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tv   [untitled]    May 18, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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expressed that the russian special services are trying to destabilize eastern europe so that there will be instability there as well, and this eastern europe also thought that anyone who would make various statements there to or towards ukraine, or somehow curtsy in the direction of russia, anyone can become a target for some 71-year-old writer who is there, i don't know how he is... to be honest, it is very difficult for me to imagine that this person shot, well, shot, the question is why? well i agree with you that this is why he shot and is he an agent or there he was connected with some pro-russian organizations prohibited, all this is understandable, but in fact, we have to say that there is one event, and this event should be investigated, by an investigation, but there is something that
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unfolds after the events, the information company, and here is this information campaign, it is very similar to setting fire to reystag, because what orban is talking about, the election of trump in the united states, i also love russia so much, i want to talk to putin, here are the facts, here you see, that is, in principle, they are starting to appeal to voter, to the common man, that there is some... position, there are some doves of peace who suffer some kind of wrong from the not-so-bad war parties, this is how they show it, and we understand that this is done by right-wing politicians who have never been peace-loving in their essence, and for whom the question is for that shorban, freedoms, human rights and everything else, they are so secondary, so in this case, i am very worried that it is already beginning to add to all this the elections in the united
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states, i will not be surprised if trump announces threats and for about the danger to one's life, because as we know, we remember these history, that all the attempts are present or imagined, that they are very good in electoral terms , the opportunity to appeal, and now the elections to the european parliament are coming up, where we see that... in fact, the right, the right can increase the number of their votes, thank you, larisa, what is tatiana saying in european structures about this whole story, because it is clear that fitso is a prominent figure, he made many statements about how peace should come in ukraine, in particular, and he was a supporter of what and is a fan of that ukraine should negotiate with... russia, these
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are very strange statements from the slovak prime minister, as well as from the hungarian one, but both slovakia and hungary obviously depend in one way or another on russia, on russian gas, on russian business or some mercantile interests, what is being said in europe about this attempt and who is being hinted at in this situation? well, actually, in the statements of european politicians regarding the attempt on a fizo, it is most often used. the word was shock, because indeed european politicians were shocked that in the 21st century an attempt on a political figure during her meeting with the voters, and of course each state began to try this situation on itself, and there are increasing conversations that the political process in the european union is actually being polarized, and it is not only about eastern europe, but also about central and western, because... in virtually every state
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there is, as you rightly pointed out, a strong, extreme right-wing structure that aspires to power, and indeed in the elections to the european parliament there will be significantly more winners from the far-right camp in almost again anyway in each state, and regarding the same orban and fitz, orban has also already accused of some leftism. as he told the forces today that they wanted to destroy the fizo, the fizo who stands for peace, that's exactly what was being discussed just now, uh, that is, uh, russia is really interested in making europe uneasy, in europe being this is the polarization of opinions and aggression, and in fact, unfortunately, she is succeeding in this so far, and the elections to the european parliament may bring us many unpleasant surprises, because the same fizo...
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even before the attempt on him could increase the number of meps that will be elected from his party will double, and now maybe he will have an even better result because his supporter... will support him even more, so you think that all the events that are happening now in slovakia, they in one way or another, they are connected, well, with internal european politics, perhaps, which putin wants to influence as well. yes, this is a general trend, and this is actually what putin is trying to achieve and what russian propagandists are inciting to oppose one part of each european state to another part, i.e. pro-ukrainian. ukrainian for war is not as it seems, for peace, for negotiations against against negotiations, this is how the russians really work on the territory of the eu. well, once again, the question of how ukrainians work in the eu is also a question, larisa, we know that deputies of the verkhovna rada in one
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way or another are limited in moving around the world, pro-government deputies can safely work with european structures and. .. for oceanic ones, and representatives of the homeland of european solidarity and voice, no, again, we, we will lose again in this situation, so obviously, because, i, i even understand the reasons why they limit themselves, well, because they are not under control, and they will go, say something to themselves, and not go to the dungeons , you understand, and even the question is not that these are bad scumbags, for example, the provisional government... well , yes, it sent its deputies, gave them theses, they go around and spread it, and if the homeland or european solidarity or a voice goes, you are not a scumbag you will push these deputies, and this is all fear of something that i do not control, in fact, this is a great infantilism, because
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you understand, security is where there is total control, and this is not so, where there is total control, it is just very dangerous there, because all sociological... theories indicate that why are authoritarian countries in general they lose to democracies, because there is total control, accordingly, the center cannot control everything, and here it is just an effort, i mean, these deputies are not released, due to the fact that they cannot be controlled, on the other hand, their very presence abroad, where they say something, they are listened to, with something they agree with what they don't, but it is the realization that... the opposition on a level with the government goes and defends the interests of the country, speaks something to someone, because the opposition parties, they are members of certain unions, there are certain lobbies, the same homeland, well, yulia tymoshenko was the prime minister, and petro
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poroshenko was the president, accordingly, they have their own connections, informal, that is, it is useful, but it is not controlled, and therefore the authorities need , well... our team to president and people who in this his five effective managers, they finally have to understand that in the modern world the question of power, strength is not a question of control, it is a question of influence, they do not influence, they have never learned to influence, adjust, be in a team, work together with the same western structures, look for allies , that is, to be in partnership you and... and equal to the equal, this is what they have to learn. thank you, larisa, thank you tetiana for participating in the program, larisa voloshina, tetiana vysotska were guests of today's journalism club. friends, we continue to work in on the live broadcast of the espresso tv channel, and we would like
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to present to you the results of a survey, a television survey that we conducted today, whether the uocmp threatens the national security of ukraine, 96% 95. 5% yes, 5% no. on youtube we have about the same ratio, 97% yes, 3% no. that's it, friends, i'll put an end to it, please don't forget to subscribe to our social media pages and like this video so that it can be trending on youtube. i say goodbye to you until monday at 20:00, i wish you peace and light. weekend, take care of yourself and your loved ones, goodbye, there are times when the body
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quickly loses fluid, which can lead to dehydration, when ordinary water is not enough reo, reo is water for special medical purposes, i save reo, i save children reo, and i save myself reo, water for... vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are about to begin. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war speak. serhii zgurets is with us, and what is the world like? and now , yuriy fizar, yuriy dobrovecher, will speak in more detail about what happened in the world. two hours to catch up. economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchuvka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review
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of sporting events by yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about cultural news. leaders who have become many similar natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of the coming day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday
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on espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear viewers, this is a big ether on the espresso tv channel. today we will sum up this friday, partly, of course, sum up friday and this week in general. today, the military summaries of the week and the economic summaries of the week, a lot of important and interesting information, unfortunately, the enemy again delivered powerful blows to kharkiv, odessa, what i read, i see, in kharkiv, on kharkiv oblast has suffered and died, unfortunately, as a result of uro attacks. new details about what and how happened during the enemy invasion of kharkiv oblast, which happened on the 10th, the 10th, plus the destroyed enemy military airport in belbek. the details of this story, about which somehow little is said, but it happened. well, actually
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, serhii sgurets, director of the defense express agency and host of the military summaries of the day column, will also say about this. i congratulate sergey, please tell me. i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers. today in in our final weekly column, we will talk about the combat operations at the front in the assessments of the military and military-political leaders of ukraine about the massive drone attack on russia. on bases in occupied crimea and about unexpected clashes among enemy arms manufacturers, these new trends are worth paying attention to, more on that in a moment. so, when we talk about the state of affairs at the front, it remains extremely difficult, because the enemy maintains an advantage in the number of manpower and equipment, with all his might. seeks to take advantage of the opportunities created as our delay in increasing mobilization,
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as well as the long pause in the supply of primarily american weapons. at the moment, russian troops are most actively operating in the pokrovsky and kurakhiv directions, this is the main direction of the russian attack, but in order to expand the front and, as a consequence, to stretch our forces and reserves, the enemy began on may 10... offensive actions in the north of the kharkiv region, which still in the center of our attention during this week, and today the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr sirskyi stated that the russian troops actually expanded the zone of active operations by almost 70 km in kha in the kharkiv region, thus trying to force the ukrainian side to use additional brigades from the reserve. syrskyi says that... that the main efforts of the enemy in the kharkiv area were concentrated in the direction of strelech
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liptsi and on the capture of vovchansk, with the subsequent exit to the white well and with the deployment of the offensive, the rear of our troops. actually, it seems to me that it has to do with the grouping that kupyansky is currently holding direction. and under such circumstances, as syrskyi says, we must prevent the further advance of enemy forces and... the ukrainian army must use its advantage in strike drones, anti-aircraft weapons and effective artillery fire as efficiently as possible, syrskyi wrote. today in his social network, as well as the day before yesterday, there were assessments of the frontline situation, and from the supreme commander-in-chief at a press conference, volodymyr zelenskyi said that the defense forces stabilized the russians, where they are now, and deeper, the deepest the point of their advance is about 10 km, and
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zelenskyi said that now very powerful brigades of the armed forces are operating in the kharkiv region. several directions were reinforced by battalions, and this is what, as zelensky said, could be taken from the reserve and from other directions. also, zelenskyi said several important and interesting things regarding his perception of certain important events on the front line, in particular, he mentioned fortifications, he said that the enemy did not reach the concrete defense line, and that someone... so he says, this house, however, as far as i'm concerned, this does not remove the questions regarding engineering preparation for defense in vovchansk itself and regarding the preparation of individual defense lines or positions north of kharkiv. zelenskyi also mentioned that the enemy was able to break through the defenses in the kharkiv region due to, including the lack
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of air defense, because long-range weapons, enemy planes use ka. and without the protection of kharkiv, it is quite difficult to fight this, without a reliable air defense system. we will remind you that zelensky said at the meeting with antony blinken that at least two are needed petrio batteries for the defense of kharkiv. we understand that the patriot has an anti-aircraft range of more than 150 km, and indeed it could be effective in protecting kharkiv from enemy aircraft. and zelensky also said that it was the first time in two years. year, during the two years of the war, none of the brigades complains about the lack of artillery shells, and this has been happening for the past two months. the trend is generally positive, even if it still started just now, and not two months ago, it means that ammunition has really started to arrive to the armed forces now. let me remind you that we need at least 2
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million large-caliber projectiles per year, somewhere within the limits of two per month. 100 thousand in order to ensure at least a certain stabilization on the front line, although in some areas our military says that the advantage of the enemy in artillery there is one to 5, when we talk primarily about ammunition, and when we mention combat operations on in kharkiv oblast, in general, in the border areas in kursk, belgorod, or bryansk oblasts, the enemy does not have a numerical advantage, but we know that the enemy has such in short... what about logistics, when he can bring manpower to our border, and use artillery and aviation, which is located in the depths, in order to strike our land almost without changing the location, and of course the question arises, what restrictions on the use of western weapons for strikes deep into the territory of russia, they significantly
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limit our ability to resist the actions of the enemy and... and zelenskyi said that there should not be any ban, because this is not about the offensive of the ukrainian army using western weapons, and about our defense, but today the same pentagon in comments from the spokeswoman of the pentagon said that the position of the pentagon remains unchanged, that the equipment and weapons that the united states provides to ukraine. should be used to take back ukrainian sovereign territory, that's true, but it said that we believe that it should be applied within ukrainian territory, that is, in fact, now it can be argued that the situation is similar to when a thief is shooting at you there from the gun there through fence or through some chink in the fence
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over your house or you, and you can't really... do the same to him with a foreign gun and you can only rely on your own weapon. so, regarding our own weapons, today there was a lot of interesting things on russian territory and in crimea, where our drones struck objects, enemy objects, and objects that the enemy receives on our territory, and now ... we will try to summarize what happened during this night, now to us the military expert of our information and consulting company joins in. espress ivan kirchevskyi, mr. ivan, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear live on the espresso channel. good evening, mutual. today there was such a unique situation
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regarding the number of use of strike and air and sea drones against enemy targets, i would like you to sum up the interim results of this strike company, what goals, results were set, what was achieved? well, on the one hand. what we saw tonight looks like something a logical continuation of the campaign of attacks on russian oil refineries, when, let's say, when there was an attack, including an attack on the oil refinery, on which there were repeated strikes before, it turns out that in this way our drones simply knocked this plant out of power for good, but from another side today's attack, it is indicative of the fact that perhaps we can now cautiously optimistically assume that, at least for a short period of time... at the rate of use of long-range kamikaze drones, or perhaps even at the rate of production, ukraine at least received a peretet with the russians, because from the materials that
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are circulating, we can start by taking the statement of the ministry of defense of the russian federation that 102 drones were used on our side, there is a video of an eyewitness in social networks who showed that he just stood there, filmed and filmed 80 of our drones, which flew like this, give it like that, in a jamb on one and the same object, plus... there is also such a specific story that perhaps there is a reason to believe that even the drone, well, february managed to be simplified to a certain extent in order to make more its large-scale production, because that we can see on the footage today, it looks like a ferocious drone, but it looks like a slightly reduced version of this drone, from which, for example, the chassis was removed and the dimensions were reduced in order to make it cheaper, because as far as we can remember, the number was officially declared, that the february itself in the basic configuration costs 200 thousand dollars. but it is a little more than the russian shokhed, accordingly, there was room to work in terms of reducing its cost, so the interim results look like this, as a result of the current strikes on the russian
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in the oil refining infrastructure there, in the oil transshipment infrastructure, as was the case today in novorossiysk, we not only continue to plant opportunities there that replenish the budget there, including for the military-industrial complex, but also for our own successes in the military-industrial complex, when although would for a short... period of time, even if it is a conditional two or three weeks, that we at least have some parity in the use of long-range drones for strategic strikes? well, these are optimistic conclusions, questions about transformation design of february, i think it still needs some more, shall we say, additional information, because really we all visually said that it was february, then we had an internal discussion that it was not quite the same, and now you have intermediate conclusions, that the structure there... was probably improved, but we will see in the further strikes on russian objects how february was transformed, but at this time the defense express agency made several materials there today that
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relate to the reflection or evaluation of one of the an interview of a russian official who is responsible for the rostec corporation, which supplies 80% of the weapons to the russian army, this is serhiy chemmizov, and in fact... what surprised me is that, not for the first time, russian officials of this level start to fight about certain financial limitations of the related to the manufacture of weapons in the russian federation, i would like you to tell our viewers in more detail what exactly is happening in russia right now with the manufacture of weapons, what risks exist and whether in fact there may be some friction between the new minister of defense, there and by the old guard that sat on these weapons streams. how revealing was this interview of this chemizov chilnik krostyh, because it turns out that this is a top manager of such and such a russian of such and such an important level, he was
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the first to talk about the fact that the russian federation has now found itself like the soviet union in terms of the economy, do not sell its collapse , that is, not only did the costs begin there, the costs of modern russia began to reach the level of the costs of the soviet union during the war in afghanistan, and the collapse of the economy due to the crazy over... war spending there also reaches the appropriate level, just as in 1986 there was such a drop, but at the same time there is a certain paradox described by chemmizov that it is not enough that the kremlin incurred high war expenses , and this threatens him with the collapse of the economy, so it turns out that the kremlin at the same time risks the collapse of its own military-industrial complex, no more and no less, a collapse, why can this situation be called that, because on the one hand, it seems that a lot of money goes to armaments, but from another side, it goes directly to... the russian federation, and the military-industrial complex, well , there is almost nothing left of local enterprises, and chemizov describes the situation there, which was a runaway situation when the
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contracts were pledged there. would be an indicator of profitability of at least 5-10%, and the ministry of defense of the russian federation lays down 2.8% on average. otherwise, it is a more paradoxical situation that if suddenly the enterprise manages to save money on the production of weapons, that is, to be more efficient, for the same funds to make more weapons for the war against ukraine, then the ministry of defense of the russian federation did not encourage this practice, leaving money on the ground, but took it all back, and it turns out that at least, well , chemizov actually... well, a subordinate tells bilosov that it is necessary to at least correct this situation, but there was still such an interesting prospect is described, and it looked like it turns out that the russian military-industrial complex, even if it is suddenly put in order so that it does not fall apart, it has 10 years of work just for the warehouse, well, that is, what the russians have accumulated there and burned in the war against ukraine in two years, it turns out that the russian military-industrial complex
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will need at least 10 years, that's if it's just... to introduce certain measures for stabilization, well, and probably another bonus is that we will all be, let's say, nice in this case, chimiso admitted that, in fact , after 2030, the russian aviation industry will in principle not be able to ensure the functioning of civil aviation, because even smuggling spare parts for western aircraft is not enough, and the production of its own analogue aircraft, well, only for civil aviation aviation, which they talked about there, for example , the tu-214, which is assembled at the same plant as the tu-160 and tu-22m3 strategists. bombers, well, there is a plan until 2030, that’s somewhere up to 70 planes, only 11 orders have actually been confirmed, and the russians need 500 civilian planes, that is, we can record that now there are certain signals in russia that they have a military-industrial the complex is on the verge of a certain collapse, and moreover, this is a call, let's say, to solve this problem, as i understand it, by collective efforts, as well as by the efforts of civilian administrators led by the
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same belouslov, and... even the military, because otherwise they will not be able to function. and are there any risks that they will actually start to solve these problems if they started talking about them publicly, because during shoigu’s time it was not mentioned at all, the defense industry worked, shoigu, shoigu traveled, showed various models of equipment there, everything was fine there , told and increase the range by another 300 km, are there risks that they will still start to solve these problems, or all? anyway, well, we hope that they won't succeed, well, let's say it's 50 to 50 here, that there is such a golden mean that, taking into account the background of bilousov himself, that he will start to solve it, but taking into account the plus that like him, on his verzhd management style, well, besides everything else, he is also the chairman of the supervisory board there, well, it will all turn into the fact that give us even more money only for the construction of the ladych industrial complex, because, well, it turns out that with on the one
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hand, there is a certain efficiency, it is to them... will, accordingly, give certain weapons for the war against ukraine, this will also help them, but to bring order directly to the indicators they want, well, it will hardly work, because , again, they are not going to do it at the expense of minimizing funds, they they are going to do just that, well, to look for more income somewhere, it is not for nothing that bilousov already talked about the mobilization of russian society at the level of the 1930s, as we recall, there was no military danger, but there was an air force, various forms of this too... paramilitary attachment and when there people just assumed that there was a plan in terms of arming the red army, maybe it will look like this. mr. ivan, thank you for your evaluations and your comments. let me remind you that it was ivan kirchevskyi, an expert of the information consulting company defense express. i would like to add that in fact, the russians are really starting to look forward to the transformation of the work of the ministry of defense and the defense-industrial complex, it is worth
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watching, because... on the one hand, one can optimistically assess that the enemies will not succeed, but it is still necessary assess risks, that if the defense industry suddenly starts to work more efficiently, then this creates additional risks for us, although we understand that now the russian defense industry is primarily dependent to a large extent on chinese machines, on chinese components, on chinese electronics, and that is exactly why vladimir putin was in china, and i think that these points were also discussed, and china... is now trying to take such a peculiar position regarding the attitude to russia's war against ukraine, these are the same challenges that also exist in our reality, this is also the way consider. these are today's main military results of the day and week, and more international and economic news later on vasyl zima's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the spresso channel. thank you, sergey!


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