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tv   [untitled]    May 18, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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i'm valentina vasyanovych, the tribe of vale, give this tribe, it was filmed by myroslav slaboshpytskyi, valentin vasyanovych was the producer and cameraman there, and right here it seems to me that this is the first big feature film of myroslav slaboshpytskyi , they developed their own style, and in the future feature films vasynovych, they were very recognizable he likes. long shots, this is how we see now, in which some action also takes place for a long time, this is a film called black level, it is about a photographer who is going through a midlife crisis, he has complex relationship with his girlfriend, but in the end, despite this, despite this, he is searching for something, yes in his life, despite this crisis, still the film ends quite optimistically, we see a wonderful ukrainian actress here... and also,
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i think, you all remember the film atlantis well, we discussed it not long ago, and many people call this film prophetic, although vasyanovych himself says: listen, nothing prophetic, i just talked a lot with the military and volunteers, and their thoughts on the war coincide, here we are shown the year 2024, the end of the war, the war is over, but unfortunately, the territory of donetsk and luhansk regions is so... toxic from these military actions that it is impossible to live there, and the processes of exhumation and demining and so on will continue for a very, very long time, namely our he is the main character who is engaged in these processes, and also watch this tape, it seems to me that it should be available somewhere on legal platforms, but the time has also come, as i already said at the beginning, to watch the reflection of the same valentyn vasyanovych,
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please make time to cinema i guess that this rental will not be very long, as is usually the case with original films, but be sure to watch it, because such films must be watched on a large screen and with good sound, because they are filmed so that you can watch them on on a large screen, because if you later watch them even legally, but there, for example, on a laptop or even on a small tv, you will have completely different feelings. i have one for you. advice, well, i will definitely tell you about roman lutsky, who played the main role in the glare, because also from my point of view, this is one of the most interesting actors of ours, you have seen him in many films, for example, these are inglorious serfs, this is such an irony of quentin tarantino's films, only about taras shevchenko, actually there is roman lutskyi and plays taras shevchenko, we could also see the novel in other films, for example, in viddana, it is... a film adaptation by felix austria, and
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sofia andruhovych, there were also many disputes surrounding this film, as always, when it is a film adaptation, people decide, better book or the movie is better, well, i think both are very good, i advise you to read the book, then watch the movie, it is also available, thank god, on various legal platforms, and also roman, we could see, well like us, me and my girlfriend and poles. could be seen in a simply remarkable, as i think, play called hamly, here we can see photos in poznań, and this play was made, and it is an extremely experimental, interesting play that lasts six hours, roman lutsky plays the main role of hamlet there, and that takes place, it seems, in some former hangars, and the audience goes there with headphones, with headphones, and you can walk around this hangar and in... at the same time watch several
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scenes from hamlet that are taking place, go from one scene to another, and you can just get up close to even approach the actors and actresses, and actually observe very, very closely, it is a wonderful performance, i think roman lutsky coped well with this role, he also plays in the frankivsk theater, also our famous theater, so if you are in frankivsk, you must visit of this theater, oleksii. natkovsky, who also plays there, whom you could see in the movie dovbush, he recently told how they got the people of frankiv to go to this theater, and how they managed to make it fashionable to go to the frankiv theater. so, now we also move on to films, the golden dziga, the award, the organizers of the golden dziga award announced the films that are nominated, a lot of different nominations. and here we see 20
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days in mariupol, it is in the category, in the nomination of the best film, and many people also think that it is unfair, that you are like that. good film, he is among us nominees, of course, we can continue with the video, then we will see, we will see other nominees, this is the vote, just around 20 days in mariupol, you know, there are ongoing conversations that of course he will receive all the golden zigs, and therefore this is such a competition, you know, very conditional, but let's see, there is also a film called la palisida, which can also be watched online legally, it is also a complex author's film by philip. sotnichenko, he talks about the 90s, this is another of our films about the 90s, which is the last time there is a lot coming out, the film tells about the actual prerequisites of the last death penalty in ukraine in the 90s, and these are the lessons of tolerance, arkady nepatelyuka, a wonderful film that
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many confuse with an lgbt drama, although it is a film about family values, and how about katya , the film by kristina tinkevich tells. about the drama of a woman, this is another character of a strong woman in ukrainian cinema, there are also enough of them, this is a trend, this is a doctor, this is a woman who fights for the life of her daughter and has to face a rather difficult choice in her life, we can also look at documentaries that are nominated for this award, here is also our documentary, it remains very powerful, it is iron swallows, the film about the mh17 disaster, there are also many parallels with 20 days in mariupol, because in this film it is shown , how russian
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propaganda manipulates through television, because the authors show the footage, in fact, documentary, and then... what russian propaganda says, what the leading propagandists say on television, we understand how inconsistent it is, ivan and marta, serhii bukovsky about the beaked couple, a wonderful film, the main character there is mrs. marta, who talks mainly about the fact that she and ivan were not heroes, they did not want to be heroes, because they just wanted to live a normal life, but that's how it is it happened that historical circumstances forced us to follow some... still heroic principles, well, actually, this is how it is, and now i will say, the news is also important enough, because the publisher, anton martynov, he mobilized to the armed forces of ukraine, you can know by publisher laboratory,
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and also for such an application librarius, and anton martynov wrote about this on facebook, he said that he had received a novel. and here i quote: not to go, i would be very ashamed in front of myself and my son. now my wife will take on the additional burden of business with children. anton said that all further plans are canceled because he no longer belongs to himself, so he will no longer be in the book arsenal. well, he also joked that now he will be detoxing in the woods, among completely different company. i will say that enough already. writers were mobilized, this is ostap the ukrainian, and also serhiy zhadan, we know that he is thinking about mobilization, that is why this is such an example, yes , people who are public, who could also say that they are involved in critical infrastructure, that they are more useful on
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on the economic front or on the cultural front, but still they choose a completely different path, we really support anton and... of course, we will help him with everything, i think that he will write on facebook about his needs and his and their brothers and also good news from britain: diana oliferova, if you don't know such a camerawoman, you should remember her, because i think she will be another ukrainian celebrity, she is our photographer and cameraman, who filmed two episodes of the third season on... . over the popular series bridgerton, now we can see her, but actually, she studied in kyiv, she was engaged, well, i knew her mainly from photos, but one of the authors of this series, andrew ar, wrote about it in his instagram , that i thank all people, everyone
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to our film crew that was involved in this series, and i would like to thank diana oliferova separately, i will say that... right now we can see footage from this film, an extremely popular series about the fictional life of the british aristocracy, about the main characters - this is a family, the members of which, the children of which... are gradually getting married, getting married, and the showrunner of this show said that there will be eight, it seems, episodes, that is, all the children, all the main characters should be married off and married, and it became popular, in particular, of course, because it's interesting to watch, but also because it uses such a technique, you know, the absolute absence of racism, because we see completely different actors. of different races, of different origins, and they play all the british aristocracy, as we know, were
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only white. at first, it caused discussions, but now everyone is used to it and absolutely does not pay attention to any skin color or origin, that is, it is natural, it seems to me that this is no longer a question of discussion, a question of the absolute norm in cinema, in art, so it will be , i think will continue to happen if someone doesn't like it, then i think... you have to accept it, it's one of those, it's one of those changes in art that happen, i think, very predictable and inevitable. well, now we will talk about the park and the painting reserve, and please, about the artists who are extremely important, whom you can recognize, and the creative path, so bright, which began in the 80s, and especially... their period fell on the end of the 80s, the beginning of the 90s, their exhibition is currently taking place in
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a ukrainian house, it is called protagonists, there are three floors, so i advise you to go and calculate that you will be there for two or three hours at least, now let's look at the photos, in general, how was the work from this and the park commune, the paris commune and the picturesque reserve, i found... there are not many photos, although i was at several exhibitions there, here they lived in abandoned houses in kyiv, this is such a kyiv phenomenon, artists gathered and created there, since in the late 80s freedom had already arrived, it gradually began to arrive, especially if we speak about the beginning of the 90s, in particular, freedom is not only political, but also economic freedom, because the market was not formed and artists did not have to adapt to selling their works. and that's why they simply had maximum freedom, and now we, the exhibition, by the way,
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is wonderful, i found many of my super super mega favorite artists there, looked at paintings that i had not seen yet, and we will talk more about this period with svetlana starostenko and co-curator of this project. svetlana, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, i congratulate you. svetlana, look, i am sure that among our viewers there are many people who in general. once again you hear about the park-commune and the painting reserve, i urge them separately if you are in kyiv to go to this exhibition, but please tell me what exactly was the courage of these artists, because i watched this little film that you demonstrate, also where, by the way, it is interesting at the exhibition, and oleg tystol, an artist, he said that there was freedom, because no one controlled us, no one approached us, including potential buyers, and we paintings in general were sold for some tape recorders there. but tell us what kind of artistic acts these were, they were also performances,
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various installations, not only painting, what exactly was this courage, and maybe you can give us some examples, it is interesting to just note the times in which it was happening, this is the end of the soviet era and the beginning of the era of the new independent ukraine, which was finally achieved in 1991, but the course for... construction was earlier, and already from 1985, 1987 there was already more freedom for artists, this means something that was no longer there instructions from the party, from the union of artists, which also had a great influence on what artists do, because there were orders from the union itself, without which the artist, if he did not fulfill them, was not taken to the exhibitions, and now... at that, at that moment, i mean, at that moment that instruction was already gone, and the artists could already
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do such works as they saw fit, and besides, the iron curtain fell, the iron curtain fell, and a great deal of new information, books, films, literature, esotericism, and this is all that got into the information field in kyiv, in particular, where these phenomena were formed, the picturesque reserves of the paris commune, therefore... there was so much more information that art could no longer become new, that is, a new culture was formed, and ukrainian artists were actually already legitimately ... only in the ukrainian context, even in the european context. because of this, we can say that it was new freedom, but if you also talk about installations, about photography, about video art, then it should also be noted that in this exhibition we focused on painting, very bright painting, but it can be said that this time was the culmination of painting in ukraine, because after 1996, in general, the end of the 90s
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, there was such a long pause for painting. and such a time of installation, video art, and conceptual photography began, that is, we were so fascinated by these last 10 years, when it was painting that was dominant in ukrainian art. and tell us what a squat is, in more detail, because these artists lived in squats, that is, i was in one such a small one, it was once on google feist, that is, it is in the same abandoned pavilion on dovzhenko, a studio. dovzhenka, but they sat for weeks, lived and wrote something there, but if we are talking about squats, those that happened precisely in the late 80s, early 90s, it was a much more global phenomenon, tell me what it was , maybe some household details, did the artists really just live there, settled down, and how, how everything happened there, because i imagine this bohemian
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party, it’s just that, well it is, you can say it’s a festival lifestyle, actually , may yet... add it to the integration in the european context, because the very concept of squatting is a very european topic, and then now they are showing on the screen this house of the paris commune on mykhailivska street, then it was called paris commune street, it was an abandoned building, that this house was planned to be to demolish, and the artists agreed with the local jack to occupy it, and it’s a huge house, about 10 artists, but they came to them... everyone from all over ukraine, artists, musicians, film directors, then from other countries began to come, i.e. it was shared everyday life, they were not co-authors, here it should be noted that squat is still the concept of a shared life, that is, they had a common kitchen, a common kitchen, a common stove, a common
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party, and maybe the direction in art is common, this is a new wave, art of the new wave, the art of the trans-avant-garde, which came... to us from italy, but still they were autonomous and independent in their work, but it was beat that really influenced this work, and it was a very relevant art when it appeared then in ukraine, and what is interesting, time proved that these goals exist relevant even now, not just now, but they are simply extremely important and valuable to us for us, it took time, but then it was a squat, it lasted four years from the 90s to the 90s. year to the 94th year and ceased to exist, but the house exists today. svitlana, tell us, explain to us what was the importance of this period, what echoes did it give, on whom, what did it influence, if it is considered in the context of the history of ukrainian art in general, what is this phenomenon, what is its place?
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it is necessary to talk together about the unification of the art group. the reserve is also written about artists of the paris commune, that is, this is the first art of independent ukraine, this is what stands at the origins of the formation of our independent state, and what i personally consider the most important, that i would very much like that through this art, which is actually accessible today thanks to this exhibition, because most of the works, just 90% are from private collections, to which there is no access and even to... helped us, of course, the national art museum, to the west of the ukrainian house, and the khmelnytskyi art museum, and the odessa museum of modern art, but most of the works from private collections. so, what is important is that we, ukrainians, understand that our art, our true ukrainian art, is not only transmitted through national ornament, through a patriotic narrative, through a sharp
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socio-cultural context, we have extremely powerful european art, which, if if it weren't for... the occupation by the soviet authorities, then we would be completely integrated into europe, into the european context of art and accepted there simply without any objections, and i want everyone to see this and, how to say, appropriate to themselves that this is ours and it really ukrainian, and so ukrainian, it is very cool. and tell me, will there be excursions? yes, we plan to do excursions, this will be announced on the facebook page of the ukrainian house. well, on my page, too, and all the curators, and i advise our viewers to go on excursions like that, because usually there are a lot of different details of some kind. you won't know just by looking at the picture, especially one of the curators, mr. solovyov, who was there with these artists, and he knows
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a lot, you can ask him some dirty details, if anyone wants it, it's always of interest to everyone. svitlana, finally, please tell me when you made this exhibition, what kind of audience did you expect? what effect did you expect to cause, because, for example, we were talking about the previous exhibition at the ukrainian house, well, because on the first day of the exhibition, people come to chat with each other, in particular, i spoke with my friends there, and they said that there the exhibition about aluhorsk, it was so popular, it was understandable to everyone, and that's it so you left, and here is your exhibition, it is a little more complicated and for a narrower audience, or you? agree with that, well , i don’t want to say that this art is not for everyone, it’s not really like that, indeed, it needs, maybe more, some kind of preparation, but we
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took care of it with texts on locations in order to understand the context, and that’s what what i said before that, well, we want to achieve such an effect, first of all, this is an educational moment, because this period in ukrainian contemporary art is not well researched, that is , of course, in the last 10 years, there have been performance the paris commune and the painting reserve, all this was, but such a scale, it allows you to create for yourself just such an exhaustive phenomenon, an exhaustive impression, although we do not think that there is an exhaustive list of works that we would like to show, because some anyway, in the process of preparing the exhibition, it disappeared, and answering your question, we want to achieve an educational effect, we want people to see and get to know the artists in the plan... well, not in person, although they also come here almost every day, but just made for i have an impression of what artists are like, by the way, these are artists from all over ukraine, here are not only kyivans, there are also lviv, and uzhgorod, and
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odesa, and mykolaiv, and i want you to, you know, what for us in ukraine , so that for us the names of artists, they would be as well-known as the names of football players, writers, politicians, this, well, culture is also our weapon, because it is... self-understanding, it makes us stronger. svetlana, i completely agree with you, i think that after all we have stars, ours, and i remember alexander roidburd, as far as i remember, by the way, ironically reacted to all those attacks that were against him from the party of the regions, who did not understand art, who said that debauchery, debauchery, it is impossible, what kind of artist is this. in general , it seems to me that many artists also have a media presence, and thanks to such exhibitions as yours, of course, they become even more media-friendly. thank you svetlana, both for
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the exhibition and for this broadcast. svitlana storostenko was with us on our broadcast, we talked about the exhibition called protagonists, it opened in a ukrainian house, i have to tell you to say, our dear viewers, that the ukrainian home is such a very interesting place. because this is the former institute, the lenin institute, i wanted to say, the former lenin museum, and then lena was not taken out of there, but there is extremely cool architecture and it is very good to organize exhibitions there, because there is a huge space where you can simply place a huge number of different paintings , huge installations, and the interesting thing about this place is that it just gets extremely popular for some periods, and then it dies down and... so we see from there somewhere in the 2000s that first there is a series of very cool projects, then they sell conventional
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tights there, then again some cool period of art, then again there are some exhibitions, cats or tights are sold again, and now we see a period when there is art, i don’t know what will be in a few years with a ukrainian house, but i hope that various stockings and cats, if we did not like them, will not return there, and there will be only such cool ukrainian art, and not only ukrainian. well, that's all, friends, that's all, we 'll see you at the next one week, stay with ace. thinking of a new mattress, but what's stopping you? have you ever thought about what you sleep on? old mattresses accumulate not only dust, but also moisture that a person releases during sleep. a new mattress topper or bed linen
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join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours! the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their fellow men, until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with a storm. fire and returns meter by meter our native land, join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, keep the army together. there is no friend better than mother, there is no land better than motherland. may 18 - day of remembrance of the victims of the
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crimean-tatar genocide. greetings to everyone from espresso, i'm anna yawomen. what a time to find out about the main events of this hour: five people were injured due to the russian attack on kharkiv, among them two children, 13 and 16 years old. they have minor injuries. the enemy hit the residential sector of the city, there is destruction, the mayor of ihor said terekhov. in vovchansk, kharkiv oblast, four people tried to evacuate the city in their own car, but came under fire from the russian military, informs u.


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