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tv   [untitled]    May 18, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EEST

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and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the law on mobilization was not in force in ukraine. a two-month period begins today, during which all conscripts must clarify their data. this can be done at the military headquarters, tsnapa, or through an electronic cabinet or a special reserve application. plus.
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men aged 25 and over will be recruited for military service. fines from uah 17 to 25,000 and restrictions on the right to drive are provided for non-residents by car, for non-payment, property may be seized and funds debited from accounts. criminal responsibility shines on those who did not appear before the tcc after being served with a summons and passing through the lc. the russian army again attacked ukraine at night with attack drones. the occupiers launched 13 shaheds from primorsky-akhtarsk and kursk. air defense forces destroyed all enemy drones. anti-aircraft units and mobile fire groups worked in kharkiv, poltava, vinnytsia, mykolaiv and dnipropetrovsk regions. the number of victims in kharkiv has increased. three people died in the city due to an enemy attack the day before, and another 29 were injured. they told about it. emergency services
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. let me remind you that in the afternoon there were explosions in kharkiv. the russian occupiers hit the city with two attacks, in particular, in the kholodnohirsky district. fires broke out at the sites of the hits. one person died, eight more were injured due to a russian missile attack on odesa district the day before. this was announced by the head of the region oleg kiper. he added that there were five the wounded are in the hospital in a moderate condition. others were treated on the spot. meanwhile, rescuers released a video of the aftermath of the impact. according to their data, one of the rockets hit the warehouse, where a fire broke out on an area of ​​800 m2. and in the kherson region, the occupiers dropped explosives from a drone on the city of stanislav in the evening. the car in which the head of the novotroitsk village military administration, serhiy peretai, was driving, was hit. this
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was reported by the head of the region oleksandr prokudin the victim was hospitalized with chest, arm and leg injuries. and to the operational situation on the ukrainian front from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. 101 combat clashes were recorded on the contact line during the day. in the direction of kharkiv, the enemy twice tried to break through the defense of our troops near lybtsi and staritsa. in the vovchansk region, ukrainian... units are entrenched in positions, and near kupyansk, six enemy attacks were repulsed. intense fighting continues, a total of 60 enemy assaults took place on siversky, pokrovsky, kurakhivskyi and vremivskyi shades of the front. 13 attacks by invaders. our defenders fought back in the krynok area on the left bank of the kherson region. attention, we have an urgent collection espresso tv channel is asking you to join the collection for a reliable suv for execution. intelligence units
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in active combat zones. our soldiers work in extremely difficult conditions, and there is no such thing as a hopeless vehicle at the front. the suv carries personnel and ammunition, and drones are launched from them. they are like an island of life where everything is destroyed all around. the required car has already been found and transported to ukraine. it is currently being repaired and equipped. it remains to buy it and transfer it to the front. our goal is uah 300,000. it already has on the accounts. uah 7,500, so scan and donate. in the russian city of st. petersburg, an explosion rang out at the military communications academy, at least seven people were injured, two of them in serious condition. the local authorities assured that the shell explosion occurred during the second world war. earlier, the russian media reported on the drone attack. sanctions in effect in russian that after the drone attack and the fire
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, the local oil refinery stopped working, reuters reports. according to their data, the drones damaged the plant for the production of liquefied petroleum gas at the enterprise. at the same time , the oil processing plant remained intact. so the agency assumes that from a technological point of view it is possible to restart the plant relatively quickly. let me remind you that during the previous attack in january , the company did not work for three months, resuming work only at the end april tragedy in the lviv region in the village of tarasivka, the wall of the house fell on a four-year-old child. dersh was told about it. emergency services. the girl was playing next to the house, which was undergoing renovation. at one point , a large piece of the wall suddenly collapsed. the child was buried under the rubble. unfortunately, it was not possible to save her. russians shot
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a disabled person in vovchansk, kharkiv region. information about the tragedy was made public by journalist andrii tsaplienko, who showed a video of ukrainian aerial reconnaissance. during monitoring. they discovered the body of a dead person in a wheelchair, the man tried to drive away from the enemy-captured medical facility, but the russians shot him and left him in the middle of a broken street. the regional prosecutor's office opened a criminal proceeding based on this fact. the european union allocated 50 million euros to support 150 ukrainian national and regional media. this was stated by the deputy head of the representative office. he added that thanks to ukrainian journalists, the world knows about russian crimes in ukraine, while the lack of funds endangers the work of our media people in addition, the representative of the international organization supporting zmi goar
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khojayan emphasized that european government officials are closely monitoring the observance of freedom of speech in ukraine, and pressure on journalists is distancing our country from joining the eu. at the beginning what we see is that the government is closing down, not wanting to talk to journalists, and giving more of its comments to some incomprehensible telegram channels, this is a very very bad trend, i think the government should be open, and it should well, to cooperate with journalists in order to shed light on what happening in the country. therefore, stories about how everything is fine with us don't work, we need to tell that we are working, we are finding cases of corruption, and that it helps ukraine, and then the support of the west will be much better. ukrainian patterns, collection by olga
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bachynska. the scientific library of the lviv national university presented a reprinted book on the nature of ukrainian culture and public figure in... bachynska. in the new edition, folk ornaments and sketches of ukrainian embroidered items in the 20s and 30s of the last century were collected. the research team worked on the book for more than eight years, public figures digitized exhibits from the collections kept in the verkhovyna branch of the stryi regional museum. our group made an outing expedition to the city of strya, thanks to the photographer. we digitized this collection with modern means, then it took 3 months to decipher all the written notes made by the author, design and directly print, print the publication. it will be very interesting to embroiderers and people who are engaged in ethnography, because the collected
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samples, in fact bachynska united all ukraine, there is western ukraine, there is central ukraine. every year on may 18, the world celebrates international museum day to draw attention to the preservation of cultural heritage. for more than 40 years, this tradition has been supported by about one and a half hundred countries. on this occasion, 25 museums of lviv and the lviv region developed a special program for three days with excursions, lectures and interactive events. in particular, you can visit the territory of terror museum. there you can learn about nazi, soviet and russian crimes. we don't want to limit ourselves to museum days, yes international, this is a good event, a good three days, when we can emphasize and draw even more attention to our museum institutions, to their work, but our most important
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mission is that museums always remain in the focus of city guests and citizens themselves, because it is about us, it is what complements us, what fills us and what helps us. in fact, people kill everything very quickly, it is even now very much, as i feel. some event takes place, then the next event and no one is interested in what happened before, that is why museums are important to preserve history, heritage, in particular, about traumatic, terrible events. may 18 is, in addition to the day of museums, the day of memory of the victims of the deportation of the crimean tatar people, and we also have a presentation of the wounded culture project, educational lectures from our employees, so we invite everyone. today. ukraine celebrates the 80th anniversary of the beginning of stalin's deportation of the crimean tatar people from
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the crimean peninsula. then more than 200,000 people were transported in freight cars to remote parts of the soviet union. according to the national movement of the crimean tatars. almost half evicted died on the way, and obo in the first years after deportation. in 2015, the verkhovna rada recognized the deportation as genocide. so now, on the anniversary of the deportation, the memory is also honored. genocide of the crimean tatars and at the same time it is a day of struggle for the rights of this people. deportees were officially allowed to return to crimea in 1989. it should be noted that the crimean tatars in the territory of the occupied crimea are still persecuted. almost one and a half hundred activists are in the colonies and detention centers of russia. to learn more interesting and relevant information, follow updates on our spresa website. as well as on our social networks, we will see each other in less than an hour, then
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my colleagues lesya vakulyuk and andriy sachuk will be waiting for you on the air, don't switch, i congratulate everyone who watches espresso tv channel, my name is andriy saichuk. and today we are starting our day, our chats, relatively speaking, informational, er, our, our, our marathon has been going on for 815 days, let me remind you, the great war between ukraine and russia has been going on for that long, and today, of course, we will have traditionally our nickname regions, where there is, where the enemy is very close, where the front passes literally in these regions, well , but we will start in general... with probably the situation in the south, with the main news of interest right now - this is of course the explosion
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of the st. petersburg military academy, the ammunition exploded there, there is different information, the russians so far claim that it is an explosion of an old ammunition, where the cadets of the academy were cleaning, cleaning in the basement there, something there, something there, and it detonated a 76 mm warhead. during the great patriotic war, seven people were injured, and there is another information that it could be a drone that flew to st. petersburg and hit the building of the military academy itself, we do not yet know all the details, we will of course wait for some official information, we can also say that late yesterday evening the army... of the russian federation attacked odesa with three ballistic missiles and three more cruise
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missiles (x-59) a-a, which, as we also know from the consequences, that there was a fire, ignited and damaged civilian infrastructure, it was also known that a person died from the impact and eight more wounded, we don't know, actually, we don't know. actually, uh, what are the developments now? we hope that dmytro platenchuk, head of the strategic communications center of the southern defense forces, will join us now, we could ask him more. the russians also confirmed that during the strikes on crimea, in particular, on one of the military bases located there, a unit commander was killed, in particular, we are talking about strikes on belbek, and... and the airfield, the military airfield, here, and
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we will learn more information already from dmitry platenchuk, head of the strategic communications center of the southern defense forces, mr. dmytro, we welcome you, the studio welcomes you, i greet the audience, mr. dmytro, yesterday there was a fairly powerful attack on odesa, missile, ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, aviation, what were the consequences and why was it not possible to intercept them, well... actually, as you know, ballistics is a rather difficult target, by the way, there were missile interceptions yesterday during the second attempt of the second wave, three out of three missiles were intercepted there. but, unfortunately, one of the enterprises was hit by ballistic missiles, private enterprises of the food industry in the city of odessa, and yes, unfortunately, we have one dead person and eight more injured, the enterprise of the food industry, or is it strategic, why do the russians choose such targets? in fact, as we understand,
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frozen chicken is strategic for the russians. an element during the planning of hostilities, probably that is why it is quite difficult to explain from the point of view of military expediency the destruction of a warehouse with frozen meat, it is a fairly well-known ukrainian brand, and currently this is not the first attack in this area, but as we can see, apart from questions, this attack does not cause anything, the attack on the air defense base in... the russians recognized the death of the commander of the military unit, it already happened 5 days after the attack on the base on mount aypetri , where russian radars and anti-aircraft installations are located, it is about colonel alexander ku alexander kulakov, can we say now, you know,
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can you give more details of the results of these recent attacks on crimea. no, at the moment i do not have verified information on this matter, i can only add, as it is customary to say in russian health to the dead. there was also a powerful attack yesterday, or even the day before yesterday, you could say, a drone attack, one of the biggest during the war, and in particular there were, there was an attack by naval drones, do you have any additional information here as well? yes, for now, let's go to... we are waiting for official statements, if the information about the use of any strike systems on our side, regardless of whether it is air or sea drones, is confirmed, then we can already operate on this data, at the moment i do not have such information, sir dmitry, this week, russian channels, telegram channels
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shouted hurrah about the fact that they allegedly took robots, well, but i understand that... that it was a little premature joy, that in fact what is happening now in robotino, in fact, it was another operation of the russian ipso, of such a local nature, they usually do similar actions, entering for a rather short time in the vicinity of some populated place, setting up their tricolor rags there, filming a video every day, dying there at that moment and after that this video is shown on russian telegram channels, as the alleged fact of the capture of some populated place. as for this specific case, this is another fake of russian propaganda, we expected its publication, because of this group that installed, for example, this flag
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, only one remained alive, he was captured and he, in principle, gave us this information... zazdoloyd, er, that is, this group that erected the flag, which was then distributed as proof that the russians had already been employed, only one remained and he was captured, this is interesting, this is really interesting information, and if to talk about the situation in kryknik, one of the most uh, one of the hottest spots, where you know too... legends are made, we don't know much about it, how am i doing now, how, what, how are things now on this bridgehead? yes, you are absolutely right, there is a huge pressure on the quinks and they are intensifying it for the second day in a row, today we had 15 attempted assaults, i apologize, last day there were 15 attempted assaults on the krynks, the day before last
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there were a little less, it seems there were 11 assaults , and they are all unsuccessful, so they are they shifted a little... the vector of force application, before that it was mostly staro maiorska, there were also more than 10 assaults per day, last day, for example, staromaiska only had four assaults, but this change in pressure, it takes place within the same grouping, that is , there are no signs of the formation of an offensive group in our direction, and the main thing is that there are no losses of positions either, regardless of... the pressure created by the russian occupier, both in the orichiv direction, before that, and now in the kherson region, so it is possible to say that the situation remained unchanged. the enemy suffered losses and was forced to retreat. mr. dmytro, isn't the price currently being paid for maintaining the bridgehead on the left bank too high, and how
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it has been corrected by the russians is too high. this bridgehead, its current presence, what is it, what is its logic, its acquisition, when now ukraine is mostly on the defensive. well, actually, you know, the tactics... the strategic elements of it are important because, firstly, it makes it impossible for our enemy to seek action in some of his plans, and secondly, it increases the possibility of our further actions, that is, we we get, we get the opportunity to take the initiative in this direction, just like if, for example, uh, the russian occupiers now had full control over the left bank, for example, then the situation on the right bank would be even more difficult than it is now, now, and it
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is now, as you know, quite complicated, because they are constantly shelling villages along the right bank, they are constantly shelling kherson, and yes, it is not always just airstrikes, it is quite a lot of shelling, namely barrel artillery, tanks, mortars and the like . just look at how the russian side reacted to the fact that we kicked them out of nestryga, they desperately tried to return to it, lined the coast with the corpses of their soldiers, and for some reason they really wanted to get a foothold on the actual right bank, because the island of nestryga, it belongs to the islands of the right bank, after it already... the mouth of the river, the dnipro and the left bank, if viewed from our side, begins directly, so they also understand the importance of getting a foothold somewhere closer to enemy positions, and it gives some operational
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advantages to the operational area, so yes, of course it makes sense, and by the way, if you've already talked about the price paid by the parties in this conflict, i can state that... comparing our losses to in russian , it doesn’t even make sense, because we are talking about times in reality, and therefore yes, the russians pay a high price first of all for these attempts, but this also applies to wells, these statistics, well , including, and by the way, from the moment of exacerbation hostilities, that is, from the moment the enemy's actions began, for example, in the north of our country, they... you can see that they have sent pressure in our direction as well, the qualitative composition of the enemy's losses has changed, if earlier the ratio was about 30% of the dead from the total
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number of losses, meaning irreversible losses, then in the last week the quality of these losses has changed in the direction of increasing precisely irrecoverable losses, i.e. currently half of the losses are irrecoverable for the russians, for example, last day they lost 113 in our direction, 66 of them are irrecoverable, these are the so-called two hundredths, huh, and by the way, here is this indicator, it already exists permanent more, more than a week, what is this connected with, the intensity of hostilities, the inability to evacuate, the reluctance to take risks, that is, the totality here, the higher the pace, the greater the number of irreversible losses. mr. dmytro, thank you very much for this conversation, for this information, dmytro pletenchuk, the head of the strategic communications center of the southern defense forces, was with us, we are now going for a short break and
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will continue to discuss the southern, southern direction, serhiy khlan , a deputy of the kherson oblast, will be with us please tell me how civilian life takes place in this region. kratov contains natural components of each livo cares about your heart, kratal improves blood supply and the functional state of the myocardium, normalizes the heart rate , increases physical and mental performance. kratal is a natural force for your heart. haven't seen the classics in underwear, never or what? i wrote a children's poem here, will you listen? the tractor in the field dir-dir-dir, why did we freeze. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. bill 5655, reform or corruption trap, investigation of the country. when and how crimea will return to ukraine. interview with the chairman of the mejlis ryfat chubarov. as
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and beyond. what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. events events happening right now affect our lives. of course, news the tape informs about them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events and analyze them. modeling our future every saturday at 1:10pm with a repeat at 10:00pm. zahid studio with anton barkovsky na espresso. there is no friend better than mother, no land better than motherland. may 18
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is the day of remembrance of the victims of the genocide of the crimean tatar people. journalist who joined the armed forces, political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts, in a new project on espresso. the real front - it is a thorough analysis of the main events. comments of leading specialists and experts, analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to make sense of disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. dear friends, we are returning to the ether. good morning to all those who are watching us. lesya bokljuk, andriy saichuk. in this studio, we are working for you all day today. and let's continue our roll call. and
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serhii will be with us now. deputy of the kherson regional council, we will ask how she survived that night kherson region, which is constantly under russian shelling, what, what is the morning like, mr. sergey, good morning, please tell me, congratulations, kherson region, this is ukraine, glory to ukraine , glory to the heroes, glory to the heroes, how did the night pass, what a morning, night and morning, well now it is quiet, but the night was under shelling again, and these shellings are constant, you know, in the city of kherson... there is no such thing as being quiet, quiet - it is more of an exception than the rule there, but always explosions are heard in other parts of the city, artillery is flying, recently we saw the occupiers have already used aviation not only in the suburbs of kherson, not only in the settlements located along the coast of the dnipro, but also in the center of the city of kherson, in
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the central part. avenue on the high-rise buildings located on the central avenue, i think that the whole country saw this photo, exactly where two cabs flew over the high-rise buildings, one of the cabs was released through the suburbs of kherson a2 directly along the central part, and the occupiers fall asleep with cabs constantly, every day settlements, which are located along the coast of the dnieper and... and it does not stop, unfortunately. artillery, if it weren't sad to state this, it's already commonplace, and being in the city of kherson, you constantly hear explosions, you constantly hear them arriving in different parts of the city, and it never stops, er, i don't even know, on the cab , you understand that there is something in...


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