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tv   [untitled]    May 18, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EEST

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therefore, we think it is a good example of how today the military world is becoming more modern from the business side, we really need this in order for us to win not a small soviet army, a large soviet army, already technologically, psychologically, managerially modern, and it really works, a military serviceman who enters the army, either by summons or by... voluntarily one way or another seeks to receive these guarantees, guarantees on the condition that his dignity will not be violated, that he will do the work that he or wanted, or actually, well, they gave him, but it will all happen, well, in human conditions, in your opinion, are there any such violations in the army, what changes in general does the ukrainian army need today, this is a very difficult question, a very difficult question . in the sense that
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we have an army, it was not strong before the start of the war, and we gain this experience, we develop, we learn, we all make mistakes, we learn from these mistakes, and accordingly we develop, there is a tendency, of course, somewhere else there may be, so to speak, army, soldiery, but so what, what is important to understand is a cult... values, they change, because we see that it is not effective, and especially the example of our brigade, it was created precisely on the basis of showing that in the modern world it is possible to win a war not only with the old soviet methods, let's try something modern, the modern approach is psychological, technological, and that's what we're working on. speaking of your team's values, what are they? well, first of all, the life of every soldier is important to us, that is why we... contribute to the maximum
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provision psychologically, materially, precisely that's why we develop as an organism, very actively, and it is evident that the command helps us in this, eh, these are the principles, i think, of great motivation, dignity, values, and well, care and work, a lot of work on oneself, there are also stories in the army when for example, they are transferred from another, from one specialty to another, for example, the same operators, drone operators or gunners get into attack aircraft, that is , how does this happen and is there any advice on this? in fact, in most cases, such cases occur purely on voluntary basis, i well, i personally don't know of such cases where a person didn't want to be there. i went to some cook
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and tomorrow they sent me to the attack aircraft, i understand that this can in principle happen somewhere in the army, i understand why, a critical situation has arisen, we need to strengthen the infantry there, i cannot answer whether this is an effective humane approach, eh, and nevertheless, i know that we work more to find a person, study and put him in that position, so that he is competent there, because if a person studied... on drones, he did his job well, he worked there in an infantryman, he an ineffective foot soldier, so as our value is the lives of our people, we do not do this. at the beginning, i also mentioned that in general there is already the 19th recruiting center of the ukrainian army, but they also contain units and, in general, several military groups. is it known what this number is, in general, the divisions are independently engaged in recruiting centers? i will be honest, i did not
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conduct an analysis of the entire recruiting market, and i analyzed the teams that are most interesting there, which give results there, and in them almost everyone has recruiting centers, i think this is very good, very healthy, and i think that everyone should try to do it, or at least, as i said, the recruiting center is not so much a panacea to give this communication. it is necessary to work on communication in principle, that is, the recruitment center is only a tool for communicating with people and conveying information to them, therefore, speaking of this communication, according to sociological surveys, a large percentage are ready to join the armed forces of ukraine, but their scares the uncertainty of where they will serve, this was also said, as i have already mentioned about this guarantee, and whether their specialty in the civil service will be taken into account 100%. and how to improve this
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process? 100% - it just refers to the fact that we communicate with a person and ask what he wants, who he was in civilian life. who has strong skills, and according to her skills we select her candidacy, it cannot be that a person just wanted something for herself, but she does not meet the requirements, then we cannot hire her for such a position, that is accordingly, how to respond to this skill is to train, prepare, be ready for work, directly, each person comes without a military training, basic general military training, but we have a very... powerful training center within the framework of ukraine, if you go to contract service, then this is a trip abroad, it’s generally very cool, and with this bzvp, well, the candidate gets very strong skills, directly, for which he already goes to a further position, he either
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undergoes an additional professional specialty, well , he receives training, or already directly he comes to the unit and our instructors, our specialists teach there, accordingly, as i said, upon arrival to the unit, there is a period of coordination, where we check what the person has learned with the team and coordinate, and in the process we have trips to the training ground, training , and we also send to, if someone wants to move further in their career, to some mandatory courses, and well, we promote development as much as possible. finally, i cannot help but mention the mobilization law, which was finally adopted, signed by the president... recently, how do you assess it, will it help is he really mobilizing? in the pluses and minuses in general, i believe that the law has the right to life, only before this law we still need to strengthen communication with the candidates, with
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civilians, we need to give them the opportunity to choose options, i think that... . how do we explain that the army is not scary when you are provided, when you are safe , when you have a powerful team, when it is our job, in fact, it is our task to defend our state now, and when it is we have young commanders who think modernly, when available commanders who have been volunteers since 2014 and there for the entire time of commanding small groups, there is not a single dead person, when people will know this, then i think they will be more upset. and the law on mobilization for them will not really be so much a determining factor as to whether they want to go or not, because these are frameworks, these are frameworks, as in the contract, as in any work that we go to, that's why the more, i think, people will
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understand the very essence of military activity, the more they will be interested, because it is actually very, very interesting and very needed today, on such a night. i thank you very much for the conversation, i know that your recruiting team is growing, because there are many requests from the candidates themselves who want to join the 47th brigade, so thank you very much for your work and i hope that motivated people will actually join you, i will remind you that we talked with vyacheslav, the head of recruiting of the 47th separate mechanized brigade. well, i thank our viewers and... please stay with us, thank you,
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there are discounts, presenting the coco discounts of may on eden, 20% at pharmacies plantain, bam and oshkad. exclusively on the air of our channel, congratulations friends, on the air politclub on the espresso tv channel, the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland, topics that resonate in our society, drone attacks to kyiv. and on other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to do to quarrel let's invent, help
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to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health! ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, a sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what a world dreams pa- norman, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola in september: saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. join the ranks of the hundredth individual. mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is our
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safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. the strong in spirit value the ability to stand side by side with their brothers and sisters, all the way to holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, winds kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who covers the enemy with heavy fire and returns meter by meter our native land. land, join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, let's keep the line together.
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greetings friends, the second part of the verdict program is on the air of the espresso tv channel, today we have a journalist club, and today we will talk about the following: ahead, robert fico is in a serious condition after the assassination attempt, how the incapacity
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of the slovak prime minister can affect slovakia's policy towards ukraine ? reorganization in the government, the new minister of infrastructure can replace kubrakov kamyshchyn, is the practice of reformatting ministries under ministers justified. pressure on journalists. ukrainian pravda. received threats after the publication of the investigation about the foreign trips of the rich of kyiv, what will be the reaction of the authorities? we will talk about this and other things in the next 45 minutes. let me remind you that we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live there, please subscribe to our pages, take part in our survey. today we ask you about whether there is a threat to the national security of ukraine in the pcp. yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube. if you have your own,
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please leave it in the comments below this video. if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote. if you believe that the national security of ukraine is threatened by the pcmp. 0800-211-381, no, 0800-211382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program, we will match. the results of this vote, i would like to introduce the guests of ours today studio, this is larisa voloshina, journalist, political psychologist, ms. larisa, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, good evening, each other, and tetyana vysotska, our correspondent, correspondent of the tv channel in european structures, ms. tetyana, i congratulate you , thank you for being with us today, i congratulate sergiya, i congratulate you from the sidelines of the council of europe, where the meeting of the committee of ministers was held today. i'm still here, i'm still working, thank you, so, larisa and tatyana, since we are asking
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our tv viewers whether the uocmp threatens the national security of ukraine, let's in the format of a blitz poll, let's also talk about this topic with you, what do you think about it, larisa, you have my word, i think so, and it is a question, here, after all, it is necessary to distinguish between priests, the congregation and the leadership of the church. because we see that a huge number of priests, they basically have a pro-ukrainian position, they serve, they have a mission, recently our colleague with you. dmytro krapivka described a very interesting, interesting case when he entered a church somewhere in the east, where he is currently fighting, and the priest there fortified him with water, he says, well, the moscow the patriarchate says: go and beat the supasata , he crossed it and sent it, that is, there is, well, we say that there are congregations, there are priests, and that's
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one thing, but if we talk about the structure, then it still has to have. coordination with the russian orthodox church, we see that until recently there were traitors in the holy synod, there were people who in the occupied crimea are already clearly representatives of the russian orthodox church, that is, the russian orthodox church, and therefore i think that as a structure, this church in ukraine is very - very harmful. thank you, larisa, tatyana, what do you think about the threats from the uoc mp to national security of ukraine? i agree with... my colleague that this structure really poses a threat to ukraine directly, and i want to refer, for example, to one of the latest resolutions of the european parliament, which just raised the issue that the uoc-mp, the russian church is actually a relay of invaders aggressive ideas of putin, ideas of aggressive russia, and it should be considered
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as an accomplice of putin's crimes, and in fact, even european parliamentarians called on the european union... to ban the ban of the moscow church on the territory of their states, and actually yes, it is no longer a church, it is an institution that works for the russian state apparatus, we are not talking about some religious structure, we are talking about a propaganda sect, if we can say so, well, part of a large repressive machine, an aggressive machine, which is putin's regime, because on may 7, when the so -called president er... putin was inaugurated, we saw how kirill gundyaev tried to bless putin for many years, i would say, until the end of the century or whatever he says, for many years age, he said, that is, until the end of the age, but lo let's talk about more now issues that concern, in particular,
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journalists and the information field, because we will start with the decision of the council of the european union. today the council decided to suspend the broadcasting of four more media in the european union, which spread russian propaganda and support an aggressive war against ukraine, these are the voice of europe, riya novosti, izvestya and rosiyskaya gazeta. whether the ukrainian propaganda machine is present in in the proper understanding of this word , the information field that doz... allows ukraine to rebroadcast or explain to europeans what is happening in ukraine, so that europeans do not watch russian propaganda channels, or these propaganda channels do not shape their opinion. well, forgive larisa, we will start with tatyana, since she is in european structures, i think that first of all, what does this decision actually mean and whether or not we are present there,
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in fact, this decision was expected, because, speaking, for example , provo. europe, then this publication, this online publication, which was financed, by the way, by the ex-ukrainian oligarch medvedchuk, and it has been at the center of a scandal for several months, because in addition to the fact that this publication spread russian propaganda, there are also not without grounds, if the grounds , it is not unreasonable to say that it was through this publication that russia financed. influencers, european politicians and even transferred funds to some members of the european parliament, and in this regard, an investigation is still ongoing in belgium, and let's hope that the european the elections will have results, and regarding the ban of these four publications, i want to say for now that they are no longer allowed to rebroadcast their news on the territory of the european union, but
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for now their journalists can still work on the territory of the eu, can conduct surveys, can take ... interview, and the european union itself is now going to stop that as well, because these four publications will most likely be included in the next 14th package of sanctions against the russian federation, which will most likely be approved at the end in june, that is, very soon these russian propagandists on the territory of the eu will still be silenced, and as for ukraine, of course ukraine is not present as we would like it to be, there is still a big, big big... space for the work of the ukrainian authorities , in order for the ukrainian voice to be heard more powerfully, more loudly, as, for example, it is done by russia, which finances and... supports everyone who can somehow help it in promoting its information agenda in helping russian propagandists,
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therefore, if so, it would be good for europe, if ukraine would still strengthen its voice here, through the ukrainian media, through better cooperation with the european media, there is a lot of room for growth, thank you tatyana, larisa, and what prevents ukraine from creating such a big... machine, well, let's discuss objectively, there is no such a big propaganda machine, there is a single telethon, there is a house, there is freedom, i am already confused in all these channels, but the main thing is that we do not have foreign language, unfortunately, there is no foreign language, you are right sergey, it was dismantled, and it was precisely in his place that this house arose, whether it was freedom, or they were together, this is great a mistake in my opinion, but it seems to me that... the media itself is not enough, because if we look at what russia has done, how it spreads its influence, by the way, how the united states has spread its influence and
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generally established this interest in humanistic values , to freedom and everything else, it is not only the work of the media, it is the creation of synthents, it is the search. the same authorities loyal to ukraine and the ukrainian position, such as timatiy snyder, there are already many of them, there is the same kurt volkerker, there are many people who are important, the opinion of which philosophers and so on, whose opinion is weighty for the western consumer of information, and who will say better than us, we do not. we don't work with them, we are reactive here, not proactive, and it's a shame, because in principle, this whole ukrainian lobby abroad is created
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exclusively on a volunteer basis, and it shouldn't be like that, we have to understand in principle, this is, you know, on the border of intelligence activity and in principle of some kind of strategic research, strategic science, where we have to understand where our enemies are, who they are with work, with whom they cooperate, where is a good russian, what they do, who they influence, we should have just such an institute for studying all this, where people who, for example, are capable of being our partners, what they are interested in, which on which platforms can they be invited as speakers in order to establish contacts in this way, that is, this is institutional work, and we always, when we enter, we, you know, mo the tv channel, dismantle the tv channel, turn on the marathon, turn off the marathon, this is not work, this so do the countries that are under the influence, those
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countries that set their own agenda, that are subjects in world politics, they still work for years, decades, and maybe even for a century, but we are not betting on a century ahead, tatyana, and i... as presented in european structures, how russians are represented, and that is, if you compare ukrainian journalists, russian journalists, it is clear that there are probably more russians than ukrainians, but i will say that no, there are more ukrainians than russians, for one simple reason that european institutions have already banned russian media to be accredited for major events, and there are no russian media here or in the council of europe, for example, until today there was not a single... journalist, neither when the european parliament sessions are held, nor when the european council sessions are held, and so on, but the problem is precisely is that
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pro-russian journalists still get here through other, if loopholes, they cooperate with other european publications, or the same voice of europe, which just really causes me a lot of emotions, because the russians just took registered on the territory of the czech republic... a website, called it the voice of europe, and through this website, were accredited to all european institutions, had access to communication with all european politicians and thus, if they were to promote russian information policy among europeans, let's say, people who make decisions, and uh, that is , now, if we say, journalists of russian television there, i will not meet some... politician at the press conference, but the fact that there are people standing next to whom russia may be paying, that's for sure. larisa and tatiana, well, obviously, without resolution and without discussion.
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those issues that exist in the journalistic environment inside ukraine, it is difficult to predict the expansion of ukrainian journalism abroad, and even more so the use of journalists in the role of its propagandists, who in the good sense of the word, that is, not russian, not according to russian models, according to ukrainian ones, obviously nothing either it won't work, but we are now witnesses of unknown people threatening mykhailo tkach, a journalist and investigator of the ukrainian truth. who wrote, on whose behalf they write of businessman oleksandr slobozhenko, and he was the protagonist of a recent investigation into the inappropriateness of rich people from kyiv vacationing abroad during the war, as removed from the military register, the law enforcement officers have already announced that there is a criminal proceeding, that they will now investigate who is threatening the weaver . the weaver himself says that he is a victim in 12 similar criminal
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cases. who does not count on the results of the official investigation, but will monitor the progress of the case. let's listen to what tkach said. we are up we do not fully understand, it is clear who did it, for what, someone tried to take advantage of the situation, is it really mr. svobozhenko worried about what is there, in particular , we can continue to investigate there, for example, the issue of his... business, taxes, income and other things, and therefore we do not have an answer to this question . work is being done. laris, we have seen that over the past five years,
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well, it will be 20... may 20, 5 years since the inauguration of president zelenskyi, we see how during this entire period the president selectively communicates with ukrainian journalists, or representatives of the president's office there reprimand journalists because these telegram scumbags, they came to yuri nikolov's door, knocked, shouted that he was a dodger, well, that is , there were very, very many different events that testify to the fact that... well, what is happening with the weaver is obvious, it is obvious formed by the current team, attitude towards journalists, that’s why in the state, well, there are these cases, as the weaver mentions 12 criminal proceedings, well, this is too much for one journalist, why do you think zelenskyi’s team, which is currently focused on western aid, why does it not take into account what is
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too important for our western partners? this indicator of freedom of speech, the attitude towards journalists, the civilized world looks at it in a completely different way, that is, such things are all unacceptable and are investigated much faster than in our situation? i agree with you, sergey, that the beginning of all this, there is the attitude of the authorities towards journalists, i.e. a lack of understanding of the benefits of a free press, because the issue of the press should not be loyal. er, a journalist asks you a question, you can answer it, thereby relieving the tension that exists in society, because usually journalists ask questions at press conferences, the ones that people discuss in kitchens, they can be like that, not very good for you these questions are nice, but that's why state institutions exist, that's why the state exists, to anticipate these questions, to understand that they will be asked
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and to give... a broad and detailed answer to them, which reassures the society, the free press is the tool through which the government establishes contact with society, not with journalists, but with society. journalists are only intermediaries here. so, when the authorities do not understand the benefits of the war press, and begin to growl, then humiliate, then ignore it. obviously, everyone else down the vertical begins to behave in the same way. by decree with a lookout, and therefore i do not know, for example, now these threats, why this businessman, he is is doing, is it his own initiative, or was he told: that's fine, but the bottom line is that let's remember, we have one of the topics, today there will be an attack on mr. fizo, but let's remember why fizo's government went down last time, because of the murder of a journalist, due to a mafia criminal case, and therefore, when such...


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