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tv   [untitled]    May 18, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EEST

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the state exists in order to anticipate these questions, to understand that they will be asked and to give them a broad and detailed answer that reassures society, the free press is the tool through which the government establishes contact with society, not with journalists, but with society, journalists here are only intermediaries, so when the authorities do not understand the benefits of the war press and begin to... sometimes growl, sometimes humiliate, then ignore, it is obvious that everyone else down the vertical line begins to behave in the same way with disdain, and therefore i don't know, for example, now these threats, why this businessman, he is doing this, is it his own initiative, or was he told, it is possible, but the point is that let's remember, here we have one of the topics, today there will be an attack on mr. fico, but let's let's remember why fico's government collapsed last time, because of... the murder of a journalist, because of
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a mafia criminal case, and that's why when these businessmen, on their own initiative, because they caught a god or something else, start threatening the free press, the government is threatens, and russia actually, maybe just understanding that there are certain journalists in society who are important for people, who are the voice of truth for people, simply... because of their agency, or because of threats of such and such strange inadequacies, here he threatens himself, and the russian agency , for example, thinks to himself: oh, this is interesting, this can now be stirred up and directed against the authorities, against kyiv, for example, there and washington and the whole world, we, we understand that the authorities must protect journalists the way they protect themselves, because these are both reputational losses and losses of trust, and threat of these or other disturbances, rebellions,
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misunderstandings with society, what the enemy can take advantage of, instead we see neglect, or the desire to flirt and adventure the loyal, and such, you know, neglect, ignoring those who do not like you. thank you, larisa, tetiana, how do european structures react, is there any specific reaction, we, we know that the state department of the united states of america in its report for the 23rd year... indicated the problems that exist in ukraine with freedom of speech, with tv channels that are illegal were turned off from t2, with a single telethon, for europeans, what is happening in ukraine with the press during the war, this is a marker, whether they perceive it as, well, as a necessity, that some kind of regulation, military censorship is possible there, well, it is possible somehow consider that during the war it can be completely different, well, officially. europe tends not to criticize
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ukraine officially now during the war, you rightly noted that, but i would like to draw attention to another point, it is not only freedom of speech, not only freedom of speech is important for of europe, and, for example, if we analyze the publications in the european media in recent weeks and months regarding threats to ukrainian journalists, and these publications exist because the journalists themselves are well-known, investigative journalists and... this is exactly where the problem for the ukrainian authorities lies. , because due to the persecution of ukrainian journalists, investigators, due to threats to them, the ukrainian authorities suffer reputational losses, in fact, because if the european media writes about threats to the same weaver, it simultaneously mentions what he exposed criminal schemes, corruption schemes, including, for example, in the ministry of defense, in other ukrainian... ministries, and thus
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we have more and more publications about the fact that the ukrainian government is corrupt, and that the ukrainian government, in fact, for example, also the ministry of defense of ukraine itself, actually inflates the prices for some services or there, for example, for food products and actually steals money, and this is a very big problem, because even if european leaders do, they still tolerate it all, they are committed to their promises help ukraine to... at the last moment, as much as ukraine will need it, but european voters, people who read the media, people who hear these reports that ukrainian investigators, anti-corruption officers, are persecuted, for example, threatened, these people change their point of view, change their attitude to ukraine, and this manifests itself in the fact that in the elections they come and vote for radical movements that say, let's stop supporting ukraine, let's stop the war, sit down at the negotiating table with putin and so on, eh. that is, here
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there is still a great danger in this, because an informational background is created, which demonstrates that ukraine is still a corrupt state, and it is clear that there is a lack of communication. or proper communication between politicians and journalists in ukraine, these stories are created about the fact that the authorities do not explain whether there is a president or a prime minister, and for what, for example, oleksandr kubrakov was dismissed, they did not explain to politicians or society, they simply took and dismissed the deputy prime minister, the person who managed the infrastructure in ukraine, the new minister of infrastructure may become kamyshyn, and novoe vremya reports this with reference to sources in the government, probably. the appointment will take place next week, the publication also predicts two transformations within the government: firstly, the ministry of strategy and industry will become part of the ministry of infrastructure, secondly, the functions of regional policy will be transferred to the ministry of economy, and a corresponding department will be created in yulia sverdenko's department. well, actually,
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here is larisa, these are all these events and all these plans, they need one way or another some kind of explanation from the authorities. as in the last two years, especially as the government, in your opinion, has the government unlearned how to explain to society and journalists, because journalists still fulfill their mission and their social role and fulfill their role for society, what do you say about this whole situation, the reorganization is next, there is something else, well, that is , they will tell us everything again in a single telethon, or after all... in the current conditions , there are still a larger number of journalists than there are 10 people who met today in frekor with the president of ukraine after all somehow communicate with government officials, with the president and the prime minister? well , you see, serhii, there is, we generally have an institutional problem, we do not have,
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for example, such a practice of daily or weekly briefings in key ministries, as it happens in the same united states, where john kirby comes out and tells something, for example. and this happens there almost every day, in our country they really do not give us explanations, these explanations, the essence of the explanations, the essence of the communication of the authorities with journalists, and the constant one, is that it relieves the level of tension, the level of aggression, the level of mistrust in society, so that society does not fall into these revenge victories, does not become fodder for russian propaganda'. or some adventurers, seekers of adventure and an audience, such as, for example, the same sharia, for this, in order for society to be at peace, it is necessary to talk to him, there is no other way to talk to society than through daily briefings, so
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in this in this case, we really, i agree with you, we do not understand why the resignation took place, why the reorganization took place, we get the impression that it is really under someone does something. we still don't understand why the hard worker was fired, but there's just no explanation, no explanation for anything, i don't think the authorities have lost their minds, we started with the fact that i don't owe you anything, that's exactly how it started all this, and all these press conferences at futkor, it was all such an imitation, it was all, it was true, but it is not a frank conversation with society, the authorities perceive journalists and journalism. the press as enemies, and not as a tool, precisely a tool of power, because the press is the fourth power, the fourth branch, as a tool by which the government can communicate with society, because everything we are talking about, corruption and curtailment
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of freedoms, these are all the suspicions that fall on the government, because the government has not eliminated institutions, these or other institutional practice frank, transparent, understandable, because in fact, in any society, in any country, there are corrupt people, when the press writes about them, society does not, for example, fall into understanding, into hysteria, that oh, our america is corrupt, or holland is corrupt because we found a minister there paid with a card, no, everyone perfectly understands that this is corruption, that this person is a corruptor, and the state with this corruption... eliminates, fights, it reacts and so on, everyone understands that there are attacks on journalists everywhere, threats to journalists are everywhere , from mafia structures and so on, because there is an investigation, but no one blames the state for this phenomenon, everyone understands that the state is on the side of freedoms, a free press, and
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it will persecute those who dare, in our country everything is completely different , so the problem, it seems to me, is much deeper than that zelensky, not zelensky. in general, it's just this lack of an institution, an attempt to constantly grab power, to rule as god wills, instead of building structures. ukrainian practices and traditions that will advance us to the civilized world. thank you, larisa, tetiana, if the authorities asked you, the ukrainian authorities, to draw a brief conclusion and give brief advice regarding the current communication, what would you do, what would you advise her? be? primarily predictable, because that's the same way they don't give explanations to ukrainians journalists or ukrainian society,
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they also do not always give explanations to european partners regarding certain actions, and regarding, for example, the dismissal of kubrakov, i would like to remind you that this is a rather unfortunate episode, that on the day of his dismissal, the minister of economic development of germany came to him to hold negotiations on the organization of a summit on the reconstruction of ukraine in berlin on june 11-12. and while she was traveling for almost a day, getting to ukraine, by car and train, during this time the minister was fired and it was discovered that she had come from visit to kyiv and she has no one to meet, and such moments should somehow be thought out in advance by the ukrainian authorities so that there would be no such incidents, and therefore predictability is needed, one must explain one's actions, and, of course, one must fight corruption. well, one more topic, colleagues - this is an attempt on fico, the prime minister
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of slovakia was shot, this week a writer was shot, and now, according to official sources in slovakia, he is in a rather serious condition, he had another operation , although in principle critical days and...hours and days they say about fico's condition, they have already passed, at the same time, hungarian prime minister viktor orbán said that robert fico, who was injured, is still in a critical condition, let's hear what orban said, we we pray for the prime minister and cheer for slovakia, we wish him a speedy recovery and return to work. robert fitsevo is on the verge of life and death. we are facing elections that will not only
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determine the members of the european parliament, but together with the elections in the usa, may determine the course of the war and peace in europe. in this situation, we would really need robert fico and the conciliatory position of slovakia. after the assassination attempt on fitso, european politicians began to report threats to their address in serbia. announced the arrest of a person who could pose a threat to president vucic's security, polish prime minister donald tusk also received threats. well, in short, everything that is happening now in eastern europe looks like part of some plan of the russian federation to destabilize the situation in europe. before that , there were many statements about the fact that the kremlin preparing to destabilize. or to commit acts of terror on the territory of western europe or
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eastern europe in this case. larisa, is it possible to assume that all that we are seeing now, and the unfolding of all these events, including sfitso, despite the fact that he is a pro-russian politician, despite the fact that he sympathizes there, putin has publicly expressed that, that the russian special services are trying to destabilize eastern europe so that there too... there is instability and this eastern europe also thinks that anyone who will make various statements there to or towards ukraine, or some kind of curtsy towards russia, anyone can become a target for some 71-year-old writer who is there, i don't know how he shot, to be honest, it's very difficult for me to imagine that this person shot, well shot, the question is why . well, i agree with you that this, why he shot and whether he is an agent, whether
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he was connected with some pro-russian organizations that are prohibited, all this is clear, but in fact we have to say that there is one event, and this event has be investigated by the investigation, but there is information that unfolds after the events company, and this informational one. company, it is very similar to setting fire to the reistag, because what orban is talking about: the election of trump in the united states, i love russia too, i want to... to the voter, to the common man, that there is some position, there are some doves of peace who suffer some kind of wrong from the bad war parties there, this is how they show it, and we understand that this is done by right-wing
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politicians, who by their nature are peace-loving , never were not, and for which he asks... besides orban's freedoms, human rights and everything else, they are so secondary, so in this case i am very worried that the elections in the united states are already starting to be added to all this, i will not be surprised if trump announces threats and threats to his life , because as we know, we remember in this history that all attempts are present or imagined, that they are very ne... ghans in terms of electoral terms, an opportunity to vote, and now, by the way, there are elections for the european parliament, where we we see that in fact the right, the right can increase the number of your votes, thank you, larisa, and what is tatiana saying in european structures
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about this whole story, because it is clear that the physio is a prominent figure, he has made many... statements about how peace should come in ukraine, in particular, and he was a supporter of the fact that he is a supporter of the fact that ukraine should negotiate with russia, these are very strange statements from the slovak prime minister, as well as from the hungarian prime minister, but both slovakia and hungary obviously depend on russia in one way or another. from russian gas, from russian business or some mercantile ones interests speaking in europe about this attempt. and who is hinted at in this situation? well, in fact, in the statements of european politicians regarding the assassination attempt, the most used word was shock, because indeed european politicians were shocked that in the 21st century an assassination attempt is being carried out on a political figure during her meeting with the voters, and of course, every state began
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try this situation on yourself, and ee... there are increasing conversations about the fact that the political process in the european union is actually polarized, and it is not only about eastern europe, but also about central and western europe, because in virtually every state there is, as you rightly pointed out, a strong far-right structure that aspires to power, and indeed in the elections to the european parliament there will be significantly more winners from... of the right camp in almost again in every state and regarding the same orbán and fitz, orbán has also already accused some leftist, as he stated today forces that they wanted to destroy fitz, fitz, who stands for peace, that's exactly what , which was just discussed, that is, russia is really interested in
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europe being restless, in europe being polarized... and aggression, and actually , unfortunately, it is succeeding so far, and the elections to the european parliament can bring us a lot unpleasant surprises, because the same fico, even before the attempt on him, could double the number of european deputies who will be elected from his party, and now it is possible that he will have an even better result, because his supporters will support him even more, that is, you think , what all the events that are happening now in slovakia, they are in one way or another connected with internal european politics, perhaps, which putin wants to influence as well? yes, this is a general trend, and this is actually what putin is trying to achieve and what russian propagandists are inciting, in order to oppose one part of each state in europe to another part, i.e.
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pro-ukrainian, anti-ukrainian, for war, not like that, for peace, for negotiations against against negotiations, that's how... the russians really work on the territory of the eu. well, again after all, the question of how ukrainians work in the eu is also a question, larisa, we know that deputies of the verkhovna rada in one way or another are limited in moving around the world, pro-government deputies can safely work with european structures and in general with oceanic ones, and representatives of the european homeland. and solidarity and voice, no, again, we, we will lose again in this situation, so obviously, because, i even understand the reasons why they will limit. well, because they are not under control, and they will go, they will say something to themselves, but not tebniks, you understand, and even the question is not that they are bad temnikos, for example, the provisional
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government sent its deputies, gave them theses, they go around and distribute them, and if the homeland or european solidarity or a voice goes, you will not push the same temnikko to these deputies , and all this fear of what i do not control, in fact, it is a great infantilism, because... because you see, safety is where there is total control, and this is not the case, where there is total control, it is very dangerous there, because all sociological theories point to the fact that why do authoritarian countries lose to democracies in general, because there is total control, and accordingly the center cannot control everything, and here it is just an effort, these deputies are not released because they... cannot be controlled , on the other hand, their very presence abroad, where they say something, listen to them, agree with something, disagree with something, but the very realization that
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the opposition is on a par with the government and goes and defends the interests of the country, says something to someone, because the opposition parties, they are members of those or other unions, there are certain lobbies there, the same homeland, well, yulia tymoshenko was the prime minister, and... poroshenko was the president, accordingly, they have their own connections, informal ones, that is, it is useful, but this is not controlled, and therefore the authorities need, well, our team, the president and the people who are his five effective managers, they must finally understand that in the modern world the issue of power, power is not a matter of control, it is a matter of influence, they are not influence, they never learned to influence. adjust, be in a team, work together with the same ones western structures, to look for allies, that is, to be in partnership, you and i
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are equal, this is what they should learn. thank you, larisa, thank you tetiana for participating in the program, larisa voloshina, tetiana vysotska were guests of today's journalism club. friends, we continue to work live on the espresso tv channel, and... we want to present to you the results of a survey, a television survey that we conducted today, whether the uocp threatens the national security of ukraine, 96%, 95% yes, 5% - no, on youtube we have approximately the same ratio, 97% yes, 3% no. on this, friends, i will put an end, please do not forget to subscribe to our pages on social networks, and also: like this video so that it can be promoted in youtube trends, i will say goodbye to you until monday at 20: 00, i wish you a calm and bright
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weekend, take care of yourself and your loved ones, goodbye, there are discounts represented by coconut... may on valeriana bulgarian pills 10% in pharmacies plantain bam and savings. there is no friend better than mother, there is no land better than homeland may 18 is the day of remembrance of the victims of the crimean tatar genocide. people events,
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events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them, but few know what is happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhii zgurets is with us, and what is the world like? and now there will be more details about what happened in the world. to keep abreast of economic news, time to talk about wartime money. oleksandr morchyvka is with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, review of sports
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events by yevhen pastukhov, two hours. in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much elina chechen for information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on prideshnaya day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andrii parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. a telethon for your own. community, one of the six producers of the national marathon of single news this week found itself between two fires. colleagues announced their intention to take from him prime evening slots, which are watched by the largest number of viewers, people's deputy from servant of the people maryana bezugla published several posts on social networks accusing the broadcaster. experts immediately connected these two events and recalled the story of the dismissal of the head of the armed forces. valery
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zaluzhny, which resembled a special information operation and was started by maryana bezugla as well. this time, the deputy blamed the public for the seemingly small reach of the audience, for the high salaries of the management and even the organization of employment schemes men for the purpose of booking them. but the main message was a call to reduce state funding of the broadcaster. so, at the moment we have de facto a6'. of channels, social media with all its ramifications, council, dom, freedom, telethon, army media holding. i believe that the six state broadcasters should be made one, and the funds should be redirected to the creation of information and cyber forces of ukraine, to create information and cyber forces of ukraine. but the public is no longer state, thanks to the support of western countries after the revolution of dignity, once indeed
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the state channel was reformed. and became social. the president's office, the cabinet of ministers, and even the verkhovna rada do not have direct mechanisms of influence on his editorial policy. monitoring shows that the public is the only participant in the telethon that allows itself to give different points of view, for example, to invite people's deputies from different factions, in particular from european solidarity. maybe there are some stop lists for other channels or something else, as the opposition often says, they are forwarded and installed, agree on specific speakers in the marathon, we do not have such a thing, and perhaps this is what worries the representatives of the authorities that they cannot interfere in our editorial policy, the single news telethon was launched on february 24, 2022, leading media groups and tv channels united to participate in it . at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the telethon fulfilled its function
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of not panicking and promptly informing ukrainians about the progress of the war, but now, according to many media experts, it has become an informational relic, and trust in it continues to decline. according to the kmis survey, held in february 2024, only 36% of ukrainians trusted the marathon, while 47% did not. the telethon was also mentioned in a recent us state department report on violations. of human rights in ukraine in 2023 , as an example of restrictions on freedom of speech. however, the authorities do not plan to abandon the format under their control. serhii leshchenko, adviser to the head of the president's office, andriy yarmak, said this, in particular, on the air of the same telethon. part of the russian information war is being waged against ukraine by discrediting the marathon, realizing that if not there will be a marathon, then mediahouse will perform
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extremely well in mediahouse conditions. it is easier for us to create provocations that will split society and glorify ukraine internally in the face of russian aggression. the telethon is not the only example of the authorities' desire to completely control the information space, introducing not only military, but also political censorship. on april 4, 2022 , an unprecedented event occurred in the ukrainian media field, without any formal decisions and even without explanations, the authorities illegally removed from... digital broadcasting at once three national tv channels. espresso, direct and fifth channel. this decision has not yet been overturned. it is obvious not to talk about what these three channels have done, to say: "no, you will leave public." well, we will quietly forget about those, because we are ashamed. we understand that we will not convince them, because this is the government. well, this is hypocrisy. why do we need public and everything else? where is the truth then? the truth is that the public needs to be absolutely protected. the telethon should definitely
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be closed. instead... even before the war from the first days to...


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