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tv   [untitled]    May 18, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EEST

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started yesterday at 4 o'clock in the evening, so far people have donated around €46,000. that is, it is 2 million hryvnias, ugh, and it is simply incredibly powerful , with such a powerful wave, people will donate, and what is important for me is to read, you know what people write in the comments, ugh, ugh, ugh, because donating is different, donating there from €5 to € 200 was the largest donation to this company. it is german citizens who are germans, it is germans, it is germans who are germans, that is, well, mostly germans are germans, because we do it in the german environment on twitter, and well, you can see it there you can see when there, well, i, as the organizer of this campaign, see all their raw data, and 95% of them are germans, there are also americans, and sometimes there are people from other countries, but i am very ashamed every time i see a ukrainian surname, because i think, well, how can i
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collect money for ukraine from ukrainians in a german company, it would be wrong, that is, for me, the most important thing is that it is german money that comes to ukraine, yes, but people are all the same, when they see, they sometimes complain, and it is joyful to see, and although of course you say that it's like, well, it's a shame, but, but the main thing is that people write in the comments, well, and people write in the comments, well, first of all, i can't even quote everything, because there's such a lot of swearing. that they are not ethereal, and secondly, a lot of people write a lot about the fact that what scholz does not do, we do, there we see what the situation is, we are ashamed of our government, we cannot influence them in a different way, because here we are protesting, there we go to demonstrations, the next election is on september 25th, that is, we cannot influence it now, but help is needed now, and we cannot buy airplanes, we cannot buy tauris, but we... can use drones, we want
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these drones to fulfill their mission where there is a lack of german equipment, which scholz does not transfer, and you know, if in 20 hours people are collecting there, and again we are, if we were not the red cross, we are not there, we are actually showing these donations of 599 people, this is this last collection, you see , so this is the last collection, here you can see that this is the first, this david... threw €20, and then here is the biggest donor, this raider, who donated more than 200 euros, and here we see that these are all the donations that come today, that is, 100, 300, 11, 30, and certain people write their names, certain they don't write, they want to remain anonymous, this also has its own conditions, here are the reasons for that. oh,
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but we see all this, all that today, and here you see, here there is a person who writes there in the comments, here i never thought that i would donate for military purposes, but the russian attack on ukraine is brave for brave protection ukrainian people have changed my beliefs, and this is really, you know, this is a very important moment, because the germans, who will not just subsidize weapons, but subsidize weapons that... will be used specifically against the russians, this is a fundamental change, a fundamental change, it's just breaking a taboo, ugh, it's just breaking a taboo, and when people write, a person wrote to me, one man, so he wrote that i was a member of the spd and voted for them, and that's 500 € that i'm blowing , they will accept it as my apology for bringing scholze to power. ugh,
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look, mr. seyu, if you take it, recently there was a sociology that shocked many, it tried to interview people who are now forced migrants, men, women, and more than 30% of them said that they were a little, not interested in news from ukraine, distanced themselves from them , it is amazing that, for example, the germans are interested in the ukrainian diaspora, if it is the newest one, is it... active, do they also collect, do you also work with them, well, i know that it is depends strongly on the country, and precisely on the activity of the diaspora in a specific region, and because i know that i have an acquaintance from the canadian ukrainian diaspora, and there are very active people who are very actively engaged in these issues, let's say one of my personal acquaintances, he is an american. this is ukrainian
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approval, and paul shmotelakha, and he is a veteran of the american army, an artilleryman, and here he is even before it started. full-scale invasion, he founded his own company in the states that manufactures inverters, batteries, inverters, power banks, powerful, very powerful kilowatts there, and here he brings to ukraine, he has his branch in lviv, which actually only deals with the fact that fathers bring inverters to it, and it further distributes them to ukrainian, ukrainian, therefore, civilian and military facilities. that means there, they bring a lot of these batteries to the ukrainian special forces, and that means to the hospital, to the military in the hospital, and to the refugees as well, that is, we are through them, that is , there is a donation through the american community,
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through american charitable organizations, which is partly it is financed by my organization i bought devices from them, which means i bought them too, that is, they sell them, they can’t... there are thousands, tens of thousands of euros worth, they can’t give them away in full, but they give them a very good discount, they actually sell them either at cost or at a lower cost, and they even deliver them, that is, they pay for delivery and everything, and when the russians bombed kharkiv and zaporizhzhia and wanted to destroy the power system there, they partially succeeded, but during the week we collected in germany too, we collected there are about 70 thousand. to kharkiv and zaporizhzhia, and we bought about half of this money, we bought power stations, solar panels and brought them to kharkiv mainly, and construction materials, with which people simply closed the windows of their apartments, and here they are somewhere in the thousands for 40 €,
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i.e. we bought these batteries from them for almost uah 2 million, and their cost was even more, plus they just sold a few of them there, they said, you're on your way. here you go, so these power stations, this is the american company new use energy, which in fact, i i understand, it was unexpected for me, but i ended up being one of the suppliers of these batteries in ukraine, because the founder has roots from ukraine, and there he also has people in the company, if there are people from ukraine, it is always so interesting to talk with them, when you talk to them, they have a diasporic eye. i have a language, i learned ukrainian as an adult, i was born in russia as a russian-speaker, and so and so, ukrainian means to me, it’s completely new, and learned, they have preserved the old ukrainian, and that’s when you start communicating with them , then the first means 5 minutes, so
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you adjust your language to their language, that's very interesting, but all together, here we are from germany, for german money, they are from the states, for american money. a german without any ukrainian roots, without any and that there is nothing , and again we will remind you that this is a german person who is helping ukraine at this very moment on the border of musical equipment and medical equipment. they gave german hospitals specifically for german hospitals for ukrainian hospitals, and it all got stuck at the border, because their customs are not like that they signed it because some rules of registration have changed, well, listen, this is ukraine and somehow it changes all the time in our country, but he very, very, very, very politically correct
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said that everyone is very nice people, i really wanted to ask ms. mr. yuliana, how is the mood in general in his town, ba nendorf is a small town and a small town near hanover, well, actually , here i am after all... i still want to agree with what julian said, and you know, i hear it a lot there, well there it is ukraine, it is ukraine, in fact, it would be much better with the german bureaucracy it's more difficult, i'll tell you, the worst customs bureaucrats i've ever seen, but once upon a time it was the hungarian customs, which for some reason put everyone in a huge queue, all the citizens of the european union, even why it was done, why everyone stood in the heat for several hours, i still don't know, that's why i think it's... it's true, i would say that it's really not very comfortable that the legislation changes often, but the situation also changes, and the legislation needs to be adapted to these changes, and what we see now is that first of all, on saturday, ukrainian ngos
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help this, that is, my friend yulyan to process this cargo, that the customs officers, customs at the border provided them with rooms there. coffee and all, this is actually a sign that in ukraine, despite the complex, bureaucratic, sometimes complex bureaucratic regulation, people behave like people.
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yeah, in in in my town um, it's more or less a village, we have these topics like ukrainia and german uh city partnerships, strategic partnerships and like solidarity partnerships beforehand, this is yeah, this is is quite good to see the development here, and overall in germany the mood is um, yeah, there is an unbroken will of people to help ukraine, to donate, to get in contact with people. people, this is a completely different party than that what you see from the from the
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current uh parliament from our guys like shults and yeah, you you all know these names, i won't repeat them, but the german citizens, they are completely different from this, they are highly committed to ukraine, highly committed to europe, european values and ukraine defending these values ​​at the eastern border. yes, and here he says exactly that, first of all, his city, yes, his village, he, it, first of all, it now invests a partnership condition with the ukrainian city town 10, yes, and now they are also preparing with a similar a small town in volyn also signed a partnership agreement, and this is what he says, that people are on the side of ukraine, that people have a completely different attitude than the parliament, than scholz, than all these people, whose names are known to us... immediately in contrast to them are simple
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the germans stand on the side of ukraine and help us, we are extremely grateful for this, thank you, mr. julian, for helping, that you are helping now in ukraine, it was julian kelterbors, a member of the city council of bat nendor, ukraine just brings us from the border medical equipment in zaporizhzhia, and also serhii sumleny, german political scientist, director of the initiative center european european stability was with us, dear friends, thank you for being with... andriy saichu, vakulyuk worked in this studio for you, thank you to our editor stasov, he doesn't know about it, we are sending him off today and thanking him for his work, thank you, gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and uncomfortable, and that's how you want to have one. a beautiful, well-kept plot, there is a solution, garden trim kors unpack the tv,
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zima, ukraine honors the victims of political repressions. and this is the day of remembrance and the days of remembrance, and today we invited yarina tsymbal to the conversation, she is a literary critic, i congratulate you, hello vasyl, and she is a consultant for a cool movie from the first documentary, now a feature film house of slovo, now it is called the house of the word, the never-ending novel, is a movie that is now playing on big screens all over the country, and packed theaters, people are buying tickets long before the screening of this movie, and we will talk today. about how ukrainians were shown for the first time in an artistic style, in a feature film, the time when they destroyed what was later called the shooting revival, well , let's talk a little about cinema and in general about political repressions in ukraine, what we understand today adequately, how terrible they were and how much pain in the future and
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they caused ukraine. let's start, let's start with the house of the word "endless novel". this is the first story. which is released on the big screen as a feature film, as far as i understand, it is about the shooting revival, about the 30s, so earlier documentaries about this period, we still call it our 20s, there were documentaries, but a feature film, this is the first, the first film, the first work of taras tomenko, who is also ahead, as you said, shot a documentary with the same name house of the word. a little earlier there were red renaissance films, but they were all documentaries in an artistic way, in an artistic interpretation, this material is being shown on cinema screens for the first time, and when...... you were offered to be a consultant for working on a documentary film, and then, as i understand it, these consultations, this information, the advice you provided, they were also used in the feature film the house
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is a word unfinished novel. when you approached this work, how great is the vastness of information, the fate of people and prominent people, how difficult it was to fit it all into one film, and what was the most important thing you wanted to tell people about that time and that... about that terrible time , most importantly, this is more of a question for the screenwriters, i will remind you that there are two of them, and in documentary film, and in the feature film, this is taras tomenko, the director and screenwriter and only the screenwriter, the writer lyuba yakymchuk, i consulted them on the subject, whether all theirs, everything that they want to show in films, whether it corresponds to reality, for the documentary it was especially important for the film, and that is why precisely in the feature film ... such a detailed scientific consultation was not needed, therefore, lyuba taras, i hope that you simply took advantage of my advice while working on the documentary
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film, while i am engaged in this period with our in the 20s, already 20 good years, this is a huge huge, and i am very glad that now the interest is just not reviving, i don't know, maybe it is starting. interest in our 20s, because it became possible to talk about it fully in a full voice only after independence in 1991, until that time many writers did not acquire even during the thaw, they were not given a single book, theirs did not come out, that is, they did not give a voice during the thaw, such as valerian pidmogilnyi, let's say his works after his arrest in december 34th were published for the first time only 89 year, for half a century it was... silenced despite the rehabilitation, in spite of everything, and after 1991 , literary critics, researchers, art critics worked
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in the same way, er, but this work was always small, due to economic difficulties, for example, the publishing industry collapsed, books were not published, those that were published in the early 90s, there are two volumes by khvylovy, kulish, oles dosvitnyi, zerov, and until recently only this... in 16, we started the project our 20s in tempora publishing house, it is an anthology of contemporary genre literature, and somehow gradually, until today, there are already more books, and now there is a film, a documentary, a feature film, well, a feature film is always more important, because people go to the cinema first of all for a feature film, right? therefore - a feature film, the house of the word is an endless novel, it finally... seems to summarize a little and at the same time continues all this research work, popularization work with our 20s, because there we read at school
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about the wave and the undertow, and here we finally see them on the screen, we will learn, let's say about the seed, so the seed of the futurist in detail they don’t study at school, it’s not easy, uh, and it will give an impetus to further work, because it seems to me that the very stage of scientific... accumulation of information about this huge period and about tens of hundreds of these people has already somehow gained momentum, instead, the artistic interpretation is just that, i will mention the compositions of artem pivovavarov and klavdiya petrivna baraban to the poem geish korupiya, which literally two weeks before the house of the word was released for rent, and this is at the same time such an interest, young people who ... they listen to pyvovarov, and here is a feature film, and yes, tell everyone about shkorupii immediately, tell everyone about it beat the drum of sadness, in this
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song my heart cried out, of course geo shkorupii, well, he conveyed it brilliantly, of course, the song is not a poem by geo shkorupii, but it is important that this same idea , the very idea is taken, here you know, well, regarding this, and this popularization, just before that there was a project that was done about... and poets, writers of the shooting revival, i, unfortunately, did not really delve into it there, i guess , foxtrots, coveted and yes, yes, there, there, but, but it is important that, it remains such a secret, which i want to join, if we talk about the secret that the movie reveals, i know that you lived in the house of the word, and in order to work, but tell me more about energy, about the history of this house, let's say, about its beginning and about the finale of this place, where there really was such a magma, hot, of ukrainian creativity, because
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there is a story in the cinema about how, well, i watched such a teaser, because i go to the cinema, i have not seen a movie there yet, and there is a story about that , as stalin gives money for the house, the word is that ukrainian writers went to moscow, and there they were supposed to bring this big suitcase with money, well, that is such a cool story, but how was it really, the story is cool, because it was invented by ostap vishnya, so oh, well, he was a genius... gubenko was a genius, as they say, an inventor, but here is the beginning, prosperity and decline of this house word, what drama took place there, the most important thing? by the way, the owl house was handed over quite late, that is, most of what we know about our 20s happened before the slovo house, it was started to be built, it is a writer's cooperative, i want to remind you that it was not the state, not the party, not the government that distributed apartments in this building, the writers
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built it with their own money. and at the moment when this money was not enough, and they already wanted their own housing, where they could live and work normally, they organized this meeting during the week of ukrainian culture in moscow and during the meeting with stalin, which they did not know about, organized by kaganovych, i understand that he was also present at it, and during the conversation, in which, by the way, ukrainian writers demanded that bulgakov's days of turbines be filmed in mkhata, while stalin was responsible for the national issue in the party, and it was quite a sharp conversation, at the end a note arrived, no longer in the form of an oral speech, but a note arrived with a request to support the construction of a house, the construction of a house for writers, and stalin ordered, of course, that it was no no no no no suitcase, which was a cherry on top of the visa , he invented it already after the second world war of this
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story. it was passed down as a legend, well , apparently taras was so impressed by it that taras used it as a true fact in the film, i remind you that the film is already fiction, so in addition to the actual facts, it also contains fiction conjecture, fiction, and even real facts can be overgrown with such artistic interpretations, but really her party, the state, the government, i don't know who, but with stalin's order allocated the last grant. let's call it that, the last contribution to the construction, and the writers settled there in the spring of the 30th year, and the 30th year is already full of hopes, wishes, well, imagine, you have your own spacious, luxurious home, where everyone seems to be their own, well, eh not there, it was not a cooperative, friends, not at all, different writers and members of different literary organizations lived there,
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literature opponents lived, let's say, i lived in a literary residence in the slovo building, in the apartment of the writer and journalist petro lisovoy, opposite the door of the apartment of mykhailo semenko and natalia ozhvai, on the second floor above us lived our sworn enemies, ivan mykytenko lived in that entrance, there the critic volodymyr koryak, a proletarian critic who oppressed them all and especially disliked mykhailo semenko, simply beat valeriyan polishchuk at one of the parties. polishchuk covered his head with his hands and sat and endured it, that is, the people were very different, of different political and literary orientation, but they were aware that they were all writers, they were artists, by the way, by the way, it should be remembered that not only writers lived in the house of the word, les kurbas, he is in the film, and artists also lived there, anatol petrytskyi, vadim meller, there were many actors there, because this one...
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that is, it was the kind of house in which the creative creative bohemian and petro lisovyi - this is the pseudonym of the writer, his real name is svashenko, and his brother semyon - gathered. an actor, a star of dovzhenko's arsenal, that is, it is obvious that in that house, for example, was often visited by dovzhenko, visiting various writers with whom he was friends, and it is such a crucible in which, above all, these are the conditions for work, after all , the human conditions that writers needed in order to develop their talent , in order to write, draw like artists, ah, and this...


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