? well, considering the fact that the enemy has amassed really large forces, they are pressing, they are trying to push through, and if our military brigades and units were to restrain the enemy, it would be really difficult, well , it is not that simple, but we are holding the enemy, he is not enters, and he suffers heavy losses, i hope that precisely because the enemy will suffer heavy losses, we will hold kharkiv and everything and the enemy will simply withdraw, although, i will say, it doesn’t matter that he withdraws , this will also say that we will have a peaceful life, right? of evacuation, i know that not only kharkiv region, those settlements that are far from this line, the new front line that appeared
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literally a week ago, and not only in kharkiv region, but in other regions of ukraine, i know for sure that on poltava oblast, they accept people who manage to evacuate from those settlements where hostilities are already ongoing , or from those settlements to which they are approaching, here is this wave of hostilities, how much... to cope with it, because you know, they tell stories about , that some people take risks, and often sacrifice their lives, in order to to evacuate people, someone is also trying to make money from this, unfortunately, there are such people, and somewhere the armed forces are involved with good will, and how difficult is the situation, what is the need for evacuation, and how many people are under real threat today threat, how difficult it is to take them out, well, to place them, then the second question, the main thing is to at least save people, please, that's a really big problem... a particularly big problem is where to take people out, because people don't want to go far , they try to leave the active part shelling, and staying somewhere close
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to your home, ah, a really big problem is that people were warned to evacuate in advance, they didn't listen, so it's a little difficult now, because there is a large volume of people, firstly, secondly , shelling, uh... this also greatly complicates the display, but as always, ukrainians show themselves heroically, this is volunteer missions, this is the state emergency service, and the ministry of internal affairs, ah, somewhere the military also helps, but in the military , well, now a little more from time to time they still engage in combat operations, and therefore a lot i am grateful to all the regions of ukraine that accept our people, because they rightly said that everyone... to poltava, some even go further, and even from kharkiv people are also trying to find some kind of housing, somewhere away from the place in order to, well everyone who understands that if
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the hostilities were to continue and in order not to interfere with the military simply doing what they have to do, i thank you very much that despite such difficult conditions and poor communication, you still came with us to this communication, oleg abramychev, deputy of the kharkiv city council council, we will continue to talk about... kharkivchyn, you see how many interesting and new things you will learn, but after that, of course, now you need to rescue people, and these words of mr. oleg about the fact that many people were warned, but they did not leave , it is difficult to say here, well , it is not about whether there are guilty or not guilty, forced removal, forced evacuation, we have been talking about this for the third year of this war, and it is clear that the will of a person is free in a democratic state, people remain, then many have to save these people, risking and sometimes sacrificing his life. now i will once again voice the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, specific units that have turned to us with
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a request, and we ask you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsk and zaporizhzhia directions, the repair and restoration regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone in the open sky in any weather day and night, because help is needed already and now, so for emergency recovery. and returning the damaged military to the battlefield equipment, in particular tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, we need a minibus that will deliver to the combat zone, mobile, repair teams and equipment, as well as pneumohydraulic jacks for the prompt repair of foreign equipment, our goal is uah 630,000. we must understand that this equipment, which needs repair somewhere near the battlefield, or in the gray zone, is equipment that will definitely save people's lives, but our tank works, when our bmp works, when there is our... which can to transfer the infantry and, well, or some landing group there, that is significant it is better than people moving in a clean field, or not having the same tank cover, that is why it is necessary to repair it now, and that
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is why it is necessary for these groups to arrive and repair it, and again and again say, so to speak, our barrels are metal , and now the story will come to your attention, yes, we have to fight for our freedom, until the premiere... the screening of the film with this name took place in lviv, the film is dedicated to the hero of ukraine from prykarpattia, dmytro kotsyubail. our correspondents will tell you how the movie was shot. let's see this is really a person who is worthy of the title hero of ukraine. a tape about a modest young man who dreamed of being an artist, but became the youngest commander of an assault battalion. dmytro kotsyubaylo from prykarpattia, with the call sign davinshi, went to defend the country at the age of 18. in his lifetime he received the high title of hero of ukraine. the fighter died tragically on march 7 , 2023 in the fighting near bakhmut. in memory
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of dmitry's exploits. creative team. led by director volodymyr sydyk, created a documentary film. filming lasted only two months. in this film, the story of da vinci his relatives, mother, sister, teachers at school, who taught him from the construction lyceum, where he studied to be an artist, told him. in addition, there are brothers from the days of the maidan, who told exactly about the story, who he, well, who remembered him even when he was a 17-year-old boy at that time. there are also comrades-in-arms who fought for them both from the 14th year and already during a full-scale performance. the former commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, valery zaluzhny, was also involved in the creation of the film. documentary film tells what dmytro kotsyubayev was like in his childhood and youth, how he changed since the beginning of the revolution of dignity and why this commander was respected by his comrades. the film consists of interviews, photo memories and archival footage shot by davinsi himself. had
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the honor of being acquainted with dmytro, we have known each other since the end of the 19th year, and when we were at his base in avdiivka, i once told him that dmytro, i will definitely make a blockbuster about you someday, he told me that he was photogenic and didn't want a movie to be made about him, but i said that there would be a movie, but i did not think and did not expect that the film would have exactly such an ending and... exactly such a structure. in addition to lviv, pre-premiere screenings have already taken place in kyiv, mykolaiv, ivano-frankivsk, as well as in two cities in the united states of america. the creators of the film promise that the da vinci film will be released soon. you have to fight for your freedom, it will be widely distributed. kateryna oliynyk, vitaly kolekha, espresso tv channel. a truly legendary person, who will enter the pantheon, has already entered the pantheon of ukrainian heroes, and grew up following his example.
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new generations of ukrainians who really they will understand that they have to fight for their freedom, that is why the eternal memory of the lieutenant, battalion commander of the devinci heroes of ukraine, dmytro kotsyubail. and how many more such unknown heroes we will learn about them, we will see, and how many of them are now holding the front, making it possible, well, in particular, our work here in kyiv, and that is why we are trying to respond to this work and this quality... they write in, now we 'll get to the news, but i'm here, i'm asking you, by the way, like, share, comment, comment on us on youtube, it's important that we could resist enemy information, enemy information, enemy information influence, it is clear that the enemy spares no resources, nothing in order to, in order to, to spread their narratives, so like us on youtube, search for us,
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comment, and so on. .. our viewers are writing , now i am watching, olga rodikova is writing about odessa, about the fact that odessa is very loud, odessa is currently under shelling, very loud and scary, in fact, when we talked with serhiy bratchuk, then there was information, he also said that it was exploding, there was information that that again the movement of ballistic missiles, obviously you know there, which we will learn in the direction of odesa, from the temporarily occupied crimea, the enemy is trying to respond and take revenge on... civilians, due to the fact that there they suffered a terrible, terrible blow on the airfields in the occupied crimea and on their radar systems, and there for what reason, and also novorossiysk, there is an oil refinery, then an opse, it was also burning, exploding, a very bright video, and now he is again, this crazy bloody tyrant is trying to take revenge by attacking innocents, well, literally in a moment about the most important news
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i will tell you good evening, we are from ukraine. therefore, the number of victims in kharkiv increased to 25. two more men aged 45 were killed, the city's mayor ihor terekhov said, the enemy struck twice with kababs. in particular, in the kholodnohirsky district of the city, fires were recorded at the places of hits. and operative. the situation at the front is the hottest in the pokrovsky and kurakhiv directions, where our soldiers repelled almost three dozen enemy assaults, the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine reports. in the kharkiv region the invaders used aviation, fought near the pumpkin patch and the white well. our troops are strengthening defense in the border areas of kharkiv region. in the kupyansk direction, the enemy did.


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