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tv   [untitled]    May 17, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EEST

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is trying to take revenge by attacking the innocent, well , in just a moment i will tell you about the most important news: good evening, we are from ukraine, so the number of victims in kharkiv has increased to 25, two more men from the age of 45 have died, said the mayor of the city ihor terikhov, the enemy hit two kabama hits, in particular in the kholodnohirsky district of the city, at the places of hits... fires were recorded. and the operational situation at the front is the hottest in the pokrovsky and kurakhiv directions. there , our soldiers repelled almost three dozen enemy soldiers stormed this is reported by the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. in the kharkiv region , the invaders used aviation and struck near a pumpkin patch and a white well. our troops are strengthening defense in the border areas of kharkiv region. the enemy is in the kupyan direction. in
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five attempts to attack the positions, the armed forces were strongly repulsed. the occupiers stormed the left bank of the dnieper near krynkiv as a bridgehead , says the military report. russia now allegedly has no plans to capture kharkiv. the only question here is whether there are any plans there are no opportunities, but russian dictator vladimir putin stated this during his visit to china, at the same time. he cynically commented that the russians were forced to create a so-called sanitary zone because of the shelling of belgrade. at the same time , estonian intelligence said that the actions of the occupiers indicate the intention to gain a foothold in the vovchansk region and build a defense line. for this, russian troops attacked and destroyed important bridges and overpasses. but it is to come to china and sit and tell that now we are...
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representatives of a country that does not participate in this war, which does not support this war, china, at least in its rhetoric, it condemns, says that it is necessary, and you say, well, we will not take kharkiv until now, some categories of prisoners can be mobilized into the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine , and the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, signed the law, from now on , convicts will have the opportunity to be released on parole, but must be signed. contract for military service, however, according to the law, only those who will be able to use this opportunity or this right convicted under light articles, while imprisoned for intentional murder, rape, sexual violence and crimes against the foundations of national security, as well as corrupt officials will not be able to mobilize. centers for the provision of administrative services. and the recruit
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plus application will significantly relieve the burden on territorial recruitment centers and joint ventures. dmytro lazudin, spokesman for the ministry of defense of ukraine, believes so. according to him, the fastest way to update the data will be the application of military recruit plus. at the same time , the representative of the department noted that it should be foreseen excitement among people and queues is still impossible, however, there are still 60 days to update the data. to predict the influx of people, actually, well , it's very difficult, because, well, for many reasons, for many reasons, but let's not forget that 60 days is quite a long time, there is no need or legal requirement to do it this weekend, right , that is, people have time, and as for me, well, you can download reserve plus at any time and
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accordingly register there and clarify your personal data, on the other hand, if, for example, resource of the league, or a person does not have time, or a heavy load, at the same time, if you have not updated the data or are not registered, you must pay a fine from uah 17 to 25,000, and if you fall into the hands of people who they have to check it and you didn't renew because there are only 60 days left, but already tomorrow you paid the fine. well, that is, the question here is that there are always opportunities and risks, and it seems that everything should work like this, but on the other hand, the law has entered into force, the clock has ticked, as they say, and you already fall under the effect of this law, if you didn't update or even if you didn't register, you have to pay a fine, no one cares if you updated in the reserve or did you update, will this reserve work or not, is it overloaded or not overloaded, is it down or not? became, well
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, that’s why you should of course try to do it as soon as possible, because the first fine is 17 thousand and so on, on, on, on, well, there are, there are, there are separate issues, so from tomorrow the mobile... application reserve plus for military service will work connected, this was reported in the ministry of defense. the application will appear qr code, which is the key to the status of conscript. at the same time, referrals to the vlk can be issued only later if necessary. and with the help of the application, you can update your credentials and read about yourself in the oberig registry. after installing the application , you need to log in via bank id and fill in the fields, phone number, e- mail address and. residential address, invited to get to know each other, he handed out summonses: in kanev , cherkasy oblast, at a session of the local council , representatives of the tsc handed out summonses to deputies, earlier the city council received an order
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about the need for the deputies to appear to update the data, but they came, then they did not come, so voynkom himself came to the session, his subordinates handed out summonses, told. the mayor of kanev ihor renkas. there are 26 deputies in the city council, none of whom is currently serving in the armed forces of ukraine. and, unfortunately, the 30th death in tisza during attempts after attempts to cross the border. well, this is from what is known, in fact, the ukrainian border guards and romanian colleagues were informed about the man's body in the water. no documents with him not found currently, the identity of the drowning man is being established as served in the state border service. and four more children were rescued from the temporarily occupied community of the kherson region, these are three brothers and a sister. they are from two to 12 years old, said the head of the regional military administration
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oleksandr prokudin. now the children are under the supervision of doctors and psychologists, and since the beginning of the year , 88 minor residents of the kherson region have been rescued from the occupation. ukrainian patterns, a collection of olga bachynska in the scientific library of lviv national university presented the reprinted book of the connoisseur of ukrainian culture and public figure olga bachynska. in the new edition , folk ornaments and sketches of ukrainian embroidered items in the 20s and 30s of the last century have been collected. the research team worked on the book for more than eight months, public figures digitized the exhibits from the collections kept in the branch of the stryi museum of local history in verkhovyna. our group made an outing
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expedition to the city of strya. thanks to the photographer and modern means, we digitized this collection. then it took three months to decipher all the inscriptions. a note made by the author, design and directly printing, printing of the publication. it will be very interesting for embroiderers and people who are engaged in ethnography, because the collected samples, in fact, bachynska united the whole of ukraine, there is western ukraine, there is central ukraine. and now to the plot: he has been repairing cars since he was 14 years old. andriy andrushko from the lviv region has been repairing cars for the military for two years. who taught this to a young volunteer and how a schoolboy combines charity with training, katryna oliynyk will tell. 16-year-old andriy andrushko takes tools
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to fix another car. a boy works in the home garage with his father. we repair everything, welding, motors, chassis. well, we need something in the interior, we need something in electronics, we do everything. i take one job, dad takes a second job. it happens that dad takes one military car, i take a second one in another garage. since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia, andriy has volunteered to repair cars for the military, service and repair cars. teenager learned by doing on the instructions of his father, so it turned into daily volunteering. i repaired cars, he was little next to me , he was in the second grade. he constantly sat next to me, constantly gave me tools, studied, and that's how he learned. the war started, he was 14 years old, and he decided to help me repair for the army charity. the young man is studying in the 10th grade, it is difficult
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to combine working with nuts until dawn and the school program - admits andriy. sometimes i go, sometimes not, it happens that you don't go to school, because there is a lot of work, all the time after school... to the garage, no lessons, nothing, always cars, and all the teachers perfectly understand and thank him that he helps the armed forces of ukraine. repair of a broken car. can take from one day to a month , there are times when you need to touch up something small, and sometimes you have to completely repair a car that is not running. all the machines, thank god, run smoothly, because it’s for the war, there’s just a lot of work in different machines, given was a minzubic l200, it was a very heavy machine, there’s a part in it it turned out to be 60 thousand, if not more, and there was a lot of work, cars for repair. heads of lviv charitable foundations drive. for the most part, craftsmen deal with used pickup trucks bought from abroad for the armed
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forces of ukraine. volunteers are thanked for their good work with certificates and military souvenirs. in general, i thank everyone, which is expected. the first thank you - it was from the lviv car dealership. the second, as far as i remember, is the european civilization. over two years, the andrushk family repaired more than 230 cars for. defenders, andrii wants to open his own in the future car service, and the father promises to support his son's dream. kateryna oliynyk, andriy polikovskyi, espresso tv channel. cool story, cool guy, good luck to him in this work, very important and to all those who support him. yes, well, i'm yuliy fizar already in the studio, so it's time to talk about events that happened outside of ukraine. yuliy, good evening, please. good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us at this time. about the following: china quarrels with the usa and is friends with russia, orban is in touch again
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on fridays, and a hot night in russia. about this and other things in a moment in the rubric world about ukraine. well, let me start with this: china will support such a peace conference to find ways to settle the situation in ukraine, that is , to end the russian war, even though they didn't say it there. that this is a russian war supported by both ukraine and russia. the leader of the celestial empire , xijin pin, told the leader of the terrorist country, putin, about this during a meeting in the chinese city of harbin in the northeast of the country. at the same time, he added that such a meeting should take place at the appropriate time with equality participation and honest discussion of all options to promote an earlier political solution to the ukrainian problem. at the same time, the leadership of china, according to its leader. are ready to play a constructive role in this, but - xijing pin added, in order to resolve the conflict
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, it is necessary to pay attention to the symptoms and the root of the problem, as well as to plan, both for the present and for the future long-term perspective, and that's the truth, what are these symptoms, xijing pin , unfortunately or fortunately, did not specify, but it was done for him in the ministry of foreign affairs of the celestial empire, the direct blame for the creation and... further development of the ukrainian, then, once again, the attention of the crisis lies on the united states of america, the official representative of the chinese foreign ministry, wang wenbin, said this during the briefing, while he added that instead of looking for ways to end the war peacefully, official washington continues to look for enemies, and this, as you could understand, was the answer to the statement that was made the day before in washington itself, well , you see, we are like that today... in the column world about when talking about ukraine and china, we start from
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the main point, and then we touch on everything that happened on the outskirts, well, on the outskirts, well , after all, the united states of america is not a neighborhood, but compared to what is happening in the states, in china, such neighborhood, you can't be a figure here and there, china can't improve relations with europe and at the same time support russia, about this... the official representative of the us state department vedant patel said from the briefing. this is how he commented on the adoption of a number of agreements between russia and china in the military-industrial sphere sector according to him, in this way official beijing threatens not only ukrainian, but also european security. at the same time, the spokesman added: we will hear vedant patel in his first direct speech. we also believe that... china's substantial assistance in rebuilding russia's defense and industrial base is a serious problem. we will closely
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monitor this and, if necessary, take appropriate measures. at the same time, we continue to emphasize that the prc cannot play both sides at the same time. that is, so that you understand, at first in china they say that we we will make every effort to help end the war in ukraine, although they call it a crisis and not a... they call it a russian war, then in china itself they say we are ready to help, but the united states of america is to blame and the united states of america must do something, because it was they who started all this, and here in... the united states of america reacted and said: but still, how can you play like china, well, really like figaro, you are on the same side, and then on the second. well, this is also a question the official representative of the white house, karin janr, also commented, and here we will listen to what she said. i will repeat what i said yesterday, we
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consider it unacceptable that chinese companies are helping putin wage war against ukraine. we have been very clear about this, if china, as it claims, supports peace in europe, then it cannot continue to fuel the biggest threat to european security. we are not the only ones saying this, nato, the european union and our g7 partners are also saying this. well, really, that is, they say one thing on the one hand, then another they do something completely different, we say: we may not help russia, we may not send it weapons, but nevertheless, what... chinese parts in russian missiles continue to be found there, and how did they get there, maybe china is not very strong controls the production and sale of these, for example, semiconductors, well, going back to the spokesperson of the state department of the united states of america, vedant patel, when during the briefing, which i have already mentioned
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, and one direct language, from which we already today heard, he was asked whether the united states has not changed its attitude to whether it is possible, whether it allows or does not allow ukraine to strike targets on the territory of the russian federation with the help of weapons provided by the united states. this is what he answered. let's listen to the second language, the direct language of vedanta potel. our policy has not changed, and the secretary of state has made that clear. we do not encourage or support the strike. on russian territory, but we have also repeatedly said that ukraine is ultimately makes its own decisions about its military strikes and operations, this is still the case. that is, and this is how he reacted, he was answering the question of a journalist who asked, do you agree with what your leader, antony blinken, said when he was in kyiv, when he said that yes, we do not encourage
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these strikes , but we also do them and ukraine has the right to do it too. that she prefers to make a weapon a weapon, so vedant potel said that is exactly the case, although i must also say that in the pentagon tonight, again, answering another journalist's question, but to the same question, the pentagon said that no, no, no, they don't want and don't, er, that is, they don't prohibit it, but they say that no, you can't with this weapon nevertheless strike at targets in the territory. announced that they will not come to the peace summit, which is scheduled for june 15-16 this
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year in the swiss city of bürgenstock. brazilian president lula da silva will not be there, according to information, he does not see the need to go to meet the head of the country, because all involved parties will not be present there, i.e. both ukraine and russia, at the same time from brazil, as someone will be present anyway, but it is not yet known who. south african president cyril ramaphosa also announced his absence from the summit. only in his case the reason is different - general elections in the country. well, with president par, it is a little clearer, there are elections at the end of may, at the beginning of june, it is necessary to form a cabinet of ministers, it is necessary to form a government, it is necessary to form work in the country in general, so it is clear, well, but here in the case of lula da silva and what else i want to draw your attention to, that brazil and
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the republic of south africa offered their peace as part of the african initiative. why not come to their leaders and present this peace once again, or at least remind them once again about this peace plan at this meeting, yes no, there will be no russia, we will not go, they say in brazil, well, for a couple of other reasons, like you understand, let's move on: ukraine needs to be given more long-range weapons, especially because of the serious situation that has developed in the kharkiv region, about this the minister of foreign affairs of germany, anna lena berbock, said on the sidelines of the meeting: with colleagues from the council member countries in strasbourg. according to her, the russians are attacking kharkiv and the region from their territory. therefore , the armed forces of ukraine should be given such weapons as they could. could hit targets on the territory of russia in order to interrupt the supply routes for the russian occupation forces. and this is exactly what the minister promised
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to talk about with her colleagues. did they say what the result was yet unknown. but the main thing here is that we need tauruses who hit far, and which she would not mind giving us, but she cannot convince her boss, the chancellor of germany, olaf scholz, that... because he still allowed them to be given to ukraine, well, let's hope that he will. the world has become more conflictual, so it is necessary to have leverage in other spheres of life, not only in the military. the head of european diplomacy, josep borel, said this in an interview with foreign policy. according to him, power and even weapons are not only military power, but everything, including trade. ago it all needs to be used wisely. political will to
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use them. well, let me remind you that last week, just a few days ago, excuse me, it was joseph borel who said that the european union needs to learn to use the language of force, and now he is trying. talk about the fact that the language of power is not only the army, the language of power is business and also trade, you just need to have the will to everything, i hope that the european leaders will have such a will, until ants run on the skin, so in the air of their favorite radio station kossuth, prime minister of hungary viktor orbán commented on the attempt on his colleague from slovakia, robert fitz, and at the same time the head of the hungarian government. told the government why he was so afraid, explained why he was so afraid, according to him, the armed attack of the slovak prime minister coincided in time with some other events that testify to
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the preparation of war, - says viktor orban. and then he sang his traditional song about the fact that the west wants not only to start a big war, but also to drag hungary into it, and he once again stated that, following a short quote from viktor orban: the continuation of the war in ukraine means: the continuation of suffering and the conflict will not be resolved on the battlefield, only at the negotiating table. this is our position today, not only today, it is the position in general since the beginning of the hungarian war. that is, of course, thank you for the fact that they help us in the humanitarian sphere, but with humanitarian, humanitarian aid, we will not be able to knock out the aggressor from our territory and win back the temporarily occupied territories, we need weapons and we... military support is needed, he doesn’t want it at all, he understands it, he just doesn’t want to give it for some reason, i’m talking about viktor orbán, and today the official budapest threw us
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another pig, it happened during the meeting of the council of europe in strasbourg, the minister informed about it of foreign affairs of our neighbor hungary, peter szijjártó on his facebook page, and this is what he wrote, about what exactly, let's hear him directly. today , the council of europe wanted to adopt a resolution that would exclusively recognize the president's peace plan zelenskyi as a peaceful formula that should be considered and supported. this is unacceptable for us. others have also developed peace plans that are no worse than ukrainsky's. so i asked that they also be included in the council of europe resolution. the majority rejected my proposal, so i overruled the council's decision. that is, the ukrainian peace plan is not a peace plan. well, that is it. a peace plan, but it is not a very peaceful plan, because there is also, for example, a russian peace plan, or some other peace plan, that is, only one of them can be peaceful, and only one of them can be peaceful russian, according to steyarka, that's why it's
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simply terrifying, and finally, the largest attack without pilots on the territory of russia and the federation, ukrainian drones furiously, furiously attacked enemy objects that are not protected by air defense systems, recorded a hit in novorossiysk. in the port where the black sea fleet of the invaders is based, drones also targeted the railway station, the local fuel oil terminal and the transneft facility, while in tuapse an oil refinery was targeted, a fire broke out there, in addition to a gas station caught fire in belgorod after the explosion, although the ministry of defense of the aggressor country claims that they shot down more than a hundred drones in several regions of erefia overnight, and denies the destruction, welcome. still in sevastopol, but sevastopol is temporarily occupied ukraine, and there too, the electric substation was hit, it was also burning well. well, that's all, for today in
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the column world about... ukraine, that's all for today, there will be more next week, because i'll meet you on the air already on monday, but don't switch, because in we still have a lot of interesting things ahead of us. problems with the joints limit movement, it is unpleasant and painful. strengthen. with the help of longit joints, these are bags with collagen and vitamin c to restore articular cartilage. dolgit joints contributes to the normal functioning of the joints and has a positive effect on bone health. dolgit joints facilitates motor functions. stretch your joints, move freely. have you never seen a classic in underwear, or what? i wrote a children's poem here, will you listen? the tractor in the field dir-dir-dir, so why did we freeze? laughter, physical
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ukraine. there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what kind of world do you dream of, norman, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola in september, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso. what to do when there is a liver? hello, what about bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gallbladder, alohol with care and respect for
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the liver and spleen. good evening, we are from ukraine. let's go back and continue, i remind you that this is a big topic, i invite oleksandr morchivka to the conversation, the economic results of the week. oleksandr, good evening, please speak to you. good evening, vasyl, congratulations viewers, in the next few minutes we will talk about energy. there are forecasts regarding the growth of the ukrainian economy, but they are disappointing, there are comforting forecasts regarding the economy of the aggressor country. everything is in the details, i will tell you in a moment. i am oleksandr morchyvka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. i'll start with the hot topic of the last few weeks in energy. thus, the government allocated 1.5 billion hryvnias for the reconstruction of two thermal power plants, zmiivska and trypilska. thermal power plants were damaged by russian attacks. the money will be redirected from from the reserve fund of the state budget and from the fund
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for liquidation of the consequences of aggression. they will work as quickly as possible - promises the leader u


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