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tv   [untitled]    May 18, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EEST

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in ukraine and whether the crimean tatars were allowed to return to sevastopol, on the southern coast of crimea, or they still had to find a place for themselves in the north of crimea and in the steppe part. well, of course, no one expected the crimean tatars in crimea, of course they asked where you would return, because we know that this has been the movement since the 60s and 70s. the national movement of the crimean tatars, and a lot of people already at that time were talking about the need to return, and that we were accused of that, and that is , it was such that people were already leaving, some of them were brave people who came out with slogans, return the homeland to the crimean tatars and return the crimean tatars to the homeland, but of course, those people, of course, it was the soviet times, and they came through a lot...
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of course, for the crimean tatars, it is a dream to return to the crimea was always there, and we all knew it from a young age, our parents, for example, they knew that they would definitely return, but it really was such a vagrant in 1987, when there was such an agency, and during the soviet times, tars, which once issued one certificate, where, where they said that crimean tatars, they really exist. traitors, there were a lot of traitorous battalions who shot the civilian population, and mostly they were russians, ukrainians, and jews, but it was intentional, and it was stated in that appeal that the crimean tatars are not the indigenous people of crimea, they appeared there since the 13th century, well, this is such a, you know, very, very widespread myth, which, by the way, still resonates, but it was such a hoax, it was... such, you know,
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a trigger for the crimean tatars, crimean tatars, and they began to leave en masse to moscow, at that time the center, and it was still soviet times, and they went to this red square, they were chased away, they went to other squares, and they were with posters, they wrote that return the crimean tatars to their homeland that you accused us, these accusations are not, well, at least we need an apology for these accusations against the crimean tatars, the crimean tatars. they knocked on all the doors, there is only a minute left, i just warn that this was also such, you know, a trigger for the crimean tatars to become after these meetings, the moscow meetings, they are so, and they were already returning to the crimea, and of course no one was waiting for them, but still , the vodaks and the crimean tatars achieved the fact that they are still on their native land, and here well, it was like that, thank you very much, gulnaran chih sa... they found time and
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came to our studio today, but i hope that in the next broadcasts of espresso and the atp tv channel, we will meet with you in two or three weeks, and let's talk about a lot of questions that i have and andrii chokh has saglens, thank you for being with us today, gulnara abdulaeva, historian, journalist and tv presenter, was with us in the espresso studio, as well as the joint airing of the krymsvitars tv channel of the atp, i worked for you gulsym khalilova and... the following shots may shock you , news from the scene live, kamikaze drone attacks, political analysis, objectively and meaningfully, there is none. of the political season,
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exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, svoboda life - frankly and impartially, you draw the conclusions themselves. watch this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. a false report about a crime, how the vrp rejected the complaint of the head of the economic court of the kyiv region. no evidence of interference with them has been established. activities as judges. but why did pavlo gorbasenko's father end up on the myrotvorets website? greetings, you are watching judicial control, i am tatyana shustrova. the judicial system of ukraine is in a zone of turbulence. against the background of a catastrophic shortage of judges, the higher qualification commission is tirelessly working on conducting competitions for positions and evaluation of the current servants of themis. it's so exhausting that lately the interviews are going on in 7 minutes, the judges are bored. reputation and fortune of unknown
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origin remain in their positions. the head of the commercial court of kyiv turned out to be the next judge for those willing to successfully survive the turbulence and stay in the chair. region pavlo gorbasenko. he and many other unscrupulous members of the judiciary are counting on the renewed composition of the supreme court of justice to eventually turn a blind eye to their inadequacy. we will talk about it today, but first to the news. president for the first time since 2022, volodymyr zelenskyi has signed a number of decrees on the appointment of judges to positions in local general, commercial and administrative courts, as well as in regional commercial courts. sudaah these are former judges, the so -called five-year judges, participants of the 2017 selection and participants of previous selections for the positions of judges. in total, zelensky appointed 116 servants of themis. oleksiy mykytyuk, the judge of the illegally created rf kyiv district court of simferopol, was sentenced to 15 years
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in prison for working for the enemy. as reported sbu, mykytyuk helped the russian invaders legitimize the political repression of crimeans who do not agree with the kremlin regime. according to the investigation, he is involved in the adoption of a number of illegal decisions regarding activists of the occupied peninsula. based on the collected evidence, the court found mykytyuk guilty under the article on collaborative activity and sentenced him to 15 years in prison, which the judge will begin serving as soon as he is arrested. the higher qualification commission continues to assess ukrainian judges for their suitability for the positions they hold. check not all and especially inventive judges pass. while the qualifying commission is making a decision, they are simultaneously submitted to another court for competition, and suddenly it will work. this is pavlo gorbasenko, head of the economic court of the kyiv region. he is one of the most scandalous judges and the most influential people of kyiv region. currently, gorbasenko is waiting for a decision from the supreme court of appeals, will he continue to sit in the judge's chair?
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in december, the commission postponed the decision on gorbasenko. the decision is announced: the decision on the meeting. since several points, several points in connection with which the commission cannot, i think that he cannot make a decision. while the vkk is waiting for additional explanations and documents from pavlo gorbasenko, he decided not to waste time. submitted documents for participation in the competition for the post of judge in the northern commercial court of appeal. in this way , you can get a promotion and reset some facts of your personal and professional biography. also, gorbasenko spams the prosecutor general and the supreme council about... the judge with grievances and complaints about alleged interference in his work. in fact, he tries to justify himself in a banal way, because to a higher one the qualification commission received appeals about his unprofessionalism and mistakes made during the consideration of cases. we are talking about one of the enterprises of critical infrastructure in the kyiv region, bilotserkivsk
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thermal power plant. the shareholders insist that in the pad case the judge made many unjust decisions, took measures to secure the lawsuit by suspending the effect of the decisions of the general meeting of shareholders. in another case, gorbasenko too. acted according to a statement signed by a representative of the defendant, and undertook to consider another lawsuit, again , signed not by the plaintiffs, but by representative of the defendant. the northern commercial court of appeal, where gorbasenko dreams of going, overturned his decisions. therefore, the shareholders believe that the judge's actions have signs of raiding and illegal interference in economic activity and have reported this to the higher qualification commission, which must determine whether the judge will continue his career. instead, gorbasenko decided that the appeal would be actionable. to the vkk is nothing but interference in its activities, from pavlo gorbasenko's report on interference in the judge's activities. i think it is necessary to inform about interference in my activities as a judge, regarding the administration of justice, as well as contempt of court. spamming higher authorities, the prosecutor's office
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and courts with complaints and lawsuits is a common thing for gorbasenko. in an odious oase, he contested the negative conclusion of the public integrity council. then he tried to appeal the decision himself in the supreme court. kks, experts considered these actions as an attempt to evade the qualification assessment. the judge provided known false or abusive information in the kissing procedures and attempted to evade passing qualification targeting. pavlo gorbasenko was appointed a judge of the commercial court of the kyiv region by presidential decree in 2010. i used family, friendly and other informal careers. in 2007, gorbasenko was married to... and was married to donka, a person who at that time was a judge of the supreme court of ukraine and the head of the judicial branch in major cases, as well as a member of the supreme raditsia. at the end of the zeros, gorbasenko, who worked as a legal consultant in
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a private firm, suddenly decided to change his activity and got a job in the commercial court of kyiv region. just during the time when his then father-in-law valentyn barbara was a member of the supreme council of justice. interesting. coincidence. during his work as a judge, gorbasenko managed to get into several scandals and make a living with a considerable amount of real estate. a housewife helped her mother earn property. the judge assures that it was given to him by his mother. two apartments of 116 and 136 m2 in an elite district in kyiv. my mother gave me two apartments and a car. here are some of the most expensive residential complexes in obolon with picturesque views of the dnipro. the price of apartments starts from 100 thousand dollars for a simple one-room apartment. and the gorbasynk family actually has a whole floor. according to the data of the yutrol service , ownership of four apartments and three parking spaces. in these elite houses , gorbasenko's brother oleksiy was also appointed. i wonder how much such pleasure cost.
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for herself, pavel gorbasenko's mother built a house of more than 800 m2 in the village of lebedivka near kyiv. next to the picturesque green forest, on a huge private territory of more than half a hectare, there is a two-story building - the altanka pool. where does the mother come from? housewives have the funds for such a large house and luxurious apartments in obolon, pavlo gorbasenko assures. all the money is the wealth of the businessman's father. father is a builder with many years of experience, and in addition to construction, he is engaged in various indirect activities. judge volodymyr gorbasenko's father runs his business in occupied crimea, so he obviously pays taxes to the terrorist state. we are not even surprised that the name of the father of the head of the economic court of the kyiv region appeared in the peacemaker database. analysts together with special services discovered that in february march. in 2022, the russian mobile phone number of volodymyr gorbasenko was recorded while roaming in the temporarily
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occupied territory of the kyiv region. it is likely that gorbasenko took part in the military aggression of the russian federation against ukraine, according to the peacekeepers, and when the kyiv region was liberated, he fled back to crimea. and this is hanna svyredenko, a member of the kyiv city council and the owner of a large amount of real estate, in particular in kyiv and the occupied crimea. according to the documents, she divorced pavel gorbasenko for the second time. the first time they allegedly broke up at the end of 2014, but remained in such a wonderful relationship that they went to europe together five days after the divorce. in 2017, they gave birth to a joint child, then traveled abroad dozens of times, even during the war. all this is too similar to the manipulation of the norms of the law, presumably precisely in order not to declare property. we broke up with her in the 14th year, and therefore i did not specify her in the future. but we continued our communication, just the two circumstances under which i have to declare her have disappeared.
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in january 22, gorbasenko and sveredenko they got married again and in the fall of last year, once again hastily decided to divorce. everything was organized literally in a day. my ex-wife and i tried to file a lawsuit, in the order of a separate lawsuit, in order to speed up the proceedings. the divorce took place just on... the eve of the qualification assessment of gorbasenko and the opening of the register of declarations, from which we learned that in 2023 he and hanna sveredenko had another daughter, and this also indicates the close family relations that the couple once again decided to hide it, probably to manipulate the norms of the law when declaring property. the higher qualification commission of judges allowed gorbasenko to participate in the competition for a position in the northern appellate court. and while he is preparing for the next interview, the members of the supreme court of appeals have already obviously prepared questions for him about unjust
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decisions with signs of raiding and about sky-high real estate and probably fictitious divorces, as well as relations with his father, who pays taxes in the occupied crimea and according to the peacekeeper could be involved in the military aggression of the russian federation against ukraine. so, in order to justify himself, gorbasenko filed several complaints to the supreme council of justice and the prosecutor general's office about alleged interference in his judicial activities. vrp conducted an inspection and announced the decision last week. according to the results of checking the report of the judge of the commercial court of the kyiv region , gorbasenko, no facts of interference in their activities as judges, as well as actions that threaten the independence of judges and the authority of justice, were established relevant conclusions. all 14 members of the vrp present at the meeting voted for this decision and actually admitted that gorbasenko filed a... known false report about interference in his activities. meanwhile,
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the higher qualification commission of judges should announce its decision regarding the judge in the near future. it depends on her whether gorbasenko will continue to sit in the judge's chair and whether he will be able to transfer to another court. we hope that the members of the commission will carefully investigate his biography, professional competence, legality of decisions and conformity of lifestyle with official income and will make a fair decision regarding gorbasenko. today i have everything, it was judicial control and i am tetyana shustrova. tell us about the facts of corruption in the judicial system that you know. message me on facebook or at... the email address you see on your screens. see you in exactly one week. good bye. today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko.
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sevastopol in the dark. over a hundred ukrainian drones attacked the occupiers in crimea at night. russian, how large-scale strikes of force defenses can surprise invaders in the future? dangerous restrictions: the lack of air defense and the ban on striking with western weapons on russian territory helped the russian offensive in the north, is putin really abandoning plans to capture kharkiv? deoccupation of a historical and cultural monument. in kyiv , the scandalous uocp was dismantled near the foundations of the ancient tithe church, when the complete dismantling of the russian church in ukraine will take place. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet
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everyone and wish everyone good health. during for the next two hours we are talking about ukraine, the world, the war and our victory. let's talk today about putin's visit to beijing, his talks with xi jinping, how the americans warn or do not warn ukrainians about the strikes of american weapons on the territory of the russian federation, and how more than 100 drones attacked the territory of the russian federation and the temporarily occupied crimea last night. we will talk about all this with our guests and the people's deputy of ukraine over the next hour. former head of the service of security of ukraine valentin nalyvaichenko, major of the national reserve guard, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war oleksiy hetman and executive director of the institute of world politics yevgeny magda. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest watching how ukrainian soldiers destroy the russian invaders with
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the help of bradley, a video of the operation of an infantry fighting vehicle in the pokrovsky direction of the april. in the 47th separate mechanized brigade, let's see how it was. glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, we work in live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on
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our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live there. please subscribe to our. platforms and our pages, and take part in our survey, today we ask you whether the uocp threatens the national security of ukraine. yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, write your comment if it is more extensive than the options in our survey. if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you believe that the uoc mp threatens the national security of ukraine (0800-211). 381 no 0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. and we have our first guest on the phone, this is valentyn nalivaychenko, people's deputy of ukraine, secretary of the verkhovna rada committee on ukraine's integration with the eu, head of the security service of ukraine in 2006-10,
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2014-15. mr. valentin, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. i congratulate you. glory. ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. valentin, let's start our conversation with the statements of the american side regarding the possibility of using american weapons in strikes on the territory of the russian federation. the pentagon has confirmed its position regarding restrictions on the use of ukrainian weapons provided by the united states of america as part of military aid. this was reported by the spokeswoman of the us department of defense, sabrina, at the briefing. sing, let's hear what she said. we have not changed our position, we believe that the equipment, the capabilities that we provide... and that other countries provide should be used to return ukrainian sovereign territory. we asked for it publicly. i would like to emphasize that
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the weapons provided within the framework of the contact group on the defense of ukraine are intended for use on the battlefield. in his conversations with minister umyerov, the state secretary also spoke about the fact that these opportunities can best be used on the territory of ukraine. mr. valentine, is it possible? to return the sovereign territory of ukraine without striking territory of the russian federation? well, the response to this is given by the armed forces of ukraine almost every night and every day, attacking and destroying, and this is correct, enemy objects on enemy territory, and you are objects that directly relate to russian aggression against us, directly support, or are military objects. moreover, these are no secrets, we are talking with american partners, and i am a member. of the parliament, the delegation of mr. blinkin was the secretary of state in kyiv, i met with this delegation, today, those who remained people, i also worked with them from this delegation,
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we further explain to them that it is extremely important for us to get and destroy the carriers of russian terrorist missiles, such as tu-95, mih-31 and so on, the enemy and aggressor hides them on their territory, on a great distance from the armed forces of ukraine. but it is exactly that missile terrorism that poses the greatest threat, takes the lives of peaceful ukrainian civilians the most, by the way, for some reason no one talks about them, but we are talking and convincing our american partners that we need long-range weapons not just as weapons, but as a means of destroying terrorist planes, terrorist missiles, shaheeds and so on, but at those airfields of the base, from where they take off and from where... the same missile terrorism begins, so this is the first argument, the second, i can professionally explain to our tv viewers , why the american side on especially the latest types of weapons, well
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, for example, such as atakams and others, so far does not give a possible permission to use them outside the borders of ukraine, and because these missiles, their guidance depends on american a-techniques, b-specialists, in our opinion and we... this is the third argument, just as a result of the visit of us secretary of state blinkin, we have agreed and are creating a fund for an additional 2 billion dollars, and from this fund ukrainian developments and production will be invested and supported, precisely for long-range weapons, there was not enough american investment, now in the near future, as soon as they go, i think that our own production, our own missiles, this is the first thing that ... the armed forces will start and their distance, we sincerely want to get missiles up to a range of 700 km as soon as possible in our
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disposing of our armed forces again, this is such an important step, and the last thing, f-16 universal fighters, in the near future they will really appear in the ukrainian sky, and this, if the enemy does not allow the destruction of airfields, then at least in the sky, the ukrainian the sky more effectively repels... terrorist attacks with shahedes, rockets and even aerial guided bombs, from which the ukrainian arcs are currently suffering the most. president zelenskyy does not agree with the ban on ukraine using western weapons for strikes against russia, president zelenskyi said during a meeting with journalists. i will quote the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine. i do not think that there should be any bans, because this is not about the offensive of the ukrainian army. with the use of western weapons on the territory of russia, this is protection, this is the same as preventive sanctions that we all talked about before a full-scale invasion, this is the same, this is a warning,
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zelensky said. mr. valentin, what are the americans afraid of if their weapons are used on the territory of russia? that is, they afraid that there will be a response with a nuclear strike on the territory of the united states of america? no. the answers that i have heard and hear from high-ranking american officials, experts, the military and even journalists, the decision of the administration of the white house of the united states, the administration of president biden is to not allow to be drawn into the war against ukraine, which is being waged by russia, to draw in additional forces and withdraw those limitations that the russian aggressor can use to his advantage. well, more specifically, supply and use already on russian territory long-range missiles, the american administration clearly believes, will give
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russia the opportunity to ask, and most importantly. not to receive more long-range missiles, either from china, or from iran, or from that north korea, from where, by the way, they already received them. this is actually the approach of the american administration, but i emphasize once again that we know how to gradually lift this ban, and it is lifted by the steps that i have already announced: the creation of a fund to finance the ukrainian defense industry, the creation of long-range systems our weapons in ukraine. our own and their application, but mr. valentin, well, the americans already have much more opportunities to help ukraine and provide more military aid, doesn't it look like the united states of america is giving ukraine, belatedly , just as much as is necessary so that ukraine does not lose , but i didn’t win, i don’t share these sentiments, the only thing i admit is that
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exactly... it was the delay in approving the defense package in the us congress, which created the gaps that really our defense, our armed forces are suffering, that is, there was a certain shortage and it is possible of certain types of weapons, but the artillery shells are gone, and there are more of them for the armed forces, and this will continue, by the way, to spread and accelerate, further missiles for the heimers of these systems of s... serious volley fire, which are called, by the way, the finger of god, which means that if hymers has already got there, then there is no enemy left there. missiles for hymers are now also supplied by the american side, and with a range of 80 km, and we are all convinced, experts, that these are the hymers from such missiles are now urgently needed in the direction of kharkiv in order to eliminate even those 56 km that the enemy across
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the russian-ukrainian border in... entered the gray zone, i think that this is temporary, as soon as our armed forces receive such systems for heimers, such missiles will also destroy those groups that entered even the kharkiv region, and the third attack, i already mentioned, these are ballistic army missiles from the united states of america, and i will also mention that within the framework of the same approved package there will be additional patriot system and maybe not one, but definitely with american partners we say that okay, one + one, plus two plus three, but it should be a constant addition and a constant supply of what is produced, by the way, the only manufacturer, this the united states of america, these are patriot air defense systems, kharkiv must be defended now, and this is the absolutely correct position of the bet and the supreme commander, and the american partners understand this. further, from lviv to odesa is not just a necessity, it is an extreme
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a necessity for us, as soon as possible. receive additional air defense systems. christopher cavoli, the supreme commander of nato's combined armed forces in europe , says that since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the russians have improved their logistics, that the quality of their troops has deteriorated, so today they are not capable of making a large-scale breakthrough, and in fact, let's listen to what christopher cavoli himself said . the russians do not have the necessary number of people for a strategic breakthrough. we don't believe that. moreover, they do not have the skills and capabilities to do so, to operate at the scale necessary to exploit any breakthrough for strategic advantage. mr. valentine, do you agree with this opinion? yes, our nato partners, general, general cavoli, knows what?
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says, the only thing is that together with the nato partners, this is already in addition to what i talked about with regard to the american partners, with the nato partners, we are working to ensure that the first, after all, the joint training exercise of our military begins, especially those who are again being mobilized and trained for the armed forces of ukraine, and also on the territory of ukraine, it is firstly faster, secondly cheaper and thirdly more effective for us. for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, and secondly, we are seriously working to ensure that joint patrols of the ukrainian skies, at least in ukraine on the western border of ukraine, joint, joint possible protection of energy and civilian facilities along the western border of ukraine will nevertheless begin. from this we believe and insist that joint efforts can and should be started ukraine-nato, but not exclusively in the form of
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a conference or meeting. or conversations, already in specific ones


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