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tv   [untitled]    May 17, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm EEST

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good evening, we are from ukraine! let's go back and continue, i remind you that this is a big topic and i invite oleksandr murchevka to talk about the economic results of the week. oleksandr, good evening, please speak to you. good evening, vasyl, i welcome the audience, in the next few minutes we will talk about energy: there are forecasts for the growth of the ukrainian economy, but they are disappointing, there are forecasts for the economy of the aggressor country that are comforting. everything is in the details, i will tell you in a moment. i am oleksandr morchyvka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. i start with the hot topic of the last weeks with energy industry somehow , the government allocated 1.5 billion hryvnias for the reconstruction of two thermal power plants in zmiivska and trypilska. thermal power plants were damaged by russian attacks. the money will be redirected from the reserve fund of the state budget and from the fund for liquidation of the consequences of aggression. they will work as quickly as possible, promises the leader. dodyny shmigal. let's
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listen to the direct speech. the power system is intact and works stably, power engineers control the situation, but the generation of electricity is not enough to cover all consumption. ago ukrenergo is forced to return to blackout schedules, both for industry and for the population. well, indeed, reconstruction takes time, and we have already experienced the schedules ourselves and... i think that ukrainians should be tolerant of these schedules, because there is a lot of dissatisfaction in social networks, why are they not warned, why are there no such clear schedules, because, dear viewers, these are emergency shutdowns, they explain in ukrenergo, they also explain in the company yasno, which provides us with services, everything depends on how available, available, available current in the network, have we managed to order any additional power from our partners from the european union, and a plus right there is the one... which was,
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say, if we are talking about the kanivsk test area, that is, it was at all certain there time will not be restored, there are some things that can be restored, some will not be restored, and here, well, i don’t know, i just organize my day in such a way that i wake up, there is no light in the morning, i do something in such a way that you can do exercise, wash , then there is a light that has made breakfast for itself, because i have electric stove, had breakfast, there are opportunities somewhere, maybe there are fewer people, i don’t go to work in the morning, wash things and everything, that is, i have to adapt to it, although again, i understand people who live on not... not necessarily necessarily on super high floors, older people, people who have certain restrictions, go up, go down in the elevator, you can, that is , there are many, but this is our reality, and to be indignant on social networks, i think it is only emotions, but in fact, it an economic, specifically mathematical question, well, this is precisely the mathematical question they are preparing us for, vasyl an increase in electricity prices, because a lion's share of the money is needed to rebuild thermal power plants and
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networks, and already the people's deputies are announcing that electricity prices may rise from june 1, they are aiming for uah 4.5-5 per kilowatt, well, this is the information, to be honest, i always pay for electricity, i don’t understand how much there is per kilowatt, but approximately, that is, there is no understanding, but it is not less than uah, we pay, that is, it will not hit your pocket significantly for the average consumer, yes. well, here is the budget ukraine is trying to count oil and gas, in particular by increasing production of its own fuel. so, they are going to raise 15 billion cubic meters of their own gas in the city. the naftogaz government has set such a task until the end of the year. last year, the company launched 86 new wells. since the beginning of this year, seven new deposits have been planned. this increase in fuel production will improve our energy independence and energy.
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stability. well, russian gazprom may face a long period of bad results. currently the most profitable company rfi is trying to compensate for lost sales of blue fuel in the eu. muscovy is increasing its exports to chinese partners, and also sells cubic meters within the country - reuters analysts write. gazprom recently reported an annual net loss of $7 million, the first such negative figure since 1999. analysts predict that even if gazprom is able to establish a supply of fuel to the skies through the power of siberia pipeline, sales revenues will still be much lower than the kremlin had from trade with the european union. well, the april export of oil and oil products of zarefia collapsed as well, now it has returned to the level it was at the end of last year,
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all because of ukrainian drone attacks and the planned reduction in oil production. this puts pressure on the kremlin's income, bloomberg analysts reported. so, the past. in may, muscovy exported a total of almost 7.5 million barrels per day, which is less than at the beginning of spring, although the increase in oil prices on the world market partially compensated for the losses of our enemy, but still prices are returning to lower levels positions, i think, incomes will also collapse, we see vasyl, essentially energy, such a main article of income of the kremlin, gas, oil. shows such negative trends, and these are primarily the results of international sanctions, well, yes, absolutely, we perfectly remember the words of the late mccain , who said that russia is a gas station masquerading as a country, and there are only positive things here in the fact that, obviously, without western
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technologies and resources, russia will not be able to become a technological country very quickly, especially in times of war, and offer something other than carbohydrates. and, therefore, it gives hope that it will still pour down and continue, somehow they will reorganize instantly, well , obviously they will not be able to, well, despite the great war, we had to reorganize our economy instantly, and thanks, of course, to the help of international partners, so, the council of the european union finally approved the extension from june for a year of the duty-free trade regime with our country, which mainly concerns agricultural products, minister of economy yuliya svyreden said. it is about 36 categories of goods for which tariff quotas are provided for, and the system of input prices is also applied to them, let me remind you that from june 2022 all restrictions have been removed, but we can see that such a preference towards us
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contributed to the fact that there were protests by the so-called farmers , we do not know whether there were farmers there, or whether activists were bribed by the kremlin, who still continue to block the ukrainian-polish border, hinting that ukraine has some benefits and collapses, so to speak, grain prices inside poland, well here we see, but the council of the eu still continued with with certain changes, of course, but all export duties have been removed for us, yes, i just listened today to a very interesting opinion of a polish deputy in the past, who said that this is european normal life, farmers' protests, ukrainians are simply not used to this, i say, firte, when ukraine is in... the union, there will be farmers' protests there too, so obviously, it is there, but it's worse for us, because we have a war, well, it's a mechanism of european farmers to knock out a subsidy from the european union, when something appears cheaper than they have them, because they are made more expensively, but just as if we had them if it is not a war now, then perhaps we
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have paid less attention to it, and it is very sensitive now, well, after all, such duty-free trade adds a certain percentage to the ukrainian domestic cattle product, but the economy of ukraine will grow by only 3% this year. and this after almost 5% growth last year, when gdp rose thanks to a record harvest. this was reported by analysts of the european bank for reconstruction and development. currently, the damage to electricity and electrical energy infrastructure as a result of shelling is such a factor really limits our further growth, say the edb, our economy will also be slowed down by limited domestic demand, ukrainians. save, try not to make unnecessary expenses, as well as the shortage of labor force and insufficient volume of investments, these are also factors that do not add growth to ukrainian gdp so far. well, the prices are only
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increasing and will increase in the next few months. the national bank of ukraine says that inflation will accelerate due to the depletion of food stocks from the last harvest, as well as... due to rising costs business for payment of labor, in order to find specialists, entrepreneurs, well, are forced to raise salaries and attract labor resources in this way. at the same time, the national bank emphasizes that they will do everything in their power to curb price growth with their various monetary mechanisms in order to stick to certain such annual forecasts. let me remind you that only in the last few weeks the price of vegetables has become noticeably more expensive and the prices of... these are the main factors that raise the inflation rate in ukraine. but under the government project there is work, almost 16 thousand entrepreneurs received grants, which are irreversible funds for starting or developing a business. in general,
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the state has invested uah 8 billion through grants since the beginning of this initiative - minister of economy yulia sveredenko reported. in total, the recipients of funds will create more than 47 thousand. new jobs. you can apply through the "action" portal and attach your business plan there together. well, this week you and i, vasyl, said that... it's really one thing to have a desire to conclude a certain business plan, considering it promising, and another thing is that fops, small enterprises, small business, shows the statistics before the closure, and especially the capital is currently in the leaders of the closure of fops, but the question is that maybe these fops had a minimum number of people who, let's say, were either mobilized or simply transferred themselves under a contract to serve in the armed forces of ukraine, because they paid more there, plus for sure... people hardly have enough funds to study the market, to understand what would be needed where, in
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which area, well, that is, there are many questions, but it's good that people try i hope that they do not lose significantly from this, and let them try again, well, it is important that people receive a salary, have a job and have income for the budget, but such and such will happen, well, indeed , business has a desire to create new jobs, especially when the international community, the european union finance such an initiative at the expense of such... grant funds, why not use them. well, 20 russian banks have significantly worsened their financial performance, and since the beginning of the year, in some cases, revenues have collapsed several times, in particular, alfabank, vtb, sovkombank. the russian publication kommersant writes about this. financial institutions explain this in different ways, for example, the realization of interest rate risk due to rising rates, a decrease in business assets due to sanctions. well, it’s true that last year banks from the aggressor country earned... more than 37 billion dollars, this is still a record number, but
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analysts say that this is due to internal financing, in particular, the state subsidizes mortgages there, pays extra for certain credit programs, social programs, and this is precisely the earnings, the net earnings of russian banks is collapsing due to the effect of international sanctions, and this is positive news. also for our economy, for ukrainians, i will complete the economic results of the week, but a big broadcast is going on, there will be more, watch us! well, let's continue, i just want to briefly say that according to the information of the head of the odesa regional military administration, the kipor in odesa, unfortunately, there is information about a dead person, one person died, the number of injured
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has increased to eight, the enemy launched a missile attack on odesa , today even during an alarm continued on our airwaves and explosions were heard, and the enemy attacked odeschyna, unfortunately, one person died, we will continue to monitor this information, and now i invite sergey rudenko to the conversation, which will be discussed today in the verdict program, sergey, please, i will tell you the word, congratulations vasyl, for the next two hours we will... talk about the attack of the defense forces of ukraine on critical infrastructure facilities on the territory of the russian federation, this night more than 100 drones also attacked the temporarily occupied crimea and novorossiysk and these blows turned out to be painful for the russian federation. the usual top topic is the situation in the kharkiv region and the attack by the russians. oblast, as well as putin's visit to xijinping and putin's statements regarding possible
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peace or, shall we say, peace negotiations with ukraine. we will talk about all this during the first hour with our guests, people's deputy of ukraine and former head of the security service of ukraine valentyn nalyvaichenko, major of the national guard in reserve oleksiy hedman and the director of the institute of world aviation. of course, we will talk about evgeny magda and about what awaits ukrainians in the next two months, i mean conscripts, because on may 18, the period, the countdown, the two-month countdown begins, when men who are conscripted must register or update their data in the tsc or in the electronic cabinet , a smartphone app is launching tomorrow, which will be called reserve2, and it is in this application that you will need to update all your data in order not to stand in queues at the tcc or
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tsnaps, what will this give, actually, to the ukrainian authorities over the next two months, or the tcc will cope with this task, well , we will talk about it in the first part of our program, in the second part of our program, traditionally, like every friday at our journalist club larisa voloshina. and tetyana vysotska will be in touch with us, we will talk about freedom of speech in ukraine and freedom of speech in europe, about how today at the site of the church the maf of the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate was demolished, about whether there is a branch of the russian orthodox church, which in fact, is the uoc mp a threat to the national security of ukraine? and of course, another international topic that we will mention today is the attempt on the prime minister of slovakia, robert fico,
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a pro-russian politician, what is the connection with this attempt, and in general. consider the current situation in slovakia in the context of the kremlin's influence on this country and the influence on prime minister fico putin. the word is enough. i hope that you, dear viewers, will stay with us even after vasyl zima's big broadcast, we will be on the air literally in 13 seconds, minutes, forgive me, in 13 minutes. it will be on the air again in 13 seconds vasyl, it's winter with a lot of air, so vasyl, you have a word. thank you very much, sergey. we are waiting for serhii rudenko at 20:00 in the verdict program, because in 13 seconds we will definitely not be able to cope with yevhen postakhov, but we will be able to cope in 13 minutes. so, wait for serhiy, and greet yevgeny already, yevhen, good evening, please. greetings to vasyl, good evening to dear viewers of the tv channel, the sports section is on time and
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in a moment we will talk about all the most interesting and most important things. so, a little more than a day remains before the grandiose megafight, the boxing megafight, to be decided the absolute champion of the world in boxing in super heavy weight, on the night of may 18-19 in riyadh, arabia. oleksandr usyky and tyson fury will fight for all the most prestigious titles in... earlier in the week , a fight broke out between the teams of two rivals, as a result of which lob was beaten by the father of the british champion, john fury, and the day before, the boxers had one of the duels of glances. the briton did not look at the ukrainian at all, and turned to face the audience in the conference hall, at the press conference usyk and even fury, surprisingly, spoke very
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discreetly, but briefly, i offer to hear. i still to be here, i am delighted, i am grateful to his excellency mr. turki and everyone who contributed to this battle. let's make history. i want to thank god for the victory i have already won. i want to thank everyone who participated in the organization of this large-scale event. i want to thank usyk for coming and challenging me, and that's about it. thanks to all the fans who came to support me. laconic and to the point. confident tyson fury, if of course he meant that he already won, maybe he with modesty told the guy that the fight itself for such an important fight is already a victory, but obviously, i know, you know, but on the other hand, maybe he painted some parallel reality that exists in his head, well, because it's just not right to say that unsportsmanlike, you can just break your arm in the second round by accident, or you can
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be dissected and you will just be stopped, so you can't say that, what are your expectations, if? i looked at the fury, it was the first time i saw him after the fight with nganu, but he is in good shape in my opinion, so beaten down, somewhere, obviously, he lost a little mass, he also turned his muscles into muscles, so the fat he had, of course, he will be in a completely different shape than in the fight against franz sanganu, and we can expect such a fury, who was then we shouldn't fight komerunets, it will be fury in his best version, obviously he will be fast, he will be dynamic, he will hit the body a lot, but also here it is worth saying... about the predictions of legends in the world of boxing, and they are quite different, if mike tyson clearly predicts the victory of tyson fury, he says that tyson fury will simply make usyk stop at some point with blows to the body, and the ukrainian will not be able to constantly run from fury around the ring, then , for example, foreman said something completely different, he said that usyk is the boxer who wins round after round, he'll keep
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going forward, he'll score points, and even if he loses the conditional fourth round, in the next fifth... round he'll take his, actually these words of foreman fit very well with our memories of the fight against anthony josh, especially the second match, when usyk somewhere in lost to the british in some rounds, but he still took the final rounds, very important rounds of ukraine, and joshua was definitely more technical, definitely younger and faster, so if he succeeded there, then here, well, there always is, i think that when such champions meet, the chances are always 50/50, we will in any case... we will also say that there will be a second fight in the contract between usyk and fury, the mandatory condition of the rematch is prescribed, that is , if one of the boxers, well one of the boxers. loses, he will have a chance fix himself, maybe that's why fury still feels quite relaxed. in any case, there will be a second fight, unless something unexpected happens. and we will talk
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about boxing, because next weekend there will be another quite significant event for ukrainian boxing. the championship match with the participation of a ukrainian in the united states, namely in san diego, denys berinchyk will meet the mexican emanuel navarette as a candidate for the train. at stake will be the train of the lightweight world champion according to the version. wbo, which is now owned by a mexican. at the press conference before the match, berinchyk turned on the sound of the siren during the air raid to remind about the russian aggression against ukraine. let me remind you that denys berinshik is the silver medalist of the olympic games in london in 2012 and denys has 18 professional fights, all 18 of which he won. we continue: daria bilodit will miss the world judo championship, we will inform about it today. official website of the judo federation of ukraine. bilodit has a minor injury, it is very minor. however, the team decided not to to risk the athlete's health before
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the upcoming olympic games in paris. bilodit was supposed to perform at the world championship as the current euro winner. this gold was the first for her after moving to the weight of 57 kg. now ukraine will be represented at the championship by eight athletes in six weight categories. the tournament will last from the 19th to the 24th. on june 4, sorry, in may in abu dhabi and the united arab emirates, 15 sets of awards will be played. and then about football: the penultimate matches will be held on the weekend in the 29th round of the ukrainian premier league, only one game, namely dynamo kryvbas, is scheduled for saturday, the rest of the matches are scheduled for sunday, namely lanze-zorya, rukh chornomorets, vorskla obolon, veres oleksandria, minai kolos, metalist 1925 polissya , as well as dnipro-1 shakhtar. let me remind you that the winners of the championship have already been determined in the last round. shakhtar prematurely became the champion, while dynamo won silver, and kryvbas won bronze.
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however, the struggle to maintain a residence permit in the elite continues. at the moment, metalist 1925 is on the last step. it is in 15th position, and veres is 14th. we will traditionally summarize the results of the penultimate round of the ukrainian premier league on monday in the sports column. and about football. anfield is preparing to say goodbye to jurgen klopp. on sunday, may 19, the reds will play their last match with the german coach at the helm. in the 38th round of the english premier league, the reds will host wilverhampton. liverpool were assured of bronze medals, but the team had a poor end to the season, suffering a serious defeat in the championship and being knocked out in the quarter-finals of the europa league by atalanta of italy. despite this, bugs are loved in... pool and for previously won trophies, and for immediacy. saying goodbye
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is always unpleasant, i think, but saying goodbye without feeling sadness or pain means that the time we spent together was wasted. i had a great time, although there was always an understanding that it would be difficult. i'm absolutely fine. i know we could have won more, but i can't change that. moreover, i'm fine, because we could have won less. well, liverpool has already decided on a replacement for jurgen klopp. the reds are expected in the near future will be led by the dutch expert ernest lot, who is known for his work with rotterdam feyenoord, he will lead it from 2021. according to insider fabrizio romano, sloto signed a contract with liverpool today, but maybe about... it will be officially announced a little later, i think just after liverpool's final game under jurgen klopp. this was the last news in the sports column, but
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the big broadcast on spras continues, and it will be continued by my colleague vasyl zima. thank you very much yevhen pastukhov, missile alarm again on'. we have gathered to continue donating to the armed forces of ukraine, i say goodbye to you until monday at 6:10 p.m. i hope we will meet, everything will be fine , the weather will be good from natalka didenko and at the 20th don't miss the verdict, see you with espresso. synoptic hello to all, our dear viewers, today we will start our meeting
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with... embroidery, yesterday was the all-ukrainian, worldwide, i would say, embroidered shirt, embroidery, embroidered shirt day, and today i would like to add this topic to the topic proper nature, environment, weather, because we know that very often on shirts, on towels, in general, in embroideries there are plants, plant ornaments and even weather phenomena, well... let's turn a little to history, to such interesting , almost scientific facts, so plant ornaments in embroidery symbolize natural beauty and fertility land, it’s clear, what kind of patterns, mostly patterns are flowers, it’s a rose, marigolds, viburnum, various leaves, oak branches, acorns - it’s so traditional for a man’s shirt, bunches of grapes, i personally like very much
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such... an ornament in the form of grape leaves and bunches of grapes, well, of course , all these images carry it all in themselves, and life, and strength, and ancestral and family harmony, and in general spiritual enrichment, of course it is not only aesthetics , these are deep meanings, as we know, and some plants are believed to even carry protection, well, also, you know, there is such a very famous ornament of the tree of life, it, well, actually symbolizes, well , it is clear that and lineage, and ancestors and all and all, it is very often used as well at least in modern shirts as ornaments. oak symbolizes male energy, vitality, active development, we also know where grapes are popular, it is mainly northern and central ukraine, the image of grapes, well, they are also found on towels and on embroidered shirts, by the way, i have an embroidered shirt with grapes, and grapes also mean more.
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joy, family life, family strength and well-being, so be it. we wear vyshyvanka, not only on vyshyvanka day. and let's move on with you to the behavior of the earth's magnetic field. geomagnetic activity tomorrow will be insignificant, so we will observe as usual and gradually move to the highlight of our column, the weather forecast. the weekend is ahead, and i want to say right away that the weather will not be stable and warm. so, tomorrow in the western regions of ukraine. air temperature +17-+22°, dry weather will prevail in the west, but here, for example, it will rain in zakarpattia and chernivtsi region, in the north, there is a chance of rain, but here, for example, in zhytomyr region, dry weather will still prevail in kyiv region in places and also already it will finally warm up, and the first twenties will already appear in the northern part of ukraine. in
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the east tomorrow will be wet weather, intermittently. rains in places and even thunderstorms, the air temperature is plus 17 + 20°, if there is a sunny clearing, of course it will be a little higher there, but the nights are still quite cold, +6 +8°. in the southern part of ukraine, rain is more likely in zaporizhzhia, finally , dry, sunny weather and warm +18, +22° will prevail in the southern territories. there is a possibility in kyiv tomorrow. periodic rain, but clearing also in the capital will be, and the air temperature is about 20°. on sunday, as i already said, warm weather will prevail throughout ukraine with a maximum air temperature of +19 +24°, but in some places it will rain and thunder, please do not be afraid of thunderstorms. the whole next week in ukraine will be warm +20 +25, in some places even 24-27°, but depending on the behavior of the rains, depending on their
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location. of course we'll keep a close eye together and follow our updated weather forecasts on the espresso channel. good evening. we are from ukraine. today in the program verdict with serhii rudenko. sevastopol in the dark. over a hundred ukrainian drones attacked the occupiers in crimea and novorossiysk at night. how large-scale. defense forces can surprise invaders with strikes in the future. dangerous limitations: the lack of anti-aircraft defense and the ban on striking with western weapons on russian territory helped the russian offensive in the north. is putin really abandoning plans to capture kharkiv? deoccupation.


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