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tv   [untitled]    May 18, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm EEST

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greetings to everyone from espresso, i'm anna yavomelnyk and it's time to learn about the main events of this hour: five people were injured due to the russian attack on kharkiv, among them two children aged 13 and 16, they have minor injuries, the enemy hit the residential sector of the city, there is destruction, said mayor ihor terekhov. in vovchansk, kharkiv oblast, four people tried to evacuate the city in their own car, but came under fire from the russian military, informs. office
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of the attorney general. a 70-year-old driver and an 83-year-old woman died on the spot. two passengers were injured. the prosecutor's office started a pre-trial investigation into the violation of the laws and customs of war. the ukrainian military is gaining positions in the kharkiv region, but our soldiers need more weapons - defense minister rustem umyerov emphasized. the supply was delayed for six months, so the enemy expanded the front. now ukraine. there are more air defense equipment, artillery, bmp, armored personnel carriers and ammunition. according to the minister, american aid is already reaching the front line. andriy andrushko from the lviv region has been repairing cars since he was 14. he has been repairing them for two years cars for the military. kateryna oliynyk will tell who taught this to a young volunteer and how a schoolboy combines charity with studies.
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andriy andrushko. takes tools to fix another car. a boy works in the home garage with his father. we repair everything, welding, motors, chassis, we need something in the interior, we need something in electronics, we do everything. i take one job, dad takes a second job. it happens that dad takes one military car, i take a second military car in another garage. since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia, andriy has volunteered repair cars for the military, service. to repair cars, the teenager learned in practice under the instructions of his father, so it turned into daily volunteering, i repaired cars, he was small next to me, he was in the second grade, he constantly sat next to me, constantly gave me tools, studied, and that's how i learned, the war began he was 14 years old, and he decided to help me repair for the army charity, the young man is studying in the 10th grade. class, it is difficult
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to combine working with nuts until dawn and the school program, andrii admits. once i go, sometimes i don't, it happens that i don't want to go to school, because there is a lot of work, all the time, after school in the garage, no lessons, nothing, always cars, and all the teachers understand perfectly and thank him that he helps the armed forces of ukraine. repairing a broken car can take from one day to a month. there are times when you need to... patch up something small, and sometimes you have to completely repair a car that is not running. all the cars, thank god, go easily, because it's for war. a lot of work is simply in different cars, it was a long time ago in a mitsubishi l200, it was a very heavy car, it cost 60,000 for a spare part, if not more, and there was a lot of work. the heads of lviv charitable foundations bring cars for repair. for the most part, masters take on used ones. the pickups were bought
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from abroad for the armed forces of ukraine. volunteers are thanked for their good work with certificates and military souvenirs. in general, i thank everyone, there is more to come. the first thank you was from avtoangel lviv. the second, as far as i remember, is the european civilization. in two years, the andrushka family repaired more than 230 cars for our defenders. in the future, andriy wants to open his own car service, and his father. promises to support his son's dream. kateryna oliynyk, andriy polikovskyi, espresso tv channel. long-distance fighters blocked the odesa-kyiv highway because of the new law on mobilization. the national police informed the journalists of suspilny that the drivers gathered in the kirovohrad and odesa regions, the highway is partially blocked, one lane is free. protesters are not satisfied with the fact that truck drivers can be mobilized directly at the border, which allegedly will lead to paralysis.
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transport industry. earlier, the association of international motor carriers stated that only 5% of employees were able to book, the rest of the drivers refuse to board flights. the truck that will lead our history, the embassy of poland in ukraine presented the war museum with a vehicle for transporting exhibits, as yurii savchuk, the general director of the museum admits, there was a lack of such a vehicle, with its help they will be able to evacuate the exhibits from the front-line territories and transport them to exhibitions to other countries. this truck is. is suitable for plying in the european union and we have traveling exhibitions that we have already represented in many european countries during the full-scale invasion, but having our own truck will help us expand
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our possibilities. in eski shaheri, turkey , a monument to the victims of deportation was celebrated. the tenth anniversary of the deportation of the crimean tatars. one of the largest and most active diasporas of the crimean tatar people lives in this turkish city. during the commemoration of the victims of the genocide, a moment of silence was observed. a joint march and rally took place. also there the crimean park was opened. i would like to note that today's commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the genocide of the crimean tatar people is the result of a decision of the verkhovna rada. in 2015. the deputies recognized this crime. the author of the initiative was people's deputy mykola knyazhytskyi. we remember that when the russian invaders entered crimea, the crimean tatars were the first to rise up en masse in defense of crimea and in defense of ukraine, who came out to
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a rally of thousands, and among them is my colleague and good friend akhtem cheygos, who is here , who was then forced to lose years in putin's camps and prisons. there are several tasks before the dead, before those who died during the genocide, before those who are dying now, during the continuation of this genocide, before the soldiers, ukrainians and crimean tatars who laid down their lives to protect the peace and independence of their homeland. now we are fighting for our future, and we will definitely win. glory to ukraine, yashasyn kirim. meanwhile, in the lviv museum of terror , the memory of the victims of the genocide was also honored. representatives of the crimean tatar community, lviv residents and the guests of the city jointly sang the anthem of the crimean tatars and ukraine. they shared stories about the deportation of families, as well as read poems and
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sang songs in the crimean tatar language. at the same time, they emphasized: "russia continues to carry out repression against the indigenous people." the evil that is not punished, it returns, for us, for the crimean tatars, it returned in 2014, when i already had my 5 -year-old daughter in the 14th year, and we were already forced to leave our native crimea, to the native homeland, again unpunished evil, already a full-scale invasion of 2020. the second year already completely all of ukraine, all of ukraine, yes, is bleeding. it is important to me that the aggressors should not be convinced that seizing someone else's territory and then saying, well, you know, you have
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to put up with it, you have to save life and end it like that, it's unfair, the 21st century can't put up with this, and... more he will never have the 22nd century. and the urgent collection of the espresso tv channel continues. intelligence units need a reliable off-road vehicle to perform tasks on the front. our soldiers work in difficult conditions, without no cars at the front. suvs transport personnel, ammunition, and launch drones from them. the required car has already been found and transported to ukraine. it is currently being repaired and equipped, it remains to be bought and transferred to the front. our goal is uah 3,000, almost 90,000 have been collected, there are no small donations, please support this collection in order to buy a car as soon as possible for those who protect you and me at the cost of their lives. here are the things for the moment, i'll see you at 18:00, read more about important things at
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to our website espresso tv, also subscribe to our channels in social networks, support our youtube channel and meet mykola in september on espresso. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, we will be with you for two hours, today, may 18, 17 hours 10 minutes and 42 seconds, so i will tell you frankly that may 18 is the day of genocide against the crimean tatar people, on this week that is coming to an end. united states secretary of state mr. blinkin arrived in kyiv, mr. putin
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began his visit to china. this is so, so, so such a huge number of different events. this is only a part i named. also, may 18 of this year marks the beginning of the new law on mobilization. actually, we will start with it. i know our old man ivan tymochko, a military serviceman and head of the council of reservists. of the traveling troops of the armed forces of ukraine, you have already seen him on your screens, good health, panevan, thank you for finding time for us, it's very nice, well, let's get to the point, what will change, well, in fact , the main question, which is not very often put but they put it all the same, this is what will change, relatively speaking, i am not 64, but 41 years old, and i fall under the influence of this law, now i, how am i supposed to... do, what should i do now, when i am 41 years old, my name is mykola veresen, and i have to go to the army, and how i
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used to go, and what is the difference, how now after may 18 i will start going, go to the army, and you are also two years younger, who is serving , well , this is all a joke, and today is the day of the reservist of ukraine, because... we do not congratulate you, i did not know that today i listed a number of events, but i forgot this event, sorry, so today is also the day of land reservists, not only land reservists, all reservists on the territory of ukrainianists of ukraine, also, therefore, actually, that first of all every citizen of ukraine, who before time did not renew or did not mark himself, did not update his data and did not... mark himself in the procurement center, can do it now and can do it as registered in the reserve
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plus application, can also provide updated data about himself or his information about himself in center procurement, provide information through administrative service centers, and as of today, the electronic queue for submitting documents to procurement centers is fully operational, although i used to... it was possible to sign up for an electronic queue, but you just had to call the procurement centers first, then, if it will now be clear at what time a person can already do this electronically, it is really important that, finally, we will know how many citizens of ukraine we have, we will know how many citizens of ukraine we have exactly, from 18 to 25 years old, who from next year we will train with... according to the basic training program
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for basic and professional reservists on the basis of both educational institutions of higher education and on the basis of training grounds and specially designated training centers, this is very important, because we understand that a high-quality and professional reserve is, in fact, a very serious backbone that greatly strengthens the army when it is faced with challenges such as the current large-scale war, in addition, citizens of ukraine who are abroad, also in can provide information electronically. it should also be understood that those who will come to the recruitment centers, now provide or update their data, they will not be sent to the military medical commission, for this they will be served a separate summons, a separate summons, which... actually with updating the data at this stage there is nothing, there is
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nothing related, since the issuance of a summons to the military medical commission is already a summons to determine the degree of suitability of a citizen for military service, and the updating of data about yourself, it is possible to provide information about the degree of unfitness, and about the social status, the condition of a person and about the location, which may differ from... the place of registration or, as we usually say, the place of residence, that is, it is really important that everyone understands that it is not that such a register will give an opportunity to understand how much. citizens live on the territory of ukraine, how many abroad, what is our potential in may of calling up citizens, among other things, this will also reduce the tension on the streets, because despite everything, the workers of the picking centers will work for a certain time with citizens directly, as it is called in the field, but
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most of the work will now be the actual formation of bases and communication. with citizens within the limits of already remote work, which is extremely important, and in addition, now according to this law, which was introduced on the strengthening of mobilization processes, all the bodies of executive and legislative power, as well as local self-government bodies, will actually work in the system of notification, support, provision help, training of reservists, as well as the morning here... it will be , by the way, we paid attention to what i heard so that the centers of the set, the same tsnapy, there were no queues of people even today, and this is actually, i don’t even know if this is a positive, or it is still taking into account the fact that today is saturday, but in any case, as we can see, even on weekends, the administrative service centers work in the plan
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of strengthening citizens in the collection centers, or on the day of... provided or stored information, mr. ivan, look, i have a question for you, they allegedly volunteered to go to the front of 5,00 convicts, what kind of people are they, and do we need any special military groups create in order to get them there, well, maybe there will be some kind of greater discipline, maybe there will be some kind of greater supervision, i don't know. is it ordinary, ordinary soldiers, they become ordinary soldiers, and is there any danger for the ukrainian army when 5,000 people who broke the law get caught, as i understand it, these are not such violations, there is murder, rape, robbery and so on further and the like, but still
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such questions may arise in society, and i am addressing you with the hope of an answer, just such a question. well, first of all, my subjective opinion - these are more political issues than, say, issues of strengthening or weakening the combat capability of the armed forces of ukraine. even from those 45 who expressed a desire, from the statement of desire, you said correctly, there are legal restrictions on their consent, actually access to the armed forces, to greatness. way, because there it will still be necessary to have a relationship from the military unit, where the commander undertakes to accept this person or takes responsibility for accepting the person, this will still be accepted in court, each individual history, consent, in addition to this, these people still have to come and undergo a medical examination, well
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, prisons are definitely not spa resorts and health centers, so we understand that there... and health is also not good for many people the selection will take place, well, and in addition to this, it is also worth understanding that in prisons there are, say, citizens or persons who, although they have committed some crime, it is not so serious, but, let's say, they may have rare professions, they may not have combat experience, and this experience or these professions, which are most in demand. of the army, there is an engineer, a technologist, but a person still, due to some conditions, committed a crime there, even out of carelessness, then of course such people will be given the right to serve, but i repeat, this is more a political issue of defense capability and combat capability or weakening the army absolutely will not affect, although again
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how much will depend on how many such people, even 4x5 people will come. understood, sir, thank you, thank you very much, eh, look, eh, we, we demonstrated there, so that it is clear, such a phone was shown, like here, only there application, that is exactly the same application, reserve plus, which you can use to renew your data or mark, mark your data, and i have a question for you, mr. ivan, i understand that this may not be included in the list of your obligations but... commander-in-chief mr. zelenskyi signed the law on fines for evaders from uah 5 to uah 25,000. and it's hard for me to imagine. how to fine them, there are some, some procedure, collection of these fines, some opportunities for
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the authorities, for the state to collect these fines, well, it's obvious that if i 'm 42 years old, and i'm walking around kyiv, i have uah 500 in my pocket, i can still imagine somehow, but uah 25,000, it's hard for me to imagine that i'm full pockets of these hryvnias. and where should i go, how should i pay them, even i would be approached there, asked, and you show me the documents, i am starting something there, in short, they saw me as a dodger, and how can i, as a dodger, pay, if i even want to, if i accidentally became an evasive person, did he not have time to become a non-evasive person, what to do here, well, because there are very simple things in the world, there are some bank accounts, they are not issued abroad, they do not give the opportunity to drive a car and so on and so on, i think that this was all in the original draft law, then it was all canceled, but now the question arises,
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what, what to do, how to get these, how to get them, will a person get them, is this a punishment? the procedure of funds, according to fines, it is standard almost everywhere, approximately the same. and similarity, the only question is that actually here is a resolution on fines or an application to the court for recovery from a person who, say, is not has updated its data, because there may be a certain percentage of people who are not dodgers, but simply due to some awareness, ignorance, or even banal ignoring of their public duty, missed this moment. of course, it will be fines, this is a judicial procedure, and the actual collection will take place as it does, there is a certain restriction on
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movement, a certain restriction on the benefit of using state goods, but again it will all depend on whether this is the first fine, or is it, let's say, for the principle evasion, when a person has already received a call, and there will be a situation that a person has already... that a dolk has come here, okay, and the last question, mr. ivan, and it’s just something on the ground, i’m asking like that, no theory, but practice, if you are aware of what is happening near vovchansk, what is the situation there, because everyone was excited that there was some kind of advance, but it later turned out to be insignificant, and now there is a counteroffensive, the ukrainians are fighting back the positions they lost, or the russians stopped there, where did they stop, what is happening there, please. in fact, if to figure it out, then at the tactical level the enemy tried to really take advantage of the moment there, and
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there, let's say, unplanned or, according to the data that our intelligence had, the enemy decided to act in advance in order to go into the depths of our territory at the tactical level , and in order to break through the defense, to strengthen for... to the main forces in order to really create bridgeheads in the area of ​​the city of obovchansk, liptsi at the beginning, this is clearly their tactic, since somewhere on the operative or on at the strategic level, they tried to strengthen the actual kupin direction from two sides with a flank bypass. as of today, what is known is that the enemy tried to bypass vovchansk from the flanks, but taking into account that already where... for the fifth day, battles are going on in this direction and already essentially line battles, that is , sabotage groups or special
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it definitely did not work out in groups to penetrate into the depth of the defense of our troops, then there are line battles, but in addition to this, the enemy is trying to use maximum aviation now in order to to strike the city, here we already understand that this is not so much a military plan as an attempt to create an additional informational pretext about... demonstrating that the enemy actually shows his toughness, his, his desire to pull our reserves in this direction, above all, their first plan was this, they still wanted to understand what forces and means we have in this direction, how quickly we can react, what is the power of our troops, the battles for vovchansk will continue, because the enemy still counted, what to take vovchansk as one from the bridgehead. but as of today, even those advanced units that once entered the city have been destroyed, of course, thank you very much, ivan tymochko, soldier
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and chairman. on behalf of the reservists, the ground troops of the armed forces of ukraine, on behalf of espress tv, i congratulate all reservists, because today is the day of reservists, and it is very important. we will definitely talk again, and we will talk about such international ukrainian relations, but after the advertisement, which will be about 4-5 minutes, and then the diplomat, the ambassador of ukraine in the usa, and in france at one time, and oleg shamshur will appear and... with him just about the visit of blinkin and the invitation to russia of russia to the anniversary of the landing of the anglo-american, canadian, australian-new zealand troops in normandy in the 44th year, but all, all, all this will be mandatory sure, but after ads for lawn mowers, lubricants or gasoline for refueling, only convenience, comfort and a well -kept plot, order light and reliable kors trimmers from only uah 999,
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boss. action of world boxing only on mego. the undefeated usyk and fury will determine the first absolute heavyweight champion of the world since 2000. cheer for the ukrainian on may 18 exclusively on mego. there are discounts representing coco discounts in may on eden. 20% at podorozhnyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko
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from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, switch on and switch on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 for espresso. so, as i promised, oleg shamshur, diplomat, ambassador of ukraine to the united states from the 5th to the 10th years, ambassador of ukraine to france, from the 14th to the 20th years, appears before me, before
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you, thank you, mr. oleg. who found time for us on saturday, i have a first for you the question, i would say, is speculative and...


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