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tv   [untitled]    May 18, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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uh, however, well, they don't have the opportunity, well , to do it on their own, in connection with which, well, we , our police department, came to the rescue, together with volunteers and the local administration, the military administration, our task, as policemen, was to pick people up from the city itself and deliver them to a safe city, a place where they were already picked up by volunteers and taken to the place where they were settled, today it was usual to process the application for evacuation, but the address that was in the application was on the outskirts of the city, that is, the street where well, she shot herself, as it turned out already military of the russian federation, i together with the head of the district department, he sat next to me in the front row. sazyrsky and the senior
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representative, who was behind me, left at the address to pick up the elderly grandmother, and moving down the street, i won’t even say the name now, uh, it turns out, already at the very place, moving down the street closer to the former shoe factory in vovchansk, we were already approaching my grandmother's house and... and at that moment , a bullet hit from the shoe factory, uh, a sniper, as we believe, since the damage from the caliber 762 is characteristic, because it was the first hit, when the hit took place, there was no sound as such, but visually we noticed, in connection with which we understood that this area was indeed shot. but we have not decided,
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well, we have already decided not to stop, and not to risk our lives, and in connection with which a decision was made to run away from this place, at the intersection we immediately turned onto korolenko street, and at that moment, when we were already returning, they opened on us from different sides, i don't understand where we were in fact these soldiers, as it appeared that they were sitting. in the courtyards of houses that were already abandoned, and from these courtyards there was, well, school shelling of the entire car from all sides, we didn’t understand why, it was as soon as we arrived at a safe place and examined the car, we noticed characteristic entrance holes from 545 caliber bullets there from a kalashnikov assault rifle, as well as from a large-caliber machine gun, when we were turning onto korolenko street at that moment... our
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right front tire was punctured, well, the decision had already been made i did not stop directly, because the car is armored and its weight is 4 tons, well, stopping on the spot, it would be a fatal mistake for us, and on a punctured wheel i drove as far as i could, well, we drove about 5-6 km, we left the place , and after 5-6 km... already the rubber could not hold up and it completely broke, and we stopped the disk itself, this wheel, however, as we were already more or less in a safe place, we quickly switched to the spare tire and continued driving already to our place of deployment, that's how it happened, tired of... heavy and bulky saws,
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cream 150 g, 20% in pharmacies plantain bam and oshchad. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel kowal. as always, we talk about the most important thing happened this week in poland, ukraine, europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like? in the project close to politics, close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 8:00 p.m. in collaboration with sister. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at events in there will be
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some katsaps in ukraine, on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world does mr. norman dream of, we can imagine it. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10. sunday 18:15 at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, as well as respected guests of the studio. events a day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. dear friends, we are returning to the ether, let me remind you that lesya vokolyuk, andriy saichuk are in this studio, today we are working for you throughout the day, and this is our second part of the ether. for this second
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part of the broadcast, which started 20 minutes ago, you donated uah 500. i know i'm going to fall a little bit in the afternoon. pace of gatherings, but i hope that you will still donate to our army, you have a little time for it, so scan the qr code and write down the number of the card where you can transfer it, it doesn't have to be huge amounts, do you have the resources for this, but the most important thing is that your donations are, we are collecting for atvs, which are needed for our soldiers from the 93rd separate mechanized brigade cold yar, need these. that's what quad bikes are for, and that's what you're seeing on the screens right now, in order to quickly evacuate our wounded soldiers from the battlefield. this promptness is very important because it helps save limbs and lives. so join in with your donations or support
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using the qr codes that you see on the screens, the upper one is a monobank, the lower one is a private one, and you scan it using the privat-24 application, or... or the card numbers are indicated under the qr codes and you can get them for yourself record or take a photo now, if you don't get up to record and besides, all these necessary details appear on your screen during our broadcast, so you can also scan them, take a photo, transcribe them, we will be grateful in any case to everyone, all we really have to do is some 30 00, 30 to be with a tail, which we already had. 700 thousand out of 4 million required. so friends, we hope for your concern, we hope that you respond to our calls and we hope that you transfer your donations, and at least somehow then it becomes so, you know, in the soul, and calmer,
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and better than that, that you did at least something, at least something that you can control, at least something, of course, that we can control not much, but... to join a good cause, it's not difficult, it's just a few clicks, and besides, i remind you that you can too to help the espresso tv channel, and for this you do not need to transfer any money, for this you just need to leave your thumb up under our youtube broadcast or subscribe to our youtube channel. such a small action is small, it makes a big deal, because then the airs of the tv channel, broadcasts of the airs of the tv channel will be in the list of offers on youtube, and therefore more people will see them. do you actually see on your screens now how it can be done? find on youtube, subscribe, become one of those... who have already subscribed, there are already 2 million of them. and what it gives you, it gives you the ability to see
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the broadcasts of the live broadcasts, it gives you the ability to watch the broadcasts that happened, if you didn't have time to do it live online, then watch it again, it gives you the ability to watch short video shorts, you gives an opportunity to see and know the truth and to be among those people. who appreciate this truth, so join the espresso family, we will all be extremely grateful. well, now let's look at a story about a woman who has the call sign vitaminka, who came, who in the ukrainian army since 2014, she was in the special forces and intelligence during the full-scale invasion and shared her story with our khrystyna. battle, let's see,
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of course, i want to reach the kremlin, like all soldiers. my name is vitaminka, i serve in the 47th brigade of mavor, in general, it started from the maidan, otherwise it is impossible, historically important events are taking place, how can i take part in them. it's strange, it all happened gradually, as the intensity increased, increased, that is, first the maidan, then everything went, like a crescendo, that is, everything increased, the tension increased, then whoever... took the job, he did it, and as much as he wanted, there were no
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responsibilities, so i took on the medical one, because i understood at least a little bit about it , at first i lived in tents, then i moved to the kmda, because there was a shower there, and it was a separate chotota. sokol, then there were maidan fights, it was interesting, it was dangerous, at that time, i didn’t want to kill, er, that is, i had an upbringing and that’s all, i just wanted to do something, basically humanitarian things, but in the army, it has changed a little, on the maidan i realized one of my peculiarities in... some critical situation, when someone is super, someone
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is hysterical, someone else has some other reactions, i am very calm, i am an othadnyak will be after, but right at the critical moment, i am calm, i am not afraid of explosions, i can be useful, why vaidar, because at the moment it was the only welfare at the ministry of defense, that is, i did not want to go to the ministry of internal affairs, well it seems to me that after the maidan it is very logical. aidar is, but aidar shines in the 14th year, this is a typical cossack army, there was no army, this is what still triggers me, because what i call army is what we have in common with the russian army. and it confuses me a lot, well, in aydar, i was 22, 23, 24 years old at the time,
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and these were precisely the years that i lived without my parents, the first, er, accordingly, there , a worldview was formed, formed, certain life attitudes were breaking down, i understand that it is necessary to kill the enemy, but on the other hand... this is murder, as it were, well, i had dispute, here is today, i believe that it is even... well, as a preventive medicine in essence in the 15th year eh i returned physically to civilian life eh morally the path was much harder and longer i am very sensitive to smells eh like my mother
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, i worked with perfumes for a while, i really liked it, i know how to distinguish these notes and so on, i would really like to open a perfume shop, i was waiting for money from the sale of land, the business plan is ready, i was just waiting for money and let's start, ah, the money was supposed to come on february 25, of course it did much later, and they did not go to the plans i wanted, but to the ammunition. there are also other important things, in principle, veterans are those people who were called, here you are sick, you are waiting there, you want war, yes, well, we are the first who did not want war, but we knew that it would happen, well that is, i was waiting for the full scale, i was in my apartment in lutsk, that is , the rocket attacks began, i exhaled, went
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to bed, well, i was not allowed to sleep much, because i still had to do certain things there, i... helped my cousin, who was in melitopol, to leave, i.e. in phone mode, after that i went to bed and i didn’t sleep so well for several years, then, when i had the opportunity, i left for kyiv, i waited until there was training for drones, received a certificate and a good day of special forces, then the woman mobilized in the first special forces brigade, was a shooter, took part in combat missions, in the east of ukraine, after returning to civilian life, many years of psychotherapy, i sculpted myself already without the influence of the war, that is, to become a gentler, more feminine person who loves this world, and also in donetsk region, i
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just sat down, said goodbye, the hands of psychotherapy, we are coming back. i am comfortable if the very bitch that is being talked about on all the tv channels, on all the media, and i am there, the intensity was different, ah, well, the intensity like we had there, it was just the day before debaltsev, when the truce was announced, right up to... the moment when the minsk-2 operations began, i heard statistics that at that time we had at our positions, somewhere around 1,500 ee shells were flying per day, i had that i i was lying in the house, somewhere not far away, something heavy fell, that is, i was sleeping, i woke up from
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the fact that my bed jumped together with the house and with me, which... struck me, this is a phrase that was born in me in my head, but my comrade, the commander, voiced something not fun this time. in may 2022 , she was wounded, after treatment and rehabilitation, she returned to the war again. at first it was in sumy oblast, then transferred to the 47th separate mechanized brigade. it's not the 14th year, it's not basically a classic intelligence job, because basically we're... doing the work of everything possible, well, that is why i feel comfortable now, because it is similar to aidar in the sense that no matter what unit you were in, you are basically a universal soldier, you have to do what you are told, it doesn't matter what position you hold, it doesn't matter what unit you are in,
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in the summer we lived in a boarding house, here it is... it's like in the song that while the patron dog keeps the district, the boys and i keep the boarding house, then it got very cold and uncomfortable, because the landing was at a height, it was the zaporizhzhia region, uh, there is water nearby, very, very, very, very many mice, the mice gnawed everything, the mice gnawed even the bandages, the stops uh, well, i was surprised when the bandage was somewhere on - well, almost half gnawed, how it affected me, i have a lot diseases, er... both physical and mental, er, i hate our neighbors as much as possible, er, and this is not the kind of hatred, which is anger, which
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is emotional, no, er, this is the maximum disgust, they did not carry responsibility neither for actions in the last century, nor in this one, nor in the previous one, that is, well, this is not the first time, when it happened there in the 1930s, 1920s, it... it was not the first time when the neighbors committed genocide on our territory. for me, victory is the disappearance of the russian federation as a state and the isolation of what remains of it. ugh. they must bear responsibility for their actions and inaction. these, m... biological persons who need to be isolated, i do not know how civilian life will come for me, well, we do not rule out the moment that i will
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lie at the level of -2 m in general, or it will be some kind of mutilation, or this is already a direct experience of victory, the vitamin recently got injured, now in donetsk region, currently being treated... in a hospital in dnipro. lacal fix reliably fixes, my dentist advised me. yes, and reduces gum inflammation. and the price is good, economical. research has proven. lekalut fix protects yasna and fixes it five times more reliably. dental protest, so your choice is lacal fix, buy with a 30% discount in the chain of podorozhnyk pharmacies, a camera, your country
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is located in the region where during the great patriotic war the leg of a soviet soldier stood, we are not from this region, no... let's go , the main event of world boxing only on mego. the undefeated usyk and fury will determine the first absolute heavyweight world champion since 2000. cheer for the ukrainian on may 18, exclusively on mego. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. bill 5655. reform or corruption trap. country investigation. when and how will crimea return to ukraine. interview with the chairman of the mejlis ryfat chubarov. how did the defense of kyiv actually take place? colonel
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oleksandr vdovichenko of the zsu, memories of the brilliant ukrainian translator mykola lukash and many other stories and analytics. with the country in the center of main. ask for country magazine at points of sale. didn't you see the classics in tsyke sometime or something? i wrote a children's poem here, will you listen? tractor in poli-dir-dir. what are we for peace, fm halychyna, listen to yours, there are discounts, they represent. until may, a 20% discount on tizin in psyllany bam and oskad pharmacies. verdict with
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serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you you can express your opinion on the bad day with help. survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. picked up bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, the atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to get involved. donation to the collection from zero to life for quad bikes for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yar. expensive
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we are friends before let me remind you that on weekends we work all day long on the air of the tv channel, and we also thank all those who are with us during saturday and will be with us during sunday. thank you to all those who share their hryvnias, together with our military, who need atvs that will help them save lives. for the second part of our ether, we collected much less than with the first part, i would say. yes, it is much less, so far 800 have been added against the 54 thousand that you have donated since the morning, i hope that we will catch up a little bit more, and in principle, we are moving so confidently to the point where we have 7,000, and only 27 thousand separate us from those 700 thousand, so join in, dear friends, qr code, card number, for those who do not know
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how to use the qr code... we will be extremely grateful, otherwise we will have to donate to someone, andria, to someone, to someone, the athletes promised that they would donate, and today the match will take place, the match between tyson is very important fury and usyk are ours, i honestly haven’t followed boxing for a long time, one of them is now the champion, it seems even usyk, and it seems, even super heavy weight. will transfer to the armed forces of ukraine, so the donation will not be weak, although in principle, he will transfer under what circumstances, when under any circumstances, whether he wins or loses, he will still transfer 1 million pounds, here,
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so... we have this match for the armed forces of ukraine, which will take place tonight for the first time somewhere in kyiv time, it will be unbeaten, so, well, but what will usyk do with his fee, which is also very, very large for him, there are several million , or even a few tens of millions of dollars, how would he dispose of it, and in the event of a victory, in particular, i don't know, you know, he came in some rather strange embroidered suit, well, they had a ... interesting battle of looks, well sometimes it was not a battle of looks, then there was a battle, there were no looks, because tyson fury was stubbornly looking away from usyk all the time, he was afraid to look into his eyes, because he would immediately be killed with one look, but instead when they came out without clothes, when they were already there without a vyshyvanka and he felt tyslen fury, which is already weaker now, after all, probably a tendril without a vyshyvanka, without a code
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understands the ukrainian encoded. shoulders without embroidered armor, then he allowed himself to poke even a little with his forehead, here, well, but they were quickly stretched, here for now, and here is such a word of intrigue with us, well, dear friends, do not be worse, by tyson fury , donate to our army, it is clear that not such huge sums, we will not demand them from you, but, but at least some 10 uah, 10 uah - that's all one very... maybe sometimes people think, well , where am i, where am i going to rush with such a ridiculous donation, but i look, sometimes, you know, i update that bank of ours and there it is like 10, 10, 10, and here it was there are about 90, there are already 100, that is, we have the type with the gaming business, the gambling business, ban absolutely all lotteries and online casinos, but open, for example, state ones, where 100% of all revenue goes to the armed forces ukraine, why haven't
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you done so yet? dear friends, we are getting closer to 3 p.m., and at the same hour for espresso news and anna yevamelnik, i am ready to tell you them, anna eva, i give you the floor. greetings, colleagues, thank you for your work, the news team is still working, we will talk about the most important thing for this hour, and i will start this issue with the situation in odesa, stay with us. in the morning, the russians hit odesa with a ballistic missile, probably an iskander m. it was reported in the air command, command of the south, that during the night the defenders of the sky destroyed a mine in mykolaiv oblast and an orlan-10 reconnaissance drone in odesa.


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