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tv   [untitled]    May 18, 2024 10:30am-11:00am EEST

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year and, but i already perceived crimea, well, as if i had lived there all my life. as for the language, really, as i said, the big problem is the generation that was born in uzbekistan, in other cities of deportation, and did not have the opportunity to learn the crimean-tava language, they know their native language very poorly and... really the process restoration of the language, it began precisely in crimea, unfortunately, unfortunately, we see that this process, let's say, well, let's say, pressure and, well, attempts to ban the development of the crimean tatar language, it continues in crimea, but it is very important for us that... there should be more content and
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such informational content, educational content for the preservation of the native language, and that is why representatives of the crimean tatar intelligentsia are really trying to do everything so that there is more such content so that those parents, who are not fluent in their native language, at least through this content tried to teach their children, and we, for our part , try to have our... children preserve our language, indeed now there are processes when we see such solidarity on the part of ukrainians as well, and when we see when ukrainians try, say, to use crimean tatar words, this is just a very important reference for crimean tatars about the respect of ukrainians for the indigenous people of ukraine, and here we really need to work further to preserve the language . and
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develop it, because the fact that ukraine really has a strategy for the development of the crimean tatar language, i think that this will provide an opportunity for each, every crimean tatar to be able, let's say, to preserve the language, because the language is main element the identity of the people, in general, very briefly, if you can just a little bit. we are falling from lost time, but in occupied crimea today, at least somehow, this date is officially mentioned as the 18th, and the occupiers are really trying, let’s say, they know that there will be a reaction from the people anyway, people will still leave, but they have to try to do everything under their control, and they are really trying, let's say, to show that, well , no... how terrible was the deportation, as
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demonstrated by the crimean tatars, and they are trying to demonstrate that they were there some payments, that here and there people left with suitcases and so on, and on the other hand, representatives and activists of the crimean tatar national movement will still go to the memorial stones and will still hold events dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the memory of the victims genocide of the crimean tatar people. mr. skinder, i... wish that your son would see the crimea much earlier than you, so that it would happen before his 16th birthday. thank you for this conversation and let us remind ukrainians that today is the 80th anniversary of the deportation of the crimean tatar people. when the russians decided to commit genocide against the crimean tatar people. iskender bariev, the head of the crimean tatar resource center and a member of the mejlis of the crimean tatar people , was in touch with us. we are now going on a short break, then we will come back and talk about kherson and the kherson art museum. we will talk with its director,
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who tried to save exhibits from this museum from muscovites, what she succeeded in and who prevented her from making this preservation better, stay with us. fm halychyna. listen to yours. to feel life, not heartburn, take hyalera. hyalera - victory over heartburn. oh, there are no potatoes, will you bring them? and already, asshina. have dr. tice's bone marrow and get back to work. ointment with comfrey - german ointment for pain in the joints and. kratal contains natural components that
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ask for country magazine at points of sale. there are discounts, represented by coco discounts for may. on tizyn, 20% at podorozhnyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish diet, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to... the eu look like in the project close to politics close to the world with maria gurska every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in cooperation with seestre au. events: events happening right now that affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on
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them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m., studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso. what to do when there will be a liver? alohol, but for bile what? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder. alohol, with care and respect for the liver and bile. a journalist who joined the armed forces, a political expert who became a special agent. taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to make sense of disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with
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taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. dear friends, this is final half an hour, even 20 minutes. of our first part with andrii seichuk in the espresso marathon, i will remind you that we will return at 2 p.m. and continue, i want to thank you, because today for this morning you and i collected 46 00, for comparison just yesterday we collected 54 000 for the whole day, here only in the morning there are 46 thousand, so don't stop, 43 00 separates us from having 700 thousand in our account out of the 4 million needed, so please join in with your donations on the qr code, here this is where it is located and this is where the card number is if someone doesn't know how to use that qr code. and now we will talk about the kherson art museum, about how the people who worked there, despite the fact that
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russian planes were already flying overhead, despite the fact that there were already explosions, thunder and so on, to save themselves, instead of , they saved the collections, what was saved and what was not, that moscow is to blame. alina dotsenko, director of the kherson art museum, who was one of those who , instead of leaving kherson, went to her museum to actually preserve it, will tell us about it. acquisitions of that museum, let's set it up for a conversation, in the meantime you can scan the qr codes and write down the card numbers and transfer a little to our soldiers from the 93rd separate mechanized brigade on... atvs, and these atvs, let me remind you, will help evacuate wounded from the battlefield and ammunition will also be delivered to the front line, and we already have ms. alina, ms. alina, we are glad to see you, by the way, ms. alina, you are the director of the kherson art museum,
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and i read an interview with you, and you mentioned your own the beginning of a full-scale invasion, as they heard, because they lived near the canton bridge. when you heard that there was an explosion, uh, and instead of leaving the city, despite the fact that your daughter was calling you in tears, begging you, your daughter was in kyiv, you said: "no, i can't, i'm leaving to the museum". and she told you again, you always put the museum first. why did they go back to the museum, why didn't they pack their bags and escape from kherson, which was under fire? you see, i have been with the museum for 46 years since the opening of the museum. on may 27, the museum will be 46 years old. well, let's say in that wonderful building, i... such an architectural monument, the best building and the best architectural monument,
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in the south of ukraine, in which there were, well, you know, those who visited abroad and visited us, and they said vyvr, and this from the first days, i carried, carried, i broke my back, arms, legs, when i carried from afar and by train and... buses and everything, and there is a collection, there are children, you understand, when a master artist donates to a museum, hands over his works to the museum , he tears his children away from him and knows that there will be someone there to take care of him, and therefore in the morning at 40 in the morning, and i am almost near antonovsky i live near the bridge, i heard explosions, and the monitor... the situation for a long time, almost, almost, almost, almost
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knew that this would happen, every night i, oh, okay , that's it, when i heard an explosion in the morning, i called our wonderful, you know, just heroes, our policemen, kherson police security, and asked what they... answered, we were picked up by, well, everything alina vasilievna, i ask, it started, it started alina vasilievna, i start calling the driver, he refuses , well, a company car, i have 15 km, i ran, i ran to the museum, because no taxi she answered, you know, the city just died, we needed... er, excuse me, you are showing the footage now, it is november 11, it is
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our police security, the chief is commenting, mr. boris, mr. oleksiy is filming, this is mr. oleksiy, who is filming, and you saw his face in the first frames, he drove me for two months by car, well, they took me from relatives. and he and i went to our museum every other day, and sometimes every day, er, i know, a civilian, a civilian car, a civilian man, they came in, after they liberated the city, they came in, they are filming for me at the time i was in kyiv, and they ask and ask, yalina vasylivna, so what, are we posting the post? i'm not a thin tear, i just started sobbing, because there they show that
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the connection with, well, everything was cut by the occupiers, because the entire connection, then they did everything in two days, and in may almost less, and when i arrived on november 16, and my family was already meeting me. no longer in civilian clothes, as we worked for almost six months, in uniform, here are these shots, they are historical, here is an architectural monument, it has the best collection, and this i'm not saying it, i'm an urban historian, but many people visited us, because in the afternoon there were a lot of guests, a lot of gifts were given and everyone called us luga. here i am, how could i pack my bags and go to kyiv, before that
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, my older daughter had bought all the sv in a month, because the covid was already walking, she says: mom, i dug up the sv for you, the youngest for the morning of this 24th, because they knew here in kyiv, well, how did i know, and then i say, well, enough, children... it’s annoying, i have a museum, that’s all, and that’s how we partisaned for six months, on that day, you know, i while i was running, airplanes and... helicopters were flying over kherson, battles were going on on the antonivskyi bridge, at the oil plant, which is in the direction of mykolaiv, i already saw a wagon there, and i was running around kherson and came up with such a version that we would be partisans, in there is no way out for us, we
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have nowhere to go, if there is no taxi, then where will i take the collection for 14:00, where will i take it. my transport, where will i get those who will load, where will i get the money, i start calling all the regional for, well, leaders, in the council, in the administration, they don’t answer, people, people probably they were dealing with more important issues, i don’t know, but i didn’t care, i didn’t have a way out, near the museum... there was growth, you saw, and it was standing, construction, everything was threatened, because in the fall of the 21st, repairs began- restoration work, but unfortunately, the collection remained, as i did not fight, as i did not swear, as i did not write, as i asked, to
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start repair and restoration work for... many years from the collection that we demolished the storage fund, which we packed from dirt, well, dirt from repairs, but we also need to take it out, and it is necessary to create conditions, and that's how we defended her for six months, the policemen in plainclothes, i told everyone that i terminated the conditions from the police. hired security guards, and they were policemen, only older, whom the museum staff did not know, only three people from the museum knew who it was, whom i trusted, and so our little one was so partisan, well , the germans were the first to call us partisans ,
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when we arrived in november, and so we defended the museum as best we could until july 19. the worst thing is that across the street, 40 m, the local history museum, 40 m, and there is the center of russian culture, you see, there was just a sabbath there, a russian sabbath, fesshniks, the commandant’s office, all the collaborators, and unfortunately, the collaborators were in our museum, and they knew that i would decide that i did not take the collection in the 21st year, when the occupiers... came to us and tried to see the collection, we all said, here are the three employees whom i entrusted to be in the museum, all of them, well, i sent them with orders to work from a distance, but there were already among them collaborators who were running, i knew them, i knew that this would happen, because there are many
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we have been working for years, we know who breathes what, and now they were running up to the song... on november 19 of the year , they came with feysbeshniks with them policemen, all in masks, armed, and they took away from hanna the paper clips of our main guard, who received a high state award after the liberation of kherson, they they took the keys from her. funds, collaborators came in, ugh, ours are showing, look, we’ve been running for six months, we’re telling you that the assistant professor is lying, she didn’t take anything away, and the collection is all in place, and on july 19 , the occupiers began to take over, and from october 31 to november 4 very
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organized, with large forces, large, many people, all museums are enemy guards, machine gunners, well, the machine gunners are still under them, and the machine gunners are standing, that is, there are also a lot of trucks, they had colored signs on the sides, there were no marines, and our people from kherson, people drove to the museum and filmed videos, because it was impossible to stop, well, just in... arranged to stay with the occupiers to work in the museum to be my ears and eyes, which was the case,
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the engineer, ihor rusel, remained, who they just shouted into my phone, they will come to us to be called collaborators, and i say this word now it will be a protection for you, let them be called, right here in kyiv i am already to everyone who needs to be told. "who are you, what are you, we are already working on making sure that everyone knows, and, let's say, witnesses of these terrible two months, museums, and another aunt warobbala, a cleaner, and you know, cleaners, they, and if she is still smart, she is smart, so she heard everything, she was right there..." wherever she could, she called me, or conveyed to ihor valentynovich, or conveyed to hanna skrypka, what she heard in the offices, from the conversation from
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collaborators, and i passed it on to our police, and i passed it on to the general prosecutor's office, i passed all, all the information to the security service of ukraine, that's how we worked, i see how emotionally you remember those events, i understand how much they are still alive. all the experiences, i understand how much indignation you have, for example, with people who could have made a decision and earlier evacuated the museum collection and it was possible to save what the occupiers took away, we have very little time left, you know, the only thing i will remember is case, maybe you can tell me whether you believe that it will be possible to return the collection, during the second world war , a lot of exhibits were exported from ukraine, both by the german occupiers, the nazi occupiers, and the soviet union. the authorities did it, took it away, and it all ended up, for example, in the vermitage, and before the war, even before 2014, i was somehow sent on a business trip to st. petersburg, to the hermitage, and i asked this director
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piotrovsky, his name seems to be, the collections there there are ukrainian ones that are signed, chernihiv province, some other province, but it is not written that it is ukraine, i i say, why, which province is this, is it ukraine, then write that it is the territory of ukraine, and i say, when will you return it at all, he said, this was once us... look at us, what do you think, i i am asking you very, very briefly, we have less than a minute, will he return, you know what hope i have, from the first day when i jumped out of the occupation to kyiv, i contacted the sbu, the prosecutor general's office, and now we are working at the prosecutor general's office directly the department, a serious department, is managed by a serious prosecutor, and we are now working in the center... a circle and i was attacked americans from the us state department, and i was already with them, well, there was a big conference, i
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spoke there, they approached me, and together we are all preparing forms for interpol, for her to america, and to have an electronic catalog. we saved everything, you see, we saved all the documentation, you are extraordinary, and our viewers write about it, thank you for your warm heart and loyalty to ukraine, thank you for what you have done and we hope that these forms will work, alina dotsenko, director of the kherson art museum was with us, thank you for being with us, we will be back at 14 and continue, stay with espresso. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed area. there is a solution, garden trimmers
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11:00 am
news time on espresso tv channel, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the russians had none enough forces for... a large-scale offensive on kyiv, as was the case in february 2022, president volodymyr zelenskyi said in an interview with foreign journalists. he emphasized that ukraine and western allies should not show weakness and called for the deployment of two petrio batteries to protect the skies over the kharkiv region. he described the situation on the northern front.


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