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tv   [untitled]    May 18, 2024 9:30am-10:00am EEST

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everything he got from his partners. thank you, mr. olesya, i will pass on your words when i have the opportunity. oles malyarevych, deputy commander of the achilles attack unmanned aerial systems battalion of the 92nd separate assault brigade was with us, dear friends. let me remind you, in fact, we have an unmanned, so to speak, safe zone for the russian army, everything that is abroad, and they feel safe there. and this, this, this is so unfair, either then make the same unmanned, no... security zone for ukraine, or then allow bring war to those who started this war on their territory. dear friends, our marathon continues, we are working until 11 o'clock, then we will have oksana korchynska, a front-line volunteer, in the meantime, take the opportunity qr code, card number, we are going for a short break, we will return and continue, and you can stay tuned after that.
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in september, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. events events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them, but few know what is happening. need understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, 2 hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many. as well as
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distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day for two o'clock, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. dear friends, we are coming back, oksana korchynska, a frontline volunteer, is already joining our broadcast. ms. oksano, welcome. yes, good morning, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. we know that you are somewhere on the road and on the road, on business, on important business, and where you are now very, very busy. need your help? yes, thank you, as always, yesterday, together with my comrades from other stations, we collected a very large amount of aid for kharkiv oblast, because new the checkpoints are well organized under vovchansk, it is a pity that they lag a little behind the situation of the ministry of defense and in connection with this the command of the medical forces that they did not have time in these months to... make a list of everything necessary in
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the open stepunts, so that we don't have to collect volunteers, not to collect help from our stepunts, but so that when the stepun turns around, it will be right away. nomenclature that, because we know all this in two years, and the fact that i had to go there yesterday with my brothers and sisters 10 boxes to collect to bring to kharkiv oblast today and help our station where the flow is, of course, in two years it should already be in warehouses, relatively speaking, all this nomenclature of medicines, mobile ventilators, our mobile operating rooms, well, it should be ready already, because when new units come in, brigades that are full-time, or that have been fighting for a long time, they have everything in two years without any problems, but when new units come in, or defense forces that did not have before their stop points, how about there the national guard, the gur rarely has its own checkpoints, so every time we have
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to collect all this in emergency mode, help our fellow doctors to start and receive the entire flow, but naturally we do it quickly, so thank god, ukrainians. a unique nation, and volunteers, and our military, we, we are already used to operating in such conditions, but i would just like in two years to see some kind of system appear, and in relation to, you know, we are currently interested in new developments in evacuation, by the way, and including in kharkiv oblast, we apply them, as well as to others in our precincts, we are in great need now, we are already evacuating the lightly and medium wounded on bikes, on bikes, those who can sit. we are already collecting now, we are already used to collecting for atvs, we are already used to different pedestrians everywhere, this is already a habit, this is a chronic situation, until we manage to overcome it, minister umirov told us that he conveyed our requests
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to the canadian government, because they have these little argo all-around walkers that allow, these are the ones, they cost like 20 thousand canadian dollars, they to swim across small... reservoirs , including moving through the forest in impassable parts where there are not even roads, we bought a few for our troops, but here they are mostly all old, old models that have been there for more than 15 years, and we asked the canadians that if you can't help the military, please help us with these argos, it's not that expensive, there are eight wheels, they're small bikes that go everywhere, they almost look like... quad bikes, but they have very good functionality, and they allow us, i personally also tested, just right took out the wounded and even through the height we swam across these all-terrain vehicles, and we urgently need such help, in my opinion the problem is with the signal and, i don't know, i
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wanted to say, by the way, that's what we talked about today with dmytro platynchuk, captain of the third rank, head of the center of strategic... communications forces of the defense forces of the south, and he says that in recent days it is recorded that the losses of the russians are irreversible, they have increased somewhere to approximately 50%, and this means that precisely because of the intensity, in particular fights, actually the russians don't evacuate their wounded and they just bleed out automatically, like our situation now from our side, and evacuation is difficult, very difficult, that's why i announced to you that we... including using bikes, we really need electric bikes , because they are silent, they enable our anti-drone guys to work for our military, and these electric bikes are extremely useful to us, they move quietly, the only thing we need are powerful electric bikes, they cost
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from uah 80,000 plus, we managed to purchase such a small amount already , our fellow lithuanians helped us, they have been helping us for 10 years. goths, that 's why i also thank jonas, and we also evacuate the lightly and medium wounded on bikes, and that's why we already have to work in such conditions, well, let's say everything we can, and because the conditions dictate and for fpv drones, we need to adjust them, i told you that, unfortunately, the guys lag behind fpv drones in terms of their capabilities, our volunteers should make a new rap, we are testing new ones. enemies and they are already behind, there is a problem here. and of course, the word rep is now the same important word for medics, the entire front, the entire line, as a sanitary car, because it is now impossible to move normally during the day without a reb, and we need a lot of them, we
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need them, as individuals for medics , of course also for sanitary cars, the only thing we need is for our concerns to keep up, because they... have made slaves for themselves, even large companies, the fact that well-known odessa companies are being tested there, i will not be there advertise, but also when our guys are here in the zone right now combat operations were tested, they lag behind the enemy's f'. drones, well, including from our drones, that is, they are not developing them quickly, and this is bad, because the technology is now won by the one who has modern technology, and therefore it is normal, who are you, when you see that we are all collecting on soldiers, including medical ones, because this is the protection of our boys, this is the protection of our medics, this is the protection of our wounded, because in some districts , in fact, all our soldiers have come to such a nocturnal way of life, because during the day it is sometimes impossible to leave the dugout due to ... by what it is there is a lot of fpv activity of enemy drones, and this is the most difficult situation during evacuation, that is
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, we have that terrible delayed evacuation, when when someone is seriously wounded, wounded in the morning, he does not have the opportunity to evacuate him until the end of the day, until the night, this is the very we have a terrible moment right now, that's why the number of evacuations of seriously injured people has decreased, because unfortunately, not all guys live to the moment when they can be evacuated, and this problem. to decide together with the general staff, ms. oksano, you said that already now combat medics they are talking about the fact that the bikes will be useful to them and they need the bikes for evacuation, we are currently conducting a collection on the espresso tv channel, we want to collect 4 million, which is quite a sum, but we hope that we will do it with our viewers, we are collecting for quad bikes, which are actually supposed to help to evacuate the military from the battlefield, as far as these atvs, so that, because you just with... how it practically works, we just show pictures of how they evacuate, how much it facilitates evacuation,
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it is facilitated with the help of atvs, well, this is now the most universal evacuation technique the first one, because it is precisely on the battlefield, and what we manage to get closer to the battlefield, because sometimes, well, that is, of course, in most cases, at first, you still have to carry out the wounded on foot, and then it is a quad bike, but there are many positions where a quad bike can be drive up under the very position, this is the most universal technique, and so now, of course, i call on everyone who is watching us, please help the gathering on quad bikes, because for the front, for us , this is one of the most fundamental techniques now, quad bikes pass where armor cannot pass, we have very many places armored vehicles, unfortunately, cannot pass, atvs pass, and therefore for us it is extremely necessary equipment, both for the movement of our military units and, of course, first of all for medics, so we very much ask... to support the atv team now, because this is important for every unit at the front, this is the most widespread
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equipment that we need, buggies, atvs, and now these by-bikes, because otherwise we have to adapt, this is war, it is alive, this is a war that is scary because it more once again, the battle will be won by the one who is more technically prepared, and this is important, but of course we will win a fundamental victory only when... when we can avoid falling to the rear, i keep repeating that it is not the one who wins the war, not in the war, not on the battlefield, the country that will win will be the one that does not scatter its rear, where the citizens will not relax and will not think that if they are no longer shelling their towns or cities, they are already small, that the war seems to be far away, this is the most terrible mistake, when people think the war is far away, no, it's very... it's getting shorter, one more month therefore, the same vavchansk absolutely introduced
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a normal way of life, concerts were held there, people worked there, schools, kindergartens, cultural events took place there, now this city is half wiped off the ground, a month has passed, because we must always be ready for war, and there is no need for someone else's war in ukraine, and all mayors must understand. and western ukraine, and frankivsk, and uzhhorod, and mukachevo, that if we do not defend kharkiv now, if we do not defend pokrovsk, kramatorsk and solavyansk now, this war will reach their cities and to, to their personal apartments, that's what's important, and i would, of course, advise the honorable officials, because recently the guys asked me what would make the officials remember that there is a daily war, well, i'll tell you what... forced that, if we were the majority of men, officials would be called to the front, and i think it is fair,
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we have very active women in ukraine, they could perfectly replace most of the officials, because the officials, state officials, civil servants, we have with you, well, at the moment, there are more 50 thousand, this is, excuse me, please, well, six or seven brigades, in warring countries, for example, in israel, we cannot imagine that at least one civil servant would not be a var'. didn’t fight, it’s impossible, that is, only unique men, of course, there are irreplaceable irreplaceable people, like civil servants, there are not so many of them, moreover, we had a sufficiently large number of seriously... wounded guys, they can perfectly replace our seriously wounded guys these officials in their places, and that's when every official in the country will have next to him or the one whose boss left, or the one who was still with them at the workplace left, they will go to the front, and then the officials will understand that the war
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is near, and this, and this is a normal approach, and of course you can think that this is populism, but this not popular as israel shows, it works, and that's why all officials know what war is, ms. oksana, thank you, thank you for your words, as always our viewers respond well to your words, another 10 thousand was added to our collection, thank you for your participation and for what you do, oksana korchynska, a frontline volunteer was with us, dear friends, have you heard about how important atvs are on the front lines for evacuation, let's take a break now, we'll come back, we'll talk about the situation at the front in general. with andrii ryzhenko, stay with us. thinking about a new mattress, but here's what's stopping you. have you ever thought about what you sleep on? old mattresses accumulate not only dust, but also moisture that a person releases during sleep. a new mattress topper or bed linen
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there is no friend better than mother, there is no land better than motherland. may 18 is the day of remembrance of the victims of the genocide of the crimean tatar people. channel espress. and ukrainian pen present the project own names with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and actually, who will be the guest of the studio? we will find out already this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests
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will be special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday: 17:10 at espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life, a bc ride, a boys ride, a quad bike is the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for atvs for the 93rd brigade of kholodny yara in the direction of chasiv yar. dear friends, we are back on the air, so it's almost 30 000 for this morning, you have already donated almost, because there is still one thousand missing for it to be. amount, but you still have the opportunity to do it while we are talking with andrii ryzhenko, captain of the first rank of the reserve of the navy of the armed forces of ukraine, strategic expert of the sunata company, deputy chief of staff
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of the navy of the ukrainian armed forces in 2004-2020. mr. andriy, we are glad to see you. and good morning. mr. andriy, putin made such a strange statement, he says that they are not going to capture kharkiv yet, what would that mean then, what are they step on what are they? put so many of their people and minus their equipment on kharkiv land? well, for the last 25 years, putin has not said a single true statement, and it is quite interesting that they contradict each other literally after a short period of time, well, such a thing does not happen to concentrate 50,000 troops every... every day to have losses of 15 personnel and not to have any goal for such a group, of course the goal for this
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group is to get as close as possible to the city of kharkiv and prepare the conditions for well, this city will be captured. another thing is whether they are able to do it, whether they have the strength for it, whether they will be allowed to do it. the armed forces of ukraine, as we now see, that at the initial stage of this, this infiltration offensive, which began on may 9, they were gaining momentum quite quickly, they were moving, but this is mostly due to the fact , that again the preparation of these positions was, well... complicated by the fact that they are actually located near the border of the russian federation, that is it was almost impossible to establish the ming there, which means
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that it was also very difficult to build any fortifications, there was constant shelling, unfortunately, we cannot use weapons, especially these western-made technological weapons, on the territory of russia, even in the event that that they... use directly against us, by the way, all the missiles that they launch against us, they, well, with the exception of the temporarily occupied territory of crimea, they launch from the territory of their country, otti otti otti ottisi х101, х555, and therefore i think , what is this a very serious factor, and that's why what they 're doing now, they're not very good at it, and... that's why there are a lot of assumptions that they want to hide our troops, and that's basically true, because we, we're
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forced throw our reserves there and restrain the movement of russian troops, and in the last few days we managed to stabilize the front line there, and we see that the front line is stabilized, but again, well, putin has long dreamed of kharkiv. this is the former capital of ukraine, and i think he, he has some plans for it, well he has plans for of all of ukraine, by the way, you know, czech president petr pavel, himself a reserve general, this week, giving an interview to the british sky news, called naive the idea that ukraine will be able to return the occupied territories in the foreseeable future. what do you think about it? well, peter pavlo is really a very respectable person, i even served with him for a little while when
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he was in shape, this is nato's strategic command for operations, well , of course he has the right to such an opinion, he has some information about what is happening now what battles are being fought in ukraine. because he the supreme commander of the armed forces of his country, and does the czech republic, as a nato member country, as i understand it, have access to intelligence information of the alliance regarding what is happening, well, the question here is what is the near future, what does he have in mind, well, and then again we understand that... it will be very, very difficult to do this, we understand this now, but well, it can be like this, it can be a little differently, but well... in
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principle, it makes a certain sense right, well, in this matter , it is in order to free the occupied eyes territory will require a lot of effort from both ukraine and, by the way, and our partners, and by the way, the czech republic initiated a very important project for us on these artillery shells, and god forbid that they eventually start entering our troops. well, if we talk about the situation at the front now, everyone says that somewhere until next week, somewhere probably until july, this situation will remain quite difficult, and that after july, how will the events develop in your opinion, well, look, here i am i remember now the beginning of the war, that's what we always said, that's it next week is crucial, next
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month is crucial. moreover, everyone said this, from experts to presidents there or prime ministers of countries and such high-ranking western military personnel, well, of course, this will be a very, well , serious time of testing for us, because the russians have now concentrated around on our territory, in fact, and around more than half a million groups, by the way, in ... three times more than at the beginning of the war, now there are certain favorable conditions for them, personally, especially for the top of the russian federation, for the politician, putin, he won elections, and putin managed in two years in principle, well, i think so, to at least partially convince society that this war makes sense
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for the russian federation. but er, well, to the extreme, no matter how many russians are not ashamed to say about it on direct channels, that we are at war with someone there and we have some very just goal there, that’s what i think he is using the moment, and now it was basically there, well, this may 9, they like to seize the holidays as much as possible. there's something to back up those life-threatening things putin on red square, plus after all the peace summit in switzerland on june 15-16, they also want to strengthen their positions, that's why they are trying to move this front line as far as possible in our direction, but again there is a question of resources, and because
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what they... are doing now, they succeeded due to the fact that they mobilized a fairly serious contingent, and this, i think, well , much more than what was declared by them there in the first wave there, and then there were several more waves of mobilization hidden, and therefore their resources are somehow inexhaustible, we we know that, despite the fact that they allegedly connected their industry as well, turned the military rails into an eye, and north korea is helping to open iran, and china, something is half there, but but the head, but the head of roskehu, yes serhii chemezov said recently that we will not be enough for a long time, thank you very much, mr. andriy, andriy ryzhenko, a captain of the first rank of the reserve of the navy of the armed forces
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of ukraine, a historical expert of the sonat company, was with us. well, we have to pass the word on to the news. kateryna shirokpoyas will tell what happened in ukraine and the world in the last hour, and we will listen to it all and see. greetings olesya, greetings andria, let's talk about the results of the attack of russian drones on ukraine, what the actual consequences are, as well as the shelling in the kherson region, wait a moment. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio for news time on the spress tv channel. at night, russian fighters attacked two energy infrastructure facilities in the eastern and central regions. the ukrenergo company informed about this. in particular.


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