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tv   [untitled]    May 17, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EEST

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in general, everything else, i think this is a video about how the hail works from the territory of the belgorod region, and it works, i must say, it is right there from the road, i hope they will still show it to us, where the civilians are standing, you can see it car, and here he is moving somewhere in the direction of kharkov, most likely, that is, on an ordinary road where civilians drive, and here... you know, here later, when the answer comes in this hail, the russians will shout: "ai , civilians were hit, roshkin, arms and legs flew somewhere, and all this will be as usual a lie, just as it is an absolute lie now, when the russians try to tell that they are attacking kharkiv because belgrade is being shelled there. thus, bilhorod was not shelled until february 22-). lived
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peacefully for years, and as soon as such hail stops firing from the direction of bilhorod into ukraine, then belhorod will immediately stop being shelled, because every time something flies there, well, it's always after such and such a duty there or a game or something else works from the territory of russia, so direct dependence, well, that's about one such option what the russian...propaganda tells about their next attempt to break into the kharkiv region, well, this is the answer and all that, it is already clear, because i will repeat it once again, when in 22 they entered the kharkiv region , no one from there fired at any russians in any belgorod. another story that they are trying to tell now on their television is about the fact that... now we will go somewhere over there to
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kharkiv, and of course, this story, it is rather designed for the ukrainian audience, for the to intimidate there, somehow to sow panic, well , perhaps the most vivid speech was this one, let's listen to it, but this is, you know, an example of everything that they are saying on this matter now, but you don't need to arrange it from kharkiv the second is formidable, we must take him into the ring. and set up a blockade, there is no need to get involved in street fights, then we risk getting video footage of those civilians who did not have time to leave and whom the ukrainian army will not let out, and children and the elderly, that was all, on the azovstal it was, and what prevented us from liberating this one, well, the scale of mariupol and kharkiv are so different, we must leave in such a way that
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there is nothing left of kharkiv... children, and they had all this in mind and bombed mariupol simply regardless of anything, well, but all this talk about kharkiv, they rely on one thing, which is already clear in principle, that the russians still do not have any strength for that , to move straight to kharkiv, so they can move to the border areas. these it is possible to seize a few more villages there , maybe some town, but no more, no more, they have no opportunities, and in principle, this is also clear, and it is clear from the way this conversation developed further, when this actor, who this is going to surround kharkiv, well , right in the studio, you can say that his colleagues, the same propagandists, harassed him, and i would say that it was such an epic conversation, because he started shouting about what... what is
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missing people, let's conduct an additional mobilization, but he was quickly silenced, so that, for sure, additional mobilization is not yet time for the russians. i listened with some anxiety to such overly ambitious words about the fact that preparations are already underway for the capture of kharkiv, and everything is going well before that. the russian army is not currently using sufficient forces to capture kharkiv. kharkiv is a big city, a city. obviously, on purpose, the goal is more limited. i do not understand this, what does it mean that there is no living force? it is high time to announce the mobilization. from my point of view , all deadlines have already passed. unlike my esteemed opponents, i only served in border troops. and on my account not a single city taken. therefore, think about the blockade or capture of kharkiv. i
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cannot apologize in such a professional way. as for the capture of kharkiv, firstly, no one at the command level said anything about it, and secondly, the capture of the city depends not only on one side, but also on the other. well, you see, in a week , let's say, after this russian offensive , it somehow turned out that kharkiv would also be canceled in three days, it would not be there, and besides, the question then arises, what is this such limited goals, as it turns out, not to attack kharkiv, some more exchanged, well , they are clear to pull our troops in... directions, stretch the front line, create additional problems for ukraine, well, all this is clear, but you know, there is another goal , it seems to me, and she understood from what has been happening the last two days, and it will happen again tomorrow, this is putin's visit to
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china, and the impression is that this, you know, an assault in the direction of the kharkiv region, this is also certain the demonstration is sitting. and preparing to show what russia has there are some even more capabilities, and the further one goes, the more such an impression is formed, moreover, as it turned out, even the government was quickly appointed by putin, after his accession to the throne, precisely because he had to go, well, to sydzenpinnya and somehow bow down, well, you know, vordi, you can’t go there with some such temporary... people , you have to be very respectful, well , they literally show the maximum respect throughout the russian federation, and in principle, they talk about it openly enough , president putin is flying to china today, this
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his first state visit abroad after taking office, two cities at once - beijing and harbin, putin is already flying with the new just for... the ex-head of the military department, now the secretary of the security council, shoigu, is also flying. we were specifically told this in the state duma, that sunday and monday are double working days, and on double working days we approved the government and other things so that the new government would fly to china with volodymyr volodymyro. and not old ministers or non- executives of any kind, already approved people who are really authorized to conduct all negotiations, and so that the chinese side feels that it is not talking to some temporary people, but to those people with whom they will work for the next few years, well
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, such is the external management of china, russia, when even the government is approved for a trip to china, so to ... well, we settled down, let’s say so, and here, you know, it’s interesting to remember how the russians were angry at the way shultz was coming to china, then they said there that shultz was not received at the proper level, so let’s see what they talked about, and then we'll actually see how received putin, it's also interesting, look, china is coming to an end today. the three-day visit of german chancellor scholz ends today, the journey of humiliation has begun. the highest-ranking official who met olaf in china was the deputy mayor of the city of chongxing, that is, not even the mayor himself, and even more so, not the vice-premier of the state council. scholz
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was not offended. the red carpet was laid out for him. the german chancellor walks off the ramp of the plane in the city of chongqing. from those who came to meet him. the most senior in rank is the local deputy mayor and other officials lower rank the visit of the head of the german government, by the way, has official status. and everyone knows that in china they are very sensitive to the details of the protocol and how the meeting of the guest is arranged, there are no small things. oh, let's see who met putin in this case, and how did it happen? well, i met him here... also, you know, not at all the vice-prime minister of the state council, i met his adviser, someone there, it is not known who, and here is the only thing that the russian propaganda was able to say about this and what they
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as a result, they somehow concentrated so much that, well, there was a cortege and putin was riding on the aurus, well , this is already a tradition, if you have nothing to say or nothing to brag about, well, talk about the aurus, so as soon as you hear putin and aurus, it means that something went wrong and met somehow. not so, and it's all quite funny now, i say, against the background of what they were talking about schultz a month ago. well, putin himself, well , literally from the very first day, bowed down to the chinese, he told, well , literally, how the chinese new year is already there celebrate, he even said that without china they would not have won the second world war. well, let's listen to this exchange of so-called pleasantries, because it is also
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quite funny. i would like to draw attention to the fact that in february in moscow, with the support of the city hall , there was an official celebration of the new year according to the chinese calendar for the first time. i must say that his colorful events took place on a grand scale and were liked by hundreds of thousands of townspeople. are famous for the oldest brilliant culture, the works of pushkin and tolstoy are read in the simplest chinese families. traditional chinese culture, as demonstrated by peking opera and taijiquan, is highly respected by the russian people. yes, i see how some alcoholics in kaluga are watching traditional chinese opera. well, but in principle there is a reason why ... is so important for russia, and putin also said about it, well, let's listen again,
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he is glad to be in hospitable china again in six months among his friends and to meet with you. thank you for your congratulatory message on the occasion of my re-election to the post of president of russia federation. thank you very much for the invitation in 2023. bilateral trade increased almost from and reached a good figure of $227 billion. china is our main partner in the trade and economic sphere. according to the results of last year, russia took fourth place in the list of countries. trade partners of the prc. well, that is, let's put it this way, russia's economy is now completely dependent on china. well, to put it briefly. all this talk about... trade turnover, which is really large, but also about the first place that
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china took, this is precisely about the fact that no no there will be china's support, there will be no economic capacity in russia, that's the story, and in the end it's also interesting, you know how they try to tell how important the russians are for the chinese, and specifically for sydzenpin and for him. and it is sometimes even very funny, because they try to tell that it is as if sidzenpin will not be legitimate without this example of putin, who has been there for god knows how many years, has been sitting there for the fifth fifth term, well, it is quite comical, and of course is simply delusional and an attempt, you know, to tell that russia is not alone, but it as if the world has some such hyper-super support, well, this support in the end, they list it, and this is also, i
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would say, very dubious support. xi jinping is now on his third term, and in many ways this is an unprecedented story for him, there have never been other leaders of china who have served more than two terms, and in many ways the legitimacy and recognition of the world power of one or another leader depends on the visit of vladimir putin to xi jinping and vice versa, we are creating... an alternative to the west, some system of international relations that gives the legitimacy of the rest of the states, to all our allies who are gathering around us, including syria, venezuela, iran, and north korea. well, that is, you understood, yes, it turns out that it is putin who, with his usurpation of power, gives legitimacy to someone there, but okay, he just follows the example, i would say, of a whole series of dictators. of african states that sat for 30 years and ate their own, some, let's say this, not all of course, but some ate
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their rivals in the literal sense of the word, so putin still has room to grow, he can there eat a shoigu for lunch if he wants to, there will also be one, you know, it will add, it will probably add legitimacy, and who, in principle , simply stole in such volumes that they took three times the country's budget abroad, well, here, of course, putin probably already spit them out . here, well, there is actually a reason why china is still important for putin, why it is important right now, and right now it is important at... the moment when a meeting is being prepared in switzerland regarding ukraine itself, regarding russia's war on ukraine some peaceful or some it is possible to settle the plans there, and here the russians are quite open about why they consider china's assistance very important and why they believe that this support is for them, well
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, in principle, key, let's listen, and actually remember how... this switzerland, the switzerland that we are already there, so there is, someone says that we are afraid there and we are not afraid, then we are in switzerland, we are winning, i think the chinese will send a representative, but this is a very interesting moment, they have formed an alternative group , which recognizes china's peace plan regulation, and they and this group will push their agenda in switzerland, that is, they will destroy the agenda of nato and the united states, there the peace plan includes one very important point: china does not demand the withdrawal of troops. so, the main thing for russia in general is how china supports them, not only, most importantly, the economy, this is definitely very important, but the key thing is that china really supports that russia has invaded ukrainian territories, and here i would like ukrainian
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politicians also came to their senses a little, that's why that there is a whole, you know such a movement in ukrainian. politicians are waiting for some unexpected turn from china, that china will press russia, will not support it, all this is fantasy, my friends, because in reality, what was said about supporting the idea that russia seized certain territories, well, let's go we will leave them, this is actually the main line of china's policy, and this is the line that is very important for china, because the option of ending... the war is that putin is simply thrown out of ukraine, well, it does not suit china. in general, putin's defeat is not something that china would welcome. china needs a story when putin will not be directly defeated, when he is there, well, he will take some part of the territory, yes, although, well, they may not recognize it for russia, but at least they will say, well, okay, well,
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there they stopped the war along this line, why is it beneficial for china, well, because china has the same territories. claims, like russia, he has claims to taiwan, and of course, for china it will be a precedent if the world allows putin to take ukrainian territories and for himself, you know, well there, even if he won't admit it directly, but at least he won't to fight for these territories, so i repeat once again, we must get rid of these illusions, putin will receive this support in china, and indeed china, any participation in... china's negotiations is primarily participation to support russia's position, to leave behind russia has occupied territories, and this is the key, and i believe that this should be understood very clearly, this is what putin already has, everything else is romance, there is a possibility that beijing can press for
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something to be quiet there, for example , cries of russia, about nuclear weapons. because of china absolutely clearly do not like this story, but everything else, the hostilities, those that are going on, or there are fantasies about the russians withdrawing troops from ukraine, no, this will not happen, because i repeat again, china will support this idea, in order to freeze along the line where russia has already managed to capture something, that is why russia also started these actions in the kharkiv region. before the trip to china, not after it, to show that they can grab something extra, it's basically a logical story that made sense and that explains why they got in there, as if with small forces with very unclear goals, and in the end, what is also important for russian propaganda, is to show that
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putin seems to be like, well, not that he is not even alone. and that putin feels comfortable, that they do not depend on china, that they have equal relations with china, and for this reason today, literally all russian channels, all tv channels showed one such episode, which i will also show you now, where it is immediately clear that it is important for a russian person to to show that he feels comfortable and at home, so what? i'm sorry, please, for speaking for a long time, i didn't give a translator, i just feel at home, so i decided that here... everyone speaks russian, a classic of the genre, that is , the russian language, so it's like at home, there is no
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russian language, not like at home , let 's remember it for ourselves, there is no russian language, russians don't feel at home, they don't feel at home, they don't fit in, it's simple, accessible and clear, but you know, the chinese have very clearly shown that no, there are no russians in china . and to understand it, it is also worth it to hear this comment from lavrov, who explained that everything that happens on chinese territory, everything that happens during this visit, is what the chinese have directly indicated to do, it is not the russians who decide what they do during the visit, no, they are there visiting, and they are not just guests, but guests who were clearly told where to go and where not to go, but lavrov is, well, literally. said, today and tomorrow a very detailed and thorough visit of our president here, in particular , some informal moments have been prepared,
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a tea party, maybe you can tell us something about informal? a guest, as they say in the east, a guest and a host's step, so all the programs depend on those kind offers that the chinese president and his team made to our president, all these details were agreed according to the protocol. so everything depends on the hosts, and where did the hosts send the russians, they sent them to harbin, well , that is, except for beijing, they have, the russians, putin has to visit harbin, and here it is also interesting to hear about harbin, because it, well i think it's like a master class from the chinese you have to treat the russians, what putin is visiting now. harbin is also an important thing. harbin, by the way, is the largest city that the russians founded in asia. now it has five million, but once it was just
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a station that the russians built. it must be said that the chinese preserve the memory of russians very carefully, they don't destroy anything there, but they don't consider him russian either and generally think that this is a painful conversation. well, i wouldn't say, the embankment, which is there along the sungari river, is called the embankment. another thing is that there are no russians left there, tens of thousands of people used to live there, now there are about 3,000 russians, well, that’s fine, there were russians, there are no russians, and then you can build a museum and maybe even a street there, well, no to name stalin pushkin, but not to have russians. in general, well, that is, there were hundreds of thousands, and now there are 3 thousand left, a great way to solve the problem, and you know, something tells me that there is no problem of the russian language in
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harbin, it simply disappeared completely from harbin, this problem, there are no russians, there is no problems, such a wonderful master class from the chinese, how to solve russian problems in cities that were even founded by russians, everything is not there, and everything is going to the point that not only in harabin there will be no e... russian language and russians, they will not can suddenly become there in the amur region, there everything goes to that, because the chinese are taking over whole territories, and the russians simply do not stay there, so that so-and-so somehow, so as not to feel as if they sent putin from home to see, somehow, maybe even walk along the embankment, enter museum and understand that there are no russians, there are no problems. let's take an example from this. what can i tell you, see you,
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greetings, we are asking for your help in the search for two sisters and a brother who went missing on kharkiv region, these are 12-year-old alina, 14-year-old nastya and eight-year-old artem morozovy. the connection with them was broken back in august 2022, when
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they lived in the then. occupied kupyansk, and when the city was de-occupied, unfortunately, alina, nastya and artem were no longer there, and it was not possible to find out anything about them, so their whereabouts are still unknown, and therefore i ask each of you, and especially the residents of kharkiv region and kupyansk, if you know any information about alina, nastya and artem morozova, please contact the hotline immediately magnolia child tracing service at number... 1630. calls are free. and of course, please share this video on your social networks. each of your likes, each of your reposts is a truly invaluable contribution and a significant help in the search. after all, the more people see this video, the more chances there will be to find the missing alina, nastya and artem. therefore, we do not remain indifferent.


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