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tv   [untitled]    May 18, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EEST

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actors, because ostapa vyshnya, wife, actress, varvara maslyuchenko, natalya uzhvii, semenko's wife, well, that, or she is semenko's wife, or semenko's husband is lively, it can be called in different ways, that is, it was the kind of house in which gathered a creative, creative bohemian, and petro lisovyi is the pseudonym of the writer, his real one. svashenko, and his brother, semyon svashenko, is an actor, a star of dovzhenko's arsenal, that is, it is obvious that in that house, for example, dovzhenko often visited various writers with whom he was friends, and it is such a crucible in which, these are primarily conditions for work, after all , human conditions, which writers needed in order to develop talent, in order to write, draw like artists, and... parties
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, some discussions, well, in any case, with beatings, with disputes, perhaps with very emotional disputes, but it was a period when works were created, maybe not at the time, maybe works were written somewhere earlier, which became the golden fund of ukrainian literature and what was later called, if i am not mistaken, shot, and when, but later the tragedy began. actually, ah, the central story of this movie is obviously the tragedy of mykola khvylovy, who actually, again, had the surname fitlyov, as far as i understand and as far as i remember, and i should remember, and what do you think , is this really the suicide of the author of yaromantika, it is such a concentrated, concentrated pain of this tragedy of the house. words, well, that is, everything else
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can be woven into it and kulish and kurbas, and in kyiv at that time they also killed kosynka, and sent pluzhnyk to solitary confinement, that is, it is not it happened only in kharkiv, but the whole of yalova, all these tragedies can be woven into this concentrate, which was revealed in the history of khvylovy, is this justified and do you agree with the fact that khvylovy most possible, and tragically and emotionally expressed precisely the collapse of the house of the word . undoubtedly the wave leader of the generation, that is, his shot for everyone who lived in the house, who lived outside it, in other houses of kharkiv, kyiv, it was a huge sign, and it was a tragic sign for them, they understood that it would not be like this anymore, i remind you that this is already the second year of the famine, that is, the holodomor begins already... in the 32nd
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year, the 33rd year, the waveman went to harvest grain and saw all this with his own eyes, and the impression he saw of the ukrainian village became the last straw, although the desire to put a bullet in his forehead in he had been there for a long time, he admits to mykola zerov in his letters of the 23rd year that he went out of town several times and wanted to shoot himself, but lacked the strength, and therefore... this is not the act of a timid person, not a coward, as she tried to present it then the soviet authorities, in order to somehow explain why he was the most famous writer, and he really was the most famous writer of this generation, after his first books, all subsequent ones, the young people who came to literature, they all wrote under the waveman, they simply could not get out of his influence, just as in all the memoirs, you can read about the fact that in communication in an ordinary human way, he had a simply magical impression, made everyone
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fall for him, well, if not in love, then bewitched by him, there are memories of how they came to kyiv, at the end of the 23rd year, and in the current lesya theater ukrainian women, there was a party where kharkiv writers read his texts, when the wave is huge, and the theater is huge, there were no amplifiers, microphones, loudspeakers only, and the wave was reading when he was listening to the pines, how the pines feed, the pines of the asian region, the silence stood, just dead, and his voice in this silence , this is dokia humenna, he recalls, echoed, well, as a non-prophetic, but as a voice from above, a testimony, and a person who makes such an impression in personal communication, who is simply of primary importance in the cultural and literary life of this age, she lays hands on herself, puts a bullet in his forehead in the presence of his...closest friends in
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the next room, of course, i think that in the next six months among the writers, among the intelligentsia, there were no other conversations at all, except about the act of a wave. did they understand that they would come to them in the same way as they came to yalovy? i don't know, sometimes i think about the fact that not all of them, not all of them were afraid, but over time, this is the 34th year when the shot rang out in leningrad, and it has much more significance, yes, in december, at the beginning of december 34- kirov was shot dead in leningrad and mass arrests began all over the country. on throughout the union, but in ukraine they were especially brutal, because up to 40 people were arrested in kyiv, 37, it seems, were sentenced to death within two weeks and were shot the next day, among them was, for example, a 26-year-old poet oleksanko,
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a deaf-mute who did not even hear the shot that killed him, and there is so much symbolic, terrible, dramatic in this whole story, tragic, in the end, and it seems to me... that semenko johanson was arrested already in the 37th year, that they fully understood, were aware of this tragedy, understood that they would come for them like this only that it will not be possible to survive. in the end, i will remind you of the tragedy of pavlo tychyna, who, who did not hear the sounds of the shots, but was killed back then in the early 30s, he was not revived as a poet, even after de-stalinization, by the way, but stus wrote very well about him in the phenomenon dobysky on calvary of glory, it was actually the work that began the collapse of his career, both as a literary critic and as a poet, but not the collapse of his personality, because stus actually became a great poet thanks to his suffering, but there he wrote that i saw the stream twice and twice dead, first in the hall of the presidium, and
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then in the coffin, well, rilsky lived his stories about his tortures, his tragedies, alyrsky , after all, did a lot specifically for the ukrainian language, for ukrainian literature, as a scientist. chernigov, it was brilliant, and by the way, i read critics who said that tychyna really was, could be, but... at least in his embryo, at the beginning, he really was , by all indications, the greatest poet of the 20th century, maybe to be sure, but such a person was broken, as it were, in russia putin, i say putin, well, in principle, this is according to freud, stalin, he was already such a cynical bastard who, let's say, brought to savitaeva
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, whom he brought back from france, in fact, then she committed suicide, but he left the block, allegedly they left akhmatov, but they closed her mouth right away in leningrad and that is, they left bolgakov, but again they mocked him, very subtly. i am not saying that these people, they somehow loved ukraine, this is not an attachment to ukraine, it is an attachment to the fact that it was annihilation, but in ukraine that it is interesting, well, no one regretted most of the prominent ones, and here the question, you know, is important, because here are these russian narratives, well, this is not stalin, it was done like that in the field, there khrushchev, kosior, kaganovich, those people who actually made a famine.
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stalin's lists, these are lists for execution, which he signed personally, not all ukrainian writers, let's say, are signed there. these are lists with many people, hundreds, thousands of people, but there is a personal list, stalin's signature on these lists, they are on the internet, their russian memorial has long been scanned it, posted it, you can see it, he is personally guilty of the great terror, all the others, his executors, they were removed one by one, yagoda, yezhov, in the end beria came, that is, people changed, the executors of his will changed, but in... his was the same and they suffered the same from all this, but in the end we are not interested in their fate, we are interested in ukrainian writers, they often say that there was terror in all the soviet republics, that everyone suffered equally, but no,
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it can be traced, even more so comparing with compared to russian literature, where the oberiuts, say, shot alenikov, well, there are just units, or boris pilniak, or, that is, they should be mentioned, babel, yes, they should be mentioned, you just take the first best one from us. in fact, this is the banality of evil, as in a totalitarian society, everything was very
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simple, very well thought out, rational, but today we look at auschwitz, and about rudolf hess, it was about the same, it was not timed with the executions of sundermoch , not timed with the october ones holidays, this is later fiction, because it seemed to us that it somehow sounds more tragic, in fact it was because they had nowhere to put the prisoner and they decided to simply reduce the number of arrests. and they were also shot in a deliberate way, so that not with one bullet, because this, well, this is fantastic, that a bullet pierced two skulls, and it was possible to knock out people in this way, but they were not shot once more, they were taken out, they were stripped , for example, before the shooting, because well, the clothes could still be needed, all this is terrible, we were talking about representatives of the creative intelligentsia, but what was being flooded. barges with people in the northern seas in russia somewhere, i’ve also read such stories, it’s much easier, the barge is old,
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it’s not needed, and plus you’ll drown a few hundred people who definitely aren’t from it, well maybe so it was, but ukrainian writers, the vast majority were shot at the beginning of november 37th in the sandormokh tract, their graves are there, later executions in december, it seems that this tract is called ladeynoe poli, it is somewhere near leningrad, there, in particular, the geozhkorupirs shoot. and later they made a training ground there, and a military unit is still there the russian memorial was not allowed to be excavated there, and therefore we do not even know the number of victims, and there was no exhumation of the bodies of people, how many still lie there under leningrad, this is incidentally to the question about the victims of political repressions, we are saying that these days ukraine honors the victims of political repressions, in the same way as, say, in belarus, where they were also killed in...
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i think les tanyuk was involved in this, but the story of ale gorska ended very sadly, well , supposedly there is a father-in-law or someone there, somehow , allegedly a household story, but all they understand very well that this is not a domestic matter, beaten at the train station in smila, if i am not mistaken, vasyl symonenko, actually beaten, i... spoke with professor vasyl vasiliovych yaremenko, who was almost the last to see symonenko still alive in the hospital, and he talked about what it was, then they started saying that it was a serious illness from which symenenko died, but in principle it was a beating of the police, when they found out that it was symonenko, they began to beat even more viciously, but these are people, who tried to find out what was in the bullpen, well in fact, it ended with such a story for them, it was already the beginning of the 60s of the last century, it was like the soviet government. not only committed her crime, but also continued to hide it, and now
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the russians are actually doing the same thing, and the ukrainian writers from those famous stories we know were killed in a fight, and amelina died in enemy terrorist shelling, vakulenko, his the diaries remained, he was simply killed by the enemy, and now we see what the enemy continues to do, it can be explained as the fact that... it's just russia's attitude to ukrainian culture, and here you can even see that stalin is no longer there, there is only in. they had lenin, stalin, putin, but it continues. do you understand this russian phenomenon, the terrible russian phenomenon? well, it is a totalitarian state first of all. it was, it is, i hope that it will never be again, but yes, it destroyed. everything is alive, everything that did not surrender, everyone knows
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the ukrainian people as free-loving, freedom-loving, and certainly, well, this could never exist in the russian totalitarian state, and when it was given 10 years in our 20s there from the 21st to the 31st orientov, the period of nep and gentle ukrainization, well, why gentle, it was quite harsh to many people. i saw an ad in the odesa newspaper that they were looking for a person with a higher education who speaks the ukrainian language, and there they offered some crazy money for the job, because... somewhere in the 20s it was difficult to find such people, and they forced ukrainian to teach quite seriously, this is a gentle ukrainization in our country, but this ukrainization simply opened the floodgates, opened everything for the culture to develop in its own way, and it gained momentum very quickly, but everything was stopped
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abruptly, they moved from both in the economy, and in culture, in everything. it's just that everything was blocked and a great terror immediately began, a famine immediately began, a great terror, it destroys simply physically, destroys the people, destroys the intelligentsia, as the essence of this people, and it was a well-thought-out policy, and it is still being carried out, certainly not aimed at a specific of amelina, but they aim at us, as ukrainians and ukrainian women, as at... ukrainian culture, that is why they kill without analysis and die the best writers, writers, how many people will die in this war, you know, i am the end, we literally have a few minutes left, but still we started with a conversation about cinema, the house of words, an endless novel, in this cinema and in to this story in general, even what may not have made it into
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the script, but what was in this house of the word, and the most important story for you... both in and in the movie, and in general in the history of the rise and fall of the house of the word , if the story that touches you the most is the story of the writer, the story of some book, the story of some fight, maybe somewhere there, or something, well , there were no fights in the house and there were no big parties, it is still an apartment building, the most for me, when i lived there, i perceived it as a house , in which people live, and they also lived in it. loved, had sex, gave birth to children, wrote their works, invited friends over to read these works, and we still do, when i am there, i will be there again in june at the residence to work on a book about the house of words, a little announcement, i am inspired by the fact that there is a long life in it, a documentary book, and the book
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will be a documentary, no, not a fiction book, i will not invent anything, i wanted to say, it will make up, but it is not... honestly, in relation to the authors of a feature film, for example, no, it will be a documentary book, but so bright, i hope we will succeed in everything, and then we will talk about the result, and there is definitely a demand for this work, there is life in the house, the house was damaged during the shelling in march 22, in the second entrance, where ostap vyshnia lived, novelists, dramatist ivan dniprovsky, the door was damaged, the windows were blown out, people were killed, apparently they left. but despite that, there is life there, and that’s the main thing, you know, osta pvyshnya is somehow very unloved by russia, it’s not enough that he was sentenced to be shot, then he was replaced by penal servitude for 10 years, his museum was destroyed in krynka in the kherson region, where terrible the battles of the ukrainian army with the enemy and even all the way to the entrance where he lived in kharkiv, well, obviously his position is still very well
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, literally 30 seconds, but tell me, please, ukraine does not need all of them now... to gather in one house, there are many ukrainian writers in different cities, somewhere now maybe outside the borders of ukraine, there are many ukrainian writers at the front, also now my acquaintances and friends, but how long will it take, i don’t even think that the war will end, the war is still going on, but taking this time, so that we blossom to the level of plant rebirth, so that we are already reaching this level, it's just that we always modestly talk about ourselves as writing, as literature, it seems to me that we... reach this level, i always compare our 1920 and our 2020s, me i see many parallels, since the revolution took place then, many perceived it as the ukrainian revolution, and it seemed to many people that in the ukrainian ssr, as the republic was then called, that this was the independent,
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independent ukraine that we had chosen, it was simply in the federation with other republics, and this explosion immediately began, plus ukrainization, so it was supported and helped, cultural, and we gained independence in 1991, we rocked for a very long time, we had other conditions, but this explosion began although he was if late in time, but it has begun, and we are in all spheres, so i reach it, it will really destroy what hinders us and will allow it to blossom and give life to a truly worthy and great. thank you very much, we talked, you listened, thank you for being with us, stay with espresso tv channel, it will be interesting, goodbye. gasoline trimmers
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every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today affects... our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club every saturday on espresso. greetings, friends, another exhibition called " ukrainian house" has opened protagonists you may have heard this incredible story about the exhibition about alugorsk,
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an extremely large number of people came there, the exhibition became a super hit, and now we have an exhibition in the same place about our artists who worked at the turn of the late 80s and 90s. these were... extremely interesting and most importantly important marks and an important period, and we will talk with you, and we will talk with you and one of the curators, actually, why this period was so important, and we will predict exactly how many people will be in the crowd this time, will it be a little less, but before that we will also talk with you about what happened in ukrainian culture this week, well, first of all, it is important to say that it is being released again in... a ukrainian film is being released, and this film is called reflection . i will say that we are not yet tired of discussing the house of words of the neverending romance, which
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was released last week, and now we will. to discuss the reflection, but it must be said that unlike the house, the word, the reflection of valentin vasinovich is a much more authorial, more complex film, and accordingly, the audience of this film will be smaller, but the artistic value of this film is much greater from my point of view, it is , in general, a film that took a very long time to be released, that's how we have it, you know, during covid, during a full-scale war , and the film once upon a time... in the main program, this is very important, by the way, then the producers broke through this armor of the russian lobby at these big film festivals, because ukrainian films were simply not allowed there very often, but the film by valentyn vasinovych definitely guards, he tells about a surgeon, a military surgeon, who is captured by the russians, and there he is captured.
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goes through a lot of scary moments, returns home and tries to sort out his life, well, more precisely, as it seems to me, it can be interpreted in this way that this captivity happened to him, perhaps in order for him to radically change his life, rethink it, and the handwriting of valentyn vasinovych very well known, i will remind you that he was the cinematographer of the movie tribe, but now, let's see ... a close-up excerpt, so i melnyk serhiy vitaliyvych, come on, i'm melnyk serhiy vitaliyovich, 78 years old, father, entered the territory of the donetsk people's republic with the purpose of committing a terrorist act, i'll tell you right away, it's important to warn, because there are
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brutal naturalistic... footage removed skillfully, and valentin vasinovych knows how to shoot such shots, but i must warn you that there are scenes of torture, for example, there you can see andriy ramorak, lenter, but you will recognize him, i will be honest, i am not sensitive to such shots, but there are many people who are are taken quite close to the heart, so i warn you, but i definitely recommend this film, because both this film and valentin vasyanovych, as a director, are remarkable. figures in our cinema, now we see valentyn vasyanovych, here he is with his award, he is one of the most famous directors of ours, his films are a must see, i think everyone should see them, so you know, come and see what what class do we have masters now, well, let's also recall his tapes or tapes with his participation, for example, he has a documentary film, this one, it
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’s called: actually, it’s him, he, valentin vasinovych made this film about his brother, his aunt, who live in zhytomyr oblast, his brother hardly sees him, but you see, he repairs various things there , bicycles, and they live together with their mother, they have such an interesting relationship, that's how they live like that, and there they move around sometimes, but it looks very, very funny, this movie. is publicly available on youtube, you can google it, youtube it and watch it, and also valentyn vasyanovych, because dusk, this film is called, forgive me, i forgot to tell you the name, dusk, and also, if we are talking about other tapes, we can continue to watch his films, and this is also the tribe of valentin vasyanovych, and the tribe, please forgive me,
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but this tribe... i was filmed by myroslav slaboshpytskyi, valentin vasyanovych, he was the producer and cameraman there, and right here, it seems to me, from their collaboration, this is the first big feature film of myroslav slaboshpytskyi, they each developed their own style, and in the future feature films vasynovych, they were very recognizable, he likes such long shots, that's how we see now, which also takes place for a long time some... it's a film called black level, it's about a photographer who is going through a mid-life crisis, he has a complicated relationship with his a girl, but in the end, in spite of that, in spite of the fact that she is searching for something, in her life, despite this crisis, the film still ends quite optimistically, we see a wonderful ukrainian actress here...


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