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tv   [untitled]    May 18, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm EEST

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of the un and the charter of the united nations organization on the territorial integrity and sovereignty of un member states. i mean and think, first of all, like each of us, about ukraine, and we are the founder of the un, which is precisely what we demand in the ukrainian formula for peace, complete withdrawal, restoration of our borders, withdrawal, meaning the aggressor's troops, like many others things that were left behind closed doors, but i think russian propaganda and putin himself is happy that it's good that at least... behind closed doors, so if everyone saw, what china was really responsible for and how the leader sido putin really behaves, i think that the collapse would be complete, but there is a very important circumstance that really for putin china remains the only window of hope, opportunities, as well as trade, and indeed, the kremlin regime is going on unprecedented steps regarding the economy, the return of land. resources for almost nothing
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to china for the sake of at least some kind of support, for the sake of at least some image that russia has not become an outcast, in my opinion and my conclusion, russia is becoming an international outcast, not even any support, precisely the support of china, the russian leader did not receive, and these are actually, i think , very serious changes, god forbid that these changes that have begun... now in beijing, in china, that they will still be implemented in june in switzerland and further the international community, together with the global country, china, nevertheless moved completely to the support of ukraine and to the condemnation of russian aggression. thank you, mr. valentin, for the conversation, it was valentin nalyvaichenko, people's deputy of ukraine, former head of the security service of ukraine. friends, i want to remind that we work live on the tv channel.
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espresso, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live on these platforms, please subscribe to our pages and also take part in our survey today, today we ask you this, is the threat uoc mp to the national security of ukraine. the question is serious enough, the question is debatable, but it is important for us to know your opinion. if you watch us on youtube, please vote yes, no, or leave your opinion about the existence of... pcp in ukraine, further existence. if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and call. if you think that the national security of ukraine will be threatened by the pcmp, call 0800-211-381, no, 0800-211-382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program and we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we will be in touch with oleksiy hetman, a military analyst, reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian conflict. war, mr. major, i
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welcome you and i am glad to see you on our air, welcome you, mr. major, let's start our talking about the situation in the kharkiv region, the defense forces managed to stabilize the situation with the advance of russian troops in the north of the kharkiv region, and the enemy was able to advance no more than 10 km deep into ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyy said this during today's press conference, in addition to moreover, he... says that the russians in the kharkiv region were able to reach only the first of the three lines of defense, quoting mr. zelensky. the first line is not a border, it is impossible to build there, because due to the appropriate weapons used by the russians, our people died they are roughly there now . this is the first line that our military built during the war under constant fire. the first and second lines are built by the military, the third line is built by local authorities. it is the most powerful not because it is... better than
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the military, but simply because it is further from weapons, from shells, from shelling, mr. major, how do you assess the situation in kharkiv oblast today, to what extent the enemy has carried out , did what he wanted to do and did he succeed in doing it? well, you know, the fact is that when we look at the map, there is deteate, when we analyze the statements of, for example, the president, by the way, he said quite the right things, here... he can be supported by everyone, i'm sure that in he had advisers who were aware of the matter, and what he told was in accordance with military standards, the first, second line, the third line is the most powerful and so on, that is, here and there, the expression was normal here, it is good that you asked, what you it was conducted in relation to, well , military, as they say, the nuances of which begin looking at the map, there are many kilometers wide or deep or few, and this... well, what people
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are not told about, and there are strange analyses, sometimes you hear, come on, these two areas that they created in kharkiv region, two bridgeheads , they are wider and deeper. yes, these two pozdarmas, if you measure them lengthwise, they will be approximately 13-15 km each, this is exactly the front along which the brigade is advancing, well, there is a certain section of the front, 3 km there, 3.5 km there is a battalion, well, well, and so on, that is, there are certain standards, and they are used militarily not because they need to i like the regulations, because that is how they are calculated, as they say, statutes are written in blood, especially combat statutes, regardless of which army is conducting hostilities, the russians have many outdated regulations there, but such actions are written in their military statutes, and they are similar to other military statutes, because the tactics of warfare in the field are infantry, it has not
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changed, almost not, the essence has changed since the napoleonic wars, and maybe even earlier, the means by which you can impress in a gun have changed, that's all provides people to fulfill these tasks, and the logic is the same: a certain front line, a certain number of people on this front line must hold the defense, a certain number of people must advance, as it should, as i should, fortifications must be built, they are becoming more difficult, before it was usually rare, now it's a little more complicated, especially the third line, there should be multi-story, two-story dugouts, there should be capsules for storing especially... the personnel of massed shelling , communication and passages between the first, second, second, and third lines must be connected, and the conductive connection of the so-called palovkas must be established, because they cannot be silenced by raps, well, it can break from
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an explosion, but here, even as in the second world war , you have to go and look for its porifs with to connect, because you guys can jam wireless wired communication, here... communication, you need wires here, and so on, that is, there are many nuances, the fact that they now have these two sections 13-15 km wider, this exactly according to the regulations, this is how the brigade should advance, approximately it is hers section of the front, there is information that they want to expand it to 70 km, commander syrskyi said that they are trying to expand it, this is not a very good sign, because they would not expand it just like that, simply 70 km is a section, well up to 100 km 50... 60-70 it should already be advancing there, this is the length of the front, the length of the front along which the division should advance, most likely this 18th division, which is located there, they used again according to the prescribed order to create a bridgehead combat rules, according to
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combat statutes, 10-15% of personnel, others the main forces were preserved and the extended section of the front means that this division will try to advance, it will succeed... it will not be possible to advance to the second to third line, well, this will show how well they are built and how many of our troops should be there, because on such a section of the front, well let's say, well, for example, a battalion, but it has to maintain defense there for 3-5 km, well, for example, and up to 2 km deep, well, that is , there are certain standards, that is, we are not constantly saying to attract reserves there, something else for each a plot of land at a certain distance, there are certain... standards, how many there are there should be mines, how many guns should be standing, how many heavy equipment should be there, how many people there should be, how many machine guns there should be, how many machine guns, mortars and so on, that is, no one sits and invents all this, that's all it is written in the combat statutes, in general, in the statutes of the armed
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forces, and this is also the tactic, when it is being built, it is based on regulatory documents and according to them, well, there are many nuances, you can use cunning tactics there, change something, but from, well, it can be added, to do better, that is, mr. major, there is military science, which, in principle, gives answers to all questions, you can go deeper, just tell there, like where the collimets should stand, where the snipers should stand during the defense, and so on, that is, it is written down, it is not someone who sits and invents it, so people who are far from military affairs start to analyze, draw some arrows on the map, where to move, or someone starts to say come on... do it, write me a war plan, that is, it's a head disease that is already incurable and so on. that is all it is prescribed and everything is calculated, sometimes it happens that it is necessary to get a larger, wider section of the front with a smaller number, we have seen this many times, well, this
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is where the tactical tactic comes into play, which allows a smaller number to hit a certain area. there you need to maneuver, there you need to make counterattacks, there you need to do active defense, that is, all this is added, i just want, why is it so, well, i will tell you almost in detail, there are basic e. rules of warfare, basic in the united states, in great britain, in ukraine, in the russian federation, basic. you you can improve it, but you can't replace the bases, you see, you can't put a battalion at a distance of 100 km so that it conducts combat operations, it will simply be demolished and so on. it is impossible to make fortifications without the fact that behind the third line of rockets there is a road along which you can move quickly and between the first and second. the lines were moves along which you can move, without this you can’t, well
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, that is, you can try to improve, but you first do what needs to be done, and then add, so that it can be better, this it is possible to do, and when, instead of doing the right thing, some person comes who thinks that he knows everything and understands everything perfectly, starts telling them with wax what they need to do, well, it causes, you know, no longer a person, because it is already fierce, fierce there is enough to... calls out, honestly, the guys will tell me what causes apathy, because come cambrikh there or the chamberlains are listening, we were here, but we listened, well, it’s the same there, guys, let’s go, let them they tell, we know what to do with us, yes, the dugout is here, the machine gun nest is here, snipers there, there, that's it, we're on the defensive, we're fighting, and let them tell us what they want, well, you can't break social relations like that, and society's information that goes to society. that it sometimes simply contradicts itself, is generally silent, confused by
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what the military knows and does on the battlefield, well, there can be no big difference if a person does not understand, well, let him say in general terms, this is also not bad, it is so strategic , political, economic grants, well, when i can start telling how to fight, how to build defense, how where, who should be located, how should mines be mined or not be mined by military personnel who studied for this, who passed tests even when they were young men, as they say, young men, and so on, who have been doing this for 15-20 years, and i want to ask the people who give advice, how do you know who wants these people for mr. major, yes, i understand that there are a lot of questions, i’m sorry, it’s simple, well, that’s it, well, i’m talking to my brothers, well, listen, people, come on already got angry at first, then laughed, and now it just causes apathy some great tips, especially iron when people are gathering and they begin to draw some arrows on the map, as... of course, yes, yes, mr. major, british intelligence, as the guardian writes,
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warned kyiv about the preparation of the russian federation's offensive in the kharkiv region, but unprepared defense lines prevented it from stopping, the british write , delays in the supply of weapons, as well as a lack of manpower, i will quote what the british publication writes. it would be suicide for ukraine to have its main line of defense on the border, where the russians can attack it with artillery and guided aircraft. bombs, ukrainians through us restrictions do not have available weapons such as the hymers salvo fire systems to strike back, the publication quoted military analyst george barros as explaining why russian forces were able to mass safely across the border, mr. major, here is what the british write , what putin said today, that we are not going to capture kharkiv at all, this is not our goal, putin always lies, so we do not even take into account what he says, he went and wanted to in 22 capture kharkiv, they
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entered kharkiv, and on the 24th he does not want to capture kharkiv, well, this is just a lie of the highest quality, in your opinion, that the russians want to create a so -called sanitary zone in the kharkiv region, as putin says, well, if he says that about it about this sanitary zone, well, then we can say, and we want a sanitary zone only from that side, belhor. we constantly listen to what they say, try to analyze, well, let them sort it out between themselves, lavrov and putin, lavrov says that we want to create a sanitary the zone there is more than 100 km, and kharkiv falls, and sumy falls into this sanitary zone, putin says that they do not want to capture kharkiv, well, and we begin to analyze the breach or not , but what is the difference. we see what is happening, we see the preparatory actions that this group, which
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is located north of kharkiv, is currently taking, that they are trying to capture kharkiv, well, of course, with such a large number of people, one division is not capable of doing this, it takes a lot, it is an army , which is no less, even the army can't handle it better it is necessary to attract two or three armies there, then you can try, theoretically try to do it, today i am sure that... they just want to get as close as possible to kharkiv, so that they already have it under artillery fire control, so that they can shoot aiming from that self-propelled guns there, well, they still have the guns they have there, everything that is there, so that not only it is possible to use rockets and flying bombs that are being fired at kharkov, so that it is possible, if anything, to use artillery, but to and create in this way, the conditions are impossible for the civilian population to be there, to start evacuation or any other actions, well, what other
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actions, if there will be shelling from artillery, then it is necessary to evacuate. to forcibly evacuate people, especially children, that is, this is a big problem, and what they say about the first line of defense, and that it was impossible to build it along the border, well, it is, it is correct, but presented in such a context that they look a little bit it is not clear, this is where our partners begin, the prohibitions of the united states to fire on the territory of russia, oh we see tractors, here you see people, thank you for posting just such a video, these people are working, you can imagine that it doesn’t matter if there is no border, he will imagine that the enemy is just 100 m or 500 m away, it is possible to do it on a tractor, if it flies there with an rpg, from the rpg shot of the seventh, well, how is that, well , here we are, that’s how it should be built, machinery, bulldozers, excavators should work, they should dig there and so on, it’s not people with shovels they are raging, you can't push reinforced concrete with tamrams, well,
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how can a tractor drive, dig something at a distance of 200-300 m from the enemy, again it doesn't matter, there is a border, there is no border. what is wrong with this border, the military does not consider administrative borders or political borders at all, for them the terrain is the terrain, for them there is the enemy, there is the opposition, our position, we are attacking, holding the defense, moving, everything, as it is prescribed in military affairs , this is for a politician, the border is the administrative borders of the donetsk region or the luhansk region, there were talks that putin wants to capture them, i have a simple question, can someone point a finger at where... no one will show where the administrative border of the donetsk region passes, and what the military should orientate on it, nor will they argue about where the clear heights are, where the lowlands are, where it is more convenient to hold a position, from which side it is better to advance and so on, so from the conversation about what is not built near the border a few hundred meters from the enemy, and it could not be built there, even the russians, when
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they were building their surovikin line to insert our offensive actions half day, well... almost a year ago, they were also built a few kilometers from the contact line from our troops, if it started to build 100-200 m away, we would simply destroy them there and they would not build anything, here is another question, why was it not so densely mined near the border, or is there is it true or not that someone tried to demine something there at all, but that needs to be dealt with, and the fact that the lines should be located, well, definitely not close and built during the war not close to the enemy, well, this is obviously correct . this publication writes that they could not build, yes not could build a border at all, no border at all can’t be built at a short distance from the enemy, and it doesn’t matter here, we have permission to fire deep into, well, we would be given permission, we would fire at 100 km, what would it change, that a sniper sitting 100 m away would not see that there is someone swarming balendashis would not shoot, well, what
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is this, why is this, let's somehow, well, a little bit , we are already a little bit, we all understand the military... business, well such blunders, let's do something, well, let's not allow ourselves to do it. mr. mayor, one more topic that was quite relevant that night, well, for the russians for sure, dozens, or a hundred, there were more than a hundred drones attacking the krasnodar region, novorossiysk, tuabse, and in the temporarily occupied crimea, in sevastopol there were explosions, the governor, yes, the so-called governor. sevastopol rozvazhaev said that due to the drone attack, work was suspended under the station in the city at the point of electricity cutoff, classes were canceled at all schools, secondary education institutions and kindergartens in tuapse, that is in the krasnodar territory, in the oil refinery, there was a fire, and actually, the night before that,
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the belbek airfield in the crimea was attacked, where two were destroyed. mig 31.1 su-27 aircraft, how does this affect the capabilities and capabilities of the russian federation in the war with ukraine, or do they have much more of these capabilities and resources than our capabilities? no, i think it is not possible to ask the question like that, i think that we produce drones while we do not have permission to shoot, well, that is a separate conversation, here it is not permission, here it is a request, let’s give a little, well, two words about... these are international rules, rules of custom and traditions of war, and there is an international criminal code, which prescribes what is a war crime and what cannot be done during war. to attack enemy targets during an aggression against your country, where they were not, the country attacked has the right, so neither the united states, nor the united kingdom, nor our other dear partners,
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they can prohibit us from what is allowed by international by law, because international law stands above domestic legislation, well, at least of civilized countries, that's why they they can't stop us from doing what we have the right to do by law, they can ask us not to do it, it's different things, they keep telling us... fence, they can't stop us, they can ask us not to do it, well so, about our drones, about what we are doing, with these attacks, we are destroying their infrastructure, we are destroying their logistics, we need to destroy them, especially in crimea, all the airfields that are not far from the front line or our border, in order to so that there would be less opportunity for them to attack with the same... as the most powerful, we need to destroy their air defense equipment, well, of course, all military enterprises that are connected with the armed forces, oil refineries,
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we already understand that this refined oil, diesel , there is gasoline, everything else goes to the maintenance of the russian army in the first place, so so far they do not feel a shortage of fuel, but if we continue to smoke, then i think that there will be a shortage, a shortage will begin, because, well, these are serious things we ... how many factories have already been burned for thank you, thank you, mr. major, this was oleksiy hetman, a reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook, for those who are watching us live there now, please subscribe to our pages, like this video, so that it can be promoted in the trends of youtube, well and take part in our survey, today we ask you whether the opc mp threatens national security. ukraine: yes, no, everything is on youtube quite simply, either yes or no, if you have a separate opinion, please write in the comments below this video. if you are sitting in front of the tv and watching us on tv,
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then pick up your smartphones or phones and vote. if you believe that the national security of ukraine is threatened by pcmp. 0800-211-381, no, 0800-211-382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will match the number. this vote. next, we have yevhen magda, executive director of the institute of the world, in contact politicians mr. yevgeny, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations, mr. serhiy, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. let's start our conversation, mr. yevgeny, with the topic of the ukrainian orthodox church and today's event, which has been going on for quite some time in kyiv, the demolition of the orthodox mafu in place. of the tithe church in kyiv, this chapel, the scandalous chapel, was built in 2007, and it was illegally built by believers
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of the uocp near the foundations of the ancient tithe church i mentioned in the unesco buffer zone. state executive service of ukraine ensured the execution of the court decision on the dismantling of an illegal structure on the territory of the national museum of the history of ukraine. the cmp called the demolition of the chapel illegal, as it allegedly took place without attaching any documents to the register of executive proceedings, how do you perceive this story from this illegal chapel, and in general with the work of the pcmp on the territory of ukraine, we are not in vain asking our viewers and tv viewers whether the opcmp threatens the national security of ukraine, this topic, it seems to me, needs... also solutions, such as this chapel of the ukrainian orthodox church, that is, we need to wake up at a certain moment in the morning and hear that the ukrainian orthodox church in
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our country, as a church that threatens the national security of ukraine, has ceased to exist, we cannot do that, because it must be a decision of the verkhovna rada, and the verkhovna rada, although the majority of us, frankly speaking, are afraid to make this decision, because there is one of them in the composition. the pit on the majority of agents of influence of the russian orthodox church in ukraine, i think it is more correct to call it that, there is a canadian lawyer, a lawyer named lawyer, who scares ukrainian deputies almost by international courts and international sanctions, and their legal awareness is insufficient to explain what is happening. on the one hand, there is a legal norm. that the church is separated from the state, on the other hand, 10 years ago
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militants with chevrons were running around in the ukrainian donbass. of the russian orthodox army, local protestants were shot in slavyansk, so i don't see anything dramatic in the fact that this uh, not this illegal structure was dismantled and taken away, i don't see any problems, i know that there were, well, let's say, there were different terms when it was supposed to be done, obviously, there was some kind of operative game going on around this, because it's no secret that supporters of the russian orthodox church in ukraine, they work in various structures of the authorities, but i'm glad that it's over, because i do not believe that such an orthodox, russian orthodox abscess should exist on the foundation of the tithe church, i'm sorry, you said that the verkhovna
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rada. should make such a decision, but, well, if this church threatens the national security of ukraine, can it be a decision of the national security service of ukraine, we we see that the council is not in a hurry to do it, well, you understand, if the decision of the national security council, then it should be introduced by a presidential decree, given the way the law on mobilization was passed, i think that the president will be discouraged from making decisions about events. decision, that's why i 'm skeptical about it and think that we still have other problems waiting for us, and after all, it should be a decision of the verkhovna rada, i wonder why it's not happening, why we , even after gundyaev blessed putin for the new kingdom, anyway, no
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chirk-chirk from the mouth. of our people's elected officials, it is strange to me, and i do not understand it, although i would not say that i am a person who is deeply involved in church affairs, but i understand that in conditions when war and confrontation goes beyond bridges, over ideas, for everything like this, it is simply necessary to give credit and pay attention to the church that is hostile to ukraine, without any doubt, you have already asked... about the law on mobilization, the law that makes changes to the accounting and to the very system of mobilization in ukraine, today the ministry of defense presented a reserve mobile application plus, that is, this electronic cabinet is for conscripts and reservists, and on may 18, this application should work for 60 days until july 16.
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inclusive, all conscripted men must update their credentials in tck, or in this application. dmytro lazutkin, spokesman for the ministry of defense of ukraine, explained that this application will reduce the burden on tccs, where there are currently long queues. let's listen to what dmytro lazutkin said. we expect that this will significantly relieve the tcc and sp, because... it's convenient, it's fast, well, it's in the end expands the range, that is, it allows you to spread these people across these institutions, to predict the influx of people, actually, well, it's very difficult, because, well, for many reasons, for many reasons, but let's not forget that 60 days is quite a long time, there's no need or legislative requirements to do it yourself. this
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weekend, that's right, that is, people have time and mr. yevgeny, dmytro lazutkin is optimistic that within two months it will be possible to re-register all conscripted men in the tsc in a different way. now whole queues lined up to the tcc, and we can see in the kyiv districts that there are quite a lot of these queues and many men. what do you think... how do you see this whole story with the mobilization now, will there be any corrections, will zelensky later interfere in this process and say: "listen, let's make changes to the legislation there, because we don't have time", is it ready this whole system of the tsk before that, because we know that the tsk are not tsnaps, but former military leaders, well, with the appropriate ones.


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