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tv   [untitled]    May 17, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EEST

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in the logistics of those processes that take place , including in territorial centers, whether it will work maximally, well, effectively and so on, no, because well, any construction, it always has certain flaws, but the state made changes to the current law in order to optimize these processes, the processes are divided into mobilization and recruiting, that is, you can still not stand in queues, but you can go along other contractual routes. and so on, why it doesn't work as it should perfectly, well, because this is the human factor, let's be objective, well, that is, something can be changed, something can be improved, it will be improved and improved, something needs an understanding of how it should work, that is, you need to accumulate some experience of how it should , the process should be organized once it is organized, i think it will work better, but let's not forget, the law is just starting to work without... definitely certain,
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in the beginning, there will always be some difficulties in the beginning, but after that , i think that the ministry of defense will analyze everything that is happening in the tsc, well, this means the armed forces, the general staff, will analyze and make certain adjustments, it may be necessary to increase the working hours, it may be necessary to increase, let's say, the number of employees who will work in the tsc and so on, how is this supposed to work ideally in a country where there is a full scale war going on? perfect, perfect, regardless of whether the country is at war or the country is not at war, everything will work as the specific performers will work on in specific places, that's right, that is, if a person will perform his functions perfectly, but in the course of how certain legal and regulatory norms will be adopted, it will become clear that certain adjustments must always be made in logistics, because one thing - this is to theoretically prescribe a work model for something, and it is another matter - when it starts
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to be done, well, it starts to work, people come and certain issues accumulate, which will also have to be regulated there by additional regulatory positions, and ideally, once again, ideally, mobilization processes will not work perfectly in any country, because there is also the factor of psycho-emotional perception of this process and so on and so on, but in principle, once again, the new law should remove certain norms that do not correspond to the type of war, in which we, in which we are today. well, for example, the new law will provide for the presence of an electronic cabinet, but today it was announced that it will work in such an experimental mode, the first month until june 18, for example, it will be impossible to get referral to the vlc, it will be necessary to independently take this referral, independently report the results to the tsc, that is, even if it would seem that such a tool as an electronic cabinet will not immediately solve the issue with queues, this , again, will not solve, will not solve, but.
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there are tools, they will improve, and the law will work constantly, improving itself, that is , certain adjustments will be made, and it will, according to what we see today, i emphasize once again, it is definitely better to discuss these issues with moderators of this process, if you are talking about the electronic offices of the ministry of defense and the ministry of digitization, it is definitely better to discuss it with the general staff, which actually takes care of the tsk system, but in the meantime, let's go once again, today there is data on how it should all be... well, accordingly, we see, yes, and the queues , we also see the nuances caused by the new law, i think that they will be regulated, and this is how the system works, proposals are made, new legal regulations are introduced, if something is not perfected there, it will be perfected in the course of the data corresponding, yes, i understand you, it will take some time, and that is why we hear a lot of measures here from military observers, from active servicemen, and from veterans. that
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this law is necessary, that it was delayed by about a year, maybe even more, because now just enough time will pass for it all to work as it should more or less work, do you agree that ukraine is late with this made the law late, so i definitely agree, but you and i remember the discussion that took place in the parliament, we remember the factions that refused to vote on the law at all, that is , to actively work accordingly in the relevant committees, and this is definitely a little strange, then... she did not violate the regulations, she just had to process all the amendments that were made, i understand, but you are talking about a year later, so definitely , but there are many institutions that worked on this, and the subjects of the submission, the ministry of defense in this case could have done it faster, and certainly the deputies could have worked out the amendments that were made more quickly, whether it was necessary to make more than 400 amendments and so on, yes, but we let's start, you want us to analyze what did not happen yesterday, but we... start from
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what exists today, that's right, well, that is , we live according to the norms that have already been implemented and they are already there to discuss what could be there, could it have been done there before, well that sounds a little strange, it has to... this law goes into effect tomorrow and among other things, it provides for restrictions on consular services for men if they do not update their military records. we can already see that there is a huge mistrust of the state from the outside men who are abroad, and not all of them fled during full-scale war or left. some of them live abroad 5 and 10 years ago, and in terms of communication, this story was quite a failure, i would say. ah, could you tell me, please, do you see a risk that ukrainians abroad will now en masse renounce ukrainian citizenship, because they do not want to update their military registration data, and therefore they will be limited in consular services, and the state simply does not depend on them will leave a choice, whether
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ukraine as a state took this factor into account, and do you have any idea how many citizens abroad ukraine may lose because of this? i think that the process of renunciation of citizenship, it is also legally prescribed, and without communication with the state, it is impossible to do it, this is the first, second, you are talking about those people who are on legal grounds, then i do not see a problem in updating their data and get the opportunity to stay abroad legally. the third component is those people who escaped, well that is, they are not on legal grounds, this is a completely different category, and receiving s... here i will refer to the minister of foreign affairs, foreign affairs of ukraine, mr. kuleba, he clearly explained that if you want to receive certain services from of the state, you should probably follow the procedure, if you have violated this procedure, then of course there will be appropriate actions from the state, i don’t see
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a problem here, a problem that needs to be pushed like this, of course people will emotionally show their dissatisfaction, well, look, let's be frank, there are a number of people... men of the age category who left, respectively, they left on illegal grounds, they are there and they behave accordingly, that is, they do not like that the service does not want, the state does not want to fulfill the relevant service functions, despite the fact that, i emphasize once again, they left the territory of ukraine legally incorrectly, and ukraine will make some efforts to find out who and how they left illegally, we are talking about thousands of people, maybe even dozens thousands, somehow they and again, you are asking questions to the president's office, and all these questions are within the competence of the relevant ministries, in this case it is the ministry of foreign affairs, the ministry of vnudymir zelenskyi, as the president is also the subject of a legislative initiative, during the war his role only increases , of course, but in this case you say how we will identify people, this
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is exactly the procedure, come and update your data, it allows you to identify two categories, if we are talking about men, specifically, identify two categories, those that are legal and those. those who are on illegal grounds, those who are not legal, they will receive unconditional service services, the state will not refuse to fulfill its legal obligations, and those who are on illegal grounds, well, it will be the choice of these people, what will they do next to be in the territory of other countries, legally, illegally, having the extension of their legal rights and not having this extension, but by and large , now all men, who left legally and who illegally, must renew their military records abroad. and the question is that even those who left legally and have been living abroad for a very long time, they will now say that they do not want to do this, because they are not going to return to ukraine, and here the question is whether ukraine is ready, that they simply will acquire the citizenship of another country, that's it, and the story will end, let's say it again, in order
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to acquire the citizenship of another country, you have to go through certain legal procedures, this is the first thing that means going through certain legal procedures, to refuse, well, we know that thousands of ukrainians and not only ukrainians, they just have two passports in their pockets and do not necessarily go through any legal procedures, and what do you propose to do, well, they will not use a ukrainian passport, that's how they will come and what should and what should be done ukraine in this case, well , please tell me, that is, there is a procedure within the framework of the law on mobilization, part of this procedure concerns people who are in other states, by the way, it is necessary after the law is already... working, we will wait additional explanations of the ministry of foreign affairs, how the services will work accordingly, there are already partial explanations, there are already, there are partial explanations, well, they are already there and so on, but what should ukraine do, which is in a state of war, that is, we have today about what can i say to you that people have illegal, because we
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don't have multiple citizenships yet, and they have two passports, and then, let's say, they will give up the ukrainian passport automatically, what... ukraine should do in this case, i i just want to understand, well, if they have two passports and they don't want them invest in the existence of ukraine in one way or another, if they are there even on legal grounds. are located, i don’t quite understand why you can’t, if you emphasize on legal grounds to update your data and remain a citizen of ukraine, then what should the state of ukraine do, encourage them, in what way, say, you just, look, you just don’t deprive , do not get rid of the passport of ukraine, if they do not need it, well, that is , what are we talking about then, just about those who are not on legal grounds, they will not be able to to get another passport, will ukraine declare them wanted for those who left on illegal grounds, well, it has to be conducted. analysis, how much is this, what is the number of people, how will it be according to eurostat data, this is about
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800 thousand people, well, not all of them are there on illegal grounds and not all of them will renounce ukrainian citizenship, well, let's look objectively , ukraine ukraine will be something, look, here was the statement of the prime minister of lithuania that, of course, they will not independently identify men who are illegally in the territory of lithuania, but if kyiv will take some steps and promote and announce. will be looking for such men, well, it is possible that lithuania will take some steps in response, certainly ukraine will develop certain procedures of a legal nature, correct legal procedures, regarding those people who are, let's say this, again, let's divide the category here, which they left the territory on illegal grounds, for example, because of the route system or from the letter of the pogurs and did not return, there are also many of them, and of course, and what, there is no difference how you used the possibility of leaving on illegal grounds, it’s all not... legal grounds, that’s right, well , there is no difference here, what exactly, let’s
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say, caused the possibility of illegally leaving the territory of ukraine, yes, whether ukraine will announce them separately, they will be developed procedures, it is necessary to discuss this again with representatives of the ministry of internal affairs, at the moment there are no such plans, at the moment i definitely do not have such plans, well , you are not with me, i am not talking about your plans, i understand, but i cannot confirm, that there are such plans, but without... the state must definitely develop an algorithm for the return of citizens who have illegally crossed the borders of ukraine. mykhailo, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, 30 people died, the dead were found in the thousand, today was the 30th, people fled abroad. since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, about 11,000 ukrainian men have illegally crossed the border with romania alone, according to romanian border guards. i have already said thousands of things. according to the system, the path from letters from to letters from ukrainian intelligence, whether it has
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perhaps you will not announce them now, but does ukraine have data on how many men went abroad legally or illegally, and then did not return, but those who were supposed to return, i would first like to clarify from the letters of the intelligence department, well, the main thing intelligence management, well, i wouldn't say it's correct to say it all the time. well, it's a little bit, i think, you don't want to discredit gur as such, just constantly repeating it in gur's letters. how many such letters do you have, well, how many letters do you personally know that people did not return, you repeated a dozen sometimes gur does not do well, gur sends letters and so on, why not exactly, i didn't say that, i said what happened, you can speak irrelevantly, you can speak unconditionally, i just don't understand the meaning, that is , you emphasize what. .. on the letter after letter of the intelligence management, if there were such cases 1, 2, 3, 10, it is catastrophic, well, it has a significant
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effect, that’s right, it is the letters of the gur, well , they significantly affect everything, again, you are right to say that , but i just want to understand the meaning, why focus on this, it is the first, the second, there is definitely a certain the analysis provided by the state border service, well, that is, we analyze who left and how, respectively, or what number of people who left illegally, well, not... legally, not on illegal grounds, but illegally left, of course this analysis, we will not discuss it there, we will definitely not name specific numbers, but once again, all these questions that you ask have quantitative parameters and legal parameters, they must be discussed after a decision is made by the relevant institution with representatives of this institution, and not easy to speculate on the topic, look, these are difficult questions for ukraine, but everything you ask is correct, but difficult questions, they need.
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the relevant services are responsible for the correct legal position regarding illegal border crossings, they will have training algorithms, today changes are being made to mobilization as a process, there will be additional clarifications on how to behave towards people who have illegally crossed the border, after that they will talk about it publicly and there will be appropriate logistical actions in relation to of other countries, that is, what are there from our side. i'm mykhailo, we're just running out of time, i asked you if you have a figure on how many such men have gone abroad. we have the numbers, we have all the numbers, but they are constantly being refined taking into account the fact that it is necessary... to constantly conduct an analysis, as it happened in , we talked about the new law on mobilization, which comes into force tomorrow, well, obviously will pose a lot of challenges for ukraine and for the citizens of ukraine and for the authorities of ukraine. thank you very much. that's all for today, i urge you to subscribe to the radio liberty website
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until monday. the main event of world boxing only on mego. the undefeated usyk and fury will determine the first absolute heavyweight world champion since 2000. cheer for the ukrainian on may 18. exclusively on megogo. there are discounts represented by koko, may discounts on fenstyl 15% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl's big broadcast zyma, this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zyma, and we are starting, two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war , serhiy
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zgurets is with us, and how the world is living, now about what has happened in the world, yuriy fizar will speak in more detail, yuriy good evening, please. give you two hours to catch up on economic news, time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please, and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much, elina chechenii, for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of the coming day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events day in two hours, a big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. extraordinary a look at the news, good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, a sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, in america they also say, let's make better roads
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, we will have even better roads, a special look at events in ukraine, on the border of kyiv there will be some and beyond it, what kind of world does mr. norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in the informational marathon with mykola september, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. pick up bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for... we are calling on everyone to contribute to the collection from scratch to life for atvs for the 93rd brigade in the cold ravine in the direction of chasiv. we are continuing the search for nine-year-old nikita
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nikolayev from the city of rubizhne in the luhansk region. this settlement has been occupied since may 22 . but nikita disappeared already in may of last year, that is , nothing is known about the fate of the child for exactly a year, i really hope that thanks to your care, the boy will be found. please look carefully at the photo again and remember nikita nikolaev's face. he has blue eyes and light blond hair. he looks like a 9-year-old boy. if suddenly someone has seen nikita or knows something about his possible whereabouts . do not delay and dial the short number of the child tracing service magnolia 1163 from any mobile operator . calls are free, if you suddenly cannot call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. i also want to remind that we are looking for six-year-old sashko hrytsenko.
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i have already told the story of this boy from the temporarily occupied territory of luhansk region in previous programs. the child was abandoned by his mother, and now sashka is trying to find his father, who is in the controlled part of ukraine. we spoke with the man and now i will tell all the details of this frankly shocking story. his ex-wife asked for him, and i am looking for him, i want to take him under my wing. she left the house and then came back, but then she left again and the location civil wife, i did not know. so, when the full-scale war began, little sashko lived with his mother and his husband's grandmother in the city of lysychansk. this territory was occupied almost from the first days. at the beginning of last year, the child's mother left home and left sasha with his old great-grandmother. with my grandmother it was a long time ago, probably somewhere
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in the 23rd year of the daughter, it is the beginning of the 23rd year, i found out that this is it, maybe she threw it to my grandmother who was free-spirited on the mountain. she left the house. she took care of the boy for a long time great grandmother soon after, the elderly woman died and the child was taken away from the occupied territory. social services. sasha was immediately taken out of lysichansky. all this happened about a year ago. the service came and took the child. and after that, i knew where he was, that he, well, relatively knew that he was there by hearsay, by anecdotes, that he was somewhere in golchevsk, then he was transferred to luhansk, and then his whereabouts are unknown, so i will look for him. is the child still in the temporarily occupied territory of luhansk region, or was the boy taken to russia, find out? the father did not succeed so far, the husband, of course, turned to the police, but so far there is no clue to find out where his six-year-old son is. my
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child, hrytsenko oleksandr oleksiiovych, i am asking someone there to see him, if anyone can by any signs, who will be suitable, boy, be a sweetie, i will be very grateful to you. i appeal to everyone who sees this video, and especially to the residents of the occupied luhansk region. look carefully at the photo of sashko hrytsenko. the guy looks 6-7 years old. he thin, about 110-115 cm tall. he has straight light blond hair, an oval face and brown eyes. he is a very kind child, he is very attracted to people. if anything, what he liked was, well, to play there, well, like all children, but this child has the status of cerebral palsy, he could not. pronounce such wordings of what words there are, if there is any meaning. sashko has a medical diagnosis of cerebral palsy, which is why he cannot always formulate his thoughts clearly. but he is
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very sensitive and reaches out to people. if suddenly someone has seen the boy or knows where he can be to be there now, immediately call the hotline of the magnolia children's search service with the short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators. free of charge, if suddenly there is no way to call, write to the chatbot child search service in telegram. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua.
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the ukrainian program is broadcast from washington voice of america chaas time, i'm yuliya yarmolenko, congratulations. the united states will continue to help ukraine, fight back against the russians in the occupied territories, but western weapons strike... on the territory of russia , washington does not encourage and does not facilitate this, this is the explanation of the main question of the week, john kirby, white's adviser, gave on friday of the house of communications in the field of national security. a fragment from an interview with algura tv channel, below. we do not support or encourage attacks on russian territory. on russian territory. but the russians occupied regions in ukraine that do not exist their territory. and ukrainians have every right to attack russian troops stationed on ukrainian soil. and we will continue to do everything possible to help them in this. american
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lawmakers, meanwhile, have no clear position on whether the united states should lift the de facto ban on using the supplied weapons against targets in russia. kateryna lisynova asked this question to two influential legislators: the leader of the democrats in the house of representatives, hakim jeffries, and ochi. to the committee on international relations, republican michael mccall i do think that we must continue to evaluate how we can best ensure that the ukrainian people, who have acted with such bravery and courage over the past two years, can decisively defeat russian aggression, for the good of the people of ukraine, and for the good of the free peace, truth, democracy and society. rule-based. we appropriated this money to arm ukraine
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to ... win this war, and every time we limit or restrain it, it goes against the intent of congress. we have allocated this package for victory as colin paol used to say, you either act full or you don't act at all. the president's national security adviser, sullivan, has been using a half-power approach for the past two years. he says that everything is too provocative, from the stingers to the juvilins and... the hymers, as well as the atakams, which i personally wrote into the aid package, that the administration should provide the atakams to ukraine as soon as possible. we are losing the will of the american people because jake salevan is dragging this case out too long. the russians in the kharkiv region, meanwhile, expanded the combat zone by 70 km. thus they are are trying to force the armed forces to recruit an additional number of brigades from the reserve. this was announced by the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine
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oleksandr syrskyi. russian ground assaults in the north of kharkiv region have been going on for a week. the city of kharkiv itself is under constant airstrikes. experts say that the strength of the russians is unlikely to be enough to take the largest city in eastern ukraine, and the real goal of this operation is completely different. andriy borys analyzed the situation together with american military experts. this is footage of ukrainian border guards fighting for vovchansk in kharkiv oblast. the russians partially managed to enter the city, and since last week they have been conducting a ground assault in the north of the region. 30,000 people were involved in the offensive operation, oleksandr lytvynenko, secretary of the nsdc, said to the french agency. according to dibstate analysts, the aggressor managed to capture several border villages. thousands of people were evacuated from dangerous areas. why did russia manage to push out
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the ukrainians in this area? john nagle. an american lieutenant colonel and professor at the us army war college, believes that the russians took advantage of a number of mistakes, ukrainians and their allies. ukraine had to build a better defense, a network of trenches, fortifications, and minefields between kharkiv and russia. ukraine should have mobilized better six months ago, not now. probably, it was not necessary to conduct a counterattack. as it had been last summer, they were advancing in too many directions at once and evidently wasted their efforts. the united states should have previously supplied ukraine with all the necessary weapons. a six-month pause in the provision of weapons to ukraine allowed russia gain an advantage in artillery. air defense means cannot be used without missiles and ammunition. the armed forces of ukraine could
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restrain or complicate the offensive in... the kharkiv region by striking on the territory of russia, according to numerous experts interviewed by the voice of america. however , the united states does not allow the use of weapons provided by its allies in russia. this is the ukrainian war, not america's war against russia - explained the reason for the ban last year by the then chairman of the joint chiefs of staff of the usa, general mark milley. instead, gordon davis, maj. gen of the us army in retirement, using the example of the defense of kharkiv, indicates, from a military point of view, political limitations. i believe that this is an illogical political restriction that prevents the military from defending its territory from aggression. russia has the means of long-range damage, and unlike the east or south of ukraine, where these means are located on the occupied ukrainian territory, the situation with kharkiv, which is located on the border with russia, is completely different, so why hold back.
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systems, systems of long-range damage or destruction of air targets in russia, which strike on the ukrainian population or ukrainian troops, it makes no sense. for the full version of this story, see the page of voice of america in ukrainian on the youtube network, and also read this analysis on the website of voice of america. and we continue the issue: former hockey coach and public activist from canada paul huse has been helping ukrainians for more than two years, he chose for himself... kharkiv, which he calls a strong city of strong people. despite the fact that the russians are trying to advance in the direction of kharkiv, he has no plans to leave ukraine. around myself gathered a team of like-minded people, such as a prosecutor from the american state of utah, and an american military man, a member of the international legion of the armed forces. how exactly and whom they help and what motivates them, benefactors told anna kostyuchenko and pavlo sohodolski. i call...


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